Classified Ads. RATES REGULAR InM I tj CLASSIFIED .06 par word minimum $1.00 per insertion ? .50 per ran service on keyed ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .84 par column inch. MEMORIAMS same as Classified Display. All Classified ads must be paid in advance. FOR SALE FOR SALE - 3 bedroom, brick home, 2 baths, large kitchen, family room, basement, electric heat, air condition. FHA financed at 5%%. 213 Hillsborough St., Franklinton, N. C. Shown by appointment. Contact T. F. East. Attor ney, Perry Bldg., Louis burg, N. C. PJione 496-4618. 4/1, 3, 8, 10 15, 17 ch. SAW TIMBER and pulp wood near Wood. Old Ben Wood farm. Bids in by April 15. Owner reserve right to reject or accept. Richard Mewborn, First Citizens Bank & Trust Co., Louisburg, N. C. 4/1, 3, 8 ' 10 ch. HAVE 300 more bales top quality Soybean Hay ? See Frank Read or call 496-4302 after six. 3/27 Th&Tutfch. FOR SALE ? One 1500 bushel grain bin, Senter Draw. Funnel type $480.00. Located near Pine Ridge, C. H. Spann, 269-8536, Zebulon. 4/1,8 pd. YOU saved and slaved for wall to wall carpet. Keep it new with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. H. C. Taylor 4/8 ch. SOYBEANS for sale. Bragg and Dare, germination 90+. Wilder Bros. Farm Supply, Route 2, Franklin ton. Telephone 494-7349. 4/3 Th & Tu tf ch. FOR SALE - Wood, electric and coal combination stove, good condition. Fred Mitchell, Bunn - 496-4564. 4/8, 10 15 pd. PINTO HORSE for sale cheap. 853-2833 or 496-5653. Tom Jones, Centerville, N. C. 4/8, 10 pd. WANTED - Reliable man to learn shipping and receiv ing work. Good benefits. Apply by calling 496-5121 between 8 and 5 Monday thru Friday. 4/3. 8 ch. Few individuals dispute those who assert that they have unusual talent. Classified Ads EXTRA INCOME OPPOR TUNITY ? Reliable man or woman. No selling. Refill and collect from new type coin-ppeated dispensers in your area. We secure loca tions. Must have car, ref erences, $650 to $2000 cash investment for equip ment and inventory. Ten hours weekly can net ex cellent income. For per sonal interview, write, in cluding phone number to Cal-Ton Supply, Inc., 403 No. Tryon Avenue, Char lotte. North Carolina 28202. 4/8 pd. NSTRUCTIO I S. CIVIL SERVICE TESTS! - Men-women 18 and over. Secure jobs. High pay. Short hours. Ad vancement. Thousands of job.s open. Preparatory training as long as requir ed. Experience usually un necessary. FREE informa WANTED TO BUY - Piano in good condition. Call Brentwood Rest Home. 496-5696. 4/8, 10 ch. NOTICE WE SPREAD lime and fer tilizer for less. L. H. Dickens & Son, Rt. 2, Louisburg. 853-2117. ' 11/26 Tutfch. NOTICE - Take your mowers to the man who knows mowers. H. G. Leonard, 512 Kenmore - 496-3638. 4/3, 8 pd. Legal Notice NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZA TION AND REVIEW FOR 1969 Under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sec tion 105327 of the General Statutes of 1943, the Board of Commissioners of the County of Franklin will meet and convene as the County Board of Equalization and Review of Franklin County for the purpose of equalizing the valuation of all property in he County to the end that such property shall be listed on the tax records at the valuation required by law; BUGS? TERMITES? RODENTS?' WHEN THESE MONSTERS INVADt-VOUR PROPERTY CAU BRUCE TERMINI* M The Monster Fighters ! TERMINIX SERVICE. INC. WILSON BUILDING SUPPLY Gy. 6-3722 The Nationwide Pest Prevention Service I6A - SAVE YOUR TAPE GAME - $( ( ( FOR YOU ^ ^ J EACH WEEK. IN IGA'S SAVE YOUR TAPE GAME Be A Winner - Trade IGA "ST" $25.00 ANOTHER CHANCE TO WIN! MATCH YOUR AUTO LICENSE IJUMBER WITH NUMBER POSTED IN YOUR IGA STORE WIN $5.00 NEW NO. POSTED EACH DAY. Legal Notice and the said Board shall, cor rect the tax records of each township so that they will conform with the provisions of law; the said board will request, hear any and all tax payers with respect to the valuation of property; the Board will examine and re view the tax lists of each township for the current year, and will of its own motion or on sufficient cause shown by any person, list and assess any real or personal property or poll subject to taxation in the County omit ted from said lists; and will correct all errors in the name of persons in the description of property and in the assess ment and valuation of any taxable property appearing on said lists; and Will correct all errors in the name of persons in the description of property and in he assessment and valuation of any taxable property appearing on said lists; and will increase or re duce the assessed value of any property which in their opinion shall have been re turned below or above the valuation required by law; and will otherwise comply with the provisions of said Section 105327 of the Gen eral Statutes of North Caro lina. 1943. The first meeting of said Board of Equalization and Review will meet and con vene in the County Tax Of fice at 217 Court Street, Louisburg, North Carolina, at 10 o'clock A.M. on Monday, the 14th day of April, '1969 and will adjourn Friday, April 18th, 1969. This the 1st day of April, 1969. C. W. STROTHER, Tax Supervisor for the County of Franklin 4/3, 8, 10 SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY contained in a Deed of Trust of Samuel M. Fishel and wife, Ruth E. Fishel, to Charles C. Cam eron, Trustee, dated Novem ber 28, 1961, recorded in the office of the Register of PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Richard C. Whitfield Optometrist Louisburg, N. C. Ground Floor Dr. Perry's * Building Hours: 1:30 to 5:00 P.M. Phone Daily Except GY 6-4166 Wed. JOHN F. MATTHEWS Attorney & Counsellor at Law Practice In All Courts 215 Court Street Ph. 496-3523 or 496-3486 Louisburg, N. C. Hours by Appointment LUMPKIN 6 LUMPKIN Attorneys at Law Louisburg, N. C. Ground Floor Office Next to Harris Pharmacy Practice in Franklin & Surrounding Counties, and in Federal Court HILL YARBOROUGH CHARLES YARBOROUGH Lawyers Ground Floor Office in Yarborough Bldg on Main St Second Building from Post Office Louisburg. N. C. Telephone: GY 6-3185 General Practice in all Courts LOUISBURG MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY Homeowner, Life, Hospitalization, Annuities, Business. Hail Gene Pleasants 207 N. Main Street Louisburg, N. Bus. Phone 496-5*25 Res. Phone 496-5370 Legal Notice Deeds of Franklin County, j North Carolina* in Book 573. ' Page 2. default, having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the under signed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for | cash at the Courthouse door in Louisburg. North Carolina-, at Noon on FRIDAY, MAY 2. 1969 The property conveyed in | said Deed of Trust, described , as follows: That certain tract or parcel ; of land lying and being in the Town of Franklinton. Frank- j lin County, State of North Carolina lying on the West side of North Hillsboro Street and being described as fol lows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the southern corner of the. intersection of Hills boro Street and Fishel Street; thence North 50 deg. 45' W,est 132.0 ft. to an iron stake in the line of Lot No. 6; thence along the line of lot No. 6 and Lot No. 3 South 39 deg. 15' West 79.8 ft. to the line of Lot No. 2; thence along the line of Lot No. 2 South 50 deg. 45' East 131.9 ft. to an iron stake on the Western edge of Hillsboro Street; thence along the edge of said street. North 40 deg. 15' East 80.0 ft. to an iron stake and the point of the Beginning, said metes and bounds description being taken from Map entitled "Subdivision in the Town of Franklinton Survey for Samuel Fishel by Phil R. In scoe, Registered Surveyor dated August 1957" and being recorded in Map and Cornerstone Book 4 at Page 102, Franklin County Regis try, reference to said Map being hereby made for a more complete and adequate de scription thereof and this tract being Lot No. 3 of the Fishel Subdivision, and this being a portion pf that tract or parcel of land conveyed to Samuel M. Fishel by Mattie B. Yar bo rough et als as re corded in Book 516, Page 568, Franklin County Regis try. And this conveyance is made subject to the condi tions and covenants con tained in that certain Agree ment dated the 5th day of August. 1967, and recorded in Book 524, Page 587, Franklin County Registry, said covenants are hereby in corporated in this conveyance by reference thereto in every respect as if fully described herein. The successful bidder at Legal Notice said sale wiH be required to i deposit ten per cent (lCTc) of the amount bid with he Trus tee, as evidence of good faith. This the 31st day of March, 1969. CHARLES M. DAVIS, Substitute Trustee 4/8. 15, 22. 29 ADMINISTRATOR'S NO-1 TICE Having qualified as Admin istrator of the estate of Mar tha H. McGhee. deceased, late of Franklin County. North ! Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims againsl the estate of said deceased to 1 exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 18th day of September. 1969. or I this notice will be pleaded in | bar of their recovery. All per- i sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 13th day of j March. 1969. D. C. Hicks. Sr., Adm'r. j W. P. Pearce. Jr.. Attorney 3/18. 25; 4/1, 8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given to all persons, firms and corpo rations having claims against the estate of Arthur Thomas Howell, late of R.F.D. No. X, Louisburg, North Carolina, to exhibit the same to tlje un dersigned Executor, or to his Attorney, on or before the 3rd day pf November, 1969. or this notice wifl be pleaded In bar of recovery thereon. This 28 March 1969. JOHN RUSSELL EDWARDS Executor of Arthur Thomas Howell John F. Matthews. Attorney 215 Court Street Louisburg, N. C. 4/1, S, 15,22 By the time most of us get old enough to understand the value of rest and recreation it does us little good. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REPAIR HEADQUARTERS i-Arr.R i REPAIR * SERVICE ON ALL KINDS OF automatic transmissions MOST PARTS IN STOCK FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT GUARANTEE^ SERVICE PETE SMITH'S GARAGE Rt. 3, Louisburg, N. C. Phone 496-4983 More affordable than rust! Kaiser Aluminum Twin-Rib9* roofing Your best roofing and siding buy. Won't rust. Won't need painting. Keeps build ings up to 15? cooler in summer, warmer in winter. Now is the time to buy? be cause we have a carload ! 4- M t OUR INC OUR RUST BUSTCR CARiOAO SPECIAL L0UISBUR6 FCX SERVICE k BICKETT 8LVD. LOUISBURG, N. C. SAM WOOD, MGR. BANK WITH CONFIDENCE ALL BANKING TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL SAVIN6S? CHECKING? LOANS? TRUSTS? INSURANCE Citizens Bank & Trust Co. I Henderson, N. C. "THE LEADING BANK IN THIS SECTION" 1889-79 YEARS OF SERVICE t SECURITY-1968 Recluse Leaves Fortune Delmont. Pa. ? Miss Ann McQuiken Kepple died re cently leaving a fortune of SI. 250.000. The 89-year-old recluse used k flashlight to save electricity and had no toilet facilities indoors. Her 1 will directed her fortune to go to 20 educational institu (ions in Switzerland. Cab Robberies Drop New York ? The owners of j the 6.800 fleet taxicabs here reported There had t>een a sharp decline in assaults and | robberies on cab drivers the j last half of 1968. About 4.000 policemen received taxi licenses and drove cabs during off-duty hours and the instal- j lation of partitions helped to I reduce the assaults Recalls Trucks Detroit - The Dodge divi sion of the Chrysler Corpora tion has recalled 20,306 trucks for repla^ergent of front wheel parts and inspec tion for possible brake de fects. CARPET NEEDS VISIT TAYLOR S FLOOR COVERING SHOP FEATURING 625 PIFFFRENT CAPPED SAMPLES TO CHOOSq FROM. PRICE FROM p 95 TO 17.95 SO. YD. CARPETS FOR HOMES AND CHURCHES FREE ESTIMATES [MAHDWARE I FURNITURE 1 Church services are still being held every Sunday? just like they were when you were taught to go regularly. Goodness is not a compari son. USED TRACTOR BARGAINS 1 ? 4000 Ford Diesel w/Live P.T.O. 1-960 Ford Gas w/Live P.T.O. and Front Manure Loader 1 - Dexta Diesel w/Live .P.T.O. 2 ? 35 Ferguson Diesels. 3 Cylinder w/Live P.T.O. 1-65 F erguson w/Live P.T.O. 1 - To-20 Ferguson Above tractors recondition ed. repainted, and new tires where necessary. Equipment for above trac ers: Plows. Harrows. Scoops. Tillers. Rotary Cut ters. Cultivators. Rakes, and Balers. NEW FORD TRACTORS GASOLINE & DIESEL SALES & SERVICE FARM TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC. Telephone Geneva 8 8185 P. O. Box 727 Henderson. N. C.. ? Education is not to be confused with going to col lege-not these days. You're not lost for help if you have en independent insurance agent. He's on vour side when you need him most, ready to represent your interests first, reedy to give you service beyond the call of duty We're independent agents. Call us any time. HODGES INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Gy 6-3565 N MAIN ST. Louisburg. N. C. ftCHEN "*1*1 "''Off s\osi*000 HANDU s 12 W' FROZEN FOOD KNIFi ll'/i" BUTCHCR KNIFI f" u 4'/," PARING KNIfl slffj The Perfect Set For Every Kitchen Limit 2 sets per customer additional $1.88 set Thomas Woods S. MAIN STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. WHY PLOW CORN !! WE ARE NOW EQUIPPED TO APPLY ATRAZINE ? NITR06EN SOLUTION COMBINATION ON CORN. ? \ FULL LINE OF SMITH-DOUGLASS FERTILIZERS & FARM CHEMICALS Have Vorlex For Nematodes & Black Shank For Tobacco CONTACT LaVerne Gupton, Agent PHONE 853-2144 CENTERVILLE, N.C. . SMITH DOUGLASS AUCTION SALE 10 A.M. Sat. April 12,1969 FORD'S WAREHOUSE INVENTORY OF Home Furniture Company = Going Out of Business Sale = PRACTICALLY ALL NEW MERCHANDISE FOR FURNISHING YOUR HOME ALL SALES FINAL TERMS CASH Nelms Auction Company

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