V WO hale? No. The contract wis mad?, anJSothers who differed with him. This bod vS if roads ami cuttintr canals within t!ie limit! they could be heat to thtfir boib., a in! ihesuld Mr. K.) has been called the highcsi)f the individual Stales, is entirely gratuil strict performance of the duties they hadNiribunal in the world. Should the Senale.Hous and a direct and nalnable violation of undertaken. They could nt divest them-jthcu, to get clear of a political opponent.gf the Constitution of ihe United States, andf; selves of their obligations; even it theyfritter away this high character? Slionldgunless speedily corrected and duly restrain-! woiuu ; jet me senate, one oi tne coti-Wit induce this people lo doubt lhat Hie Se-Seet must inevitably eventuate iti a prostra tracting parties, was undertaking, in theLnale of the U. S. is the protector of rightjgtinn of the sovereignty and independence power of their strength, to annul the con-jgihe frowner-down of every thing that Uglof the States, and the establishment of one tract, the oilier party rehiring to set ugwrong ? He hoped not. Me hoped, firSigreat government of untamed powers, is asnte, iow, he did lhiul, and he was injilie credit ol t!ie respective States, whnscgjJthe deliberate opinion of this Legislature. the habit of expressing his opinions plain-fesovereigntv we represem, such an examp?3 "This Assembly cannot forbear to avai! i.r ti.... .i.; ,, .. i....,.i i if n .. i . ti ii . r ; w. . . . iji.im una jj int iiiiijhiii-ii!iiuii:u, uiiu.miuiu nm uts ski. iic jwouiu not inrineigjitselt ol this occasion strongly to express? rucKie&s assumption 01 power mat wasietain ihe senate, u had not been his 'e-i:s decided conviction that the permanency tr cAerciseti oy any ueiineraie nouy un-Ksign lo have said any Hung, hut he couIdga.l surer ss of our Republican Institutions! tier the sun. It was a nuked exercise of power, unmindful of justice, or of law, or of the sacredncss of contracts; and if gen tlemen could exercise tiiat power under such circumstances, it was for ihem to do it, and for the country to undersuMid it not repress the feelings of his bosom. pfdepend upon a properly defined partition of; a the power between the Federal and Statel RJGovernmnrs; yielding to the former the BA r.t. ... .1: : i i E jf.nLiM: in me iuwri.i uimiiii liy ami spe-j From the Mecklenburg Jejfenonian. 'fl I T rl V 1 I.' T u.-uuurtubiw. Cffiirifiallv einmerated in Hi Pp.lpralP.im. Our remarks concerning this ger.tIeman,V,art, am securing lo the laiter the free ex jvcry man in mis country wnois engagcdsiti the .leii. rsonian ol the 23d ultimo, liavt:WPr,.jsc f,f thos not delegated by said com in executing worii under contract with ihcKneen torn red into "an unprovoked at - k Spa-t to the 1 tiovernincnt ,wili be told, in language not topfupon him "a malignant ebulliiiou ol id drawn down upon us a longs . i r. ... . . r pa-t to tne united Mates, nor prohibited by jit to the States: be misunderstood : " rhough you do vourS-pleen," a;i work faithlully, comply with your contract! uticle of denials, coarse invective, and dis-j to the very letter, you have no security furwi'igenious equivocations little becoming tin! a moment. Any individual who possessesglOoloriel's former political course, and his weight with the dominant ftolitical party, JaloateiI pretensions to courtesy and candor who is inflienccd to act against you by a ve believe we have su.icient grounds foil party hostility, or private g iefs, can proff considering Col. Barringer himself the au- cure the abolition of your contract, cenKlhor of tne article in the last number of the should it involve you in rum." Let theraFederal sheet of ibis town, beaded Misre country but understand that as the truejP:eseuta:ions," and in thai character wi ,,,finues0" (Ur.Hsiiau answer,!. Hsnhven the independence and sovereignty King; woulu cheerlully abide its judgment It is an old tnck of the Federalists, log0f tne States. ,,V",U."!:' oauaireauy said, and Baidraise me cry oi -persecution'.- or hatch upM Resolved, As the further opinion of wuij, ui.ii u was noi tns nutrition lo cnterrjsome omer nuniDug, to screen their odious- at large into this question. The argumentwprinci.les from a strict examination by the vas all on one side ; and all the ingcnuitySl'coplf: but if Col. Darringer expects to oi tne senator Irom Connecticut, (.lr.H into onress hoin this District by a Huntington had failed to protect his frien!sr1fort to such means, he will be viry much irom the force of the arguments which badjgmistaken; or, if he hopes by bullying & been addressed to them by Senators onp'-oarse i pithets, to silence this press, "and this side of the house. lie (Mr. King)jpi"event a full and free examination of bis was willing to gratify the Senator frorngpolttical acts and principles, he 'counts Connecticut, and throw aside the ioints'iihout his host.' llns he really become resolution of 1819, under which cleclionsgj-'o thoroughly imbued with the spirit of: i 1 ublic J'nnters had been made for moreKranIi feral aristocracy in which he ha: than twenty years. Uut, set it aside ad-H!noVL'd' om his infancy, lhat when a can mu that it has no binding force docs i;fdidate for a high public trust, any one win s: fleet this case? Not in the least. Theares institute an inquiry as to bis fitness . I.-..I ...l i . Mr..- .i : ... . i .. . ' 1 i-JMii ptacc ny a ocnate rom-ail,r Uli; nation must oe uenounceu by !iim!imits of North Carolina. i i ",Jlky "iiai matrerfuif, ineiNM'" , :"'3 l" coarse an.j con-einptu-g "Resolved ix like manner. That this .u. ... muuai was (ies:gn:ue(i iiu-S'-. pr.imiiy imagine mat tiu &i(;eneral Assembly docs bereW most snl-S' t.era joint rcsohmon ol the two Houscs.glople ul tins District will shut their cyesjrnnly protest a-ninst any claims or exer-fi'his subject at another period, when not r by the mere wi 1 of the Senate? Tlif-8gt '"s odious federal principles, a.:d exlemlgJcisfi nf nnwnr A ,hn r .Kp'Hharrassed bv onnosin? counsels In 17S7. selected, that begto him a 'generous confidence,' by MindlyHGeneral Rnvprnmrnt tn i'mw mnnov In nnvliin writing to a Senator in one of the Souih- "Tiiereforr be it TJeolved, That tin- !er the division and limituii.n nf powers by the loistitition of tlie Lnited States. 'Congress lias not the right to prosecute (works of Interhnl Improvement within the "onnnes or urisoiction ot anv ?taie, an: particularly within the State of North Car- dina; ar.d that the exercise of such right is contrary to the genius and spirit of said Constitution, and eminently calculated to jtfiis Legislature; that apart from all consti jtutional objections, the exercise of such jpowers is to he deprecated as impolitic and inexpedient, and tend directly to the cor ruption 01 tlie principles, and indirectly t ionality and rxprdicncy, and those senti-thai week many clerks were dismissed from ncnts he ner refanud publicly. To the Departments, and expressly told lhat it he destruction of the liberties of the peo- Federal. st. wit tout any comment of ou: ;uie countrys that the power to prosecuu-; A-orks of Internal Improvements is m where delegated to the - Federal (loveru-B represent Mr. J( ff.-rsoti r.s having been in H was exclusively on political grounds. nent, and cannot, therefore, be cxereiseiiRfavor of a National lank, tlierefore. be-'? Among them was Mr. (iouge of the Tna- without a manifest violation of ihe Con sti Bspeaks jjreal ii'iiorance, or a design to de- i'sury, tlie eminent mithor of ihe work on itution and a like invasion of State Sove-ff -eive. .banking, who was recommended to bit ng. rdguiy; and, that money cannot hi con-M Hut we have already extended our rc-l'on by his extensive information and high stitu ttOiially drawn from the pockets of iheramark beyond w hat we intended at (irsi, jrcharacter as a man. not as a partisan for tie 1 eople for any other purpose than V payH ind must reserve our reply on ihe other. nnver was one. I his hecatomb of victim ; he legitimate expenses of Governments. 3 questions at is.ue until next wick, when who were struck down during (eneral Have these not been tlie doctrines of the&jwe will shew tl at all '.Ue charges we made' I1au:mson"s illness, many of whose familirs Republican party since tlie foundation ol'Sagainsi Col. I'arringer were not made are no w turned out in a sort of orphanage our (lovernmetitj' and could the v be moret without the proi'f to sustain them. K,t, t'1 world, must have been made in the forcibly set forth than they arc in ihe lieso-M 0O S'tice wriiiti" the above, we have spirit of heathen times, when sacrifices of lotions of Mr. lJvnum? And yet, whenSseeii a Circular, issued from Lincolnton bv unfoi t inate prisoners by custom attended jihey passed our Legislature, where do wi jSOol. liarringer, to the freemen of ibis Pis-gibe fall of an illustrious chief. A decent re- fnid Col. I'arringer? voling against McwsTrici. TheCi:lonel comes out boldly forg:ird for appearances, ought to havesusper. Xlhraughout! Again, when Mr. Sawyer i NaMonal Bank, to be backed "by the(bd this !fsiressing process of removals jUesnlutbu came up, approving Gen. Jack ig faith and credit of tlie (lovcmment 1" Agwhile the Chief Magistrate, who alone could Ua.x'js veto on the Maysvibe lvoad Bill, Prnost mawtiiliceit scheme for con vcrtiii" the authorize it, was loo ill to attend to any where do we find him': I oiing ojJiiiaCovcrnmeni into a great Banking shop !jof liia i!utie3. J he successor of l'res&ent 11, in a minority of raw hat lias become of the Colonels greats Harrison. a h13'1 111 ll,e P"me 01 Hie, and I bus armed and prepared by undeniableHnorror of a 'Government Bank so much r.cap ible ol look ng into evidence, we made the charges ag-jinst Col.jSS harped upon last summer? fjil't'igs for himsell owe liarringer, which appeared 111 our paper ol U c have neither time or roim now toresponsibility of bis dace die ult., that he was a federalist, Mexpose tfiis lame effort to blind tlie lVo-genteriain a desire to maintain tbe portion pposed to State liights, and a-i advocate rfgpl if the District to the questions at issue, Paequiied by accident, through the appffba iii erna! Improvement. He Ins denied ihePLll of which be slurs over, or dodges, ex-i''"" 'f the people will probably set some diarges, and a i-used us of falsehoods weNcept the Bank and lnlernil Improvements, abounds to tb-i proscr puon, whicli we Hruler iae submitted our proofs, and arc willinggr.Ve may take it up next week. iora candid public lo say who has lied Col. liarringer admits thai he is in fuvorfa of a National Bank; and attempts to justify kMIW this odiously Federal measure, so danger-a iSf'iMX& i?i .. .t 1 " 3 Ai" -StW r- rv'rw' una u iuc iiueiiics oi me cooniry, nv ansa assertion which we have too much regard gf f r his intelligence t believe that he did lot knw to be untrue when be marie ii to wit: that Washington, Madis. n, and Jtf-jl ierson approved of such an insti ution. ad nissio i here would convict him ofbeintrsl ) the condition of who most ft el the ce, and who mav iutain the rxxtioii hie "Resolved therefore. That thi Gcn- jeral Assembly, for and in behalf of the pr o- ip:e and government of t' eir Slate, does oiot solemnly protest against the claim of the Congress of the United States to exercise sthe power to prosecute schemes of Internal; Improvement within the jurisdictional lim-, jH of any Stale, and particularly within the. fot, all Hepubli rails have liel l a National Hank to be unconstitutional, tending to concentrate a V)St antl dangerous power in the hands of a few iutli vhIiim.-s. but lsn tlie Slate Banks, and, even the General Gov-P eminent itself might he opptessed and cround down to ruin. True. (ien. Wash-M ing on, as be said himself, reluctantly gave his signauro to the firsi National Bank, ijroj'-cterl by the great Federalist, Alexan der JJ.imtl'rtil. nrwl fanmlcil iiimn nnr firsi National Debt: but what did he sav uoonn TIIKJIEPUBILTCA. LINCOLN TON, WEDXESUAY, APRIL. 14, XS4I Democratic Republican Nomination, FOR CONGRESS G. W. CALDWELL, OF MECKLEMJUKG COUNTY. Iacls thnt hp wnQ . . . iv Jin HV-jv" lias entered into the contract, and eivpnfevol'n& lnto Congress, where he mav ihe necessary bond, which is now on theo ld his brother bluc-lidils in saddling tht mannpr whatever from the people of this&crn States, he says: iable of your Secretary, still stare "-entle men in the face. There is no escaping from them. lie trusted there was no Sena tor who would seriously contend that the majority who authorized the contract, had not the power to do so because lhat ma-68 ipirity was soon to be placed in a mtnoritv-g lor upon lhat ground every act of ihei ast session, whic!i the Senate in its wis-iwe said liom had titonght proper to perform, rnigl.i ti" set aside because it was passed bv a majority, the political opponents of the pending his strength in vain, wearying his lungs for no good; he expected to con-f3 vilirp linhildv if u no cott'od ilm Iwl ImtLs gone forth, and these men were to ba sacri- liced. He warned gentlemen of the result! country with all the odious measures oi Fe leiaiis.li.'' If sd, we imagine the 13ih of next May will teach him more respect fori iheir intelligence. U c shall now only review the most im portant charges which we made afains: (Jol. liarringer, and which he has either? lenied, or, admitting, has himself proved a!l! I!' t 1 , . t r. e cnargcu :nai ooi. liarringer was ,i Federalist opposed to Sta!e IiigJits in favor of a National Bank and Internal Im provements by the Frileral Government. He denies being a Federalist, denies be ing opposed to Mate Kights, or thai he is in favor of Internal Improvements, but ad mits that be is in favor of a Nadonal Bank. We h:t!I not retort upon Col. Barringc SState mlo the Public Treasury of the lim ited States, to be thence disbursed for anyj johjecls save those of carrying into effect the! jotjects ol the grants of power given to tbi tjeneral Government as contained in the Constitution of ihe United States." On the 30ih December, these Resolu '.ions were taken up in ihe Committee ofj he Whole. The first effort oftbeFeder-l jnlists in the Legislaturf, was to have them! imdeiiii'telv posinoned. lor tins motion forty-four members voted, (Jul, Barringer tmong them. This failing, various amend-j (lients were proposed to destroy ibeir force. jlor all of which Col. liarringer also voted; j but they were finally adopted, ayes 73. p pocs 47, ami among the latter is recorded S'.h? name of Daniel M. Barringer !5 1 do not besitate to declare, that if I had a voice in your Legislature, it would have been given decidedly against a paper emission, upon the general principles of its utility as a Representative, and the necessi ty of it as a medium. I contend that by the substance, not with tlie shadow of a thing, we are to be benefitted. The wis dom of man, in my bumble opinion, cannot ai this time, devise a plan by which the credit of paper money would be long sup ported: consequently, depreciation keeps pace with the quantity of ihe emission, and articles for which it is exchanged, rise in greater ratio than the sinking value of the money. Wherein then, is the farmer. THE PLANTER, THE ARTISAN, BENEFITTED?" DEATH OF PRESIDENT HARRI SON ACCESSION OF VICE PRESIDENT TYLER. William Henry Harrison is no more. He died at Washington Cily, on the 4:h inst., at thirty minutes before one o'clock pstand was intended to I e carried osv mud Revery Democrat was swept fiora wflie. 0 .e of lie Secretaries lias distinctly a-wwed fcthat the Democrats should all be reinmed, t because they would have no pie nr. the 1) 'partments. ill President 1 yler sanc- B uon the doctrine lhat secrecy is to b- vbe law of the Government, and thai ru man w K to remain in employment who cannot1 be re!i d on to conceal the abuses whieik In superiors are unwilling to exposed As it regards ihe general policy ofl the Government, the new presidium oUicvr Wcoiik s in under fortuna.e ciri-umstances for bis fa i e, if be has courage and", indupdn dence equal to the occasion. I la-was nomi nated not as concurring in prim:yle with ti e Northern party, who controlled' in: die S' lection of the Presidential caudidaie- C . I .. Wi . .: I. .. . .1. uoi uie v luos u ul ,u eonciuaie too- fcSoulh taking for Vice Pres-rltnl onrr represeiitini its principles. Mr. Ty ler "was known to be opposed to a Na tional B.ii, k, as both unconstitutional and inexpedient. He was known to he opposed to a National Debt to a Protec tive Taritr to National Internal Improve ents in a word, thai he was a Southern Siiian with Southern principles, of the Vir ginia school. If he now resolves to assert those principles as the guides of his aci ministiaiion, he.cannot look for the support of Messrs.. t lay and Wrebsterr and the the stomach and bowels, and from the first bore a serious aspect. The best medical skill, and the most unremitting attention jould not save him f.om the hand of the Destroyer. 'In announcing ibis melancholy event, ays the Globe, all other rrfiections are absorbed in the thought of the nothingness of life, the emptiness of human grandeur One brief month has witnessed his ascent 10 the summit of human ambition and h m. I! is disease was nneumonia. with . .. . . nnnliticians whose bones ban" unon them - congestion ol the liver and deiangement ot . . f .. 7 ' . .. to themselves from this exercise of po'.vrr.lbe coarse personalities which he has seen l hey had the power, and i hev wou d cx-E5PrPer U) ,ieaP P but we now ar f crcise it. But he trusted in God il wouldP''a5g:i ,,i;n ?,( ,frc t!ie freemen of ibis Con-p -pen the eves of tlie neoole. and c:iusp?2gres?ional District, whose votes lie is seek- them to see what they hail to expect fromH'ng after br a seat in Congress: we accuse such, a reckless party. He (Mr. King)?hiin, (whatever be may now say, in ordei was not one of those who, cither in publicfelto deceive,) of being a Federalist of llu or-private life. ever, bv indirection. accom-J'Tiost ultra stamt; an advocate for ll A ii evil equa'ly great is the door it im-pj , , . . ediately opens for speculation, by rr,iC,assaSe ihe lomb- W,iat 'adows w I'.ti tin plished any act. He pursued a str3i"hii!iinited exercise of the powers of InternalSaof Commons from Edenion, (and a truei Psul Bank? forward course one sanctioned by hisgfimproYcmeM! hy the federal Government judgment, and approved by his consciencejp'ind, by consequence, an opponent of State and if this case were reversed, and a propo-ki uight siiion had been made, under like circum-Hbring up htanccs, to dismiss Gales and Seaton insertions. 1837, he would have raised bis voice a-H gainst such a wanton violation of the fiithjjl- Under tlie Administration of John Q lin tif the Senate, and of a solemn contract. fecv Adams, the most lavish appropriations IfSWhat do the old Republicans think of th Tl c" v"' ' ' '".-"Bl., ' . . ' . .m I I Mi Anti-latcrnal Improvement principles? H'" ucstgmng and perhaps mol vahf - B.,auow r ,.Ureuc : .'. M'mie part of Ihe community are plnyedjll We give below, Irom the National In But we sliali pin him closer yet. Wpon by the more knowing and crnftyUler,encer, the official announcement of i lie eto Message of Gen. Jackson wasf3.scctftor.v.' tl t i i . r . brought Wore the Legislature at the sameg ' S:1 miK.h flr Grn. Washington's nnini..nHlhe eVe"'' ?XvUA W,,,,,an arllCie frm ,h1, .cionnfMit-i Tii.. llr.,..r,lilt. Sutn-t U .c r. i. wG lob giving "a general impression as to ... .. . ....... ---(j ii w.ijici NMiiiev ill!" 1 1 ic iit in.il i.-. .nm iii-rrs- bj ni V. Suvvkr. tiien a Member of ihe Hou-efea ".t ,- r.f .!;., Ti. ito.. r,,.,r iv..i.....E3ilie origin of the disorder which terminated Niate Kights man never lived; iniroducrc into the Mouse the fallowing Preamble ant: J'o prove ihcsc grave charges, wi j3KcsoSuiions: in jttdgmetit against linn not ns but bis recorded votes, while o rapidly in !iss(dution," and also son e J,'M pubi-ious remarks on the accession of Vice i r ..... r ....:i... nieinoei in um i.m.iiu jk nuiui 1 1: 3 ''Whereas the President of the Unitee jStatcs, at the last session f Congress, re gfjected, as uncotislitutional, an uppropriatioi, 3io the Mavsville Turnpike Road, therein Sjiucurri'ig the denunciations of those who .... . . . . - .V . I 1 T I. I ncy (Mr. lvmgand his Ir.rnils; were tlien.or interna. i.iM.unVu.euis ere mane u -ja.lt.Voca.e ail in,lIinilClj discretion in Con as much opposed politically to those indi gdeed this odious system, so eminently cal-l M , apprfIriaie Uie public nimiav vmuais tviaies ami oeaioni as tne nonnra-sj-cuiaimi m r.'iix i t.uo mc i cu uc Mr. Madi-on. it is well known, vetnedw. p.hc first Bank Bill presented to bim, on the p.gjj,., 'j-yler. f, xpress grounds of us ui:eoiistiiutioi;alitv.!3a " lie afterwards signed a similar bill, t.iyf3 President Harkisiin had recently brcn roui the hope, as he aid, that it would aidinvolved in a continual whirl of agitation, he country in recovering from a heavy na-jqliis participation in ihe various triumphal r2'ional debt, and the universal pecuniar processions, feies, balls, etc. with which be fcjenibanassmc nt under w hich it then labor-El as every where greeted, and which were d. But we must look elsewhere for Mr. jweoniinued until closed by those which fd Madison's view upon this important sub gglowed the inauguration the eager and con- jiniernal improvements a iliscreiion. in the l,le senators opposite could be to the mdi-onc sect.on oi tne : union i ennen aoincr.gi . . - , . (;.Mll.r;i; Assembly, alike trial. Yes; hisHtinivcrsally regarded by hppublic as iin-aimiwi.li;i . n,w, .i,,,,-,,,.,,.,- , snv.-rei.tniv vidual now under his character was on tria hts with his accusers and judges. appropriations. The sage of the l!ermi ( (. no MtiC antl oaii? lor that was ino-i onsiiuntouai, a witn iuiiv carrieu oui.ifs r .i .. v. i .... .i. r,... ...... ..i fc-j.., r , ir-i'M IIIC Olnlirs. 1 II .J WIICIITiP lliu iuciiiii point on which the whole matter was made When v.en. jacuson came into power ir.ax..rlli Carolina united will, others in th. 10 turn. He (Mr. Blair) was on trial,dl829. the I cderahsts still having a majorii)fj. r.,.lln:1 r A n,Irpvv i:w.uS(1I. . .,. irPSl .... .. , .. .. . . . .I II .."" I . - without the possibility ol delendmg huu-Hin notii nouses m oungres., auumpieu .o-a .onn.. r ... it,,:,,,,! s..,, .,,!pP ilu r.il i5l-on says: self. An American citizen, possrssingfficontinne these lavish and imconstitutionn!govn., ititution lo us original puri- ject. In his celebrated ueport ol 1 , SJo.stant press made upon him since, by the he publication of w hich we finish tbisSmultiiude who bave pursued him for ollice, rUiveeu, prepared by him with great deliber rjantl the excitement growing out ol the equal rig is nut nn trinl. his rhnraeirr branded nsSnL'P. however, bad the firmness and renub deep as Senators on the other side could fixlican honesty to place his foot upon the it, and lie is denied the privilege, wbich&sncck of the monster, in his ever-to-be-re- Vetoon the Mavsville Road Bill he cannot look for support from Abolition ists and Amimasons, nor the party of the National Bank. But if be throws himself upon the country in the maintenance of the doctrines of the Virginia school, lie can command effectual supporrr without defer ring to the politicians of any parly. The v hole South must support him on the score of principle, and for local eonsidcrations. ami ihe Democracy of the North has in variably rallied to a man against Federal ism, no matter what hand has raised ihe- tandard of resistance, Mr. Tyler has no alternative but to set up for himself on his avowed principles, or to surrender ihem absolutely and become die pliant instrument of oilier men's ambi tion, lie must aerruies-ce in all Jlr. Liny cheifies give his assent to all the mis chievous ultra consolidating measures ne- eet-sary to effect Ihem, or he must nake bis mini! to quarrel with him. Mr. Clay's resolve is to be Cxsar vr iw- thinzS' Nation and cate, and adopted by the Repub t-3 T i . r ' . : . . : r. i .f'ui?.iiiiirK ill i iririiii:i. in m.s r .ii.. .l...;.,c ..V no m" m...i: mil ii nit; IH.-JUI1UIUH3 im .ill. iiidui- arbitramcnt of discordant claimswas moie ihan one, truly represented by ii is physi cians as su tiering under age and debility. ji-oiild long- bear. The bodily labor lie en jdured, apart from the weight upon bis mind, jress) which have less occupied public at-Mwas more than he had strength to support, ention. or been less regarded as uncnnsii-rj For a time, sustained by the exhilaration V.o ii il..rel..rn bv ib. nrnorinfel utional, the lesoniions may he reganieiltsol the animating events he passed through. Assembly of the Slate of North Carolina. RJ ,s rclcrrmg more pariiculany to the DankIiis constiiuliou bore up beyond expecta-g rimt Andrew Jackson is entitled to the p-fcLAW u''"cb, Irom ihe circumstances ol ili-Wiion. But restlessness, anxiety, anj levers From the National Intelligencer. Washington, April 4, 1841. An all-wise Providence having suddenly removed from ibis life William Henry" Harrison, late President of the United States, we have thought it our duty, in the recess of Congress and in the absence of the Vice President from ihe seat of Go vernment, to make ibis afilicting bereave ment known to ihe country, by this decla ration, tinder our hands. w He died at the President's House, in this city, this fourth day of April, anno Domini, 1811, at thirty minutes tic fore one o'clock in the morning. The People of the Uni'.ed Slates, over whelmed, like ourselves, by an event so unexpected and so melancholy, will derive consolation irom knowing that his death was calm and resigned, as his life has been 4 patriotic, usi fid, and distinguished; and privilege, whichasncck of tl belongs to every freemaiv'in ibis land ofimembered liberty, to be beard in bis defence. Was3?which was haded by every Rpp'tbbran .()jjaltin ,)l3 (;encra Assembl v, for ihi-wpassngc, as w-ell as ihe latitude of ccnistriic-giollrnvei!. and as il serins, from the report Hihat ihe last utterance of his lips expressed this what they bad a right to expect frotnthronghou: the land with rrjoi.'in, asj "i-'Qiir,!, afll sound exeicisje of Lis ciniu:ii-.ion ion on which ii is funuled slnkes ihe at-0 if his physicians, inflammation and derange- ga fervent desire br ihe perpetuity of iht the Senate of the United States? Wn;i death-blow to Federalism. Before ll'sal privilfijo in ihe rejection of the M.iys-f! ention with singular fi rce," a? "resul:ingp'nenl was found lo have affected all his vi-fcConslifition and the preservation of its this the promised reform? Was this the-vETO ol Gen. Jackson waa exercised, thereg -ii , Tiimnike Kmd Bill and others it' ffe'ioi forced construction, and ca'euleied tofejtal organ-. Hirne principles. In death, as in life, tho high, the liberal, tlie manly spirit wbic.bwwas general alarm throughout the country, Sswnijar character." Esenlarge the powers nf ihe federal govern-gj From casual informolion w hich wc have was to actuate tlie Whig party ? ThrvSf arising from this species of encroachments.! ii ...p ,t,cn the ouesiion was nrpsrntei!,ne"l" 'im' uliimatrly, as the rtsolutionbad from time to tone, it seems that to' lit- bad recently heard much throughout theffopon ihe Rights of the Slate. On the 2diM1 jls llaked inenis. The Veto of GenfHys' "1 consolidate the sta'es by r.VgJTC-vfaUe consideration was felt by bis political rj whole country (should he be penrrted toDecember, 1830, Mr. Bynum 'Hti'oduced!Bj r which had iriven the first blow to4!''1'0 vne sovereignly, the obvious tenilencyfriends fur bis condition. We underftand call it rant and fustian) about proscriptionSuuo the I louse of Commons ol our Siateggti imonneiiiuiional system of Internal Im-y:"id inevitable result of which w ould be, tojiihat before be could reach the breakfa-t la-3 for opinion's sake ; and this is the first actLegislature, the following 1 reambie and ovpmenJS was ,(l he approVK4 ,,r &m-Vk,r"niiforin l,'e prevent republican sysctm i f t'nose gentlemen w ho are exerting iheirjjlvesobnions, against which none but an ul-,j f(i jt vva !;nie(l wj.i, 8,out3 of an-jl" lne United States into an absolute, or, tSplaus- by every Republican in the hud. cVS;l1 b,'s!' " monarchy:'' nfihp SmtP nf.as Iondlv denuum-ed bv ihe Federalists, it U "ere are the views of Mr. Madis-n, t.irth fnr.ilinn u.... c.icci.in x-inhtmfr l.Qjiin'XIiifnls ill S;:!tr KlirhlS. Kibe influences of considerations 8uggesiejme till pro-Stbv cirenmstaners tifnulnr in ilrmsp!i-i s. f-vtmnn fc - . I " 5 our i i resfrv o;c was taken in the Hon on this Preauinle and Resolu utmost energies in opposition to their ownhtra Federalist could be induced to vote professions. Yes, but a few days bad ,.TlC QL.neral Assembly passco, since uifj n.iu m.uu rjn.ii.ii '"iniifii, tjnf, speech denouncing proscription. What a beautiful illustration i . i i . i i . . : .1 I. .:.l .1 Br-, ii - .' . . . . i . i i r . rcouie in uie uocu sties nun i.mu nu ii.sb nig ii i v e xcc ti: mnab e in t ipi r ip'k eticv . am. t ue y w -ere a n net; nv a voip m nineni-nc-1 lie was nained to see an American SeiiatorSim less :divn t i!m ;,r..,.,. n,i..-,ni..'tia .ti-feivu in nine w.s. but TVIXF inpnilwrs ,,( rfpublican enter into tios maticr in tins spirit, i u mca.culable l,it I ii-i ii here nmr. and bis associations?? were ol who enin from nimseo. uc- cuuiu mij , .mu no oian&rcigu pow could gainsay it, that political iuiferrnccsi'll(.en divc.-ted, leels constrained, how-e.vcrwh !le in the morning, be was frequently way laid in the ball, and persecuted for office hat hi rooms were generally thronged by die i i .ue he rose fioni table, and that on some occasions, w hen under the necessity J of holding communication with his Secreta Well, when proclaiming ti e iii.constiiuiionid'iy and dan se of Com-a.J?f'rmis tendency of a National Bank, de Ki .i I- I . i . I W I .. 1 . I. - I - ..i t lion.sniu'cratfiy expressed, ami wnien tiave meiMries, lie was oDligeu to maive nis tscapt; nif i--ve-fil',p universal approbaiion nf ihe whole Re-back w ay. of an intimate character with manv-nore particularly to the Staje of Nor Untamed different political opinionssn,!ja ,i,e X(.n.iee (lf l!ie rTr. .1IILj inisell. lie could say, and no uianvrcign powers of which (hev have done hud never induced him to cut oil' .-o lucilantly, lo nal intercourse wit!' tlmse be deemed tojjfiprottst ag'ii st Party. I low, then, can be bey? value ol the Union ilian des r-fiStho who'e lions- ot Uornmons could he in- W :,'tl ,,:IVC I'rnnoui'.ceu sucti an liisuui-Liiioi wiinstantiing uns prta nng to (be several States, andduced to vote against these truly Repiibiicai-,i,i,,n -ous:itu'io:ial ? K,,,(Ml la"r,e,! to I,ave oivpI1 lb Ca-gdectrines. and, among that MNn. is record -O ,,,,t 1,10 -'-liioii Uiat Mr. Jcfiersnn waslhe resisted ihe ruthless proscn suvf..!F?fid :n b il l relief the name of 1) -Wlb'.r. M &in favor of a National Bank, is a down-has been carried .mi in bis nar nevcrlBAHRlNG together with hi co(Ieaine.Sfg!il insult to the understandings of thejjwe know he saved w ho bad b was uppermost princip happiness of bis country in his thoughts. DANIEL WEBSTER, Secrctari of Xlutc. THOMAS EWING. Secretary of the Trtusury. JOHN BLLL, Secretary of ff'ar. J. J. CRI TKNDblW ,'Illornnj General. FRANCIS GRANGER. Pout master General. gcnl'cmcn. He acted with them asjduf remonstrate and solemnly tovsame way. the exprcise by the CongVessJ I: is needle trs iiii be doubiicss influenced to vole thePi1 eople, and shows the degiee ol for entertained l v s 3?trlligei:ce. Mr. the IJuiied States, of anv powci not' us to particularize thcrV strong points iti the above Preamble ;ti:Jt'5i,l3-i-'f,a! It is just to Grn. hakrisox to say, that, a The solemn event which is announced poo bun hy Babove, although the pumic win nave been bun power, gin some dr gree prepare J lor it, will be to ption which Kthc w hole country an astounding blow. ' . a. . i i.i. ; r .1 i i name, oeveral K I r.e tininterrnpieu ucaiui ui uie ueceaseo een marked gpalriot, hi robust constitution and active respc-cijf "or saenhce. Uiiicrs were removed lo gsirengtit, up i" vec m ms nn-. Barringer for their in-H-uhotn h; had given assurances tbev should g had Jt fi bis countrymen nothing to wisli .L-fferson in favor of tit? be .-pared, and who were afterwards inl'ir-gand nmbing to l.-ar in regard either to hts !r. Jelier?on ncv-pmed by him thai he did not know thry jfbo lily or meutnl capacity for the able di Bank, imt to de-Swcre dismissed. And can any bold himif charge of the high tn.st to which be was Why. Mr. Jefferi-on ncv-&med by him ibal he did not k irpnttemen who lioncsilv differed w ith him.f?i-!f !rlv -m,i i .,.t'i... .t. t,..t.. . l.'soiuMnn-! Omv di-fl-u-p thai CnmrrnetT spoke irf a -National Bank, but to de-sswere dismissed. And can any lln twh! bis orvn'mH nod was wdlimr ibpvkl.-.! I '... . . i i. i... .i... 4? . Vn ..r.-.,-. , j nv,.rt..i 'lmn d .., ..-1., ilnonnce it as m-.cmisiitntin'ial and d:in'-fr--psiinnsi!dr fur tlie Ion" list of worl'iv men hca.iCi.. 1 lie U'ns ol l.iOltsonUs 01 Citizen should hold theirs. He himself never gavebsCoi-'-ress of the United States nf the nowerStdelcga-eJ bv lha Consiitution, without ari0"3 ,n the libcriies of t!ie country. Whengsaiid excellent oflkeis who were struck from g who as ....... t'.T- I '3.5 - Iri' . . - . ... - K 1 . .. ..i furnnv measure which hi? itidtrinpnifCli., , : ... ..riTii-j n-,. i,rrn.1M...i .. iin r?;..!. ,vf .t.,.cti:R hrst ot e w.-.s e i:rprP!!. Uc. ilrli vei-iil rivf;' dH not approve; but ho t'id net ipro-fb-L-v-T.-viJ r,.;;-v.",:r;":. --.-'i s.'i lifili-glSt:!:-:-?, v.-il .-Vverji-Ju ol Y.'jcr.s ...fTrf.tr:: o;l::i,:: ;:v-i;.; be delivered af -.be roll dtirin .v e;.); t.i cmblcd to w itness the ceremony of he week in which be bim-Ebis inauguration hdi, m the clear tones ot JCJ 0. i