| Classified Ads. 'datfS f ?*** 1 LJ CLASSIFIED i .OS per word minimum .sq i per insertion ? .80 per run ? aerrieo on keyed ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .TO - per column inch. ? HEMOKJAMS same as Hig ular Classified. _ All classified ads must be - accompanied by rasli or check. LOST ? All trace of Mrs. ; Margaret Newby Hayes who. oil January 1. 187!). was widowed by the death ; ol George W. Hayes of Louisburg. silversmith and ; Confederate veteran Did | she die soon after? What ; date? Did she remarry? to whom? Where? Date? Clues gratefully acknow ledged by Prof. Hall. 663C College Station. Durham, N. C. 27708. 12-6 pd FOR SALE FOR SALE ? Rambler Clas sic Station Wagon, *60 model, 6 cylinders, straight drive, overdrive, radio, heater, snow tires. Good condition and a real bar gain at $495 cash. Tele phone 496-3818 after 6' P. M. 12-1,6,8.13 ch FARM FOR SALE ? 33 acres of land, 1,34 0 lbs. of tobacco. 4 acres of coin, 1V4 acres of cotton, 1 dwelling house, 2 storage houses. Contact Mr. J. A. Greene, Youngsville, N. C. Phone 5G6-5290. 12-6,8,13.18 pd PILE ia soft and lofty . . . colors retain brilliance in carpets cleaned with Blu* Lustre. Rent electric sham pooer 91. H. C. Taylor. 12-0. ch FOR SALE ? 1964 model "Liberty" mobile home. 55 feet x 10 fee t. 2 bed room. Very Rood condi tion. Call Mack Covper Franklinton 494-7970, af ter 6 p. m. 12-1. C ch FOR SALE ? Timber and pulpwood. Grover Jeffreys, Route 1, Louisburg. 12-6 pd Growing Christmas trees for sale. Ellis Medlin near 5 Points Service Station. Burfh. 12-6,8,13 pd 1963 M6bile Home For Sale ? 10 x 55 foot. 2 bedroom. 1 ' "j bath, washer, ovar half paid for. Low down payment and take up pay ments Call 494-2615 Franklinton after 5 p.m. 1 2-1 ,6.8 ch Give her the gift of a life time. Rive her a Singer. Prices start as low as $69.95. Straight stitch, sig lag. The Singer Company. 18 East Hargett St.. Ral eigh. N. C. Phone 832 2243. 11-24.29: 12- 20.22.29 th tfftWtNG MA^VKOTM We will not be undersold. Hrand new HAMILTON, REMINGTON or DRESS MAKER SEWING MACH INES for the low-low price of $43.80. Built in button holer. fancy stitches, mon ograms. sews on button*, darns, alio an automatic needle threader. 25 year service guarantee. Can be seen and tried out in your home without obligation since we have agents cov ering entire state Easy terms. Money back guar antee. Full details write: Sewing Machine Distribu tors. Box 763. Fayette ville, N. C. 11-29; 12- FDR RENT FOR RENT ? One bedroom houie trailer. Twin 0?k Trailer Park. Call Clarence Edwards (-4255 11-1 TuATh tf eh Three room duplex with tub and ahower for rent. Tele phone OV 6-3718. H. C. ^ Pergerson. 12-6. S pd WANTED Men to work on Cattle and Svlne Farm at Centervllle, Write H. O. Thomaa. 303 W \a?h St. WiUon, N. C. or fhone 237-1572. Wil aon. N. C. 11-22.24. l?: 12-1,6.8.13,; 1-3 pd Correct this sentence: "While I never drink, 1 mlfM have one little nip alnce you Insist." WANTED One full or part time m tea man for Loui a burg and Spring Hope area. ' , * WAKfe MONUMENT CO. I^C. Role* vi He, N. C- 27571 Telephone. 556-3422 Legal Notice XOTICK OF RK6ALE OP VALUABLE REAL KSJATK UNDER AND BY VIR TUE of the power and auth ority contained in that '.cer tain Order of Resale made on the 23rd' day of Novem ber. 1966, by the Honorable Ralph S. Knott, Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, in that certain Special Proceeding entitled, "Vereline Sills. Administra trix of the Estate of Tom my Sills, Deceased, et als, Petitioners, vs. Acie M*e W. Sills. Widow, et als Re spondents", the Commis sioner will on THIHSDAY. DKCRMHEll 8. 1 fMMJ at or about the hour of 12:00 o'clock Noon EST at the Courthouse Door in Louisburg. Franklin County, North Carolina, offer for resale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, upon an opening bid of $15,275.00 that certain tract of land situate, lying and being in Cypress Creek Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in John Delbridge's line; thence atong the line of John Delbridge, North 849.7 feet to a stake in the Green leaf-Johnson Lumber Com pany line; thence along the line of the Greenleaf-John son Lumber Company and (?us Alford North 85 deg. West 23 23.8 feet to a stake, Gus Alford's corner; thence along the line of Gus Al focd North 5 deg. East 4 4 5.5 feet to a stake; thence South 8 5 deg. West 99 feet to a stake in a branch; thence down the meanders of said branch about 2653 feet, to a stake in Mrs. Tim Sykes's line; thence along the line of Mrs. Tim Sykes South 825 feet to a stake, Reid Sykes' corner; thence along the line of Reid Sykes North 85 deg. East 24 25 feet to a stake; thence along the line of Reid Sykes and Medie Sykes South 80 deg. East 1105.5 feet to a stake; thence along the line of M'edle Sykes and John Delbrklge South 85 deg. East 990 feet to the be ginning, containing 108 acres, more or less, and be ing the identical tract of land conveyed to W. M. Cooper by Mortimer Harris by deed recorded in Frank lin County Registry, and be ing the, identical land con veyed by deed dated Nov ember 18, 1947 from W. M. Cooper to Tommie Sills, re corded in Book 4 25, page 155, said Registry. According to the A. S C. Office of Nash County, the foregoing tract of land has a crop allotment as follows: Tobacco 3.27 Acrea ? 5771 pounds. Cotton 3.0 acres. Corn 12.0 acres. Wheat 2.6 acres. which are subject to verifi cation. The highest bidder at said sale shall be required to de posit 10% of his bid as evi dence of g-ood faith, and up on failure to comply with the terms of said sale the same shall be forfeited. Upon failure to make said deposit, said lands will im mediately be resold. This the 23rd day of Nov ember. 1966 E. C BULLUCK, Commissioner. 11-29; 12-6 NOTICE or RKH.M/ti OP YAMA1H.K RMIi KNTATK UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power and authority contained in that certain Order of Resale made on the 2 1 at day of November. 1966, by the Honorable Ralph S. Knott, Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County. North Carolina, in that cer tain Special Proceeding en titled. "Chriatine Hayea Gor don Leonard. Adminiatra trix of the Estate of Gilliam Gordon, and Chriatine Hayea Gordon Leonard. Individu ally. and hnaband. Clyde E. Leonard. Petitioners vs. Jerry Cordon. Craig Gord on. Gilliam Gordon. Jr., Danny Gordon. Jane Gord on. and Gwynn Gordon, and Hill Yarborongh. Guardian Ad Litem, Defendanta". the underaigned Commlaaionera will- on THl'RMMY, WRCfCMBEK II. I (MM at or about the hour of 12:00 o'clock Noon EST, at the Coorthouae door In Louiaburg, Franklin County. North Carolina, offer for reaale at public auction to the hlgheat bidder for caah. npon an opening bid of tl0.S7f.S0. that Certain tract of land lying and be ATTENTION FARMERS We Are Now Spreading Bulk Lime, Filling ASC Order* for Seed, -Fertiliser and Lime. ESSfc KEROSENE, HEATING OIL, L. P. OAS L.H. DICKENS (m 2 I LOUISBURO, N. C Legal Notice log In Cedar Rock Town ship. Franklin County North Carolina, and more particularly discrlbed aa followa : BEGINNING at a rock now Shearln'a corner and corner of the Daniel land; thence S. 82 >> deg E a bout 14 4 polea to a stake, corner of the Daniel land in Jolin Inscoe's line: thence X. 2 *4 deg E 84 polea 19 links to a stake, a new corner for Rosso B Gordon in Inscoe's line; thence a new line, not sur veyed but based on a plot made about 19<>0 as X 87 deg. W. (the magnetic vari ation to be put on) distance scaled as 14 4 poles to a stake, corner for Roaso B. Gordon in Shearln'a line: tlience S. 21. deg W. about 55 poles 17 links to Be ginning containing 54.11 acres, be the same more or less. Be It remembered that thia surrey Is of date of about 1900, and being the identical land conveyed to Gilliam Gordon bv Deed of W. B. Gordon and wife Nan nie J. Gordon, said Deed being dated June 27. 194 1. and recorded In Book 354, Page 332, Franklin County Registry The aforesaid resale will be aubject to confirmation by the Superior Court of Franklin County. North Carolina, and to the provi sions of the General Stat utes governing Judicial Sales, and said ressle will be subject to upset or advance bids as provided by law A cash deposit of ten per cen tum of the amount bid will be required to be made by the highest bidder for the aforesaid lands to insure compliance with the terms of sale and to be forfaited upon non-compliance. Pur chaaer Is not to take pos session of said land until January 1. 1967. Dated and posted this the 21st day of November, 1968. CHARLES M DAVIS, HILL YARBOROUGH. COMMISSIONERS. 11-29; 12-6 NOTICE OF RESALE OK VALUABLE HEAL E8TATH Under and by virtue of the power end authority contained in that certain Order of Resale made on 26 November 1961, by the Clerk of Superior Court of Kranklln County, North Carolina, In that certain special ..proceeding entitled "In the Matter of Lurlyne Moore (Mrs. Wade Moore), general guardian of Sail!* Wood. Incompetent. Ex Parte," the underalgned Commissioner will on FRIDAY, THE OTH DAY OF DKOEMBER 1IM6 at or about the hour ot 12:00 o'clock Noon EST. at the Courthouae door in Lou iiburg. Franklin County, North Carolina, offer for reaale at public auctieniUu the higheat bidder for caah, upon an opening bid of 8877J. ?S. the following de scribed tracts of land: FIRST TRACT That cer tain tract of land In Gold Mine Townahlp, Franklin County, North Carolina, described aa follows: BE GINNING at a poplar, Wood ard's corner on the Gum Branch : thence North 7 deg. K 1.76 chains to a atake, corner of No. 1 In Wood srd's line: thence 8. 81 deg. E. 13 78 chains to the center of the Warrenton Road, a stake on the West side, corner of No. 1 ; thence slong aaid road. North 2 deg. (0 mln. E 2 01 chaina to the center of said road even with a red oak atump on the Eaat side, corner of No. 3: thence 8. 8 7 deg. 84 mln. E 16 chains to * stake in an ash stump, near the spring- thence South 2 deg. 30 mln W. 70 links to a stake, corner of No. 4 on Deer's Branch: thence up Deer'a Branch Bouthweat ward as shown by aurvey or's map about 21.60 chaina to the entrance of Gum Branch: thence up Gum Branch aa ahown by Sur veyor's map. Northwfctet ward. about 14 chains rd beginning, containing It'. I acres. mora or less. LESS that part of the Right of Way ot the Green-Johnson Lumber Company Railroad which lies within these boun darles See Orders and De cree! Book 11 on pages 442-447 in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County, for re ference to special proceed In* entitled 'Joe Wood et als. vs. Ernest Wood et al." In which proceeding the a-_ bove described lot la de signated as Lot No. I. Tract A. allotted to Sallle Wood. ALL THE RIGHT. TITLE AXb INTEREST OF SAL LIE WOOD (BEING A ONE SIXTH (l/?th> UNDIVID ED INTEREST! IN AND TO THE FOLLOWING DE SCRIBED TRACTS 0 F LAND, situate In Gold Mine Township. Franklin County. North Carolina: SECOND TRACT: BE GINNING at a stake, corner of No. 2 in Cas Woodard's line: thence S. SS deg. E. 13.78 chains to the center of the Warrenton Road a atake on the Weat side, cor ner of No 2: thence along the Warrenton Road. North 2 deg. 30 min. E. 9.16 chalna to the center of aald road, a atake on the West aide, corner of No. 4 ; thence N. 88 deg Weat 13 40 chains to a atake. corner of No. 5 in Woodard's line: thence along Woodard's line. South 7 deg. W. 9.20 chains to beginning, containing 12 % acrea, more or leaa. and being designat ed as Lot No 1. Tract A. allotted to Susie Wood (now deceased ) in special pro ceeding entitled "Joe Wood et ale, Ya. Ernest Wood et als." recorded in Orders and Decreea Book 11 on pagea 442-447 in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County. THIBD TRACT: BEGIN NING In the center of the Warrenton Road, even with a red oak stump on the East side, corner of No. 1; thence S. 87 deg. 80 min. E. 16 chalna to a stake in an aah atump. corner for No. t; thence N, 2 deg. 80 min. E. 8.(2 chalna to ? atake. corner of No. 4 In Pearce'a line: thence along Pearce'.s line. North 83 deg. 80 min. W. IS chalna to the center of said road, a rock on the Eaat aide ot road: thence along aald road. South 2 deg. 3 0 min. West 8.(0 chains to begin ning. containing 14 acrea (LESS that part of the Lum ber Company'a Railroad that Ilea within the said PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Richard C. Whitfield Optometrist Loulsburg, N. jC. Ground Floor Dr. Perry'* Building Hours: 1:10 to 8:00 P. M. Phone Dally Except Wed. OY 6-41M John F. Matthews Attorney A Counsellor it Law Practice In All Court! IIS Court Street * Phone ,4??-S6t3 or 4<?-l4St Loulsburg. N. C. Hours by Appointment Beam k Beam Attorneys at I,?w Loulsburf. N. C. Office In Professional Bldf. On Court Street Practice In All Courts LUMPKIN, H'MPKIJI * DAVIS Attorneys LoulBbur*. N. C. Ground Floor Office, Next to Harris Pharmacy Practice In Franklin and Sur rounding Counties, and In Federal Court Hill Yarborough Charles Yartoorough Lawyers Ground Floor Office tn Yarborougb Bide on Main St. Second Building from Post Office Loulsburg. N. C. Telephone: OY (-S1II General Practice In AH Court*1 PUBLIC SALE One 1964 .FORD 2-DR. H. T. Automobile Will Be Sold At PUBLIC SALE At OXFORD ROAD 66 SERVICE STATION Henderson , N.C. On ? DECEMBER 22, 1966 At 2:00 P.M. Tlx ?ocm<U to be Applied Acilnet the Unpaid Indebtedness 0? KLLSn K. ALFORD Under Term* Of NOT! AMD CHATTEL MORTGAGE Terms: Cash! By CITIZENS BANK * TRUST CO. Henderson, N. C. Le^al Notit o boundari**.); and being de ?United ai Lot N'o. J. Tract A. allotted to Jo* Wood (bow deceaaed) ia apeclal proceeding entitled "Jo* Wood ?t il vi. Erncat Wood et al." recorded in Ordera and Decrees Rook 11 on pagea 442-447 tn tht office of tha Clark of Superior Court of Franklin County FOURTH TRACT Lot X? 1: BEGINNING in the renter of the War renton Road, corner of N'o 1 thence V. 58 de* Weat ? "5 chaina to a atake. cor ner of N'o. 5 In the line of N'o 1; thence N 4 de* 30 min. Eaat 7 69 chaina to a atake. corner for N'o. 5. Pearce'a line: thence alone Pearce'a line. S. 88 de*. E 6 65 chaina to the center of the Warrenton Road. Pearce'a corner: thence J long said Road S. 2 den. 30 min W. 7.69 chaina to be ginning. containing 5H acrea more or leaa. and be ing the aame land deecrib ed in Deed from Erne?t Wood and wife Mattie Wood to Joe Wood, recorded Id Book 278 on page 512. In the office of the Franklin County Reclater of Deeda. LESS AND EXCEPT the following deacrlbed 2-act* tract of land aold by Joe Wood, unmarried, (now d? ceaaed) to Wilton B Leon ard by deed recorded In Book 384 on p?g* 128, in the office of the Franklin County Reglater of Deeda: BEGINNING In the cen ter of the Caatalia-Warren ton Highway, marked by an iron atake on the Weat aide, Eddie Pearce'a corner; thaiice N. 88 deg,. Weat 438 feet to > atake. Charlie Woodard'a corner In Eddie Pearce'a line; thence 8. 4 4 deg. Weat 1(1 feet to a atake. a new corner tor Jo* Wood and Wilton B. Leon ard In Charlie Woodard'a line; thence S. 88 deg. E 439 feet to the center of t h e aforeaaid Highway, marked by a atake on th* Weat aide, a new corner for Joe Wood and Wllto# B. Leonard; thence along th* aatd Highway. North 4 deg. E. 1(1 feet to beginning, containing 2 acraa, by etir vey, be the aame mor* or lOM. Lot No. 2: BEGINNING at a rock on Deer'a Branch, corner of No. 2; thence N. 2 deg. 80 min E. 9*2 chaina to a atake In Pearce'a line; thence South 84 deg. 80 min. Eaat 10,42 chaina to* a atake. oorner of No. 6; (hence 8. 2 deg. 80 min. Weet 12.50 chaina to a atake near a email poplar on Deer'a Branch : thence up De*r'a Branch North weatward about 11 chaina I 1 Service beyond the call of duty It what you can aapact when you Inaur* through an indapandant In auranca afant Ma's on vour aida whan you naad hatp moat, bacauaa ha'a fraa to pick and chooaa ba twaan aavaral flna Inauranca com UHlaa ?- a m m m pontes. we re inooponoonx ejents. Soe ue for the flneet In car, homo, or business insurance HODGES INSURANCE AGENCY Phon* 3y 0-3606 N. MAIN 8t. Lounburg N. C. I t'iinl Notice to bectnnlaf. containing 11 term, more or ln?. LESS THAT PART Or THE RIGHT OF WAY contained In theee boundaries belong ing to Qreenleaf-Johnaon Lumber Company. For fur ther reference, aee Lot No. 4 or Tract A. allotted to Erneat Wood (In part) tn Ordera and Decreea 11 on pages 442-446 la the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County. Said aale will be subject to confirmation by the Sup erior Court of Franklin County, and to upaet or ad vance bide aa provided by law. The successful bidder at said aale will be requir ed fo depoalt teu per cent of the amount bid to Insure compliance with the teruia of aale. Information concerning to bacco and other crop allot menta assigned to the afore said landa can be obtained from the ASC Office in Lou laburt. North Carolina. Tbia property will be aold free and clear of ad valorem taxea through the year 1966. Said aale. however. la subject to a rental contract for the year 1166 made by Sallle Wood, and the pur chaser of aald landa will not be entitled to any of the 1(66 rent, and the pur chaaer of the aforeaald pre mtaea will be entitled to poaaoaalon of same on the ftrat day of January. 1?67. Dated and poated this the 33rd day of November 1114. W. M JOLLY. Commlaaloner. 11-33: 13-6 . NOTICE IN THE FRANKLIN COUNTY RECORDER'S COURT NORTH CAROLINA. FRANKLIN COUNTY. JANICE BROWN. Plaintiff VI. NORMAN BROWN, Defendant TO NORMAN BROWN: Take notice that a plead ing leaking relief against you haa been filed In tho above-entitled action. The nature of the raiief being aought la for an ab aolute divorce on grounda of two yeara' separation. You are required to make defense to such pleading not latar than the 23 day of December. 1(6(. and upon your failure to do ao. tha party aeeklng aarvlca against NEED DRAPERIES? VISIT TAYLOR S DRAPERY SHOP CUSTOM TAILORED DRAPERIES AND FOR YOUR CARPET NEEDS IT ST AY LOR S FLOOR COVERING SHOP FEATURING TV f) ^pF V ohiivvk CARPETS FOR HOMES AND CHURCHES FREE ESTIMATES WANTED! MEN-WOMEN (Tom acee Handover. Prepare now tor 14 8. Civil Service Job opanlncs durlnc the not IX month* ST Government position* pay hlfh (Urtln( salaries. They provide much imtir security than private employment and excellent opportunity (or advancement. Uany position* require little or no specialised education or experience. jet one of these )obe, you must pus a test. The Ion Is keen and In some cases only one out <* five Lincoln Service has helped thousands prepare tor these testa every year since 1?U. It Is one of the larfast and oldast privately owned schools of Its kind and la not connected with the Government. For mi Information on Government jobs, lncludlnc list of positions and salaries, fill out coupon and mall at once. TODAY. You will also gat full details on haw you can prepare yourself for these teats. Don't delay ? ACT NOW ! LINCOLN SERVICE, Dept. NC -27-JB Pekln, Illinois I am vary much Interested Please sand ma absolutely mi (1) A llat of U. B. Government positions and sala ries; (2) Information on bow to qualify for a U. I. Govern ment Job. pass. Name Afa. . . . ?treat Phone. Si State (D4) v 7 on will apply to tke Court >r the relief (ought. 1 Thl* the It day of Not- i mber, 1X6 B*t?y a. Lavender. Aaat Clark Franklin County Racordar'a Court l-?.i?: 12-1.13 Has A Point f Professor: Can you tall ma omethlng about the word statlatlca?" Sophomoqe: Wall, thay*ra ornithine Ilka a Blklol--what lay reveal la Interesting, but hat thay conceal la' vital cgtt Main RequirMttitt Mauda--Lat's (tort a aacrat wcM;. Allea-'tU right, I krard ? at at sac rate at tha brtdc* tart; this afternoon. CHRISTMAS MONEY SEE US FOR AN EASY LOW COST LOAN Any Amount From $150 to $600 With A Very Small Monthly Payment. PHONE US TODAY, COLLECT 438-4113 CONSUMER i CREDIT COMPANY 1X1 S. GARNETT ST. HENDERSON, N. C. 1 12 Reasons To Save At First Federal 1. HIGHEST AVAILABLE RETURN First Federal offer* you the highest re turn in this area on insured, always available savings ? *V*%, paid and compounded quarterly. 2. SAVIN6S ARE INSURED Savings accounts at First Federal are in sured by the Federal Savings tt Loan Insurance Corporation, a permanent agency of the U. S. Government. 3. YOU OWN A SHARE OF THE ASSOCIATION Unlike many financial institutions owned by a small group of stockholders. First Federal ia a mutual association owned by every one of the thousands of people who save and borrow at the Asso ciation. 4. YOUR SAVIN6S RE INVESTED LOCAUJ The savings you invest at First Federal stay right in this area. They are prompt ly reinvested in sound home loans to local families just like yours. 5. SAVINGS ARE ALWAYS AVAILABLE Never in the history of the Association has First Federal failed to pay a with drawal as requested. S. MAXIMUM STAMUTY FOR YOUR SAVINGS There are never fluctuations in the value of your savings at First Federal. You al ways get bark every dollar you save plus all. dividends earned. 7. SAVE BY MAIL You can save by mail anytime uaing First Federal's FREE save bv-mail en velopes The Aaaociation pays the post age ooth ways. ? I. TEN FREE SAVINGS OAYS EVERY MONTH First Federal offers savers ten FREE - savings days every month. Savings in vested by the 10th of the month earn dividends from the 1st of that month. B. CONVENIENT HOURS Firit Federal ia open 9 to 4, Monday through Friday, and 9 to 12 noon on Saturdays. 10. ANY AMOUNT OPENS AN ACCOUNT You can open an account at First Federal for any amount. II. SA VINOS SPECIALISTS First Federal specializes in savings. Be cause we specialize, each aaver's account at First Federal receivee the personal touch. 12. LARGEST SAVINGS INSTITUTION First Federal ia the largest savings in stitution in thia area. More local people save more at First Federal. Thaee are some of the good reasons why you should be saving and saving regularly at Pint Federal. FEDERAL or NOCKV MOUNT 202 NORTH MAIN STREET IN LOUISBURC

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