Classified Ads D?iac regular 119109 CLASSIFIED [ .06 par word minimum $1.00 par insertion ? .50 per run j service on keyed ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .84 par column inch. MEMORIAMS same at Classified Display ? All Classified ads must be paid in advance. FOR SALE IT'S that time of year again. Let us clean up and paint your gutters. L. D. Cham pion Paint Co. Phone 496-3540. 10/30; 11/4 pd. 1969 TUCH-A-MATIC Sew ing Machine: Like- new cabinet. Zig-Zags, button holes, fancy stitches, with out attachments. WANT ED: Someone with good credit to finish 4 payments of $12.15 per month. For full details call Henderson 438-3022.11/4,6,11,13, 18. 20, 25, 27 ch. 1965 DODGE Polara station / wagon for sale by owner. 1 ' owner on title. Must be seen to appreciate. Will finance - call 494-2531 Franklinton. 10/28, 30; 11/4 ch. FOR longer wear keep car pets clean with Blue Lus tre. Rent electric sham pooer $1. H. C. Taylor. 11/4 ch. FOR SALE - Solid cherry drop leaf table. Call 853-2167 between 7 P.M. and 11 P.M. 11/4, 6, 11 ch. SLIGHTLY SCRATCHED in shipment. 7 new 1969 zig zag sewing machines. Na tionally advertised brand with full factory guaran " t?e. $35 each or small monthly payments. These machines may be inspect ed in warehouse at Un claimed Freight, 1005 East Whitaker Mill Road, Ral eigh, '/j block East of old Wake Forest Road. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Mon. - Fri. Sat till 1 P.M. No sales to dealers. 11/4, 6, 11 ch. STEREO CONSOLE $88 - Just received 5 delux solid ! state nationally advertised stereo consoles in beauti ful hand rubbed Walnut finish. World renowned BSR turntable and 4 speaker audio system, $88 each. Monthly terms avail able. May be inspected in warehouse at Unclaimed Freight, 1005 East Whit aker Mill Road. Raleigh, '/4 block East of old Wake Forest Road. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Mon. - Fri. Sat. till 1 P.M. No sales to dealers. 11/4,6, 11 ELECTROLUX - 4 Electro- i lux vacuum cleaners and j all attachments to be sold for $39.95 each or month ly payments available. Un claimed Freight, 1005 East Whitaker Mill Road, Ral eigh, W block East of old Wake Forest Road. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Mon. ? Fri. Sat. till 1 P.M. No sales to dealers. 11/4, 6, 11 ch. WANTED LP GAS SERVICE MAN 1 year experience or more. Qill 919-496-6660 or 919-267-3880 for interview. WL AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REPAIR headquarters LXrfcR I REPAIR W. SERVICE * ON ALL KINDS OF AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS MOST PARTS IN STOCK FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT GUARANTEED SERVICE PETE SMITH'S GARAGE Rt. 3, Louitburg, N. C. Phone 496-4983 FOR SALE: 18 Church pews ?t $25.00 each. See James Wilder at Franklin Milling Co., Louisburg, N. C. 11/4,11,18, 25 ch. FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT: 5 rooms with bath, front and back porch, 16 acres land, 1 cleared, storage house, 2 car shelter. 5 miles west of Bunn, High way 98. $50. 269-8650. 10/30 Th & Tu tf ch. FOR RENT - Suite* of three offices, heat and air con dition furnished. Call Jack Cooper, 496-4138. 9/16 Tu& Th tf ch. SERVICE WE SPREAD lime and fer tilizer for less. L. H. Dickens & Son. Rt. 2, Louisburg. 853-2117. 11/26 Tu tf ch. Help Wanted SPARE TIME INCOME Re filling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high-quality coin-operated dispensers in your area. No selling. To qualify you must have car, references, $600 to $2900 cash. Seven to twelve houis weekly can net excellent monthly income. More full time. For personal interview write UNITED DISTRI BUTING CO., DEPT A, P. O. BOX 10605, Dallas, Texas 75207. Include phone number 11/4 pd. WANTED - 1st class painters. Plenty of year-round work. Only sober men apply. Call L. D. Cham pion after 6 p.m. 496-3540. 10/30; 11/4 pd. EARN $400 Before Christ mas, men or women, full or part earn $50 to $150 weekly. Work from home, you own hours. Write Rawleigh Product Co. P. O. Box 7555, Richmond, Va. 11/4,6, 11 ch. FULL TIME personnel need - ed to train German Shep herd Dog for the U.. S. Military. Requires working outdoors at Knightdale. Semi-unskilled work alsa available. Call Kersey at 834-0541. An equal op portunity employer. 10/23, 28, 30; 11/4 ch. IMMEDIATE openings for male high school graduates or equivalent and for men who have completed 'the eight grade. An attractive starting salary, planned ad vancement. three weeks annual paid vacation, paid sick leave, paid holidays, liberal retirement benefits and other benefits are available to qualified appli cants. Contact Personnel Officer, John Umstead Hospital. Butner. N. C. for personal interview. Office hour* 8 A.M. to 5 P.M., Monday through Friday. An equal opportunity em- ' ployer. 10/30; 11/4, 6, 11 ch. Legal Notice CO-EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Co-Ex ecutrix of the estate of Ben nett H. Weldon. deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having USED TRACTOR BARGAINS 1 ? 2000 Ford Gat 1 ? 671 Ford Diesel w/Indc pendent P.T.O. 1 ? 800 Ford Gai 1 ? 640 Ford Gu 1 ? Fordson Dexta Diesel 2 ? 8N Ford? - - 1 ? 35 Ferguson Diesel. 3 Cyl.. Multi-Power and Live P.T.O. 4 ? 35 Ferguaon Ola* la 1 ? 35 Ferguaon Diesel 1 ? 65 Ferguion Gat w/Llve P.T.O. NEW FORD TRACTORS GASOLINE & DIESEL SALES i SERVICE FARM TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC P. O IOX 727 TEL. OEM1W HENDERSON, N. C. claims against the eatate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 21st day of April, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 6th day of October, 1969. Annette W. Goyette, Barbara W. Hedgepeth, Co- Executrix 10/21, 28; 11/4, 11 pd. ADMINISTRATOR'S NO TICE Having qualified as Admin istrator of the estate of Mary C. Henderson, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 28th day of April. 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 23rd day of Octo ber, 1969. L. W. Henderson, N. Main St., Franklinton, N. C., Adm'r. 10/28; 11/4, 11, 18 pd. FARM FOR SALE Estate of Henrietta May Bowden. 50 acres. 1 mile east of Duke Memorial. Church. Crop land 18 acres; tobacco 2.34 acres - 4,212 pounds, cotton 3.9 acres, corn 4 acres. To be sold Saturday, Nov ember 22, 1969 at 12 noon at the courthouse door in Louis burg. N. C. For further information contact Deuard Bowden, Box 746, Butner, N. C. Phone 985-4175. 10/28; 11/4, 11, 18 PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Richard C. Whitfield Optometrist Louisburg, N. C. Ground Floor Dr. Perry's Building Hours: 1:30 to 5:00 P.M. Phone Daily Except GY 6-4165 Wed. JOHN F. MATTHEWS Attorpty Hi Counsellor at Xav Practice In All Courts 215 Court Street Ph. 496-3523 or 496-3486 Louisburg, N. C. Hours by Appointment LUMPKIN & LUMPKIN Attorneys at Law Louisburg, N. C. Ground Floor Office Next to Harris Pharmacy Practice in Franklin & Surrounding Counties, and in Federal Court HILL YARBOROUGH CHARLES YARBOROUGH Lawyers Ground Floor Office in Yirborough Bldg on Main St Second Building from Post Office Louisburg, N. C. Telephone: GY 6-3185 General Practice in all Courts LOUISBURG MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY Homeowner, Life. Hospitalization, Annuities. Business. Hail Gene Pleasants 207 N. Main Street Louisburg. N. C. Bus Phone 496-5425 Re*. Phone 496-5370 CARPET NEEDS VISIT TAYLOR S FLOOR COVERING SHOP FEATURING ( 'Attn / flu 4 r I S Ml H S N I / Mohawk 25 DIFFERENT CARPET SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM PRICE FROM S3.SS TO S17 06 SQ. YD CARPETS FOR HOMES AND CHURCHES FREE ESTIMATES I MAUD WAG FUttNlTL ADMINISTRATRIX NO TICE Having qualified u Admin istratrix of the estate of Harold R. Murphy, decaaaad, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 5th day of May, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 30th day of October, 1969. Thelma C. Murphy, AdmYx. 11/4, 11, 18. 25 pdd. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Exe cutor of the estate of La vassor Burt Perry, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 25th day of April, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 22nd day of October, 1969. Margaret H. Perry, Executrix E. C. Bulluck, Attorney. 10/28:11/4, 11,18 pd. FARM FOR SALE Frances S. Bowden Farm, 25 acres; tobacco allotment 1.68 acres ? 2,594 pounds: crop land 10 acres; cotton 1.2 acres, corn 3 acres. This farm joins the estate of Henrietta May Bowden, 1 mile east of Duke Memorial Baptist Church. To be sold Saturday, No vember 22, 1969 at 12 noon at the courthouse door in Louisburg, N. C. For further information contact Deuard Bowden, Box 746, Butner, N. C. Phone 985-4175. 10/28; 11/4. 11, 18 ADMINISTRATRIX NO TICE Having qualified as Admin istratrix of the estate of Wil liam Lyles. deceased, late of Franklin County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all.per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 4th day of May, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 3rd -day of No vember, 1969. Margaret Lyles, Adm'rx. 11/4, 11, 18, 25 pd. Patronize TIMES Adv. notice of sale of VALUABLE REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY Under and by virtue of an Order for Sale of Land of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, made on 7 October 1969, in that certain Special Proceed ing entitled "John C. Pemell and wife Betsy L. Pernell, W. R. Pernell and wife Betty H. Pernell, Rosa P. Gilliam and husband William C. Gilliam, and Mattie P. Gupton, Wi dow, Petitioners, Ex Parte", the undersigned Commis sioner will, on FRIDAY, THE 7TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1969 at or about the hour of 12:00 o'clock Noon, at the Courthouse Door of Franklin County, Louisburg. North Carolina, offer for sale, to the highest bidders, for cash, those three certain tracts or parcels of land sit uate in Cedar Rock Town ship, Franklin County, North Carolina, and more particular ly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: A certain tract or parcel of land in Cedar Rock Township, Franklin County, North Caro lina. known^&s part of the Howell Wqpd Land, and bounded as follows: BEGIN NING at a stake in a pathway F. W. Pernell's corner in line of the W. M. Boone estate, thence N. 6 deg. East 1584 feet to a stake in the said path, a new corner for H. L. Gilliam in line of the lands belonging to the W. M. Boone estate, thence a new Jine N. 85Vj deg. W. 1024 feet to a stake, a new corner for H. L. Gilliam in line of the S. A. Jones land, now owned by Dickens; thence S. 10V4 deg. West 1597 feet to a stake, corner of the Jones land in F. W. Pernell's line; thence along said Pernell's line S. 854 deg. E 1162 feet to the beginning, containing 39.8 acres, and be ing the same land described in Deed from H. L. Gilliam and wife Mary W. Gilliam to R. H. Pernell recorded in Book 347 on page 50 in the office of the Franklin County Register of Deeds. SECOND TRACT: A cer tain tract.or parcel of land in Cedar Rock Township, Franklin County, North Caro lina. described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING in the cen ter of the old Nashville- Louis burg Road at a point near the North edge of the surface ?f what is now State Highway No. 56, this being also R. H. PerneU's southwest corner of a certain eight acres which was conveyed to R. I. Stal ling! by Mrs. Alice I. Boone *>ars ago, and now be longing to R. H. Pernell; thence, by survey of P. R. Inscoe, Registered Surveyor, for the State of North Caro lina, made June 3, 1944, North 3'.< deg. E. 775 feet to a stake the northwest corner of the said eight acres, now R. H. Pernell's corner; thence S. 85' s deg. E. 429 feet to a stake, R. H. Pernell's corner in E. M. Sykes' line; thence along E. M. Sykes' line N. 3' < deg. E. 2820 feet to a stake. E. M. Sykes's corner and now a corner in the Boone Tract, known as the George West Tract; thence, continuing N. 3'/< deg. E. 715 feet to a stake, a new corner in the George West Tract; thence, N 86' t deg. W. a new line 927 feet to a stake in the path, a corner of the George West Tract in the Howell Wood line, now Lee Gilliam's line; thence S. 7 deg. West 388 feet to the corner of the land sold by Lee Gilliam to R. H. Pernell; thence continuing South 6 deg. West 1585 feet to the old Howell Wood cor ner; now R. H. PerneU's cor ner and corner of the F. W. Pinnell land; thence along the line of the F. W. Pinnell land, S. 3 deg. West 2133 feet to the center of the old Louis burg- Nashville Road, a stake corner of the F. W. Pinnell land; thence along the old road South 67'/i deg. East 124 feet to F. W. Pinnell's corner and R. H. Pinnell's corner of the A. W. Pearce tract; thence continuing along the old road S. 67' i deg. East 494 feet to beginning, con taining 90 acres by survey be the same more or less. This land is composed of what was called 84 '/2 acres conveyed by Ben T. Holden, Commis sioner, to Alice I. Boone Jan uary 11th, 1913, less eight acres formerly, sold to R. 1. Stallings and now owned by R. H. Pernell (See Book 192 page 168) and partly of the portion cut off from the George West Tract which was conveyed to Alice 1. Boone, April 1, 1903, by F. N. Kger ton and wife (see Book 128, page 235). This is the same land described in Deed from Gertrude Boone Speir et als to R. H. Pernell and wife Minnie Pernell recorded in Book 398 on page 216 in the office of the Franklin County Register of Deeds. THIRD TRACT: All those certain pieces, parcels or tracts of land containing a total of One Hundred and Eighteen (118) acres to be the same mare or less, com posed of three tracts, situate lying and being on the Louis burg-Nashville Highway No. 56 about eleven (11) miles East from the Town of Louls burg. North Cfcrolia, in Cedar Rock Township, Franklin County, State of North Caro lina, having such shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to plats made of said three tracts by' J. T. lnscoe. Surveyor, on Feb ruary 21, 1928. and attached to the abstract now on file with he Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, the same being bounded on the North by the Lands of T. W. Stokes, on the East by the lands of T. W. Stokes, Mrs. Claudia Collie, Mrs. Geneva Sykes, W. F. Wester, and J. C. Ball, on the South by the lands of J. C. Ball, and on the West by the lands of W. B. Coppedge and T. W. Stokes, and being the identical lands conveyed lo N. D. Williams by deed from the Planters Bank of Battleboro, North Carolina, recorded in Frank lin County Registry, Book 274, page 312, and by deed from T. W. Stokes and wife dated February 20. 1928, re corded in Franklin County Registry. Reference to both of Mid deed* Is hereby nude for i more complete descrip tion to uid tract* of land. Thl? la the same land des cribed In Deed from Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh to R. H. Pernell and wife Minnie McGhee Pernell recorded In Book 250 on page 766 In the office of the Franklin County Register of Deeds. The foregoing sale Is sub ject to (arming contracts for the year 1969, and said pur chaser or purchasers shall not be entitled to poeeeesion of the cultivated portions of said lands until the completion of the farming operations during the year 1969. A ten per cent (10%) de posit will be required of the successful bidder or bidders at the time of said sale to guarantee compliance with said bid or bids and to be forfeited upon non-com pliance. This sale is a judicial sale and subject to the laws relat ing thereto. This the 7th day of Octo ber 1969. W.M. JOLLY, COMMISSIONER 10/14, 21, 28; 11/4 Patronize TIMES Adv. Route Salesman Wanted Jack's Cookie Corp. needs a man for Louisburg area. Call Raleigh 828-4375 for appointment. The trading house . LQUISBURG, N. C. SOLID WOOD FURNITURE FACTORY SECONDS 50% SAVINGS OFFICE HOME 496 39BD 053-2786 WANTED PINE PULPWOOD SAW TIMBER HARDWOOD PULPWOOD ALL SPECIES STANDING OR DELIVERED BUNN WOODYARD 496-3968 Night: JOE DEBNAM 496-4432 WILLIS NASH 496-3646 IT'S COMING " Protection . . . service. You get them both -when you insure your car end home through en in dependent insurance egent. We're independent egenti. If you heve e ton. we tee you get peid promptly, fairly. Call ut todey for worry-free protec HODGES INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 496-6156 N. MAIN ST. Loutaburf, N. C. Move your savings to First-Citizens. We offer highest bonk savings interest. Move now. Select the plan that suits you best. 5% three-month savings bands with rate guaranteed (or two years. This plan earns daily interest compounded daily. These bonds may be re deemed at the end of any 90 day period without notice or loss of interest. These bonds are available In amounts of $500 or more. 5% dally Interest Prtmium PutbooK Plan. Make an ini tial deposit of $500 or more You may add to this deposit at any time in any amount. You earn interest from day of deposit and your interest is compounded every three months. Withdrawals may be made on 90-day written 3% maximum Interest three month Income savings bond*. This plan is designed for cus tomers who wish to receive interest by check every three months. These bonds earn from day of purchase and are available in amounts of $500 or more. 4% regular savings accounts. You earn maximum 4% guar anteed daily Interest. Inter est Is compounded monthly, and there is no withdrawal notice necessary. FIRST CITIZENS BANK TH? CAN-OO BANK WITH TH? CAN-00 K0HX1 Mtfftf ' O I C t ?'? Ctim Ik* ft TryU Co?w? 1M

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