Classified Ads. U ATCC regular tKMK I CJ CLASSIFIED .06 par word minimum $1.00 par insertion ? .50 par run tarvica on kayad ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .84 par column inch. M EMORIAMS same at Clatsifiad Display. All Clatsifiad ads mutt ba paid in advance. FOR SALE - Small, factory built truck camper. Con tact J. B. Hunt, GY6-3928. 3/27 ch. HAVE 300 more bales top quality Soybean Hay - See Frank Read or call 496-4302 after six. 3/27 Th&Tutfch. , FOR SALE ? Coca-Cola drink machine. Water fountain attachment included. Can be see at Louisburg Florist. Call or contact Bill Bartholomew. 496-3385. 3/18, 20, 25, 27 ptf SAW TIMBER and pulp wood, 2V4 miles south of Wood. Franklin County. Old Ben Wood Farm. Re quest bids. Owner reserves right to reject or accept. Richard Mewborn, Farm Manager, First Citizens Bank & Trust Co., Louis b u rg . Day pho ne 496-4107. 2/20 Th & Tu tf ch. FOR SALE - '62 Corvair Monza. Runs good, good tires, clean. 496-3223. Clarence Moody. 3/25, 27 pd. LOOKING for a deal on a new Chevrolet see or call George Baughman at Rowe Chevrolet Buick. 3/25, 27ch 1965 CHEVROLET - 4 door sedan, radio, straight drive, 6 cylinder, special low price. Call 496-3143 ask for George Baughman. 3/25, 27 ch. BRICK HOME, 1690 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, screen porch; 19,000 sq. ft. lot. Avery Dennis, 106 Edgewood Dr. 3/25, 27; 4/1, 3 pd. FOR A NEW Chevrolet or Buick with payments as low as $66.00 per month see George Baughman at Rowe Chevrolet Buick. 3/25, 27 ch. MR. FARMER looking for a new truck? Or a good used truck see George Baugh man at Rowe Chevrolet Buick. He will deal your way. 3/25, 27 ch. 1964 DODGE Hard Top Cus tom 880 automatic trans. ? Power steering, radio - $64.00 per month. Normal down. Call 496-3143 ask for George Baughman. 3/25, 27 ch. 1965 FORD L. T. D. 4 door hard top, radio, heater, automatic transmission, power steering. $63.00 per month, normal down. Call 496-3143 ask for George - Baughman. 3/25, 27 ch. 1964 CUSTOM cab Ford pickup, 8 cyl., helper springs, extra long body, one owner. Bill O'Neal 496-5118. 3/27 ch. KEEP carpets beautiful des pite footsteps of a busy family. Buy Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. H. C. Taylor. 3/27 ch. FOR SALE - Travel trailer. 1965 Nomands trailer. Good condition. Jiggs Per ry, 3 N. Second St., Frank linton. 3/27; 4/3 pd. THREE bedroom home Sun set Avenue, 2 full baths, forced air heat, full base ment, carpet, nice fire place. William O'Neal Realty Co., Louisburg. 3/27 ch. THREE bedroom brick home, Edgewood Drive, 2 full baths, family room, large recreation room, wall to wall carpet, modern kitchen, air condition. Wil liam O'Neal Realty Go., Louisburg. 3/27 ch. THREE bedroom home, Beam Circle, carpet, modern kitchen, forced air heat, assume 5 3/4% loan. William O'Neal Realty Co., Louisburg. 3/27 ch. Classified Ads. IT'S SPRING PLANTING TIME. Fruit trees, nut trees, berry plants, grape vines, asparagus!, rhubarb, and landscaping plant ma terial. 48-pg. Planting' Guide Catalog in color, on request. Salespeople want ed. WAYNESBORO NURSERIES, Waynes boro, Virginia 22980. 3/6, 13, 20, 27 ch. FOR RENT FOR RENT - 6300 lbs. tobac co. 12 cents per pound. Call Gy6-4855 after 5 p.m. Elmer Griffin, Route 4, Louisburg. 3/20, 25, 27 ch. FOR RENT ? 10,000 lbs. tobacco 12 cents. Call 494-7970 after 6:00 or 494-7886. 3/27 pd. FOR RENT - Nice mobile homes. Twin Oak Trailer Park. Phone 496-4255. 2/11 Tu & Th tf ch. TRANSFER off the farm for cash 1,000 to 9,000 lbs. tobacco. Call Bob Ballance in Raleigh 828-2100. 3/25, 27; 4/1 ch. ; FOR RENT Five room house, 5 miles East Louis burg NC-39. Contact Mrs. Mamie L. Freeman, Route 1, Castalia, N. C. 3/27; 4/1 pd. Help Wanted THIRTY DOLLARS A DAY - Knapp Salesmen earn this much and more because commissions are higher than ever. Everyone knows, everyone wants Knapp Shoes. Send for "Free" selling kit. Write to H. E. Magner, Knapp Shoe, Brockton, Mass. 02402. 3/20, 27 ch. AVON - WOMAN OF ACHIEVEMENT - Th/ Avon Lady. Be a hit with your family. Buy them clothes, TV or other extras by earning $$$$ selling popular Avon Products. Write Mrs. Jean Parker, Avon Manager, P. O. Box 355, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. or call 537-3177. S/25, 27 ch. MALE HELP WANTED - Ma ture person to train and work as Life Insurance Un derwriter. Send complete resume to Box C, c/o this paper. All replies held strictly confidential. 3/20, 25, 27 ch. WANTED WANT TO RENT ? 2450 pounds tobacco at 8 cents lb. Move off farm. WiUard Pace, P. 0. Box 597, Spring Hope, N. C. Phone 478-5535 nights. 3/20, 25, 27 pd. WANTED TO RENT - Unfur nished downstairs apart ment. 1 person occupant. Call Mrs. Elizabeth Mc Kinley, 6-3338. 3/25, 27 ch. LOST LOST ? State College class ring. Joe Webb name in side. Reward. Call 496-5400. Write 401 N. Main. 3/11 Tu & Th tf ch. FARM BUREAU LIFE INSURANCE Fire Crop Hail Fapnowners Auto . Farmer's Liability Blue Crots Hospital Plana L.C. HASTY ! Louisburg, N.C. Le^dl Not k ?? TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Default having been made in the payment of certain bonds secured by a Deed of Trust, executed by Herbert Durham and wife, Georgiana A. Durham to James D. Giiii land, Trustee, dated Septem ber 12, 1963, recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Franklin County In book 591, page 279, the under signed Administrator of the Estate of James D. Gllliland, Trustee, deceased, will sell at public auction to the highest cash bidder at the courthouse door in Louisburg, North Car olina. at twelve o'clock noon on the second day of April, 1969, those certain tracts of land in Gold Mine Township, Franklin County, North Caro lina described as follows: TRACT NO. 1 ? Beginning at the center of the road to Gupton, corner of James Thomas 151 acre tract mark ed by rock on the East side of the road; thence along said road North 45-44 deg. East 17 poles 10 links to the center of the Shocco Road; thence along said road South 51'/i deg. East 2 poles, 5 links. South 40V4 deg. East 13 poles, 9 links, South 32'/? deg. East 80 poles, 19 links. South 35'/i deg. East 18 links, 41 J E? L 1 All tka a eg. CUl IDVl |TUI?7? W HW center of the road, corner of the 151 acre tract (James Thomai), marked by rock on the South side; thence South 45 deg. West 48 poles to the center of the path leading to Ellis' Qln, marked by a rock on the Southeast side; thence along the path South S4 deg. West 12 poles, South 82 deg. West 18 poles to the center of said path, marked by rock on the North side; thence North 34'*. deg.. West 1X7 poles to the beginning, containing 60V4 acres, more or less, ref erence is hereby made to Book 170, page 165, Franklin County Registry, and Book 409, page 89, Franklin Coun ty Registry. The above described land having been conveyed to Her bert Durham by deed from Ellsha Williams and Lucille Williams (both unmarried) dated February 17, 1947, re corded in Book 421, page 237, Franklin County Regis try. TRACT NO. 2 - Being the lands Inherited by Jack Dur ham from his father, William Durham and containing 11 H acres, more or leas and being bounded on the North by the lands of Eaton Williams, on the East by the lands of Tollle Hagwood, on he South by the lands of Dr. Buck Williams Estate, and on he West by the lands of 0. J. Gupton, and being the iden tical lands conveyed to Her bert Durham by deed duly recorded In Book 409, page 175, Franklin County Regis try The above premises will be soldsubject to 1969 taxes. The above described tracts of land will be sold separately and then aold together. The successful bidder or bidden will be required to deposit 5% of Kis or their bids as evi dence of good faith, which will be applied on the pur chase price or returned to the maker, if h|s bid is rejected. Upon failure to make auch deposit, said land will be aold to he next hlgherf bidder. This 27th day of Feb ruary. 1969. Walter J. Harris, Administrator, eta, dbn, of the Estate of James D. GUI Hand, Trus tee, Deceased Banzet and Banzet, Attorneys - Warrenton, N. C. 3/6, 13. 20. 27 Many who flw from evil do not understand that It It iq their hearts. SECRETARY WANTED Shup. intelligent. competent, mui) take ihorthand. muit be Killed and looking for per manent job. (If not. pie aw de not apply). Minimum Mldfy J 100 per week Possibility of becomlm office manager Wake Forest area. Apply Box A, c/o The Franklin Timei. Legal Notice ADMINISTRATOR'S NO TICE Having qualified at Ad mlnlttrator of the estate of William J. Shearin, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 14 th day of September, 1969. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 13th day of March. 1969. Roger W. Matthews. Adm'r. W. H. Taylor, Attorney 3/13. 20. 27; 4/3 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Execu tor of the estate of John Young Beasiey, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 13th day of September. 1969. or thia notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 11th day of March. 1969. Sam Jones Beasiey, Executor, Route 3 Louisburg, N. C. 27549 Yar borough and Jolly, Attor neys 8/13,20, 27; 4/3 ADMINISTRATOR'S NO TICE Having qualified u Admin Istrator of the estate of George H. Harm, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 27th day of Septem ber, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebt ed to Mid estate will plesse make immediate payment. This 26th day of March, 1969. Fred R. Harris, Administrator Route 3, Louisburg, N. C. 27549 Yar bo rough and Jolly, Attor neys 3/27; 4/3. 10, 17, SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By virtue of the authority contained in a Deed of Trust of Franklin N. Rowaey and wife. Ginger F. Row*ey, to W F. Pearce. Jr., Trustee, dated March 23, 1966, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, North Carolina, in Book 617, at page 283, default having been made in the payment of the indebted neta thereby se cured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the un dersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courtnouae door In Louis burg, North Carolina, at 12:00 0'CL0CK\N00N FRI DAY, APRIL 4th, 1969 the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust, described u follows: BEGINNING it a stake on the North side of the Need moor road corner for R. C. White and the land herein conveyed; thence along the line of R. C. White North 38 degrees 30' West 280.0 feet to a stake; thence North 51 degrees 30' East along a pro posed street 100.0 feet to a stake; thence South 38 de grees 30' East 280.0 feet to a stake on the North side of the Needmoor road, thence 8outh along the Needmoor road South 61 degrees 30' West 100.0 feet to the place of the beginning. The succeesful bidder at said sale will be required to deporit ten per cent (10%) of the amount of bid with the Trustee, as evidence of good faith. This the 3rd day of March, 1969. W. P. Pearce. Jr. Trustee 3/13.20,27:4/3 fflaltia UleJU Qomjxcuuf WEU. BORING . DEEP WELL DRILLING WAKKCMTON. N. o. "A W,n A D*j 7V Martin fV*j" M. C. UCM MO. t DAY I X7-MI UANUVI. MAMTIN ' HHIMT I M74M Legal Notice NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF: Annie 0. Young. Execu trix of the Estate of Kate B. Green Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in the will of Kate B. Green, deceased, said will being of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, in Will Book Y. at pages 316-317, the undeisign ed Annie G. Young, execu trix. for the purpose of selling for division the lands herein after described, will offer for sale by public auction for cash at the Courthouse door in Louisburg, North Carolina on TUESDAY. APRIL 8, 1969. AT TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON all that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Franklin County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINS at the southeast corner of lot No. 3 In the center of the Raleigh-Oxford road and runs along said road 11.85 chains to the Northeast comer of lot No. 5 thence along the line of lot No. 5 N 87'i W 47.55 chains to the center of Horse Creek thence up said Creek 8.99 chains to the southeast corner of lot No. 3 thence along line of lot No. 3 S 87H E 52 40 chains to the BEGINNING and con taining 43.81 acres being Lot No. 4 in the division of the W. H. Green land except such part of this lot as is actually covered by the old Gin House. A deposit of ten per cent (10%) of the first $1,000.00 and five per cent (6%) of the reminder of the bid it said sale will be required of the successful bidder at the time of sale to guarantee com pliance with said bid, and to be forfeited upon non-com pliance. This sale will be conducted as a judicial sale and is subject to the laws relating, thereto, including Court confirmation. This the 7 th day of March, 1969. Annie Q. Young, Executrix 3/13, 20, 27; 4/3 SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ? By virtue of the authority contained in a Deed of Trust of Auburp C. Mitchell and wife Lacie A. Mitchell, to William P. Pearce, Jr., Trus tee, dated September 5, 1968, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, North Caro lina, in Book 664, at pages 28-31. default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersign ed Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Louis burg, North Carolina, at 12:00 O'CLOCK NOON FRI DAY, APRIL 4th, 1969 the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust, described as follows: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the Town of Frankllnton, Frank' lin County, N. C? situated on the North East corner of Sterling and Mill Street inter section and being Lot No. 24 of Sterling Mill Property ac Legal Notice cording to Map and Survey by Wm. F. Freeman. C. E., Map of same being recorded in Map Book 4. pages 8 and 9. Franklin County Registry, reference to said map being hereby made for a more ade quate metes and bounds des cription thereof, and being the same and identical tract of land as conveyed to gran tors hereto by deed as record ed in Book 516. page 688. Franklin County Registry. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to deposit ten per cent (lO'r) of the amount of bid with the Trustee, as evidence of good faith. This the 3rd dav of March. 1969. William P. Pearce, Jr.. Trustee 3/13. 20. 27; 4/3 NOTICE OF RESALE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF JAMES E. McCOWAN, EXE CUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF FRANCES B. MASON, DECEASED Under and by virtue of an Order of Resale made on the 17th day of March, 1969, by t h e Honorable Ralph S. Knott, Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, in the above entitled matter, the under signed Commissioners will, on Saturday, the 5th day of April, 1969, at or about 12 o'clock noon, Eastern Stan dard Time, at the Courthouse Door in Louisburg, North Carolina, offer for resale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Gold Mine Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, known as the Dr. Wheless land, located on the road leading from Gupton to Centerville, about 13 miles Northeast from the Town of Louisburg, North Carolina, bounded on the North by the lands of G. W. Alston, on the East by Kemp Watson land, on the South by Amy Wester land, and on the West by Upchurrh land and the J. D. USED TRACTOR BARGAINS 1 ? 4000 Ford Diesel w/Live P.T.O. 1-960 Ford Gai w/Llve P.T.O. and Front Manure Loader 1 - Dexta Diesel w /Live P.TO. 2 ? 35 Ferguson Diesels, 3 Cylinder w/JJve P.T.O. 1-65 F erguson w/Live P.T.O. 1 ? To-20 Ferguson Above tractors recondition ed, repainted, and new tires where necessary. Equipment for above trac tors: Plow*, Harrows, Scoops, Tillers, Rotary Cut ters, Cultivators, Rakes, and Balers NEW FORD TRACTORS GASOLINE & DIESEL SALES ft SERVICE FARM TRACTOR I EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC. Telephone Geneva 8-8185 P. 0. Box 727 Henderson, N. CN WANTED! M E N ? W 0 M E N from >{?s 18 and ov?r. Prepare now (or U. S. Civil Service J job openings during the next 12 months. Government positions pay high starting sslsrles. They provide much greater security than private employment and excellent opportunity for advancement. Many positions require little or no specialised education or experience. But to get one of these Jobs, you must pass a test. The I competition Is keen and In some cases only one out of five pus. Lincoln Service has helped thousands prepare for these teets every year since 1M>. It U one of the largest and oldest privately owned schools of Its kind and Is not connected with the Government. For FREE booklet on Government Jobe, Including list of positions and salaries, fill out coupon and mall at I once -TODAY. You will also get full details on how you can prepare | yourself for these tests. Don't delay ~ ACT NOW! LINCOLN SERVICE, Dept. NC -27-3B Pekln, Illinois I am very much Interested. Please send me absolutely FREE (1) A list of U. S. Government posit lone and sala* rles; (2) Information on how to qualify for a U. S. Govern ment Job. Name Age. . . stmt Phone. cuy ? State (D3B) % Legal Notice Alston land, and more parti cularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the North side of the road leading from Gupton to Cen terville. at or near the old Upchurch corner; thence South 86 deg. 15' East 1268 feet to a stake and hickory pointer. a?new corner for this tract and the Watson land; thence along the line of the Watson land a new line by survey of Phil R. Inscoe. Sur veyor. in 1952, North 15 deg. 30' East 3084 feet to a stake and pine pointer, a new cor ner for this tract and the Watson land In the line or the G. W. Alston land; thence North 86 deg. 15" West 3153 feet to a stake, corner for this tract in the line of the G. W. Alston land; thence South 10 deg. 15' West 99 feet to a stake in the line of the J. D. Alston land; thence South 15 deg. East 330 feet to a white oak; thence South 61 deg. 30' East 808 feet to a post oak stump.- Upchurch corner; thence South 6 deg. 45' East 2293 feet to the point of beginning and containing 140 acres, more or less. The aforesaid real estate will be offered for sale upon an opening bid of $10,550.00 and said sale will be subject to confirmation by the Clerk of Superior Court Of Franklin County, North Carolina and to an upset or advanced bid as provided by law. A cash deposit of 10% of the amount of the bid will be required to be made by the highest bid der at the time of sale to insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be for feited upon non-compliance. Dated and posted this the 18th day of March. 1969. CLAYTON AND BALLANCE By: Theaoseus T. Clayton Attorneys at Law Warrenton, North Carolina 3/20. 27 Azalea Queen Named Washington - Tricia Nixon, blonde daughter of President and Mrs. Nixon, will reign as Queen Azalea XVI at the International Azalea Festival in Norfolk, Va., April 23-27. Last year's queen was Luci Johnson Nuget. GETTING UP IH^UTC makes many nivn 19 feu oid Common Kidnex or Bladder Irrita tions make, many men and women feel tense and nervous from frequent, burning . Secondarily, you may fose sleep and have Headache. Backache and feel older, tired, depressed. In such cases. CYSTKX usually brings relavln^ comfort by curbing Irritat ing cerms In acid urine and quickly c.iiunn patn.i*et CYSTEX at druggists AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Rl PAIR HI ADQl'ARTERS EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL KINDS 01 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS MOST PARTS IN STOCK I OR PROMPT MUCH NT GUARANTEED SERVICE PETE SMITH'S GARAGE Rl. 3. Louisburg. N. C\ Plionv 49M983 RHODES PLUMBING & HEATING CO. ? AMERICAN STANDARD FIXTURES ? septic Tank instal lation ? FREE ESTIMATES ? ALL TYPES DITCHING ( Also Srwrr Mains And Services > REASONABLE PRICES! 1028 MAPLE ST. Henderson. N . or Phone 4:18-8411 Day or Night SUlf Wide l,k-cn*cs MfifS LEARN TO FLY r (Cessna 150) FLIGHT INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE FRANKLIN AIR FIELD Louisburg, N. C. Phone 496-4242 or 496-3256 After 5 P. M. S!S5 FORD DEALER ? RED-HOlfZPllSED CAR SALE! ? CAR HARD TO HUT UP? WHY DRIVE IT THROUGH ANOTHER WINTER? TRADE UP TO A RED HOT -GE>- USED CAR AT YOUR FORD DEALER'S, TODAYI 1963 FORD GALAXIE 4 OR. WARM UP WITH BIG SAVINGS AT YOUR FORD DEALER'S REDHOT USED CAR SALE! 1964 GALAXIE 2 DR. HARD-TOP 1963 WILLYS 4 DR. WAQON HOT SAVINGS on lop aaryice? Factory trainad mechanics are warmed up and ready at your Ford Oaalaf'i. 1967 PICK-UP IB SELECT SHIFT HOT SAVINGS DURING REDHOT -<5>-USED CAR SALE! Sm Your Ford D??l?r, Tod?yt RRIFFIN MOTOR COMPANY] 104 S. BJCKETT BLVD. LQUBBUKU, B. C. 1966 PICK-UP 6 CYL. 3 SPEED FOR HOT, MIDWINTER SAVINGS COME ON DOWN TO YOUR FORD DEALER S -J&- USED CAR SALE! 1968 GALAX IE AIR CONDITIONED HARO TOP 1967 LTD BLUE & BLACK CAR SHOT? GET A RED HOT BARGAIN ON OUR USED CARSI 1968 LTD BLACK & BLUE 1968 FAIRLANE 500 4 DR. POWER STEERING 1968 BEIGE FALCON 6 CYL. SELECT-SHIFT THE SAVINGS HUT IS ON At row Ford DMltf'i R*4 hot Ihtd Cm Sal# , 1