Church Notices Louisburg Baptist Sunday: 9:49 a.m. Church School, M. E. Smith, Superintendent. 9:48-12:00 Nursery lor pre school children 11:00 a.m. The Church at Worship, Sermon by The Rev. V. E. Duncan. Topic--" Three Great Words." 11:00 a.m. Katherlne M. Har ris Sunbeams 11:00 a.m. Elizabeth W. Bob bin Sunbeams Monday: 7:30 p.m. Mary Ellen Garrett Circle In Church Parlor 7:30 p.m. Junior Girl's Auxi liary 7:45 p.m. Royal Ambassa dors Wednesday: 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir Re hearsal. Revival REV. JOE BRIDGES Revival services will begin at the Red Bud Baptist Church July 10 and continue through the 16th. Rev. Joe J. Bridges, pastor of the Mon-Aetna Baptist Church In Union, S. C., Is the visiting evangelist. Services will begin each evening at 8:00 p.m. There will also be special singing . each night. ; James Estep, pastor, ex | tends a cordially welcome to ! visitors. Funds Cut RQXBORO-The General As sembly has appropriated the sum of $25,000 for capital Improvements to the Carolina Power Lake Recreation Park. The amount was cut from an original request for $75,000 for the development of the 62-acre lake recreation park. St. Paul's Episcopal Sunday: 10:00 Family Service, Combined Church School and Church Service Usher*, July: Herbert Scog gln, Frank Rose, Sr. Acolyte: Kirk House Nursery available Revivals FLAT ROCK BAPTIST Revival services will be con ducted at the Flat Rock Baptist Church, Route 1, Loulsburg beginning July 10 and will go through the 11 a.m. worship hour Sunday morning July 1'6. Services will begin each evening at 8:00 o'clock, with special singing at each ser vice. A nursery will be pro vided (or children up to age three. The visiting speaker (or the revival will be the Reverend Jim C. Brackett of Battleboro, North Carolina. Reverend Brackett attended Gardner Webb College, Carson Newman College, and will be a senior at Southeastern Bap tist Theological Seminary at Wake Forest this (all. He is married and has two children. Reverend Brackett has served the Battleboro Baptist Church for the past two years. The Rpverend W. Floyd Ben fleld, pastor of the church, extends to everyone a cordial Invitation to attend these ser vices. TRINITY METHODIST A venture In Faith Revival will be held at Trinity Methodist Church on July 9-13 at 8:00 p.m. The visiting preacher Is the Reverend James H. Colle, who Is pastor of the Bethlehem Shady Grove Methodist Charge In Warren County. Mr. Colle attended Loulsburg College, the University of Maryland, and Atlantic Christian Col lege. At the present, he Is a student at Duke Divinity School. He Is a Third Degree Mason. Special music, as well as congregational singing, will be rendered each evening. Rev. William D. Clodfelter, the pa'stor, cordially Invites everyone to attend. Named SPRING HOPE - Ted Bls sette, local businessman has been named by Rep. James Gardner to serve on the Fourth Congressional District Agri culture Advisory Committee. The group meets monthly in Washington, D. G. SALE ON SUMMER SHOES f \ WEEKEND SPECIALS AT NASH'S SHOE STORE ALL SUMMER STOCK GREATLY REDUCED Beautiful Assorted Colors 6 Linen Shoes Values To $19.95 - Your Choice $2.95 Girls & Ladles Sandals $2.25 - $2.95 New Shipment Mens Shoes $4.95-$8.95 All summer stock must go to make room for our fall merchandise. Visit us this weekend. Open Daily From 9:00 - 9:00 LOCATED IN THE JUSTICE COMMUNITY Phone . Owned And Operated By 853-2765 Johnson And Mary Nash MR. HARVEY MURPHY IS NOW ASSOCIATE!) WITH LOUISBURG TIRE & RECAPPING CO. AS ASSISTANT MANAGER BRING YOUR TIRE PROBLEMS TO MR. MURPHY i ?< i ONLY DIXIECAP AIRCRAFT i PREMIUM RUBBER USED , IN OUR RETREADS. ? Save On Everything At Midway MIDWAY! FRYERS GRADE "A" WHOLE NONE SOLD TO DEALERS BISCUITS 8 L save w tan EXTRA LEAN, FRESH GROUND _ ^ ^ IKV STEM1?' IHI-C ORANGE I ORANGE DRINK ? 60LDMEDALI 46 OZ. CANS GOLD MEDAL SALAD DRESSING 47 C Qt. SUPER TWIN PACK AAA POTATO CHIPS big bags CLAPP'S STRAINED ffe M AA BABY FOOD 6 Ms 49? PUREX THE FAMILY FAVORITE BLEACH KING SIZE ? M A 0 1 GALLON N0NE S0LD ft. V TO DEALERS ?? J? r quart w BAMA PEACH IKJKtf PRESERVES 331 SAVE BIG PEACHES savl I I PERT BATHROOM _ DJl TRSUE4K3