News Iato Observer Hat W. At4b Cm Editob. .STJNDAf, OCTOBER 23. 1887. '1' M').'..;.'..'i:.l..-t . - - ' v' For Virginia, ;Korth Carolina and ; South Carouna farmer fair weather; light to f rea v,arir.bfe winds, becoming : outberly. f ' ''iir ""fide t Kef AdveM'.aementa. tC Opera HotSs 9 Iloyal-Marionettes. -, -4 - ; OBSKItVATlOXS. ' Tha foatLraee-did not occur at the fair groupda yeeferday. f The Independent Ilorfe Keel com ' pany cleared ihore than $75 from -ivXueir lair W.U1CU ciuecii laoii ui(,ui. . ' The Major yesterday fined one party $3 aifd costa for engaging in an affray and? two parties $1 each for i 5 disorderly fcondiiet. ),;, Rev. Dr .'Thomas E. Skinner will ( preach at tHie Baptist Tabernacle to ;. Anv at 11 rrfih. and 4 n.ra. ; r The cityf had about. ras9atned its . .wonted appearance yesterday, after ; the bustle av.d stir of fair week. Xfie uemmer term 01 me oupenor . Court begiiis toiaorrow for the trial of civil caules only. Judge J. H. Mer o jTimon will 'preside. ''. -There wUl bo a very important j meeting of the Independent Hose lloel company on Monday night at the Y. M. C.A. rooajg. i;, '. 4 A cordial invitation is extended to i visitors in the city to participate in ' the exercises of the First Baptist Sunday Befool, Ivginnjng at 9 o'clock this tnornifig. , Miss Mabel Sterling closed a three j citrht's ensngemen.t in Metropolitan 1 it, 1 1 - ir.i t:i liall last hight. She has attracted j large audiences and her engagement : has been successful. j It is ascertained that 14,000 peo- ; pie were hiuled from the city to the i luir grbunlls by . ihe special fifteen- j minute train running from HargeH street 'statin during last week. A. gentl( from Johnston county ; reports th arres: of a colored boy fourteen yfeirB old for stealing. 150 ' from Mr. Jno. Barnes, of Cleveland. ' township, ::' The thief managed to es cape after Uie theft but was finally Ciptured dhd the. money, recovered. i The Norjth Carolina Industrial Fair 1 (colored) Opens tomorrow. It will be the best fexbibit ever made by the Sherman aad William Mahone will not be present, m was expected. Capt. C. M. Goime, of Louisburg, will de ... t .7' .... . . liver an address on . Thursday," at '.12 m. h :. ) TheVe slems to bo some difficulty in. gettingfa conference between the . city authorities and penitentiary au- lhoritie3ith regard to paving the Btreet aro&nd the capital. Unless it is 4 done ihere will be the usual amount of mud there this winter and the possibility of such a thing ought I to atir upborne action to prevent it. J ' In the trades parade of Friday one of the mdit attractive and State rer resentativ floats was that of Messrs. A. Williams and Co. t&e booksellers, stationerrand pubhshera of thia city. It was a line representation qf a North Circlina enterprise , and was mkeeprngwiththepnshaadenergyof this popular firm. They are always in the il-ojlt rank of any thing that .savors of snterrise . and progress. , '.u . f . y J. 1 ,m ii ' : It was Sported here yesterday that Mr. . Ambrose Massengill, a young man about twenty years old, residing in Johnston county, had sustained ' serions inories by being caught un der a falling tree. He was enjoying 'a 'possanj hunt, when a tree was .. felled andbe was caught under it. His iiijuris may prove fatal. Invju(lo. I ' . t ' V GovennojrlScales yesterday received - a telegraphic invitation from Gover noC Lee of Virginia to be present at tbf. exercises of the 'Lee memorial assbciation! mlUchmorKl on the 27th insL Governor Scales telesrraDhed "lusj appreciation of the invitation -but was compelled , to decline its accerr- tance on account of an engagement i he has made to epeok at the Catawba ounty fail to bo held in Hickory . on .the '27th: ' : . preme Crurt. ! 7 Court met yesterday at 11 o'elocL .' Appeals front the fourth district were disposed q a f ollows; v ' Stato v. Gjersch; argued by the ;: Attorney. General for the State, and ."Messrs. C M.; Basbee, A.; Jones, Batchelorfifc Devereax and E. C. Smith for defendant. Appeals-from the fifth district will be called tomorrow at 11 a in. . " Vocml lollaaHwkrl. , The week of the State fair is usu ally one inf wbph the receipts of cot- . fnn ttro x-iiptr ItiaiVi'V Villi, loaf. vaaIt nraa ai. exception.' Ilie bulk of the cotton -' ' ;J 1 1 1 ,. 3 oi vwa.vvu vouAbu -'A-t a t,cmj nutt uiday. AM -he other days were - jQiirked bA Bio most unfavorable "weather fteHjexperienced in a fall 1 month aud? it. was extremely incon- venientifaot altogether impractica- bli for producers to haul cotton from j Kpywb.era.ip the city. The , receipts j kvo bcenlad fair weather prevailed durinff th week. , The market has were not -nail o: wnat tney would "lx;en very.lirm and the best prices . beve prevailed. Tho report is as fol- lows: Il-weiptfi fr the week) ending Oct. 20tU, 87, Same weet last 'year, Decrease fom last yca, Iloceipts tt date from Sept. 1. 1,920 2.1G1 1,032 13,555 12,063 :J1S87; a Sdme timlaot ',ye tr, Increase o'xr last yt-er, Stock on platform. Stock in sfere, Sbipmenlsjfor the week, 1,492 i 1 07 1 Kil JaUctl. ; A negroVjuati named Wm. Chance wa: brotigllt in from Oak Grove town ship yesterday and lodged in jail He wan arEestfcd on a charge of slan- A ITu In lwt ntlifu n tlna. "Nj-te ch&ratiter. II resisted the ers aufl was so ipowerful physi V that hey could do nothing with- r TliaS. nn a man i t auaiaf bring him-f 'iu:. . They called in : still another attd auather. until there Wre ai.x men sthigglmg with him and he - was fin 'ill "overpowered. In his - 'efforts to escape it is said he batted this head against trees and knocked the baik from, them, chewed up small saDlin and did many other inarvel- OUB tnjrlgSii lie WIU pruuuuiji iry um trowess 04 the iron cell tfiat T holds him.J , now w j. IlCj. caneu uii a uuu . iu uanist jxujex piua, uuu a veiling, nice, uia p TTM" but 4ho three wero not able to ; mondslliss Mary Hinton, nile'green IMtaal. . i . t. ! ; t V The' Resignation of Rev. W.'B. Har relL. pastor of the Waughtom Bap tist church, haa been accepted. The members have extended a call to Rev. S. P. Cfonrad. '; . , Senator Ransom is in the city, the' puett of Dr. GfW. Blackball. : Mr. W. Siothart, who formerly resided, in this citj, but has beeu more rdiently: living fa Augusta, Ga., has coupe herd again to live and has takon a; position in Jno. S Pescu l's popular drug' attore. 1 Ool.: f no. I) JWhitford was in the city yesterday. ; Mrs, (W. N. ITl Smith and Mrs. W. V. Hini,i.h hate -e'turned froia a visit to iew. York, j. Mr.; Jacob Ba;ttle,'of Rocky Mount, is a thi) Yarboro. Col., p. Worthington, of Villiams ton.'id tu the city. ' Iulrtttit; and AAunslug Performanre. On next Thursday- night the Boll Ratal; Marionette Company and Ellis A- TCiirk'n cvnloruB of novelties will be- gin 4 I three-night's engagement in 3Ierojlitan Hall. Hie Uanville j H(ijiM- says : : 43lj,.HilU Burk's -combination j ..1: 1 i. ,A ll. i opeuen, a weeK engagement, at iuo , Optra House last night betore tno . taudiencg of the season. Bell's , largest wonder ful marionettes were cleverly majiasre d and were much enjoyed ; the .musical performance of Miss Adt io Silbert ws good, the 'educated caiiarv birds weve splendid in their performances, ybile Ellis and Burk 1 in 1 in the mvsterious acts ot slebht of haiid.i Altogether the-'per- fortuaii'ce'wa' much enjoyed and well i might be called" IUfig a day inas worth iue price ;of admission. A large ; much as the attend.-tircc was'made up number of presents .were given away, 1 of Raleigh people and their guests. tLe leading ones being a tea" set of j ..,.1. . 3 i liitV pieces and a chamber set of 12 ' pieces. Xh Ipnce of ; admission has oeen placed within reach of all ; 35 and o'J cents ': without fextfa charge lor re ferred !seat. Reserved seat tickets fori sale at MacEae drug store Didn't (lit thrir Money. ttt. will he rmembftred that a few i data ago, a colored man said to be, named Cauaday, was stirring up the ne-i groes around k prestvule ana w ake i Forest 'and all through the northern; nart-of the douatv, and also the no groos of Vrren, and Franklin coun ties. ' JIe represented that he was the agent of an English syndicate with 30,000,000 who had determined to much no thcM nranfAil lhrrtvirlnrl t.hfv Wfillla invest it in land?. No security -was to : i. . . . bo f eqijired but the money was to ba lavishly distributed and the lenders; would lake the simple note of the barrowera for payment. Each accept ed ; fltpticant was required to piy S10 down as an earnest nf ; hip intention . to purchase land iwith the - money, but this amouni was to be refunded when the bignabiney was lent- He worked the aegroej and sonie white people into a.. level' and secured many applica tions,4ach of which was accompanied by the 1810 guarantee. He collected about i thousand dollars in this way and named a day when the applicants Bnouia, a3semoi(ij in ijouisuurg io get the mdnev. He5 afterwards changed i this dte to Thursday of the past ' week and direcfed the applicants to 1 meet; in Warrenton. On that day , everV accepted applicant managed to get; to Warreriton, many of them being 4ccoinpanied by friends to help them; jubilate oyer 'their good luck ! The total number of expectant visit- i ors wis about three hundred. But I Cariaday did not put in an appear ( ice.; ) The anxious crowd instituted : a big search for liini, but he was no where I to be found.' He seems, to 1 have jgpne, and at also seems to the deluded applicants-that about $1,000 '. of tbeigood money has gone with him, and that both Canaday and the money will iejuain. goh. A gentleman who" 1 was1 Present and saw the waiting J ; crowd jsays thatiit will be healthy for Canaday to stay" wherever he is. It is not thought he could make an ac ceptable explanation of his actions to thi applicants if they should chahtjefto catch Mm ,- TtmFirBaii. It'isj eeldom that a more brilliant social event than i was the fair ball ; caiw.togetner tnecnivairy ana Deauty of the"01d North SUte, ' and surelyy mere was never an occasion on wmcu grace and wit feigned with greater sway than on thjis. ' A large, brilliant hall, thrilling music, an assembly of . peQPW. wmcn realized the poetii 1 highfest and most noble conception of j I tbttqtermingltog of gallantry5 and;! , loveunebs were tae ieatures mat 1m- i prc$secl spectators of, and even pari ticiparits In, the? graceful and rhyth - mic pitivementsiof the dance and the attack upon Bin today, ihe new an delighlfu, dreamy mazes of thi nouncement sayl -it 11 re-open fire , wafti. There ?had been called to,' ! oh the old battle-groinid, Adams hall, i gethea a large number of the famed "j Sunday,. October 23,. 1887. Open air i fair daughters? of ' Carolina, whose ! service near the jostoffice at 2 30 and , i ' '.- . . . r. T .. .I . ,,4 1 JAnn t'uIf and taste, have become f model rand refftrenrA for munv 1 and reference for many na tions. Among thOBe present were j Mis Ella Jloiiteiro, white brocaded telvet diamoiidjB; Miss Mattie Fuller j ua.8 f"ufn pearjs; Jiiss aiargie i itU8D?' cream albatross and pearlsj Iliss May Keo-gh, white satin and oiamohds; Hissj ilena Branch, white eatin, point lace and diamonds: JUisa Jlwy.f illy Kerian, pint nun's veiling, l yihMaoe and diamonds; Miss Lilly f :iu. IT :i. '., :i: I lorel ea 1, whta -surah silk hand embroidered) nd diamonds: Miss1 IiiielSelle, black satin, hand paint--; ediat pearls; liss Sophia Grimes,; v htto eatiu and' pearls: Miss Maggie f Me'idion, blue satin, point lace and; diamoiuli; MisjjM. Sigouney, yellow sill4 i laco over?-silk and diamonds; Miss iluiy Snow, pink albatross, lace and ' jjearls; Miss Emma William son, i'Lite tafcln, tulle, diamonds; l Miss Anna Scales, yellow satin, dia- iiioimoh jfis Miss Carrie Strange, nile I green fcilk, lace and diamonds: Miss , Elifji Potter, inikado yellow satin. amb ?rjewelry; Miss Maud Gregory, t pink satin and silver tinsel, diamonds; jiius . iiaitio Ljfee, ume Batin, uia-j mohl Miss Annie Cain, white sa'.in. peurlsj Miss Daiiel, white satin, dia- jMiss Mlittie WiUiawB, white - hiund: klb&tnis, iliambnds; Misn Susie Cam, nin, diamonds: Miss Baker, bluck bilk," diamonds; Mian Mary Miller j pink nun's veiling, lace, dia - sutaij, peuris; jj.ish ainarea iJadger, pink; 'albatross, gold ornamehts; MifljS Josephine t Smith, white albatrcl8s,lr diamonds; Miss Car--rie ' Jackson, j white (satin, dia mouds: Miss Fannie Gore, white sattii' j brocaded, djamonda; . Misi Mami Moore, white satin, diamonds;' Mrs. Ji TtumeB Morehead, black silk, dianyi4d3j Miss . Lacy Stith, pink ! Jalbatrdiss, pearli; Mibs Maud llar- shall, blue nun' veiling, diamonds; ! Miss Grace Strong-, blue surah, satin I velvet, Tcarls Miss Janet Fuller, ; Rilaighf lilac silk, Jlace, diamonds;, BILs Nellie Murrayj Raleigh, white , nun's .1 veiling, ".satin, "pearls; , ;.Miss fjlaudai AndffBon, Raleigh, I pray . ubatr08S, J4iftTuoud&; Hiss Moore, of 'Augusta, Ga , red silk, ' black lce. diamonds; Miss Mary, Preston; Shipp, cf Cburlotte, blue 1 ; satin, richly embroidered, diamonds ; Miss Mary Wilson Johnson, of Ral eigh, wbjite silk, ppini lace, diamonds. Miss Rosenthal,, of) Baltimore, red ( silk, velvet, diamonds' loln of the Plr, . Yestfday was the closing day of the State Fair, of 1887. It was held under difficulties that probably were nnver "jfacountervd by any other fair held siue the formation of the Agri culturalSociely. The weather was a total failure in point of favorableness. It completely destroyed the pro grammei for three days, delayed por tions of iit for all the week and did away rih part ol it altogether But the fair is an occasion which many people determine tcake advantage vf lor meeting with fjraends, and rela tives for a short, wliOo andnothing stops them.; The record of tickets Hold by- 'railroads shows that there were more than 8.0) visitors, all of whom sibut a more or lfcs pleasant day during, the daj.H oji which present jwe:o - th Yesterday was week, though the tlQ Visitors were worst of- all. the hist day and attendance. The there was a gopd weather. was delightful and the day A pleasant time was spent jm walking oyer the grounds and through the i buildings and some rirv fine racfiR. the first and only ou& ol the week, afforded, some exhilarating excite ment, j; ' - The eveiiing' was partly spent, by judges! inthe' live btpek department in awarding prcmicns. : Some of the finest horses .md cattle ever shown vere on exhibition.: The fair thia particular wasm eminent sue cesp. It was also, a . financial succea in that it is thought tbjat the receipts will pay all expense incurred and this is all that s desired by the liberal minded reu who foster the Society. It is not a money-making scheme-, but an institution car ried on by public spirited gentlemen for the general goocf of the State, who hope td increased its usefulness by increasing the rew&rds for indus try and securing for . it ithe largest patronage cf tho people of the State. Tho list of .premiums will; be made up and anubunced "soon. The 1Mb fi Gaihe fu "lr. One df. the featured at the Fair was guessiug the; nuinbe'f cl seeds in a mammoth pumpkin, weighing 115 pounds. The pumpkin was furnished by Mr. VT. C Stronac, ; and Mr. J. L. Stone promised to give a $50 organ to the most accurate guesser. A sum marv of the recOrd . kept was made up yesterday. The' pumpkin was cut and the seeds counted by Messrs. John Nichols and J. Wiley Jones. The total number of guess- made was 4,943; the number of' seeds was 612. The guesses ranged fpom 0 to 25,000. Five parties guessed $13t these were Messrs. ! B. R. Jolly W. l. Hughes and J. It. Barkley, of" Raleigh, Mr, A. R ' Guffjid, of Sparta, Ga., and Muse lulia Conrad, of. Lewis ville NC. Ir. E. C. Jones, of Loubburg, guessed Oil- Mr. A. N. Butts, of IJurtain, guessed 612, the exact, number ojf seeds in the pumpkin, and therefore gets the hand some organ, which wi at once be de livered by Mr. J. L. Stone. w. c. r. v. cou eioi. ; , 1 I Tho Women's Cdlriatian Tempe rance Uunioii C5jnvet3tiom will con vene at : Goldsborp oaj October 31st, 1887, and continue tare.j days. The followig railro&tl rate 4 have been made "rom etatiu8 1 between Char lotte and Goldsboro to Gold-sbOro and return: Charlotte, 9.20; l&rrisburg, 8.40; Concord, 8 40; Chi mi Grove, $7 80; Salisbviry, $7 55; Liuwr od, $7.30; Lexington, $7 30; Tboinaville, 87 05; High Point," 6 75; Japaetown, $G 45; Greensboro, $610; iGibaon, S5 75; Burline-ton, UA0; 0raham, $5 40; 1 Ti0r feiWor . S 5 ATV,ftnp. Hillsbcao, H 00; Chapel Hill. $5.00 Universitv$4.60; Duiham. $4.15; ?Jor- risville, 3 70; Cary, $3.25; Raleigh, so ok- tnhnnn. " p'Mton. iiiS: Wilson ' Mills, tLSS; Selma, $1 23; pilie Levei, $i.ifj; ami Princeton, 70c. j S.alvatlou Arm jr. j The balvation Army is to renew its p. hall, 3 and 7-3Q p. to. Staff Capt. Beall, formerly of Kaleigh, and Capt. Glover, of Richlpondin command. Acctinl." t lie franklin XOnes , Last week seemed to bs an uy luokv one for cotton! ciunors in this j section. On Friday jlr. Wesley Bur- ! nett, Svho has a iein about seven miles . -,- .... , , , , i from Louisburg, bad his hand so jjouisourg, badlv mangled in the gin that Dr. ; Malone had to arputate all his fingers on one hand gave one ami his thumb, On Saturday Mr.; R. R. Har-' ris got mixed up with a pulley and a belt in the .Jones gin here, and had his right arm broken in two places between the elbow arid hand; and the same day Mr. EvaffB, at TerreH's, ; gin ( while cu,ting some bagging) cut the main artery in cue of his legs and cauie neaWeeding to death. SUrrUge lt JU. Stanly Olnervi-r. : ; P .Green Henley, wb has been in carcerated iu the couity jail for some months, at list concluded that it - was not good for man to live alone, I even in jail, ho tuefedore tok unto himself a u wife, Hia sweetheart was f one Carrid Sides, f a woman with I whom il ls said, he uad long bceu 1 acquainted aud.for whom wo learn tho ollicer had a uapiaa. She came 1 down, and tiiero between the prison walls mq. J . . LOTtian pronounced them man ahd wife. ) Helleb Bros Celebrated Three Dollar Calf Skin ishoes will out wear any of the shoes sold, for five dollars at other places and their Gents' Seamless Four Dollar Waulkenphast, just received; wear tetter than inoyt shoes sold at other s tores for 6il d ol lars. Call at Heller Urop' regular shoe house and look at thjyn. JXjurrtmft d Glrlf la Ma-rl. At Grace Church, in MorgantOD, Oct. 17th, 188T, by the Rev. S. P. Watters, rector, Miss Sara. Carrall Holleman to Mr. John T.'McGarigle, of Baltimore. At Grace Church, in Mdrganton, Oct., 19th, 1887, by the liev. S. P. Waiters, rector,Miss KateH. Spragne, of Morgaaton, "to Mr Manuel Silver, cf Orlando. Fla. Mr. Joel C. Shepherd, Bf Burling-toi-, and Miss Isabel Kennedey, of lli.jh Point, were married at the Piusbytertan church in; the latter place last Wednesday evening, Rev. P. H Dal ton performing the cere mony. - - At New Berne, N. C, Tuesday, Oc tober 18th, by the Rev. L. W. Craw ford, Mr. Jacob A. Srhuping, of Mor-' ganton. to Miss Mamie Lane, of New Berne. At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Richard 'Moore Tuesday, at 11 o'clock, Mr. Jones Gunn and Miss Eva Moore, by Rev. Mr. Fulton; all of Rockingham. u W ashington, N. C., October Iff, Mr. "Jno.'RoL'erson, of Edentoii, and Mrs. Scott, of Washington. At Friendship. Methodist' Protest ant church, Stanly county, on Tues day IKth, 1887, Mr. Daniel Hatley and Miss Lucy Moose, Rev. 1. 1. York ofliciating. At the residence of the bride's fjtuer, in Richmond coiyity, Thurs day October 20th. 1887 Mr. John Loiitz; of Norwood, to Miss O. J. Baldwin, Rev. J. C. Rowe, efficiat-' iug- : . ; On yesterda- at the family resi dence, Emma S-, daughter qf Mr. and Mrs-. J. W. Allen, aged ' years and 3 months. The funeral will be held to driy from the First Baptist church at 3 o:clock p. m. In Snow Hill. N. C On the. 13th ia&t , Mr. Willie 'Murphrey and Miss Anna ' Harper, Rev. Mr. Chestnutt, officiating,. In Durham, on the 31st inst., Mr. E. B. Turrentino and Mis3 Lula M. Lunsford were mariied ih Trinitjr M. E. Church, Rev. Dr. Mangum per forming the ceremony. In Salisbury on the 18th inst., Mr. Jas. M. Hodgin, of Winston, and Miss. Daisy Meroney, of Salisbury. At Trinity College on the 19th inst., Mr. James Robbins and Miss Aiinuie r.avaras, ootn or .trinity kjoi-: - --, ,11, a m t 1 1 JSe- ' . X TT . 11. - 1 (ill. L iu ayneavuic, on inn iyiu iubt., .Mr. Ned Atkinson, of Asheville, and Miss Annie Miller, of Waynesvijle, liev. J. C, Grr officiatini'I The Gastonia Gazette records a : number of marriasres for the past week as follows : On last Thursday night at o'clock ! Mr. C. B. .Armstrong and Miss Dorcas Jenkins, both of Gaston county. Mr. ; Henry Jenkins, of Rutherford county, end Mi H. Lizzie 1. Walker, daughter of Maj. C Petty, on Tuesday. Mr. J. E. Mc Laughen, formerly of Dallas pud Miss Koea Ledwellj of Randle- ( tuan, last ; Sunday. Mr. W. T. Yfike, and Miss tiillie Ft rd, lk)th,of New-1 ton on Wednesday. All made trips ) to the Atlanta Expositiofi. UtSwillard, Pender county, N. C.,T j ii ri 1 t 1 rv -n- aged 60 years. Col. Powers was one ct tne most prominent, lpnuentuu Tbe thoughtful housewife is now and popular men iu Pender county. buaUy ejjgaged preparing for ap He waa elected to the legislature ! proaching winter, and we advise hsr three times, once to the Senate and ; h4Te fier mattresses renovated by to the House" of Representa-1 Hutsorv l& Co. Their card can be tires, from New Hanover county be- found iafarjother column. fore Pender county was Organized ; , therefrom. "He was-one of; the bul- Kt)K best auJ , e(jt warka of he Democracy of hs county, y&tietj bwt bhJs or trunkb3 of WH aQ of dl;cl(led Jf' 8hon.- any kLi or style go to the regular -yu 14 i huu. r "uo .11 11 tt . 1 ii., "',,""'J and beloved and respected by all who ttu ; w uiLq. a vacancy f.a uiauo, a, go d mad is gone. Peace be to his.; ashes. , It. B. ; ; Jipuicie Children. (ivi ilauil1 Montlily. ;' ' ; The children are a grat feature of Japanese1 life. They swarni every-f where; the houses are full of; them, the streets overflow with them. They j ui : 1 j j ... w m Mim lag rUu eu m pcu- bar degree to the Japanese. Little totft hardly able to walk themselves, carry fastened to their backs tiny m " w- i jjAWEa visiting the State lair should bled, as they are allowed to hang'not fail I to call at the New York down in such a fashion as to seem on ' Miillinerf Bazaar, No: 211 Favetteville the point; ot breaking off any minute. J street- E ine rising generation ol Japan seems to delight in mere existence. These tiny atoms of existence sport in the sunshiner as a rule most scantily clad. roll over in the dust, run and skip all' overflowing with the jolliest mirth. Their parents seem to idolize .them; nowhere have I seen so many men oc cupying themselves with children as I did in Japan. The whole character of tha. people is child-like, especially in the interior, where they have had no chance to be infected' by the supe rior intelligence of their western breth ren. . v , The people of North Carolina read too Utile. They forget many of -them that it is as necessary to feed the intellect as it is the body to make a developed, well rounded man. "No family can afford to be without a Leal thy, dive newspaper fdr the im rrovement and entertainment of f hir children.: The man who saves m fh price of subscription to a newspaper to add to the money he will leave his child at his death, robs that child of the material" by means of which his intellectual status may be fed. The father who shows his lovfi for his children in such a niggardly way may be honest he often is; bat he has certainly overlooked the development of the best part of the ;hild. Dunn Xiipiloiird. Hereafter the pold-waVe bulle-1 tins will be sent out by an indication ' .officer of the signal service at St. 1 Paul, MiDn., instead of being first an - nounced from . Washington. The warnings will now be sent out seve ral hours earlier than formerly. Uive Thsiu a t banee I That is to say your lungs. Also all ' your breathing machinery. Very won derful machinery it is. Not; only tho L-.rer air passages, but the thousands of lilt e tubed and cavities leading from then, " ' i Whon these are clogged and choked ' wit.i matter which ought riot to be there. J your lungs cannot nail do the work. , An what they do they cannot do well. , Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, , catarrh, consumption or any of the fami- ly of throat and nose and head- and long j obstructions, ell are bad. 'All ought to 1 be got rid of. There is just one sure way ' to get rid of them. That id to take Boe ! choe's Oeraiun Syrup, which any drag- pet win sen you at 70 eenta a bottle. Even if everything else baa ailed you, ybumrfy depend upon tub for cttrtua. !' ' ' ' 1 . I '..". rr.""j 7TT' , . Edto8tret Methodist Church-Ser- , vice at m a. m. and 7.80 p. m. by the pwtowKev. W. C. Norman, bundayj Kb , Lm; 'J 1 tj . . i 8lgte.BaptJbernacle-Prehin? At, 7, T K; ,' "Jn ') u. o&uiueT ouuuav nunji v a a. iu . dii coruiauy invuea. ! Christ i Church Twentieth Sunday after Trfnity. Morning prayer anit sermon, at 11 a. m. Evening Prayer 5.30 p. nj. Sunday school at 4.B0p.m. Briggs.' "Hall Preaching at It a. m. and 7.80 p, m. by Rev. R B. John, pas tor of Petson Btret Muthodist church. Sunday school at 8 30 a. m. First Baptist church--t"reaching at 11 a. m. and 7. 80 p. m. by the pastor, liev. J. L. VVhite. Sunday school at 9 a. m. Strangers: cprdially invited to all ser vices, "i Church 5bf the O00J Shepherd Ser vices 11 a.m. and 8 p. m. Sunday Schooi: 4 P- n. Blount jBtreet Presbyterian Church Services at 11 a. m,, by. Rev.t Dr. V: H. Johnston. Beats all freeand public invited?. Sunday School at 8.45 p. m. . First Presbyterian Church Sumluy school at :9.80 a. m. Services at 11 a m, and 8 p. m-, by the pastor. Rev. Ur. Jchn 8. Wat kins. A coruiallv invitation is x- a n . 1 1 . V- 1 1 1 1 j . Qofoj u.ut t, Christian ' hurch- Services at 11 . in. by the pastor. Sunday School at 9.o0 a m. All invited. . Young wives Who have old husband ': will be glad to know that a Ke- York t physician offers to cure BnoriDj; for ten 1 dollara; buVDri Bull s Jough Syrup will ; cure sore throats and colds for 25 cents' For neuralgia, rheumatism, g'Mit, 1 burns, wohnds, etc., use Salvation Oi! Price 25 cent a bottle. Stoci quotations are public prop erty, according to a decision of Judge Collins, of Illinois. AJVlCETwlOTHElt8. Mrs. Wliujow's Soothing SjTup should lalways be 'ised wht chtldren are cutting teeth. It re lieves the lisle sufferer at once, it jrc-oditces na: u- ral, quiet sleep by relieving the children from oain. cherub awakes us "bright a.i a but- ton." It is Jvery pleasant, to taste; soothes the child, softer the nunis, allays wma, if remedy vrth i??0?? Ly lor ciarrhoea, whether rtaing from teeth other'cause. Twenty-flveeents a bottle. all pain, relieves DK or They Ietcbn-Thaxks. Messrs Nor- ris & Career desire to return thanks to the visitors to the State fair for their extfemely liberal patronage dur ing the patst week. They say their sales wrie three times that of any previousifair week. They i have sold already rnore wraps than they sold all last seaaon. They have the styles that suit the trade, made up expressly - . i . .. . for them'by tho leading manufacto- riea in the United States. - L Wall PAPERAfter all is the best, most attractive, most economical, and will outwjear any other wall decoration; properly Applied will, with ordinary care, ure and Art Store and se a Wd s.-lec. .tion. ; A3 work in this line jpromptly executed. t'icture tratnes, ! window shades, window cornioea and cornice poles made to order and to St any win dow. Mosquito canopies, all sfzet in stock and made to order Write for prices. All orders have prompt atten tion. . j,- Fred. A. 'Vatsox, Fayetteviile Street. The Wxexly Niws ant Observlu is an eight-page paper, full of 'good things and sells for .123 a year. It is the be4t and cheapest weekly paper in the State. ?TKTA rirf J receivea.? Will dnub as well as any Mocha. IE. J. Hardin. , warranted as - represented. Always - the lowest prices for the best quality ; : of'-goodi, goodei. Those Ladws1 Kid and Pebble Goat Button Boots are selling rapidly for the smal sum of two dollars, because they are about the same quality as in otheratorea for 50c more. , Helleb Eho's. Scapoi S.hces. Now is the time and Heller's Shoe S Lore is the place j j. stock j ; - ,,;,J, , . , ' ; al 1 t i J 1 "OLE RIP lightful chew. TOBACCO" Try it. , de- l The Weekli News Axn Observek is an eighf-page paper, full of good things land sells for $1.25 a year. It is the belt and cheapest weekly paper in the State. ; Chew 'OLD HIP TOCACCO." It sooths ail sorrow and gladdens 5very heart, i LapieI5 perfect fitting, stylish and comfortsblo kid and pebble goat but ton, Benhett k Burnard's make, the handsonfest thoe in lmerica, can only be jfound at the popular shoe i store of Heller Bro's. ' Evevbody that comes to Raleigh j this wee& will do well to get a pair i of Heller's celebrated Three Dollar I Shoes, Warranted; at Heller Bros ! Sboe an Leather House. "OLDlRIP TOBACCO" is a tough, mellow chew. Thi Weekly News and Observer is an eightjpage paper, full of good things nd Bells for $1.25 a year. It is thej best, and cheapest weekly paper in he State. Grand I Opening at Brewster's. All Fair JVeek J. C. Brewster will open thi largest and best selected stock of l Hardware, Stoves, Tinware j nd HuUse furnishing goods ever 1 displayed in Italeign and cheaper j than evert Call and Bee them. ; BY TELEGRAPH. llilvKETS NOON. i Nkw .York. October 2J. Money uiet, bteady and eatsy at 'i per cent.j Exchange long 4.yia4.fli; short 4.S.ri4.85i. (iovernments dull and featureless. State bonds dull but steady. Cotton (ull: sales 239 bale, upiandg 91;-Orleans 9J. Futures opened easy; closed quiet; October 9.75a9.?7; Novtm berS.62a9.iSl; December 9.80a9.5S; Janu ary 9.63a$.61; Kbruary 9.71a69; March 9.779.70. I Flour quiet but firm. Wheat bet er, ; Corn stronger. Pork dull at $14.5014.75. ; Lard steady at Sn.70. Spirits turpentine 1 firm at BS. Rosin firm at tl.'J" 1 1.87. ' Freights steady. Old mess pork 1 BatHMftJS, October 23. Hour qulewj a unchanged price: Howard Street and y .rn enre? .87.75; extra 3 00a 8 ho: family 3.75h4 50: ct'ty mills supf-r g H7a2 -00. extra 83 e0a3.62; Kio 254.50. -h-at-S(.uthrni quiet but firi; red 73. Kmb,r 795; Western j q uet but hnuer; o. 'i winter rd spot qurt but tinuer; u. a winter rl C-orn S'iu:her3 quiet but steaay: ! 1 w white 43a47; new yeliov" 43h4J; ViHterndul! but nominally steady. 'f jVERPOoi.. Octooer it.-2 HQ. CotV n q siot wi;hQit chsng'?: middling up ! l;.ods ft; Orlt-ar-5 M; sales 10 CK) hales: ! I'.ecuratiop nnd export bales; re- ! c.'ipts 18,000 biU't.i: Aroericau 10,000. Ku 1 t e q liet but steady: Or,toVer S 14 fii; , ( -toiler and November 5 12 01: Novern j lirand Ivenvler r 1 0-t'-l : Ieceuber and ; ; Ji-i'uary S 10 0-1: January and Februsrv 1 J 6 !0-G4." Kebrusry n.l Jlar.-li 3 11 -4; ! Jlarrh and April 1 13 04; April and M.y !5 15 64 ; .Mcy at.d J-in ."V 17-04. . ', 'j it. hi.-. Cotfjit UplauJs ; Orleans j . sab s of today in-!'.ided 7.100 bales ; A nerii Rn; Outo'r 5 15 64. sellers; Kc t.berand November 5 12 64 .buyers; Nf- i w white i v. luuer noil uec rater it 10 t4, buyers: ! Iiceniber anct Jtctviry 5 11-04. buyers: J. nuary and r-Vhruary 5 10-64, buyern; r-brury mud Jbirch 5 1104 buyern: II irch and April 5 13 64, buyers: April i ai d May 5 15 64, buyeif; May and June I 6 17 64, buyeiB. Future bteady. MA UK 111 iUd'OKT NIGH f . ' . Nkw Yolts. O itotier" li2.- Kxclianjre 1 ( ii"t and rlteady. M.ney c.1?)- lit 3 c;.)ng otrerpd .it 6. .sun trnsurv I Mil 8 .ces-Rold .S18',US7.MHl; currency. U,. I' (. 0i 0. ;overmnei.ts dull but e 'ady: 4 per cents 126t. 4! j vi ( nu 10s . SUte bjndw dull but fea t reless: i"oriiH 7s mortgage 103J : North ( nrolina 6s 121 asked; North Carolina 4's t uTenneahee settlemn! 1054 ; Yirgii ia 6s '. 5 : Virginia consols 48 lid; Eaat Tennes- ' B e 10, Lake Shore SUl; Ixiuisvill" & "Nashville Norfolk Western pre j f redii', Richmonu& AllV';hanv 5tid; . l.ichrnond & Danville 150: itichmond A " '.'ret Point Terminal 23i; Hook Iblar.d , 14. St. I'aul 72: St. Paul preferred : llli; Tex ts Pacific 23; Tennessee? I Iron and Coal Union 25: Pacific 47i; : VVetttern Union 76s : Cotton TruHtCer-'i tidcates 27 1. J Cotton net receipts 33 bales; gross 13,- J ?u i.uioa- .uiu iuLi. m kilo V... ! ' "clo'eed quiett October U.77aa9.78; n n n , u neon m 1 I'ovember 0 Gla9.fi2: December 9.53a9.i"9; inuary; teuruary u oaa.TU: , Uarch 0.7Ua9.77; April .84a9.83; May! ! l''??9.03, .';., 0,,,i . ,' . tve'fting 116; upiands95; Orleans 21: net leceipts at all ports S95 398 bales; ex ports to GreatBntain 13,22 bales; to France 6, UK) bales; to the continent 11, IG1 bales: i-toek 577.977 bales. Flour J'buthern unchanged aud quiet. Wheat spot tirci, but very quiet with an fcbsemee of export interest: No. tl norms: : t " red Octooer 83; November bii, clos- ', : ijo: : i . - i i i 00;. iviiru--upi,iuua uuu um ti enaue tasier: No. 2 October 52J; November C2ait52i, cloning 52. Oats withi ut change c 1 importance, ruling: steady and quiet; No. 2 October 32i; November 321, closing fSJ; mixed western S2aift. Coffee fair Ibo nominal at lUj : options fairly active 1 and irregular, closing tirm; No. 7 Ri(, Oo t -bear $1.6.i0; November Sl6.80altt.B5. S ijar quiet but firmly hold; refined ij'iiet. Molimses qaiet and unchanged. steady. Cotton seed oil M for crude; 43 for refined. K'sin lirm at gl.iiOal .274. hpiriU turpentin-; lirm at 3o. Hides tiruii. Wool, Haece, quiet. Pork steady. 11 ef .quiet and unchanged. Cut meats j net and steady. Middle dull and noin i al. lird a t-ifle higher but very quiet; westlru steam 6.70; December ti .45afi.43, cityiiitenin !fc"G.55; refined ffl.85 to the contireDt. Freights steady cotton i.i; grain 3d. ' October 22. Cotton middling; Galves ' t n firm, 9, 5.SJ0 bales:- Norfolk quiet and steady. t)i, bales. Baltimore quiet, j J:, 131 b -.les .toti firm 9 3-18, a,"224 ; l i.les: Wilmington firm. 9. 56 bales; ' Philadelphia dull, 9, t 058 b.i'er: Suvau ; mh easier, 9 1 10,. 12,044 bales;; New Or ; l?an dull, , 740 bales; Mobile firm, 9, j 6,251 bales; Memphis quiet and steady 18, 8,703 bales; Charleston -steady, 9V S-i27 bal; Augiuta firm, 9, 728 bales. CiSK'.gxj. lib, October 2. Cash quota : ti vis w ere as follows; Fljjur fair demand und steady. Wheat 1 - Nli. J spring TOiraTCJ: No. 3 spring --; No. j 2 ted 7lik72. Coin No; 2. 40j. Oiaj-No. 2, 23:a251. Mess pork $18.00. La.rfl per ICO pounds $6.30. Short-rib ai iep. 1000.7.05: dry-salted shou'deis, b xed, 5 0Oa3.-0; bhori clear sides boi-.-. g7 .85a7.40. 'Whi?key SI. 10. Leading futures rantid ae fol'ows: i Opeaiug, highest, closing. ' 'Ahea No. 3 titober 70ja711a ! r ;;; November 71aT2ia71i. Corn -No. 1 !t Octooer 40ja40ja40; November 41a 4 i40 Oata -No. 2 October 25ia35ia25; J oviember 2") isS-") ' a25. Mess pork for the a -ar-Jaauary Sl3.l9iaVM8ial2..03t. "i ..irft. October C.33a6.35a6.30;' Novem 1 er'j;6.171ao.l7ao.l5. Short rib sides -January ?3.11ia6 12'a6 10. MtMIXCi lVX NAVAL STORES MARKET. Closing Quotations.) WiLJtisaTOX, October 22 pinto turpentine steady, . trained rosin dull. ( (ooil straiued. rosin, Var ifiria, " I'urpentine (oriuie) firm. hard. eliowdip, 82 77t 82 n 15 1 00 175 1 75 irin. Cotton Future Iu Xcir York. New York. October 22. Greene & '.os report on cotton futures says: t Vmsideriug'the liberal movement of the preceding sessions, the contract market lor icotton haB beea very dull, even for Saturday, and no really new feature was developed. Tlie absenca of new buying orders, and the dedre to take profit by sraajll longs, ninde the ollerings a little excessive, and about three to four points v.ere lost, at which the close was dull, but the bull element evidently stood be hind the position and was prepared to combat and neutralize any direct pres eurQ. KaMrifCh Tobacco Market. ! REPORTED BY T. N. JOXKS & t'C New Fillers (common) . ': " (good) S.mokers (good) ': (tine) " Cutters "(common) " " (good) ' (line) ' ;Vrapicrj (common) (Kood) " (fine) " i " (fancy) Tile Oily ( ollon Mirkit, CORRECTED DAILY. 9a4 5al0 TalO 10al8 12al3 17a22t 23ai!5 12alS 16aS5 35a75 75aC0 Ralfioh, Oi:t. 21 -7 Slidiiiliiig, Slrijit imddliug to good middling. Market very firm. 31 AMUSEMENTS. PERA HOUSE. it -si t i l I'l.s, :! 1 1 COMMEKClXCl r8 liuid:y, October 37, Ir. BELL ORIGINAL liOYAL flAllMETTES, h roni Crystal Palace, London hngland, giving JiiNn;iLs ami HinriY ii'mpii. . Together with Eliis & Buike's Grand (J-ft Carnivul 1HA Elegant I'reseuts Oiven (( 1UU Away at Each Show. IUU & OMISSION - - - 35 AND 50 CTS. KJtserved seat tickets for sale at Mac E Va Drug Store. . O t'23 d Sun, Tue, Wed & Thurs. 'ANTED. Furn;shed room business portion of 0 iy t referred. Real must be low. Ad- dress. X.Z. T., Care Newt ft Observer. Oct J8 dl -1 of: Extraordinary BY Berwanger Bros., Far the last foitr uion'.lis our exWnsive 1 !iilor-ilad? Clothing for men and bv"i ha.' pi-teed upon our counters the largest, lincet. ck ever ottered to tha nublic. In the qe l"nce of worknifinship throughout, iu styl' whatever thee goods nre vjual to those of 1 more thau twice pur nrio-s. We do not pretend to compete Stori-s. Onroulv pi08it on c.' rhant tai'mr estabbsriment. Th fer tjot only look, but in reali' gools. You are welcome to i yourselves. STUDY THESE FAC . Inveet iu our ?13 puits; they cannot be d Thera aro iu this, lot 25 dirferent psttern.i nieres, &c. cut in sacks, frocks and 4 b'lttou and the s i tp. arc lined with nilk liiiithd Try our :?15 and f 18 auits". Yrou cannot f r let-s than ?23 They cannot be di-irutuish Ex.iniii" our Prince Albert Coats andVe. v orkmat!hip they cannot be surpassed.' I om S7.00 and npivai ds, in all the faahi r i'Ij h, lof and chiUlijena clothinc; than v f re wtC4U sell the Best'CooJa Cheapest. Lead Corner Fayetteville and Fill S'TI Special and Desirable Bargains in Visitors to the Fair will do well to ,9 9 Before malting th-jir purchases. The Finest Stock in this City And prices to su t the times. DAVID ROSENTH TOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Durham &.Noethf.rn Ry Co., President's Office, Raleigh, I(. , Oct. 20, 1887. Bids will be received at this offlce un til November 1st. 1887. for Grading, Cross Ties and Trestle Timber for twelve miSes ol' this road from the town of Durham, and for ten miles from the town of Hen derson, j Profile and specifications can be' seen at thia office. For information apply to Hr. C. H. Scott, Chief Engineer, on line of road. JNO. C. VINDEIl. d tnl. 1 President. WANTED. To buy seed cotton, loose cotton, sam ples, light weight and mixed packed bales at mv gin on Rocky Branch, foot of hayetteville St.Jialeigh, N. C; VV. C. HOLM AN. fANTJJD LADIES for our Fall and Christ WW mas I rade, to take light, pleasant work at their own homes. l to S3 per day can be quietly made. Work sent l.y mail any distance. Panic, ulai s free. No canvassing. A IdresK, at onee Ckkstknt akt Co., 147 -Milk St., Bostoa, Him Kox 51 TO. WA"S T EI-A MAN OF TEMPERATE A.JJD moral habits seeking cmploymeut, torep rusent an uhl established House iu lits on sec tion. Salary ?:o to 100 iper month. References exicted. Am. Mancpactcbino Horss. 16 Bar clay St, N. Y. w ANTED. An Active Man fone out of emDlov- ment) to begin oa fair salary and work himself up, representing, in his own lo cality, an old established house. Refer ences exchanged. : AxiEBICAJ M'K't; HOCNE. yijKe.ide St.. N. Y. Oct 23 d4w. D RUQ STORE FOR SALE. The late firm of Lindsay & Schenck, Druggists, of Greensboro, N. C.. having been dissolved by the death of Dr. Lind say, as surviving partner I offer for sale, ' n easy teims and at a reasonable price, the entire stock of drugs with its good will and business. It is the old favorite stand, in the centre of the city, known s the '"Glenn Drug Store." Early ap plication will secure a bargain. W. E SCHENCK, Oct. 18, 1887. Sui riving Partner. All persons indebted to the firm of Li ud say & Schenck are notified and re queeted to pay the same promptly, as the bi siness must be closed. W. E. SCHENCK, oct21d2w Surviving Partner. 0() REWARD. ; Stolan, on the night of dctober 19th, from stables, one light mouse-colored horse mule with black stripes across his fi re shoulders and down his back; arid stripes across his fore legs; in good work ing condition; about 12 or 15 years old; somewhat club-footed. I will pay $15,00 for the recovery of the mule and S10.00 for the thief. Address MOSES NEAL, Louisburg. N. C, , oct22dltw8t. DRIVE "DRIVER, I Want to go to jiOSELEY'S OVSTER AND DINING HOUSE To'get a jro-d Dinner lor 50 Cents, Or a Stev.-, Fry or Raw of Oysters for 25 certs. He haa the best, and they are always fish. Rooms convenient. A pleasant and quiet place to stop. Jio. 123 Fayette vile Bt, JEXA8 HOUSES. On Tuesday, the 4th inst., X will have to arrive 100 Texas Honea, the largest and finest tot yet bronjdrt to thia town. . , ED p. LES. - - t 4 Jr the MM Autumnal Sale Leading Clothiers. ilitie for the manufacture of firtt-cUsj fac' been taxed to the utmost, ana we nave best and yet the most moderate priced lity cf material and linings, la exoel of cut raid finish, in very particular ie leading merchant tailors, who charge -ith Cheap John Clothing iee from the first-class mer- suits and overcoats we of- are , like merchant tailor aspect them and judge for TS AND FIGURES: plicated elsewhere for leea than $18. of corkscrew diagonals, cheviota, casst cutaways. The material is all wool, irehase their counterparts in this city d from the bet workxjf custom tailorn. s at $15 and upwards. In style, fit and DATS able colors and shapes. We iel! 010' e y other house in this State, and them- BEBWANGER BRO S, oh; Clothiers. Furniaher and Hatters. SSTHAL Harnett Sts., will offer during WJEM examine his large and beautiful stack ev TiT JL WUUUiJU AND rvn UVJ GRANDEST DISPLAY Of fashionable MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS at tlie i-EW YORK. MILLINERY' BAZAAR, No. all Fayeltevllle tSU OR RIS & C AR7fEl I SPECIAL llFFERIMi FOE FAIR WEEK. We shall make a speoial display during this week in Fine Dress Goods, SilksVel vets and Plushes, with Rich Novelties in Dress Trimmings to match. Cloak Department. All the latest designs and cute will shown in plush, silk and tailor-made, w raps, which were made up fpecially for .' us, and cannot be round elsewhere ip the. cy. -5 "' ' CARPET DEPARTMENT, The richest designs in Brussels, Tape t iee. Velvets and Ingrain Carpets, from tae leading manufacturers, are shown in t is department, at extraordinary -low r -cea. , , . The above goods were bought specially f t this week's display. Visitors to our Ate Fair are cordially invited to make us a visit, where they will see the best ar r tnged dry goods establishment Jn the fcouth. " Norris & Carter. o 55 a & 4) X) a 2. is . o A J o X o s O a y w a 2 O S 0? a a CO CO CO s inner & Delaney Eu Company ; RICHMOND, VIRGINIA immAtA vMVi 4uv M mAiw Dill nK V .-. m wtivr-uiyuiinn PCTl ImIL m Jr? : . . " 1 - 1 1

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