Classified Ads Rates REGULAR CLASSIFIED .06 per word minimum $1.00 par inaartion ? .50 par run service on keyed ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .84 par column inch. MEMORIAMS Classified Display. All CtMiifiad M paid in advanca. ? mutt ba FOR SALE CLEAN expensive carpets with the best. Blue Lustre is America's favorite. Rent shampooer $1. H. C. Tay lor. 10/2 ch. NEW X-ll reducing plan - 42 tablets $3.00 ? Money back guarantee, Scoggins Drug. 9/30; 10/2,7,9, 14, 16, 21,23 ch. 4 ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaners and all attach ments to be sold for $39.95 each or monthly payments available. Un claimed Freight, 1005 East Whitaker Mill Road, Ral eigh, 'A block East of old Wake Forest Road. 9 A.M. ? 6 P.M. Mon. - Fri. Sat. tUl 1 P.M. 9/30; 10/2 ch. DIAMOND: Excellent qual ity, brilliant cut, .80 Points (% to 1 Carat) Tif fany Solitare, White Gold setting with wedding band. Fully appraised by Jolly's Registered Jeweler (A.G.S.) Exceptional buy. Paul Elam, 496-3748. 9/30; 10/2, 7, 9 ch. FOR SALE: By Owner: 1966 Bel Aire Station Wagon, 4 dr., Auto Trans., Power brakes, air cond., 40,000 miles, new tires. Inspect on First Federal Savings parking lot. See Frank Read for price. 496-3156 or 496-4302. 10/2, 7, 9, 14, 16 ch. FOR SALE: The Harris Chapel Baptist Church, lo cated on Tarboro Road, Route 1, Youngsville, North Carolina, is accept ing sealed bids on the old church building. Bids will be accepted through Oc tober 31, 1969. The per son purchasing the build ing will be responsible for its complete removal. Building may be inspected any time. The church re serves the right to reject any and all bids. Send bids to The Harris Chapel Bap tist Church, Route 1, Box 163, Youngsville, N. C. 275%; 10/2, 9, 16, 23, 30 ch. BANKRUPT STOCK ? 6 new 1969 zigzag sewing ma chines to be sold for $35 each. Monthly payments available. These nationally advertised machines carry a full factory guarantee. They may be inspected in warehouse at Unclaimed Freight, 1005 East Whit aker MU1 Road, Raleigh W block East of old Wake Forest Road. 9 A.M. ? 6 P.M. Mon. Fri. Sat. til 1 P.M. 9/30; 10/2 ch. STEREOS - 5 deluxe solid state fully transistorized stereophonic High Fidelity consoles In beautiful hand rubbed finish. Deluxe BSR 4 -speed record changer and 4 -speaker audio sys tem. To be sold for $88 each. Monthly payments available. May be Inspect ed In warehouse at Un claimed Freight, 1006 East Whltaker Mill Road, Ral eigh, tt block East of old Wake Forest Road. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Mon. - Fri. Sat. till 1P.M. 9/80; 10/2 ch. FOR RENT FOR RENT: 2 bedroom mobile home. Twin Oak Trailer Park. 496-4255. 7/17 Th t Tu tf ch. Speeding I* profitable only for the undertakers. One greet need In this country is some new jokes. Scenery may be Interesting but It's the people that count. We agree nothing Is as bed as scthre Ignorance. The man who expects a favor always wants It ysstsr day. FOR RENT - Suite of three offices, heat and air con dition furnished. Call Jack Cooper, 496-4138. 9/16 Tu & Th tf ch. TRAILER SPACES For Rent: 2 miles west of Franklinton large lot. Call 993-5665 in Kerners ville, N. C. collect. 9/16-10/16 pd. Help Wanted HELP WANTED: Tankwagon driver. Must be over 18, with military obligations satisfied, and have or can qualify for chauffeur's license. Good working conditions, liberal fringe benefits. Excellent oppor tunity for capable person. Contact J. D. Cheaves, General Manager, Allen Oil Co., 4.10 S. Main St., Louisburg, N. C. Phone 496-4141. 9/30; 10/2, 7, 9 ch. WAITRESS WANTED - , Second shift, must be 18. Apply Dick's Drive Inn 7/24 Th& Tu tf Legal Notice NOTICE OF SALE. NORTH CAROUNA FRANKLIN COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Linwood Williamston, Jr. and wife, Etta Lee William ston dated July 9. 1965, and recorded in Book 599 at page 641, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, North Carolina, to John E. Duke, Trustee for Allied Industries, Inc., default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to fore closure, the undersigned trus tee will offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bid der cash at the Courthouse door in Louisburg, North Carolina at 12:00 NOON ON THE 20th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1969 the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in the County of Franklin, Franklinton Town ship, and State of North Car olina, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe 68 feet from the western edge of Chavis Road on line of E. J. Cheatham estate and northwest corner of Christa belle Privette; thence along aid Cheatham line N. 7 de grees 30 minutes E. 6!? feet to a stake on Cheatham line and corner for Hubert H. Senter, thence in an easterly direc tion 70 feet along Senter's line to a stake on the west edge of Chavis Road; thence 65 feet along Chavis Road in a southerly direction to cor ner for Privette; thence in a westerly direction along Pri vette'i line to a stake; the point of beginning, and being Lot 3 and a southern portion of lot, according to survey of PhD R. Inacoe, Reg. Surveyor, June 1948, and surveyed for Annid D. Tharrington The iucceatful bidder at ?aid sale will be required to i .... ^ 1 AUTOMAT IU TRANSMISSION REPAIR HEADQUARTERS EXPERT REPAIR f. SERVICE ON ALL KINDS OF AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS | MOST PARTS IN STOCK FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT GUARANTEED SERVICE PETE SMITH'S GARA6E Rt ), LouUburj. N. C. Phoiw 496-4983 make a deposit of 10% of the Hist $1,000.00 and 5% of the balance of amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of said sale and to be forfeited upon non-com pliance therewith and in the event that said deposit is not made the above described property will be immediately resold at said time and place. But this sale will be made subject to outstanding and unpaid taxes and assessments and prior encumbrances of record. This 18th day of Septem ber. 1969. JOHN E. DUKE, Trustee 9/25, 10/2, 9, 16 . NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a petition has been Tiled with me as City Clerk of the City of Louisburg, North Carolina by 25 residents of said City, pursuant to Chapter 157, General Statutes of North Carolina, referred to as the "Housing Authorities Law", setting forth that there is a need for ah Authority to function in said City; that a public hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on the 10th day of October, 1969, at the Armory, in the City of Louisburg, North Carolina, at which full opportunity to be heard will be granted to all residents and taxpayers of the City of Louisburg, and to all other interested persons upon the question: (1) Whether insanitary or unsafe inhabited dwelling ac commodations exist in the City of Louisburg, and/or (2) Whether there is a lack of safe or sanitary dwelling accommodations in the City of Louisburg available for all the inhabitants thereof. After such hearing the Council will determine whether or not such housing conditions exist in the City of Louisburg and whether or not there is need for an Authority to function in said City. KATHERINE D. GUPTON City Clerk 9/130; 10/2 NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority con tained in that certain Order for Resale by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, dated September 2#r 1969, made in that special proceed ing entitled "A. Woodrow Hinnant, Administrator of the Estate of Maulters Petti grew Pearce, Deceased, et als. Vs. Ruth P. Hinnant, et als", ordering a public resale of the lands hereinafter described, the undersigned commis sioner will, on MONDAY, THE 13th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1969 at or about the hour of 12:00 Noon, E.D.T., at the Court house door in Louisburg, Franklin County, North Caro lina, offer for sale aL public auction to the highest bidder for cash all that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Dunns Township, Franklin County, North Carolina on Paved Road No. 174S and Aluminum Car Ports Storm Doors & Windows Venetian Blinds BLINDS REPAIRED Aluminum Shutters Aluminum & Canvas Awnings FREE ESTIMATES M. 6. WILDER "MONK" 417 W. Nobli St. LOUISBURG, N. C. LAND BANK LOANS are ? LOW COST ? CONVENIENT TO TAY ? DEPENDABLE with tha at n >dTtnUf? of (ood Mnrlo*. fair treatment and prapaymant prlTllafaa FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT OEHALDO. WHITE On Wadnaaday( 10 A. M. ? 1 f. M. At TAR HEEL P. C. A. OfflOT Loutaburf, N. C? Phona 406-3367 State Unpaved' Road No. 1730, about two miles West of Pilot. North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING in the inter section of State Road No. 1730 and State Road No. 1745; thence along the center of State Road No. 1745 South 61 deg. 00 min. East 682.00 feet to corner ; thence South 58 deg. 17 min. West 536.63 feet to corner for Ix>t No. 2; thence along the line of Lot No. 2 North 37 deg. 33 min. West 504.05 feet to the center of State Road No. 1730 in corner for Lot No. 2; thence along the center of State Road No. 1730 North 38 deg. 09 min. East 270.00 feet to the point of begin ning, containing 5.20 acres and being Lot No. 3 accord ing to survey of Harold B. Mullen, R.L.S., dated 5-12-69 designated as "Subdivision of the Pettigrew Pearce Estate", and recorded in Map Book 10, page 27, Franklin County Registry. This sale will be made sub ject to a timber deed in which the grantees had six months from May 30, 1969 in which to cut and remove said tim ber. According to the A.S.C.S. Office for Franklin County, there is allotted approx imately 1.09 acres of tobac co-2112 pounds, 1/10 acres of cotton and 1 acre of corn to this land. The bidding will start at $4,000.00 for this land. ' A cash deposit of ten per cent (10%) of the amount bid will be required to be made by the highest bidder to in sure compliance with the terms of the sale and to be forfeited upon noncom pliance. Dated and posted this 26 th day of September, 1969. E. C. BULLUCK, Commissioner 10/2, 9 CO-EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Co-Ex ecutrix of the estate of Harry Smith, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or 'before the 25th day of March, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot thair recovary All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 22nd day of Sep tember, 1969. RUTH S. CHAMBLEE RACHEL SMITH Co-Executrix 9/25; 10/2, 9, 16 pd. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the authority contained in that certain order of sale, entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, in that cer tain special proceeding en titled "Victor M, SUDings and wife, Mrs. Colleen P. Stal lings. Petitioners, v. Mrs. Mary Neville Stalling!, Re spondent", the same being number 69 SP-100, the un dersigned commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auc tion at the courthouse door of Franklin County, North Carolina, on FRIDAY, 10 OCTOBER 1969, at or about the hour of 10:30 o'clock A.M., the following described land: That certain tract or parcel of land containing 31.50 acres, more or less, situated in Dunn Township, Franklin County. North Carolina, about six miles northeast from the Town of Zebulon, being bounded on the north by the lands of Mrs. Claudia Alford Williams and Mrs. Mel rose W. Caines. on the east by the lands of Dollie M. Tant Estate, on the south by the lands of R. T. Newcomb, Jr., and M. H. Alford Estate, and on the west by the lands of H. M. Alford and E. P. Pri vet! and more particularly described according to a plat thereof made by Harold B. Mullen, Registered Land Sur veyor. dated 7 June 1969, and being the identical land described in deed from J. M. Stallings. et al, to O. D. Stal ling* recorded in Book 324 at page 175, Franklin County Registry, and being the iden tical land conveyed by Jasper Vincent Stallings and wife, to 0. D. Stallings, Jr. and Victor M. Stallings. by deed record ed in Book 524 at page 101. Franklin County Registry, to all of which, plat and records, reference is hereby made for further and more adequate description of the said land. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the Commissioner a sum of money equal to the amount required for an upset bid, to Insure compliance with the terms of sale and to be for feited upon non-compliance Thus 8th day of September 1969. JOHN F. MATTHEWS Commissioner 9/18, 25; 10/2,9 NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION OF L & N CORPORATION, INC. Statutory notice is hereby given of the voluntary disso lution of L & N Corporation, Inc.. a North Carolina Cor poration with its principal of fice in the Town of Louis burg, N. C. This 11th day of Septem ber, 1969. L & N CORPORATION, INC. 9/18, 25; 10/2, 9 , FARM BUREAU LIFE INSURANCE Fire Crop Hail Ftrmowners Auto Farmer's Liability Blue Cross Hospital Plans L. C. HASTY Louisburg, N.C. FOR INSURANCE PRE JMS Through the Kemper Insul agency, you can spread tl pramluma over severel ml period which aulta your bl Insurance the same busll your gas or alactrlclty ? I Whether you're Interested Insurance, phone today lor ranee Plan offered by our he cost of your Insurance onths. Just select the time udget best. Psy for your nessllke way you pay for as you use It. I in car, .home or business . details. GENE PLEASANTS 207 N.MiinBtrwt P.O. tox 463 LouHbuff, NX. Phon. 406-6426 fpr*?ntlnQ Chicago 60640 \ COMPARE KEMPER . . PRICE, PROTECTION, 8ERVICE NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICA TION IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE, DrSTRICT COURT DIVISION NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY BETTIE RUTH T. WRIGHT, Plaintiff VS. WILLIAM WRIGHT, Defendant TO: William Wright, defen dant in the above entitled action: TAKE NOTICE THAT a proceeding seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action in the District Court of Franklin County, North Carolina. The nature of the relief sought is as follo