-rise again ? . There was a hearing in Kocky Mount on development of the Tar River basin but to date nothing has come of it, and a man was given a speeding ticket while walking along a Bunn street. The Board of Education adopted a Citizen's Committee recom mendation for consolidation, but as Ihe decade ends, nothing has been done about this. Revaluation of county property be gan in late X964 and the Ku Klux Klan held a rally here attended by several hundreds, marking the- start of a period which would bring a great deal of unfavorable publicity to the county. The county voted for Lyndon Dement (Continued from Page to patrol the county and check the various business places. "Unless you catch the criminal in the act or find the goods on him, it is almost impos . sible to get a conviction, "K Dement said, t Me explained that with each t)f his rpen getting- oiif day off a week, one spending most of his time delivering patients to the State Hospital, and another tied up regularly in court h?re, he is greatly understaffedr'although he said his'department is working as hard as it can and "doing all we can" to solve these crimes. t - . Sixties (Continued from Page 1) Johnson over Barry Uoidwater, except Hayesville Township and the Klan threatened thek^ouisburg and Frank linton ChristmasParades. Both were held without incident, however. ? , Gay Products manufactured its first chair with formal ceremonies and Harold Talton, Chairman of the De velopment Commission, was named Man of the Year for his part in landing the firm. The County Commissioners, drawn between three applicants for W. F. Shelton's Recorder's Court Judgeship, pulled some maneuvers and ended up ? with a temporary ?ppointment which the law made permanent. Shelton had resigned and G. M. Be&m, Sr. was named to hold the post until the Board could make up its collective mind. It was later discovered that Beam could not hold the post on a temporary basis. The heaviest snov^ in years-7 Tnches -hit ,the area with 5 degree' temperatures and there began a Series: "What Next 'For Franklin County Schools?" Things pQpped so fast in the school situation, o however, the series could not keep up. V: A. Pepples edged-by 12 votes-Robert Hicks for Louisburg Mayor and as the decade ends, still - holds the post. The Rescue Services's ? Price Is Right Show proved the most popular thing of it* kind ever staged here and 65 Negroes applied for white ? schools. Bfy the opening of aohoo), the number was down to seven at Louis burg and three at Bunn, marking the first titegration here. Irijune the Frankllnton area was stungV^a meningitis scare following the deatnkof a 14-year-old boy. Hun dreds ?t'?' treated, most' of them in the FramUinton area", Cepterville be came incorporated -and Louisburg dis covered it had topped all towns in the ? state in retail sales growth during the past* five years. . ? ' , The Klan held a rally and a street walk marred by an incident when a Klansman allegedly struck a college photographer and a cross was burned at The Franklin Times office as well as other places in the county. The government accepted Franklin's school plan a|id the tobacco market put on an . unusual act as it opened, closed, opened, closed for several weeks. Franklin voters voted against the road bonds and court Reform in ?*. November agch(ck&i/ TECHNICOLOR Qprnx AFTER CHRISTMAS MENS SHOP