The Fr3 K??'V n Times ??"?m AH Of PrMklM Cw>t| Your Award Winning County Newspaper Thursday, April 3, 1969 LOCAL EDITORIAL COMMENT What W ill Replace It? There has been a great deal of discussion in recent days about a bill in the Legislature to abolish capital punishment. Proponents of the bill say that legal execution is inhuman and should be done away with. Op ponents say that the death penalty is seldom carried out, but is nevertheless a deterent to major crimes. We subscribe to the theory that rules, regulations and laws are things to be obeyed, not violated. When such proves unworkable or when it is found that such has been passed in error, the rules, regulations or law should be changed. In keeping with this theory, we believe that the General Assembly should address itself not to the aboli tion of capital punishment, but to amending existing laws to make it more effective. Sponsors of the bill say that rich people are never put to death and imply that the death pen alty is only carried out against the poor. This is perhaps true to some extent in all things in our judicial system as well as other segments of our society. The rich usually have a way of getting what they want and the poor have to take . what they can get. However, there are precautions al ready established to safeguard against this to a major degree. Court ap pointed attorneys and avenues of ap peal are always available to all, regard less of their social or financial stand ing. While it is true that very few incidences of execution have taken place in recent years, the death pen alty still acts as some deterent to those who fief y the law. It may not be perfect. Few things are. But it should not be abolished until something with the same deterring power is estab lished. We don't believe there is any other alternative. There may be some, punishment appropriate for such a crime as that committed against that little 13-year old school girl in Wallace but we doubt it. In New York- and it could happen here- ^twenty one members of the Black Panthers were arrested yes terday charged with planning to blow up sev^al department stores at peak shopping hours. The criminals also planned to blow up a police station and a commutor train. Had they succeeded and killed and maimed thousands, would the death penalty have' been sufficient? It would have come much closer to causing second thoughts among others so inclined than a pat on the wrist and a com mutable- and perhaps pardonable sentence. We have too long been willing to take the easy way. We have listened to the do-gooders until it is ho longer safe to go out of oifr homes at night. Our children are not safe coming from and going to school and in many parts of the country housewives are afraid to go to the comer grocery. We have pampered criminals; hand cuffed the police and taken some sort of moralistic pride in having a broad ened outlook. Coddling criminals has become the "in" thing. We have joined the smart set who want to change the world, but aren't willing to work at reasonable and responsible changes. We have become swept up in a tide of irrationality. Intellectuals have re placed common sense with theory. Projectiohs have replaced the old adage that history "always repeats it self. It is no different in crime. Somewhere in this land, there are others planning to blow something or somebody to kingdom come. Some where there is another little 13-year old girl unknowingly awaiting a fate similar to the one suffered by the grandchild of a county native. Faced with the certainty -not maybe or not at all -of death, there remains the possibility that these and other trage dies will not take"place. The death penalty should be kept and strengthened. Otherwise let the members of the General Assembly and other do-gooders take a trip to Wal lace and tell those bereaved parents what they think should replace it. HEW Is Hard To Please i Henderson, 1N.C.) Daily Dispatch Exactly what the Vance County Board of Education could order in the way of desegregation that would please the bureaucrats of the Depart ment of Health, Education and Wel fare is not clear. Every plan that has been worked out and sent to Washing ton has missed the mark so far as HEW is concerned. The attitude as sumed and refusals which regularly result add emphasis to the feeling that the primary interest is integration pure and simple, with actual educa tion of students of vastly lesser con cern. A spokesman for HEW as much as said that here some time ago. Every one is interested "in the best training possible for young people of both races, and the school board has tried to devise a program acceptable to local school patrons as well as the autocrats in the national capital. To say that it is a difficult, if not impos sible, objective is an under statement It has all along been our under standing that the Civil Rights Act ......i permitted the freedom of choice pro cedure. President Nixon as a candidate last fall said he favored that interpre tation. But he has reversed himself since taking office and chooses to go along with HEW, which only en courages that agency in its hard-boiled attitude. Not many of us can offer much comfort or hope to the school board in endeavoring to placate the people in Washington. The board's hope is to preserve as much as possible of the best of the schools rather than meekly submitting to government officials wrecking the schools by exercise of the authority they claim. Schools across the land can be better operated by local boards for the benefit of the students than by high-handed theorists in the capital. They have done an acceptable job in he past and there is no reason to suppose they would not continue to do so if given the chance and if dictators would keep hands off. The Fra^kjin Times Established 1870- Published Tuesdays & Thursdays by The Franklin Times. Inc. Bickett Blvd Dial GY0-3283 Louisburg. N. C. CLINT FULLER. Managing Editor EUZABjfrH JOHNSON, Business Manager NATIONAL EDITORIAL Advertising Rates Upon Request ASSOCIATION 1969 SUBSCRIPTION RATES In North Carolina: Out of State: On* Year. $4.64 ; Six Months, $2.83 On* Yaar, $6.60; Six Months, $4.00 Three Months, $2.06 Three Months, $3.60 Entered at second dau mall matter and postage paid at the Post OfTlcc _?i Loubbuig. N. C. 27349 'Prcsiih-iit \ixon >uys uc \Jnntlil handle imii/mK disorders ittirsell't's uitliout fedi'ral assistance . . LETTERS TO THE EDITOR More Pressing Issues To the Editor: Tom Innian sent me a clip ping of two recent editorials from your paper. Leo Jenkins and me, etc. I know it is hard to fill up a weekly edit column every _ week. I used to toil in that vineyard myself. And I am sure you feel very keenly about John C. Calhoun, the Confederate flag, and that sort of thing. But. my god. man, there are much more pressing issues, as only you can know much better than I. Admit tedly, I sit up here in an atmosphere far removed from what passes for reality in Franklin County. ^ Far from allowing you to be reckless, however, that gives you a much greater re sponsibility. Sure, I may be an "overzealous advocate of a cause." but what I say doesn't really mo\e many people on the scene. What you say does that every day and week. Of course, I suppose you are going to reply that all is well in Franklin County, that if onty overzealous some thing-or-other would stay away, all problems would dis appear * But if you say that to me. then I'll have to disagree. 1 may be removed from the scene, but I was born, grew up. and return frequently. 1 know that all is not well, all the problems arent over with. And I feel sure that a man with the trust and in fluence enjoyed by a weekly newspaper editor ought to have something more im portant than to fill up a column -one of the 104 he has in a year-with such irrele vant stuff, even if it does have the commendable attribute of fitting the hole. Best wishes. Roy Parker Jr. Washington Correspondent The News and Observer 1253 National Press Build ing Washington. I). C. 20004 h One Campus To The Editor : Your Editorial of March 11th. "Foolishness Long Enough," was sent to me and 1 wish to thank you for the complimentary remarks and implications you made con cerning Free Will Baptist Bible College. * We do believe that we have as wholesome a situation on our campus as you would find anywhere in America. One encouraging thing is that there is a host of young people in this country who prefer a climate of decency in which to receive their educa tion when given a choice. .'-Thank you for your nice comments. Yours truly, L. C. Johnson, President Free Will Baptist Bible College Nashville, Tennes see Old Memories To The Editor: I look forward each week to receiving my copies of THE FRANKLIN TIMES. In a recent Issue I enjoyed very much your article. The Monumen.t^ "Heroism Is Never Lost." I was born only a block from The Monument, and I was filled with nostalgia when 1 read your most inte resting article. I remember Dr. Malone, for part of my family was related' to his family. I also remember, as a very small boy in Mapleville. that great minister, the Rev. George M. Duke. Thank you for bringing back old memories. Sincerely, W. E. Uzzell, President Royal Crown Cola Co., Columbus, Georgia Report From Raleigh By Rep. John T. Church Raleigh ? Give a young man or woman a purpose and they will find their way. I believe there is a great deal of truth in this saying and this is the basic reason that I, along with several other legislators, are support ing a measure to establish and support youth councils across North Carolina. The title of the bill states its purpose: "to provide the >1. ?f North Carolina an oppor tunity to develop leadership skills and become responsi ble citi zens." In this day and time of u n c e r tainty and conruslon ana often misguidance among our young people I believe It is the responsibility of all our citizens to try to give more direction and encouragement. The youth councils bill would promote participation by young people in programs af fecting civic and governmen tal affairs. Thus far it has received very favorable res ponse The measure itself would set out a declaration of pur pose and create, by law, a Youth Advtaory Board, a State Youth Council and CHURCH Local Councils. This organizational system would function in both pub lic and nonpublic high schools and would involve young people of the ages of 16 through 18 and certain younger groups. The idea ls the teaching of citizenship asU development of leadership skills. It does not require appro priation of any tax money nor special appropriations from the state. The bill is to give official state recognition and backing to a program of this sort which I feel is need ed and would be very bene ficial in future years. The legislature is making substantial progress in many Essa 9 Orbits Cape Kennedy. Fla - Essa 9, the last in the present group of storm -hunting weather satellites, has success fully orbited. The spacecraft carried two cloud-seeing camera systems for a daily view of weather around near ly the entire earth. U.S. Wounded Saigon. South Vietnam ? The number of , American wounded thus far in the Viet nam war has risen to more than 2f)0,790. This figure is only 4.000 less than the total wounded in World War I The first seven weeks of 1969 showed U. S. casualties num bered 1.218 killed and ft.486 wounded. directions. We h^ve a great many bills in committee at the present time and ajl arp receiving careful study and analysis. I do not see any advantage in undue haste in acting on various bills 'of statewide importance and I think the public realizes and recognizes the importance of giving everyone an oppor tunity to be heard. I do favor certain bills now up for floor action which would allow county commis sioners to fix local salary scales -those of members of the board of commissioners, the chairmaii, sheriff and reg ister of deeds in the several counties. It has been the duty : of members of the legislature to do this in past sessions, and perhaps will be during this session. I have been pre paring legislation affecting salaries of certain officials for Vance County. In 1967, it was our duty to fix salaries for certain court official but this has been removed by the uniform district courts act of 1967 I' feel that local officials, elected by the people, can and should .assume this re sponsibility and that they will do so responsibly. Among the committees, the joint Appropriations and Finance committees are the most active. These groups are equally divided among mem bers of the legislature and meet almost dally. During this session the procedure is ii li fc'COME y to f THINK OF IT..." by frank count Dear Readers. This is Frank's "Little ole Woman." You been reeding about me in that column of his in that there county paper. I not to thinking that it was high time I had my say to you* ill w hose been reeding his column. He's alius talking about how I don't let him walk in my L'leen house. He sa\s that I hollar at him when he trys to get in his own House, but I lets the cleaning man cum in and I acts reel nice to everybody else. Them fellers acshully looks at me and talks reel nice words to me. Frank he jest shuffles and waddles in heading strait to his papper and his cumfort chair and his "Cra/\ Box" (T.V.V. He never wants to know nothin but, when, his vittles is going to be ready. That talking part don't bother me much cause he jest knows them ball games and politics. He don't know nothin interesting to a woman. He's forgot all them purty words he used when he wuz trying to git me to becum his "help meet". I don't care if he rits colums and watches ball games and poleetics and watches mini-skirts, but when he laffed about legislatures put tin a prke on females he got my dander up. He thanks I can't read much, but what he don't know is I ? mS I II. II I ?llll III UIll VII them night schools foF a refresher course, so I cud reed his writin. Now I know what he said about that price on females. I got me a plan. I'm going over there to Kally and meet with them Legislature Wives in that Queen Klizabeth Cabinet. Pm a gonna gel them to work on their husbans to get this worth y of females worked up. Then when Frank gits his pay for me, I'm gonna Use the old CS T Y II P Plan (Cioing Through Your Husband's Pockets Plan). I'm going to writ Minny Peal for the latest in fashions; buy me some new clothes and start gitting out in the world. I heer that travel eddicates one. so I figur that I will git enough money to take a fur piece. By the time I git thru with that Frank ('guilt he'll have some thing else to think about. I might even git to that new Figure and Health Center I hear is coming to town. I'd better go git the t hitter lins re**dy. The Little Ole Woman 1*1 siime folks ijet near a typewriter and right off . . they think they're Frank Count (iive 'em a pencil and they think they're a writer. '1 I ain't quite sure the little woman wrote this. Soon's I got it. I went to the bank and borrowed all i rould . . (jive it to her and I airi't seen her since. There just ain't no Idling how good it made me feel when she or her facimile wrote that she wanted to start "gillintj" out in the world. I'm for that alright I noticed she wrote that travel educates one. I always heard it broadened one. And if there is anything my little woman don't need . . . it's broadening. If you know what I mean. But now that she's said she is gilting out. in the world I reckon the world ought to be warned. It may not be prepared for the chock. Since I am a true-blue citizen and believe in being fair I am putting her picture in this coltfmn today Several folks have been asking me to do this, but I was afraid the sight might give the children some kind of newros-sises. Actually, it ain't a real picture of her. But you knowed that, didn't you. It's a drawing of her. It don't look much like her. It was done when she was young. She sure did love to stir that wash pot back in them days. Folks dont stir wash pots much anymore. Thinks sure do change. I used to love to sit on the door steps and watch her stir that pot> She was a sight to behold. But. time has look its toll. She ain't as young as she used to be and as you can see by the likeness shown here, she ain't quite as pretty neither. But if you see her now that she's gitting out. don't shoot. Just send her home. It's near bout supptr time. (P.S. And if you-don't think ole Frank knows who wrote that letter, just wait until I get around to it. You're gonna be sorrree.) to break these big "money" committees into smaller groups or subcommittees to study tax and appropriations proposals more closely. It is the general feeling that this method will lead to more efficiency and also a closer look at actually what is being done with our tax dollars. A proposal hat beltn made to give the General Amembly its own budget overseer with out relying upon the Budget Bureau in the Department of Administration. This presents interesting possibilities. I do not know whether it is neces sary but I feel that a closer look at state spending would be a very good idea. Our state budget has reached a record high and ad fee that if there is waste and "fat" in it, it should be cut out. H>ere are too many press ing problems and needs by the state of North Carolina to be wasting money anywhere in our record high budget