Classified Ads. RATES REGULAR 1 C,J CLASSIFIED .06 par word minimum $1.00 par insertion ? .SO par run sarvice on kayad ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .84 par column inch. MEMORIAMS same at Classified Display. All Classified ads must be paid in advance. FOR SALE IT'S Inexpensive to clean rugs and upholstery with Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham pooer $1. H. C. Taylor. 5/6 ch. FOR SALE -- 1962 Rambler. Call Gy6-3024. 5/6, 8 ch. FOR SALE - 1 used wringer type washing machine - good condition. Phone 496-3769. 5/6 pd. FOR SALE ? Fire extin guishers. We- carry a com plete line for business, home, marine and land ve hicles. Call or see Allen Person, Person Machine Shop. 496-3331, Louis burg. 5/6 Tu & Th tf ch. FOR SALE - 1 milk cow. Joe Tant, Route 2, Zebulon. 5/6, 8 pd. FOR SALE: Nice cabbage and tomato plants. Con tact Bud Ball, 109 Mill Street, Franklinton. 5/6, 8 Pd LOTS FOR SALE - near rec reation center. Ronald Tharrington Koad. Phone. 853-2833 496-5653. 4/24, 29; 5/1,6 pd. SOYBEANS for sale. Bragg and Dare, germination 90+. Wilder Bros. Farm Supply, Route 2, Franklin ton. Telephone 494-7349. 4/3 Th & Tu tf ch. TRAILER FOR SALE 12 x 60. ftirkway. Good shape, 1965 model, air condi tioned. Call 496-4298. 4/22 Tu& Th tf ch. USED tables and counters for sale. Cheap. At Leggett's in Louisburg. 4/15 - 5/15 ch. STOCK Franklinton swim ming pool for sale. Con tact J. L. Pergerson at Perk's Barber Shop. 4/24 Th. &Tutfch. NSTRUCTIO I U. S. CIVIL SERVICE TESTS! - Men-women 18 and over. Secure . jobs. High pay. Short hours. Ad vancement. Thousands of jobs open. Preparatory training as long as requir ed. Experience usuaHy un necessary. FREE informa tion on jobs, salaries, re quirements. Write today giving name, address and phone. Lincoln Service, Pekin NC 27-3P. Illinois 5/6-13-20-27 pd. SERVICE WE SPREAD lime and fer tilizer for lest. L. H. Dickens & Son, Rt. 2, Louisburg. 853-2117. 11/26 Tu tf ch. Help Wanted ADD to your income. Part time work available. No experience, write Mr. E. A. Walton, NCE 2-350, P. 0, Box 7555, Richmond, Va. 5/6 ch. If you think about it, cig arette commercials contain nothing which makes sense. Legal Notice ADMINISTRATRIX NO TICE Having qualified as Admin istratrix of the estate of Ed mund Ray Harris, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 15th day of October, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 10th day of April, 1969. Hazel B. Harris. Adm'rx. 4/15, 22, 29; 5/6 EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Execu trix of the estate of Eugene Edward Perry, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 29th day of October, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 28th day of April, 1969. Justine Hicks Perry, Rt. 2, Zebulon, N. C., , . Executrix 4/29; 5/6, 13, 20 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICA TION STATE OF NORTH CARO LINA FRANKLIN COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE, DISTRICT COURT DIVISION HATTIE N. ARRINGTON, Plaintiff, VS: HUBERT ARRINGTON, Defendant. TO: Hubert Arrington TAKE NOTICE THAT A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is for an abso lute divorce. You are hereby required to make defense to such pleading not later than twenty days after the 5th day of June, 1969, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 1st day of May, 1969. RALPH S. KNOTT Clerk Superior Court Franklin County, North Carolina 5/6, 13, 20, 27 E. C. Bulluck Attorney at Law Louis burg,. North Carolina NOTftJE OF SALE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF: WAC CAMAW BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. GUAR DIAN OF MARY BETSY FAUCETTE. INCOMPE TENT Under and by virtue of an Order of the Superior Court of Franklin County made and entered in that special pro ceeding entitled, "In the Mat ter of Waccamaw Bank and Truit Company. Guardian of Mary Betty Faucett, Incom petent," the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of May. 1969. at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Court House door in Louis burg. Franklin County. North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash "All the right, title, and interest of Mary Betsy Faucett. incom petent" in and to that certain tract of land lying and being in the Town of Youngsvllle. Franklin County. North Caro Una. and being more partic ularly described as follows: Being Lots 46. 47, and 48 WHAT YOU WANT IN A FARM LOAN IS... Convenient Payments Pre-payment Privileges Good Service Fair Treatment Safety Dependability Low Cost You Get Them All in a LAND BANK LOAN For Further Information Contact GERALD S. WHITE On Wednesday* 10 A. M. - 1 P. M. At Tar Heel P. C. A. Office Louhbun, N. C., Phone 496-8367 Legal Notice as they are platted, planned, and recorded in Book of Maps 1 at Page 190. Franklin County registry, said map be ing entitled "Map of property of D. W. Spivey." It is to be expressly under stood, and notice is hereby given, than the interest being sold in the above described property is. "All the right, title, and interest of Mary Betsy Faucett. incompetent." A ten percent (10'i) de posit will be required of the successful bidder at the time of said sale to guaranty com pliance with said bid and to be forfeited upon noncom pliance. This sale is a judicial sale and is subject to the laws relating thereto. This the 21st day of April. 1969. Conrad B. Sturges. Jr.. Commissioner 4/22, 29; 5/6, 13 SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY contained in a Deed of Trust of Phillip M. Perry and wife, Janice M. Perry, to Charles C. Cameron, Trustee, dated June 24, 1964, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, North Carolina, in Book 620, Page 144, default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to fore closure, the undersigned Sub stitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Louis burg, North Carolina, at Noon on FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1969 the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust, described as follows: A certain lot or parcel of land situate in the Town of Franklinton, Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, lying on the south side of East College Street and the west side of Dunston Avenue and more particularly described as fol lows: BEGINNING at the point of the intersection of Dun ston Avenue with College Street; thence S. 13 degrees 15 minutes East 90.5 feet along Dunston Avenue to a stake; thence N. 68 degrees 30 minutes West 80 feet to a stake; thence N. 22 degrees 00 minutes East 90 feet to a stake on College Street; thence S. 68 degrees 30 minutes East 65.5 feet along College Street to the point of BEGINNING, according to Map and survey made by Phil R. Inscoe, R.L.S., June 15, 1954, for Phillip M. Perry and Janice M. Perry. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to deposit ten per cent (10%) of the amount bid with the Trustee, as evidence of good Wh. \Thi* the 5th day of April, 1969. \ CHARLES M. DAVIS, Substitute trustee 4/15,22. 29; 5/6 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION NORTH (iAdoLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY B. F. LEWIS, T/A LEWIS FARM SUPPLY, Plaintiff ,. vs. PINE RIDGE RECREATION AND SWIM CLUB, INC., De fendant UNDER AND BY VIR TUE of an execution directed to the undersigned Sheriff from the Superior Court df Franklin County, North Caro lina. in the above-entitled ac tion. I will on the 16th day of May, 1969. at 12:00 o'clock Noon at the door of the Legal Notice Franklin County Courthouse in Louisburg. North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all right, title and interest Pine Ridge Recrea tion and Swim Club. Inc. now as or at any time at or after the docketing of the Judg ment in said action had in and to the following describ ed real estate lying and being in Dunn Township, Franklin County. North Carolina, and being more particularly de scribed as follows: BEGINNING in the center of State Road No. 1736 in corner for T. E. Mullen: thgnce along the line of T. E. Mullen. S. 373.00 ft. to an iron pipe, new corner for Thaddeus E. Hinnant. Jr. and wife. Erma Jean B. Hinnant: thence along a new line for Thaddeus E. Hinnant. Jr. and wife. Erma Jean B. Hinnant. N. 72 deg. 38' W. 183.90 ft. to an iron pipe; thence N. 17 deg. 39' W. 428.30 ft. to the center of State Road No. 1736. new corner for Thad deus E. Hinnant. Jr. and wife. Erma Jean B. Hinnant; thence along the center of State Road No. 1736, S. 73 deg. 32' E. 318.40 ft. to point of beginning, containing 2.04 acres, by survey of Harold B. Mullen. R.L.S., dated May 31, 1968, entitled, "Property Survey for Pine Ridge Recrea tion and Swim Club, Inc., D unn Township, Franklin County, N. C." and being a portion of that 28 acres of land conveyed by Ivan W. Beddingfield and wife, The) ma A. Beddingfield, to Thad deus E. Hinnant, Jr. and wife, Erma Jean B. Hinnant. by Deed dated May 13, 1958, recorded in Book 537, Page 219, Franklin Registry, and being the same land conveyed to Pine Ridge Recreation and Swim Club, Inc., by Deed recorded in Book 664, Page 348, Franklin County Regis try. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to make a ten per cent (10%) deposit of the amount bid as evidence of good faith, said deposit to be forfeited for non-compliance. This the 15th day of April, 1969. W. T. Dement, Sheriff of Franklin County, North Carolina 4/22, 29; 5/6, 13 NOTICE FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICA TION IN THE DISTRICT COURT NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY GEORGE S. SMITH, Plaintiff vs. ROXIE BATTLE SMITH, Defendant To Roxie Battle Smith: . Take notice that a plead ing seeking relief against you has been filed In the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Thli is an action to secure an absolute divorce on the grounds of separation for one year. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than June 12. 1969. and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This the 17th day of April, 1969. Anne S. Smith. Asst. Clerk of the Superior Court 4/22. 29; 5/6, 13 NOTICE OF SALE OF VAL UABLE REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY Under and by virtue of an Order by the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, made in the special proceeding entitled "In the Matter of Charles M. Davis, Guardian of Laura Cooke Legal Notice Harris", theundersigned com missioner will on the 30th day of *lay. 1969 at 12 00 o'clock noon, at the Court Hduse Door in Louisburg. North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, upon an opening ? bid of SI. 200. 00. that certain five acre tract of land situate, lying, and being in Sandy Creek Township. Franklin County. North Carolina, and being more particularly des cribed as follows: Being the identical tract of land devised to Laura Cooke Harris by Will of B. P. Harris, said Will being recorded in Will Book X. Page 350. in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County. North Carolina, ref erence to said Will being here by made for a more adequate description to said real estate. ? The successful bidder at said sale wi|l be required to post a deposit of ten (10) per cent of the amount bid with the undersigned commis sioner as evidence of good faith,- to be forfeited upon noncompliance. This the 28lh day of April. 1969. CONRAD B STURC.ES, Commissioner 5/6, 13,20, 27 NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY Under and by virtue of an Order of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, made in the special proceedings entitled "lrma Thomas Vaughan et als, vs. Wilson Vaughan et als," the undersigned Commissioners will on the 30th day of May, 1969 at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Court House door in Louisburg, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate That certain lot or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the Town of Frank linton, Franklinton Town ship, Franklin County, North Carolina, and more particular ly described as follows: BEGINNING on the West side of Franklin or Cheatham Street at a stake, corner for Maye Kearney; thence West along said Maye Kearney line 150 feet to a stake, thence North 75 feet along Maye Kearney line to a stake, thence East along J. J Col lins' line 150 feet to a stake. Franklin or Cheathani Street, thence South along Franklin or Cheatham Street 75 feet to the beginning, being the prop erty conveyed by Mrs Annie Lee Glascow and husband, to E. L. Vaughan; Deed record ed in Book 278, *?? 297 . Register of Deeds Office, Franklin County. The highest bidder will be required to post a deposit with the undersigned commis_ sioners of ten (10) per cent of the amount bid as evidence of good faith, to be forfeited on noncompliance. This the 28th day of April, 1 QRQ CHARLES M. DAVIS. E. C. BULLUCK, k Commissioners 5/6,13.20,27 zL: ? NOTICE OF RESALE OF VALUABLE STANDING TIMBER Under and by virtue of the power and authority con tai fifed in that certain Order for Resale of Standing Tim ber by the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Franklin County. North Carolina, dated 30 April 1969. made in the Special Proceeding en titled "A. Woodrow Hinnant. Administrator of the Estate of Maulters Pettigrew Pearce. Deceased; A. Woodrow Hin nant. Individually, and Alvin Jeans. Unmarried. PetiticnCT. VS. Ruth P. Hinnant; Claudia p William*. Widow; Romus J. Pearce and wife Katherleen y Pearce; Melba J Hpp'n and huaband William Pippin; BANK WITH CONFIDENCE ALL BANKING TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL SAVINGS-CHECKING-LOANS-TRUSTS-INSURANCE Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Henderson, N. C. "THE LEADING DANK IN THIS SECTIOH" 1889-80 YEARS OF SERVICE & SECURITY -1969 T1 i Henry P. Jeans and wife Paul ine D. Jeans; Kearn Pearce and wife Shifley P. Pearce; Jackie Lee Pearce and wife Bertha T. Pearce; Defen dants". ordering a public re sale of the standing timber hereinafter described, the un dersigned Commissioners will on ' FRIDAY. THE 16TH DAY OF MAY 1969 at or about the hour of 12;00 o'clock Noon EDT at the Courthouse door in Louis burg. Franklin County. North Carolina, offer for resale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the stand ing timber of and above the size of si\ inches in diameter across the stump at ground level, when cut. situate, standing and growing upon all that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Dunns Town ship. Franklin County. North Carolina on Slate Paved Road No. 1745 and State I npaved Road No. 1730. about two miles West of Pilot. North Carolina and more particular ly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the intersection of State Road No. 1730 and State Road No. 1745: thence along the center of said State Road No. 1745 South 61 deg. 00 min. East 682.0 feel to cor ner in the center of said road: thence South 58 deg. 17 min. West 1149.83 feel to corner: thence North 39 deg. 20 min. West 398.0 feet to corner in the center of State Road No. 1730; thence along the center of State Road No. 1730 North 57deg. 30 min. East 335.0 feet. North 38 deg. 09 min. East 568.41 feet to the point of BEGINNING, con taining 11.2 acres by survey of Harold B. Mullen, R. L. S? dated May 9. 1968. desig nated as "Property surveyed for Pettigrew Pearce Estate. Dunns Township, Franklin PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Richard C. Whitfield Optometrist Louisburg, N. C. Ground Floor Dr. Perry's " Building Houis: 1:30 to 5:00 P.M. Pho e Daily Except GY 6-41 >5 Wed. JOHN F. MATTHEWS Attorney & Counsellor at Law Practice In All Courts 215 Court Street Ph. 496 3523 or 496-3486 Louisburg, N. C. Hours by Appointment LUMPKIN & LUMPKIN Attorneys at Law Louisburg. N. C. Ground Floor Office Next to Harris Pharmacy Practice in Franklin & Surrounding Counties, and in Federal Court HILL YARBOROUGH CHARLES YARBOROUGH Lawyers Ground Floor Office in Yarborough Bldg on Main St Second Building from Post Office Louisburg. N. C. Telephone: GY 6-3185 General Practice in all Courts LOUISBURG MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENfY Homeowner, Life. Hospitalization, Annuities, Business. Hail Gene Pleasants 207 N Main Street Louisburg. N. C. Bus. Phone 496-5425 Res. Phone 496-5370 Legal Notice County, N. C ". and being the identical land allotted as Lot S'o. 2 to M. P. Pearce in that certain special proceeding en- | ;itled "Lessie P. Jeans and msband. Henry P. Jeans. VS. Lonnie P. Pearce and wife. Sallie Pearce. et als" in the division of the lands of Smith Pearce. recorded in 0 & D Book No. 12. page 552. in :he Office of the Clerk of the superior Court for Franklin County. North Carolina Bidding at this resale will commence at the price of 51045.00. which is the imount of the present ad lanced or upset bid. The purchaser of the aforesaid' standing timber will have six months from the date of the Commissioners' Timber Heed in which to cut and remove said timber The aforesaid timber sale will be subject to confirma tion by (he Superior Court of Franklin County and an in creased or upset bid as pro vided by law. A map or plat of (he above described tract of land is available for inspec tion by prospective pur chasers at the offices of the undersigned Commissioners. A cash deposit of ten per centum (10 .) of the amount bid for the aforesaid timber will be required to be made by the highest bidder therefor to insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be for feited upon noncompliance, j Dated and posted this the : 30th day of April 1969. K. C. HULLUCK E. F. YAHBOROl'CII. ,1 Commissioners 5/6. 13 PROFESSIONAL FAST WATCH REPAIRS RAYNOR'S Wholewl** J?'\vHry Co Loimtumi. N C AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Rl PAIR HEADQUARTERS tfifl EXPERT REPAIR s,RVin V,-?j ON ALL - J' KINDS Ol AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS MOST PARTS IN STOCK I ok PROMPT LI EK I1.NT GUARANTEED SERVICE PETE SMITH'S GARAGE Rt. 3, l.ouisburg. N. C. Phone 496-4983 There is nothinf better thin work on the land to develop character and appre ciation of the earth's won ders. CARPET NEEDS VJSIT TAYLOR S FLOOR COVERING SHOP FEATURING r iawk !>25 HFFFRENT CAPPED SAMPLES TO CHOOSq PROM PRICE FROM 395 TO '17 95 SO. YCV CARPETTS FOR HOMES AND CHURCHES FREE ESTIMATES lMAH.DWAr?? I I FuiyniTURE I your Independent] k Insurance ? Ment , a You're not lost for help if you have an independent insurance agent. He's on yAUI *,<3e when you need him most, ready to represent your interests first, ready to give you service beyond the call of duty We're independent agents. Call us any time HODGES INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Gy 6-3565 N MAIN ST Louisburg. N C NOTICE There will be a meeting at Franklin Christian School, New Hope Community - Highway No. 98, toward Bunn. Purpose of the meeting is to discuss Sigh School program (9 12) to be offered by the school beginning the 1969 fall term. The meeting will be May 14, 1969, Wednesday night, at 8 p.m. All parents who have children attending school and all other parents who are interested in this program are invited to attend. For SERVICE, SAVINGS, And SATISFACTION With Personal Attention To Your INSURANCE Needs See Or Call CUFF MOSS SMITHFIELD 934 7403 COLLECT AFTER 9 A. M. ENFIELD 446 3566 COLLECT AFTER 9 P. M. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Burlington Industries, Franklinton P1aqt Franklinton, N. C. Apply During Employment Hours Tuesday And Thursday 9 ? 11 A. M. Each Week Or Wednesday Evening 7 To 9 P. M. Through May 21, 1969. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER

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