The! News and Observer: ItALEIGII, N. C. F21ED. A, OLDS, City Editor. TUESDAf ;....SEPTEMBEB 14, 1 Indications 'for theTsooth1 Atlantic States we t Stationary or falling followed by higher barometer, cooler westerly winds, with partly cloudy or cloudy weathy; and numerous raina. ObMrvationaT!, Revenue collections yes erday $7,738.21. Mr. EUsba B. Moore, of ApexAdled there on Sunday, . ... j . r. ,j.-'v It may be safely said that nothing draws like a circus parade... .j. . -;.";y.- v,.t While fortone merely amilea oa a me men it has a broad grin for others. ., . t Mi. John E. Ray,' who has for some months been in England, has returned. .: v-; The work ofj repairing Dr. Hawkins' par tially burned house is going on .rapidly. " 1 To-morrow is celebrated by the Jews as Tom Kippur or the. "Day of AtonemenVn Sheriff J. J, Cockrell, of Naab,.' yesterday placed in the Penitentiary two colored con ticta. J , a.x: : ftThe roof 4of the new Catholio church has been tinned. Other repairs are to be made to the building. . r -:g I ..- ",- f.f The first Oysters oft the season reached us last week, juid they got into a stew as soon as they arrived. -1 ,.. j ' .. .. .hi -, Mrf R. W. Best left yesterday for Wash I wuewjw.iuei a ciertsnip in me UK 1. I - I . I census bureau:, M i j: -''v1':. Btesben Ai DoUfflaa. Jr.. well known 1i2r seriously m with congestion of thebrain at Newcastle, Indiana. ; , t Mr. D. H. Rand lost a aiuable horse yes terdsy. The cause of death was green fodder and top muchof it. , ,- .. ::.-;f:,r To ears poets 1 from decay; dip' the end to" dc set in tne ground in petroleum. Tney will wien un lorujiny years. .- j-r yr Rev. Dr. Pritchard, president ofiWeie , Forest College, preached at Merooey's Fn. . Salisbury, Sunday night, fc-Yf.-atii ' Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Waif left for New York, and Dr. Bexton tad Mrs. H. L. Bing. haooi for Baltimore yesterday. ! ' J , The street parade of the circus yesterday was witnessed by thousands. Fsyetteville . street was packed with people. Treasurer Worth has returned from his western trip, looking as vigorous and hearty aa if he were ten years younger. " One thing should be put a stop toby tin city authoiaties, and that 4 the cutting of , wood on or near the sidewalks. ; ; We regret to learn thai Mrs. Dr. Lacy, who 'went to Baltimore on Friday for medical at tention, Is now seriously sick there. ; - It is hard for a busy mas to rest when be Ukea a vacation, and it is not easy for him to , lake up work again when he returns. ; Messrs. W. J. Best and W. J. Caddagan, president and secretary of the Western North Carolina Railroad; arrived in the city on. Sun- . Truth crushed to earth will rise agaiBi but not so quick as a healthy lie will get up after having been . knocked down ; in the first round.: v f i -'"X- , . Drummers' licenses were yesterday issued to R. Mason A' 8ona, 'Baltimore, and the Chattanooga Medicine Company, Chatta- - nooga, Tejnn.j., :', ;: ..-.---r The ' thermometer at Tucker's store y ester." day indicated the following temperatures 6 a. m. 65j 8 a. m. C8; 13 m 72: 8 p. m71i , 6 p. m4 fc;.y. $::tli IX. ;V.i. J The sidewalk is being curbed in front of the elegant new residences of Messrs. J. A. Briggs and W. H. Dodd, on IHUlsboro street, ThesjsoaaM are nearly flniahed. i ! 4 .. r There were only three cases 1 before the Mayor yesterday, being those of a white man and a couple of negroes, for disorderly coch duct. Tney were fined $5 each. ' . r ,.- Eiahop John Beckwlth, of Oeorgia,ywss not born in Petersburg, Vs., ss some of the papers bare stated, but in this city. , Ha Is a son of the famous Dr. Beckwhh. - i u A boy can nerer make a man of himself by smoking cigarettes, though be may succeed in becoming a sickly dwarf if he neglecta other business and smokes industriously. ? v Blount street I well ahead in the way of lmprorementa. If the buildings on it con tinue to be increased at the present rate, In a tew years it will be the finest street in the city. Emmanuele Thompson,! a Portngese, died at the Pall of Neuse on Haturday. He was the fireman of Aske Ws paper mills there, and had been a resident of this country for many years. . : "'!! -l:'XX-: A fair should be held for the benefit of 8t' John's Guild Hospital. This hospital should liare the aid of our people of all classes, for it is one of the worthiest charities in the mate.- The Tounff Men's Christian Association have issued call for their thirteenth annual . convention at Wllkesbarre, Pa., September 23 to 26. Kepresentatives from 180 associations will attend, j v.': ;u.' '.J: Two of the candy butchers of jbinson's show yesterday tried to beat some negroes out of money, Hut a deputy, sheriff, blocked the game and made them refund. One negro was atwut to; lose 910. ' ; ': .4? f :..;.r ' The funeral? of Miss Pattie Bledsoe was held at the .First Methodist church Sundaj . afternoon. A large "number of persons were present. ' The services were conducted by ..Rev. W B..Black;!;;r.14V41.':-:.'tt:i--'':'4 J. O. Mitchell. Register of Deeds of Stokes, ; yesterday sent in the following ab stract -of listed taxable: General taxes, $1,402.17; special; $1,402.87; school $2,842. 09, country, fS.miS. . ;''; ;,4:,; v.-,h We have received from Dr. John H. Lacy, of Lea Pinot, Colorado, copy of a paper ; with a unique name, being the Ootid Mvidoon, published at Ouray, Colorado.' It is needless to remark that it is a spicy JeurnaL ... .4 . The Iredell Blues, of Btatesville, are going to King's Mountain tbirty'Six "strong. The Newbern Grays and the Elm City Riflemen are also going. It is probable' the Raleigh I light Infantry will take fifty men there.' ' At a 'meeting of the Republican executive ' committee 'fit the fourth Congressional dis trict, held here yesterday, lion. W.1 A. Bmith, of Johnston, wss nominated for elec tor in place of T. L. Hargrove, rengnedU In addition, to the three Peabody scholar ships granted at ; Kashvllle, Tennessee; ta North Carolina, three othera have been offered to Superintendent Scarborough. He will receive applicants for appointment to ; '.these scholarships. , :v i ; r - - 1 While walking through the gin bouse of : Mr. Temple, west of the city, on Sunday after ' noon., Mr. ien H. Adams had a fall from the breaking of a step, and was badly hurt in the aiae. it was at first: thought that some ribs were broaen, but such was, fortunately, not the case. .-t -"i.;.:-v .v Mr Paul 0, Cameron has Just returned from Virginia, where he saw Bishop Atkin son, at the old Sweet Springs. The health of the venerable Bishop has somewhat Improved, but - la yet precarious. lie. hopes to go to Asbevlile and. spend the month of October - there.!" " : ;';;i:-,:i;:;, . -f.rra' - Dennis Hay nea, colored, who is wanted by the town authorities of Ulllsbora for various " -and sundry crimes, among which was the cutting of the pocket of Mr. Parks, and rev ' iieving him of f 20, was last night arrested by our police, and will be tent up to Hillsboro ;. tc-day-kr - X--'?. " j A bale of cotton in the cotton square caught on fire Saturday night, i It was discovered by i Policeman Lewis, and i extinguished, with " i slight damage to the bale. The fire, no doubt, originated ' from a cigar. We would warn i; .Takers asainst carelessness when tbev are about cotton. ) Jr. -V t i m is not 'generally . known that if. a $1 srteaback is neatly cut in two each of the halves; is good for 00 cents at the Federal treasury. The same process can be carried oo till (be bill Is divided into tenths, without Injuring the aliquot value of its parts. This has been suggested as an easy way of obtains ing smalt sums to send by mail now that the extremely convenient-fractional currency has disappeared; but it is not likely to be gener ally adopted, a half note being an awkward thing o-pass except at a bank. -i r " The' North Carolina Induatrial ! AUoclation is making rapid progress in putting the fair grounaa in order. The buildtnga are ready for the reception of the articles to be placed on exhibition, and the track is ready for training. Upon the whole, the anangements are iar superior to those of last year, i Mr. Jacob S. Allen has nearly completed an addition to the ! warehouse of : Messrs. Williamson & Upchurch, at the North CarH Una-depot. The 'addition is sixty Jypfifty feet, and makes the dimensions of the" build ing one hundred, and twenty etgnt ny nny teet, all of brick, and two stones in height. . Mr. W. B. Smtth,, 11 Ting three miles thit aide of Wake Forest, bad a narrow escape from death Sunday morning. - tie was on his way to church, j with his wife, in a buggy, and wben, i8t about to cross the railroad heard scream from a boy. Hepulled np his horse, and the next las taut an engine and car flew by tike lightning,' passing within a foot of the :nore;snejaa:.;:! v- v. ! ' Tbenumber ;of people1 who came twenty five and thirty miles to see old John Robin sorts circus i too large to mention ; buf we earned frona a trust worthy source t)f one mat, -from away down in Harnett,? some- wnere, wno came, a aisiaoce oisixty-nve miles, drlvlnir. an ox, with. no-Other freight than a bag or peas, witn tbe proceeds or which be poagbt-nrticketr'oi.WL: -'mI j'-- F Mrs. , Charles .Beirne died Sunday , night; Bho lived on eaaUHargelt street, near Camp Russell. She warn laundress of the troops Here, ror many years, and will, at ner own I at noon to day, . Rev. Dr. M. M. Marshall I Conducting the services. -; TbfrCottoa Market. 7Z ;.Tbere was considerable animathn in the market -here; yesterday.. The receipts were 244 bales and the staple was in brisk demand; The market opened at 10 for middling, but duria? the dav them waa aa . advance, and it dosed at 11 cents and very flrtn The receipts t . L m I . i Tit . 1 mis wees: win do very large anu win snow a great increase over these of the corresponding week last year. ;j, i-- , ! U ? V . mm . : . New Appelatmenta. -; .. y ' i; U Ui F. H. Busbee,1 Esq.; Democratic candidate for elector at large, will address the people as fallows t . ": '' ,-jjrgaw, innrsaay, eeptember lotn. I Dorham, Saturday, September 18th.: Halifax, Tuesday, September 21st. Seven Springs,! Warren county, Saturday. September 25th. , ' ' i , i-?.-Mr. Everett is expected to be present at uarnam. uther' appointmenta will .De an nounced hereafter. ,;; : v While Mr. Sum; Belts and his family were looking at the circus parade yesterday morn ing, his house, at the corner of Lane and Dawson streets. was entered by thieves. The house had' been' careful! locked vp and the windows fastened, but the thieves forced one of the windows. They found $40 in a cigar box in a bureau, and appropriated it, as well as a Jot of silverware. They threw clothing, eta, all over the floor, in the rooms. The polios were, notified of the robbery a once.' : . No Records of sjervlea' ; ; -Many letter are written to the AdluUnt General's office making Inquiries as tortus company and regiment of soldiers from -this State who serred.ln the United States army ounng us late wtov no miormation on these points can be given, for the reason that there are no records of such service in the possession of the State of North Carolina. There are but few records of the service of the troops from this State in the,C. S. A.; so few, In fact, that they are comparatively useless. :. , t i . Th State Valt. i i' The 'small bills of the fair are being dls tributed. The fair will be opened by Gov. Jarvia on: Tuesday, October 19. , On fWeqneaday there will be a erand pro cession of trades, 'embracing all the Various branches or industrial manufacture, engaged In their appropriate iabora.-- . - - . Tnere wui be apieedid display or the fsrut products and manufactures of the State All the counties of the state will exhibit tinder the direction of the Board of Agriculture; P. M. Wilson, Esq., acting commissioner. This exhibit will be a special one. .The managers also promise that the finest rsdng ever seen on any track in.the State will be witnessed this y ear. Since the fair of 1879, the track has been greatly improved, and the premiums have been largely increased. The best turfmen of , the State predict the most extensive' and admirable collection of horses ever brought together in . North Carov Bnair I- . :,J ::-Ui.;--.J . No entry fee is charged foe. articles exhib ited by the ladies, Mdtbey,am especially in vited to send their preserves, Jellies, pickles, bread, c&fcesy & ''arrteles of fancy work of every character and; plain sewing, drawing and paintings;' eoriosifies; &cr AH entries. must e made by o p. m. l ueaday. rre mlums will be awarded on -Wednesdayr w - Matches in class ball shoo' ing, target prac tice for tb-cbatnptan flg by the 'raiatary, nneclub sbOoang Joe m gold fneflaL and. other, interesting features too numerous, to mention will be among the attradiona; .4 KtMuof'i CireosJ V-ti-i-i:$)L .Y;'lA ' After alj that is said and done,' there is no circus Hkethat of Old John Robinson. Always favorite in the South, the' show this season baa lost nene of Us admirers;, and none of its admirable qualities. Therefore, when it came to us once again yesterday,, , uv was small wonder that thousands turned 'out, and thai the casvaa was filled at both; performances. Those who wen', bad a real treat in the per. formance. The collection cf animals was, as It has alwaya been, excellent, there being shown a rbinQsceroa, besr, Egyptian eroca dile. sacredLbull of China, sacred cow of India, nine camels, sea lion v a zebra. ' ibex,: llama, tapir and yak; of Tartary.. In tbe way of birds tbe display i was good, among them being tbe odd looking pelican. Unfort unately the ant-bear died a few days ago.v la the ring everything was characterized' by excellence.1 The subtle flavor of the famous Lowlow's wit pervaded the almcsphere and the lovers of real wit ar d humor laughed till they cried. Out people like Lowlow, and he will always have a hearty! welcome here. The principal features of the performance are the wonderful Aahton Brothera, whose feats as lea pert and acrobatahave; never been, equaled here, and won for them much applause; the three performing elepbsh s, who are managed Jby young John Robinson! axd Mr. King, and the den of performing lions. 1 , Tbe bareback riding by tbe lady rider Is superb, but the feats of Mr. George Holland i hare never been equaled here,: not even by I Bam. Watson, of Coup's show. Particularly. noticeable, as s feat, are hiasumersaulta. Jolly John Lowlow finds a mate,' in the person of WlllismAshe, and the lattct's "lone fliberman'' is one of the very funnies v things in the per formance- Miss ltoaaiie Bttckney, wbo U a daughter of old John, does some bareback ridine and maoaires four horses' in a superb etvla. Of course the acrobats are the best of tbeit kind and Mr. and Mrs. Paul's trapeze acts are at once datiag and woooenouy attract its. The trained ocft are another marked feature of this circus and are admirable., , The, entire perfprmance is complete, and. leaves nothlpg to be oeelrsn, qm wins wotos 01 praue t from everyone. It was no wonder that the tent was; packed , at both pet formaocea, hor that everybody wno went eatnea away merry thoughts and kind remembrances of John Robinson's circus. , mm 1 1 We guarantee no better goods made than Bk well's Durham Ling Cut and Dg Cut and Cig- arettes , A full stock of pianos and organs on hand at J. L. Stone's, No, 18 JTayeltevuie street. -Wake Conntr BeDObllCMi Convention, ..Tp.the cumber of some two hundiedthej i(epuDtican8 01 me county assemojea in cn veritlon at Metropolitan i Hall jesterdayj( By far the greater. part. of those present were colored, and: from the very start the assem blage wss seen' to. be rather a disorderly one and iiiflleult to control. CapUi W. W. White called the convention td order, John C. Gor maai acting as temporary secretary. After a twetity minutes-wrangle i'Msj. R. C Badger was chosen chairman, ana atter another con test, in which some bad feeling was shown, H. M. Miller, Albertetliford and .W. R. Harris were made secretaries. TbismucV accomplished, the nomination of candidates for the Legislature waa taken upv4Por the Senate, It. . W. Wynne waa nominated by acclamation. Stewart Ellison and H. . Jones, colored, were then placed in nomination for the House, Youpg, a, delegate from the second ward. assayed Ell'sion, saying that his nomica'.ion would be injudicious, aud that two hundred young men, to whom be bad made himself obnoxious, would vote against bin) at j tbe poll Stewart, of Oak" Grove, Fleming of JToreatviru ana J ames ti. uaxm supported Ellison and denounced his enemies. - Ellison was flnaily nominated but it was evident that there; was a strong sentiment against, him, wnicjj is (likely to develop into an opposition,- 1 he flirbtflpon him is by his own race. v yV. Ii. Perry, of House's Creek, and Ellon BTedsoe were; nominated for tbe third and fourth places on the legislative ticket by ac clamation.1 k--"' -. .. There beinar one other Dlace to f5'l. h nomlhation of J. J. Ferrell, M. V'B. Gilbert and J. N- Bunting were placed in nomination. Albert .Magnin's name was also effured. but be withdrew it with tbe statement that it war an insult to - ask him to go upon t Ha ticket .with men whd. two years ago,;whe1ie wss a nominee, stabbed him in tbe baeR and effected his defeat., He declared that he was not de feated by Democrats..bul by unprincipled and treacherous Republicans. Magom pitched in to K errell, and accused him or acting In eon cert with Bun tic 17 to aecum his defeat Ferrell gave Magnin tbe lie, the latter reitera ted the charge, and, hot words ensued. Fi nally; seeing that the current was against him, Ferrell backed down, withdrawing his name and quitting , the convention. A ballot was taken for the last place on thellecislative ticket, and resulted in . the chojeerrof J. N Bunting., ,i ' :. y A The nominations for county officers were made; without opposition. J. J. Nowell teas renominated for Sheriff, W. W. White for Register of Deeds, J. B. Neathery fdrTreasv urer, iw. It. Richardson for Coronerrnd T. jueavers ror Durveyor. A Daring little Fellow. -.1" i The bumming bird,' that tiny, beautiful creature, which is almost like a golden link between the animal and insect worlds, is ordinarily the shyest of birds. Sometimes, however, he. become brave, in these days when woesoms are not In summer profusion. Oh Stinday, sitting reading under the shade, of a tree, with a fragrant tuberose in onej hand,' its petals widely opened,' we felt a soft pulsing beat of air on tbe hand holdine the flower, and looking up, there was a tiny, golden -hued humming bird, lightly poised in the air. With slender lengthy bill driven into the flower. Not the least startled by our gaze, 1 be remained for some moments, and then, with a backward movement, disappeared iiae oeauiuui vision, ue loosed as he vibrated so softly as would (some animated nower, ' with rainbow hues and dainty pretti ness. . I. -. -, y 4- is found Dr. Bull's CoueL ByruD to be a most effectual remedy, and feet sure that tbe most stubborn sough and cold will yield to its healink influence. Frank 8. Price: New Or- Jeans,LAug. 6, 1873. I V . alt the World -Biackwdl's Dur- ham ng Cut and Ciearettes. ! ' I I i i ;-,-.;- ,i j- , A Splendid Line of Silk. Gingham ana Alpaca umDreiias, just received at . f 1 : Iw t. A & DREWS OS CO. 8 Ll;.;' ' V.-;- - ; 1 n. Entjuire at Williams' bookstore for Dr1 Samuel Selden's Poems. They will worthily fill a place on your table, or be an accentable present to a inena. ; u. Bar Iecanters.-We have lust re- ceived the largest assortment of 'these goods ever brought to Raleigh. ; " ' tliaw'a bUver.and China House. If nPKA Mnna nnroa hcuUklA. Blackwell's puxhaLong Cut and Cigarettes. I i , i. rr-V""' 4.'-''-. f: Wflte for circttlar of 'the NsWHome Sewing Machine; J, L. Stone, General Ageati 1.'"" ' -ib '"ill- 1 '' ' " A ti Tbe New Home Machine Is the best la u'ei Another Lot of Dress Shirts .oat opened ana going at popular prices as M J-K- . Anawa CO-'B. The Increasing Use of Olive Oil at an article of food is attracting public attention: more 'and more to the necessity fori caution in buying, so as to get a pure and genuine article. The advertisement of Mr. E JJ Hardtn, in to day's paper, of the famous; F-FranCesconi! brand of Oil, imported direct In hermetically sealed cans, and bottled by himself, is worth the attention of all who like Salads and Salad OiL ; ' V! nourishment and strength, less of the de-j biiitatiag innuence of drugs, is what our feeble and exbacsted constitutioos re. Sutrei" said Baron Lltbig. when he perfected le cpmpoeitioln of the "Malt Bitters." I ept 8 .7. ,.-.(-.v--' .;.: :! Ladles' Button Gaiters, a good article at $1.50. Ladies' Foxed Gaitera at $1.00, Gents', Box -toe Gaiters at fl 50. Balance of Cad - field ' and Z.-igler Bra's Fine Gents' Low Bboes selling at cost in order to make room for fall stock at 1 Heller Bro.'s shoe house; ! Atcoet lot ten days longer, in order to sell guv entire stock! of summer shoes, we" con-1 tiirue5 to sell at cost. Please call early at Heller Bro.'t shot i store. , The Best Stock of Boys' Overcoats ever brought to Raleigh: Price, $2 50 and $3, at ,1 ; K-11. Asosaws s Co. a. i i Connoisseurs pronounce them very fine 4-BlackweU's Durham-Long Cut and . Cig arettes. , Afi Good Line of Fall Overcoats at t5.50, 8, and $6.50, at . ! xv. u. Autfne u u. e, . For Sale. 172 acres of land, H miles southwest of. the: city, on the asylum road, well adapted to ail crops crown in this lo cality. Eighty acres cleared. Terms made easy Also about eighty acrra two miles from the city, on the same road, adjoining W. !G. 'Unchurch and others, forty acres of whieb is cleared, and is productive. Also' 115 acres three miles from the city, adjoin ing jW. G. Upchurch i and others, mostly woods, there being onU twenty acres cleared All the above land is well watered. Please call ifor particulars. :s'r ' 'i I !:,( ; ' Cookb & Waiswhight. - Icou can get Ladies' Congress Gaiters, all slzca and quality, at Heller Bra's. r i' I . . ' . . maker- one that can cut and lit in all the branches. None but first class heed apply, References' required. ? i l .,, IS. WTATT SOW, I ; - .. Eaat Martin Street, I ; ' Raleigh, N. C. Haffrrpr. Rpm1 TkhMfrss are mf Dieted witb euralKta or iieadacbe. you1 cam be speedily relieved by uklng the apeciflc, Nkukaloine. Speedy in lta ac jtion; entirely free from opium and Other! narootios, it commends itself in being as Inuooent aa emclent. Hold by v . t nr.. I'KSCUD, eoa. . i Be Lo Armd fof Bobberjr. : (Sp;ial to Th NEWS axd Observer.) MoBHXTO!t, N. C, September 18.-rCdt! Thoa. B. Long, of the Postoffice Department,! arrested ia this place tcj day Wm. McQarland, for robbine the poslcfBcc at this place, on the 20th of August last; One Way to Flay 'Poasom. ' fFrom the 5few Orleans Picayune.! Nothinz is more savory to a Southern oe gro's-palate than a roasted fat opossum. Oae old negro hunter captured a fine specimen tbe other day, and feeling hungry stopped to cook it in the woods; He-.builta-flre and spitted his meajt ; but, being Jreryi tired as well, as hungry! he fell asleep while tbe possum was .roasting. AsJie slept,; a ."low-trash" negro catne upon the scenej doubtless auractea oy : the fit erand the smell of roasting meat. The new-comer approached cautiously with one : eye on the 'possum and the other, on Uncle Eph. who slumbertd. . i : t il 1 First, he shook tbe old man,! who turned to an easier posltionv put i would ; not waktt. IThe stranger took id the Situation, aDd then proceeded to take in tbe 'possum. : He. vtoa was a possum-eater, aod of the dainty roast. lie he made short work ate and ale till but the bones were left. ! Lncle Eph waistill sleeping! and it occurred to the vandal that be would make Eph thick that be had been to supper, so that when he awtke be would not suspect the theft. Then the; low-trash? Inegro prcceeded to 'possum grease Eph'l hands and' face and mouth, and jtopile in the pid man a tap the gnawed bones. i ivghti have mornings, and sleeping must have5 its waking. Uncle Eph awoke and im mcaiateiy thought of his possum, v It was hot on the fire : it was not anywhere to be seen ; but there in his lap were the bones that bad been; gnawed. On his, hands, rlipsrtand beard was grease and the smell of "Opossum.! He was Self convicted; Ileconcluded that he had eaten tbe 'possumyet he could not re memoer tee pleasure- tne eating caa given him. 'Weghingafl circumstantial evidence: carefully Jheold man slowly pronounced: juagment -. -; . i . - -. . ; " T, ItDot'M k fac'. I'se been eatin 'dat 'possum, Pse been eatin' it in my sleep." ; !, I But then his stomach j why did it not stand; out as a Witness in the case ? It; felt empty, and yet it; should be full. . ( "It's certain sho'r I've 'done eat up that 'possum. 1 Must have done it when I'se sleep.! But," ana tbe old man placed his hand sadly oyer his' really empty stomach,; "but it inter-l feres lesa'h any 'possum I ebber did eat;' uj -:V-;. ' ",-v." ' i, j Wicked for Clerfymen. "I believe it to be all wroncr and even wicked for men to M auacK doclo cines, but when a really meritorious ar ticle, made: of valuable remedies, known tO all. that all rhvsleiaus us a and trniit in aUv. we; should freely commend it. X .therefore,! cheerfully and heartily com mena nop Bitters for the good they have done me and my friends, firmly believing they have no equal for family use. . I will not be witboat them." r i i Rev. Washington, D. C. A Happy ReaaoimUoaJ ,1 1 J can truly say that Iiowe my present er istence and happy restoration to the hopes and Joys of life to the use of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver' Curei and I say to every one suffering from any .manner of kidney, liver or urinary trouble.! use thia remedy and recover. W. E: Sanfobd. IloUey, Jf. T., Feb, 25j 1880. . I . mm mi , V i, :. According to the Katicihal Zatitna the new Prussian gun is a repeal ine eun. capable of firing twelve shots per twentytfour seconds, after which it mayi)e ueed like'any ordinary gun of one shot. This result has been ob tained by a store chamber holding cartridges made of sheet-iron, weighing 850 grammes and with a capacity of eleven cartridges, This store-Chamber can be removed or in serted at will, and it acts automatically when the store-chamber is opened or even when it is shut, no special movement being necessary. In I opening; the store-chamber a cartridge comes in,- isi closing another cartridge comes forward, so tbat it will fall into place when the store-chamber is again opened. This store-chamber can be adapted to any gun loading at the breech, if the latter be provided with a cylindrical closing; and thus repeating guns ace obtained. It . requires but fifteen seconds to refill the store chamber, when it may be carried separately or at once inserted In the gun. . In the latter case it ia applied to the cartridge chamber, the weight coming, favorably, upon the centre- of gravity of ' the eun. Tbe eun does not lose anv of its ouali. ties of rapid d scharge by this addition. By means or , this invention pne can be loading while firing. It is a curious fact that the author, of lbl murderous Improvement ia M. Jjoewe, a member or the Progressionist party of Prussia, and attached as suoh to the "League of Peace 1 822.500 - Tbe Etna Life Ins. C04 through their General Agent and State Manager, w. H. Crow. taid Saturday, the lltb, policies amounting fto $22,500 on de ceased members, and they have 128,000,000 of good and available assets to pay future losses, -r- . --H'-- To the XemlMH t tbe Conventions While in Raleigh it will be tot your inter est to atop j in the Hardware, Stove and Hotue-furniahine Store of J. C. Brewster. where you will find all the novelties of the season. 1 ne celebrated Cot, tne most comfortable bed for; hot! weather. Price only $2.50. Satisfaction ouarantied. iy , ana. ly Traps. Water Coolers. Re frigerators,, dbc. Sole agent for the im proved raricer snot liun and the cele brated Remington Rifle. A fine line sports man's goods always on hand.- Tin roofing and job work all Hinds a specialty. ' r j . ; ! . ...... J. V, iJBBW8TERrj-' 1 : i Jolleman Building, ! ; Jtaleigh, N. C. Jna ' Powell. 47 FTttvill itnct . have just received a supply of oats, and hate more on the road, which they offer low. They also offer a pair of horses, wagon and harness, in exchange for lumber or greenbacks. . ; .1 On seeonnt of hollda mr mom will be telosed Mondavi September 6th. 1880. My friends aud customers are respectfully reoueBiea to maKe tneir nurcnasea to-day. i Good Uoal BoonM to KaL-Th Rcoms over Williamson A Upchurcb. fronting on Fayettevilla street, will be rented on reasonable terms: Apply at f Tub NKwa Office. 1 Vf. If. It. S. Tucker are showing; the New Mouciioir Suitings and a beautiful line of English HoMESPtwain small, me dium and large plaids. These goods are wmatiew lorn reiaiipnoes. , Materials i for Ladtei. Hiding in black and desirable colors. . Ilablts I a W.H.4R. S. TrTCKknJ V. M MeitrJi. Tucker, year rail Print are beautiful! boautlfuir" so the ladies talk. t Paper! Paper! .. r Book, Sews, Manilla and Colored Paper. Cbeapeat in the State. For sale by. t i -X II. Jones A Powkll ' ''.:.:::';;:,, I : - 1 Raleigh, n. o. J.'j-V :: !:. Winter Oat: 'jT' 'X are very scarce and will .be very high.'; Bet ter .call early and secure seed of JOWBS A FoWELI : !; TneOeorrla Baa-r Bonda will nn-r Im baixine. JSeuralglne will ear Neuralgia and Iieadacbe, Neuralgia and Iieadacbe lead to 01 ease disease to death. Moral 1 Go to your Druggist's and get a bottle of Neuralglne and be relieved. . Sold by Pm cup, Lkk A Co. and Wit Simpson, eod. Itlalollca Ware. A ' beautiful line of by our Pitchers just received, pu turcbased New York buyer at a recent sale. Law a Mlver and China llousc. 1 clerKymen and other public Ted Into eisinse testimonials to rsTor" vil ! atufia called medi DR. BCCOAJTAKJ ABSESTED. The Eog-us Ueaieal Diploma Maa Caeturt-d . i v ; . k . : near letron. -; pHiLADxtpniA. rttcmlwr 1 ft --After " en joying a three weeka vacatioMntianadaTtbe notorious llr. John Buchanan, who sold bogt medical diplomas here and was under indict ment for it, baa been captured. It will be remembered that on the morning of August 17, a man disguised as Buchanan jumped overboard from a ferry-boat in theDelaWre -River. -'It was thoueht thst t he man .had killed himself, as the easiest method of end Ing his troubles. . Investigations -ivcre '-made wnica aeveiopea tne ract that it was not Buchanan who took the leap, but a man who was paid to represent him. Mr. John Norris, the city, editor of the Philadelphia Rtcerd. whd had exposed the mis loings of the diploimv-1 ueaier, oouunea information tbat Buchanan would be delivered into hit bands If be would go to Michigan.; He laid the matter before the authorities there, and although Buchanan was a fugitive from justice, and under $18.- wu bail, singularly enough , they refused to take psrt in the recaDture. Armed with, requisition, Mr: Norris went to Michigan, and his mad was delivered to him. Mimcdnnan. fora large sum of money, which the Record pam, es tne aumoruies mused to take a band in the. case.:,-7'ii.. - : .7 :''- . There Is no doubt as to the identity of Buchanan. - Mr. Norris telegraphs tbat he has started East with the bogus Dean; the latter hating consented to returnwithout causing" any trouoie.1 at. V. Uhapmau, brother-in-law of Buchanan, was captured with him and will be held as witness. Who the person wss that jumped, -overbcard from the ferry-boat has not been learned, and a food conspiracy case is yet to; be laid BsrV Thomas E-VVandu-sen, who wai on the ferry-boat with the dis gutsed man, and who, afterward, in tbe United states Court, swore that it was Bu chanan who jumped overboard,-was arrested to night by order of Judge Butler, and will be tried for perjury." ' ; I DiTEOiT.8eDtember 10. The notnrinnA r Buchanan.ofboeus diploma fame, at PhiladeK phis, was arrested at St. Clair, 60 miles above inia city, at an early hour ibis morning. He Had just crossed over tbe river from Canada. :wbare he had been traveling about. He was accompanied; by a brother in-tnw nsmed Chap man. Buchanan will betekeo back toPhil aeipbia oa a requiaiUon Which has' been pro- cured STATB NBW8. Greenville Exvrem: Tvoboid fever im rarinir a Krcai extent in ana around ureeaville. Bix 'members of tbe family of Mr. R.-F. Manning, who resides about .four miles from towsVwere stricken at one time. . IS Kewbern Nut Shell: Poor hundred bales of cotton were brought to thk city pn the freight train Saturday and will be shipped North per steamer. Three hundred bales of this cotton wereprpugnt rrom oar sister town Kinston. t SUtesville ammcan; Tuesday niirht States. fille waa enliyened by - the (marriage of Mr. C. 8. Tomlinand Mlis J.i V. Bamsey. The ceremony took place Vat the EoiscoDal church, the knot being tied by the Key. John ansae. .uu-: k .j '., .-. .. 'i Gastonia Gentile: Ben Grier and Jeaale Shipp. colored, were nut in last vnk fnr the,supposd poisoning of Ben Fronerberger, colored. The deceased attended the colored camr meeting at Brevard's Station, and in company with these darkeys became the vie tlmof a sad death His bowels have been aent; to the Bute chemist 'for analysis. 1; i Concord lie outer : Arraneementa have been about accomplished here for a through tele graph line. North and South, with office in town.: It will be Put UDand in r Deration bv the first of October. There is a move on foot to change the Kiehmond and Danville Rail read track from its present course to a point nearer town, with the depot in town. , Danbury Revorter-J We are to have a rail road through Btokes. Work baa certaralr been commenced on the Cape Fear and Tad kin Valley Railroad in this county; that J is, hands commenced last Monday, morning building barracks on Cot. Benlamin Bailev'a plantation, between Walnut Cove and Ger- mantoQ, to keep the convicts in, and-we are Informed that one hundred and fifty, hands will be put lo work. I v Henderson Tobacconist: A lsiee pile of rock oo Garnett street, opposite the residence of Mr. W. A,. Harris, gives note of prepara tion for the building of the large and Impos ing Protestant Methodist: church..The farmers of Granville must look well to their laurels in the cultivation and curing of fine yellow V baccoj for nearly every sale dav we And on the warehouse floor lots of nice yellow weep, rrom our neighbor warren, Washineton Prett: On Sunday last, as Joe King and Ed. Fuller, both colored, were on their way home from church, near Panteeo, a difficulty arose between them, which re , suited In Fuller being shot with a pistol in the left lung....:.Mr. James E. Clarr, one of the largest farmers in eastern Carolina, gath. ered from a field of twenty -two acres, in the month of August last, twelve thousand eight hundred and thirty-one pounds of seed cot ton. , Hickory Preu : JCa'awba court adfourned Saturday. A great deal of business has beeav transacted. Jqdge Bennett, though he never graced the bench until he came to Newton two weeks agoJ has' proved himself to be in every way eminently worthy of that distinc tion w men an appreciative people have given him. He is regsrded by the leeal prfJeasioo as being a man, of splendid legal a'.tainments. which on the bench he proves to be true by being so thorouchly conversant with every principle of law. He is destined to add greatly to the judicial renown of the Old North S ate.4 Charlotte Obtener : The Carolina Mlll'ary Institute begins its fall session Wednesday.5 Capt. Q.-W, Evans, the United Slates army officer specially detailed for service at the In stitute, is expected , to arrive: sbcrly ...... A tall, lean mulatto made a Kadical speech to a crowd of darkeyes at ruck iseegee Ford. Saturday. The meeting began wiih a fight and ended witb one, sever! beads having been more or less bunged up Tb re are 75 churches in Meckli nburg county, divided among the denominations a follows : Metho dist Episcopal, 83 ; Presbyterian, 23 ; Associ ate Reform Presbyterian, 8 ; Lutheran, 2 : Baptist. 8; Episcopal, 1 ; Catholic. 1. Of this number, 24 belong to colored people. Wilmington ' ktar : Tbe erection of tbe monument to the late Dr. J. Francis King, of this city, in Oakdale .Cemetery, heretofore alluded to, has been completed: If is of blue granite , On the front panel is a record of the birth, birth-place, sge and death ef Dr. li.ine. and on the ngnt ana icit siaes appro priate iB8crlptioD8,'one of which is, "Erected by His Friends and Fstients aa a Tribute or Their Respect.'' It is a handsome monument, and attests the high esteem in .which the de ceased was held by bis many friends in tbe cOmmunlty.....w.In,.ellJgence was Tecelyed here yesterday to the effee' that a big row occurred at Florence, 8. O.. on Friday night, between somA of tbe at ahejis of Coup's cir cus and a number of cpUrj q men, during which" one ot4hecol-red teth' was killed and several otherabftdly bea'en. ; Coup's 'people behaved remarkably well here. jjs.. .' ! Th Fleasnres of BopeV,! :;" j When the body Is bowed with palji ; ah in' tense longing 'tor relief brings hope. This may brighten the suffering, but'Jt doe noi cure. At a time like this, how welcome i such a friend aa Warner's Safe Kidney ; and Iivef pore, bringrng hope, health and hsppi aid the Joya of a renewed life. :..,: Knalnoat Sr. ' C. Cavenagh, llemphis, Tenn-, writes: For weak digestion, eeneral debility, and want of sppetitr. j cheerfully recommend . Coldens t Libigs Liquid Extract' of Beef. Bold in pint bot. th?a. , : . 'U --:X. s ::::tr nAIUll0( fla Cumberland county, on August '2) at tlie residence of the bride's father, Heo-t Hi tor .Mcaeui, Hbern, by tne Kev. Joseph jiivans, v. jr. oicjuachsbit, iaq., 01 rtobe- spn, w wisa mait mcxm kill. ADY ERTISEMENTS. ; JULY 24, Moore's ffistory 1584 TO THE The work. oomDrislse 1.068 ROYAL OCTAVO delivery. i ,J V'"...-. SWThe edition ' a tlml'ed one and peraoas roll library Sheen..... Half Horocoo, WHOLESALE BpQTSSHOES?J NEW READY TO-DAY,. ' II - - T1- V,-M X'hAk lM::;&-p . II : ALFOED WILiLiIAJIf dc CO.. Pabllshert. II ? ? ' ' ( - , . i IT.,, 1 ; - - - 'iTi i lr -J - lTr-'-iTr ;', A .-' .': . : ' . i V ' : ' -1 r '. VW. m :. :. . 'iX.''iX':' UUI. I L.I I i;UrV;:ilU ,11 J:L. lUmmXXf. " : yX'XXl : WHOLESALE DEALERS IK "XirXnXX W-Mr.'XXX. NOS. 38 & 40 ROANOKE AVENUE, I :X-X-X'X,:X-i. Xl;7''r"h j k'-: A t I. Xi 'i nXh'V'hytzr-JU NORFOLK.fVA. 4'''C f J" Ttaongav BbaJalsis; , IJfca sua Aapea with the chills and fever, the victim of malaria may atill recover by using this celebrated specific, which not only breaks up tne most aggravated attacks, but Pre vents their recurrence. It ia infinitely I referable to quinine, not only because it oes the btuinesa far more thorouehlv. bat also on account of its perfect whole- somen9ss and Invigorating . action upon the entire'syetem. t or sale by ail JJrueelaU and Dealers generally. , . v Popnlar- Menth) y Drawls? of the v tH- : iv' . i--X ' S'i --- - - bm'il'.Hiilrihii'.j AT HACAULirS THEATSE, ' j the City of Loolsville, on j u . jln . - I : : Thnrsda September 30 1880. &'"' i : 'js-;-r"'-7 "4-.- L -t,,Xi I WfTj: 'i "These ' Drawings, Authorized by the legislature of 1870, and sustained, by tbe Courts of Kentucky, occur Tearularly on the last Day of every' Month, Sundays aod Fridays excepted, for the period of five years. ' ;? . ,5 '- - - 7- . Tbe unitea states vircuit ' uoun on March 11, rendered tbe following, decis ions: i , -4 1 '.V J.:.:: i '; ? 1st That the 1 Commonwealth Diatri- bntion Company is legal ? : 2nd Its drawings are rav. ' 1 ' N. B. -This company baa now on hand a large reserve prizes forthe . f tuna. Bead the list of SEPTEMBER DBA WING. 1 Prize.. .$30,000 1 Prize. 10,000 1 Prie..-. .......... 10 Prizes, f 1,000 each 20 Prises, S500 each.. 5,000 .10,000 10,000 100 Prizes, $100 each 10,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 2,700 1,800 ,9,000 200 Prizes, 50 each.'..., 600 razes, xzu eacn... 1.000 Prizes, $10 each... raze, fduu e n, App n rrizes 9 Prizra, 200 e'h, App'n Prizes.. 9 Prizes, 1100 e'h, App'n Prizes... I.W0 Prizes, : f ffliole TIeketal $2. $112,400 Half Tickets, $1. 27 Tickets, $50.. ii Tickets, $100. - Remit by Post-Ofiloe Money Order, -late red Letter. Bank Drart or Expi To insure asrsinst mistaaes ana delays. correspondents will please . write their names and places of residence plainly, giving number or mt-omos dox or street and Town, County and State. ; 1 f All communications connected witn tne distribution and orders for; tickets ahoald be addressed to R. M. BOAR OMAN, Courier-Journal Buildine. Louisville. KyM or 307 ahd 309 Broadway, New York. ; ,:ept l-aat-tu-thur W2-9-16 ; OS BORTJ HOUSE, . Formerly Cook's Hotel -! Convenient to business part of city. Prices as moderate as any flrat-clasa house." Aooommodatlon and rood as gooor as any nonse ia the city.. iiti y. wsnuaa,'.' lf-i.-.t XivMansgerV- ' a : w - w : X aogl9tf. ; A POTTER CYLINDER PRESS (M 46). which i has been used several years, but is in perfect order and as good set pew, can be bought cheap for eaaa. . . Aaaress i trtf-maa. r t ICare of News and Observer, -St ;i Raleigh, N.C. ' : .-, :T ..,-. n.-.ti" li 1 1 880. OlTD of Horili Carplina, PAGES, la now eompiete and ready far; h Vmv waa want tae bojk ahoald order at x:xrm: :, NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. . PREftEVT T1WB.:. - II- )J'lr ' 'v e cii -rr ; . . -.-! ,pu i-r. K - .' ' nrvTs . a arc. .' :. o frj-t. uf,- - i, m r i a v im. i . . ulj a i . ., . rf : ' x.XX-:X i- Xxm X ;J'ti-nif. , w ww a eWk Awarwaw aaa n 1 b. ' V-k' L. BRANSON, the Bookseller, so vail , saiavwu ivi ejaww Mssra Juuawvvas - jvsjtsiWf Ummm u ?: '. ' J a a a.v . , aa.a my t '' ' i. n '.- " .jLM-- remoyea sis stoos: 10 ao. 11, ueartt s oia' ; flltaltirt Til SJ fl! 111 Isj III! a) ilftTiai llBslll-lllBlBaalt 1 l1 I oa Fayetteville street r'- 1 '.'4 5-.. ; . 1 ..-f: ' ; : ang 28. V" ;t a I X XX ,:. ( t . i ?" ' l-"'."-f-1 f v ' ' ' ' " " - 5-v''.r f-;n-fii' lst f fa - lllllil THE ONLY KELIABLE LI3TE that runs s -t upon the pnblle highways.! 3&f4fe-e i cvi i - -j- - t DISTANCES : uato ti M - To AshevUJe, vU W. U. C KaUroad, oaTy J vr ' miles by stage. Good toads. .. :...- v TVTW 1 To Asheville, vis Spartanburg khd Ashevin- V U"- ! Bailroad, oaly SI miles by stag.' ' c. ' iFp.. -vp From Asheville to Wolf Creek. Tenn ylk ,, Vf ) i , Warm Springs, N. & s V-' h'XX " ' i.nia company camea Cirpraa. - --v. l F. STIKELEATHEEj ViiwcU,.. sept 12 O. Pi and T. A., Avill7N. C. -w'.if ' ; r- ,i ;i. ii! (waaawawawaSSg i;L'; . . :y SUPCRI0H NirrRmfillTViriifT . "TV" v smi aas IUUsMKIAIimfAPJI t'l 1 11 liXutirMaiii ii i f'Trim ' ir, "If te ru liLTiioa yom nnrauss awn tMM X 1 I , i .-?-, -AOXD.-V lv .. " as rjsooWAHXBiJi axaraw von - txm Z ? , -.if; omowTK ato KtorxcTiow o , - j . ' ;.: A y xnumxnaKSLOKat. -' ftjff ;;;; A suvuuos m UTauTivs zw ooimmtt : vtir, - mm, aim- a v-tm garsTifaa ?-:-3 .s tr-. . ' aokvt or iT.i. imrsssss ov.wn . W yaani ---i .stobuck amd omrnni. fit . A': JL. WH1AT cm M 9mm U TCrfa tlTtlTW tj WTT T a. SB - T WHUT CKUAI mU4 amUmmi. ta to. t sUC-n iram uia vv " a ww aa a mt, m saa a m kKl - . 1-1 hr V : U BAJTEa'J.-, abIjS vood TSCTIOW Or E for KOTHOt ftar thi effapriag. Wmw atttw, whioh r Uabl tiii)f th brain and trritmt UM aiMt that which iuxts ejiuyOTr I . i- ..a - msCUL THAT WHICH MAXES OOODtXW 3 A iND BLOOU THAT WHICH IS HAST Of ' - J IOE8TIOKHIVXB CONSTIPATIlfO. THAT i f .v ,kt v WHICH IS BJOCD AH TRIILtTO Hi V , ilf'' IHAni. AirBTHAl WHICH ACTS AS A.i:M!i;itf I-HiviirTrys or thosjb In t rsriif ai. ; . -,! ' . wKiva 1 mid teaBMIt ta nalTi ar ,t - -f . aiytunc in Vead or Seaaart attra Craamy an -Uf;.;,.i ,'. . ' Delimoas. ar awr ifonrlaimir aad Sraatliel V f . -y -K.nallaa a all InUUlul P ih'li zlitrU - tnf.. . 1 1 III Ml II MM - . - ar PRINCIPAL OnC JCaCaSOMXLTCaC ; T&e 'Weekly Mining flTews. The Best gad Host Beliabls JjBurnal sf Kind la the Country. -1 j :;.-.;:;,; .111 j-.f . 1 .. 'i .1' 1 . Prints the fullest and fairest reporte o( , -.o.,v"it mining matters In the form of special eor-,'. .',-' respondence from every State and Tewl tory in the onion.. XmyTTXrr;:X XXlXr CIRCULATION . -X i i- rnWI S ITaatfl' if- t - f 0 1 - !' ;i . .i,;:i .f.t.-it11,.vJI-s ,, --rt Address.1 ansrlo-Sm. t . ww S "S SaS la aaaS M4AVSM-Ur war m : am : ac . v saai ns 1 w 11 7 Murray 8t New Torx Qiir; vV link re -arv ? " THE TAX-LIST FOR THE YEAR Vtst having been placed In my bands tar ooueeuon,ai persons are bars to coma rorwara and pay np. BMnd at Sf Ofllea in tha CnnH. 8 0'olock a. m. toe p. m , mdy andiWtl-.! llag to wait oat erery one. t ' i- J. NQv7EXJSlMs4ft'i.T- - BXPTatXBXB 8, 1680. 1 ' i ; . w . a . tT y . t Vf! ';;:!'.''. 1..f t.., -vh- : 'fx i l -1- M A v. ;Tft X. K,t.r'.-U :r"j6i.fu"l-4-.: .vj. -.J V- i 1 t ' v.,. .. '. .1. ' r. ' 3jtf A.'pjiSiaJ : 4i'-oV. 4 . Wt t ' r. eiO-lw. txxx-mrx V . ..... " I -1 J 1 x . . ? i . -r- - v :-