Classified Ads* REGULAR ' H?IV? CLASSIFIED .06 per word minimum $1.00 per inMrtiofi ? .60 par run ?arvica on kayad ads. CLASSIFIED PISPLAY .84 par column inch. MEMORIAMS una a* Classified Display. Ail Classified ads mutt ba paid in advance. FOR SALE FOR SALE - 1964 Datsun, good condition. If in terested call 496-4202. 9/16, 18 pd. FOR SALE - 1964 Bonneville Pontiac, 4 door, air condi tion, power brakes and steering, good condition. Phone 853-2729 after 6:00. 9/16, 18 pd. FOR SALE - TV and Sofa. Like new. Call after 4 P.M., 496-5609. 9/16, 18 ch. FOR SALE - 1937 Chevrolet, 3 N. Second St., Franklin ton. J. G. Perry, 9/16 pd. FOR SALE Reasonable 1963 Sport Fury Ply. mouth Conv. ? 383 engine. Call 496-3128 - 6:00 to 7:00 P.M. 9/16, 18 ch. FOR SALE - Seed Oats - Ellis Medlin, Rt. 2, Zebulon, near Five Points. 9/11, 16 pd. Reduce safe & fast with GOBESE tables & E-VAP "water pills" Pleasant 's Drug, Louisburg. FOR SALE: New and Used Siegler, Tharringlon and Duratherm oil heaters, LP gas logs and gas heaters of all kinds. Franklin Oil Co., Franklinton, N. C. Norris W. Collins, Phones 494-2475, 494 2474. 9/9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30 ch. SINGER "SEWING MA CHINE: Extra nice cabinet model. Zig-Zag's, button holes, etc. WANTED: Local party to pay com plete balance of $47.60. C*n be tried out locally. Tarns can be arranged. For complete details call: Henderson, N. C. 438-3022. 9/2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30 pd. LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A-Diet tablets. Only .98 cents. Scoggin Drug. 8/19, 26, 9/2, 9, 16 pd. SLIGHTLY SCRATCHED in shipment. 7 new 1969 zig zag sewing machines. Na tionally advertised brand with full factory guaran tee. $35 each or small monthly payments. These machines may be inspect ed in warehouse at Un claimed Freight, 1005 East Whitaker MiU Road, Ral eigh, H Block East of old Wake Forest Road. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Mon. ? Fri. Sat till 1 P.M. No sales to dealers. 9/16, 18 ch. ONE of the finer things of - life - Blue Lustre carpet cleaner. Rent electric , ahampooer $1. H. C. Tay lor. 9/16 ch. STEREOS - 6 deluxe solid state fully transistorized stereophonic High Fidelity console* in beautiful hand rubbed finish. Deluxe BSR 4 -(peed record changer and 4-*paeker audio sys tem. To be sold for $88 each. Monthly payments available. May be inspect ed In warehouse at Un claimed Freight, 1006 East Whitaker MIU Road, Ral eigh, Vi block East of old Wake Forect Road. 9 A.M. ? ? P.M. Mon. - Fri. Sat. till 1P.M. 9/16, 18 ch. FOR RENT FOR RENT - 8 room duplex, tub and shower, air con ditioned. H. C. Pergerson. Phone 496-8716. 9/16 pd. FOR RENT - Suite of three offlcea, heat and air con dition furnished. Call Jack Oooper, 496-4138. 9/16 TufcThtfch. TRAILER SPACES For Rent: 2 miles weet of Frankllnton ? large lot. Call 998-6666 In Kernel* vllle, N. C. collect. 9/16-10/16 Pd. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom noble bom*. Twin Oak, Trailer Park. 496-4266 7/17Th*Tutfch. Help Wanted WAITRESS WANTED Second shift, mutt be 18. Apply Dick's Drive Inn. 7/24 Th & Tu tf * WAITRESSES: Put time weekend and full time positions for neat and pleasant girls. Experience not necessary as we will train you. Apply in person Shoney's Big Boy Rest aurant, downtown Blvd., Raleigh. 8/21, 26, 28; 9/2, 4,9,11, 16, 18,23, 25,30 ch._ MAN OR WOMAN INCOME ? SPARE TIME ? No sell ing. Refill and collect money from U. S. Postage Stamp Machines in this area. To qualify must have car, references, $900 to $1,900 cash investment re quired. Ten hours weekly can net excellent income. More time can result in more money. Territories now open in the entire state. For personal inter view write PROGRES SIVE, Box 23121. Mint Hill Station, Charlotte, North Carolina, zip code 28212. Include phone no. 9/16 pd. SERVICE WE SPREAD lime and fer tilizer for less. L. Hj Dickens & Son, Rt. 2, Louisburg. 853-2117; 11/26 Tu tf ch. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Richard C. Whitfield Optometrist Louisburg, N. C. Ground Floor Dr. Perry's Building Hours: 1:30 to 5:00 P.M. Phone Daily Except GY 6-4165 Wed. JOHN F. MATTHEWS Attorney & Counsellor at Law ^ Practice In All Courts 215 Court Street Ph. 496-3523 or 496-3486 Louisburg, N. C. Hours by Appointment LUMPKIN & LUMPKIN Attorneys at Law Louisburg. N. C. Ground Floor Office Next to Harris Pharmacy Practice in Franklin & Surrounding Counties, and in Federal Court HILL YARBOROUGH CHARLES YARBOROUGH Lawyers Ground Floor Office in Yarborough Bldg on Main St Second Building from Post Office Louisburg, N. C. Telephone: GY 6-3185 General Practice in all Courts LOUISBURG MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY Homeowner, Life, Hospitalization, Annuities, Business, Hail Gene Pleasants 207 N. Main Street Louisburg, N. C. Bus Phone 496-6426 Ret. Phone 496-6370 Legal .Notice NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY Under and by virtu* of the power of sale contained In a certain deed of trust executed by Paul Clyde Engram and wife Gladys F. Engram, to E. F. Yarborough, Trustee, dat ed the 18th day of January, 1964, and recorded in Book 686 on page 274 In the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, North Caro lina, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and the said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the Indebted ness thereby secured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said Indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale, at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse Door of Franklin County, Louis burg, North , Carolina, at or about the hour of 12:00 O'CLOCK NOON ON THURSDAY, THE 2ND DAY OF OCTOBER, 1M9, the lands conveyed In said deed of trust, the same lying and being In U>ul?burg Town ship, Franklin County, North Carolina, and more particular ly described as follows: Being Lot No. 6 in Block F of the Baker lands as shown by map made by M. S. Davis and recorded in Franklin County Registry, Book 156, page 522, and being one of the lots conveyed to the said Annie A. Beam by warranty deed from W. R. Bass and wife, dated November 3, 1924, recorded in Franklin County Registry in Book 249, page 356, reference to which is hereby made. Situate in the Town of Louisburg, and known as lot number seven (7) in Block F, of the Baker lands, as shown by map made by M. S. Davis and recorded in Franklin County Registry, Book 156, page 522, and being one of the five lots conveyed to Annie A. Beam by deed from W. R. Bass and wife, dated November 3, 1924, recorded in Franklin County Registry in Book 249, page 356. For further reference see Book 249, page 523, Book 306, page 157, all in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, N. C. And being the identical tract of land conveyed by warranty deed of F. J. Car nage and wife recorded in Book 584, page 336, Franklin County Registry. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to make a deposit of ten per cent (10%) of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of said sale and to be forfeited upon non-com pliance therewith, and in the event that said deposit is not made the above-described property will immediately be resold at said time and place. This the 29th day of Au gust, 1969. E. F. YARBOROUGH, TRUSTEE 9/9, 16, 23, 30 NOTICE OF RESALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY Under and by virtue of an Order of Resale of the Su perior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, made on 10 September 1969, in that certain Special Pro ceeding entitled "Mrs. LiUie H. Collins, Widow, Petitioner vs. Albert Collins and wife Pauline L. Collins; LiUie Col lins Leonard and husband Charles Leonard; Estelle C. Boulden and husband Charles Thomas Boulden; Floyd Col lins and wife Eleanor D. Col lins; Everette Collins and wife Eunice D. Collins; Wordner C. Williams and husband Cole Williams; Rochelle C. Lancas ter and husband E. J. Lancas ter; Elsie Mae Collins Cooper; Ryland P. Collins and wife Beatrice D. Collins; Crayton House and wife Bessie House; Wilbur House and wife Beulah B. House; Irene H. Pergerson nd husband Gophus Pergerson; Kellon H. Carpenter and husband Al bert Carpenter; Mrs. Nallie C. Wood, Widow, Defendants," the undersigned Commis sioner will, on FRIDAY, THE 26TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1969 at or about the hour of 12:00 o'clock noon, at the (Courthouse Door of Franklin County, Louisburg, North Carolina, offer for re sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, that certain tract of land in Cedar Rock Town ship, Franklin County, North Carolina, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a rock, corner of Noa. 1 and 2 In Conn's Una; thence N. 6 deg. E. 18.87 chains to a rock, corner of No. 3, three roada paat Conn's corner; thence E. 17.65 chain* to a rock, four links northward from W. T, Gupton's corner; thence S. 6 deg. W. four links to a rock, said Gupton's corner; thence 8. 3 deg. W. 12.34 chain* to a blackgum, W. 8. Brewer's cor ner; thence N. 88 dec. W. 6.78 chain* to a rock, W. 8. Brewer's corner; thence 8. 8 deg. W. 1.76 chains to a rock, corner for No. 1; thence W. 12.67 chains to beginning, containing 24 acres more or leaa, and being Lot No. 2 on plat of surrey made by Jowph T. Inacoe, Surveyor, of the land* of O. T. Collins, and being the same land des cribed In Deed from E. L. Collins et als., to Busby C. Collin*, recorded In Book 294 on page 68 In the office of the Franklin County Register of Deeds. The foregoing land* have bean rented for the year IMS, and the purchaeer will not receive po suction until December 81, 1969. The Pe titioner, Uflle H. Colin*, re serves all the rente and profits derived from the fam for the year 1969. A ten per cent (10%) de posit will be required of the succevful bidder it the time of said resale to guarantee compliance with said bid and to be forfeited upon non compliance. BIDDING wiir begin at said resale at the price of $6,350.00. This sale is a judicial sale and is subject to the laws relating thereto. Ad valorem taxes will be prorated. This the 10th day of Sep tember, 1969. W. M. JOLLY, COMMISSIONER 9/16, 23 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of sa(e contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Charlie Thomas Alston and wi(e"Vivian\). Alston, to W. M7 Jolly, Trustee, dated the 11th day or October, 1965, and recorded in Book 617 on page 128 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, North Caro lina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and the said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the indebted ness thereby secured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale, at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse Door of Franklin County, Louis burg, North Carolina, at or about the hour of 12:00 O'CLOCK NOON ON THURSDAY, THE 2ND DAY OF OCTOBER, 1969, the lands conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Louisburg Town ship, Franklin County, North Carolina, and more particular ly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the center of the Louisburg River Road (County Road 1600), and marked by a stake on the East side thereof, cor ner for Lot No. 3; thence running from the beginning point South 59 deg. 00 min. E. 418.5 feet to an iron in the W. P. Long line; thence South 68 deg. 30 min. W. 351 feet to the center of the aforesaid road where a road culvert and branch are now located; thence along the center of the aforesaid road North 7 deg. 30 min. West 200 feet; thence North 2 deg. 30 min. West 147.2 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.33 acres, more or less, and being Lot No. 4 as shown on plat by Phil R. Inscoe, Registered Surveyor, entitled "Map of Lot surveyed for W. P. Long," dated April 2, 1964, reference to which is hereby had. This is the same land described in deed from W. P. Long and wife Ruth H. Long to Charlie Thomas Alston and wife Vivian 0. Alston, record ed in Franklin County Regis try. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to make a deposit of ten per cent (10%) of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of said sale and to be forfeited upon non-com pi lance therewith, and in the event that said deposit Is not made the above-described property will Immediately be resold at said time and place. This th<? 29th day of Au gust, 1969. . W. M. JOLLY, TRUSTEE 9/9, 16, 23, 30 ADMINISTRATOR'S NO TICE Having qualified u Admin istrator of the estate of Suian Ellen Dodd, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Caro lina, this Is to notify all par sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 16th day of March, 1970. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment. This 12th day of Sep tember, 1969. W. M. Jolly. Administrator P.O. Box 96 - Loulsburg, N. C. 27649 Yarborough and Jolly, At torneys. 9/16, 23. 30; 10/7 pd. Aa It orblta the earth, the moon spirals outward at a rate of about one foot every 30 year*. administratrix no tice * Having qualified as admin istratrix of the estate of C. Staley Strickland, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of March, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 26th day of August. 1969. Lois S. Strickland. Route 2. Louisburg. N. C. Adm'rx. 9/2, 9. 16. 23 pd. CO-EXECITOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Co Executors of the estate of Maggie Edwards Mitchell, de ceased, late of Franklin Coun ty. North Carolina, this is- to j notify all persons having ! claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 26 day of February, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 22 day of August, 1969. Staley M. Mitchell, Luther Glenn Mitchell, Co-Executors 8/26; 9/2, 9, 16 pd. Administratrix no tice Having qualified as Admin istratrix of the estate of Ruf fin Collie, deceased, late of Franklin County, North tiro Una, this is to notify all per sons having claims aginst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 9th day of March, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 5th day of Sep tember, 1969. Catherine H. Collie, Adm'rx. E. C. Bulluck, Attorney. 9/9, 16,23, 30 pd. Diseases More Smoking The Public Health Service has reported new evidence that links cigarette smoking to heart attacks, cancer of the throat, emphysema, non cancerous mouth disorders and pregnancy troubles. The evidence was given in the report the Public Health Ser vice is required to give Con gress each year. Despite its name, barely one-eighth of Iceland remains ice-covered year-round. Na tional Geographic says. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REPAIR HEADQUARTERS EXPERT REPAIR J.. SERVICE ON ALL KINDS OF AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS MOST PARTS IN STOCK KOR PROMPT EFFICIENT GUARANTEED SERVICE Rt 3. Louisburg, N. C. Phone 496-4983 CARPET NEEDS VISIT TAYLORS FLOOR COVERING SHOP 25 DIFFERENT CARPET SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM PRICE FROM $3 95 TO $17 95 SQ YD CARPETS FOR HOMES AND CHURCHES FREE ESTIMATES PETE SMITH'S GARAGE FEATURING FOR THE 0EST IN COMMERCIAL PRINTING! CALL THE FRANKLIN TIMES BANK WITH CONFIDENCE ALL BANKING TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL SAVINGS-CHECKING-LOANS-TRUSTS-INSURANCE Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Henderson, N. C. "THE LEADING BANK IN THIS SECTION" 1889 - 80 YEARS OF SERVICE & SECURITY - 1969 FRANKLIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION Summary Statement Revenue-Expenditures For Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1969 PROPERTY TAX RATE General Purpose, Welfare, Farm & Home Agents, Veteran Service Officer, County Accountant, Ambulance Serv. County Debt Service School Current Expenses and Capital Outlay Funds Industrial Development Fund Courthouse Repair Fund Hospital Fund Health Fund Revaluation Fund Capital Improvement Fund REVENUE PROPERTY TAX RATE $.6375 $377,810.58 .06 .73 .04 .03 .0775 .075 .01 .05 $1.71 28,944.07 t 351,473.93 19,381.79 14,460.95 37,488.69 36,240.60 4,794.23 24,128.56 STATEMENT OF COUNTY WIDE BOND DEBT JULY 1. 1969 Hospital Bonds $295,000.00 Courthouse Bonds 200.000.00 Total Co. Wide Debt $495,000.00 Lass -Cash in Bank Debt Service Fund 32.613.46 Net County Wide Debt REVENUE OTHER SOURCES $266,140.93 10,684.68 357,909.86 934.83 977.01 8,237.28 26,084.45 749.69 3,605.21 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $575,802.22 36,496.06 572,557.86 20,316.62 16,572.03 45,725.97 54,652.62 gTAXBKENl Of TAX LfiV-tES COLLECT! 9K$ I LEVY ASSESSED VALUATION 1968 $51,740,484 1967 49,614,836 1966 47,069,410 TAX RATE $1.71 1.64 1.56 t TAX LEVY $966,235.53 893,346.43 817,475.18 UNCOLLECTED JVPS 3Q. 196? $72,942.64 37,252.06 28,164.15 Prepared by PER-CENT COLLECTED 92.45 95.83 96.55 Kenneth A. Braswell County Accountant

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