Classified Ads Datac Regular Hfll0? CLASSIFIED .OB par word minimum SI. 00 par 'nMrtiori ? .50 par fun tarvioa on kayad ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .84 par column Inch. MEMORIAMS tama at Clatalfiad Display. All Ctaaaifted ad* mutt ba paid In advanca. ?* FOR SALE BRACE yourself for * thrill the first time you use Blue Lustre to dean rugs. Rent electric shampooer $1. H. C. Taylor. 10/21 ch. FOR SALE - Double bed springs and mattress, 3 outboard motors, easy chairs, call 496-3509 be tween 11-1, 4-6. 10 1 21 Pd. FOR SALE - 1 Frigidaire horizontal furnace in good condition. Can be seen working now. Call 496-4128 or Harold Wil liams at Quality Furniture. 10/16, 21 ch. LOTS FOR SALE: 3 miles east of Louisburg. See Thomas Jones, Village Fish House. Phone 6-4467. 10/16, 21,23, 28 pd. FOR SALE: 50 acre farm, by owner, about 3V4 miles from Louisburg. Phone 496-5425. 10/16, 21, 23 ch. NEW X-ll reducing plan - 42 tablets $3.00 - Money back guarantee, Scoggins Drug. 9/30; 10/2, 7, 9, 14, 16, 21,23 ch. STEREO CONSOLE $88. Just received 5 deluxe solid state nationally ad vertised stereo consoles in beautiful hand rubbed Walnut finish. World re nowned BSR turntable and 4-speaker audio sys tem, $88 each. Monthly terms available. May be inspected in warehouse at Unclaimed Freight, 1005 East Whitaker Mill Road, Raleigh, 'A block East of old Wake Forest Road. 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Mon- Fri. Sat., till 1 P.M. 10/21, 23 ch. SINGER Touch & Sew sew ing machines (7 of them) all are slant needle models and are fully equipped to zigzag, make buttonholes, and fancy stitches. These machines carry full guaran tees and will be sold on a "first come-first served" basis, only $39.95 each. Monthly payments avail able. They may be inspect ed and tested at Unclaim ed Freight, 1005 East Whitaker Mill Road. Ral eigh, '/i block East of old Wake Forest Road. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Mon. - Fri. Sat. till 1 P.M. No sales to dealers.. 10/21, 23 ch. 4 ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaners and all attach ments to be sold for $39.95 each or monthly payments available. Un claimed Freight. 1005 East Whitaker Mill Road, Ral eigh, V4 block East of old Wake Forest Road. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Mon. ? Fri. Sat. till ,1P.M. 10/21, 23 ch. TWO Nice U?ed Office De?k. The Trading House. Phone 496-3980. 10/21, 23 pd. Holp Wanted ADD TO your income. Put time work available. No experience. Write Raw leigh Product Oo? P. O. Box 7666, Richmond, V*. 10/7, 21 ch. EXPERIENCED Sewing Machine Opera ton needed ?t once. Full time work. Oall Creedmoor 992-4231 . or 992-4631 or write Oeedmoor Manufacturing Co., Inc., Oeedmoor, North Carolina 27622. 10/21, 23 ch. DINO - DONO! Chrtatmaa idling starts early with AVON - earn MS for your Christmas In spars time near your home. Start now. Write Avon manager, f. 0. Box 866, Roanoke Raplda, N. C. or call . 637-6029. 10/21, 23 ch. FOR RENT FOR RENT - Suite of three offlcet. heat and air con dition furnished. Call Jack Cooper, 496-4138. 9/16 Tu & Th tfch. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom mobile home. Twin Oak Trailer Park. 496-4255. 7/17 Th&Tu tfch. NOTICE WILL KEEP children in my home for working * mothers. Hot lunches, su pervised play. 418 Mitchell Avenue, Franklinton, N. C. 10/21, 23 pd. SERVICE WE SPREAD lime and fer tilizer for less. L. H. Dickens & Son. Rt. 2, Louisburg. 853-2117. 11/26 Tu tfch. Legal Notice AN ORDINANCE PROVID ING FOR THE REMOVAL, STORAGE AND DISPOSI TION OF ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLES BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Town of Louisburg, North Carolina: Section 1. Abandoned Motor Vehicle Defined. A motor vehicle shall be deemed to have been aban doned for the purposes of this ordinance in the follow ing circumstances: (a) It has been left unat tended upon a street or high way in violation of statute law or ordinance regulating or prohibiting parking for a period of twenty-four (24) hours; or (b) It is left unaccom panied on property owned or operated by the Town of Louisburg for a period of not less than forty-eight (48) hours; or (c) It is left unaccom panied on any street or high way or on private property for a period of not less than seven (7) days. Section 2. Duty of Owner to;6?inoye,.v; oTin If a motor vehicle is aban doned on a public street or highway, it shall be the duty and responsibility of the owner of such motor vehicle to cause the removal thereof immediately and to pay ail costs incident to such re moval. It shall be unlawful for any person to allow a motor vehicle owned by him to remain abandoned on a public street or highway after notice to such person to have the vehicle removed. Section 3. Removal by the Town. Whenever any motor ve hicle is abandoned on a pub lic street or highway, or on property owned or operated by the Town of Louisburg, or 9n private property, any such vehicle may be removed by or under the direction of a Town law enforcement of ficer or the Building Inspec tor to a storage garage or area; provided, no such ve hicle shall be removed from private property without the written request or permission of the owner, leasee or occu pant thereof, unless the same has been declared A>y the Town Council to be a health, fire or safety hazard. Section 4. Costs of Re moval: Notice to Owner fa) When an abandoned motor vehicle is removed from private property at the request of the owner, lessee or occupant thereof, the per ton at whose request such vehicle is removed shall be required to pay or otherwise indemnify the Town of Louisburg for any expenses incurred by reason of the removal and storage of such vehicle. (b) The owner of any ve hicle removed from any pub lic itreet or highway, or any property owned or operated by aald Town of Loultburg. or any private property, ahall pay to the Town all reaaon ?ble coata Incident to the removal and itorage of auch vehicle and to locating the owner thereof. (c) Written notice of each removal of an abandoned ve hicle thaB be given to the owner thereof aa promptly u poaalble. Section 6. Sale of Aban doned Motor Vehlclea. Should the owner of an abandoned motor vehicle fail or refuae to pay the coati mentioned above, or ahould the identity or whereabout* of such owner be unknown and unascertainable after a diligent search, and after writ ten notice to him at his last known address if his identity is known, and to the holder of any lien of record In the office of the North Carolina Department of Motor Ve hicles against such vehicle, the Chief of Police or his designee may, after holding such vehicle for thirty (30) days and after having the value thereof determined by three (3) disinterested auto mobile dealers or garagemen and after giving twenty (20) days' notice to the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, such notice to include all information which can be reasonably as certained to identify such ve hicle, dispose of the same by private or public sale and shall forward the proceeds of such sale to the Town Treas urer. Section 6. Disposition of ' Proceeds of Sale. The Town Treasurer shall pay " from the proceeds of such sale the costs of re moval. storage, investigation as to ownership and sale, and liens, in that order. If after such sale the ownership of the vehicle at the time of its removal is established satis factorily to the Town Treas urer by the person claiming such ownership, he shall be paid so much of the proceeds of the sale as remains after payment of the costs of re moval, storage, investigation as to ownership and sale, and any liens, as hereinabove re quired. However, if the owner of such vehicle at the time of its removal cannot be ascer tained, any remaining pro ceeds shall be deposited in the General Fund of the Town of Louisburg. Section 7. Disposition of Unsold Vehicles. Whenever any abandoned motor vehicle which has been removed pursuant to this or dinance shall remain unsold for a period of sixty (60) days from and including the day of its removal, any such vehicle may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the Town official charged with its | safekeeping. Notice of any such destruction or disposi | tion shall be given the North | Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, such notice to include all information which can be reasonably as [ perUriHed to Identify Such ve hicle. Section 8. Disposition of Abandoned "Junk" Motor Vehicles (a) Abandoned "Junk" Motor Vehicle Defined. Whenever a motor vehicle is found to be an abandoned motor vehicle as defined in Section 1 and, in addition, is found to be inoperable, dis mantled or damaged, five (5) years old or older, and worth less than fifty dollars ($50.00). it shall be deemed to_be an abandoned junk motor vehicle. (b) Removal. Whenever any junk motor vehicle is abandoned on the public streets or public grounds, or is abandoned upon privately owned property without the permission of the owner, lessee or occupant thereof, any such vehicle may be re moved by o^under the direc tion of a law enforcement officer or the Building Inspec tor to a storage garage or area; provided, that no such vehicle shall be removed from privately owned premises without the written request or permission of the owner, lessee or occupant thereof, unless the same has been de clared to be a health?or safety hazard. When such vehicle is removed from privately owned property, the person at whose request such vehicle is removed may be required to pay or otherwise in demnify the Town for any expenses incurred by reason of Its removal and storage. (e) Final Disposition. Any junk motor vehicle so re moved shall be held for a period of at least fifteen (16) days. The owner of any such vehicle may claim hli vehicle during the fifteen (15)-day retention period by exhibit ing proof of ownership to a law enforcement officer of the Building Inspector and after paying all reasonable coeta Incident to the removal and storage of the vehicle and administrative expenses. If, after the vehicle is held fif teen (15) days, It remains unclaimed, said vehicle may be destroyed or otherwise dis posed of by private or public sale. Any proceeds derived from the disposition of junk rrKotor vehicles shall be re tained by the Town for de posit in the General Fund. Within fifteen (15) days after final dlqmaltlon. '?r!tten notice thereof shall be gWen to the Department of Motor Vehicles indicating that iuch vehicle hat been declared to be an abandoned junk motor vehicle, the manner of final disposition, and as full and accurate a description of the vehicle as can reasonably be determined. (d) A law enforcement of ficer or the Building Inspec tor may, with the consent of the owner of a vehicle, re move and dispose of any motor vehicle as a junk motor vehicle regardless of the value, condition or age of such vehicle and without waiting the aforesaid fifteen (15)-day period. Section 9. Immunity. Neither the Town nor any person shall be held to answer in any civil or criminal action to any owner or other person legally entitled to the posses sion of any abandoned, lost or stolen vehicle for disposing of such vehicle as contem plated by this ordinance. Adopted, this the 10th day of October, 1969. V. A. PEOPLES. Mayor ATTEST: Katherine D. Gupton Clerk 10/21 CO-EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Co-Ex ecutrix of the estate of Ben nett H. Weldon, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 21st day of April, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 6th day of October, 1969. Annette W. Goyette, Barbara W. Hedgepeth, Co-Executrix 10/21, 28; 11/4, 11 pd. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the requirements of Section 160-175 of the General Sta tutes of North Carolina that the Louisburg Town Council will hold a public hearing on a proposed amendment and revision to the present Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Louisburg, at 7:30 p.m. on FRIDAY; ' NOVEMBER 7,. rT969'9*' n 'I in the Town Council Room located in the Armory Build ing, 'Town of Louisburg, North Carolina. Said proposed changes be ing as follows: To change the R-l Zone on the north side of East Franklin Street to R-2, and to change from R-l to R-2 Zone 218.5 feet from East Franklin Street north on the west side of Spring Street, on the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Louisburg. All interested persons are invited to attend. This 16th day of October, 1969. Katherine D. Gupton, Town Clerk for the Town of Louisburg 10/21 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Admin istratrix of the estate of Joseph John Horton, de ceased, late of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 7th day of April, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. AU persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 6th day of October, 1969. DAISEY HORTON, Adm'rx. Davis & Sturges, Attorneys 10/7,14, 21,28 pd. EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Execu trix of the estate of Norris Wilson Collna, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this I* to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 30th day of March, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment. This 25th day of Sep tember, 1969. Oeraldine Parker Collins. Executrix 9/30; 10/7, 14, 21 pd. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain deed of trust executed by Jaroa F. Williams and wife, Florence R. William*, to E. C. Bulluck, Trustee, dated the 1st day of February, 1963. recorded in Book 589, ftge 345, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County; default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness and the deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to fore closure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a fore closure thereof for the pur pose of satisfying said indebt edness. the undersigned Trus tee will offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court house door in Louisburg. Franklin County. North Caro lina at TWELVE o'clock NOON, on FRIDAY the 3 1st day of OCTOBER, 1969 the land conveyed in said deed of trust, the same being more particularly described as follows: ? BEGINNING at a point in the center line of a new hard surfaced road known as the Murphey Road, a new corner for Walter E. Debnam. thence leaving said road North 30 deg. 00 min. West 142.5 feet along a new line for Debnam, to the center line of the old Murphey Road; thence along the center of the Old Mur phey Road South 66 deg. 30 min. East 17.2 feet. South 88 deg. 30 min. East 18.8 feet to a new corner for this lot and a lot conveyed by James Wil liams and wife, Florence Wil liams to Willie Young and Hattie Williams; thence along a new line for this lot and the Willie Young and Hattie Wil liams, South 14 deg. East 97.0 feet to the center of the new hard surfaced Murphey Road, a new corner for this lot and Willie Young and Hat tie Williams; thence along the center of said road South 87 deg. 00 min. West 125.0 feet to the point of beginning and being the West portion of that certain lot conveyed to James Williams and wife, Florence Williams . by deed from Emma S. Debnam and Walter E. Debnam, dated November 28, 1961, recorded in Book 579, page 231, Franklin County Registry. The successful bidder will be required to deposit an amount equal to 10% of such bid as evidence of good faith, which amount will be for feited upon non compliance with said sale and upon com pliance, applied upon the pur chase price. Dated and posted this 30th day of Sept., 1969. E. C. BULLUCK, Trustee 10/7, 14, 21, 28 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE, DISTRICT COURT DIVISION NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY JULIE LOUISE WALKER, Plaintiff v*. JAMES WALKER, Defendant TO: JAMES WALKER Take notice that A pleading aeeklng relief against you hai been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being (ought Is as followa: an abiolute divorce on the grounds of ope year separa tion. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than November 26, 1969, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 3 day of October, 1969. > CHRISTINE E. HARRIS, ' Asst Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County North Oarollna 10/7,14, 21,28 NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY Under and by virtu* of an Order for Sale of Land of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, made on 7 October 1969, In that certain Special Proceed ing entitled "John C. Pemell and wife Betiy L. Perneli, W, R. Perneli and wife Betty H. Perneli, Roea P. Gilliam and huiband William C. Gilliam, and Mattie P. Gupton, Wl .dow, Petitioner!, Ex Parte", the undertlgned Commis sioner will, on FRIDAY, THE 7TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1969 at or about the hour of 12:00 o'clock Noon, at the Courthouae Door of Franklin County, Loulaburg, North Carolina, offer for nle, to the hlgheit bidden, for cash, those three certain tracts or parcels of land sit uate in Cedar Rock Town ship, Franklin County, North Carolina, and more particular ly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: A certain tract or parcel of land in Cedar Rock Township, Franklin County, North Caro lina. known as part of the Howell Wood Land, and bounded as follows: BEGIN NING at a stake in a pathway F. W. Pernell's corner in line of the W. M. Boone estate, thence N. 6 deg. East 1584 feet to a stake in the said path, a new corner for H. L. Gilliam in line of the lands belonging to the W. M. Boone estate, thence a new line N. 85' ; deg. W. 1024 feet to a i stake, a new corner for H. L. Gilliam in line of the S. A. Jones land, now owned by Dickens; thence S. 10'.' deg. West 1597 feet to a stake, corner of the Jones land in F. W. Pernell's line, thence along said Pernell's line S. 85' ; deg. E 1162 feet to the beginning, containing 39.8 acres, and be ing the same land described in Deed from H. L. Gilliam and wife Mary ft. Gilliam to R. H. Pernell recorded in Book 347 on page 50 in the office of the Franklin County Register of Deeds. SECOND TRACT: A cer tain tract or parcel of land in Cedar Rock Township, Franklin County. North Caro lina, described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING in the cen ter of the old Nashville-Louis burg Road at a point near the North edge of the surface of what is now State Highway No. 56, this being also R. H. PerneU's southwest corner of a certain eight acres which was conveyed to R. 1. Stal lings by Mrs. Alice I. Boone some years ago, and now be longing to R. H. Pernell; thence, by .survey of P. R. Inscoe, Registered Surveyor, for the State of North Caro lina, made June 3, 1944. North 3U deg. E. 775 feet to a stake the northwest corner of the said eight acres, now R. H. PerneU's corner; thence S. 85Vi deg. E. 429 feet to a stake, R. H. PerneU's corner in E. M. Sykes' line: thence along E. M. Sykes' line N. 3'/4 deg. E. 2820 feet to a stake, E. M. Sykes's corner and now a corner In the Boone Tract, known as the George West Tract; thence, continuing N. 3Vi deg. E. 7X5 feet to a stake, a new corner in the George West Tract; thence, N 86'< deg. W. a new line 927 feet to a stake in the path, a corner of the George West Tract In the Howell Wood line, now Lee Gilliam's line; thence S. 7 deg. West 388 feet to the corner of the land sold by Lee Gilliam to R. H. Pernell; thence continuing South 6 deg. West 1585 feet to the old Howell Wood cor ner; now R. H. PerneU's cor ner and corner of the F. W. Pinnell land; thence along the line of the F. W. Pinnell land, S. 3 deg. West 2133 feet to the center of the old Louis burg- Nashville Road, a stake corner of the F. W. Pinnell land; thence along the old road South 67V4 deg. East 124 feet to F. W. Plnnell's corner and R. H. Plnnell's corner of the A. W. Pearce tract; thence continuing along the old road S. 67'/ideg. East 494 feet to beginning, con taining 90 acres by survey be the same more or less. This land is composed of what was called 84 '/i acres conveyed by Ben T. Holden, Commis sioner, to Alice I. Boone Jan uary 11th, 1913, less eight acres formerly, sold to R.l. Stallings and now owned by R. H. Pernell (See Book 192 page lfi8) and partly of the portion cut off from the George West Tract which was conveyed to Alice I. Boone, April 1, 1903, by F. N. Eger ton and wife (see Book 128, page 235). This is the same land described in Deed from Gertrude Boone Speir et als to R. H. Pernell and wife Minnie Pernell recorded In Book 398 on page 216 In the office of the Franklin County Register of Deeds. THIRD TRACT: All those certain pieces, parcels or tracts of land containing a total of One Hundred and Eighteen (118) acres to be the same more or less, com posed of three tracts, situate lying and being on the Louls burg-Naahvtlle Highway No. 56 about eleven (11) miles East from the Town of Louis burg, North Oarolla, In Cedar Rock Township, FrankUn County, State of North Caro lina, having such shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to plats made of said three tracts by J. T. Inscoe, Surveyor, on Feb ruary 21, 1928, and attached to the abstract now on file with he Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, the same being bounded on the North by the Lands of T. W. Stoke*, on the Eait by the lands of T. W. Stokes, Mrs. Claudia Collie, Mrs. Geneva Sykes, W. F. Wester, and J. C. 3aU, on the South by the lands of J. C. Ball, and on the West by the lands of W. B. Coppedge snd T. W. Stokes, and being the identical lands conveyed to N. D. Williams by deed from the Planters Bank of Battleboro, North Carolina, recorded in Frank lin County Registry, Book 274, page 312, and by deed from T. W, Stokes and wife dated February 20, 1928, re corded in Franklin County Registry. Reference to both of said deeds is hereby made for a more complete descrip tion to said tracts of land. This is the same land des cribed in Deed from Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh to R. H. Pernell and wife Minnie McGhee Pernell recorded In Book 250 on page 765 in the office of the Franklin County Register of Deeds. The foregoing sale is sub ject to farming contracts for the year 1969, and said pur chaser or purchasers shall not be entitled to possession of the cultivated portions of said lands until the completion of the farming operations during the year 1969. A ten per cent (lO'o) de posit will be required of the successful bidder or bidders at the time of said sale to guarantee compliance with said bid or bids and to be forfeited upon noncom pliance. This sale is a judicial sale and subject to the laws relat ing thereto. This the 7th day of Octo ber 1969 W.M. JOLLY, COMMISSIONER 10/14, 21, 28; 11/4 an ORDINANCE PRODD ING FOR THE PREVEN TION AND ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCES CAUSED BY THE UNCON TROLLED GROWTH OF NOXIOUS WEEDS AND GHASS AND THE ACCUM ULATION OF REFUSE WHEREAS, the uncon trolled growth of noxious and grass, the accum^ latlon of offensive animal and vegetable matter, and the ac cumulation of refuse eause or threaten to cause a ""lsanJ* dangerous and pre)udicial to the public health or safety, ""WHEREAS, the Town Council is authorized by Sec (ions 160-55; 160-200(6) (8) (26), and (28); and 160-234 of the General Sta tutes of North Carolina to abate nuisances, NOW, therefore, BE IT- ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Town of Loulsburg, North Carolina. Section 1. The existence of any of the following co^ ditions on any vacant lot or other parcel of land within the corporate limits is hereby declared to be dangerous and prejudicial to the public health or safety and to con stitute a public nuisance: (a) The uncontrolled growth of noxious weeds of grass to a height In excess of twenty-four (24) inches caus ing or threatening to cause a hazard detrimental to the public health or safety; /m Any accumulation 01 animal or vegetable matter that is offensive by virtue of odors or vapors or by the inhabltance therein of rati, mice, snake* or vermin of any kind which i? or may be dangerous or prejudicial to the public health; N (c) Any accumulation 01 rubbish, trash or junk causing or threatening to cause a fire hazard, or causing or threat ening to cauae the accumula tion of stagnant water, ?r causing or threatening to cause the Inhabitation therein of rata, mice, snakes or ver min of any kind which la or _.v he dangerous or pre judicial to the public health; ?' (d) Any condition detrl mental to the publi?^h?tlth which violates the rule* and regulations of the County Health Department. Section 2. The Town Man ager. upon notice from any person of the existence of any of the conditions de scribed in Section 1, shall cause to be made by the appropriate County Health Department official, or Town official, such investigation as may be necessary to deter mine whether, in tact, such conditions exist as to consti tute a public nuisance as de clared in Section 1. Section 3. Upon a deter mination that such conditions constituting a public nuisance exist, the Town Manager shall notify, in writing, the owner, occupant or person in posses sion of the premises in ques tion of the conditions consti tuting such public nuisance and shall order the prompt abatement thereof within fif teen (15) days from the re ceipt of such written notice. Section 4. If any person, having been ordered to abate such a public nuisance, fails, neglects or refuses to abate or remove the condition consti tuting the nuisance within fif teen (15) days from receipt of said order, the Town Man ager shall cause said condition to be removed or otherwise remedied by having em ployees of the Town go upon said premises and remove or otherwise abate such nuisance under the supervision of an officer or employee designat ed by the Town Manager. Any person who has been ordered to abate a public nuisance may, within the time allowed by this or dinance, request the Town in writing to remove such condi tion. the cost of which shall be paid by the person making such request. Section 5. The actual cost incurred by the Town in re moving or otherwise remedy ing a public nuisance shall be charged to the owner of such lot or parcel of land, and it shall be the duty of the Tax Collector to mail a statement of such charges to the owner or other person in possession of such premises with instruc tions that such charges are due and payable within thirty (30) days from the receipt thereof. Section 6. In the event charges for the removal or abatement of a public nui sance are not paid within thirty (30) days after the receipt of a statement of charges as provided for in Section 5 of this ordinance, such charges shall become a lien upon thte land or premises where the public nuisance existed and shall be collected as unpaid taxes, as provided in G. S: 160-234. Section 7. The procedure set forth in this ordinance shall be in addition to any other remedies that may now or hereafter exist under law for the abatement of public nuisances, and this ordinance shall not prevent the Town from proceeding in a criminal action against any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this ordi nance, as provided in G. S. 14-4. Section 8. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. Adopted, this the 10th day of October, 1969. V. A. PEOPLES, Mayor ATTEST. Katherine D. Gupton Clerk io/ai Frankness, even though commendable and coura geous, usually bommerangs. The great failing of many It the tendency to make over the spouae in one's own image. WANTED LP GAS SERVICE MAN 1 ynr experience or mora. Ckll 919-496-6660 or 919-267-3880 for interview. FOR SALE Modern new 3- bedroom residence on High wey 401, 1 mile North of Louisburg City Limlti. Alreedy finenced. Immediete occu pancy. Have desirable homesites on hard surfaced highway, electricity available, 2 miles West of Rishel furniture Company. Homesites on terms. LUMPKIN ENTERPRISES, INC. Phone 496 -3171

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