Classified Ads. RATES regular IV" 1 M CLASSIFIED .06 par word minimum $1.00 par insertion ? .50 per run service on keyed ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .84 per column inch. MEMORIAMS same as Classified Display. All Classified ads must be paid in advance. FOR SALE FOR SALE ? Travel trailer. 1965 Nomands trailer. Good condition. Jiggs Per ry, 3 N. Second St.. Frank linton. 3/27; 4/3 pd. ONE of the finer things of I ife -Blue Lustre carpet cleaner. Rent electric shampooer $1. H. C. Tay lor. 4/3 ch. SPRING HAS SPRUNG! It's that time of the year to fix up, clean up, paint up. No job never too small or too large. We do them all. Call us for free estimates. L. D. Champion Paint ,?p. 496-3540. 4/1,3 pd. ' FOR SALE * Dried stove wood. See Jipp Gilliam of White I^evel near M. G. Gilliam's store. 4/1, 3 pd. FOR SALE - 3 bedroom, brick home, 2 baths, large kitchen, family room, basement, electric heat, air condition. FHA financed at 5'A%. 213 Hillsborough St., Franklinton, N. C. Shown by appointment. Contact T. F. East, Attor ney, Perry Bldg.. Louis burg, N. C. Phone 496-4618. 4/1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17 ch. SAW TIMBER and pulp ' wood near Wood. Old Ben Wood farm. Bids in by April 15. Owner reserve right to reject or accept. Richard Mewborn, First Citizens Bank Hi Trust Co., Louisburg, N. C. 4/1, 3, 8, 10 ch. BRICK HOME, 1690 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, screen porch; 19,000 sq. ft. lot. Avery Dennis, 106 Edgewood Dr. 3/25, 27; 4/1, 3 pd. HAVE 300 more bales top quality Soybean Hay - See Frank Read or call 496-4302 after six. 3/27 Th Hi Tu tf ch. FOR A NEW Chevrolet car or truck see George Baugh man at Rowe Chev.JJyick. He will deal your way. 4/3 ch. 65 CHEVROLET USED CAR SALE! 1963 FORO GALAXIE 4 DR. 1968 LTD BLACK h BLUE CAR SHOT? GET A RED HOT BARGAIN ON OUR USED CARSI 1967 LTD BLUE & BLACK 1963 WILLY& 4 DR. WAGON 1967 PICK-UP 18 SELECT SHIFT TOE SAVINGS HEAT IS ON M your Fort Dealer's MMvlMCvSilii Legal Notice such property shall be listed on the tax records at the | valuation required by law; and the said Board shall, cor rect the tax records of each township so that they will conform with the provisions of law: the said board will request, hear any and all tax payers with respect to the valuation of property: the Board will examine and re view the tax lists of each township for the current year, and will of its own motion or on sufficient cause shown by any person, list and assess any real or personal property or poll subject to taxation in the County omit ted from said lists: and will correct all errors in the name of persons in the description of property and in the assess ment and valuation of any taxable property appearing on said fists: and will correct all errors in the name of persons in the description of property and in he assessment and valuation of any taxable property appearing on said lists: and will increase or re duce the assessed value of any property which in their opinion shall have been re turned below or above the valuation required by law; and will otherwise comply with the provisions of said Section 105327 of the Gen eral Statutes of North Caro lina. 1943. The first meeting of said Board of Equalization and Review will meet and con vene in the County Tax Of fice at 217 Court Street. DECORATE FOR SPRING WITH MAYWOOD REDI-SHUTTERS MOVABLE LOUVERS Available In Many Sizes WILSON BUILDING SUPPLY PHONE 496-3722 LOUISBURG, N.C. Are you satisfied with your present job? Would you like to make more than $5000.00 and $6000.00 per year? Age 21 to 55 Wonderful opportunity for a c areer in the Convenience I ood Store field with: KWIK-PIK MARKETS, Inc. Offers excellent future, top salary and commission, rapid advancement, good working conditions, paid vacation, in surance plan, paid training period. For Raleigh-Wilson area. APPLY 9:00 A.M. To 9:00 P.M. FRIDAY - SATURDAY SAUNDERS STREET KWIK ? PIK South Saunders Street Raleigh, N. C. or write Robert D. Lancaster P. O. Box 14126, Raleigh, N. C. "Where Every Customer Is Important" FORD INSURANCE AGENCY WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE 612 BICKETT BLVD PHONE 496-3828 LOUISBURG NIGHTS 496-4708 COME IN AND HAVE YOUR INCOME TAX RETURN PREPARED BY B. DON&LOCKSON LICENSED accountant Formerly In the Masonic Building now at C. C. Alston's Funeral's Home 616 South Main Street Louisburg, N. C. Hours 10 A.M. - 8 P.M., Mon.. Tu??., Thun., Frt. Closed Wednesday 9 A.M. 7 P.M. Saturdays Phone For Sunday Appointments ? 496-4887 Legal Notice Louisburg, North Carolina, at 10 o'clock A.M. on Monday, the 14th day of April, 1949 and will adjourn Friday, April 18th, 1969. This the lit day of April, 1969. C. W. STROTHER, Tax Supervisor for the County of Franklin 4/3,8, 10 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified at Ad ministrator of the estate of Mary Reid Daniel Hardison, deceased, late of Franklin County. North Carolina, thia is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 4th day of October, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 1st day of April. 1969. John F. Gonella, Franklinton, N. C., Adm'r. 4/3, 10.17.24 An efficiency expert is one who believes that It is easier to get someone else to work than to do the work. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HI PAIR HI ADQUARTERS EXPERT REPAIR f SERVICE ON ALL KINDS 01 | AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS | MOST PARTS IN STOC K I OR PROMPT l l l ic 11 NT guarantied service PETE SMITH'S GARAGE Rt, 3. Louisbiirg. N. C. Phone 496-4983 FREE LISTENING DEVICE WILL HELP YOU ENJOY YOUR FAVORITE RADIO-TV PROGRAMS A new, easy to wear, hear ing device is now being of fered free of cost to you people with faded hearing by Professional Hearing Aid Cen ter dealer for Miracle Ear Hearing Aids. It will help greatly to reduce the strain of listening to your radio and TV programs. This marvelous little electronic device, while not a hearing aid, has proven to be a great blessing to thoae with impaired hearing, and helpful to all those around them. Hardly a day goes by that we are not thanked for the amazing help derived from this tiny device. Do you have trouble hearing in church or when two or more people are present? Do you hear the sound but fail to understand the words? Are you bothered by so-called mumblers? Just pick up the phone and dial 782-0146, giving your name and address. Or write Professional Hearing Aid Center, 335 North Hills Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27609. It will cost you nothing to have this new electronic de vice sent to you without ob ligation. It may help you as K * has helped so many others. Please, for people with ? hearing problem only - on* to a person. Adv. BANK WITH CONFIDENCE ALL BANKING TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL SAVINGS? CHECKING? LOANS? TRUSTS? INSURANCE Citizens Bank & Trust Co. ( a Henderson, N. C. "THE LEADING BANK IN THIS SECTION" 1889-79 YEARS OF SERVICE I. SECURITY-1968