fill LSSEHaTHBlAlHrflfiTrl . m m 1 aia.a r, IS A LINIMENT HRFtCTTf HAHMUSS.AMA SHOULD Bl OStD A WfiD rot book 10 MPIrttRS .UDICIDUS ARB PERSISTEBT ! r5J Advertising hits always proven I Newspaper Advertising consult LORD k THOMAS, wuimw Mam. BwtiSjk Swart. CHIOAQOv I snd Whisker Ha. Ita cured at home wit oat pain. Book of pe nlars not HU I & M.WOOIAKV. KJX PARKER'S rlAlK BALSAM Clean and baautifres ta hair. rranfti a luxanant grxratlt , Nave Fail 4a Raster 4ni Hair te its YeBthftil CaUr. (teiidJISJsSJJnjagJjJaJ f flTOtDiTl,U Bailaala4ji I. y , cJ bTI " IllifflalflB i LADIES Big G baa given antre, sal aaliif action la th cure of GoaoiThopa and Gleet. I prescribe 11 and feel tale inracoinmsnd Inf It to all sufferers. A. J. STOVER, M.D., Deeater, III. PRICE, SI. 00. Bold by Druggists. PEERLESS' DYES Do foatr On "Dyeing, at Horn. Th-y ill dy varying. They are sold svery Whare. riicaJoo. a package. Tbay havenoequal W xna;nLia., anvuni in w or for Fattncssof Colir, or non-faOin Qualities, They do ant crock er mut ; 40 oolora. For aalc or ohn B. Pesend,' Druggist and Apothecary, 11 F lyettevUle street, Bon. SlmpsOB, corner HtU ttnro and Salisbury Streets; A. W Voodwln Co. Duggl!, RaleiuN. 0. .. "- MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Anf book learned in one raadlng. Is Mind wandering cured. 1 Speaking without notes. WTwMIy onlike artificial systems. Ptraef condemned by Supreme Court. Great Inducement to (.correspondence classes. - Prospectus, with opinion! of Dr. Wo A. Ham- 7mmuI Hii atMrtiUftnuul iniMilk tat tn tniiwl Ala. ease, Daniel Greeoleef Thorn V. I ipson, the great LOlSETtfc. 37 fifth Bye., N. T. Psychologist, and other, sent post tree by rroi. a. EXHAUSTED VITALIT1 fit rHWUMfJ F- afiBjui sji am. 1 iy , ' mT"i I'l ----f T UK SCIENCE OF LIFE, the great Medical Work of the age on MsnlioodNerr. ooa and Physical Do hilltv. Pram&ijira Dtw KMOW THTSElF.d hem eonaaqnent theraon. isns pagea s to., its pre acrlptioaa for a0 diaaaaca Cloui, foil gilt, onir (1.00, by mail, aealrd. liittktraur sample free to all young :. and micrtie-ased men. fiend now. The Gold and alewelled Medal awarded to theaothorby the Nation al alert teal Aa-ociation. litdm P.O. Box lsas, Boa. to Maaa.. or IM. w. U PAUKEK, gradnate of f Barratd Medical Collegi, 3 yarn' practic In Boa i ta, who may bt Consulted confidentially. Office, . )ia. 4 rH. Specialty, Diseases of Man. vat ie oat . Yaa feiay aerer oee It aajalai imam 1 r. "- sT , ivy Tsleajrmnhy, Book-keep .If. Bank.iBa;, Vurmmm- nip, vwTeapaiiiaeateo, AtiabaMtie, atle, Toang awn and vatnaa taaatit to earn a Uriaaand alraB a thoroaca ftrapantjaaj for BtoaMamble poss Baa. Tanas laaaoaabla. TinM abort. laatraauoa thorotnth. Bmiaaai aaaa aapplmd rarltk anaaiiataat aasMaata aa abort aoMaa. Mo aaaita for attiiatwoa fnratahad. addran for oat. kjtw,lLatiBaai fcaAia;a, Faiitaiaia, . V. sfl I HO RVO?iVlOBW. Bend stamp Im U 14 1 fpr price list, to Johniton Co Pittsburgh, FtaM.i . - ; j - t ,. r : HABITa OF YOUTH, BXCK88BS UP fcUH aood and secttetoiaeasea cause nerrona de illty. Impotence, sterillar, strictures. artcoeele, dlsaasad proetrai glaixi, bladder, kidney, heart, eaUrrlv eohsunption, 5 dropsy, diabetes and Brtght's disease, wblclj cannot be cured with stoinaob medicines aUojie, electricity, crayons, : belle, eaulerttatkma, sounds, catheters or eat Unv. The Kuropeaa nd A roe ri can Ifedlcai Bureau will send trejituM sealed free, goring the remedies which ear tbese ntberwtse tats diseases at AokiS wltboat pats prtTately. rfirr riau'i MTRM Bna, ttroMway iu JMBtf vt t I or a. i -4 Rr CLAMATIONi BY THE J GOV ESN OR. 6206 REWARD STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, EXECTJTivjt Department thereto, official nformation ku been teeelred at this dtipartment thtt Dan and William Thotnburs;, late of the cotintj of Uaton, gtaods charred with Adderholdt, in laid the murder of Lee oountr Asd whereaa. it ari Dears that the said Dan and William Ihornbuxg hay fled the State, er to conceal themselTea that the ordinary process cf ' law cannot be erred upon thexri. j Now, therefore it Alfred M. Scales, Governor of the Sfale of North Carolina, by virtue of authority in me Tested by by law, do issue thijs any . proclamation, offering a reward of two hundred dol lars for the apprehension of each of the akt Dan Thornburp and William Thorn burg to the sheriff ef Gaston county, at the court house in pallas, and I do en Join all officers of the State and all good citlxens to a sist in bringing said crimi nals, to jus'Ioe. Done at our city! of Raleigh, the 8th day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand! eight hundred and hundred Inde eighty-eight, and In the one and thirteenth year; of American . penaence. A. If. SCALES. By uieuorernorJ II. 11. ABMriEUD. Private Sec'r. DESCRIPTION: Dan and Williamlthornburg are twin brothers, almost exactly alike, about 88 i j . v. a. i . a v. u jomia uiu, swvi w iocs u uibun ivt'i weight about 150 pounds, black hair ana . eyes, and woie blaqk moustaches when they left; prominent cheek-bones, square unaer-jaws and , strongly marked fea tures generally, uoth hare a ooia, reeo lute Uearing. r i. i I - ' '.. News Und; Observer. : WEDNESDAY, SEPJ. 12, 188S. The: Uld Honi Out West. Campaign . roods wnite beavers, ban dannas, handker chiefs, canes, badges. ' bpecial rates to cjubs. Hummer cjothicg, hats, shoes, Ac, at a great dis count to make room for fall goods. Cloth ers, and Hatters, Raleigh, N. 0. S500 Reward I We will partheiaborJ reward for any case of 11 tor aompUlnt, dyspepsia, sick headache, ludl KMtlon, coustipatlon ut costlveness we cannot Urn with West's Vegetable Llrer PiUs, when the factious arcricny emiipuea wun. inr, ara la vegetable, and sever tail to give aatlsfae- Larra poxes eooiaimng su sucar comm c For sale by all drucgists. Beware of rfelta and Imitations. The renalne msns- indmrirkfJOHMC. WEST ft CO.. 8J W. MacUsoa BCCbijMto, IU. Bur sale by Ja. Ma vjatiaoa J 00. Sra4Uta?Ul .FayetUvHU BL, iuuegh.110 Whar patby was six-foot deep, ' t Now th-ngs are brik and humroia: The Democratic heart's a leap ' Because ft' Thui man's comin. i Republicans don't hardly know ;v ; What way to meet their foeman; An' joungan'old by ihousands go To hear the Grand Old Romn. Larnin' an homespun sense an' wit I An' eloquence he's got eaita on, An' when it comes to bed-rock grit He makes ye think o' Jackson; ' y Of Honest Abe, tew, t' ar's a streak, ; ' Clean through the old man's makeup, So 'tain't no wonder ef this week ? He's made us Hawbucks wake up. His words is. good as meat an' drink, , Sound Democratic manny; !: And, lick of be licked, swim or sink, We're fur the Ole Bandanny! . , He'll fight like SAmson all way threw, An' fightin' won't distress him; He likes it, -Jie does. He's trew blew, . Ole A lien O. Clod bless him ! New York Sun. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. . HAfPKNIKQS AS TOLD BT THE 8TATI PBI88. Durham ; Recorders The R. & t Railroad authorities are building ; a turn tabid ' opposite Duke's factory. It will be used by the Oxford & Dur ham road. ? Durham Plant : Work progreeaec most satisffb'orily on the addition to Dufce'e Factorily, aDd wl en complet ed, this will be one of the handsomeit factory buildings in tbe whole South. Durham Plant: There is a , big washout on the Da-Lam and Oxford Railroad near the cotton factory. .. Mr. Willie johnstor, th very clever, night operator in the railroad tele) graph office, at this place, has been promoted to a position in the office of Maj. W. jA .Turk, Division lasicrf ger Agent At Raleigh We congratu late you, Willie, but are: sorry to loie you from Durham. , Greensboro Workman : We learn bat track : laying on tie Madison branch road from Stokesdale to Madison will begin shortly . . . .Our clever friend Mike llradshaw, for some time editor of the-Asheboro Courier, having accepted a -nomination for thei Legislature, has Bevered hia connection with the paper. His successor is not announced .Mr. W. H. Hill ; has sold to Mr. Juliup A. Gray his lot on the corner of South Elm and East Washington street, 30x100 fee on which will be erected shortly a Spleniil granite front building for the use of i the National Bank of .Greensboro. We are glad to know of this transaction,' forcer tain w ar that the building now contemplated will not only be a good within itself, but will have the im mediate effect of an enhancement of the value of contiguous properties, and so good for individuals and for the town itself. Greensboro Patriot : The Alamance Fair Association has been incorpora ted and will hold an agricultural and mechanical fair at its grounds in Bur lington on the 10th, llth and 12 h of October next.. . .Rev. C.I L. WrightB, in a letter to the Salem' Press, says that the pastor of tbe colored Metho dist church at Kernereville, it ia aid, gave his wife a Tegular whipping the other day, and his flocks have notified hint that & ia xministrationN among them must Cease. . . .Our Germa&ton correspondent writes us that the family of Mr. R., Shelton. consi&tiDg of his wife, four children and a neice, narrowly eseaped death! in- Stokes county last Wfr.k. Riding along the road in a wagon, Mr. Shelton alight ed to speak to a friend, - when suddenly . the horse dasbed offand the wagon was literally torn to pieces, and the occupants especially ; Mrs. Shelton and . her son badly hurt, while the lnfant'B nose was broken, and its mouth and tongue bo badly lacerated that it is not expected to lire. The little girt wm picked up unconscious, and an examination dis closed a fracture of the kull,togther with internal injuries. BIER DS, aTTSHTIOll I . If one member of the body be, ick, the other members cannot be well. If agriculture la pressed down, destroy ed manufactures and commerce must suffer. Listen. Agriculture is de pressed. I is being ruined. NThe agriculturisti are oppressed to death. Hence the labor strikes among' the factory operatives; hence our com merce has left the seas. Look at these figures: Between 1850 and 1860 the value of farms in the United States more than doubled. The increase was 103 per cent. From 1860 to J870, during the war, the increase was 40 per cent. From 1870 to 1880 the in crease in the whole Union was $ per cent ,i Notwithstanding we had miHons and millions of immigrants settling up the Western States and Territo ries, the per cent of increase was not one-tenth what it was in the years of Democratic ; rule between 1850 and 18G0. While it was only nine per cent in the whole Union,- in some States there was no increase; and in other States there waa an absolute decrease. Bead these figures, taken from the census, and compare the per cent of increase under alow tariff with the decrease under a high tariff : 8 .1 Si 8TATBS. i St Oi'PaHHfcioH Or AliBICL tTUBB, b Value farms. 170. ft, Maine - New Bams. Vermont - : Connecticut New York -New Jersey Delaware - 0 Pennsylvania Maryland -Teuniessee Kentucky - Missouri - - ! Indiana - - - ! 4'4 JB Jrfl is so 71 6V 9t let Value Farms, lis0. I i2,Bei,ii W) 01.813: 139,37,070 1,272,W7,76S 2B7.23,S;e 46.7 li.H7U l,(H.t,4l SHi 1UI,3W,WI 2I8.74J.747 8ll,Y3H,lg 34,S64,l)tfl We io,a57il ' T5.34s8l! 1oy.34,oioi l,OWS,176,74l 1SW.W5.S33 ' M,7,C72 76,6XA,410 1W.S0SJ4I V,ZM31 B7S,307 Al over the country agriculture is depressed. ; Down with taxes; down with demagogues; let the people have:' relief from the bondholders and trusts and monopolists. Tki Bibt Cry For II, j: And the old. folks laugh when they! find that the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of f igs, is more easily taken and more benefi cial in ita action than bitter, nauseous medicines. It is a most valuable family remedy to act on the bowels, to cleanse the system, and to dispel colds, headaches and fevers. Manu factured only by the California Fi Syrup Company, San Franouoo, John S. Peacud, Sole Agent for Bali eigh,N.O. I FIZST DISTRICT. i ! Elcrleral Canvass. i. Geo. H- Brown, Jr., and Geo. A. Sparrow, Democratic and Republican Can did t es for Presidential elector, Will address the people in joint dis cussion as follow 8 : . Pamlico county, Sept. 13: Pamlico county, Sept. 14. i Aurora, Sept. 15 Fairfield, Sept 19- I Swan Quarter, Sept. 20. ! Sladesville, Sept. 21. I. Yeat?sville, Sept. 22 I Plymouth, Sept. 25. I Creswell, Sept. 26. j j Columbia, Sept. 27. Robersonville, Sept. 29. E lenton, Oct. 1. : Hertford, Oct 2. Elizabeth City, Oct 3. Camden C. II., Oct. 4. Currituck C. H , Oct 5. Sunsbury, Oct. 6. Ga'esville, Oct 8. i JIurfreesboro, Oct. 9- Harrellsville, Oct. 10. I Jamesville, Oct. 11. i Bethel, Oct 12 s I'actolus, Oct. 13. I Oiher appointments will be an nounced. Speaking will commence al noon Unless changed by local committees. John H. Small, ! Ch'm'n Dem. Ex. Cong. Com. Appointments of Messrs. - Pea. I Hon. R N. Btrndwlck aad Strudwick, Democratic candidate for presidential elector for the State at large, will address his fellow citizens upon the issues of the campaign at the following times and places: . t Hackney's, Wednesday, Sept. 12. I Henley's Thursday, September 13. Pittsboro, Friday, Sept. 14. Holly Springs, Saturday, Sept. 15. j Franklinton, Monday, Sept. 17. I Pleasant Grove, Tuesday, Sept. 18. j Kenley, Wednesday, Heut. 19. I DunnV, Thursday, St-pt. 20. i Auburn, Friday, Sept 21. Durham; Saturday, Sept 22. : Rolesville, Monday, Sept. 24. 4 New Light, Tuesday, Sept. 25. I Hon. E. W. Pou, Jr., Democratic eandidate for presidential elector from the fourth district, will speak as follows : . I Pleasant Grove, September 18 I Kenley, September 19. I Dunn's, September 20. i The local committees are urgently Requested to advertise these appoint ments by hand-bills and otherwise. t SpiEB Wffl rAKER, ' I Chm'n Dem. State Ex. Com. UPPOIJITMEJTS OF HOM. B. H. BtJJIl, Oantoc vatic randldata for Canajrasa from z the Fourth District. ! Hon. B. H. Bunn will address the people of the Fourth District as fol lows: ' ' CHATHAM COTJJITY. I Hackney's, Wednesday, Sept 12. i Henley's, Thursday, Sept. 13. I PittBborp, Friday, Sept. 14. I Harper's X Roads, Saturday, Sep- UraOerllj. Osgo-d, Monday, Sept- 17. WAKI 00TJNTT. t New Hill, Tuesday, Sept 18. A J. Smith's (Middle Creek), Wed nesday, Sept 19. I'artin s btore, Thursday, Sept 20. Auburn,: Friday,! Sept. 21. Hood's StOif, Saturday, Sept 22. Rolesville, Monday, Sept 24 New Light, Tuesday, Sept. 25. Hon. . John Nichols ia invited to these appointments for a division of iime. The chairman of each county executive committee is requested to give notice and ' arrange for the baeetings. ; N- 15. Ubotjohtom, Ch'm'n Cong. Ex. Com. 4th Dist. i ass a-S-u ApttaABttnaeataBr Haa. U. W.BasuiarUsu Hon. George W. Sanderlin, demo cratic candidate for State Auditor, will address the people on tbe issues if the camcaicn at the following limes and, places: i liberty,! Wednesday, Sept 12. Faraington, Friday, Sept li. Statesville, Saturday, Sept 15 Williamsburg, Monday, Sept. 17. Parlier, Tuesday, Seps 18, Denver, iFriday, $ept. 21. Gastonia, Saturday, Sept. 22. Heodersonville, Tuesday Sept. 25. Brevard,' Wednesday, Sept. 26. Franklin, Friday, Sept 28. ; Murphy, Monday, Oct 1 The local committees are urgently requested to advertise these appoint ments by band-bills and otherwise. Spies Whitakxb, Chm. Dem. Slate. Ex. Com. Jolat Dlicuilon. There will be a joint discussion of the political issues between O. J- iSpeare, Eeq , Rfpublican candidate for elector, and VJ.i iS. Ay cock, H.eq., Democratic candidate for elector, in Ithe Third Congressional district, at the following times and places : Elizabethtown, Sept 18 Centreville, Sept 19. Carter's Mills, Sept 21. Sanford, Sept 22. r Wade's, Sept. 24. v Owenville, Sept. 25. Duplin Road", Sept. 26. 4 Home's Store, Sept. 27. ' Richlands, Sept. 28. Jacksonville, Sept 29. Beulahville, Oct 1 i Branch's Store, Oct. 2. Seven Springs, Oct 3. teCOHO II STRICT. JOINT DISCUSSION. : There will be a joint discussion of the issues of the campaign between J. J. Martin and Jno. K. Woodard, Presidential electors of the second North Carolina Congressional district, at the following times and places: Tarboro, Sept. 18. Halifax, September 21. Littleton;, Sept 22. Henderson, Sept 24- Warrentbn, Sept. 25. Wilson, Sept. 26. ! Kinston, Sept. 27.' New Berne, Sept 27, at night. , , Trenton, Sept. 28. ! Snow Hill, Oct. 2.! . Jackoon, Oct. 5. Windsor, Oct 6. i Jho. E. Woodaed, J. J, Mabtin. appolntmeaU ol lien. D. WertklsuftoBu Hon. D. Worthington will address the people on the issues of the cam paign at the following times and places : Snow Hill, Tuesday, Oct. 2 Henderson, Monday, Oct. 15. Wilson, Monday, Oct. 22. Nashville, Saturday, Nov. 3. The local committee are urgently requested to adverts these appoint- meniB oy nana duib ana owierwise. Spies Wbjtaxxx, Ch'm'n Dem. State Ex. Com. Appolataaaats far Hasu A XL Wad4ell. I Hi?n. Al M. Waddell, Democratic : candidate lor Presidential elector at Large, will address the people upon 'the issues of the campaign at the fol lowing times and places: ! ; Newton, Thurso ay, Sep. 13. Taylorsville, Friday, Sep. 14 i Wukesboro, Sattirday, Sp 15. Boone, Monday, Sep. 17. Jefferson, Tuesday, Sep. 18- f Sparta, Wednesday, Sep. 19. I ; The local committees are urgently requested to advertise tbe same by handbills and otherwise. The ladies are invited to be present i ' ' Spieb Whitakxb, .: Ch'm'n Dem. State. Ex. Com- Syrup af Figs. Is Nature's own true laxative. I id ;he most easily taken, and the meet effective remedy known to Cleanpe clhe System when Bilious or Costive; t6 Dispel Headaches, Colds, and rfevers; to Cure Habitual Constipa ioD, Indigestion, l'ilee, etc Maui' factured only by the Uuliforuin i yrup Company, San Francisco, C. fohn S. Peficud, Sole A.;ent 1 r Ral Ralwfh. J4 O. . - -aassSBasSB- -ajffptasBa--- The recent news that 15,000 Thib cins were marching upo Sikkiru in dicates that the arrival of the new Chinese Resident at Lasa did i ot produce the peaceful reeults hop d fr. Earlier new- from fci mla nad represented that the '1 hil tans had made overtures for a cod ft ence, as the fruit of the intervention of this official; but their present advance against a frontier State reccnizhd to be under the protection of the IndUn Government tells a different story. Out of this action may grow prious censequnces, involving the relations of Great Britian with China, of which laUer Thibet is a dependency. -attLecJeiver-w' fSnle- fty virtue of a decree ol the United States Cli ctiit Court for the Weater.i District of North Car oflrja rendered in a cause therein pending, enti tled UeorKe A. McCormtck et al. vs. North Zhxo Hns) MlllBtoneCo i pauy et ats., we, (he uuder sttcned, will sell at public auction upon the terms hereinafter stated, at iu o'clock a. m., on SitTLKDAY SEPTEMKFJl 22D, 1SS8, on the premises at Park wood, Moore county, N. C all the property, assets and eflects ot the N. C. Millstone Company. , Among tne property to De sola is 76 acres more ot less of nuely timpcred and good farming land, embracing the inexnaustible millstone quarry from which are made the tar-famed "Moore Coiihty Grit" mills, and contaminy among other lmirovnnents, all tbe buildings, too pa, tools and machinery requisiteland used in manufacturing sat mills: also two baudsome dwelling houses, wlih necessary outhouses, barns, &c, country stcre, twenty-two tenant houses, also a saw-Dlll aua dry Kiln complete, planing machinery, mfetcber and plainer, two blacksmith shops. Ice machine, Fatent roller flouring mills, machine shops and foundry all complete ana equipped wits the best machinery. Also a telephoue sys tem, 17 miles long, extending from Park wood throUKh Carthage to Cameron on the R. & A. A. L. H. K.. also 4s snares of stock in the Carthage Kaliroad, also a very large and assorted stock of machinery, tools and machinery supplies, laclud lng enrines, bo.lers, pumps, corn- sueller, shin gle machine, wind mill, belts, piping, baud an round iron, &c a lot of gold mine machinery; also large lot of finished and uufiaisheo mills ana millstones; alto large lot of sash, doors and bli(lds, goods, wares and merchandise ai d other personal property ot various descriptions, and in Ltrtge quantities and all the other property, to gether with the franchise ot said company. Terms of Halo: the property will be ottered first m dktatl an,d the in toto or in obohs. If the higbast bids wb?s Uie property is offered In detail agKregale moire than the hiutiest bid for the property when offered in gross, the bids in detail to be leported to court as tne last ana nignest bias, otherwise the.Wd in gross will be reported to court as the last and highest bid. when offered m eta 11. the said real estate with the buildings and so much machinery. AC. as is necessary in the manufacture of mills, as described in said decree as "The Plant," will be ottred at one-third of purchase price in casothe balance in two equal instalmenls. payable at aa 12 months, tbe deferred paynienta to bear percent interest irom aay oi sale, ana io be se cured by notes with good security, the purchaser to feeep the property Insured tor the benefit ot the Receivers In a sum equal to halt tbe unpaid eirenase price; upon delauls of which tbe said ecefvers shall have tbe right to Insure the said property and the amount so paid by them for such Insurance shall be added to and form part of the purchase price. Tbe purchaser to be let Into possession upon the confirmation o( said sale and the payment of the cash instalment of purchase prieei tbe tide to be retained until the purchase pritje is paid iu . full. , A4i tbe other property. Including the flouring mill, ce machine, telephone sysUjial wind mill, machinery, Ac, in machine shops and foundry, in saw mill and dry kiln, in supply room, Ac, being ollered separately, lor cash. After such offering nr detail and before tbe offering in okoss, ids purchasers at-the detail aale shall deposit with the Keceive.-s u per cent of the purchase price respectively ot the (ore go ing property as an earnest of their respective bids, upon failure ot which the Receivers sbaU nave power to resell any Item ot said property, upon which the ) per cent shall not be deposited The whole o( tbe property ordered to be sold will then be ottered In oue lot or in ohobm on tbe following erins: Eor an amount in cash equal to the amount for which all the property (except " i ne riam, teiepnone system, saw mm ami ury k 1 1 1 mach luery ) sold M d kt ai l togetlier w i th oue- tliltd et the lesidue ot Uie cross bid. the balance ot the gross bid to be paid Iu and 12 months, toe deferred Instalments of tbe purchase price to bear per cent Interest from day ol sale, and to be secured by note with good security. The i ur chMaer to keep Uie property Insured and to be let liitd possession and the title to t e retained In the maimer above prescribed. lii addition to tbe above described property, e win also sell at tald time upon the premises ot Lefislirimm, tn Moore county, N. C., for cash, on other tract of land containing 4" acres, and k new n as the "ilouitH Tract;" also one 1& horj W ood, Tabor it Morse portable engine on whicels. one Lane Kodiey saw mill, with 30 feet carriage, oue ftu Inch solid saw and w feet eight Inch rubber belt and six wagons. t full details reference is made to said de flrefe, ; : - r EKNKST HAYWOOD, lull It I1IVUII1I 1 Jtecsiyers ot the II. C. Millstone Company. ; 1 . Baieiitn r A LUABLK REAL EWTATK FOB HALE. Bjf virtue of authority conferred by a cer- 011 tne 11 in uay 01 V tain deed of trust, executed Jury, i;,by Alfred Haywood and Harriet, his wii, ma. w. naywoou, i rustee, aa recoraea in the ofllce ot the Register of Deeds of Wake coun ty, N. 0., iu book irf, page SU7, 1 will on 'Thursday, September 2tlt, km, sell at publie outcry io the highest bidder for casii, a certain bouse and lot, situated in the my of Balelgh, N. C, adjoining the lauds of Dr. Jas. Mcrkee, Al, X. Norrls Ksq et al., and described as fbllotrsi viz.: begimithg at M. T. Norrls' west ooriier on an alley or roadway known as Bajtt Alley, runs westward along said alley &2 feet and S Inches: to McKee's corner, thence northward parallel to said Norrls' Hue 6U feet inches to Malone's line ; thence eastward with Malone't Hue 62 feet and 2 Inches ; thence southward to Nofris' corner aud then with his line to the begin ning. Piace of sale County Court House door in the citv of ttalelghrN, C. Time of sale u o'clock m. A.W. HAYWIJOD. Trustee. ALAlili LAftli roll D4U. virtue of a Certain deed of mortgage execu- tedum the ath day of April. 183, by Alfred Jones and Little C. Jones, his wife, and Millard Mlal, truUf , to R. 8, Pulfen, and recorded In the cilice of the Register of deeds for W ake County, N. C, in book .j, atpagersu; aiso uy auinoniy 01 acer Ul(i deed ol trust, executed ou the 'Ailli day of August, ISO, by the same )iartles, to A. W. llay woid. trtistee for It 8. Pulleu, and recorded In the oniee of Uie Register of Deeds tor Wake county, N- C, in Book 74. at page sui ; also by au tlnrrily of another deed of trust, executed on Uie 17tS4 day ol February, texa, by the sanv parties, to V.ruett Hay wood, trustee tor K. b. V ,llen. ana recorded tn the ofllce of the Register deeds for Wake county, 51. C, In Book , at pa , 6U9; also by authority of a certain agreement, executed on the 28th day of January, !(!, by the same parties to It. H. fulleii, aud recorded in the office of tbe Register of deeds for Wake county, N. C. In Book ), at pae 441, we will, on Saturday, the cih day of tk-tuot-r, 18hS, sell at public outcry for cash, the interest and estate ol said MMard Mlal, trustee, Alfred Jpites and Lizzie C. Jones, in the land de scribed in the aioresald deed of mortgage, deeds ol jjrust aud asr-eemeul, said tract of laud contain ing M acres, more or less, and being the same trai t of land whereon the said Alfred Jones, and wife, LlJtie C. Jones, do now reside ; rjterenc to wldcb said dred ot mortgage, deeds of trust and agreement .s hereby made for a fulb r and -more 5actlcuhtr description of said lands. Place ot sale, oor of cimuly court house hi Raleigh, N, C. Time of kalu, 11! o'clock, ra. R. 8. PULLEN, Mortgagee, i A. W. HAYWOOD, Trustee, J- ERNEbT HAYWOOD, Trustee. N01 , Eyv OTICJE OF SALE OK-LAND. Ml., nl ...thnr. I. . U . dnait In 1 j .iibj vt nutiiviitj w 111c Elicit iu m . . Iruxt froBi L. W. Bryan and M. H . Bryan, re CoiMed In the Register's office of Wake couuty, in book W, page 407, 1 will sell on Wednesday, uie kt.Ui day Of September, 18ms, at the court bouse d0r of Wake county, in the city of Raleigh, tbe lailds described in said deed In trust, the said laiids being located In said county of Wake, in ht.-Mary's township, and bounded by the lands of Thomas Bryant, Caswell Hturdtvant. Way Land l)'d, Jeff Hmilh, Willie ointtb, and others, and mre .particularly described by metes aud bounds lii:sald deed intrust which Is hereby expressly referred lo for a description ot the said lands. Time ot sale, U o'clock, in. Terms of sale. cajli. . Au gust 2Kh, 188. J, N. lioLDlNG, Trustee. ALUABLK If ARM FOR BALE. We offer for sale the tractof land now 'owned by. Wm. Lawrence Buck, on the new road, about t'i miles east of Raleigh, on which tbe late John Ti Williamson lived at hia death, containing about 100 acres- It adjoins lands of Mrs. Fisher, Mta. OctaTlus Coke, Mrs. Uatllng and T. 0. Gattis. Jthas upon it a dwelling house, barn, tc, and the land la good and part of It la Woods. BATTUi MORDECAI, Attorneys, c- Ealsigh, V. C. Best. T, COAL. COAL. We are taking orders for coal and de livering for winter supplies on narrow margins, and advice all who cn do so to put it in before cold weather, as prices are advancing and sure to go higher. Pocahontas Semibituminous Coal is the most economical fuel to be had for grates and large stoves. We are agenta for this coal here, but we supply other Bituminous OR Anthracite coal of any size you may want on short notice. x Jones & Powell. WE DO NOT Wish to carry over, i so we oiler at cost lor csish 114 1 i V 1 1 v CARRIAGES Now is tbe time to get a BARGAIN; THOS H. BRIGGS & SONS BRIGGS BUILDING, RALEIGH, K. C. "A POPULAR HOUSE," THE MOSELEY HOUSE 124 Fa t etti villi 8tm Bauioh. If you wieh4o save money, stop with Hoseley. Central, convenient and a pleasant place Table good. All the luxuries of the season. The only first-class ladies' and gentle men's dining hail in the city. You can have SERVED TO ORDER what you want from 10 up. "We strive to please." Rates per day, 12. Special ratesby the week. PHIL. 1). ANDREWS & CO. HEADQUARTERS Office No. 18. telephone No. 79, East Marvin Street, Adams Building. Yard, West Hargett Street, near Ice Factory, Tele phone No. 108. C O A L. Anthracite. White and red ashe, broken, egg and nut, for grates and stoves. COAL. Bituminous .Tennessee, "West Vir ginia Splint and Pocahontas. The West Virginia Splint the best and cheapest coal in the market, a trial of the tame ia only necessary to prove the fact. OOa-JUa For smithing purposes, the best we can buy. "The Mountain brook Smithing Coal." . WOOD. long or cut and split to order. OIL. Illuminating oil, from a quart to a bar rel, from 118 fire teet to the highest grade; delivered from our wagon at your door. Leave v cur orders tor winter fuel. Hotter now than later. Money saved is money made "A word to the wide," PhiL II. Andrews & Co. II 1315 Health is Wealth ! Da. S C Wbst's Rt-Bva ad Braut Tkbat mbnt a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi ness, Convulsions, Kits, Nervous reuralgla. Headache. Nervous Prostration caused by the use of, alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental De presslon. Softening of the Brain resulting, in In sanity and leading to misery, decay ana death. Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of power tn either sex. Involuntary Losses and Spermatcr rh ea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self abase or over-indulgence. Bacb box contains one xonth's treatment. $l.ot a box. or six boxes tor S6.00. sent by mail prepaid on receipt of prie. Vli aUARAJVTEE SIX BOXES Tocun any case. With each order received by as for six boxes, accompanied with, we wifj send the pui chaser our written guarantee to re fund the money If the treatment does not effect s cure. Guarantees Issued only by James Mc Klmmon a Co.. Druggist. Bole Agents. 188 Fay ttt?rtlle8t.. Raleteb. K.6. Si 6 h 2? ill IS cot IWl (A s s ' IM I ! - i aMy 1 I T" a 1 w I eri M V I r 1 W S -o -.1 I atf A V rv 1 o NJec ANT ED. A short-hand writer who oombinee type writing. Apply to J. 0. L. HARRIS, Secretary Republic a,nSute Com. w ILMINQTON & WELDON R.K. A1TD BBAKCHtB, Condensed Schedule. TRAINS OOINQ SOUTH. No7 No IB Dated May No a F't Mall daily ex -1st. lass Dally Dally Sunday Lve Weldon, 2 06 p mi 6 41pm 00 a n Air Rocky Mt, 817 T10 An Tarboro, "4 50 Lve Tarboro, 10 60 a m Art Wilson, 3Mpm Toopn 143aa tvs Wilson, H 10 Arr Selma 8 19 Air Fayettevllle. T 45 Lve Goldsboro, 4 44 , 7 40 S SS Lve Warsaw, 6 so 1 SS Lve Magnolia, 6 0s 140 48 Arr Wilmington IM tso U SO TRAINS QOtm NORTH. No 66 No 14 No 78 dally ex Dally Dally Sunday Lye Wilmington, 12 06 a ra obaro 4 00 pot Lve Magnolia, It am 10 86 6 80 Arr Warsaw 1S60 6 Arr Goldsboro, aa 11 60 IB Lve Fayettevtlle, S St . Arr Selma, 10 60 Arr Wilson, 11 68 Lva Wilson, 142 ia 4i p m 7 si p m Arr Rocky Mt, .1 18 8 as Arr Tarboro, 450 Lve Tarboro. 10 80 sm Arr Weldon, 4 80 140pm tsOpm Dally exoept Sunday. 3no. F. Diyuti, Oenl Supt J. K. Kbhlt, Bunt. Tiaaa. T. M. EitzxBOir, Oenl Pass Act jTLAXTIO MOBTH CAROLINA JR. B. Te take sffect 11 m., Btrnday, Jans eth, lStf. Ho. M geias wsst, aaily except Bunaay. Arrive lea AM AM Ooldsboro, 11 88 LaG range, 10 64 frf Kinston, 10 18 M New Berne, 6 89 6 64 Morehead City, 4 4 (60 Nod going east. dally xoept Sunday. r at r Ooldsboro, 4 M LaGrange, 5 87 t tt Kinston, 6 08 14 New Berne, T as 7 48 Morehead CIST 3 84 s at D1UV -perlntepdawt QAPI FKJLB YADKUf YALLK Y &. B. CO. oojrDaarsxo SCHXSUI KO. 3. Taking effeet 6.16, a. m., Monday, Aug. 13th, lar 8. TRAIN S MOTINO NORTH. No.1 Paaaenger and Freight and stall. Accomodauon. 1 16 p m 810 8 89 7 16 llilm 1 40 p m 2 80 pm 7 26 p m 10 is a m lllpn Leave Bennetts vlll a, Arrive Max ton. Leave Maxtoa, Arrive Fayettcvllle, Leave Fayettevtlle, Arrive at Sanford, Leave Banford, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, Arrive ML Airy No. 1- (ooam T06 715 sooam am 11 16 am 1127 " 280pm I ( T 00 d .m. dinner at Greensboro. TRAINS MOVING BOOTH. Not Passenger and Freight and Mail Aeoomodation Leave Mt Airy 6 16am 10 16 a m Arrive Greensboro, 111 " 6 40 p m Leave Greensboro, 10 08 a m 7 46 a m Arrive Sanford 186pm INpn Leave Banford, 1 66 2 80 p m Arrive Fayettevllle 4 00 60 n Leave Fayettevtlle, 4 18 8 25 am Arrive Maxton, S IS " 8 60 " Leave Maxton, (26 10 is " Arrive Bennetts vllle. 7 30 " . 1216 p m No. a breakfast at German ton. No. 2 dinner at eaafora. FACTORY BRANCH FREIGHT AND ACCOM MODATION. TRAIN MOVINO NORTH. Leave Mtllboro, Arrive CHreeoaboro, 980am SOP " TRAIN MOVINO BOOTH. Leave Greensboro, 8 80 p m Leave Factory J unction, 4 so p m Arrive Mtllboro, 615 W. E. Kiut, J. W. Fbt, Gen'l Pass. Agt- Qen'l Supt DO YOU WANT ANY SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS OB Plain or Fancy Stationery I SEND YOUR ORDER TO ALFRED WILLIAMS 4 CO., 1 Booksellers, and Stationers, Raleigh, N. 0 OUH POPULAR NEW PUBUCATIONS i North Carolina Speaker P-per. 0 eta, cloth tB Buab-se'i New Justice) and Form Book .$2.00 fechool and Eualneea Map of N. 0., 4x8 feet. .$460 I lasTSend for Oompjetejaia 11EAPQUAIITERS FOR QTJIOK SHOT POWDJbjR JUST ARRIVED "SO TRUST BAGGING." s:J- 25,000 yards Dundee Bagging. 1.000 Bundles Arrow Ties 50 Barrels freeh mullete, extra size. -1 Car-Load White seed bats. 1 Car-Load mixed Corn. 1 ' ar -Load of Dunlap & McCance'g Meal. 500 Barrels of Flour of DilTereit Brands. 50 Bags of No. 1 Coffee. 50 Barrels of Sugar, different Grades. For sale at lowest prices al M.T.NORRIS & BROS. RaleiRh, N. a JULIUS LEWIS- Established 1868. x v wvrr IJjLrXJS LEWIafe CO., KALiiIUll, N. O. Agtn Btcuingou i - 1 j Call at j and ete Typewriter!", in operation. fa. 5ag CircularB 3 ' ' descriptive nd prices upon application. Porcelaine lined Cucumber Pumps- ALL RIGHT COOK STOVES. Tobacco Fines, Rims, Spokei and Huhs, Sash, Doors and blinds, Rubber and j Leather Belting. ' IHIarhvarc of all Kinds. SEABOARD AIR-LINE t Schedule Is effeet Sunday, July Mth, isss. SOUTB-BOOSn 8 oo p t Lv New York Ar 6pm (following day) Via Old Dominion Line. 6 30 p m Ar Norfolk Lv 6 20 p m (following day). NOBTH-BODXO 9 16 a toopm i060a , QQpra l85p 7 00 a IB 1 4flaaj 266p 70 2 04 j 2 0V t8Q6 123 1 822 8 46 2 86 I 8 80 820 266 I 243 6 1 IS j 8 &S 10 80 8 87 i 4 07 1100 82 I 417 11 BB 4 0 I 4 27 11 OS 4 21 I 4 88 12 80 4 83 1 4 40 12 65 4 47 f - 4 49 146 6 04 j 4 48 2 80 6 86 I 6 IS 618pm 606ajn 6p 26 p ra Lv I 4 45p 6 40 Ar j 4 00 p 866pm (Slain SlSp 4 26 6 48 i 6 66 4 40 6 54 I 4 00 M T IT J 818 6 86 TS2,f (21 (SOBBY T64 ! (86 800am 6 40 p V Via Bay Ltne.1 V 4S0p (6Tp SO p m Lv m New York Philadelphia BalUmoret . Ar 1 20pm 1047 am sooam tVia 8 00 p ra Lv 11 20 p m -1 8 06 a m N T, P AN Railroad. New Tori Philadelphia Delmart Ar 00 a In 620am 127am m Ar PortsmouUi m Lv Portsmouth m Ar Weldon R. & 6. it. K. m Lv . Weldon Midway Oaston Summit Littleton Vaughan Id aeon Warren Plains Rldgeway Manson Middleburg - tireystone Henderson KittreU m Ar FrankllntoD Franklin ton Lv oispm AT 400pm 950 a I -AS jlOJW. 650 a Ar Lv Loulsbnrg Lv Ar m Ar Youngs vllle Wake Fores tvllie Neuse MU1 Brook Johnston Street Raleigh isopm 1 16 I 04 12 86 12 44 12 28 12 14 12 06 11 64 11 46 1180 II 81 1120 11 U0 JO 41 am 1066am isoam iat 12 87 12 26 12 06 11 44 1186 If M 10 64 10 48 10 82 10 20 10 06 8 96 6 04p m Lv 10 26 a m 10 15 1011 8 6T 840 84 ssoam Ar Jt! 4 89 am 4 12f 850 s: 26 " 2 18 i 180, 11X 12 281 1160 11 2J leoo) 1 io a m 846am 260am 6 41pm 826 aia T 68 tat tit Tiomp 880am 8(6 TBS -TJ8 t I R. A. R. B. am 8.06 Lv Raleigh 8 6 I. 8 28 v Carey 8 41 1 8 42 Apex It; 8 68 NewHin B is 8 ll Merry Oaks . yi a to pm ax asoncure 6 80a io 16 a f S4oai stoat siopm 666pm Lv HTTSfcOlSO H ft. Lv t oo pm 4 41 6 42 626 427 6 11 (12 658 568 546am 646pm 6 41 pi 91 Voneure PttUboro Ar Lt ot a m 6 16 am 166pm 4B0PB1 '1177am op LV Ar Ban Sanford" 10 16 am 14 2T 10 41 1 16 67 1101 1 1111 1 1126 I 1141 1 12 it p m 1 07 1 90 Ar 10 16 p m Lv Lv "Ar" 630am 16 446pm 680 p m tllpm mis rm 615 43 5 41 too 1103 11 20 10 28 10 41 19 68 1102 1113 11 28 1142 12 46 am 1 vS rayetteviiis Baniordv A Q rtentbore Lv, Lemon'springa Ar n 16a i 1 16 a i lossam 1104 Cameron Winder Manly BoaUiern lines Aberdeen . Keyser Hoffman Ar Hamlet Ohio fllkanH CARTHAGE RAILROAD. : V LV 4 Warn 446 488 . 416 4 10 400 8 47 382 Jtiam 222 1 88pm 10 06am 468pm 4 47 483 4 411 4 81 848 883 3 00p.m a 200 3 oo pim 4 10 pm Lv Ar Cameron Keiley rartkage PALMETTO R. R. Ar 46am 4 16 pi 114 .9 17 1 48 8 4T oo a Hamlet Che raw Ar Lv 1 12 43 pm 8 82 pm 4 18 pm 613 pra T 60 p.m. lOOpnT 7 30pm CAROLINA CENTRAL R. R. lispm 104 m 1 00 a m Lv Hamlet 4 25am Ar Charlotte Lincotnton Cleveland Springs Ar Ruthertordton 1 46 a m Lv Hamlet T 46 a m Ar Wilmington Ar Lv Lv Ar Lv 12 60 am 8-80 pm 268pm 1149am 10 0 am 10 am 7 40am 120am 1228pm 7 80pm seoam Trains marked thus ' leave andarrive only at Johnson Street Depot In Tjalelgh7 WM. SMITH, J J. C, WINDKK, Bupt, i Oen. Martager. I F.W.CLARK, 1 ft P. A. - . : PIEDMONT AIR-LINE. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAILROAD. North Carolina and Western North Carolina Divisions. Double Daily Trains to AshevtUe, Atlanta, Augusta, Richmond, Washington, New York and the East sotmrBormo. Read down. No. (2 11 oop m iua m 3 80 " 806 " 8 60 M 1128 " 12 40 pm o 5S5 " 9 10pm 10 40 " (46 a ra 1 20 p m JUKX, 24TB, 1S8S. 8,10 p mt 1,46 am 812 8 4S " .60 1116 " 12 12 p m 114pm 2'0 M 240 " 8 17 " 4 81 " (10 " 780 No 50 1124 am 6 60 pm 8 10 p m 8(0 " 10 41 " 11 26 a m 1 A6am 6 30 ' 1080 13 oo Noon 7 86pm 7 66 am LV 2 40pm 6 00 " (04 " 8 W45 12 46 am 151 " 3 20 " 4 12 " 607 " 6 OS 7 28 " 8 18 " 11 10 " Washlneton. D 0 ; " Lynchburg, Va hlcbmonu, Va " Danville, Va ' Ureensboro, N 0 " Hallsbury, " Ar Charlotte, " " Columbia. H C " . Augusta, Oa " Atlanta, Oa " Montgomery, Ala New Orleans Tv Soldsboro, N 0 ruueign. ir Lv No 51 756pm 12 40 a m a so p to 47 a m 806am 8 27 " 6 00 " ll 26 p m 7 oo 7 00 " 7 3a m 400pm Durham, umvi Lv Ar nlversltr. urmnsooro, " Salisbury. " Btatesvule, " Hickory, ' Morgan ton " Marion, " Round Knob " Asfaeville, " Hot Springs, Moristown, Term, 4 10pm i w 12 66 " U1I " 60 a m 427 3 3) " 166 " 101 " 12 81 " 11 10 d m 55 p 01 806 3TOBTBBOTOTB. Read up. Ko4 TOoam llWsn oo a m 1020 pm 668 M 12 86 pm ssoam Sie -swam 766am I 18 25 1 J 10 63 I (4S 112 16 p m 1 16 " "TIURPflY BRANCH.' Lv Ashe vllle, N C Ar Ar Waynesyille " " Ar Jarrett's " Lv 1 p ni 4 80 p m tU ai 7 N " 460 ' 845 K6S 116 686 4BJ ' 4 M " 8 84 263 " 16 " 11 40 SJ IB 8 35 " SJ 14 28 pm 7 26 " ATE tiNlVERSITt feRAScfl. Lt University. N C Ar faapelliai, " 8 20pmt lpm 6 6f am Ar L I2 06pmt 1106 am 6 28 p mi 10 p m TBBOCGU PDLXJSAir CAHB. - l W KJ arl.til..n .a 1 lln.1. . tAV..n-1 n..ll. . .AlirtHhl. .h . . Raleigh to Ashevllle. Hot Springs and Morrlstown. Train No 62 Washington to New Orleans; Washington to Columbia and Augusta j SicamoDd te Greeusboro; kValetgh u Ureensboro; Salisbury to Knox vllle. Train No n New Orleans to Atlanta; Atlanta to Washington; Augusta to Dan vllle ; Morris town. Hot Springs and A'heviile to Raleigh. Tram No 63 New Orleans to Washington ; Augusta to Washington ; KnocrUle to Balls bury ; Qreen boro to Richmond; Greensboro to Raleigh. iDally except Sunday. Dally. W. A. TURK, , W. A. WINBTJBN, D.P.1A., A. D. t. A. Ralplgh, N. a Ashelle,N.a i JAMES L. TAYLOR, i ' Washtnaton, D.C A. GI BAUER, dLltCIIITEOT llechaniciil Draaghtsman. P.O.DratM.1 ii TO ADVERTISERS : A list of l.Wio newspapers divided Into STATU ANDSRVTION& will he sent oa application . To'thoae who want their advertisiBg te pay, wo can offer no better medium fur thorough and cSee Uve work than the various sections of ear saute LOCAL U8T. GBO. P. ROWIIO, Go newspaper Advertialng Bureau, it Spruce BtratCXsw York,