Classified Ads Sitae regular naiva classified .05 par word minimum $1.00 par inaartkm ? .60 par run tarvioa on kayad adt. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .84 par column inch. MEMORIAMS una at CtenHM Display. All n?ifiad adt mutt ba paid In advanca. FOR SALE A good buy . . .give it a try. Blue Lustre America's fav orite carpet shampoo. H. C. Taylor. 8/7 ch. FOR SALE - 9 fool Norge refrigerator in excellent condition. See Mrs. W. M. Marks at The Fashion Shoppe before 5:30 P.M. or call 496-5431 after 6:00. 8/5, 7 pd. FOR SALE ? Fire extin guishers. We carry a com plete line for business, home, marine and land ve hicles. Call or see Allen Person, Person Machine Shop. 496-3331, Louis burg. 5/6 Tu & Th tf ch. Remove excess body fluid with FLUIDEX tablets, only $1.49 at Scoggin Drug. 8/7, 14, 21, 28; 9/4 Pd FOR SALE ? One church activity bus. Mount Grove Baptist Church. For details see Nack Gupton, School Garage. 8/7, 12 pd. FOR SALE ? Aluminum plates, 24 5/8 x 36. The Franklin Times, Lauis buig. 6/12 Tu & Th tf ch. FOR RENT FOR RENT: 2 bedroom mobile home. Twin Oak Trailer Park. 496-4255. 7/17 Th& Tutfch. NEEDED Plumber, heating man and back-hoe man. ?WR-4*)9, Route 1, Louis burg. 8/5, 7 pd. WAITRESS WANTED - Second shift, must be 18. Apply Dick's Drive Inn. 7/24 Th& Tutf Classified Ads WANTED ? Lady to live in home with elderly woman. Call 496 3651. 8/7, 12, 14 ch. LADIES - MEN earn $40-560 part-time weekly showing new line of home care products. Fun - ex citing - 2-4 hours a day. Call 6-5166. 7/31; 8/5, 7, 12 pd. SERVICE SERVICES ? Septic tanks and Grease Traps, cleaned and repaired. Well pump installation and repairs. Plumbing repairs. Contact Monk Smith, E. Green Street, Franklinton. 8/5-9/2 pd. LOST: In Franklinton area, male, beagle, red with white collar markings. Answers to name of Duke. Mrs. Flora Preddy, 494-2692. Reward offer ed. 8/7 pd. Legal Notice EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Execu tor of the estate of Patty L. Leonard, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 31st day of January, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 30th day of July. 1969. G. S. Gilliam, Rt. 2, Louisburg, N. C. Executor 7/31; 8/7, 14, 21 ch. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Rupert F, Morton and wife Patricia B. Horton, dated the 9th day of January, 1968. and recorded in Book 656, pages 17-20, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, North Caro lina, and under and by virtue NEW TO THIS AREA - A line of Home and Business cleaning products that cuts work by 50%. Carries A 100% money back gurantee. Call 496-5166 for more information or demonstration YtlaAlLri Well Company. WELL BORING - DEEP WELL DRILLING WARRCNTON. N. C. "A Well A D*y- TL M Mr tin IT*/' N. C LICENSE NO 2 MANLCV S MARTIN DAY 2S7MSI NIGHT 297-3492 NEW RESIDENCE FOR SALE IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY THREE BEDROOM, FORCED-AIR HEAT, TILE BATH, WALL-TO-WALL CARPET ONE MILE NORTH OF LOUISBURG ON 401 OPPOSITE CEMETERY. CAN ARRANGE FINANCING HOUSE OPEN FOR INSPECTION. CALL 496-3171. Legal Notice | of the authority v?ted in tha ! undersigned as Subttitute Trustee by an instrument of l^g dated June 27^969. and recorded in Book 671, p?ges 126 127 in the office of I the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, default hav ing been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to fore closure. and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a fore closure thereof for the pur pose of securing said indebt edness. the undersigned Sub stitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash. at the courthouse door in Louis burg, North Carolina, on THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1969, AT TWEL\E O'CLOCK NOON the said land convey ed in said deed of trust, the same being that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Franklin Coun ty, Harris Township. State of North Carolina, described as follows: BEGINNING in the center of N. C Highway No. 98. a point which is N. 11 deg. E. to an iron stake, Zeb Whitak er's corner: thence N.ll deg. 415 ft to a holly. Zeb Whi taker's corner, thence S. 81 deg. E. 315 ft. to a stake. H. M Phillips' corner, thence S. 11 deg W. 415 ft to the center of said N. C. Highway No 98; thence down the center of said highway N. 81 deg. E. 315 ft. to the begin ning. containing 3 acres, more or less, and being a lot cut from the lands conveyed to Howard Marshall Phillips by deed recorded in Franklin County Registry . Book 553, page 220, this being the same and identical tract of land conveyed to Rupert F. Hor ton and wife Patricia B Hor Why settle for 'covered wagon' j life insurance? DOUBLE DOTY DOLLARS can answer your life insurance problems! No* your insurtnc* dolltrs can cfo double duty: 1 Provide life insurance ? protection 2 Provide savings for ? retirement 1 Call your Kemper Insurance agent today to learn about . the plan that lets you save for the future while you in I sure for the present. COMPARE KEMPER! PRICE ? PROTECTION ? SERVICE GENE PLEASANTS 207 N Mam St P. O Box 462 Louifburg, N. C. Phon* | 406-5426 BANK WITH CONFIDENCE ALL BANKING TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL SAVINGS? CHECKING? LOANS? TRUSTS? INSURANCE Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Henderson, N. C. "THE LEADING BANK IN THIS SECTION" 1889 - 80 YEARS OF SERVICE & SECURITY - 1969 Legal Notice Ion by deed of Howard M. Phillips and wife dated 9 Fe bruary 1967, and recorded in Book 645, pages 177 178, i Franklin County Registry. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to make a cash deposit of ten per cent of the amount bid up to and including SI ,000.00, plus 5?. of any excess over SI. 000.00 to in sure compliance with the terms of the said sale, to be forfeited upon noncom pliance, and upon failure of such deposit being made, the said land will again be offered for sale at the same time and place. This the 14th day of Julv, 1969. CHARLES H. YAR BOROUGH, JR.. Substitute Trustee j 7/17, 24, 31; 8/7 NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY Under and by virtue of the terms and conditions of cer tain security agreements exe cuted by Mar-Way Reinforced Plastics Corporation dated 24 January 1968, 10 September 1968 and 3 January 1969, and duly filed in the office of the Franklin County Register of Deeds and in the office of the Secretary of State of North Carolina, default hav ing been made in the pay ment of the indebtednesses thereby secured, the under signed secured party will offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the place of business of Mar-Way Reinforced Plas tics Corporation, 103-105 North Church Street. Louis burg. North Carolina, at 2:00 OCLOCK P M. ON MONDAY. THE 11TH DAY OF AUGUST 1969, the following articles of per sonal property: One 200,000 BTU Texaco Furnace, Model TW-J200-C, Legal Notice and dnct work: One Dotco 1 ?" Air Drill; . One Dotco 7" Air Sander: One Milwaukee Sawzall . No 6510. One Craftsman Drill No 99H778; One Airco Arch Welder; One Craftsman Hand Truck No. 99H8729N; One ISM Pneumatic Pop Riveter: ? 1 One Craftsman Table Saw 8"; 5 HP Air Compressor (3 Phase Ingersoll Rand I Model No. 253D5. Comp. Head Ser. No 33991. Air Receiver Ser No 298609; One "Cilas-Mate" Chopper Spray up System; All molds. Fixtures. Pro totypes; Equipment, Tools & Inventory situated at 103-105 North Church Street. Louis bury. North Carolina. This the 4th day of August t 1969. FIRST CITIZENS BANK AND TRl'CT COMPANY, j Louisburg. North Carolina SECURED PARTY By: A. M. Dail Vice-President 8/7 | EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Execu tor of the estate of Ethel M. Holmes, deceased, late of Franklin County. North Caro lina. this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 7th day of February, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 5th day of August, 1969. RICHARD RUFF1N HOLMES 108 Sunset Avenue Louisburg, N. C. Executor Davis & St urges 8/7,14,21,28 The best way to earn a rest is to complete your work. PLANT OPERATORS We are currently accepting applications for potential openings in our manufacturing department This is an exceptional opportunity for those seeking a challenging career opportunity in the chemical processing industry You will be trained in chemical production and processing operations on jobs that involve rotating shift work with aJuft premium pay Excellent pay and fringe benefits All applicants mutf be litgh school graduates able to pass written pre-employment test, and physical examination Applications will be handled in a stnctly confidential manner. We invite you to submit your application at our plant any week-day between the hours of 8 A M to 3: 30 P M MALLINCKRODT CHEMICAL WORKS Hwy. No 1 North of Raleigh P O Bo* 17627 Rileigh.N.C (27609) 121-0771 _ An Equal Opportunity Employer GOOD/YEAR TOP QUALITY FEATURES... LOW. LOW PRICE! 00 500 k 15 i rt plus IK FH. TRIPLE RIB R/S FRONT TRACTOR TIRE. Your best buy in the economy price c/essl ? New Rugged Kim Shield protects lower sidewall ? Deep wide center rib for easy steering ? Exclusive triple tempered nylon cord LITTLE RIVER ICE CO. PHONE 6Y 6 3410 S. MAIM ST. L0UISBUR9, N. C. 4 Forget The Supreme Court Small boy to friend: "It may be unconstitutional, but I always pray before a test." FAT OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a doc-' tor's prescription, our product called Galaxon. You must lo* u?l\ la l or sour money back Galaxon is a tablet and easily swallowvd. Get rid of excess fat and live longer Galaxon costs $3.00 and is sold on this euaran tee If not satisfied lor any wivon. lust return I he package to your dru&nst and get your full mohc\ back. No question* asked Galaxon is sold on this guarantee b\ PLEASANT S DRl G STORE Louisburv MAIL ORl>l RS FILLED. i XT m^ro-match^ Instant rainbow. Pick colors like butterscotch, goose berry, cotton candy, talc, strawhat, maple sugar, erabtan yellow over 900 eiciting paint colors and shades mixed istantly end accurately by the Bruning Micromatic Color Dispenser! Stop in today for new home decorating ideas from Bruning' Available in all types of interior and erttoor Bruning paints! (BRUNING) WILSON BUILDING SUPPLY PHONE 496-3722 L0UISBUR6, N. C Germ Warfare United Nations. NY. -Se cretary -General U Thant hat called (or a worldwide pact banning the development, production and stockpiling of all chemical and germ warfare agents. Thant'i three-point proposal was sent to the U.N. Disarmement Committee. The trouble with most re formers is that they cannot support any propoaal except their own. Petty honors appeal to three classes of people: fools, eager beavers and the politi cally ambitious FARM BUREAU LIFE INSURANCE Fire Crop Hail Farmowners Auto Farmer's Liability Blue Cross Hospital Plans ? L. C. HASTY Louisburg, N.C. Intelligent* tells ia thai things change and wisdom in dicate* that the ehan* to often for the better . AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REPAIR HEADQUARTERS . EXPERT REPAIR J SERVICE ON ALL KINDS OF AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS MOST PARTS IN STOCK FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT GUARANTEED SERVICE PETE SMITH'S GARAGE Rt. 3. Loutsburg. N. C. Phone 496-4913 Aluminum Car Port s Storm Doors & Windows Venetian Blinds BLINDS REPAIRED Aluminum Shutters Aluminum & Canvas Awnings FREE ESTIMATES M. G. WILDER MONK" 417 W. NobteSt. LOUISBURG, N. C. "Where Every Customer Is Important" FORD INSURANCE A6ENCY WE HAVE *11 KINDS OF INSURANCE 612 BICKETT BLVD LOUISBURG PHONE 496-3828 NIGHTS 496- 47 OS SOUTHERN DISCOUNT COMPANY 107 SOUTH MAIN STREET LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA NOW OPEN WE ARE NEW IN TOWN INSTALLMENT (AAA00 LOANS UP TO .... ? t MR. FARMER - GET YOUR TOBACCO BUG BLASTER FROM FQ ALSO AVAILABLE: COTTON INSECTICIDES M H - 30 BRUSH KILLERS WEED KILLERS OF ALL KINDS a L0UISBUR6 A FCX SERVICE BICKETT BLVD. PHONE 496-3386 SAM WOOD, Mgr.

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