if t ' ) I. , I -, - - - t - a : . ''r. v:v -1 ' 1 VOL. XXIV. RALEIGH, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1887. c. Observe I I SS. I News AND 1L JUJ 9 ' ' ilSI 1 AbcoIutolrPuro. f purity, Btrenrtu and wkolewmeaen. (nr AcnnomlcjkLlh&n ordiaarr kinds and cannot be sold in eompetition I with the -nultitude of low test, shori weight,, ilom or phodphate powders, Hold only in nn. EoT AL BAKQiQ POWDEBj Co., 100 jr.ll RfrAnt. Maw York. SoldbrW. B. 8troiun'sh. and C Ferrall K Co. HEWS OBSERVATIONS. I li": , - I Qiiiet reigns again in Havana. TJie .Ohio repooHcans are soared. CJharldy Foster Bays- they will have to work very hard to carry the State. Philadelphia ia making gorgeous prepaiaUons for the centennial of the constitution which will be celebrated this nionthl ; , Tho first thing General Buckner did after, being inaugrated governor of Kentucky was to appoint Sir. Matt Adams, an ex-federal Boldier .'Secreta ry of State. 5 ' A recent decison of the treasury authorities declares that any; one who iniitftteS any part of a United States note la guilty of counterfeiting. It is claimed.' that v. under this decision Mr. Hyatt, the- treasurer, can write his name only on treasury - notes, as his signature; is an essential part of such botes andinust therefore not be usedlelsewherea. . . : ! 0overnor tibe, of Virginia, smokes ixemeneu red clay pip whic& Uen. Sibley, v of St. Paul gave him. The pipe jis thus decribed : "The pipe was mad! by Isla-Du-Ta, or Red Eye of the Sisseton Hand, a one-armed brave of the Dakota Indians, from the red WALL STREET cnaTSWonTH again. Xcar INTENSELY EXCITED ONCE I . ) AGAIN, i SOME TALL CLIMBIKQ AFTEK STOCKS THE NAMES THAT LED IN THE UP WABO SCKAUBLE 0THE3 TEL EOBAPHIC NEWS. MtiDICINES. New Yobk Sept. 8 The news in regard to the Baltimore and Ohio deal which became known last night prevented a great many , brokers and operators from leaving the city last evening, and the attendance at the board this morning was unusually large for Saturday. The first sales were made amidst intense excitement and some very tall climbing for stocks was indulged in; the result being that unusually sharp advances were made in the first ; few minutes. : The tem per of thnfroom was intense! v bnll". and traders,' commission people and foreigners all bought stocks along the entire line. There was some lit tle resistance from the bears but it was not until heavy realizations in duced bv the hisrh figures beiran to pipe! quarry celebrated by Longfellow I take effect, that any impression was in bis 'Hiawatha.' Presented to J maJe upon the market. The excite- Another Attempt to Wreck Train There. Chatswobth, HI., September 3. An attempt was made to wreck the even- ing passenger train on the Hlinois Central railroad yesterday evening by some miscreants placing n tie across the track at a point half mile south of this station anil on a cui vc. Tho obstruction was noticed by the en gineer iuBt as the engine was about j to strike it. The grade at this point 1 being up hill aiul on a curve enabled him to ; stop the train in a short dis-i tance, thereby preventing a serious accident. THE VERDICT AGAINST THE CHICAGO BOOD LERS SAID TO BE INVALID. 1UE LAW CXDEB WUtCH THEY ASD AHABCBISTS WEBE CONVICTED THOUGHT TO BE ILLE GAL OTHEB NEWS. Tlir Th S. A O. Dealt New York, September 3- Toward - B I ..L At . i. 1 A ..... L Specialties of the Season LEE J AT OHNSON COS Opposite Postoffice, LEElJOIINSONiSsOO'S - , -CEtBBBATED. " MILKSHAKES Limeade and Grape Phosphates, i' i'r"--' ;j "- ',". - . " , -' : ODA AJID jOTKBAi. WATKKA, 5 lageater ;necity;! variety than elewhere in I'URE DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Special attention iven r to Prescrip ftioa -day and night. Patent medicines of all fnnds Fine selection of fancy goods and everything usually kept by I artre Mtabliahmonts.. - Vfm have the Finest Soda Fountain in thfr State - S. TUCKER , & GO. Governor Fitzhugh Lee, of Virginia, whife in Minnesota, January 28, 1887 by VTah-Ze-Oni-lni, or Walker in the Pins," this being the Indian name of General Sibleyi 44Ti0 llknoh ofSlAght; a weekly newspaper printed at Walnut Grove, Miss., has risen to a comprehension of its duties in respect to marriage, and makes : the following generous offers . i I H ; . ' . . Every couple who marry and will send us a notice of their marriage within ten days afterwards, and 25 cents,vwll receive the Dawn of Light ohf year and notice of marriage print ed In this column. fhe public spirit displayed in the abvd announcement is worthy pf all praise. : Old maids will soon become a rarity in Walnut Grove, Miss, j -There are at least - one hundred anH fifty mules brought into and sold inOIecklenburg county yearly. Think; of i it l Don't you know fty mules ought to more than supply the wear and tear of the mules in this county I This isproof to our mind that we kill by hard work, bad treatment, and starvation, one hundred head of mules every year, i We know one man whose mules are always poor, back and shoulders sore. This man buys all Ms feed, is always hard up and in a strain, and can t get credit . for five dollars.! We knosr another man whose ovules are; always fa! never scarred up, and he never buys 'any feed, and can' ge creait ior any amount ub eired. vOne of these men is poor, lives hard and has no friends. The. other is well; off; lives welL and everybody is his mend. One the other is alwayi inent gradually subsided and after the re-action, a firm tone which lasted until the close, was imparted to the dealings. Reading, Manhattan and Western Union, were the special fea tures of the trading, the advance on the first two being something phe nomenal, j The opening was very strong, the advances over yesterday's final figures ranging up to If per cent in 'Richmond & West Point. The market was extremely active and E rices jumped up very sharply, Man attan rising 5, Reading 4L, Jersey Central 3 and others in proportion. The re-action was equally as sudden, the end of business the excitement of the stock market subsided and the impression began to grow that the benefit! to accrue from the contract was over estimated. i One of tho i boaTJf st operators on I 4iim StroAA mfH . . .Uctmen4 was no, benefit to bC'gained from the New York, Sep settlement except that. which might accrue to the creditors of the B. & O. They are essentially the same parties who have taken preferred Stock and bonds and it! is simply a matter of bonding the floating debt. This may have saved the B. & O. from going into a receiver's hands on account of the floating debt but that is all that has been done. I So far as the telegraph settlement is concerned that is farther away now than ever. The Baltimore & Ohio is now in strong hands and will be run in conjunction with the Penn sylvania and Reading for the benefit of the latter; and if Mr.j Gould iauys the telegraph system it will be on the syndicate's terms and there may be a fight of years before a consolidation is made. J. Pierrepont Morgan said today that the preliminary contract signed Chicago, Sept. 3. The attorneys for the convicted Cook County bood lcrs claim to have made a startling discovery of a vital error in the recent trial, totally invalidating the finding. One of the. lawyers said yesterday that it was nothing less than that the Illinois conspiracy statute was illegal. This is the law under which the an archists as well as the boodlers were convicted. ni La Wall Street. ept 3 10 a. m. The scenes in the stock market this morn ing have never been equalled in the history of the street. Every one of the brokers seemed to have heavy buying orders and little or no stock was offered for sale. Fluctua tions were all wide and on an up ward scale. Readincr. which closed last night at-59, opened at 60 and advanc-1 number. Engaged. Raleigh people will remember Prof. Uahlberg, who appeared here not long since in a high class musical concert.; He has been in Asheville for some time past and has evidently been busy as the following from the Asheville Vitizen will show: " we are enabled without the vio lation of any confidence to let the fmblio into possession of a pleasant ittle piece I of what the Americans call gossip, bu t which the Germans with Better taste and judgment regard as information. They are too unselfish to keep ih sir happiness to themselves. They glac ly bid others to share it with them. Therefore, after the cus tom of hi a country, Prof. Dahlberg permits us to make known his en gagement to Miss T. U. Burmeister. Miss Burmeister is the musical instructs ss at the Asheville Female College. Prof. Dahlberg is a pianist of established repute and bis' fame is hereditary and associated indirect ly with tha tmmn nf the creatt J"" tress of song Jenny Lind. ine pro fessor's mother came to America with the Swedish Nightingale and was the accompai lying pianist to the songs of the divir e singer. - The North American Review. The North American Review for September is rather an interesting ed in a minute to 63. Union Pacio opened at 1 went up to 56 and ad vanced immediately to 57. AVestern Union closed last night at 74f , open ed at 76 and is now 77i. Rich mond Terminal: closed last night at 271. 'opened this morning at 29 and is now 30. Sales are so rapid that the stock indicators are unai to keep up with them and their quota tions are about five minutes behind the time of making the transactions. Larceny and Receiving Case. but the greater part o the advance &T" J$ 1552? d Fab. H. Jeffrie!, who has been employed for some time past by was retained, and before 10:30 the market had settled down to compar ative steadiness, although it remained : rather feverish throughout. Notwith standing heavy realizations the buy-: ing slowly advanced quotations all along the line and the close was ac tive and strong at material advances! over yesterdays figures. The banlc statement had no appre ciable effect whatever. The active list is invariably higher, and Manhat tan gained 4f, Reading 3 J, Lack awanna 3, Jersey Central 2, Mis souri Pacific and Western Union 2J, New England 21, Richmond & West Point 2, Wheeling & Lake Erie and others smaller amounts. The sales today aggregated 294,000 shares. Bugd fr Atwalt em a Waman. CnrcEntATi. - Sent. 3. A special from Flemsingbssj, Ky., says, that at 1 o cIock this morning a hundred masked men took Charles Coleman, and that no other would be drawn up. Me refused to answer any ques tions regarding the stories that Gould had already arranged f pr a time sale of the Baltimore & Ohio system, but said that it was the intention to sell both the telegraph and sleeping car plants and franchises ! as . soon as it could I be favorably 'accomplished. i e IIOIUUBLK AFFAIR IS TKXAS. Tra Children Bareed t Death. Chicago, Sept. 3. A Times special from Woolwith, Texas! says: The house of Perry Buchanan was burned yesterday with the contents. One girl about five jyears old was burned to death. ' Another about three years old cannot possibly live. : Mrs. Buchanan had her arms burned to the elbow. The ten-year-old child was out in the yard out of all danger, , but looking bat k she saw the names surround j her I three-year-old sister Messrs. A.D.Royster & Bro.,as a dray man, was arrested by the police on a charge of Stealing goods while haul ing them from the depot to the candy factory. Sugar seems to have been the psiecipal article confiscated, and this was taken in as large quantities I widely read. aa iwo Daixeis at one ume. ine Messrs. Royster had for some time been noticing a shortage in their su gar, but did not make any effort to learn the cause until a few days since. One thing which led to the detection of Jeffries was; a broken barrel of su gar. As he was loading a barrel at the depot with its head stove in, the agent noticed it and. had the bar rel weighed to see if it was full Aft!? merSa V Bfc the store, it was weighed again and found wanting. - Nothing was said It contains an article f 10m Jefferson Davis on the life of John C. Calhoun in which Mr. Davis seeks to present his fonxer friend as Calhoun desired to have himself thought of. Italss contains a j paper on his Democratic outlook, by Henry Wat teraon that is brilliant after Watt er gon's style,' and much' to the point. While i tot indulging in prophecy, he foresee i Cleveland's re-election and he gives expression to some truthful observi.tions in regard to the Presi dent, j In tlis number is begun a series of articlet on "Possible Presidents," written by a friendly hand. The first name printed is that of Mr. Blaine . i "Why I am Not a Heathen," by Yan -Ptou Lee, is a sort of rejoinder to "Why I am a Heathen," that ap- m the last number, and will be Sherman s march to the sea. i summer rtemgerauon Dy r e lix Os void. High License on Rem edy. : What shall we do for our Daughters. A Plea for the Pagan Hindoo. No American Siberia, are amonjf the other contents. , I The President's VUlt. Cor. ut the News and Observer, T7.. XT ri is i o iimi I think you voiced the sentiment of '' the people of this city and others in ' the btate; who are interested in the matter, when you said in yesterday's issue that some effort should be made at'onco tio learn from tho President what his I intentions may be in refer ence to attending our State fair to bo held next month. It is to be hoped that some immediate effort will be made in this direction. Would it not be well for you to urge the appointment by tho city or the Agricultural folks of some one (not a delegation) to go to Washing ton to press the invitation already made to the President, and to learn from him what his intentions in the matter may be? I think this course would be prudent, since the Presi- dent is being pressed to accept so many invitation. r mi I - TMntt Chancel That is to say your lungs. Also all ybUr breathing machinery. Very won derful machinery it is.' Not only the larger air passages, but the thousands of little tubes andj cavities leading from them. I When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, yohr lungs cannot half do the work. Ami what they do they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the fami ly of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought; to be got rid of. Tnere is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Boc chee'e German Syrup, which any dinar- gistwill sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everything else has failed you, you may depend upon this for certain. f - I McDowell Bugle-. The W. N. CJ R. R. has been greatly improved within the last few years. Steel rails have been laid all along the line and the road is kept in a tip-top condition. And in nothing is the improvement so marked as in thespeed of the trains. . The west bound train Sunday even ing which was belated ran about a mile a minute. , I When used according, to direction Ayer's Ague Cure is warranted to eradi cate, from the system, Fever and Agues Intermittent, Bemittent and Bilious Fe vers, and all malarial diseases. Try it. CHEESE, ZTC. ' f .- New Cream Cheese, new Northern Rose Potatoes, new rice; fresh goods arriving daily. - E. J. Haudct. Snndair Schaol Convention. j The Sunday School convention of Orange Presbytery convened at Cross Koads (jhurcn, on .Friday morning, chairman: Samuel Watkins, of Hen- and itev. vr. ja.. TXSZ PBESEBVES. I Preserved white cherries,-ras nes, strawberries, peaches. ; gallon class pails and smaller I Finest quality put up by Gordon & Dilworth. Jtu. J. JUakdix. iiber- HaU jars. derson. as secretarv. about it, but further investigations I jj Warding, as reporter. Rev. Sam were befmn. Enoueh was learned to I nAi Jxr SmiHi. Ray. D. J. Crah? Oil. M1U WVJWVlJ - . , f - ... I , , , , . ' "i " . ..... , . , , I J -.-.? . , , I " . . - . is never in a strain, colored, irom jau ana nangea nun o i and ran bacJt to the fire and orougm i justify the arrest of jennes, ana aiso i M. McPheeters were ; ap s in a strain. One I r&ihead trestles in the rear of the J her out, suffering the penalty of be-1 of a white man named A- V. Emery. I pointed a committee on Query Onr store is Wow so nearly completed that the contractors have taken down the r : tmmrtrv nartition wall and thrown " open the enure lower floor in one, mak In ir a itnM rnhrn 210 feet lontf bv 41 feet '' wide, running through from Fayetaeville ttreet to Wilmington. The shelving and counters are being Eut ' up and : everything will certainly e completed, as by contract, Aug.: 15th i Tha entrance on Favetteville street ii now being remodaled and will be, when finished, thej very latest in artistic store building. y, the other is miseraDie. vne is the builder of his own, fortune, the other is the fwrecker,, of his fortune. How jdan aagr man get along, how can any ; man expect the Lord to pros per 1 him In ids business who, is, so cruel his stock and so reckless ; of his own) interest! .The law ought to be enforced against every man who misuses or abuses his stock. Who will put the ball in motion?, If men were made to take care of their mules and horses in this county, it would be a iclear saving in dollars and cents yearly to the county, or rather to the people of the countv, of at least fif teen; thousand dollars yearly. ; j How can we heir beincr Toor so lonsr as we kUl up our stock, buy all our home I fofaJ Baptist I church. Coleman was in jail for a criminal assault, made last Mon day, on Miss Nettie Sweeny of Ma yesville, who was visiting Mrs. Ring wood, a widow lady living near tins place, j Coleman, who worked on an adjoining farm, ' broJce down Juxs. Ringwood's door, knocked Mrs. Ring wood down and assaulted Mrs. Swee ney. Both women positively identi fied him when captured. a The various departments will be care! folly and advisedly stocked with goods nM..i anniiahU td thU market and climate. Every attention will be paid to detail, and yoar every wans ana in dry goods wiu oe suppuea. it trriea nnfrinMa has been and will be C on every av during the completion of the work. Not one day nas ooen iobc i-r- X ?.DWARD FASNAOH! JEWELER s OPTICIAN n. a .i ft 1 1. t Hi RALEIGH, ueniive and Well Selected Stock pf ; Oiamonds, Watches and Jewelry. 6upues from the north, and don't raise enough On the farms to foot the bills made during the yean ought we not to be poor, and do we deserve any better fate? We caw nine mules in town. Saturday, and the owners of each ought to be indicted, convicted and, punished for cruel and inhuman treatment to animals, and we have no doubt there are two hundred such cases in the county. Poverty and hard times will always follow in the wake of such. Charlotte IIom&Dem- ocrat. j. , - ' . ' ' i : M l4 -Warned JastlnTlm. , BaUway Begteter. - -;' ; ."Conductor," said a man who, from his appearance, was without doubt a clergyman, 1 have a complaint to make..' There are a couple or men in the; rear coach playing a godless game called poker; One, 1 am sure, is fleecing the other, who seems to have plenty of money." Won't you take some action in the matter V V'How long thej' been playih' ?" About an hour." 1 : "An hour ? Why the devil didn't you tell me sooner ? Here, Jim, to the brakeman, "you take tickets while I drop back into that game. If there's any money to be made out of suckers on this run just count me in." Tha B.aO. Sal. In London. Londox, Sept. 3. The news of 8 settlement inrthe case of the Balti more & Ohio Railroad Co. created a most I favorable impression fon "change" and t there was a bouyant feeling in the American department x mi uetaus oi me pian oi settlement have not yet been received and are awaited eagerly. All Ameri can stocks advanced 1 to 11 per cent on the strength of the Baltimore & Ohio arrangement and a slightlw fur ther improvement ! was recorded at 1:30 p.m., when it became kaown that a million dollars had been taken for shipment to New York. Inves tors are grateful to J. S. Morgan & Co., of London for their part in bring ing the negotiations with Mr. Garrett to a satisfactory conclusion. . uut -almost oumea to aeatn ior ner 1 bravery. The fire'originated from the cook-stove. 1 A Wilmington mhoxsler. Nbw Tobk, Sept 3 McElroy, the young mulatto woman who escaped from police headquarters Thursday, was recaptured yesterday and was ar raigned in the police court today. She is wanted in Wilmington, N. C, on the charere of embezzlement. The woman, with her child, was remand ed; to await a requisition from the Governor of North Carolina. She was captured through herfforts to regain possession of her child, which she could not carry away wnen sne escaped. ' i mm a"na" 1 Big Labor Demonstration. v P1TT8BUBG, Sept. ! 3. The labor or ganizations of Pittsburg and vicinity united in a street demonstration to day that surpassed anything of the Vn1 anr cmii tiAia TVi a rvVii Af. nt the parade was to show the strength at last reports they had not given. It nr.nc. t,a in I seems that a nnsr had been formed vaf Hxara rnirrttk u a Yiir, tnn. I for a sTstematio robbery 01 the Ul UVt 1UUV VMVA V MUK w W VMS, HM. ' A colored man named R. H. Alston was wanted, but it seems he got an inkling of what was going on and left the city before the police could catch him. In the preliminary trial before the Mayor it was learned that on one occasion Jeffries,, while haul ms no a load of sugar, met Jim Hatcher, another colored drayman, and got him to take two barrels of sugar to RJ H. Alston's store. On another occasion one barrel was de livered to A; V. Emery from Jeffries. Emerr paid $12.00 for the barrel of sugar and sold it to a baker in the city for $21.45. The sugar delivered to Alston, it is supposed, .was sold at retail and the profits divided with Jeffries. Emery was arrested for re ceiving stolen goods,' and if Alston would have been arrested for the same thing had he not left so soon. After the ; hearincr yesterday, both Emery and, Jeffries were bound oyer to court in; bonds 01 9zuu eacn, wmcn BoxJ The first address was by RevDr. Watkins; topic "The Privi leges and Reward of Sabbath School Wfk." The address was a most ex cellent one. After the address sever al short addresses were made and sev eral subjects discussed. In the j af ternoon the children were ad dressed by Rev. H. T. Darnall and A. M. McPheeters, Esq., after ch the second set address was. de- bv Rev. Wm. S. Lacy; subject, X. 1 , m 1 v 11 a f le reaener s vjnaracier. a iw vote' of thanks was given by convention for the address re Dick in taking his seat as chair- delivered a most eloquent ad s. Resolutions were adopted to hold an Institute at the next conven tion. Subjects of great importance were discussed and the Query i Box reported on and the many questions read and answered by the committee. The renorts show a large increase in the great Sunday School work. Wall PapebH-After all Iff the best. will outwear anr other wall decofationV properly appliedVill,with ordinary care, l- ture and Art Store and see a good seleo- " tion. All work in this line promptly , executed. Picture frames, window ' shades, window cornices and - cornice -notes made to order and to fit any.: win- dow. j Mosquito canopies, all sizes in -stock and made to order ; Write for prices- All , orders have prompt atten tion. . Fbed. A. v"atson, ' 112 Favetteville Street. Tho Rnllny Passion. Brownf "Hello, Robinson a atl your hurryi what's Robinson (out of breath:) i'Don't ' detain me; I've just hearcTtiat my house is on fire." ; f'f-v.'' ,? Brown: "That's too bad, I was go- ing to ask you to have a drink." Robinson: s "Well Til go you one, but we'll have to be quick about it." out many of the closed down. mills and factories ! Messrs.' Royster, which has ended as above. It is not known how much sugar : altogether has been taken in this manner. Weekly Bank Statement. New Yoek, Sept. 3. The weekly statement of the associated banks is as follows: Reserve: increase, $364,900; CujciKMATt, Sept. Z.kCommercud I loans decrease, $3,596,100; specie de- v-- tne fifth T0lume with the Sep- L. oni.l 1mm TTnrif.imfrrrtnTi lAmn.no. SH I 1 4. 1M)'! I A era 1 tftntler in- I . . . i i 1L. - rr.. s; ' I ' CT VZZZ'l i , l, I temner numoer wmcn came trow wo Ind., says the xtoman uatnouo college crease, faua,uw; aeposiw aecrej, yesterday. It is A Roman CatboUs College Burned. The North Carolina Teaeker. This progressive State publication: xna., says wie avuxuiui wiwiwus wug i w, f jw (T' press yesterday. It is growing in ut Saint Meinerad, Spencer County, $1,035,600; circulation increase, -I1iaiitT and success as it grows has been totally; destroyed by fire Loss $200,009. : The library of 15,000 volumes was destroyed, also a large collection of old and very rare coins, and a large museum. . I The total loss is fully . $200,000. No insurance. The college had just been repaired and renovated If or the school term, which was to begin next week. The term will begin on the 19th and will be hold in the1 former convent at Ferdinand. The college will be rebuilt at once. 800. The banks now hold $5,212,625 in excess of the 25 per cent. rule. Total Visible Snppljr of Cotton. Nzw Yobk, Sept. 3. Total visi ble supply of cotton for the world is llo,66T oaies,! oi wmcn oi,y ll. . X J in years ana is we accepter medium of communication between the members of the profession in the State. "The Teacher is thoroughly North Colinian in all its work and Tolicv with the special object in view bales are American, against 1,097,297 I of advancing the educational interests Tw Advertisement. Pat. Duffin is always doing some thing good and progressive. He has had such a run of business that the quarters he occupied could not accom Biodate.him andfhe has meved to get xiore room. Says he has some chance to show his stock now. He went from 12 to 109 Fayetteville street. fHe as just employed more experienced uors and is ready ior every ixxiy. $2.48 for everybody; not actual h to that amount but something iter a pair of $3.00 shoes I for 2-48. Norns & Carter are making Via drive and are drivinsr evervthintr it a discount on the speed of Maud S. fund you had better see their new ad. for a record of time and other things. bales and 703,697 . bales respectively last year. Receipts of cotton this I week from all interior towns, 25,637 bales; receipts! from plantations, 39,846 bales. Nat Particular A boat tke Cord. ... . .. . LL. I De. JoaeuU Farker In LchiUou DaUy News. A,lll Silver Ware, for Bridal Presents. utIa ome religious denominations jTMjaii orders piouiptfy attendod to. Optical Department Care ts on of tbo I arraat in the South. ful attention srivou to orrtfists' freacrip tioni there is, as you know, greater Uberty of speech than in others, i Allow me 1 to illustrate this. A Tory was taking part (strange as it may appear) m a prayer meeting, an d in bis interces sions ho expressed anxiety for the anion of Tories and j Unionists. "Lord," said he, "may they all hang together." "Amen," interrupted an other; "Lord, let them all hang to gether." "Not, Lord," said the first speaker, "in the sense) which out brother means; but let them hang to gether in accord and concord.' "Any cord will do, Lord; any cord will do," ''continued the Radical interrupter. Bo jeottinej an Insnrane Company. Chicago, Sept. 3. A formal notice boycotting the Northwestern; Nation al insurance company was issued by the Chicago Underwriters' Associa tion yesterday!. The boycott is the result of the Northwestern's with drawal from the Underwriters' Asso ciation. This withdrawal was at the dictation of P. D. Armour who is a director of the company. His action was caused by the Underwriters at tempting to. enforce the rule asrainst him that all property must be insured far at least 80 per cent of its value. The contest between Armour and the Underwriters is exciting much interest in insurance circles and lively times are looked for. .. Bad Fate of a Ornnken Man. . Cor. oi the News anfi Observer. h AsaxviiXE, Sept. 3. Last night Thomas Higgins, an employee of Ballard Bros., while in toxicated, walked off the roof of. the Ballard building and fell forty feet Both legs were broken, one eye and other injuries producing death in a knocked out were received few hours. Pold Him too Cheap. Teacher: "What crime did Joseph's brothers commit in selling him?" All the pupils in chorus: They sold him too cheap." t Bishop Hafris, the New York resi dent bishop of the Methodist church, died Friday fat his home in New York. of our own State. The present num ber contains nearly 80 pages with a good portrait of Rev. W. S. Long, president of Graham college. Among the contents are."HowShalIweTeachl" by Miss Corrine Harrison." "Historic Analogies)" by Rev. Dr. J.M. Atkinson; "What is an Adjective," by B. F; Grady; fOur Teachers' Councils," "Teachers' Assembly notes, "xiew Test Work in Arithmetic," "Memory Gems,'? "Addition for Little Folks, and nearly two hundred per- personal and educational notes about . . 1 1 -T - L . . -1. oar teachers and schools, no teacu ir nan be a reomlar reader of tb NorthCarulina Teacher without do ing better work in the school room, therefor MubBcnption pnee i,um tier vear. Published by Alfred Wil iiams & Co. and edited by Eugene Gj Harrell : An ooera house has collapsed in Kansas. It was not the Inter-State Commerce law this time, but rotten brick. " I : - Died. At the residence of his son, Martin Thompson, at 7 o clock last night, Mr. John W. Thompson, in his sixty- eighth year,,of acute pneumonia.) The funeral will take place this afternoon from the residence, 509 N. West St, - a m' a at 5 o clock, amends and; acquam tances respecfully invited to attend. I Famous Doctor Once said that the secret of good health consisted in keeping the bead cooh the feet warm, and the bowels open. ' Bad this eminent physician lived in oar day and known the merits of Ayer's Fills as an aperient, he would certainly have ' 'recommended them, as so many of hi distinguished successors are doing. The celebrated Dr. FarMWorth, of Norwich, Conn., recommends Ayer's PUls as the best of all" remedies for "Intermittent Fevers." Dr. IAE. Fowler, of 1 Bridgeport, Conn., says: "Ayer's PiUs are highly and universally spoken of by the people -about here. X make daily use of them r in my practice." j; r Dr. Mayhew, of New uedioru, iassn ays :' " Having prescribed many thou- sands of Ayer's Pilla, In my practice, I ' can unhesitatingly pronounce them the best cathartic in use." j ' The Massachusetts State Assayer, Dr A. A. Hayes, certifies : " I have made k careful analysis of Ayer's Pills. Tho' contain the active principles of we. known drugs, isolated from inert ma ter, which plan is, chemically speaking, of great importance to their usefulness., It insure activity, certain tr. and unU fortuity of effect. Ayer's Pill contain no metallic or mineral substance, but the: virtues of vegetable remedies in skillful combination.'' 1. j Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Dr. J. C.AyerCo.,TjiweU,JUa. . Sold by all Dealers In Media. b.w.x santos: &; CO.; Nomro3L.i: va, Mr. Bell, the owner of the This-j tie, and his wife are passengers onj the steamer City of Rome, which left Liverpool Wednesday for New York. I y. T 'D'(S tXT Cf I s Tn -RalUa ftnnfidAnt that. thA Thistle UJAJCllO sJI.aU. will win. " i Forty years past a boon was sent That carried healing where it went To Buffering humanity. We might relate it virtues great; Yet not be charged with vanity. For is it not not ov all confessed Of remedies Pond's Extract's beat? Beware, however, ye who buy i j And never imitations try, If disappointment you'd not own, Insist on Pond's Extract alone. (Domestic ut, Foundry and Smiths), ' 1 XM(Bundmg&d t-' Land Plaster, Calcined PloStertCement, i We sell the best articles at 5 ; ; , , ftKASONBLE BATES. - t cofreexoajenoe solicited.. ; - - - f 1" ;- &0: i 1 tK - I ... f r- ii'. I- r i V - 1 1 t

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