Classified Ads D*tac REGULAR 1(9109 CLASSIFIED .06 par word minimum $1.00 par insertion ? .50 par run service on keyed ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAV .84 par column inch. . M EMORIAMS same as Classified Display. All Ctaaaifiad ads must be laid in advance. FOR SALE ELECTROLUX ? 4 Electrolux vacuum cleaners and all attachments to be sold for $39.95 each or monthly payments available. Un claimed' Freight , 1005 East Whitaker Mill Road, Ral eigh, V4 block East of old Wake Forest Road. 9 A.M.? - 6 P.M. Mon. - Fri. Sat. till 1 P.^. 12/23 ch. STEREO CONSOLES: We have just received a shi]> , ment of 7 brand new stereo consoles. Some still in cartons. These 1969 na tionally advertised models are in beautiful walnut finish with four speaker system and world famous BSR turntables and power ful solid state chassis. They will be sold on a "first , come -first serve" basis for only . $88 each or small monthly payments. We have records available so you can. test each set before you buy. They may be inspected at Unclaimed Freight, 1005 East Whitak er Mill Road, 'A block east of old Wake Forest Road. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon-Fri. Sat. til 1 p.m. 12/23 ch. ' SINGER Touch & Sew sew ing machines (7 of them) pll are slant needle models and are fully equipped to zigzag, make buttonholes, and fancy stitches. These machines carry full garan tees and will be sold on a "first co me -first served" basis, only $39.95 each. Monthly payments avail able. They may be inspect ed and tested at Unclaim ed Freight, 1005 East Whitaker Mill Road, Ral eigh, 'ii block east NEEDED Pressers, shirts and dry cleaning, experienced and sober. Apply Village ? One Hour Cleaners. 608 N. Bickett Blvd. 12/9 Tu & Thtfch. HELP WANTED: 2 ladies for telephone survey. Full or part time. $1.60 per hour. Apply in person or call Mrs. Ruth ' Holmes at Mrs. ; F. M. Fuller's residence* 202 ChiircK, Street, begin- 1 ning Monday, December 29th, after 9 a.m. 12/23, I 30; 1/1 ch. HELP WANTED: Lady or ! student with car for light ! delivery work. Full or part time. Apply in person to Mrs. Ruth Holmes at Mrs. F. M.v Fuller's residence, 202 Church Street, begin ning Monday, ?'December , 29th, at_9 a.m. 12/23, 30; 1/1 ch. tWO WAITRESSES j WANTED. Age from 18 to j can't walk. Apply at I Dick's Drive In in person. Second shift. Starting | salary 60.00 and up. Tu. &Th. tf. ch. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Richard C. Whitfield Optometrist Louisburg, N. C. Ground Floor Dr. Perry's Building Hours: 2:00 to 5:00 P. M. Phone Daily Except GY 6-4165 Wed. JOHN F. MATTHEWS Attorney & Counsellor at Law Practice In All Courts 215 Court Street Ph. 496-3523 or 496-3486 Louisburg, N. C. Hours by Appointment LUMPKIN & LUMPKIN Attorneys at Law Louisburg, N. C. Ground Floor Office Next to Harris Pharmacy Practice in Franklin & Surrounding Counties, and in Federal Court ?N*' HILL YARBOROUGH CHARLES YARBOROUGH Lawyers Ground Floor Office in Yarborough Bldg on Main St Second Building from Post Office Louisburg, N. C. Telephone: GY 6-3185 General Practice in all Courts LOUISBURG MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY Homeowper, Life, Hospitalization, Annuities, Business, Hail Gene Pleasants 207 N. Main Street , Louisburg, N. C. Bus. Phone 496-5425 Res. Phone 496-5370 Legal Notice ADMINISTRATRIX C.T.A. NOTICE Having qualified as Ad ministratrix c.t.a. of the estate of Elizabeth Smith Gupton. defeased , late of Franklin County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 23rd day of June, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted, to said estate will pleafe make Immediate pay ment. This 22nd day of De cember, 1969. Irma Elizabeth Gupton AdmJ-s. c.t.?. 12/23, 30; 1/6 Admj*. , 13 elf. NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND Under and by virtu* of the authority contained in that certain order of resale, enter ed by the Clerk of the 'Su perior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, In that certain special proceed ing entitled "Victor M. Stal ling and wife, Mr*. Colleen P. Stalling*, Petitioners, V. Mr*. Mary Nevi pondent", the aame being levflle Stalling, Res number 69 SP-100, the un dersigned commissioner will offer for resale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, on MONDAY, 29 DECEMBER , 1969, I at or about the hour of 10:30 o'clock a. in., the followlng d escribe^ land: . THAT certain tract or par cel of land containing 31.50 acres, more or less, actuated in Dunn Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, about six miles northeast from the Town of Zebulon, being bounded on the north by the lands of Mrs. Claudia AJlford Williams and Mrs. Mel rose W. Caines, on the east by the lands of Dollie M. Tant Estate, on the south by the lands of'R. T. Newcomb, Jr., and M. H. Alford Estate, and on the west by the lands of H. M. Alford and E. P. Pri vett, and more particularly described according to a plat' thereof made by Harold B. Mullen, registered land surve yor. dated T June 1969, and being the identical land des cribed in deed from J. M. Stallings. et al.. to O. D. Stallings, recorded in Book 324 at page 175, Franklin County Registry, and being the identical land conveyed by Jasper Vincent- Stallings and wife, to O. D. Stallings. 'jr., and Victor M. Stallings, by defcd recorded in Book 524 at page 101, Franklin County Registry, to all of which, plat and records, refer ence is hereby made for fur ther and more adequate des cription of the said land. Bidding will begin at $16,850.00. This 9th day of December 1969. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, Commissioner 12/16,23 -EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified- as Exe cutor of the estate of Mary R" Rogers, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Caro lina, this? is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 23rd day of June, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. A1I persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 22nd day of De cember, 1969. John Allison Rogers Executor Route 1, KittreJI, N. C. 12/23, 30; 1/6, 13 . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate Of Frank Horton, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 16th day of June, 1970, or this notice jvill be pleaded in bar of theif reco*?fcy. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 11th day of De cember, 1969. Andrew Denton, Adm'r. Route 1, Louisburg 12/16, 23, 30; 1/6 pd. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of Wesley E. Richards, deceased, iate of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of June, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All p 496-3267 South 86 degrees 4 minutes East 981.30 feet to in iron stake; thence North 5 degrees 57 minutes West 1163 feet to an iron stake; thence. South 85 degrees 27 minutes East 1232 feet to an iron stake; thence North 4 degrees 42 minutes West 772.25 feet to an ijon stake on * Little Shocco Creek; thence down the run of said Creek, the i following courses and dis tances: South 69 degrees 3 minutes - East 242.54 feet; North 84 degrees 32 minutes East 298.40 feet; North 70 degrees 1 minute East 136.5 feet; North 87 degrees 45 minutes East 183.63 feet;. South 58 degrees 24 mfnutes East 91.68 feet; So|*th 51 degrees 7' minutes East 324 feet; South 62 degrees 34 minutes East 390.85 feet tq an iron stake; thence leaving said Branch and running j along the dividing line of Tract No. 1 and No. 2 of the Emma Faulkner Estate land, I South 39 degrees 56 minutes West 1440 feet; thence South 88 degrees 4 minutes West i ?193.61 feet; thence South 60 t degrees 19 minutes West j 178.60 feet; thence South 81 degrees 1 minute West 212.90 feet; thence North 50 degrees 43 minutes West 529.85 feet", thence South 72 degrees 18 minutes West 283 feet; thence South 16 degrees 22 minutes West 356.1 feet; thence South 31 degrees 16 minutes West 260.35 feet; thence North 86 degrees 10 minutes West 545.90 feet; thence South 80 degrees 24 minutes West 796.4 feet to the point and place of 'beginning and containing 64.95 acres and being desig nated as Tract No. 1 of the lands of Emma Faulkner Estate as same appears on Map of Harold B. Mullen, R.L.S., dated September 20, 1969. ?? And being the land allot ted to the widow and child ren of Perry A. Faulkner in that certain Special Pro ceeding Number 69-SP-35 en titled "Louise Faulkner et ais vs. G. Willard Faulkner et als". The said land and timber will be offered for sale in the following manner: (1) The timber and wood standing and growing on said land of and above the size of 8 inches acroet the stump at ground level when cut, with one year from date of con firmation of sale to be al lowed to purchaser to cut and remove the same. (2) The land without the timber and wood and subject to the sale of the timber and wood. (3) The lind, ' together with the timber and wood as "a whole. The successful bidder or bidders at said sale will be required to deposit lO^r of the amount bid with . the. Commissioners' as evidence of good faith to be forfeited upon non-compliance. S> This the 11th da^-oflDece mber. 1969. f CHARLES M. DAVIS, HILL YARBOROUGH, Commissioners 12/18, 23; 1/1. 8 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Admin istratrix of the estate of Wal ter E. Hall, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Caro lina. this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 19th day of June, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 19th day of Dec ember. 1969." IRIS M. PARKER Adm'rx. E. C. Bulluck. Attorney 12/23, 30: 1/6, 13 pd. ' ^j^rsonat iim. All i? forgiven, leturn home ?t once. You will never again oe laxc iot an appointment and Ume your job. We promise to buy an ac curate new Bulova at STEWART'S Jewelers 117 No. Main St. Ph. 496-3729 SALE 310 -ACRE HUNTER FARM v i Brinkleyville Township, ? ?r Halifax County, North Carolina Medoc X-Roads at Intersection. of N. C. Highway No. 48 and the Enfield State Road i TIMBER - Pine, poplar and hardwood TOBACCO - 1.79 acres - 3650 pounds PEANUTS - 9.00 acres, average 5 years yield of 1477 pounds COTTON - 1 1.7 acres, yield 325 lb. lint CORN ? 10 acres Timber and land will be sold separately and in the aggregate (A 3-acre triftigle Southeast of intersection mil be sold independently.) SEALED BIDS with 9% deposit will be received by Banzet & Banzet, Attorneys, Warrenton, N. C. 27589, up to 12 o'clock Noon, TUESDAY, December 30,. 196$. Further information may be obtained from the attorneys. BANZET St BANZET, Attorneys f ? for the estate of Mattie D. Hunter P. O. Box 535 Warrenton, N. C. 27589 Phone 257-3166 - ' ^ 12/16, 18, 23 LIST YOUR TAXES LISTING PERIOD IS FROM JANUARY 2, 1970 THROUGH JANUARY 31. 1970 PENALTY PERIOD WILL START AFTER LISTING PERIOO ACCORDING TO G S. 106-331. THE PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO LIST PROPERTY OR A POLL BEFORE | THE CLOSE OF THE REGULAR LISTING PERIOD SHAl,.L BE TEN PER CENT (10%) OF THE TAX LEVIED FOR THE CURRENT YEAR ON SUCH PROPERTY OR POLL. THE MINIMUM PENALTY SHALL BE ONE DOLLAR ($1.00). IF THERE IS NO EXTENSION OF TIME AND YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION FROM THE TAX SUPERVISOR FOR EXTENSION OF TIME. YOU WILL BE PENALIZED ACCORDING TO G.S. 105-331, QUOTED ABOVE. DUNN TOWNSHIP . TAX LISTER - M. CrPEARCE ? Rt. 2, Zebulon Mullen's Store . ... . Jan. 5 ' Luther Taylor's Store Jan. 6 Clint Carlyle Store ' Jan. 7 V 1:00 to 5:00 Edward Bros. Store . . .?. Jan 8, 29 Wayne Winstead Store ............ Jan. 9, 10, 30, 31 B. & G. Grocery . . Jan. 28 B. F. Levfcis Store .' . Jan. 16, 23, 24 H. E. Stallirigs Store .................. Jan. 17, 22 C. D. Strickland's Store Jaa 20 1:00 to 5:00 J. W. Perry's Store Jan. 13, 21 (All other times at C. E. Pearce, Jr. Store) (Time - 8:30 to 5:00) i ?_ HARRIS TOWNSHIP .TAX LISTER? CHARLES ti. RICHARDSON Route ^ Louisburg 39 Sinclair I . ... . Jan. 5 J. B. Land Store : . . . Jan. 8 Carl Harris Store v ........... .? Jan. 12 N. M. Edwards Store . . . ? Jan.-14 C. E. Richards Store Jaa 17 Johnson's Store Jan. 19 Hagwood's Store , Jan. 21, 22 George Lloyd's Store : ...... Jaa 24 Proctor Denton's Store Jaa 26 T. W. Perdue's Store Jan. 30, 31 * (All other times at home.) ? YOUNGS VI LLE TOWNSHIP TAX LISTER - ROBERT ALLEN Route 1, Youngsville k. Tax Listing at all times at Woodlief Hardware Store, Youngs ville - Monday through Friday - 8:30 to 5:00. Saturdays - 8:30 to 12:00 (January 2 thru January 31) FRANK LINTON TOWNSHIP TAX LISTER - MRS. MARGARET HARDY' Franklinton ASST LISTER - B. C. ABBOTT Franklinton Tax Listing at all times at Town Hall, Franklinton. Monday through Saturday - 9:00 to 5:00. HAYESVI LLE TCtWNSHIP TAX LISTER - MRS. C. N. WOODARD ? Route 3, Louisburg J. Ira Weldon's Store . ./Jan. 3, 31 Rocky ford Grocery . i . y/ Jan. 10, 24 E. & S. Farm Store ./. . . . . Jan.'17 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday nights 6:00 to 9:00 at E^psom Hardware Store (No listing at home.) * SANDY CREEK TOWNSWP TAX LISTER - C. C. PERRY v Route 3, Louisburg -- - o Stall ings Store (Moulton) Jan. 5 Bobby Foster's Store (401) . . . _. . Jan. 6 Lewis Pernell's Store . .... . . . . . ... . . . . . . . Jan. 7 Forest Pernell Store Jaa 10 A. B. Alston's Store . Jaa 1? Vernon Hale's Store (Alert) . . Jaa 13 (All other times at Henry Edwards Store!) . (9:00 to 5:00) ^ (No listing at home.) GOLD MINE TOWNSHIP TAX LISTER - MRS. REA MANNING Route 2, Louisburg Tax Listing at all times at Canterville Sinclair. Tuesday through Saturday - 8:30 to 4:30. Tuesday and Friday nights only - 7:00 to 9:00 (No lifting on Monday) CEDAR ROCK TOWNSHIP i TA)t LISTER ? W. S. BOON E Route 1, Casta! la H; M. DickenrStore . .' . a. . Jan. 7 Mrs. J. C. Bowd?n'? Store . . . . Jan. 9 T. H. Dickent Store V Jaa 14 (a.m.) Curtlt Davit Store ; .' Jan. 14 (p.m.) L. H. Dick ant Stora . v Jaa 16 Jack Collint Stora Jaa 21 Sid Champion Stora Jaa 23 G. 8. Ball'i Stora Jaa 28' Dava Smith's Stora . Jaa 30 (a.m.) (All othar tlmat at Hubert Wilder1! Stora) (Monday through Saturday - 8:00 to 5:00) CYPRESS CREEK TOWNSHIP . TAX LISTER - MRS. A. C. STALL! NGS / Routa 2, Spring Hop* . ' A Tax Lifting at all timet at A. C. Stalling! Stora, Sawn Pathe - 0:00 to 8:00 January 2. 1070 through January 31, 1070 ?' LOUISBURG TOWNSHIP TAX LISTER - MRES. C. T. DEAN, JR. Loutaburg ASST. LISTER - MISS UNDA WOODLIEF Route 2, Franklinton January 2. 1070 through January 31, 1070 All lifting at Tax Office, 217 Court Street Loubburg - Monday throutfi Friday (8:00 to 8:00) C. W. STROTHER, TAX SUPERVISOR FRANKLIN COUNTY 12/23, 30; 1/8, 13, 20, 27