Classified Ads. RATES REGULAR tJ CLASSIFIED .06 par word minimum $1.00 par insertion ? .50 per run sarvice on keyed ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY) . .84 par column inch. MEMORIAMS same as Classified Display. All Clanified ads must be paid in advance. F OR SALE Registered Landrace Boars and Gilts - 6 months old. Johnny Long, Rt. 2, Zebulon. Phone 269-9583. 2/27, ' 3/4, 6, 11 pd. SAW TIMBER and pulp f wood, 2'/i miles south of Wood. Franklin County. Old Ben Wood Farm. Re quest bids. Owner reserves,, right to reject or accept. Richard Mewborn, Farm Manager. First ^Citizens Bank & Trust Co., Louis burg. D ay pho ne 496-4107. 2/20 Th & Tu tr ch. FOR SALE - '62 Corvair Monza, good tires, runs good, clean. Clarence Moody. 496-3223. 3/11, 13 ch. FOR SALE - 1 used refrigera tor, dinette suite, 4 chairs, excellent condition for de tails call 853-2450 or con tact Douglas Mitchell, Rt. 1, Castalia after 6 p.m. 3/11, 13 ch. LOUISBURG ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Monday and Friday at 8 P.M., HOClif .. ton Avenue. Public invit ed. Call 496-4111. 3/11, 18 pd. LOST ? State College class ring. Joe Webb name in side. Reward. Call 496-5400. Write 401 N. Main. 3/11 Tu & Th tf ch. FOR SALE - Pure bred York shire boars - 6-7 months old. Elmer Gene Mullen -496-5382. 3/6, 11, 13, 18 I pd. 1 m - - CLEAN rues. like new. so easv to do with Blue Lus tre. Rent electric sha-mpoo er $1. H. C. Taylor. 3-11 ch. FARM TOOLS For Sale. See Albert Collins, Route 1, Castalia, N. C. 3/11 pd. NSTRUCTIO I U. S. CIVIL SERVICE TESTS! - Men-women 18 and over. Secure jobs. High pay. Short hours. Ad vancement. Thousands of jobs open. Preparatory training as long as requir ed. Experience usually un necessary. FREE informa tion on jobs, salaries, re quirements. Write today giving name, address and phone. Lincoln Service, Pekin NC 27-3P, IHinois. 2/25, 3/4, 11, 18, !$5 pd. Help Wanted AVON ? IF YOU LIKE PEOPLE, enjoy making friends and want to earn money, contact your Avon Manager. Write Mrs. Jean Parker, P. 0. Box 356, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. or call 537-3177. 3/6, 11, 13 ch. FOR RENT ' FOR RENT - Nice mobile homes. Twin Oak Trailer Park. Phone 496-4255. - 2/11 Tu & Th tf ch. .Classified Ads. TOBACCO contact for rent. 7,000 pounds, 15 cent* a pound. W. D. Fuller, Rt. 2, Louisburg. Telephone 853-2842. 1/16 Th & Tu tf ch. WANTED WILL BUY Men's and boy's shirts, .pants, suits ? child rens spring and summer dresses Must be clean and in good condition. Open 1 P.M. to 6 P.M. - Dial 8-4380 Henderson, N. C., Mary's Bargains, 611 S. William St.. Henderson, N. C. 3/4, 6, 11, 13 pd. SERVICE WE SPREAD lime and fer tilizer for less. L.. H. Dickens & Son; Rt. 2, Louisburg. 853-2117. 11/26 Tu tfch. Legal Notice ADMINISTRATRIX NO TICE Having qualified as Admin istratrix of the estate of Gary H. Lamm, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Caro lina. this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed" on or before the 4th day of September, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 3rd day of March, 1969. ^ "Ovie C. Lamm, Rt. 1, Castalia, N. C., Adm'rx. Maupin, Taylor & Ellis, -At^ torneys. 33 W Davis St., Raleigh, N. C. 3/4, 11, 18, 25 pd. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Execu tor of the estate of R. M. Carlyle, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Caro lina. this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 11th day of September, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 10th day of March. 1969. Earl Carlyle, Executor Rt. 2, Zebulon 3/11, 18, 25; 4/1 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Execu tor of the estate of Wiley P. Murray, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 25th day of August. 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 21st day of Feb ruary, 1969. Spencer Murray, Rt. 4, Louisburg, Executor 2/25; 3/4, 11, 18 pd. NOTICE OF SALE OF VAL UABLE STANDING TIM BER Under and by virtue pf the power and authority con tained in that certain Order for Sale of Timber and for Partition of Land by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, dated 21 February 1969, made in the Special Proceeding entitled "A. Woodrow Hinnant, Admin istrator of the Estate of Maul ters Pettigrew Pearce, Deceas ed; A. Woodrow Hinnant, In Legal Notice dividually, and Alvin Jeans. Unmarried. Petitioners VS. Ruth P. Hinnant; Claudia P. Williams. Widow; Romus J. Pearce and wife Katherleen J. Pearce; Melba J. Pippin and husband William Pippin; Henry P. Jeans and wife Pauline D. Jeans; Kearn Pearce and wife, Shirley P., Pearce; Jackie Lee Pearce and j wife Bertha T. Pearce; Deferi dants ", ordering a public sale of the standing timber herein after described, the under signed Commissioners will on MONDAY, THE 24TH DAY OF MARCH 1969 at or about the hour of 12:00 o'clock Noon EST at the Courthouse door in Louis Franklin County, North ina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the stand ing timber of and above the size of six inches in diameter across the stump at ground I e v el, when cut, situate, standing and growing upon all that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Dunns Town ship, Franklin County, North Carolina on State Paved Road No. 1745 and State Unpaved Road No. 1730, about two miles West of Pilot, North Carolina and more particular ly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in . the intersection of State Road No. 1730 and State Road No. 174S; thence along the center of said State Road No. 1745 South 61 deg. 00 min. East 682.0 feet to cor ner in the center of said road; thence South 58 deg. 17 min. West 1149.83 feet to corner; thence North 39 deg. 20 min. West 398.0 feet to corner in the center of State Road No. 1730; thence along the center of State Road No. 1730 North 57 deg. 30 min. East 335.0 feet. North 38 deg. 09 min. East 568.41 feet to the point of BEGINNING, con taining 11.2 acres by survey of Harold B. Mullen, R. L. S., dated May 9, 1968. designat ed as "Property surveyed for Pettigrew Pearce Estate, Dunns Township, Franklin County, N. C.", and being the identical land allotted as Lot No. 2 to M. P. Pearce in that certain special proceeding en titled "Lessie P. Jeans and husband. Henry P. Jeans, Vs. Lonnie P. Pearce and wife, Sallie Pearce, et alls" in the division of thfc lands of Smith Pearce, recorded in O & D Book No. 12, page 552, in , the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Franklin County, North Carolina. The purchaser of the aforesaid standing timber will have six months from the date of the Commissioners' Timber Deed in which to cut and remove said timber. The aforesaid timber sale will be subject to confirm* tion by the Superior Court of Franklin County and an in creased or upset bid as pro- . vided by law. A map or plat of the above described tract of land is available for inspec tion by prosper-, ve pur chasers at the offices of the undersigned Commissioners. A cash deposit of ten per centum (10%) of the amount bid for the aforesaid timber will be required to be made by the highest bidder therefor to insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be for feited upon noncompliance. Dated and pouted this the 21st day of February 1969. E. C. BULLUCK and E. F. YARBOROUGH, COMMISSIONERS 2/25; 3/4, 11, 18 NOTICE OF A GENERAL ELEC.TION FOR THE TOWN OF LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA TO THE CITIZENS AND VOTERS OF THE TOWN OF LOUISBURG, N. C.: You will take noticc thit pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Council for the Town of Louisbuig. N. C.. a General Election, for the election of a Mayor and Six (6) Council men, has been called and will BANK WITH CONFIDENCE ALL BANKING TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL SAVINGS? CHECKING? LOANS? TRUSTS? INSURANCE Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Henderson, N. C. "THE LEADING BANK IN THIS SECTION" 188a- 79 YEARS OF SERVICE ft SECURITY-1968 1 a=a=BI=sa*aB8?M Legal Notice be held on TUESDAY, THE 6TH DAY OF MAY, 1969 The polls will be opened at 6:30 A.M., and will be closed at 6:30 P.M., and the polling place will be in the Audi torium of the Armory Build ing. Mr. Lee H. Bell has been appointed Registrar, and Mr. J. L. Merger and Mr. Earlie Tillotson are hereby appoint ed Judges of the Election and Poll Holders. Any person wishing t<J* offer for said offices are re quired to file an intention thereof with the Town Clerk of Louisburg, N. C. on or before the hour of 5 P.M. on the 22nd day of April, 1969. No person failing to file with in the above time will be allowed to place his name upon the Official Ballot in said election, or to enter as a candidate therein. By order of the Town Council of the Town of Louisburg. N. C., this 7th day of March, 1969. V. A. Peoples, Mayor ATTEST: Katherine D. Gupton, Town Clerk Mil A RESOLUTION CALLING A REGULAR ELECTION FOR MAYOR AND TOWN COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF YOUNGS VI LLE. N. C. BE IT RESOLVED by the Town commissioners of the Town of YOUNGS V1LLE, N. C. that: (1) An election is hereby called for Tuesday, May 6, 1969, the date established by law, for the purpose of elect ing a Mayor and Five (5) Town Commissioners. (2) The polling place will be The Town Hall, and the polls will be open on election day from 6:30 A.M. until 6:30 P.M. (3) Estelle T. Pearce, Youngsville, N. C., is hereby appointed Registrar, and Eldred P. Lindsey and Francis A. Evans are hereby appoint ed Judges of said election. (4) The Registrar is hereby directed to open the registra tion books for the purpose of registering all qualified elec PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Richard C. Whitfield Optometrist' Loulsburg. N. C. Ground Floor Dr. Perry's Building Hours: 1:30 to 5:00 P? M. Phone Daily Except OY 6-4165 Wed. JOHN F. NUTTHKWH Attorney A Counsellor at Law Practice In All Courts 215 Court Street Pb. 496-3523 or 496-3436 Loulsburg. N. C. Hours by Appointment LUMPKIN fc LUMPKIN v Attorneys at Law Louisburg, N. C. Ground Floor Office Next to Harris Pharmacy Practice in Franklin & Surrounding Counties, and in Federal Court HIM, V.VRHOROKiH CH.IHLKH YAJUlOROrtfH Lawyers Ground Floor Office In Yarborbugh Bldg on Main St Second building from Post Office Loulsburg. N. C. Telephone: GY 6-3185 General Practice In all Coarta liOI'IMBI Btl MITI'AL INHIKAWK AOKSCt Homeowner, Lire. Hospltslisation. Annuities, Business. Hall ?<w l'l??inl? T07 N Main Street Louisburg. N. C. Bus. Phone 496-5425 Res. Phone 496-6370 Legal Notice tors who request registration and who are not now register ed to vote ui nyinicipal elec tions. Jf (5) The- registration period will be from Friday, April 18, 1969 through Friday, April 25, 1969, excluding Sunday. April 20. 1969. The registra tion books will be open for registration each day. exclud ing Sunday, during the regis tration period from 9:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. at home in Youngsville. except that on Saturday. April- 19^1 969. the books will be openSrom 9:00 PM at A.M. until 9 OOP*! at poll ing place. (6) Challenge Day will be Saturday. May 3, "1969, and challenges may be entered on such day from 9:00 A.M. until 3:0p P.M. at the polling place. , 1 7) The Town Clerk shall, no later than Saturday, April 5, 1969, cause a copy of this resolution to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the Town, and to be posted at the Town Hall. Wtley M. Roberts, Mavor ATTEST: Elizabeth P. Cheatham, Clerk The final Filing Date for Candidates is hereby set 12:00 Noon, April 19, 1969. 3/11 A RES0LTU10N BV THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE j TOWN OF LOUISBURG. NORTH CAROLINA, CALL ING A REGULAR ELECT ION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND SIX (6) MEMBERS OF THE TOWN COUNCIL BE IT RESOLVED by the | Town Council of the Town of t Louisburg, North Carolina that: | (l)An election is hereby I called for Tuesday, May 6, I 1969. the date established by law. for the purpose of elect | ing a Mayor and six (6) Town ' Councilmen. (2) The polling place will be the Auditorium of the Armory Building, and the polls will be open on ejection I day from 6:30 A.M. untH j 6:30 P.M. ? (3) Mr. Lee H. Bell, 310 J W. Noble St., Louisburg. N. I C . is hereby appointed Regis i trar, and Mr. J. L. Berger and | Mr. Earlie Tillolson are here | by appointed Judges of said ; election. I ( 4) The Registrar is hereby directed to oppn the registra tion books for the purpose of registering all qualified elect ors who request registration and who are not now register ed to vote in municipal elect ions. (5) The registration period will be from Friday.' April 19, 1969, through Friday, April 25, 1969, excluding Sunday April 20. 1969 The registra i tion book* will be open for 1 registration each day, exdud ing Sunday, during the regis j tration period from 9:00 I A.M. until 5:00 P.M. at the Registrar's Home, except that | on Saturday, April 19, 1969, j the books will be open from 9.00 A.M. i/ntil 9:00 P.M. at the polling place. (6) Challenge Day will be Saturday, May 3, 1969, and ' challenges may be entered on ?uch day from 9:00 AM until 3:00 P.M. at the polling | place. (7) The Town Clerk shall, no later than Saturday, April 5, 1969. cause a copy of this resolution to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the Town, and to be posted at the Armorv Building. V. A. Peoples, Mayor ATTEST: Katherine D. Gupton. Clerk | 3/11 Patronize TIMES Adv i, MEN WANTED NOW TO TRAIN AS CLAIM ADJUSTERS Insurance Adjusters and Investigators are badly needed due to the tremendous in crease of claims resulting from automobile accidents, fires, burglaries, riots, storms, and industrial accidents Over 5n million dollars worth of claims paid each day. Top money can be earned in this exciting. fast moving field, full or part time Work ' <m at your present job and tram at home. then attend resident training 'or two ^ wrecks at school owned facilities at MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA Of LAS VEGAS. NEVADA. Excellent employment ataittance. Fof details without obligation, fill out the coupon and mail it today. MEMBER NATIONAL HOME STUDY COUNCIL | \ , - . _ ? INSURANCE ADJUSTERS SCHOOLS. 0?pi. NC-I i I 187? N. W. 7 St.. Miamt. Florid* 13125 , ' Nwiw Age 1 1 Addrrn 1 I City Sure Zip j I Phon* X.. Etigtbl* for VA I 1 ' CO ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Co-Ad ministrators of the estate of Minnie F. Pernell. deceised. late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all** persons having claims, against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 18 day of August, 1969. .or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 17 day of February. 1969. Walter J. Debnam, William J. Pernell. | Co-Adm'r. 2 18. 25; 3 4. 11 pd. RESOLUTION IN MEMORY OF GEORGE H. HARRIS W H EREAS. George H. Harris died February 26th. 1969 at 11:50 P.M.; and WHEREAS, for many years he gave willingly and unstintedly of his time, en ergy. and ability to the people of Franklin County; and WHEREAS. Mr. George H. Harris served 3 months of his last term as Chairman and several years as a member of the Board of County Com- I missioners of Franklin Coun ty.and WHEREAS, Our Heavenly Father in His Wisdom has called from us. our Fellow Public Servant. George H. Harris. Chairman of the lioard of County Commis sioners for more loftier duties and responsibilities; and WHEREAS, his memory will forever remain with us as a devoted Public Servant, Loyal Friend. Champion of the Down-Trodden and De fender of the Oppressed; and WHEREAS, George H. Harris will be greatly missed by his Co-workers and large host of friends; "Now is done Thy long day's work; Fold Thy palms across Thy breast. Fold Thine arms, turn to , the Rest". NOW. THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the' Board of County Commissioners, along with other fellows, and Co workers, all of Franklin County adjourn its meeting on this the 6th day of March. 1969, with deep regret and sympathy in Honor and re I Legal Notice cognition of Mr. George H. Harris' work, loyalty and de votion to duty as a Public Servant of Franklin County, North Carolina; NOW, THEREFORE, be it unanimously resolved by the Board of County Commis sioners of Franklin County, North Carolina in a Special called session at the Court- 1 house on Thursday, the 6th day of March, 1969, that we extend our condolence and deepest sympathy to the be reaved wife of Mr. George H. Harris: that a copy of this Resolution be sent to Mrs. Cassie Lloyd Harris, wife of George H. Harris; that a copy be spread- upon the Minutes of this meeting, and a copy be sent to the press for publi cation. B. W. Young. Chairman Board of County Commissioners E. M. Sykes. Member N. H Faulkner. Member J. W. House, Member R. L. Burnette. Member ! K. A. Brasswell. County Accountants Ex-Officio Clerk to Board of County Commis sioners. There being no further business, the Board adjourned in memory of George H. Har CARPET NtEDS VISIT TAYLOR S FLOOR COVERING SHOP FEATURING Carpei GtArisHAssh McSa awk S25 OIFFFRENT CAPPE"ri SAMPLES TO CHOOSq FROM PRICE FROM 3 95 TO 17 95 SQ. YD. CARPETS FOR HOMES AND CHURCHES FREE ESTIMATES (HARDWARE I FURNITURE I Ocean Shelves Charts Denver ? William T. Pe cor?, director of the United States Geological Survey, says detailed maps are badly need ed of all the ocean shelves iround the U.S. He estimates these basins could contain mineral resources that could range from $100-billion to Sl-trillion. RHODES PLUMBING & HEATING CO. ? AMERICAN STANDARD FIXTURES ? SEPTIC TANK INSTAL LATION ? FREE ESTIMATES ? ALL TYPES DITCHING (Also S?wrr Mains And S?rvl?TS ) REASONABLE PRICES! , 1028 MAPLE ST. Henderson, N. C. or Phone I.18-8I1I Day or Night 8tJ*4e Wide Licenses your igndt . Insurance Independent ] fAoeNTV saitvaa vou wwrr fass' You're not lost for help if you have en independent insurance agent. He's on yfluf side when you need him most, ready to represent your interests first, ready to give you service beyond the call of duty. We're independent agents. Call us any time. HODGES INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Gy 6.3565 N MAIN ST Louisbur"g, N C. L.H. DICKENS asks... "Who needs a 'specialist' to grease a tractor?" Seems like not too long ago there was a special grease for just about every )ob on the farm. But not today. Folks in this area have discovered that ESSO Multi-Purpose Grease does a great )ob on everything Irom water pumps to wheel bearing* to chassis points. So even the newest hired hand can't make a mistake. I can send you this one-for-all grease in pails. But while you're at it, why not get our handy throw-away gun-cartridge. No mess ... no risk of getting dirt in an open pail. lust call and I'll be out with all the Multi-Purpose Grease you need quicker than greased lightning. L. H. DICKENS & SON ROUTE # 2 LOUISBURG, N. C. TELEPHONE 853-2117 ? ? iqnnproductj

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