The Fr CvWitKM ????? A Tfcw3.50 Sywd - -oonddmt mail mat/to and pofta?e paid at the rotl Office at Lou tabu ri. N. C. 2754*. 3lf As we join together to celebrate this Fourth of July, let us remember that, abpve all, this is a day to show wour gratitude to our forefathers for their great fortitude 1and vision in establishing this great nation upon the foundations of freedom, and their steadfastness in up holding that freedom. ? ( Let us affirm our faith in the principles for which they stood and pledge anew, dedicating ourselves un swervingly to the ideal that liberty may ever endure. Fountain Hits School Guidelines * By Congressman L. H. Fountain Washington, D. C. - Those of us still concerned about quality education and our public school system are still waiting for some definite sign of a new and, hopefully, more favorable policy by the Nixon Admini stration in connection with school desegre gation. Well, President Nixon and Secretary Finch and Company have now been in office almost. "Six months; and notwithstanding news stories and messages I have received from one source after another about planned guideline changes, no significant changes have been made in the Howe-Gardner-Cohen "financially forced integration" approach. V- - All we've been getting are a variety of contradictory statements from Secretary Finch and others in the Administration. In fact, except for a. few new faces and top level officials in HEW, the same "old crowd" and substantially the same "visitatibn teams" are still running things. Although there are limits to what a minority of us in Congress can do to force proper action by the Executive, unless things do change and change quickly with a more reasonable and common sense approach, whatever plan may be unfolded will become knowh as the Nixon-Finch plan for "forced integration." I have left no stone unturned in my own efforts to give HEW a full picture of our problems in the Second District and the many factors which of necessity ought and must be taken into account in any school desegregation plan, whether court ordered or ordered through the power of the Federal Washington, D. C. - Are there any veterans of the first crossing of the Rhine River over the famed bridge at Remagen in this area? That's the question which Congressman L. H. Fountain has beefi asked by one of his fellow-members of the House of Representa tives, Rep. Ken Hechler of West Virginia. Congressman Hechler is the author of the best-selling war book, "The Bridge at Re magen", which has been made into a full -length movie and will be released this summer by United Artists. "This was one of the most heroic epi sodes In American military history", stated Congressman Fountain. "It turned the tide of the war in Europe and saved many American lives. When the movie come* to the area. I think we should honor those who took part in the Remagen Bridge crossing. I hope that any men who were involved in the Rhine crossing at Remagen will write me c/o House Office Building. Washington, D. C. 20515." The motion picture based on Congress man Hechler's book is a David L. Wolper production starring Robert Vaughn, George Segai, Ben Gazzara, Bradford Dillman and E. G. Marshall. It was filmed in Czecholovakka because the original Rhine River bridge at Remagen collapsed just ten days after the American 9th Armored Division made its surprise crossing on March 7, 1945. Con gressman Hechler, who Is technical adviaer for the film, managed to get out of Czechos lovakia just 12 hours before the Russian Invasion last August, but the call and film crew fled to the Austrian border. Hie film was completed near Rome, Italy. "Apparent ly, this la a film the Russians couldnt stop," Congressman Fountain commented. purse. It is true that HEW officials here in Washington have been most patient and considerate in listening to me. One such meeting with local school officials lasted three hours. Other high ranking officials close to the President have also given me a hearing. I appreciate such consideration, but in the final analysis it's responsible and reasonable action that we are seeking and .still waiting for. I read recently that Attorney General Mitchell and Secretary Finch are planning to work with the Federal Courts and that revisions in guidelines will soon be out. Last week when the surtax extension and invest ment credit repeal legislation was being considered in the House, and when votes were needed, there were headline news stories, and rumors flying throughout the House, to the effect that either Secretary Finch, or that Secretary Finch and Attorney Geqeral Mitchell would jointly announce new and more moderate guidelines. The police statements or guidelines described to me can be strict or moderate, depending upon how they are interpreted and admini ctoroH Secretary Finch's first recommendation for the position of Assistant to HEW for Health and Scientific Affairs was turned down by the President. His pride has been wounded. In his own words, "In losing one battle, your hand is strengthened for ano ther." In fact, in the June 29 edition of 'The Washington Post" (Incidentally the day before the scheduled vote on the surtax extension). Secretary Finch is quoted as having said, "There is not going to be any give at all in the 1969-70 deadlines" for total desegregation -? "not at the present time." The President's rejection of the Knowles appointment has also prompted opposition from liberal forces in both political parties, and talk about new school integration guide lines has also prompted counter pressures from groups obviously more concerned with total "forced integration" of schools than a climate for quality education. Consequently, until such revisions as the one to be made are announced, or at least until some full statement is made by Secre tary Finch, we have no way of knowing what to expect; but on the basis of what I am told by others in high places, I am still hoptful for a moderation approach. If it does not come soon, even if it comes, I'm fearful it will come too late. In fact, it's already too late for many of our school systems. Let me add, however, that regardless of any action the Nixon Administration may take on school integration guidelines, some of the Federal Courts, Including North Caro lina ones, have gone completely beserk on the subject, demanding complete and total Integration now, or beginning with the 69-70 school year. Federal Courts have both the power and the right to be reasonable. They should have the necessary wisdom and un derstanding. but they havent shown It. The Nixon Administration, through HEW and the office of the Attorney General, can properly Influence the Federal Courts in this area. If they dont, and If the courts them selves dont toon see the light, there will not be much that either the courts, the Congress, or the President can do to bring educational order out of chaos. COME TO THINK OF IT..." by frank count "Youngin". I said. "I been around a long time. I been a heap of places and I seen a heap of things. I ain't got a whole lot of education -book learning, that is-but I learned a heap of things. "I learned a lot from people. Mostly 1 learned from watching people and remembering. Watching people ain't no good unless you remember what you seen. "I remember when the Fourth of July was a big day. J remember when folks would gather from miles around to picnic and visit and talk. Folks did a heap of talking. How you been, they'd ask. And how old are the young ins. now and always they'd say -whether they meant it or not-you're looking good. That's 'cause folks themselves was good. If you're good, youll look good. Don't for get that. ever. "I remember there used to be parades. Everybody would try to get into the march. Them that didn't would run along behind. Then there was bands. Always there was bands. They didn't play so good, but they was loud and folks didn't care. It won't the music so much as the songs they played. ' They played patriotic songs. The songs told about men who h?d lived for their ( country. Some told about men who had died for their i country, too. The songs always said something about America I and you could hum along-if you could carry a tune -and every 3 now and then you'd think a cold wind had blowed. Your skin [ would sorta shiver on some of the high notes. "Then there was speeches. I never cared too much for them, though. But, then remembering, there was a whole lot to be said even for the speeches. Nearbout everybody make a speech. If you had a title, you could set on the platform. If you set on the platform you was introduced. And if you was introduced, you made a speech. "Most times the speaker was a politican of some sort. He blowed a lot and now and then he'd have to stop and wipe sweat, but by the time they finished most folks was charged up with patriotism. And that won't too hard to do 'cause most folks was patriots to begin with. "I remember they talked about freedom and liberty a whole lot. Younginlike, I didnt understand all they was saying but I could tell when they was telling the good stuff. The old women would cry. The men would have to blow their noses -whether or not they had a cold. And the youngins, we just got quiet. Even the giggling-girts stopped giggling. "Some of them would quote some dead American that had said something that had stuck over ^he years. Like Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death or maybe something like sacrificing and honor. Some of the words sounded right good. "They waved the flag a lot back then, too, I remember. The neighbors didn't say nothing if you hung the flag in your front yard like they do now. Showing the flag won't no big thing back then. Just about everybody done it. Folks was proud to do it, I remember. "Slackers won't thought much of in them days like they are now. A man that wouldn't go fight for his country won't nothing. It wouldn't do him no good to stay home. Wont no girl anywhere thatll have anything to do with him. Grown folks would whisper when he walked by. Even the dogs barked at him. Some of them even bit him- even though I suspect -they didn't know he was a slacker. "Things shore have changed, Youngin", I said. "Things ain't like they used to be. The Fourth of July is just another day now and 1 reckon your generation is gonna be loser for it. Shucks, stores don't even close no more for the Fourth; folks don't visit and don't many even bother to picnic. There ain't no fireworks no more and even the politican done stopped making speeches. Guess that's because it's so hot in July. "But whatever the reason things have changed, I'm made sorry that they have. But, I reckon I ain't as bad off as some. I can still remember. Some folks ain't even got that." 'Give Or Ye Shall Receive'