D?toc regular ~ RdlCd CLASSIFIED .06 par word minimum $1.00 par insertion ? .50 par run tarvica on kayad ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY < .84 par column inch. M E MORI AMS uma as Classified Display. All Classified ads must ba paid in advance. FOR SALE FLUFFY soft and bright are carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham pooer $1. H. C. Taylor. 10/30 ch. FOR SALE - Soy Bean Hay. Otha E. Finch, Route 4, Louisburg. Telephone 496-3024. 10/23, 30 ch. 8 new 1969 zigzag sewing machines with full factory guarantee. Nationally ad vertised brand to be sold for $35 each. Monthly payments available. These machines may be, inspect ed in warehouse at Un claimed Freight, 1005 East Whitaker Mill Road, Ral eigh, 'A block East of old Wake Forest Road. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Mon. - Fri. Sat. till . 1 P.M. 10/28, 30 ch. STEREOS ? 5 deluxe solid state fully transistorized stereophonic High Fidelity consoles in beautiful hand rubbed finish. Deluxe BSR 4 -speed record changer and 4-speaker audio sys tem. To be sold for $88 each. Monthly payments available. May be inspect ed in warehouse at Un claimed Freight, 1005 East Whitaker Mill Road. Ral eigh, '/i block East of old Wake Forest Road. 9 A:M. - fi P.M. Mon. - Fri. Sat. till 1 P.M. 10/28, 30 ch. 1965 DODGE Polara station wagon for sale by owner. 1 owner on title. Must be seen to appreciate. Will finance - call 494-2531 Franklinton. 10/28, 30; 11/4 ch. FOR SALE - Used air con ditioner 3 months, 15,000 BTU ? $190.00 Contact Ennis Upchurch 496-5617. 10/28 30 pd. IT'S that time of year again. Let us clean up and paint your gutters. L. D. Cham pion Paint Co. Phone 496-3540. 10/30; 11/4 pd. FRUIT TREES, Nut Trees, Berry Plants, Grape Vines, Landscaping Plant Material - offered by Vifginia's largest growers. Free Copy 48-pg. Planting Guide Cat alog in color on request. Salespeople wanted. Waynesboro Nurseries. Waynesboro, Virginia 22980. 10/9, 16, 23, 30 ch. WANTED LP GAS SERVICE MAN 1 year experience or more. Gall 919-496-5650 or 919-257-3880 for interview, j FOR SALE - Twin maple beds and solid cherry drop leaf table. Call 853-2167 between 7 P.M. and 11 P.M. 10/30; 11/4, 6, 11 ch. FOR SALE: The Harris Chapel Baptist Church, lo cated on Tarboro Road, Route 1, Youngsville, North Carolina, is accept ing sealed bids on the old church building. Bids will be accepted through Oc tober 31, 1969. The per son purchasing the build ing will be responsible for its complete removal. Building may be inspected any time. The church re serves the right to reject any and all bids. Send bids to The Harris Chapel Bap tist Church, Route 1, Box 163, Youngsville, N. C. 27596; 10/2, 9, 16, 23, 30 ch. FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT; 5 rooms with bath, front and back porch, 16 acres land, 1 cleared, storage house, 2 car shelter. 5 miles west of Bunn, High way 98. $50. 269-8650. 10/30 Th & Tu tf ch. FOR RENT - Suite of three offices, heat and air con dition furnished. Call Jack Cooper, 496-4138. 9/16 Tu & Th tf ch. Help Wanted FULL TIME personnel need ed to train German Shep herd Dog for the U. S. Military. Requires working outdoors at Knightdale. Semi-unskilled work alsa available. Call Kersey at 834-0541. An equal op portunity employer. 10/23, 28, 30; 11/4 ch. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Franklinton area- Earnings based on aggressiveness of individual. Apply by letter giving references P. O. Box M, The Franklin Times. 10/28,30 ch. SECRETARY - Typing and shorthand. Apply at Franklin- Vance-Warren Opportunity. Inc., Law Building, Henderson. 10/28, 30 ch. 2 LADIES for telephone ap pointment work in Louis burg, and vicinity. Must have private line. For in terview, write P. O. Box 3026. Wilson, N. C. 10/28, 30 ch. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REPAIR HEADQUARTERS EXPERT REPAIR K. SERVICE ' ON ALL KINDS OF automatic transmissions MOST PARTS IN STOCK FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT GUARANTEED SERVICE PETE SMITH'S GARAGE Rt. 3. Louisburg, N. C. Phone 496-4983 BUSINESSMEN & PROPERTY OWNERS: Get double-barreled savings With ? Kemper Inaurance Packaga Plan ? By packaging your Inauranca and writing a alngla policy Initaad of many, aubatantlal aavinga ara patted on to you. ? Policyholder dlvldanda or a lower Initial coat may aave you additional monay. Find out It you qualify. You may ??ua 1** . over the coat of Individual policies Phone or writ* today . . . /OUR INSURANCE PROBLEM-SOLVER GENE PLEASANTS 207 N. MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 462, LOUI8BUR<3, N. C. GENE PLIA8AN1 raprtMntlng >0940 COMPARE KEMPER I PRICE ? PROTECTION ? SERVICE WANTED - 1st class painters. Plenty of year-round work. Only sober men apply. Call L. D. Cham pion after 6 p.m. 496-3540. 10/30; 11/4 pd. IMMEDIATE openings for male high school graduates or equivalent and for men who have completed the eight grade. An attractive starting salary, planned ad vancement. three weeks annual paid vacation, paid sick leave, paid holidays, liberal retirement benefits and other benefits are available to qualified appli cants. Contact Personnel Officer, John Umstead Hospital, Butner. N. C. for personal interview. Office houre 8 A.M. to 5 P.M., Monday through Friday. An equal opportunity em ployer. 10/30; 11/4, 6, 11 ch. t Legal Notice NOTICE OF HESALE OK LAND Under and by virtue of the authority contained in that certain order of resale, en tered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, in that certain special proceed ing entitled "Victor M. Stal lings and wife, Mrs. Colleen P. Stallings. Petitioners, v. Mrs. Mary Neville Stallings. Re spondent", the same being number 69 SP-100, the un dersigned commissioner will offer for resale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, on FRIDAY, 7 NOVEMBER 1969, at or about the hour of 10:30 o'clock a.m. the following described land: That certain tract or parcel of land containing 31.50 acres, more or less, situated in Dunn Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, about six miles northeast from the Town of Zebulon, being bounded on the north by the lands of Mrs. Claudia Alford Williams and Mrs. Mel rose W. Caines, on the east by the lands of Dollie M. Tant Estate, on the south by the lands of R. T. Newcomb, Jr., and M. H. Alford Estate, and on tW weSt by the lands of H. M. Alford and E. P. Pri vett, and more particularly described according to a plat thereof made by Harold B. Mullen, registered land sur veyor, dated 7 June 1969, and being the identical land described in deed from J. M. Stallings. et al, to O. D. Stal lings, recorded in Book 324 at page 175, Franklin County registry, and being the iden tical land conveyed by Jasper Vincent Stallings and wife, to O. D. Stallings, Jr., and Vic tor M. Stallings, by deed re PEOPLE, PLACES AID THUGS mm USFAG AGENT. WE CAN INSURE THEM ALL From the family to a theatre to office equipment? you can count on ui for tound insurance coverage. Consult ui with confidence, ai you would your doctor or lawyer. FORD INSURANCE A6ENCY BICKETT BLVD. npraMnting the United (tataa Fidelity A Guaranty Co, Baltimore, Mainland 2120} corded in Book 524 at page 101, Franklin County Regis try, to all of which, plat and records, reference is hereby made for further and more adequate description of the said land. Bidding will begin at $12,650.00. Hie successful bidder will be required to deposit with the Commissioner a sum of money equal to the amount required for an upset bid, to insure compliance with the terms of sale and to be for feited upon non-compliance. This 22nd day October 1969. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, COMMISSIONER 10/30; 11/6 NOTICE OF RESALE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF JAMES E. McCOWAN, EXE CUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF FRANCES B. MASON, DECEASED Under and by virtue of an Order of Resale made on the 13th day of October, 1969, by the Honorable Ralph S. Knott, Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, in the above entitled natter, the under signed Commissioners will, on Saturday, November 29, 1969, at or about 12 o'clock noon offer for resale at public auction to the highest bidder f<tr cash, that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Gold Mine Township, Franklin County, North Caro lina, bounded on the North by the lands of G. W. Alston, on the East by Kemp Watson land, on the South by Amy Wester land, and on the West by Upchurch land and the J. D. Alston land, and more particularly described as fol lows: BEGINNING at a stake on the North side of the road leading from Gupton to Cen terville, at or near the old Upchurch corner; thence South 86 deg. 15' East 1268 feet to a stake and hickory pointer, a new corner for this tract and the Watson land; thence along the line of the Wat9on land, a new line by survey of Phil R. Inscoe, Sur veyor, in 1952, North 15 deg. 30' East 3084 feet to a stake and pine pointer, a new : cor ner for this tract and the Watson land in the line of the G W. Alston land; thence North 86 deg. 15' West 3153 feet to a stake, corner for this tract in the line of the G. W. Alston land; thence South 10 deg. 15' West 99 feet to a stake in the line of the J. D. Alston land; thence South 15 deg. East 330 feet to a white oak; thence South 61 deg. 30' East 808 feet to a post oak stump. I'pchurch corner; thence South 6 deg. 45' East 2293 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 140 acres, more or less. A cash deposit of lO'c of the amount of the bid will be required to be made by the highest bidder at the time of sale, to insure compliance with the terms of the sale, and to be forfeited upon non ?compliance. Dated and posted, this 29th day of October, 1969. CLAYTON AND BALLANCE By: Theaoseus T. Clayton, Attorneys at Law Warrenton, North Carolina 10/30; 11/6, 13, 20 NOTICE OK SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICA TION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY IN RE: ABANDONMENT OF EMILY VALENTINE TO: ERNEST PERRY VALENTINE Take notice that A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: to declare Emily Valentine an abandoned child under the provisions of Chapter 48 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than twenty (20) days after the 4th day of Novem ber. 1969, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 7 day of October, 1969. Christine E. Harris, Asst. CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 10/9, 16, 23, 30 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBUCA- , TION IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVI SION STATE OF NORTH CARO LINA FRANKLIN COUNTY JULIA M. BRODIE. Plantiff vs. NEDHAM BRODIE, JR., De fendant TO: NEDHAM BRODIEf, JR. TAKE NOTICE THAT A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is for an abso lute divorce. You are hereby required to make defense to such pleading not later than twenty days after the' 7th day of November, 1969, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you .will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 3 day of October. 1969. Christine E. Harris. Asst. CLERK SUPERIOR COURT, DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FRANKLIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 10/9, 16, 23, 30 . NOTICE I have qualified before the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County as Executrix under the Will of my late husband, Tollie H. Weldon, and this is to notify all per sons to whom said estate may be indebted to present their claims to the undersigned or my attorneys prior to April 10, 1970 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. Any persons in debted to said estate are re quested to make prompt settlement. Clide D. Weldon, Executrix of the Estate of Tollie H. Weldon September 29, 1-969 Zollicoffer & Zoflicoffer, At torneys 10/9, 16, 23, 30 pd MaAtlri Wtli Company, WELL BORING - DEEP WELL DRILLING WARRCNTON. N. C. "A IV ell A Dny- Tht ? Martin IV ,ty ' N. C LICENSE NO 2 M ANLEY S MARTIN OAY 257 3651 NIGHT 25 7 3J92 VILLAGE FISH HOUSE (Across From Ford's Warehouse) FRESH SEAFOOD CHICKEN HAMBUR6ERS Open 7 Days A Week 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. FAMILY PLACE - Also Take Out Orders Phone 496-4467 LAND BANK LOANS! are ? LOW COST ? CONVENIENT TO PAY ? DEPENDABLE with the extra advantage* of food jervice, fair treatment and prepayment privileges FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT GERALD 8. WHITE On Wedneadeyt 10 A. M. - 1 f. M. At TAR HEEL P. C. A. OHIce Loutoburg, N. C., Phone 406-3267 BANK WITH CONFIDENCE ALL BANKIN6 TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL SAVINGS-CHECKING-LOANS-TRUSTS-INSURANCE Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Henderson, N. C. , "THE LEADING RANK IN THIS SECTION" 1889 - 80 YEARS OF SERVICE t SECURITY - 1969 No one holds more strong ^ to in opinion than a man if little intellect. Waiting for for i vkitor It one of the tiresome ways of wasting time. IGA MILK BEECHNUT STRAINED BABY FOOD FRESH PORK PICNICS WHOLE LB. CENTER CUT RIB CHOPS FRESH PORK SPARE RIBS - TABLETREAT BREAD 4 Long Loaves FROZEN IOOHO FRENCH FRIES 2 ? SAV-MOR S??Jtt> DRESSING . IOA INSTANT COFFEE eS::2 ??, IGA LARGE SWEET PEAS 63o3cans IGA f ? W V* ? W I IGA CREAM OR WHOLE KERNEL CORN 6 IGA SMALL OR TINY GREEN LIMAS 6 303 cans IGA MIXED VEGETABLES FRENCH CUT BEANS 6 303 Cans $1.00 IGA PORK & BEANS 5 $1.00 RED DELICIOUS APPLES 4 "s 350 CHIQU1TA T BANANAS 2 - 250 HAND GRADED SWEET + - ? ^ POTATOES ? 52 39 ONIONS 3 - 250 -SAVE YOUR TAPE GAME UJCKY AA FUR STOLE tape 525 00 GIVEN FOR A WORTH #?#*VV LUCKY TAPE The trading house LOUlSBURO, N. C. SOLID WOOD FURNITURE FACTORY SECONDS 50% SAVINGS HOME 853-2786 ?rriCE 496-39BD FARM BUREAU LIFE INSURANCE Fire Crop Hail Farmowners Auto Farmer'! Liability Blue Cross Hospital Plans L. C. HASTY Louisburg, N.C. WANTED PINE PULPWOOO SAW TIMBER HARDWOOD PULPWOOD ALL SPECIES STANDING OR DELIVERED BUNN WOODYARD 496-3968 Night: JOE DEBN/M 496-4432 WILLIS NASH 496-3646 PERSONAL PROPERTY SALE AT ABSOLUTE AUCTION WED., NOV. 5th 10:00 A. M. HENDERSON. N C (Vance County) EVERY ITEM LISTED BELOW IS BEING SOLO REGARDLESS OF PRICE-EXTRA GOOD EOUIPMENT-A REAL BUY Thl? partonal property at* will taka piaca at th? W. E. Rob# rt ion Ho ma pi act only 4 milai Eaat of Handarion, N. C. on tha Chick an Farm Road No. ISIS? LIST OF ITEMS TO BE SOLD AT THIS SALE 1-Farmall M Tract or-2-Far mall 140 Tractor?-2Sat? ?f Cultivator!, Fart Attach, for 140 Tractor-2-Bottom pioart-1 -Mowing Machlna-1-Road Blada-1 Back Up Llft-1-Dlrt Scoup-1 -Birth ? Bog- ALL ABOVE ITEMS WORKS ON 140 Tractor-1-18 Blada Off Sat Di?k--1-Volta Tobacco Tyar Machlna Elactrle or Gaaollna Motor -1-Naw Holland Tobacco Sattar W/Whaala-1-lnt. Lima Spraadar 1 Boyatta Tractor 6 Row Sprayar W/Pump-3-Watar Tank? -5 -Rubbar Tlra Tobacco Trucka-1 -Plant Bad Pump W/200 Ft Hoaa-1-Oaaborn 1 Row Corn Plckar-1 -Farm Trallar--1 -Small Typa Flak) Trailar -10-Hand Tobacco Sattara-1-Cola Cotton ft Com Plantar for 140 Tractor-1-lnt Smoothing Di?k-1 -Chain Saw- 2000 Ydtof Plant Bad Covar-2S00 Tobacco Stlcki-Farm Boat-Slngla ft DoubH Wagon-Hamata-Rakaa-Hoai-Small Tool* Slngla Traaa-Tobacco Cart-Mlac. Ho na Drawn Equip- Ho m? Mada Campar li many othar farm Kama to ba told along WITH SOME ITEMS OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. EWRA SPECIAL IRRIGATION SYSTEM-JUST LIKE NEW-AMES SYSTEM FOR 2H ACRE WITT* 1340 Ft of mam Una with all Flald Llna-W/22 No. 70 Sprlnklan-AII Jolnu ft Elbow -ALSO FORD INDUSTRIAL MOTOR U8ED ONLY TWO SEA80NS-Thla Syttam can not ba dupllcatad for Naw Llka Uaa Wa invlta avaryona to attand thit LARGE PERSONAL PROPERTY SALE-Many Itama you will find araiuat Ilka naw -but uaad-Extra Good Equipment -Wall Takan Can off-Now Raady to go to work-ONLY REASON FOR S.VLE OWNERS HEALTH WILL NOT PERMIT HIM TO CONTINUE FARMING AND HE IS FORCED TO SELL- AND GET OUT-You will >at tha prtoaaaawry Itam will ba wld-Plaaaa do not ovarlook tima and data of thit Mla-ANO COME PREPARED TO BUY. TERMS W.I, RpBERTSON.OWNSft FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR INSPECTION PLEASE SEE OWNER AT THE FARM-TIL 402-1576 OR COL BOS BUTLER, WARRENTON, N. C.-TEL 2B7 34SS. BIMEft WILl ? AVAI lA>lI aT twn sal* ' COL BOB BUTLER AUCTIONEER R. B. BUTLER AUCTION CO -SELLING AGENT WARRENTON, N. C.

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