Hy- NkiVS A!! DugERYER. -. GATLW9 eVc.! PBOnOROBi ibliihed Daily (exeapt Mandav) and Wnkly. &ATB8 C HVMCUPTKUI ily, one year. , , , ll lU'b . , la An v ax I 1 .. -1 . 1 V thru a'eakl. an - eekly, one jeer, " - j 00 hi mnniha Aa Ho name entered without ,aymnt,and mo per sent after expiration ot Jme paid ft. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ol parity, strength and wholesomenesa. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition -with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. I Sold only in cans. Royal Bakiko Pow b Co.. 100 Wall St.. New York, t New Life , is given by using Brown's, , Iron Bitters. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system; in the. Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease; in the Summer it gives tone to the ' nerves and digestive organs ; in the Fall it enables the ; system to stand the shock of sudden changes. , ' In no way can disease be so surely prevented as by . keeping the system in per-; feet condition. Brown's' Iron Betters ensures per-: feet health through the! changing seasons, it disarms ' ' the danger from impure! water and miasmatic air, ' and it prevents Consump-V tion. Kidney and Liver Dis- ease, &c ?. , Jf.S. Berlin, Esq.,oi thej well-known firm of H. S.; Berlin & Co., Attorneys, Le; j Droit Building, Washing-;; ton, D. C, writes; Dec 5 th, I 881: j Gentlemen: I take, pleas- , ore in stating that I hare used " Brown' Iron Bitten for ma-! laria and nervous troubles, ; caused ' by overwork, with; excellent results. Beware bf imitations.; Ask for Brown's Iron Bit- ters, and insist on having . jt Don't be imposed on '; with something recom-; mended as "just as good" The genuine is made only j by the Brown Chemical Co.jf. r Baltimore, Md. i : ' ' t 800 BUSHELS FIELD PEsj RLU H CIY4Y AM) MIXED. ftOO Diiftltcls Extra Early Georgia s Proline ;i ; COTTONSEED, KA.RLY A.HBER&UQAR CANK &KED, German, Hungarian and Pearl MU let, Clover, Upland Kice, Orchard and Lawn iraH Seed. ALSO THE CELEBRATED UO HS K POWERS. REAPER? MOWERS. AND Apply toon, ao aa not to be too late. L L. POLK & CO. ,aplt-tl ' . WOOD Cut to Order. LIHCE urnUh dto aiili bills, and the best BIIIXGI.EK ollcrcd on tbe ket. All In -ar load lots or lesa. J. D. WHITAUER, ! V ' Went Harnett 8U. RalelRb, N. O. A ff TONS d!kU rrade ACID PHOSl lJkJ PUATK, oonta:ininK 12 per ont Voluble Pboaphoilo Acid, juat received fid for aale, low lor cash, by f CHARLES E SMITH, ! Wllnrlnaton. N.C Uracil dSingles. W Rpeclal 4 boyars, Induce oanU to deaira and News i i VOL. XIX. I NEWS OBSERVATIONS. '?A miscarriage of justice" is what the Hartford Courdnt calls the result of the M alley trial. The Arkansas State Gazette con cludes that Arthur's chances of election in 1884 "are better than any other Repub lican candidate." !; The New Orleans Timet-Democrat thinks that the revenue! taxes, instead of being reduced $17,000,000, ought to. be cut down a round $100,000,000. f The stalwart Republicans of Penn sylvania now propose to have another con vention in which Ike Independent! shall participate, throwing overboard all nomi nations and making new ones. The stal warts are whipped. i The Preu, Republican, says: The Re publicans of Iowa voted for prohibition almost solidly,' and in making the temper ance jssue their own they have avoided the confusion in party politics caused by the injection of the temperance issue else where. ; They carried lit by their usual majority. -j There are in Missouri 750,000 chil dren of school age, of whom only 350,000 are enrolled, leaving 400,000 out of school and away from school training. The length of ihe term of attendance of the 350,000 who are enrolled is only 100 days of six hours each, provided all attend every day- 1 i : j The debt statement for July 1 shows a redaction of the indebtedness, less cash in the Treasury, of $12,560,696.70 effected during the month of June. This brings the decrease 01 the debt for the fiscal year which closed on Friday to $151,684,351. or about the total that was anticipated at the close of the last quarter. rThe Liverpool Journal of Commerce says : : Another flagrant case oi "sanding cotton is reported at Oldham. A firm of cotton spinners bought forty bales at a lit tle over bid. per pound. On being opened some ow pounds were found unmarket able; and ihe remainder lost 23 per cent, in being worked, through the quantity of sand and dirt with which it was impreg nated. I It is estimated thai this raised the actual price of the cotton to 8 id. er pound, a difference more than sufficient to absorb ihe largest profits. ! 'A singular and fatal accident occurred near Greenville last week.; Rose Biassin game, an bid colored woman, went to the death bed of her son-in-law who had died Soon af tether arrival. Soon after his death she began preparing his remains for hnrial. i .While tltw ennRJ - UJ storm came, upr but she did not desist and still remained by the! body, the door of the house having been allowed to remain unclosed Respite the rain. 1 Suddenly there was a vivid flash of lightning, followed by a terrific crash, and the old woman fell dead, struck down by the dreadful current. Her body was much mangled and torn and death ws apparently iastantaneoua. The steamship France, of the Na tional line which arrived Monday from London, by way of Havre j brought a large consignment ot JMoraan bones tor breed ing purposes. Ihe animals bad been care fully placed in padded stalls and were in spienaia condition wnen me steamer reached her doek. There were 168 horses, twenty-one eolte and two foals. The animals were all fine and large, some of them' weighing 2,000 pounds each. This breed is an unusually fine one- They I make the best draught j horses; few of them, however,- ever show great speed. The consignment belongs to a number of stock breeders in Illinois; The animals . will be 'shipped to the West in a day or two. Their average value is placed at about $1,000. They were purchased in different portions of Normandy by Ameri Can agents. I j A ! dispatch from porry says : A strange crank passed through here Satur day on the down express who professed to be oo a divine mission to Washington to execute the command of Ood by avenging Guiteau's murder, as he termed it He resembles Quiteau in personal appearance, and professes to be a distant relative. He said he had never taken (much stock in Guiteau until the night; before he was hanged,; when God appeared to him in a yittion and commanded him to go to Washington and avenge Guiteau's murder. As to the manner in which this is to be effected he is in doubt, as God promised to reveal it to him upon his arrival in Wash ington. He refused to tell his name or where he came from, but he bad a ticket from Chicago to New York. He uttered terrible threats against Arthur and others. He is supposed to be craiy on the subject. When he learned that he was talking to a newspaper correspondent j he refused to talk further, and said that it would all come' out in time. Some experiments have been made at the site of the proposed harbor of refuge at Dungeness Point, by the Cap tain the Hon. H. W. Chetwyn, R. N., district inspector of life-bbats, to test the value of oil in calming rough water. There was a sufficiently heavy sea on at the time bf the experiment to endanger a aniallopen boat, and the Duneneu lifeboat, tbe David Jlallttt, was launched, and an chored in five fathoms of water. A small canvas bag, containing about half a gallon of oil. and piurced with several holes with a large needle, was attached to the anchor of a buoy. This had tlie effect of pro ducing a space of still Water spreading from the buoy to a distance of about twenty yards wide, and of considerable length. ' -Every breaking $ea that reached the oily surface immedutejy fell dead, and pasHcd by iu a harmless roll. The trials will be continued. The Hver Tyne com missioners are, it is stated, about to erect in connection with the harbor works now beiog carried on at Tynemouth a number of oil tanks, so that oil can wnen neces sary bo used to prevent the sea breaking against the north pier at the entrance of AND RAXEIGH, N. By Telegraph. Jade Gllsnei r end Solicitor gtruewlck Be- looted en the rirst Ballot. . Special to The News and Observer. Durham, July 4, 1882. At the Judicial Convention of the fifth district held here te-day, all of the coun ties were represented. lion. John A. Gilmer and Col. L. C. Edwards were put in nomination. Judge Gilmer re ceived 258 J votes and Col. . Edwards .1573 votes, and Judge Gilmer was de clared nominal ed, and his nomination was made unanimous. Capt. F. N. Strud- wick was then unanimously nominated for Solicitor. There was great harmony and jnuch enthusiasm. R. B. Tn Virginia State Regatta. i Feidieicksburo, Va., July 4. The State regatta began here to-day at 1 1 :45 a. m., with a four-oared shell race between the Potomacs, of Washington, and the Rappahannocke, of Fredericksburg. The course was three and a quarter miles and, return. The boats started at the word and kept even to the bridge, about one third of the way up, when the Rappahan nock? fouled one of the piera, whereby they lost a length or two. The Potomacs took the lead there and kept it. The turn was effected with great skill by the Poto macs,: who easily won the race by seven lengths. Time: 12 minutes and 5 sec onds. A single scull between W. E. Mc Kennney, of Washington, and D. Bar clay, of Norfolk, in a three fourth mile and return, was won with ease by McKen ney. ; Barclay took the lead, but was soon overtaken by McKenney, who came in eight lengths ahead. Time: 12 minutes and 31 J seconds. The races were rowed in a steady rain. Ta Hatchatt-Yoaog Harder Trial. ! PetersbCro, Va., July 4. The Court of Appeals has granted a writ of supersedeas in the case of Oliver Hatchett, colored, convicted in the Circuit Court of Brunswick county' last April of the mur der of Moses Young, colored, and sen tenced to be hanged on the 21st of this month. The case will come up for trial in the Court of Appeals at its session at Richmond next winter. On the petition for a new trial a writ of supersedeas has been forwarded to Hatchett's counsel. Littleton Hatchett, the father of Oliver Hatchett, was also convicted last April as aWMABVIJ eta-v ' Mil UVUKWMwA aV be hanged, but the case was subsequently brought before the Supreme Court on a writ of supersedeas, when the court de cided that the evidence did not justify conviction. This case comes up again at the fall term of the county circuit court. Both murderers are confined in the county jail of Brunswick. Mlaeallaaeoaa Tetorrama. Lohdon, July 4. It is reported that a plot has been discovered to assassinate Cardinal McGabe, Archbishop of Dublin. A dispatch from Alexandria says : A maioritv of the officers have informed Arabi Pasha that they are against fighting. WMhlagtoa Mew. The conference committee on the bill to enable national banking associations to ex tend their corporate existence has failed7 to reach an agreement on the 12th and 13th sections. Commodore R. W. bhufeltd has been detached from duty in China with the United States legation, under instructions from the Department of .State, and or dered home. It is understood .that his recall was due to his open letter to ex- Senator Sargent, containing severe stric tures on the highest Chinese authorities, and also serious imputations against the Empress' character, which letter is sup posed to have been written to affect the legislation on the Chinese bill, which was then pending. The Senate nnance committee, at a special meeting to-day, bad under consid eration Ibe bill to reduce internal revenue taxation, which passed the House June 29th. Mr. Rogers, deputy commissioner ot internal revenue, upon invitation of the committee, appeared before them and pre sented the views ot tbe department upon the pending bill. Mr. Rogers opposed the proviso which the House appended to the bill, and gave strong reasons why it should be stricken out. Ibe proviso allows a rebate or draw back of the full amount of the reduction on all original unbroken packages of checks, matches, cigars, che roots and cigarettes held by manufacturers or dealers on the passage of the act, and upon which the tax has been paid. The proviso also makes it the dut v of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treas it, to adopt rales and regulations and to : prescribe and furnish blankr and forms, neccssury to carry out the act . Mr Rogers stated tnat the effect oi this pro viso would Simply be to take a large amount of money from the Treasury as a gratuity to dealers, while it would confer no benefit whatever upon the country. A difference ot two mills in the tax upon each cigar would not be appreciable with reference to a single cigar and would make no difference in their cost to the consumer, and that tbe proviso, if allowed to stand in the bill, would give rise to hundreds of thousands of vexatious c'aims, entailing upon the department a vast amount of la bor and expense in their ascertainment and adiustment. ; it would, moreover, open the doors for innumerable frauds which it would te next to impossible to guard against by any system of regulations. The committee virt ually decided to strike out the entire proviso. They will hold another meeting to-morrow, when they ex pect to be ready to report the bill to the Senate.' O C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 5, 1882, GLADSTONE'S T&AP. How the Expulsion of the Irish Member! Was Broeg-ht AboaU London, July 2. The intense excite ment caused by the expulsion of the Irish members subsided almost as soon as : the act was done. Mauy members, on both sides began to perceive that a mistake had been committed. Later, when Mr. Glad stone entered, he learned the circumstances of the suspension. It was easy to see from his pale and contracted face that he felt some one had blundered. Later in the day the whole story leaked out that the gov ernment had laid a trap for the Irish mem bers, and that its own supporters had (alien into it. At a cabinet council it had been arranged that the Irish members should be suspended by purprise, something in the fashion of last year. Jt was hoped that in the 'course of the debate they would be tempted to say or do something which would give a colorable pretext 'for the action of the chair. In this hope the following plan was adopted : When at midnight the Irish party divided into re lays the government obtained a list of all the men composing the Irish night relay. it was then arranged with the Speaker that about 7 o'clock in the morning an altercation should be provoked, which would offer an excuse to the chairman of the committee to suspend the whole relay en bloc so that the government, naving suspended all the Parncllites present, could pass the bill through committee before the day relay arrived to take their places. The plan failed because, contrary to calculation, the Irish members refrained from any act which would give the slightest pretence for the interference of the chairman. Thus disappointed Sir William Harcourt en deavored, early in the morning, to fasten a quarrel upon the Irish members, but he was only partially successful. The Speaker was anxious to carry out the orders of the government, and was ignorant of the fact that his list of the Irish night relay was only partially correct. He sent word to Dr. Plavfair to suspend the members on the list on the charge of obstruction. Then occurred a scandal which shocked even many con servative members. Members were sus pended by a vote of the House for ob structing business who had been at home in bed all night, and arrived to find them selves found guilty of the crime of ob struction. The Irish party saw at once the blunder that had been made, and were going to continue the discussion as if nothing had happened. Then the curious sight was exhibited of the House, which had executed a coup d'etat, struggling for o pass three lines. In an interview, alter tbe expulsions, Mr. Parnell said: "I think that the suspensions were . prearranged in antici pation of our giving ground for them by obstruction; ; but finding there was no obstruction. : the coup d'etat did not come off as soon as was originally intended, but it was resorted to later on by vr. riaytair, and a eonsiaeraDie body of opinion on both sidef of the House holds that; we have been most un fairly treated, and this opinion is growing. Many Liberals walked out when the di vision was called, and ret used to vote, owing, I believe, to the absence of anyr thing which could fairly be called obstruc tion. The Ministers had partly changed their minds, and had partly abandoned their intention of suspension when Dr, Plavfair blundered prematurely into it. I consider this step as most dangerous to the government, and I believe that they re gret it." In the confusion which followed the first motion to suspend the Irish members Mr. Parnell was seen to leave his place and go toward Dr. Playfair. A group of members gathered about, attracted by the unusual action ox the Irish leader, who seemed somewhat angry. Having arrived at the chair, he addressed the following observations to the chairman of the com mittee: "Of course, I understand, Dr. Playfair, that you are bound to obey your oiders, but I wish to say that there is no foundation for the statement you have just made to the Speaker. I deny that I have obstructed the ; bill, either by intent or deed, at any of its stages." Dr. Playfair hesitated for a few moments and then re plied: "I admit, Mi. Parnell, that you have not obstructed the bill or spoken much during its progress, but you belong to the party. I have therefore considered myself entitled to include you in the suspension. - Mr. Parnell replied: "I also deny that any ot the party have obstructed the bill, and - consider that your conduct is an abuse, even on your own showing, of the rule regulating the suspension of members, as this rule has reference only to indi vidual action, and certainly does not enti tle the chairman to make one member re sponsible for the acts of another." A Prominent Greeabacker Killed. Charleston. S. C , July 4. L. W. R. Blair, a prominent Greenbacker, was shot and instantly killed at Camden, where he lived, to-day. No particulars are yet at hand. We place our advocacy for the present system of county government on a higher plane. Tbe object of all government is the security of life, limb and property. Does it better secure property, (thereis no question about life or limb) to elect com- missKHiers by the vote of the people or as now ? .Kverv one must answer, no. iut it is said that no man can be taxed unless he has a voic in electing the taxing offi cers. Who are taxed in these eastern counties ? Ninety nine one .hundredths of the negroes pay no tax except on their polls; white men ana democrats pay 1-h nearly all the taxes. Yet conscientious men say that negroes ought to levy them because under our system of government the majority must rule; the minority, if it has got tbe brains and property, must bend its head before the ebon tyrant which the orists have erected for it, Tarboro Dra matic Guide. BSERVER. HOW HE CACOH r A CRAB. A Young- Lady Oats Em Joker. With o Practical San Francisco Post. They tell a story of a would-be funny broker, who last season adopted a most fiendish method of getting even with one of the chronic flirts who are said to make the piazzas bere lively later in the season. He obtained half a dozen energetic crabs from the fishing beach, and watching for an opportunity when no one was in a par ticular tank, except the incoosisteut fair object of his vengeance, he dropped in tbe crustaceans (way up tt-rm for cial). The young lady continued h r natatorial px ercises (jam up for pading) a few niiuu s longer, when she suddenly uttered a blood curdling shriek, and was helped up the ladder with a crab hanging on to her pink little too. She had several consecutive epileptic fits while the marine corn doctor was being removed. The Mephistophe lean glee of the broker, however, gave him away, and for fear of some counter-trick he decided to bathe early in the morning thereafter. A few days after that the bath-house keeper was startled by some terrific yell -i, and hastily entering the tank house he beheld the broker floundering out with a big. jagged-toothed spring rat- trap clenched on his heel. Who the devil put this horrible thing in the water?" roared the broker. "I did, sir," sweetly replied the crabbed mng lady aforementioned, stepping out of a bath-room. "I put it there to catch those horrid crabs, you know." The broker went home on a crutch. Richmond aod Danville Railroad Com pan; , Richmond, Va., July 3. At a gen eral meeting of the stockholders of the Richmond and Danville Railroad held here to-day a resolution was adopted ao cepting the provisions of the act passed by j the Legislature last winter authorizing that company to increase its capital stock, upon condition that it surrender its exemp tion from State taxation. President Bu ford was directed to make a deed releasing the company from said exemption. The meeting also adopted a resolution indor sing the action of the board of directors in creasing the capital stock of the West Point and Terminal Company 1U.UUU shares. To the Voters of the Third District. Congressional In reply to many inquiries and letters received expressing a desire to know as to whether or not I am a candidate for re nomination, I deem it proper to reply in XitQe morelhan two years ago me xti mocratic party, in convention, in tbe town of Fayette ville, tendered me tbe nomina tion for Congress. Under circumstances familiar to every voter in tbe district I accepted, I confess, with fear and trem bling, because of the disorganization of the f aa a. .e . 4 party, caused by its deleat in tbe rormer Congressional struggle. After a heated and bitter contest, with two political op ponents in the field, with the aid of a united Democracy victory again perched upon our banner. - a a . a The nomination was unsolicited by me, as my friends well know. I have not sought renomination, nor have I requested my friends to influence conventions or execu - tive committees to appoint delegates in my interest to the Congressional Conven tion, and will not, I don't believe in combinations and trades. Let tbe people, uninfluenced, nominate the man of their choice ; victory will then be ours; other wise defeat is inevitable. The people and not1 rings must oontrol our conventions if we expect our candidates to Dear tbe nag to victorv. " ...... .. f I thank the voters ot tbe district ior their encouragement and support given me in the late contest. The thanks of the Democracy of the State are due you for redeeming the district, and perhaps saving the bartv in the Old North State. Two years ago, at your bidding, I led a forlorn hope, with what success you know. j;j - .V . IQ.l, to my canaiuacy ioi a scat iu mo 10m Congress, I leave that with my friendsj and shall be content 4o abide their decision. J. W. Shackelford. Apropos of the recent solar eclipse, a storv wortnv oi iiacitiaeuuer una re i . l I a. . cently gone the round of the German papers. It appears that on the morning of the event alluded to Captain von S 1 of the Fusiliers, issued the follow- ing verbal order to his company, through his Senreant-Maior, to be communicatee. to the men after forenoon parade : "This afternoon a solar eclipse will take place. At 3 o'clock the whole company will pa rade in the barrack-yard. Fatigue jackets and cans. I shall exDlain the eclipse to- the men. Should it ran, they will as aemble in the drill-shed." The Sergeant- Maior. bavins set down his commanding nffioer's instructions in writing, as he had 1 - . . a a understood them, formed the company into hollow square at the conclusion of the morning drill, and read his version ot tne order to them, thus : "This afternoon a solar eclipse will take place in the barrack- vard. by order of the captain, and will be: attended by the whole company, in fatigue iaokets and caps. The captain will con- duct tbe solar eclipse in pcrsan. onouia . . .. . i it rain, the echw will take place in the -' - m . a . driltshtd." 'Root t oa Rats. Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flit-s, ants. bed-bugs, skunks, cnipmunks, gupuen. 15c. Druggists. j- ejiat Varnaaa aanilti her airentS Sonth to St!r OP the blscks to emigrate, and wnen tney pour in on ber she calls on tbe surround ing States to help feed ana ciome mem. 1 1 Hertford's Add Phosphate a Necessity. Dr. C. O. Files. Portland, ale., says: ,4Of all the samples of medicine sent me dur ing the past dozen years it is tbe only one I have ever round wnica nas become necessity in my own household." ' j- e ea e An infirmity has been made fashionable by yegiasaes. NO. 82 XMXTLS PDLGJ A DISORDERED LIVER j IS THE BANE tt the prooent feneration. It to for the Cure of thie diaeaee and lie attondanta, olflC-BttADACHE, BlLt6P8Bo, BYt i8Li. COIf STtP AtlOy. PILES, tc , thai Tfrtlf'S PILLS hare gained a w or Id-wldf reputation. Mo Remedy baa ever been diaoovered that acts ao gently on the dlgoetivo organ, giving them vigor to aal atmtlate food. Aa a natural roeo.lt, ta Korvooa Byatem la Braoed, the Mnaoloo are Developed, and the Body Bobttat. " CnxlOlaa X. a. mrVAL. a Planter at Baron. Bare, La..aarai Mr Plantation la la a malarial elatrtet. For eeverai rare 1 eonld not make half a area oa aeeooat of Mllono dlaeaeee and eaUle. I waa aaarty deeoasaa-ed wbaa I taan the nee ol TUTT'S nUA The reealt waa aiarviloma: war laborers soon beeaae hearty and rofcnet aad I have had ao further troaMo. Try th to renaodr thirty, mmm yea win Jajba , health? Ptantle. Via, nee Body, hi Hut, BtromoMoi tea, aad urn. a Mmmy u. T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Okat Haib or WnniH chaoied to a Ouwav Black by a atnrle application pi latoral oolor, nd acts ot tnw DTK. It nearta a natural ana a natural color, and acta instantaneously. Sold b , of One Doli br I Drufg-Uta, or sent oy express oa receipt Offloo, 88 Murray Street, Now York. (Dr. TVrrm Tmtumhl Mnfrtmutit mm I7eWi Mnmrtmtm 1 eiU oe mtmiU razi ea mmmUmwtmm, J DR. CLARK JOHNSON'S - Indian Blood Syrup (TaASS 1UU.I CORES Dyspepsia, Uver Dis eases, Fever St Ague, Rheumatism. Dropsy. Heart Disease, Biliousness, Ner vous Debility, etc. 1 2,000,000 Bottles SOLD SINCE 1870. This Syrup Possesses VarUd Properties It stimulates the Ptyaline in the Saliva which converts the Htarch and Sugar of the food into glucose. A deficiency In Ptya line canses wind and souring of the food in the stomach. If the medicine Is taken immediately after eatinz the fermentation of food is prevented. It acts upon tne river It acts upon the Kidneys. It Regulates the Bowels. It Purifies the Blood. It Q iiets tbe Nervous System. It Promotes Digestion. It Nourishes, Strengthens and Invigo rates. It carries off the old blood and makes new. It orens the do res of the akin and in duces healthy perspiration. It neutralises the -hereditary taint or poison la tne blood, wblcn generates Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all manner ot akin diseases and internal hnmora. There are no spirits used in its manuiao- ture. and it can be taken by the most deli cate babe, or by the aged and teeble, care only being required in attention to direo- Mons LOOISBURG, FBANaXIN Co, N C. rhia is to certify tliaUDr Clark John son's Indian Blood Syrup cured my wife af oronchitia of seven years standing. I oennot recommend it top highly. D WEBSTER. Butler. Rutherford county. N C. I was afflicted with rheumatism for six rears, and round notmng to relieve me until I tried Dr Clark Johnson's Indian 31ood Syrup, which effectually cured me tn a montn'a time. w Bu nvit. Beulavllle. Duplin county. N C. Dr. Clark Johnson's Indian Blood Syrup lias been Of great value to me for heartdis aase. 1 recommend il to all similarly afflicted. BAKiJAKA. WILillAUH. Black Mingo, S C. This is to certifv that Dr. Clark John son's Indian Blood Syrup has cured me of diaease of life Jcidneva. after all other med icines had failed. It is the best remedy known. TH.OM.Aa jftSaaLttii. Yorkville. York county. 8 C. The use of Dr Clark Johnson's Indian BU od Svrup cured me of severe boils and Indigestion. I cheerfully recommend its use. M RS REBECCA STB WART. Agents wanted for the sale of the Indian B.ooJ Syrup in every town or village in which I have no agent. Particulars given du application. UKUUU1MS SUL.I4 11. laboratory V Wt 3d street, New Yorkl J CELEBRATED '"fj It is the concurrent testimony of 'the nnh In anrt iha nuul m nrnlAUIon LD1L Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is a mediclcet which achieves results sreedilv felt, thor ongb snd benign. Besides rectifying liver disorder, it invigorates tne teeD. e, conquera kidney and bladder complaints, and has tens the convalescence of those recovering from enfeebling diseases. Moreover it is the arand anafllrin for fever and aarue. Jor aale by all Druggists and-Dealer They roliovo la e m ei red Live, eta ao the Blood rroaa yilimai mil, mm omm the ho we la to ae aaeeiroAly, WtUf 2 ea7a -Si generally. The Niswfci anj OtfirHnJ ADVBIBTIH'ni two diva.. i 5 i thre M i i ": tt 6ar f eeoooe ux Coo tracts for a Jverdning for any apaoe or tim atay be made at th offioe of Turn Nawa ajtd OsVsnvasiidFavttovm8trwt. r , 'v )u!il full Stllti Eii Mt&iiiry,; Manufactured at Pottsville, Alabama. ; ichofleld Hand, Horse and j r Tower Presses.' - ; H"- Manufactured at Macon, Georgia. Ve are Sole Agent In North Carolina y the above beat of all machines for gln- -p V " packing cotton. i Z o are now prepared to tike orders, and .z in store on exhibition: Kinhty-Saw Pratt Glus, Feeders and ousors. ; V Sixty -Saw Pratt Gins, Feadera and' tdensera. - i 10 Fifiy Saw Pratt Gins, Feedera and i Condensera. a Seta Schofleld Power Presa I-rbns. I We sell the Pratt machines as bein bet- tor tiian any naa-hinea made for ginning I cotton, an1 upon trial with any others, if the purcbaaer does not thijk ao, the machines may be returned. ' We refer to the following parties who I have them in nee: P. U. MAN3UM, Wake Forest, N. C A.. J P. HARRIS. Youngsvllle, N. C. i J. 8. JO YxN ER, Frankliuton, N. C. ; M. J. HAWKINS, Ridgeway, N. C. i J. P. LEACH A CO., LlUletoa N. C H.C. OLIVK. Apex, N. C. JNO. W. At WATER, Rial to, Chatham county, N. IV A. T. MIAL, Raleigh, N. C. C. L IIINTON, Raleigh, N. C. JOS. T. BR0UWHTON, Raleigh. N. C. ; W. D BUFFALOE. Ralegh, N C. A UORNE, Clayton, N. C. JNO. L. MARKHAM Durham, N. C. j. ris.ttsu.iN. Fremont. N. C. WILLIAMSON & UPCHUR.Ce, T-1 l.l -Kt' Raleigh, N . C. ChufH Cliura! liunts! We have for sale a few l ushti. f Ufa u fas at $1.26 per peek; J4.00 per buLel, WILLIAMSON A UPqilURCP. May 30th, 18B2. (Successors to Uzzell k Wiley.) Printers & Binders, D0DD BUILDI2TG, RALEIGH, N. C. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Book and Job Printing 1ST A STTXI UNSURPASSb;D in thk soutii. Y Work for Superior Court Clerks.Sheriffs. Registers.and all county officers a specialty. Full supply of Lboal Blanks on hand. Orders promptly attended to, and satis faction guaranteed. UZZELL & GATLING, DODD BUILDING. OLD DOMINION LINE. Favorite Passeneer and Freight Ront between New tork and the South and , West. Tbe majrnifioent Passeneer Steamships of this Ldne leave New York every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at I p. nx, from pier 26, new number, foot of Beach street, North River. Leave Klcnmond and Petersbnrsr. va Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. jueeve nor 101, va., Monday, Wednes day and Saturday. Uonnecta at Poitimouth with Through rains ot tne Seaboard and Roanoke. R.' R. for RALEIGH, N. C. and all adjacent points. In addition td our j-esular aaillnn we will dispatch a pasenger and freight steamer from New York for Norfolk and Portsmouth every Frld sy at S p, m. Re turning, will leave Norfolk and Porta- moutn every Tuesday at the regular hour, making the usual connections lxth ways. Tickets sold and inrermatlon given at General Offices,; 197 Greenwich street and al Tioket Offices in Raleigh. t W. H. STANFORD, isbli d2tiwlv ' Secretary. Oinger, Bucho, Man drake, Stillingia, and BUU17 of the best medi cine known: are com bined in Parker's Ginger .ionic, men a raoncinc of such Taried powers, as to make h the greatest Blood Purifier and the - last alts ttrtaglh Restorer Ever Uses. It cures Rheumatism, n 1 s" Sleeplessness. K diseases ParKers Hair Balsam. 5 TV. Bt CUL sU Btt8B Gu,JEer Kences UoLbSiHbX. wd other Tonics, as it la. Mmr fmil, i- rnton never intoxicates. Hocos youUW cote, i fny klr. . & Co.. Chemists, N, Y. jflc. noi 1 1 't,t- I-nt STtric Bot Dnl lr Sin. O EMervous Debility I A CURE GUARANTEED. ; DR. E. C. WESTS Nxbvs ahd Bbaim TsUtATioirT, m speoifio for Uyaterla DiisineH. Convulsions. Nervous Headacke. Menial iepreasion. loss or Hemorv. M Derma A I T- . . T , . . 71 tearaesa, xaapotoaoy, xnvoioaiary Prematare Old Are. caosed bv oveiezertion. r.nnisslori self-abaae, or over-lndalrence, which leads to aaisery, decay ana vdeatik. una oox win ear recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box, er six boxes if lve dollars, sent by mail prepaid on receipts! price. We gnarantee six boxes to care any ease, wna seen order received oy as ior six soxea. acoonpanied with Ave dollaza. we will send the purchaser our written guaraateeto retora the meney u the treatment does ae effect a eve. Guarantees issue by WM SIMPSON, DragTU. Raleigh, N. C, Whole sale aad JMtau Agent. Urdera sy maU wU reeelve prompt atsanttoM. ALLEN'S BRAIN FOOD POSITIVELY cures Nervousness, Nervous Debil ity, end all Weakness of Generative Or gans si, o ior so. Ail druggists. Send for circular to Allen's Pharmacy, 315 First Ave., n. y. Sold in Raleigh, by Peacud, LeedtOo, tSS-dAwtj DLLM1L1 I J!' l-C- dr I t,

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