Church Notices St. Paul's Episcopal llth Sunday after Trinity Sunday: 10:00 A.M. Church School (be whole family, W. J. Shear In, Supt. 11:00 A.M. Morning Pray er and Sermon by Rector Nuraery provided Acolyte: Frank Johnson Altar Committee: Mis Martha Ysrborough, Mrs. George Ford, Mrs. E. F. Yar borough. United Methodist Sunday: 9:45 Church School 11:00 Worship, Dr. Cort land Smith aa guest preacher Tuesday: 9:00 The Twelve 8:00 The Church Confer ence Wednesday: 7:30 Chancel Choir Re hearaal Free Will Baptist Sunday: 9:30 "The Free Will Bap ttet Hour" WYRN radio 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 7:30 Evening Worahip You are invited to attend our revival services each even ing this week at 8:00 P.M. with Rev. Wayne Phillips, pas tor of Fellowship F.W.B. church, Seima, N. C. preach In* The services are scheduled to conclude on Sunday P.M August 17. Come and visit with us at our new location at 929 N. Main St., Louiaburg, N. C., J. Earl Gilliam, Pastor. St. Delight Sunday: 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Wonhlp, Oldest Shi In The World Evening Worship - My Lord Delayth hia Coming, Pastor, Ralph E. Clegg. Louisburg Baptist Sunday: 9:45 Church School, R. S. Knott, Superintendent 9:45 - 12:00 Nursery for preschool children 11:00 The Church at Wor ship, The Rev. A. S. Tomlin ton, Pastor ? Sermon subject, "One to Imitate" Monday: WMS Groups Meet 3:00 Fannie Heck at the Church 7:30 Florence Weils with Mrs. V. C. Stone 7:30 Kenmore with Mrs. N. C. Mullen 7:30 Mary Hester Powell with Mrs. Mabel Edwards 7:45 Margaret Tomllnson at the Church 7:45 Emma C. Allen with Mrs. Breattie O'Neal Tueaday: 10:30 Onnie T. Perry with Mrs. W. W. Nash Friday: 7:30 Pines Rett Home Ser vice ZINGT ? Sculptured cotton pique, overprinted with a zig zag dot pattern, gives fresh interpretation to the coat dress. Styled with fashionable long sleeves and a flattering ring collar, the black and white design is shaped high with a tie belt. By Domino. LOUISBURG, N. C. OCT A KAUTIFUl 11x14 o. 8x10 PORTRAIT Vj 631 29c BEECH CLIFF SMALL SARDINES 2