it ' News RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY .MORNING, OCTOBER 7, 1887. VOI,. XXIV. NO. 8i J Absolutely Pure ,1 4 Ihia powdef never vanea. A niarvfl f purity, etfength an! v. holescmeneap, ilore economical'.than ordinary kinds arid, r&onot be Bold In competition with .the. Timtitude of low toat. snort weigac, ilum or phcephate powders, sold only in w. RoYal Bakixq Fowpeb Co-., 106 Will Street, New York. Sold by W.-C. & A 3 Ferrall & Co. B. 8-ronatih, aqd MEDICI-NES. Sjiecialiieiof the SMSop AT- 4 J 1 COS. Opposite stoffiee. WEE, JOHNSON & COt ,'ELE11RATED MILK SHAKES 'i Limeade and Grape Thoephates, J ! SODA AND MINERAL WATERS, g jlagefiiter variety tiie city. than elsewhere URE DRUGS AND MEDICINE '' i Special attention given to prescription J ay a nd night. Patant medicines of all -kinds. Fine selection of fancy goods nd. everything usually kept by large rtstabltehmfcflta. We have the Finest Soda Fountain th the State. 5 -j . &m : i' ' I- - i ( ! snwiiD fasnach;! I JfiWElM s OPTICIAli LEIGH, N. C i y -i '-I: .teuuti e and Well Select 1 Stock ofS : I ; "jiiiioihIs, . VVaichesj; aiid Jewelry. j; " oh 1 Silver Wares for Bridal Prjsenjb. 4F Mail orders piouiptly attended tog t Iv 0lial Dcparttnenl ' 'V. .1 . r on t" t'tif I arrest in. the South. Cafe ful r-ttenrion srirrnto occu'irts' pr'ecrif: tionv , I FAhL trade: J. J. THOMAS, GEO. W. THOMPSON,.. J. J. Thomas it Co., ! GEXKRAL COMMISSION MEUCH.WS COTTON SELLERS. RALEIGH, N. C, Offprl to the T radf, (iinnfrs and Faricrs, i. 1,200'bundles New Arrow and Spliced Ties. , i 1,000 rolls 11. 11, 2 and 2ilb Baggihg. -2,000 yard Dundee Bagging. 500 lbs I lagging Twine. ; 20,000 lba Dulk Meat. 5 , 1,000 bus white and yellow fekmu 500 bus. white Bolted Meal. i 1,000 bus. Oats. V0,000 lbs Beat Hay. I ; 1,000 lbs Bran,Brown.and Sliip-atuir. 100 baga Fresh Guano for wheat, ilso Flour. Sntrar. Coffee, Molasses, Salt, &c.,&c., all of which we offer upon very best terms. We malce a i wne SALE OF COTTON and a epecijity or IT, . tZ CASH ADVANCES upon bills lading or . cotton in hand when desired. '. J. Thomas & CO.- f'2. IS 817 South WUminfCtoi St , OHNSON -v . ..'' AND J . -i I ' ( , ! ' . .. ' i RALEleill. n. c.; A Cnsc of Bigamy liillslwjro i:t i (ri'. r. A young man by the "name of W. Thomas 'aite. hailing from Society Hill.S. C., who bad been living in 1 and near llillsboro for nearly a year and as part of the time engaged in riding the mail, was, on' last Thurs day night, luarried to ft very worthy and respectable young girl of our town. A: few days before the intend ed marriage a friend of the bride Wrote to a prominent gentleman at; Sociltv Hill, making inquiries as to iWaito- Immediately this gentleman wneu to btop au proceeuings unui hi; letter, came; but tne onae ide-elect, the tele- hot heeding the warning of gram, was marnea. on iuursuay i rr1 . 1 T I tnglit. atd on the same night the let ter ct. Me, informing her friend that Wailc was a hwl fellow and had a living wife then residing in the neigh borhood of Society Hill. On Satur day AVuite was arrested. j Piitoli ainvorfc. Aljgitain i- (iltiinrr. A' negro boy named John Tapscoot, aged about 17 yeare, near McCray, shot himself in the head last . Satur-;daj-;night while handling an old pis tol not supjiosed to be loaded. He died a few hours afterwards. . . . . .'There was' a shooting affair among colored folks Thursday near Mebane but just over in Orange. Yank Allei had a paramour named Ida Arm 8trdntr, whom he liked better than his wife, and to her gave his pistol. and told her to shoot his wife. She did, as bidden, putting four balls into Yank's wife. She is in a precarious condition. ' Cliaflottc t'lirimi' It . Near here, Mr. Nelson Settlemyre', aged 18, shot himself with his own pistol, while drinkiDg yesterday. .Two boys, Girdine Hilton and James Eckeru, while on tneir way home from a camp meeting in Cald well county last Sunday, began play inf with a revolver which, one of the boys carried. While they were fool ing with it, it was accidentally ex ploded, and a 32 calibre ball lodged in young Hilton's brain. Physicians from Hickory were summoned" to at tend the wounded boy, but could not extract the bullet, and the bOy is ly ing atthe point of death. A False Rnnior Contradicted.' Richmond, October 6.- Right Rev. Bishop Keane, rector-elect of tfce new Catholic university to be located at Washington, ha received; a letter A 1. VUl S4 VIA.UU.A V . AM M. V u u w I Viirh 4"Vof ATiea C.n MwaII wiri rlntiafA.1 S300.000 to the fund for the university A-rin m,. onnW t ' fViA r,nh-J .n. tv. -iii-.i. n,-i -i, i,. uu Biaiejjjeui inai no luteiiucu to niiii. - draw the gift, and that " the; baseless rutnor is authoritatively contradicted, as; it does Miss Caldwell serious in justice, no thought'of the kind having e,ver entered her mind. Yellow Fever at Tampa, Fla. "WA-HisaTOs, D.' C.,: Oct 6. Sur geon-General Hamilton hasl received the following telegram Irotn Deputy Collector Spencer at; Tampa, Fla., re porting the outbreak of yellow fever at that place: 1 Tampa, Fla., Oct. C, 1887. Uraeot-General John II. lTarnllUm 1 "Yfcllow fever is repotted here. lne people are fleeing, uan i use the tents here ?" T. K. Spxceb, Dep. Col. The tents referred to are1 those sent from New Orleans some time ago for use at Egmoait Key for refugees from Key est. The Peabotdy Fund. New Yokk, Oct. G. The trustees of the-Peabody educational fund met again today and deliberated over the appropriations for the ensuing year, The amount of .money that will prob- ably be available from the income of the fund 13 SoH.OOO.- This sum will be distributed 'to various 1 schools in the South on the acoroval of the ex- ecutive and finance committee. Fire in Ketdsvtllt. The sawmill belonging :to Messrs. J. H. Walker k Co., was destroyed by fire this morning. There was alsV a great deal of lumber destroyed. The cash valuation of the property was estimated; at sSZU.UUO. and the insurance is for 10,000. I The blame for the conflagration rests, it is said, largely upon the watchman, who was asleep, and con- 1 1 l 1 - 1 3 i 1J sounded. -I CluuKe lit the Arrival and Clo of Mall. On and after today the northern mail over the Raleigh & Gaston rail road by regular mail and passenger. tram will arrive at the postomco at 7 o'clock p. m'; close at 9 a. m. The fast freight mail will arrive at 8'15 a. m.; close at 0 p. m. The southern mail, from Hamlet to llaleigh will arrive at 8.45 a. m.; close at G.3Q p. m. The eastern mail from Goldsboro yill arrive on regular - mai and pas-; senger train at 5.50 p. in.; close for Goldsboro' at 1.45 p. m; on freight train arrive at 1 a. m.; close at t. a. m. I western man irom ureensboro will arrive at 2. 30 p. m.; close for Greensboro jvt 5.20 d. in.; arrive on freight train at 7:15 a. m.; close' at 9 p. ru. - . , w u t Jv ""Juuu ""Jjites to 10 p clock, the schedule time "Here's your wife's part in tke:l; and "Three cheers for Grover.'' were 1 neyi yiny, said an amateur actor to I frieud. "v hat docs the word lonui tup mean along ' through here?'' 'lnat s to aiiow woore sue coiamoucea i to talk.' 'Humph! there wasn't any; j any. use . i dowja.1'-- ivasting time to write that1 Washington Critic. j ; THE LA)IES. LARGE DISTILLERY AND 150. il)00 IN SPIRITS DESTROYED. TIK ISA I.T1 MOKE Axr omo tfue;!kai-h SOLD THE WESTKKN I'XIOX (iOBBLES , t (ITIIEH TELEii RAI'JII ' NEWS. Nvw wi:k. Oct. ( . r no broke o 111 this: morning in Ephraim Howe's, dis tillerv at 108 and 110 Llm street. xtie uuuamgs were inree siories nigu, ; .of brick, and were fillewith valuable j spirits. The whole stock is destroyed I despite the cuorts oi me ne aepari- ( ' . . . - p. i i" a A A. ment to. sav? it, and within an hour ( iiG distillery was in umes. LoRson , .150.000. There wcie several narrow escapes but no casualties. The watchman of the building was compelled to jump from a window. A crowded tenement adjoins the distillery on one side and a hotel on tLe other, liotu oi mese were cleared in the briefest possible time, th e police speeding the tenants, re m a state of wil I excite- itho wer Hint. The cause of the out break has net yet been ascertained The U. S; O. Telrgrnpli Sold. 'New York, October (.- It is an ipunced that the sale of the Balti more Ohio to- the Western Union las been completed. The contract as signed this morning. Mr. Gould say s. he does not yet know the exact price, but mat me esiern luwu will issue sufficient stock to take up the indebtedness and capital stock of (he Baltimore & Ohio. Nothing more definite in regard to the terms will be $ade public before 3 p. m. I he mat ter has now been referred back to the Baltimore dc Ohio directors for rati fication.. LEAVIXU CHICAGO. Thf Pr-ldt nl HI Part . Chicago, 111., Oct. 6. Swarms of people again filled the approaches to the Palmer House this morning, eagerly watching fora glimpse of president Cleveland wtlen he should emerge for a drivs to the interni- tipnal military encampment. Crowds 'qi workmen and shop-girls on the . way to their daily tasks forgot for the time being to see before them and pressed forward through the jam bf country people and well ' dressed city eicrht-seers. ' Half a dozen " - ' . T 1 1 1 A VI xnounted police had no little trouble faring a passage for the President's carnage, which was drawn by stankincr bays. The sky was lower met and everv one was predictuns that - . . . . , tain would fall before the President kiould make a start not a drop fell. however, and at 8.45 Mr. Cleve land, looking but little the worse for his wholesale handshaking )f the previous day, appeared at the fgrched il'iorway. With hat nollea khd indnv good-natured bow-s to the Cheering crowd he lightly sprang into I (he waiting carruige and in a trice was -Whirling through the thick of the busi- tess district and out ashing ton Bou jyard to the encampment.- He was eompanieJ .by Atayor Roc'ae, Gen eral Terry a;id a dozen lesser digni feuries. Early as it was and threaten ing as was the day the sidewalks fUong the entire route were lined with people, including thousands who. notwithstanding strenuous eflorts alii $ay yesterday, had failed to see the !f resident or his wife in the general onfusion prevailing. ;? CHICAGO, Oct b. A, lUdlCTOUS 1UC1 $ent occurred at the entrance to the Hfncampmeut grounds. There was not a moment s time to spare and the -prancing bays being smartly lashed vith the whip it was nip and tuc kwith fhe. mud. that was mado thick and sticky by rain during the night, r many bthe vehicle containing the chief magis J trate of the nation gave a ternnc lunge forward and was gone from the laughing, cheering crowd in a rapid drive past two or three thousand trops drawn Up in line. A thunder ing talute from the artillery and the bows and smiles to a couple of thou ?sands of spectators in stands completed the ceremonies at the en campment. Without delay tne l resi- ; dent boarded the train for the depot down town, from ' which the start for Milwaukee was to be made. It lacked but five min of the start for Milwaukee. When be arrived Mrs. Cleveland had pre reded him by half an hour, Stepping I Quietly into the carriage at the hotel find being driven- to the depot (com paratively . unobserved. Ihe hundreds ii) spectators crowding the waiting rooms when she arrived had rrown to thousanda-ui the short interval be fore the President came. Behind the long railings ,on the platform paralle Iwith the presidential train it seemed like the quarter stretch on Derby day SO cioejy - pttcneu Buuu itiorouguiy i i ii i j ii i i excited were the people. Sirs. Cleve land gazed out from the windows o the car with decided interest that heightened when the President j steppeu irom tne incoming train on rthe adjoining track and briskly walked to her side. At once cheers ' and entreaties went up for then to come out on the platform "We want to Bee Mrs. Cleveland a the cries when Mrs. Cleveland in he - .-reen travelinir dress and the Presi- dent with bis head uncovered ap peared at the rear door of. the train. A mighty cheer rolled through the depot.. -Tust then the tram began to movie, a burgt of sunshine lit. up the t-ceue and the whole mull itude yelled itself hoarse. The President and his fair young wife waved farewell to Chi cngo. , i' ' IX-. MILWAUKEE. -. i : I Milwaukee, Oct- Ht: ntil today! i Milwaukee had been on'lypnce honor- J : ed by the presence as hejjguest of a, I President of the I niteu states, lo ! day the city is glowiBg with patriot ' ism over its second opportunity to.; : do honor to the chosen "ruler of the; i pt ople. A large concourse ,of people ' j, assembled at the Northwestern depot I I 1 -w- i 1 1 ' 1 I 1 on the JLaice snore ions ueiore tne. me gej. cr ue arrival 3f the presi- llentiai t;ain ancl bt-twetin the surg, of tbe crmvd ivA U movemvriiA Ofthedifferentoranization8iiitotheir ap - siffuej positions in 'the line of dc section of thp citv wag ailorueti a spectacle, new m us cis tory. When the train finally drew into the depot,' the presidential car was brought 'abreast of k temporary j platform on which the President was to alight. The immense crowd cheered j repeatedly and swayed; and surged I about the depot platforrtji. I A VrAsiilential K-.ili'iffl ivrtq lirpil Uv ft battcry on shorc aii(i1 the revenue feteamor Annie Johnson" opened her ports and re echoed the response pre arranged. Plans were (uletly'put in operation and an escort of distin guished veterans took up its posi tion. The 'military presented" a fine appearance. It was the largest pa rade of militia that his been seen in Milwaukee since the great reunion in 18S0. As the procession traversed the line of march there were fre quent bursts ofi cheering ahd the President bowed repeatedly and lifteil his hat in response to the cordial salu tations. The buildings ton both sides of the streets traversed, by the pro cession were tastefully decorated with the national colors, evergreens, &cj, some of thj3. designs bQmg unique as well as graceful. j On Wisconsin stiet, opposite their club rooms, the Juuianikdub, an or ganization composed otyo,ung demo crats, erected a graceful! arch ofever green, bearing the wordf "Velcom:et, and pictures of Mr andj Mrs. Cleve. laud, and along the walkl in front of ili quarters was a reviewing stand from which the members of the club and their ladies gretjed the President and his wife and showered flowers upon I them. , The government buildings were also, decorated fwith national colors and with portraits. of the Pres dent and his wife. j The following is thp President's speech in response to layor Waller: "i am very giaa to na?e.tne oppor tunity, though the tiie allowed is very brief , to meet the people of Wis consin's chief city. 'Since we left Lome, and in passingl, through the different States on ouwayHlicre lias beeq presented to us ; a variety of pihysical featiires characteristic of their diversity in socialaud oiher conforma tion There has been i an element: of character displayed among the peo ple everywhere on our rip which has I been universal and not! disturbed ior hanged by any difference ; in place ,or-; circumstances. No State ines have been j drawn. -no ocal 'pride has diminished and no business activity has in the least titled the kindness 'arid cordiality of he peoite's welcome, j There is bit terness enough in the partisan feeling J which seems inseparable from our pc- ltica, method, but tha good people of the United States have, I believe, decided thpi there are becasions when this shall have no. blace. ; This is veil manifested today' in our liearty greeting by the people " of- 'is- onsin an 3 this actiy, stirring city, feel that I can express no kinder wisn lor tu people iot Jtiuw'auKee than that they may continue by their spienani advantages pi location anq sound financial condition, .'to invite to this city-the most important elements of growth and wholesome progress. ' ;, .- DUsatUfactitm AiuogiK Ihe Crow St. PiUL,"Minn., OdtoberG.' A 2'i- om:er 1'ris special j from Billings, Mont, says the dissatisfaction among the Crows, culminatirig in the recent outbreak, dates back i to the visit of Sitting Bull-and his Sioux braves to the Custer battle gr6und last sum- nier, WUeie, mey neiU a COniinemora- . t Ai. 1.11 - tive war-dance and he addressed the Crows somewhat like this : Look at that monument, that marks the-work of my people. We are re - spected and feared by the white; man Vipfiiiiftn vn t-illff1 hist trrpni. chief nnrl - O - more tUan i5UU Warriors On tniS Bpot. We receive one and one half pounds of beef per ration bijt you get only one half p.ound. Vet we do not work, but ride aud visit out mends as we please, see your nttie tog nouses and. Lfarms. . lou Ore the white man's slave- He: is . teaching you tb labor only ' that you ) may forget the use-of yodr war-paint- The red'amui w as made by the Great Spirit to hunt and to ngnu It is the white mans business to -wprk. . He is only a. soldier when he Unpaid. A Tug Lo( on. Lake Erlt. . Pour Hchos, Mich., . Oct. G.The tug Orient, owned at Fair Haven, Miifh., was lost on Lake Erie yester day and her crew I of six men was drowned. f Hillsboto Jieconlr: We aro sorry to near tnatjivir, wavw.wmie oi meoanea, while out driving a "JTexas pony last Wednesdays wheel ;came off his dog cart and the pony, took fright and rah away. Mr. Wliite's foot ..became entangled in the fejot board and was alragod near 'a quarter of a mile- Wo are glad to statje, though; badly bruised Mr. White! is not seriously hurt. " IRELAND. TRIALS OF SULLIVAN AND OBRIKN. Mi CASE AGAINST SUXLIYAX -WILD THU6IASM OVER THE DEl ISION- -OTHER GEXKBAL NEWS. i:n- DriiLix, October fi. The trial cf Lord Mayor Sullivan and Mr. O Brieti for publishing in the pa2ers respect ' ively controlled by them reports of meetings of suppressed branches i of the National League, will open at the Mansion House Court this after j noon. At this hour, 1.30 p. ru., great, ! crowds of people line the route which j will be taken by the Lord Mayer nd i Mr. O'Brien rfnd the corporation of the city, which will attend them in J state during the trial. Xhe counsel for the Crown has given notice of appeal against the Jo cision of the court in the case of Lord Mayor Sullivan. In the streets there was a scene of wild enthusiasm and the crowd was so great that it almost impaired the progress of the civic procession. The Tory news paper offices were harrassed by the people. The Lord Mayor ou ai living at the Mansion House made a speech. Referring to the result of his trial he said that the national press had been victorious in its first tussle with the coercive government and the news would gladden the hearts of Purnell and Gladstone. The only way to de feat the infamous coercion law w as to defy it. As for himself the plank upon which he was to sleep in jail had not been sawn. Dublin, Oct. (J. 2.30 i-. M.--The Lord Mayor was driven to court to day in a carriage which was followed by Mr. Dillon, ex-Lord Mayors E. D. Wyer, Grey and Charles Dawson, ex Sheriff Peter McDonald and others. The city marshal wearing a cocked haand sword led the civic digDila ries who were all arrayed in fulL robes of their offices. Mr. O'Biien joined the procession soon after it started and proceeded to court. The streets through which the procession passed to the court were thronged were thfl rftce;nt ,f a ,rrpaf,' ovation do th i;a ri i,0 ,,ni;n,v,an .nn. dered singly through the crowd. A cordon of police surrounded the5 Mansion .House court and prevented the crowd from approaching the court. There were fifty municipal officers present in court. After .the case had been called by the magis trate a warm dispute occurred be tween the police attendants in court and Mr. Sexton, M. P, the hijrh sneriff of Dublin, arising from the desire of the latter to place the city sword and mace before the magis trate. The police attempted tojprevent tne placing of the city emblems on the table,. whereupon Mr. Sexton and other municipal officers seized the sword and attempted to place it there by force. The police and municipal officers struggled for the possession of the sword while the spectators in the gallery j cheered Mr. Sexton and exhorted him to "hold on." After a few minutes both sides desisted aud after a parley a compromise was effected and the sword was placed on the maf?i8trate-8 bench. After the dif- fusement of the difficulty in the body of the court the corporation offi cers retired to seats which had been reserved for them in the gallery. Mr. O Bnen did not enter the court to answer a summons which had been issued against him. When quit:t was restor ed the case of Mr. Sullivan was proceeded with. Mr. Carrow ap peared as counsel for the Crown and Mr. Timothy Healy appeared as covin sel for the defence. ai 1 il 1 il Alter nearing tne eviaenco tne j i i i i i i court uismissea tne case on tne grounds that the Crown had not proved that the meeting reported in the A at ion was a meeting of the sup pressed branch of the National League. The spectators and the crowd outside of the court-room were wildly enthusiastic over the de cision of the case. Mr.'O'Brien will be called tomorrow. I. Governor' Guard. Attention I You are hereby ordered to meet at I your armory this (Friday) evening at I .15 o clock for drill, 1 By order of the captain. I H. F. Smith, 1st Serg't. Thtm rhinr. J I That i tnmv vmir liinm. Also all 1 your breathing machinery. Very won- derful machinery it is. Not only the larger air passages, but the thousands of little tubea ana cavities leading irom them. When these are clogged and choked wth matter which ought not to he tnere your lungs cannot half do the work Anl what they do they cannot do well Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia catarrh, consumption or any of the fami ly of throat and noee and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to get nd of them. That is to tase job chee's German Syrup, which any druc gist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everything else has failed you you may depend upon this for certain The thouerhtfui housewite ih now busily engaged preparing lor ap proaching winter,, and -we" advise her to haye her mattresses renovated by Hutson A Co. Their card can be found in another column. Cktst At Wafeks. Fresh Crystal Wafers in tins and in one pound pa per boxes. Fine , Oyster Crackers ; Lunch Milk'Biscuit, etc., etc. 11. J. Hakdis. Write to Mitchell Paper Box Co., Petersburg, Va-, for boxes. LOCAL IIi '.i -Ijjli lu-iii' Mrn niil (In- It. ,v 4;. I(iail. Ever since August loth there has been some disagreement between the Seaboard and Roanoke railroad sys tem and tho Cotton and Grocers' Ex change of this city. Up to that time 1 wuolef ale mcrcnante here had car i !o..d freight rates over that line; then uie ranroaa suuueniv wipeii out car load rates un commenced to so much pe r hundred in any quantity i to nearly nil points on the lino of the j Il ileigh Sc Gaston and Carolina Cen- cnar,re i so i trd road ;s consequence far as Charlotte, was that points The 200 iu !('S beyond Ualcign could receive ;;iaiu, Ac, at the same Tate per bun dled after, having been hauled over lo.;r railroads as llaleigh received it aLer being hauled over only two roads. i or instance : inc .-eauoaru system in-order to reach Charlotte at equal ra'.es with shorter lines, have made the rate on grain from Norfolk 20 cents per, 100 pounds to Charlotte. This grain is carried over four rail roads, which would give, at an equal division, 5 cents per 100 pounds to each, liah igh's traffic, carried Qver two railroads, is also charged 20 cents per 100 pounds, which, divided be tween them would gie 0-fnls per! 100 pounds. This was notfa matter of serious objection to the Ivaleigh mer chant;?, buuthey thought that special car load rates-should still be allowed them. At a meeiiig of the Cotton Kxchauge, field the first uf Stptcm bcr, a committee was appointed to confer with Maj. ' Winler, of the lial eigh A Gaston road, with a view to re-establishing the car-load rates which were susp. August. A conference was held and after wait ing for about ten days and hearing nothing from the railroad authorities, the merchants commenced to ship and receive exclusively over the Uich mond A Danville road. They had nothing to gain by this, but, pre sumably, their intention was to force the re-establishment of car load rates n the Heaboaxd .road, which for them is the much more convenient of the v. o This action aroused some ac tivity, and shortly afterward another conference was held, at which Mr. Sol. Haas, general traffic manager for he associated railways," was present. lie matter lav altogether , in his nds, and he promised to let he merchants hear from him. On esterday a letter was received from him in which there are plain intima ious that no concession whatever Will be made. Under the arrange lo' iit of the associated railways his lcf;sion is ti e nltiiniiUim and it is Mettv certain that no change in the rates will be male. The officials of the .Vaboafd con nections have ever been uniformly liberal in their terms to llaleigh, and rom conversations by a reporter with Mai. Winder, of the It. A G. read, it is plain that he is in favor of rmmr car load rates to the business men, and il it were optional wun iim, he would do so at once. Ihe past course of President Kobinson, oi the Seaboard road, is also evidence he yjtild cordially agree to the same: but for mutual protection tne ilroads oi irgmiaaud the Carohnas have associated themselves uncier a code ol equalizing rules bv wnicn e-jich line practically abdicates its right to make its own freight rates. It is a matter of great regret that such a state ot anairs snouio. exist between the business men of tile city md one of its chief factors, but there is no remedy for the evil aside from the; breaking up of the powerful rau- road pools and associations. Kxtrnsivc r IshliiR. Clement Manlv Eso. of New Berne is in the citv attending the Supreme Court. In v pleasant chat with him on yestcrdiy, a reporter learned some lacts about tne hshing industry around Beaufort aud Morehead city. There is a larce run of all kinds of lish and the catches are enormous. A school of "fatbacks was captured a . day or two since und though 450,000 have been taken from the nets not half of the entire school has been taken out- The scrap factories are running with a vim and supplying fertilizer iacto ries ; with tremendous quantities of scrap As the fish are taken from the nejt they are placed in large vats and every particle oi ou is preaseu irom them. This oil has a good commer cial value and is a source of consider able revenue. After pressing, the fish arjs spread upon large flat plots oi ground to dry. Then they are packed in sacks and sent on to the fertilizer factories. This fish s crap contains 12 or 15 per cent of ammo nia. The porpoise fisheries are also hav ing fine runs. Thousands are being captured and tho business is so hoavy that two more lactones are content plated for extracting oil aud working skins. ' The business has increased over 100 per cent from last year There are Targe runs of other fish, such as mulletsj mackerel, blue fish Ac. anel the fashing section is on a - - - - - big booing Te-hrr Council. The Teachers' Council will meet to morrow at the Centennial graded school building at 11 o clock a. m Excellent addresses will be made by llev. G. W. Manly, D. D., of Wake Forest College, and Prof. Chas. D. Mclver, of Peace Institute. The topics will be of great interest and importance to all teachers. Friends of education are also admitted to membership in tho Council and they i are cordially invited to attend and ! participate in the exercises- rcrnoiwi. Mrs. Alex. Miss Mamie, Sledge and daughter. of Greensboro, Ala- oama are visiting Mrs Capt. 1$. 1. AYiliiamson. Mr. Theodore F. Tompkins, of YashiuRton City, has accented a vo- ! sition as local editor ou the Wilniing ij ir it ,ou r.r lie has recently been connectea with the New York Com-mr-iil Atli-rriixn: He is a connec- uu LmU''- as being a versatile writer and ft mau.of indomitable energy. He has traveIM extensively and is a thorough man of the world though he is only about twenty four years of age. His older brother is ou the stall' of the: Washington 1 ruin; Critir. Key. Father Iteiily arrived from New Berne j esterday to assume th pastorate of the Church of theS'cred Heari. Rev. Father J. JZ. White who has been pastor for seeral years goes to Asheville. . - ; ..Mr. J. W. Avera. of Johnston county, a very popular traveling man, is in the city. TliliigM Worth Itcineiulxiiiitf . V lien you feel a kind of goneness about the stomach it is a sign that your food does not sit well aud that you are about; to have i fit of indigestion. iicu you wgiu in ieei nervous anu are unable to sit still comfortably; when your clothes suddenly seem to lose their tit and become too tiktht in places the fit of indigestion is surely upon you. vv lien tins fit of indieetioii is repeated from day to day it linally resolves itself iuto dyspepsia. lituuic uyspejwia win suieiy maketuc hupjiiest life a hell upon earth. Kemeinber that three to ten of Br&u- dreth's Pills will curj the worht case of indigestion or dvspepsia, or both, and that a regular course of them, say two every night for a week or ten days will act ua a prentive of either complaint. Old Friend '-Well, goo'd-by, my boy. I say, why eloh't you come up to dinner with mo sometime.'" My Boy Why, I will: of course I will bo glad to. When shall .1 come'" "Oh, come up er some time, Well, so long." T su Sifting. 'I have taken, within the nast year. several bottles of Ayer's bareaparilla, and find it admirably adapted to tho neeas ot an impoverisned system. I am convinced that this preparation, , as a blood purifier, is uneuualed." C. C. Dame. Pastor Congregational church, Andover, Me. The largest elevator iu the wor is to be built at Chicago. -fULL WEIGHT PURE mEkm SlrERFECTRlAOE Its superior excellence preven in mil- liana of homes for mote than a au&rter of a century. It is used by the United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as the the Strongest, Purest and most Health ful. Dr. Price's the only Baking Powder that does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Altim. Sold only in Cans. PRICETAKINO POWDER CO. NEW YORK- CHICAGO. ST. LOU'S NORMS & CARTER GRANDEST DISPLAY OF n Silks. Velvets, Plushes, Dress Trimmings, Flan nels, Caqiots, Trunks, Notions, and House Fur nishing Gdods of evory description ever display eel in North Carolina. The Public tho La dies especially are cor dially invited to make us a visit. Polite attention given t6 every one who enters our store. Morris & Carter. Wake Forest College, NORTH CAROLINA Sixtevn milea uorth ol Kaleiglj. Ktity-thlrU an nu;il session lwjriiw taptembt-r 1 Tea distinct nc'ltuols. Nino instructors. ,ouo volumes tn li brary. Well equipimd iAlioratorios, Reading Ruom and UymnaMirru ; extensive grounds, for Catalogues. &c, address. V t resident CHAS. E. TAYLOR. " ; Wake Forest, N. Tvnnno lcx( Ultimo IjUUUO 'V! iff r