DKG Studies Creativity ? XI Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma International Society held Its second meeting of the year Saturday with a luncheon meeting at the Henderson Country Club, Henderson, N. C. Miss Patsy Montague, Prin cipal of C. G. Credle School, Oxford, N. C., Introduced the year's study topic, "Creativi ty." With the assistance of Miss Ellle Parrlsh, teacher at the Oxford Orphanage, they Illustrated that with the desire and determination, everyone can be creative. Objects of art, ceramics, flower ar rangements were shown to further show creativity. Miss Sarah Boyd of Hender son. president, presided. Christmas carols were led by Miss Garnette Myers of Henderson with Mrs. W. A. Shearon of Frankllnton as accompanist. Attending from Franklin County were Mrs. Thelma Green. Miss Frances Wor tham, Miss Edith Jackson, Mrs. W. A. Shearon, all? of Frankllnton, Mrs. J. T. Allen of YoungsvUle; Mesdames Re becca Stalllngs, Harvey Bar tholomew, Carter Holmes, James B. Clayton and Miss Elizabeth Johnson of Louls burg. Engagement Announced EDITH ANN CANNADY , Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cannady, Sr. of Route 2, Franklinton, N. C. announces the engagement of their daughter, Edith Ann, to Steve Ijames, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. 1'ja.mes of Harmony, N. C. The wedding will be December 27, 1966, in the Perry's Chapel Baptist Church, Route 2, Franklinton. Christmas Program Given At Woman's Club (Frk.RW.) The Frankllnton Woman'* Club met at the home at Mrs. D. O. Langston on , Thursday evening with Mrs. - W. A. Eaton presiding. Mrs. Frank Collins present ; ?d the devotional! which con cerned the birth of Christ, j: - Special music was rendered by the High School Glee Club ir under the direction of Mrs. - Bruce Honeycutt. Annette Ball was the announcer and Martha Whltflold, the accompanist. t Margaret Weston read a Christmas reading ?"Story at the Christmas Bells". The president recognized ?_ four new members - Mrs. Harry Coulter, Mrs. Kay Mor ris, Mrs. Fred Coats ind Mrs. Dewltt Van Arsdale while Mrs. Richard Whitfield pinned cor sages on them. The club voted to give a con tribution to the Hospital Guild. Mrs. Wood row Hasklns volun teered to be chairman of the March of Dimes and Mrs. Frank Collins, treasurer. An Invitation to attend Open House at Caswell Training School on December 15 was ex tended the club members. The Christmas Parade was announced for December 8 and the Judging at homes for Dec ember 21. Anyone desiring to Recent Bride Honored Recent bride Mrs. Maurice Horton, the former June Coop er, was honored with > bridal ?hover held on Thursday night December the first. Hostess tor the occasion were Mrs W. F. Mitchell, Mrs. E. M. - Mitchell, Mrs. J. K. Thar ; rlngton and Mrs. A1 OePorter. The part y was held at the YounfSTllle Baptist Church . with guests being members of the ladles Sunday School classes. Mrs. Horton was presented ? white oorsafe and a wedding (lft from the hostesses Bri dal booklets were given to guests for use In several games . After which the guest of honor opened the shower gifts. She was assisted by her mother Mrs. Robert Cooper ? and her sister Myra Cooper. Mary Lu and Nancy De Porter : also helped. Refreshments of green punch, decorated bridal cake ? squares and mixed nuts were 1 served from a table covered . with a white cloth centered i with silver candelabra holding white tapers and bridal Oow . ere. Lllllee-of -the- Valley - were used elsewhere In deco I rating Punch was served by Mrs. ; Cooperr I. I ? I Thanks 1 wish to express my sincere appreciation to our friends tor their visits, calls, foods, cards, flowers and the many i: other thoughtful ways they helped us following the death of | my Father. Tour kindness will never be forgotten. Pauline House have her home Judged Is to contact Mrs. Charles Julian or Mrs. Eaton. Club members were urged to vote In the Water Bond Elec tion. Mrs. C. Ray Pruette an nounced that the January meeting would be held at her home. Members were Invited Into the dining room (or refresh ments. Mrs. Lamar Green presided at the punch bowl. Sandwiches, butterflngers, stuffed dates, fruit cake, pea nuts and mints were served. The dining room table was covered with a green cloth . upon which was a centerpiece of pyracantha flanked by red tapers In silver candelabra. Mrs. Jack Blanton was rec ognized as a visitor. Sorority Pledge Mtss Susan McLemore, daughter of Mr. Lee Mc Lemore of 312 Green Street, has become a pledge of Delta Gamma sorority at the Uni versity of Colorado, Boulder. Miss McLemore recently transferred to C. U. from Converse College, Spartan burg, South Carolina. Thanks We wish to express our sin cere thanks to our friends tor their visits, calls, food, cards, flowers, and the many other thoughtful ways they helped us following the death of our fath er and husband. The family of George B. Bak Mrs. Sykes Auxiliary Hostess Mrs Cecil R. Sykes wasi hostess Friday evening to the* meeting of the American Le gion Auxiliary at her home on Noble Street Following the opening for malities, Miss Elizabeth Johnson, president, reported that .word had been received from each veteran's hospital that the gifts sent for the gift shops had been received. Plans were made for the Christmas remembrances for the Auxiliary. Mrs F. M. Fuller presented the program on "Rehabilita tion," one of the main pro jects of the Auxiliary. Mrs. Sykes served ham bis cuits, cheese straws, nuts and hot punch. Wedding Invitation Mr. and Mrs. Graham Ed ward Cash request the hon our of your presence at the Carriage of their daughter, Sondra Lee, to Mr. Bernle Rowland Edwards, Sunday the eighteenth of December 1966 at three o'clock -- Mt. Oli vet Baptist Church, Franklln ton. North Carolina. No invitations are' being mailed In the county but friends of the couple are cor dially Invited. The Stones Entertain Canasta Club Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stone were hosts to their Couple's Canasta Club on Saturday night at their home on Jeffress Dr. Members who were present were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moody, Paul Mullen, Tommy Jeffrys , C. T. Dean, Jr., and Harold Williams. Delicious refreshments of nuts, homemade candy, and Cokes were served between tb* arotress'ons octhe Wipe., The high score prlre was won by C. T. Dean, Jr. for tkf men and Marlon Dean won high for the ladles. Merry gift idea for everyone on your Christmas list: Mom. Dad. Sister Sue. Your teen-age niece, Sally Aunt Mary. Uncle Ralph. Grandma and Grandpa. Extension phones make wonderful gifts. For everyone. (What else that costs so little could bring them so much pleasure?) Brother Bob. &vu*Uh4, *7eltfiAaH6 Engagement Announced CAROLYN CHRISTINE WELDON Mr and Mrs. Julian K. Weldonof Epsom announce the engage ment of their daughter, Carolyn Christine, to Mr. Harry Adama Taylor of Aiken, S. C. Mr. Taylor Is the son of Mr. and Mrs Dan a Taylor of 1408 E. Walnut St., Ooldsboro, N. C. Miss Weldon Is a graduate of Peace Preparatory and Peace Junior College. Presently, she Is aseaior at East Carolina Col lege. Mr. Taylor, a graduate of N. C. State University, U an engi neer with E. 1. du Pont de Nemours and Co. In Aiken, S. C. Iranians Visit WSG The Wesleyan Service Guild met December 3 at 7:30 with Mrs. I D. Moon and Miss Ruth Merrltt as co-hostesses. The President^ Mrs. E. F. Thomas, presided, with Miss Ruth Merrltt offering the opening prayer. The secre tary and treasury reports were read and approved. Mrs. Elton Dtllard, Mrs Genevieve Perry, Mrs. E. F. Griffin and Miss Lucy Burt were the com mittee to plan for the Christ mas project this, year. Mrs. H. W. Perry give the devotional. "Symbols at Christmas" was her topic. Mrs. Genevieve Perry had a most Interesting film strip on Stories of phrlstmas. It was twofold: (1) The Light of Christmas and (2) Cathedral of Our Time. The hostesses served cran berry punch, assorted cakes and goodies to fifteen mem bers and two visitors, Zohleh Monderzadeh and Mohammed Monderzadeh from Iran, Per sia, who ltvs on th? LouUburf Collage campus. Sh? attends Loulsburg Collect and he Is a Junior at N. C.Stat* Univer sity In Ralelfh. Louisburg Garden Club Hears C. T. Dean, Jr. Mr. C. T. Dean, Jr., Franklin County Extension Chairman, was guest speaker at the Louls burg Garden Club meeting on Thursday, December 1, IMS. Mr. Dean spoke briefly of his recent trip to Hawaii and the beauty and cleanllneas of this state. "Pruning Shrubs and Trees" was his topic and he began by showing the basic tools needed for the Job. Mr Dean believes that early spring Is the best time to do heavy pruning and all shrubs and trees should be kept looking as natural as possible. He said light pruning could be done anytime and to always cut back newly planted shrubs and trees to offset root loss. Balled and bagged plants usu ally do not need to be pruned. After a question and answer period, members braved a cold wind to loin him at the Franklin County Welfare Building for an on the spot demonstration. The meeting was held at the First Citizens Bank meeting room on Blckett Blvd. At the business session, Mrs. John Mills, president, read In vltatlons to a Home Tour In Rox boro on Wednesday, December 7, from 2 til 9 p.m. and to the Raleigh Garden Club Standard Flower Show on December 10 Franklinton Ann Hill spent Friday night with Vlckl Murphy tn Youngs vllle. Mrs. Magpie Ross and Char les Ross visited SMST Walter W. Ross tn Albany, Georgia recently. Mr. Rancher May accompanied them. Mrs. Gordon Patterson and Vicky of Raleigh visited Mr. and Mrs. C. w. Brown on Sun day. and 11. This show will be at the Woman's Club on HlUsboro Street The public Is lmrlted to both of these shows. Members of the club will acm*n Judge the decorated doors of the dormitories at Louts bur? Col lege on December I. They have also been Invited to Judge the Frankllnton Home Contact. The Loulsburg Garden Club Is again sponsoring Its "Light Up and Decorate for Christmas" contest and Judging will be done on Tuesday night, Decem|>ertO. Prizes will be awarded to homes thought by the Judges to be best decorated. Hostesses for the meeting were: Mrs. W. L. Lumpkin, Mrs. F. L. O'Neal, Mrs. Daisy Brlnkley and Mrs. John Mills. Fish Fry There will be a fish fry at the Ingles Ide Community House On Friday, December#, from 5 to 7 P.M. In connection with the fish fry, there will be a bake sale cakes, pies, cookies, candles, etc. Glee Club To Give Concert Th? Lou Is bu if College Oh Club ?1U present Its annual Christmas program Thursday evening, December 8, at 8 P.M. In the AC Building. The program will consist of Christmas songs by the chorus and several soloists. Miss Sarah Foster will direct and Miss Dlanne May will be the accompanist. The public Is lmrlted to at tend. Let Us Serve Ail Your Banking Needs Savings-Checking-Loans-lnsurance-Trusts Citizens Bank andTkUST COMPANY HENDERSON, JV. C. *TH E LEADING BANK IN THIS SECTION* 1889 - 77 Years Of Service - 1966 You'll ! Find i i For The Home 10 Sheets flOBed Spreads ?Table Cloths JtlBoxed Towel Sets ? Napkins ^ ?Bath Mat Sets HQ Blankets 1 a Draperies 11 ? Boxed Pillow ? Cases t i i I i SHOP BY CASH CHARGE OR IAY-A-WAY For Her ? Slips . ? Dresses ? Coats -Suits ? Costume Jewelry J Gloves ? Handbags ? Blouses Hosiery Panties Pajamas - Gowns _ Sweaters ? Skirts Many, Many Other For The Children ? Toys Of All Kinds ALL REDUCED ? Sweaters ? Skirts ? Blouses ? Pajamas ? 6owns ? Bedroom Shoes ? Panties ? Slips ? Dresses ? Dress Coats ?Car Coats Items To Pick From For Him K& [(jamas London 7o? Coats Hats Underwear Novelty Items 8BZS. S?M. ?Tie Sets ?Men's Jewelry ? Perfume T OXS DEPT. STORE ttvs A Fai'a am Cartlflcata ?i