V r . i : r f rpr fRf;l-r mill P :." . : i'ii ".!-. - r: t- ifii.i.. i -.si 1 S I M: vinxxYii jf si pf ;rfi j : Absolutely Pure . hi powder nerer .rarleS A marWI r-f purity, itrensth and wbolasouiene . Hoi eoonunlcaVthan ordinaiy kinds and vnnot be sold in oompetitioa with the muinmae oz tow tmu snors wetgu, : lam or )hosphato powderav sold only In v. a ToldbrW. a A A. 1 StronaelL and 7 B FerraU Oo. Otf JIOXDAY, 1PRIL ; 1st - .-V We will start to gtra 1 Li away, an immense ,r, nf ali oof vnntnr r Tn thn x wv,v,u muUu. vYw lot there, are vocal arid I instrumental '...I.-"" . .." i i ' 'I . thes value ,of i , b M I HlUUcb I 1 A J.X1 I YYillUU were from 10 to .'-' ' :-.' i.''- 1 .' ...... T v, 75 and the, majority I were 1 w ' i . i . t thit The only thing isnecessary to -proou one sheet orl riiecei f this music is tu; buy 6f us . anything to I the amount of 50 cents no difference hh ty I many articles, jiist so thev whole .lot is bought at .one time - . ;.-;."" r 1-4.. T Before closing thiff we would like to state that we liave an! el cant Spring Stock Dress Goods, Milliner Goodg, etc., etc., ani to convinceever that we wg would ask them i-i- call and exMoine-for themselVes f. r - . r T.I , ti , , Hi at ihe same timb mf procure one the pieces of music. -,: is BSlSPEOTFULIir, r t' WOOLL0OTT & S02S jSDWARD FISSACH, EALBTOH, K.O, SOLITil&l sad CLDTZE CllIOI Gold Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watch t Oorbam7 Sterling BuverwaraBogerp - plated silverware, any sue fans -' weight or plats IB Bares a . gagment rings eonataat l j in etocB. unage and Xedala made . i ' -r to . order. ! f. Jar Embraces an endless .variety cf lenses wkich together with our praei cl expe rience en&Diee oaiso cot rent srror of refraction in Myopia almost any nearsight Presbyop: fly permetropia liar signt) (old sight). Asthenopia (weak sight); and living prompt relief from tnas distreai- I J4 4eadacne wmco nrten perfect visica. i acoompanies OVIt ARTIFICIAL ': Hurdan m iwm and1 KiOK 111! lt auuanu vesas e pain when iaaerted. , -.-H v - Patient at adiatajxce.aavlBKajwexesj you can have anothtrxxedt withcatcaU? " is This Letter . ' ' - I . 1 ' !!! . 1 : I : 5 : . ' - - J t I - 5 ; - , 3 . : : '. M 'I ! : U 1 ' I , ' ' -,-i : '?--.' t . ; ';!"" ' ' f 1 - , ' s iifOTaca ABHconDika cashier. 'A M OETS AWAY ,tWlTBj $105,(300. By Telegraph to the News andliObserver. Chicago, April 8. Aidispatch from Anoka, Minn., say: iSotbmg iartcer it known of tbe whereabouts of he absconding Cashier Pratt. A near a can be learned now the amount' of his steeling is i $35,000 from Mrs Nell; $45,000 from the; St. Paul and Minneapolis correspondents of ,the bank and $25 000 raised by the sale of his own and other people stock Tbe Hew xork j and Unicatro corre spondents of the bank are yet to be heard from. Mrs Nell; who is nearly eight years old. has always trusted Pratt as a son and left the manage merit of her affair almost entirely in his hands. She ean hardly believe that he has robbed her, and attributes all bis trouble to tne iwonuu in tne J WOaBM'S HATTUmaiSO i. rrscE vclvbt, ruNuss, OAtioirs, oimp vhioaoo, Apru o. Ane jury in ineifeasr mihouu- ow uu somewhat notable womnrs hat trim tnlqgB ease returned a Verdict in the This was a teat case brought by se? erftlj importers of milhhery to test the oonstruetion put oni the law by the customs officers orj the country. The result is a victory fbr tho. plain - tiffi. 1 By the terms of; the Terdicl, hat trimmingB, includine piece velvet. double braid fringes, galloons, gimp and Hsord, may be imported at a- duty of 20 per cent instead of 40 to 50 per cent as the collector had directed. Saab ribbon, the court decided, must par the silk and satin doty of 40 to 60 per cent. 4- tfc Orcat Slax ReMfraUo. Br Tlerapb to tbe News ana' Observer, i 7 CiaCAao, April 8. A despatch from Bismarck Dakota, says :'The report that the commission would soon be appointed by the Presiunt to confer wttH tbe Indians for thefi opening of the great Sioux reservation is received; i witkznuoh interest among the Indiana a standing Jiock, who are beaded by mg i7uu, j onn urass ana other. The Indiana are pleased with the! action of the government in increaa-: I iniir the rice to" be paid them fromSOJ cents pec acre to 91 25, and many of . them have expressed ikteir willin&r th-urmk of ihm trt 1 ETe?fctteg so utriy oppoeei to tue treaty sub- J Buttea iut year, nave given utterance I U IVatVil VAjJtOVOAVUal MIAI ! I Utile doubt of lueeesa amosir the I white 1 who visit the Reservation. An arrival from the Standing' Bock agency says he is positive that Sitting isuii and uau will accept f oe terms. 4 ; 9Um &lvr Lwi Cvmwtry. j By Telegraph to ttw Km and Observer. Chicago, April 8 -A dispatch from Fort Dodge; eays: The situation ; in the; river s land country grows; more tU day of delay on the part Bhala makes the work they have to perform more serious. All hope; of a peaoeini enforcement 1 has been abandoned. Marshal Holbrook,.who organised a posse in the city to oom meoce evictions Monday, has Sworn in fifty; instead of fifteen as he had river land country are alopfsd by armed men and compelled to 'state their business before being allowed to proceed on their wayp; Among those slopped today was p. S.' Mar shal Forsyth and it was difficult lor him to convince the settlers that he we sot on river land business.' A4uMr Mai! StaAeBw j; Br Telegrapb to the Newa an4 Oblerrer. I Pittsbctbo, Pa . April 8.-4The score of. the, ihternational walking match n6ti ic( progress at the Central rink In this city at noon was: Hepelman, 71 naile; Conner, 70; Day 69; Oart wright, 67; Messier, 63; Ndremac, 60; AdsmSii l&9; Golden, 65; INotan, 54; Dillon! !$2; Cox, 44; VVOUams, 70; Siebert; 59; Horan, 68; Largen, 57; EogIe,;57 Brown, 65; Tockum, 55; Mackie, 53: Taylor, 50; Turner, 48; Tillev 43 I The men had fcAen walk ing ieileveii hours and fifteen minutes when the: score above ras taken. After jinsking twelve milesHegelman, the f eastern heel and toe walker, dropped out and will watch tee in tervals of the pedestrians in the box I- PTMldB Bum n 0.Ut Vtoa. By telegrapb to tbl Hews and Observer, j ; lvfASBnTox, D. C., April SVThe PrBsiBtf: enjoyed a quiet iiroe this mbrhinygind with the exception .'of Senators' Morrill, Sherman and Voor hees dehied hWself to all callers on business The three Senators named called by appointment. 1 At!l o'clock the Presdent went down: to the eust room Siid received several hundred persbniwho desired to pay their re respects, f ; K I i flf liiau Jack, .Thi ' aipprT Bjr Cable to the News and Observer. jfciAMBWBa, April, 8; The body of a .boy named Steinfatt was found at an early hpuie this morning I on a road near-this city. The boy's j throat hid been tft end his abdonien 'ripped open ahd his entrails removed! j The body was otherwise shockingly ! mu tilated jand had evidently laid'1 on the roe throughout the; night A HardM4 Wrttch. Br Tlegrapa to the News and Observer. MOB-reiAL; April 8 Andrew Main- telle fdr attempting outrage on a ten year old girl, was given fifteen lashes on the bare back in the jail yard this mprning.' He has yet to serve eighteen months gimprtsonmenti xor tne . same offensei If J - - ; W A. Wlcfct lm ; Biuk mmd. Wlto. By TelAgratpa to the News and Observer. Caioieo April 8. BUlyfPiper, the eolored tight-weight of Chicago,' snd Jimxnyj Connors, a light eight of Newlxork, fought last night with .two ponoe gloves for a purse of $100. Connbrs.. iwas knocked' is the tiscsd iiad, ' beinj badly - cs$d up. RALEIGH. N. i iSTRANGE CASE. .: fj !- A WEALTHT IMMIGRANT PE TAINKD AT CASTLE GAB- - DEN. AH AeXU, IDUCATID ASD BKTIXID LAUT sac ooctJPttD ths rani kooms oa I A.8TXA1CSB OOXUtO OTU- HK t VOW rpUXD TO BB IBBASB ' i OTHXB BBWS. - ! I r BT'Telgrph to to Mws and OprTer. Hxr X obx, Apru B. An is ma u far the first time under the new regit Utions of the., board of emig-atior oomnnssioners; oompeUing steamship boarding offieera to inspot ani lex amine first class oaaseneers. a aa Jpbn! trateleriwas detatned and plaeed in cdufinemaht in Castle Garden. The Prisoner was I Madame Albert L. Momma VouirlinTals. an edueated and I refiaed woman 01 nearly 7(1 rears. one C e jupiea one 01 tap moss eosuv at of UVe-roomi 'on iheFre&eh tesnilarge trunks filled with property on; board.. The boarding cffioera lOdnd that sne was insane ana paused hef remoYftl to' Castle ' Garden- The physician there said that her ma!a.dy was ineurablft. Her maiden name, Susan Kennedy, was marked on her baggage. She said she was a widow, her I husband, Albert JU. Homme YonglinTale, haying died in Paris: 15 years, ago. She comes of an, excellent Cornish family. Her broth er lUugh itennedy, was for many years: British Consul at , Iouisrille, Kyi, Where her f three niooes, whom She! was on her way to risit now re side. Another brother was a gredu- ate 'of the Eo'yal College of Surgeons, Dublin. She is a fluent oonrerBation- afist and and voeaks French, Spanish and Qerman. Her : relatives in Lon- isrille have been telegraphed and ent word that one of, them would come at :Onoe to this eity. f . i VtuaWndi. . Bt Telegraph to die Sews and Otenrr, BAZ.TZX0Bjc,ud., April 8 A special from West Point Va , says: A fatal wreck! occurred ion the York rirer branoh of the Biehmond and DanTille BJB.if about two miles above this piece about 9 ofolock Saturday night. I The heavy rains on Saturday washed ont: i eulrert and a Dart of the dam ana an engine ana seven xreigni cars piungea into me waeuoa. awo men, WWy WU WAMvuiyu aww U4 auviusiua YOtmsr man i named Durvu, were buried under the ears . and killed.; The! body of the: fireman j has been gotten out, but the colored man has not been found. The engineer, named Lynoh,was terribly soaldrd but man aged to crawl out BUJ r Arm' Cwt-BlArUal. By Telegrapti to tne News and INMerver. WasBHiaToy, April 8 Owing to Mbf Arms absence from, the city the court martial beiore wmcn ne is to berried will not meet until Thurs day.! ; Meanwhile a messenger will be sent to him in Virginia bearing aa order to appear before the court for trialL r i CeaaaUtted Smleida. Br TeieArajdi to the News and Observer. Eabtoh, Pa., April 8. Jacob sandt, Eokinent Oommaoder of the Hugh De payneCkmmandery,Kuights Templar, committed suicide at his home here this I morning : by hanging. Tlie act as believed to have been - due to mel lanchbiy over the return of an old sickness. ; He was in the grocery business and : one of Eaton's most respected citizens. 'a tall Ptlcrtms tm tMm Halw UU. By Cable to the News ana Observer, ' Haai-a, April 1 8 The party of American Oatholio pilgrims reached here yesterday front Ismailia. The Sea was fortunately smooth and the landijpg! was' made, without delay; The pilgrims proceeded at ones to ward Jerusalem., iThey will reach there tonight and '. will remain until April 23 when they will return to this port en route for home. l'- Bttww Ordr4 rBalcteaa. ' By Cable to tbe News and! Observer, j Pabib, April 8. The Mot d' Ordre Says that the Belgian authorities have notified Gen. Boulanger to leave Bel gium and that he will go to Brighton tomorrow. : - j . j i i fli.h- itiaw' . By Telegtsph to the Sews and Observer. - WAsatHeTos, April 8. By direc tion of the President, the Secretary of Warjhas ordered that the new mili tary poet near Denver shall be known as Fort Logan to honor the memory of the: late Gen. John A. Logan. i i i I StM Saw Mill Bar. Bbeclaltd the News and Observer. 1 WAsanroTON, Ni C, I April 8. Tbe steam saw mill of the Pamlico Lum ber Company at Blount's Creek, in this county, was burned on the night of then6th; ! cause I unknown; "Loss about ten thousand dollars, fully in stocdJiir;; j: i : " - ''! 1 j ae Trial mt Boalaa(r By Cable pa tbe N ews and Observer. iiPABxsL Aprfl 8 The Senate will hold its first session as a tribunal for the tria of Gen. Boulanger on Friday nex 1 i i i;;:iTtnluwlira, . B Telegrpb to tbe News and Observer. , Staunton, Ta, April 8. The sever est snow-storm prevailed Saturday known here for thirty years. Twelve Inbhes of snow fell and melted rapid ly! The streams are swollen. T !. li ij ji ' i : -1- i A I - S " -f - j erlarjr Tracy VUlta liry TatC ' BvXelegraph to tlie News and Observer. . F psW York, April 8 General Benj. FTracyi the newly appointed Secre tary of the Navyaid his first official vifit toj Nitvy Yard today. Ths piles presented a holiday sppesranoe and tbe j flsgs j were flying. Commo dore Eamiey welcomed the Secretary and ho TS saints 1 cs til hxnds- C, TUESDAY MORNING. APRIli 9. 1889 Blare teewkla Urn Oh:iaaa By TeHetrapb to the. News and Observer; Csioaoo,; 1U, April 8 A dispatch frotu Arkansas Uity, Jianeas, aays: "Ths officials of the Santa F Bi Bi went busy yesterday investigating the; story 9 ooomersa oonoeaiea in the woods of Oklahomsi had banded together for the purpose of 1 destroys ing the railroad bridges: on the night of April 2lst in rderto obstruct the inflox of homesteaders until ithej men oonoealed in the country eoojld make Perfect their elatms. If appears thst the boomers in hiding are desperate ; rhev have selected and watched their claims for years, and they how fesr that tne new-comers, wih thb assist anoe of rspid transit, k jinsy j get the ; best of them. There ws a meeting of these boomers held ir? thej timber hear Oklahoma . City last Thursday and I Lher canvassed the situation .After the meeung adjourned the pAhtax e agens receive notice tnat the bridges: would,, be burned and this Irainsj stopped on April 22 i as the old boomers did not propose to jeopard ize their chances by sllowingl a flood of tenderfeet to drop in on the Jand (hey ha 1 picked out Detectives have been sent along the line - through the country and every precaution will be tBEen fo prevent rnuwny oDBirucHon ! There are twioe as many people now on the borders as ean be aooommoi dated under the homestead act pi Oklahoma. !! Manv of them represent colonies and are here as the sdvanoa agentsi There will be men here rep resenting colonies from Washington,' California, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska. Iowa; Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and; Alabama. The colonies number from twenty to five hundred parsons. Last evening twenty t smptyn passenger coaches pulled into' this cityKon the Santa Fe attached j to the regular freight; train and were run into the yards to await the 223. A railroader slid thst the Santa Fe had four hanr dred ears already en erased bv parties who desire household goojds removed to thisf point before the :21st. The crowd has increased here fso such pro portions that penons wbo get their mail at j the free delivery windows at the postoffioe are compelled to form into a procession and thin it is frd qhentlyt fire or six hours jbef ore they can get.to tbe window for their mail. Al a oohsequenee of this large influx of people here realestateT has com menoed:changing hands. The sales o: Saturday amounted to $62,000. tlINDWATBIBl AND Jf IBtB, Tfe Baatas play SaAHavaatVarralki. A Norfolk special says: The storm: of gUiuhder, lightning' and Ihaii which broke over the citv tiaturdav morninsr changed at 1,0 o clock Saturday nighty turning into a eyeloje thewind blow- ing at the rate of fifty fotir miles ah hour until 5 o'clock Sunday morning.! The wmdoame from the northeaec,and ew into ths harbor and its tribata-' ries a tide which, at high water Sun- i dajfj motningk at 1 :30 o'clock, was : eighteen! inches higher than ever re- eirded before. li t i The lower part of the eity Was flooded, and Are broke onf on Water street, caused from slackisg lime on the whaif of John O. Gamtge fc Son. entire block, with the, exception of Savage, Son & Co. s commission house, was in flames. I'M I The Old Cotton Eichanre building, coutsining about 800 bales of cotton, and! the warehouse or 4- W. ferry Co l containing about 600 bales of cotton, j were totally ' t destroyed. Santos & Brother; coal dealers, lost every thiog .except their office build ing! BatbbSlder it Ckllina eoaL lutn berf audi IMe, are damaged to ths amount of 94,000 John A- Oamage's loss) inoluding bailding, is 910,000. The loss on buildings and! stock des troyed in this block is estimated at $50,000, partly insured. It is proba ble that 1the losses sustained by the wholesale grocery merchants from water forced;; into their irerehouses by the unprecedented tidewill nearly equil ths jamount. - Hundreds of barrels of sugar and fl)uri and Other goods arl rplined. 1 3 During ths storm the roofs of ths OpeTa House, Masonic Temple and many dwellings were torn off and the Virginia: (f Beach -Railroad, depot is badly ihjured, and the track for hundreds of j yards is seriously dam-' aged. Ii Portsmouth & -e? destroyed the lime and lumber vWdfcf Trugie & Hill. ! j J.:,-- :. I : j t The United States shipPeusacola sank; in; dry dock SaturdAy night where she was being S prepared! for sea. Her lea valves have been opened f On inspection and another one i was being cut! The tide flooded the dock and she filled with water, and getting off her keel sank, before? she could be gbt in ositien again- Ai diver will have to be sent down snd ber valves stopped up and the ship pumped out. j The 8impon dry dock was flooded and the damage may reach $40,000, The Wires Mong the coast die, all down. No reports can be had front ths ship? ping It s feared that; serious dam age has been done fas there was no warninsr of the storm given. Ohm. BU B. Taea Btatwraa. ; Tb Atlieyille Citizeh ofj Saiarday saytsi "It Was s most cordial greet ing fwhich l welcomed Gen. B. : B. Vance as he rtepped from our electric railway cars St court square yesterday aftemooh.' Crowds quickly thronged around hini, and his genial face shqwed 1 hisj appreciation of the warni hand shaking; of which he was the recipient- At his own request he his delivered his offioefto his sue? cessdr, Mr. Robert J. Fisher, of Chal cagoJ who! for soma time, haa been a member o! the Board of .Appeals of the pate&it Office. Geni Vacee has been away from his honu umost eon tinuqusly jfqc .msny .years, and We trust his return to his lovely place on the French TJroad, will be as grateful to him' its'; his presence) wijl be pleas ing to hiabosts of friends4 j H-1 1 1 ? " ' 1 '". tl aaanw- I . mi y m j- - 'A new complaint which baa recent. ly mads its trpesranes is ihslxiaka- poczsxa TREASURER HUSTON. HIS OFFICIAL BOND JPBOTED. v AP- TBB TBABirSB Or TBS TBXAStTBT TO Till rtACB BIOBPAT j-XOITOB BOBBBTS OOXCXUPBS TOi AOCBPT THi 8TJB- TBBASUBBasarr at bbw TQBX-i-TKS . tOVO OOVST ABXAP r By TelegT&pa to the News and Observev. Wbshxboton, April 8 The I 8m tary of the Treasury has aupruved the bond of Mr. Huston aa Treasurer of the United States but he will not vi kua uiuwu ;9wiw uuiu wm uut qualify and assume the duties of ths A aa ' .a m vuiom uaui bimt Areaeurer nvats is relieved of his duties at the New York scb-treaeury and probably not until alter the eount of. tr.e monev and securities at that offiee has been completed. Assistant Secretary Bob erts expects to take charge -of the New York sob treasury next Monday and the eount will be probably com pleted in about three weeksJ The Washington office a :j mi A will then be trans ferred. The examination -of the Treasury vaults will! occupy several months owing to the immense Iquan tity of silver dollars to be counted. i DaatBk afa PraaalsaBt Sfam. j By Teiearaph to the Nes and Obserreri ; WAsnTBeroH,: April, 8. Dr. J. H. Kidder of the Smithsonian Institute died this morning' st' his residence in this city from an attack of pneumo nia, j Lr. Kidder served as a surgeon in ths nsvy nntil ha; resigned about twelve vears airo. ainoe which time he had been connected with the scientific branch of the government service, un der 'Professor Baird. He was oon hreted with the lish Commission and latterly was director of the interna- Honii exshauffS in! the Smithsonian tnsttnts. He leaves a wife, daught er of; the late Postmaster General Mavnard. of Tennessee, and three children. i ;-. : - TBte Oala as Marfalfeu ' i . By Telacranh to tne News and Observer, i Washikotob. Aoril 8. The follow ing telegram was I received at! the Nsvy jdepaitmeht today from Com mander mown pi th JMortois: navy yard: fA heavy northeast gale set in about midnight Saturday. The water Waam avwi4 4 aaw 1 w 'eavt 4 nsfavai It ?rfs AW AVi sn awaw s aaavsajaa w ,Bsau , we a aaavawt - suati t a a evar beiore Known, being about a foot above the) coping of the! dry dock. The PensaoolS was lifted from the blocks, filled with water through the old and new Kingston valve open ings and settled diegojually across the bloksJ The water is over gun deck. The diver reports that there .was no injury to the bottom f Have plugged tne notes ana expect to pump .snip dry, re adi us t blocks and dock again. The gale continues." ' . g Saamfc-Caartaamtai HaaalaOaeaa wnmlnrtoa Bevtow. I i I This! day, April BL 1889, is the temi-oentennial anniversary of the eying of th corner stone of I St. Jamea' ! Church, f The old edifice. which was a barn like fstruoture, was town down in 1839 and the present handsome: edifice (ifhich has lately been added to) ( was j erected. The church I was consecrated ' Inn ,. the fourth Sunday in Lent, March 26th, 1840- Rev. Robert B-!Drane, was at that ?ime its rector. Dr. A. J. DeRos set the elder and i Mri Wm. B: Lord Were the Church Wardens and the vestry was composed ; of Dr. ThosJ H. Wright, Dr. A. J. DeRosset, Jr , and Messrs,! William 1 B.I Giles, William A. iWilliaris and James T. Miller. This population : of I Wilmington! at that time was 3,500- Martin Van Bu- ren was .President of the United States, Edward B. Dudley was Gov ernor of North Carolina, Alexander Anderson was Magistrate of Police (chief municipal offioer), Dr. James F. MeBee, Dr. Ai J. DeBosset, Jr. W. J. Harriss and E. P. Hall were commissioners of j ths, town and John A. Lillington was town clerk. The old: church' stood about fifty yards east of ths present) site, near ihs oorner of the graveyard. It was partly on Market street. - There is one coincidence which must be narrated. This was ths seizure and oeoupetion of the church by vandals. The old church was taken possession j of by Tarleton'a dragoons in 1780 and converted into si riding1 school, and I Schofield and Hswley, both worthy 6 wear Tarle ton's mantle, took! possession . of the present structure I in 1865 and eon- verted it into a military hospital? OepeeeaVf rarryt " OBartotte Chraalele. "1 i Several republicans from Bocking- ham left for Washington yesterday morning, to endeavor to nave Iths commission of WB. Terry as post master of Lie oris burg revoked. Mr. Terry is the editor of - the Booking- ham Spirit of ths South. Ths repub licans claim that; Mrl Terry is not S fully aligned republican, bat rather aJ hrarat rann hliAan ak Ia iami. - f f ji At last aooounts, aa ihs result of the bye elections, ths Rhode Island legislature stood On oint ballot 61 republicans to 47 democrats, with ten members to bs elected. The pnoe of votes, whieh ranged last week from $5 to $10, has j gone up to $20 and $25 - ! I I . Ths dfestruetiveT firi at Smithfield enforces Ldsw the'importanne of ade quate protection from fire in all our towns. Ths matter is One that the ne- t citisens of np town can afford to 'AaiatwMtlu' BMk. I . How I Became Consort" the history of Jeff Gordon, handsomely illustra ted, is given sway free at j the drug Stores 01 this eity. j . For a Disordered Lrver tt y BxxcHAJi's li,f 4- . j Ths' summer . resorts along the coast have awakened from their win- ter nap and are cikia-r -brisk prira- Trticss fsr t-STrrtr r?5C2 -. '" tubs rrnrr PBKsiDBurr. TBB OJcTKlklt .ABBOXTKOKBTBKT OF HIS BXXdTIOB. 1 Wasblnttoa Poet.t The Tollowioflr is the official of the flection pf George Washington as the tfirst President of tbe TTnired SUte.1 - i s t - . t Mobpat. Aoril 6. 1789. The President of the Senate, eleei. ed for the purpose of eountimr the vows, qeciarea to tne senate that the Senate and House of Bepresentatives had met, and that he, in -their pres ence,; naa opened and' counted the votes of the Electors for President " iwuoui wr u Ulutea snd Vice President vS Ik. TT . ei' whereby it appears that George I 0a'u waa uinnimuuny elected i-iiueui. y nereupon tne ioiiowing certificate and. letter, prepared by a committee, . eonsistiDg (of Messrs. Peterson, Johnson,' Lee and Ells worth, were adopted by the Senate and signed by tbe President: i lie it known, Thst the Senate and House of Bepresentatives of the TTni. ted States of America, beinir convened in the city and; S ate of New York; the sixth day of T April, in the vear of Our Aiora one thousand seven hundred W --m .a a, oigmi-uuio, Mie uauerwnissn.ap Kuii,ru j.tcBiueui vi iua. Dcnacevior me aoiej purpose oi receiving, open- (5 auiu; wuauDK uie votea. oz xne li. lectors, did, in the presence of the atlVA. AriAn all fit a J-' count . all the votes of the Electors ror a President and for a Viae Preai. dent; by! which it appears that George Washington. Eta .1 was nnanimrmal mtwiieu, i ngreeaqiy. so tne Uonstitu- tton, to the office of President of the United States of America; In testimony whereof. I have her. unto set imj hand and seal. :. . I - -'i John Labopon. t 1 Nsw Yoax, AprU 6, 1789. bra: x nave the honor to transmit Uj your Exosllenoy the information of your nuahimous eiecrion tc the effiee oi President of the United States of Amercs,! " Suffer me, air, to indulm he hope .that 80uip!oiju mark of pubtcoohhdeaoe: will meet vour id pruiwiaa ana oonsiaere l as a sure i i j - j - . piea or the anouon'. and support you are to 6Xpeot from a free and en iightbDed people. I j m. am, aw, wun eenuments oz re- 3 . j m . m . m peot? your .obedient, bumble servant, h . 4 i aTOHB IiABsnow. To his lx'cy George Washington, Spraaa Cevrt. . , Appeals from the 10th district were disposed of on yesterday as follows : state vs. Bracoo, from iWataufa: submitted: without argument bv the Attorney General upon a recent de cision of the Supreme Court of the UIUMMOHHS. , 1 J Hollar ts. Richsrds, from daldwelT: ku uj jo. jw Aecawiui - zor : de 3 1 ; Ti rr - 1 ... I m , fendant: nO counsel contra. 1 State vjt Laughter; certiorari or dered; returnable mstanterV .Lusk and Cameron vs, Boilston Mining Company; dismisserl for fail ure to print record. Statelvsi Low, from Yancey: areuad by Attorney ueneral for the State. State vs. . MoOoury, - from : Yancey and State vs. Crawley, from Burke; argued by Attorney General for ths State. Appeals from the 12 th district will be celled "next Monday as follows (and those from the xxx vxNTH on the Monday following): -. dcdiu vs. oneea. Roberts ivs. Allmsn. Hilliard vs. Oram. Giles vsi Hunter. Love vs.llogram.) Lyle vs.i8iler. Moffitt vs. City of Aceville. - State vsJ MeMahah. k. J. n iKjuan Ta. AMtrnaEa. In re Patterson. - i , Stats vs j Houston. ; uwens vs. Jfaxton. . 1 Brown vs. Brown. ,j. Harahaw. vs. Bristol. Opinions: in the following were handed down: 1 i Buggy Company va PettigrewJrom rrorsyth; error; judgment reversed. State vs-lCampbell, from , Yadkin, error; new trial eTanted. Wallaoe vs. Douglas, from' Iredell; error. ; 1 t. .i ' f Bussell vs. Koonoe, from7 New Hanover; ' remanded for the purpose of allowing, under the circumstances at a a m . a i oz this case, the parties to; prepare case on appeal in the mode prescribed by law. New Peat mast era. ! The following i new postmasters! bsvs been appointed: Gen. j w. f"D. Jones, at Wake Forest: J. Di Masaie, Smithfield;' Henry -Brown's son at Hillaboro: S- A. White. Mebanesville; Mrs. Henry E. Davis (colored), Hali fax: Armstronsr (oolored)J Boekv Mount; Black, Carthage; Dorsey rXOdge, Kutherlordton.- I Apviaa to ntOTHrzn.! Btrs. WtnsloWs SootbJnc 8"rt- nroei'1 alwars be oaed wbea ebUdraa are e tto t-'r u It re lieves tne utue sonerer at oaoa, is pro, sees a at om, quiet sleep by reUevtnx tne enilaren froei Sain, aad the liiUa eharnb inkM aa Uferlffht aa a bauon. It Is very pleasant to taste: soothes ! tne solid, softens tne rams, allcrs all pains, re lieves a-ioo, regulates we bowels and U tbe beat Known reiaaav lor aiarrnaaa. &aiar rialaatroam wwmw or, mw aanaaa xweoxyave eenai oocue, ! -' . ; , i ..-,-1 n : A traveling man has dabbed the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western a-h ai . a w. a w ' tfaitroad tne Aeiay, xiipger and Wait Baibroad, because he can taiay, linger M1U WMS SI BUT PUUli OU li MBd OS sure of catching a train in a short htime I - InTWBUHaait Tbe seeds of lntermitteat aad bilious ramltt-nt fever germinate aad bear era fruit, inanity has altogetber escaped it. In Ne 1 pnpo'oas wards of large titles bad sewage causes 3t, and la their suburbs stagnant pools la sunken lota breed 1U There to alBBee a remedy and a means at prevent k.4 its name is Hostetters Steaaacb Bitters, whieh is. without DeradTentnra. tha ahostV antidote in existence to tee malaria vJnsr horrified with Its incomparable, is? tog tainted water, or any oUier eo, cuccumb to t"9 oen,BCfnorwT i r 1 rbeumaiio, laney uu Biaaoer - ft- r r-- CURRENCY. - Married Bich -Gas, I hear Gocrge has married an heiress. He's ia elevtr now. I snooosef S. r I Dick No, . he's working like a horse, trying to psyhia board at a $40 a-week hotel.;, tier father pays hers and she won't live anywhere Mrs. A. Does your husband saort? Mrs. B. Yes; delightfullv. Mrs. Al Delightfullyf I Mrs. B Yes. You see he is an Italian baritone, and always 1 snores selections from ;Trovatorsn and I j f rijucia"- icpoch. E I J Lady Biddy, hare you seea the I utue Riucea Dira A. Had in-' m V bonnet? Biddy Yis, mum; I put it in ths it! a litU richer son pi to make Epoch. ; ! -Admiral Porter has accepted tha appointme it of Grand Marshal of ths New York Centennial naval parade. and General Schofield that of Grand Marshal of the military parade ' I Ufa - f Complexion Powder is an absolute necessity of the reared toilet in this i Hm.. r - . i i I beauty and purity. M 1 Some vegetarians are dU satisfied C4 V. ilk. . n m, . would be better. I i I I Tate VerttT7i W. D. Suit. Drurrist. RIddus. Ind testifies: I can recommend lectrio Bitters aa the rerr best remsdr. Ertrr bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took sLc bottles and was cured of rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, drajrgist Bell-rille, Ohio, afflrmsi "The best selling medicine I have ever handled rarnyzO years' ex perience ia Electric Bitters. Thonaanda of pothers have added their testimony, so1 he verdict is unanimous that Electric Bit'ers docure ailxiiaeeees of the iver. kidneys or blood. Onir half a dollar a. bottle at Lea, Johnson A Co 's drag store. Tha reason why treat men meet with so little rpity or attachment in adversity would seem to be this: Ths friends of a great man were made bv his -fortunes, his enemies by himself, and revenge is a much more punctual paymaster than .gratitude. Those whom a great man has named re joice at his ruin, and those whom he bai made look on with icdifierenoe. because with common minds, the de struction of the creditor is conxid- : ered ss equivalent to the payment of tns aeoa- uoiton. i The aoffertar of wmuii aartainlv iwik.ni the sympathy of every true phUaathroobJat. Tbefr beat friend. boweverr UB.B. a (Botanic blood Balm.) Scad taBlaa4Bimf. AtlutL a for proofs. . . H. 1 f iaasldr. Tmimuw n. wrtt-M Thrmm Beetles of B.-B. B. eared my wile of scrofula." Mrs. K.M. Lawm, Zalaba,U writes: "i hare nerer wed anything ta equal B. B. a.'' ' Btra. Ci H. Hit. Roekr Mrmn t f ft vtMm Not a day for U years was I free from aesd aebe. B.B. B. entirely reliered hil I ImI lika another person." James W iAaeastTr.Hawktnsvtila ,Ga. .writes: "My wife was ta bad health for eirht years. Five doetors and BUT oataat mad iefnaa had done her ao good. 8U bottJes of H. B B. cured her.' r sfJas 8. Tomllnson, Atlanta. Ra.. Mrs: "Tor years I suffered with rbeimatiam, eaased by kidney trouble and Indigestion. I also was feeble aad nerrooa. B. B. B. reUared me at once. alUMMigh sereral other meditDes had failed." r. w- sa- ruenarasoB, ciaraston, r writes: "Mr wife saSerad twelra vaara with rhanaia. ttsas and f emae eomplaint. lady member of my eboreh had been cured b? B. B. B. 8be per suaded my wife to try it. wbo now says tbere ia nothinc haf , Uke B. B. B- as it Quicsiy care her re- I The rush of office-seekers cripples business at ths Postoffioe department : Presents ia the bmM elegant form THE LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUiCS FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, v Combined with the; medicinal virtues of plants known to be . : most beneficial j to the human h system, forming ap agreeable and effective laxativeto perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the ! I yf " KIQtlEYS, UVER HD P'.VaS. ' Itia tha most tecePaat reSir ttyfceewa f CLAMS THESTSTtM CTTZCTVklLT i Waa oae ia BiBoa ec Caaatipated ' FUSS BtLOOO, RCPRtSHtNO SLCSP, ' HEALTH and STRENGTH MATMIAiXV FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. l. J- 1 aaic VOUK dkuoomt Foe : : j ' I Manumoturcoonlv bv ; : CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. j I SAM FHAXCI8C0, CAU ; ovrivnie. rr. u rw rfc r. a - HUMPH REVO1 Da. BcMraaara Bracuics are adtantlflrallv earaTttUy prapaied praacrlpttoaa ( aed for aiany year m pnnue pneun wii Ihmi'i. mlfn i thirty yean asad by U by th proplo. vary iala Spa- ; Cifle hi a cpeelai eura lor tha dainane Bamed. 1tna or radudna tha intnn. and arin f xaoaa DDeciaca an wiuoai flnmirn inc. parr- ! oaaaiaeaaTeraia-a ra a, eaiaaal the W aria. act ana j Warm a. Worm Fever, Worm Colo. . 'rylag Calic, or Teethbia of Infanta fiKrriM. ai ciuraren or aaiuo.. 45 Jyaeatary, pln. Uk. Coilo. .U ' aalera MrbT''n"'IUng .'2 irka. Cold. Bronchitis .'I learalrla, Tootharaa, ftaeearba. ... , eadaeheatBtckaeadacha. enitpy , lyaaaaalau Bllloua Stomach......... , aaraaaed or Palafal Farlada , alien, too prornae renoam , i raa , Couch. JJim I fait Rhea m. rri J Kheamatlaaa, Bh S FeTer and Acae, ' lpelas, Exvpuona. aeiunatic Pi . . ChUla. Malaria nna.... rjatarrh, Inflnenaa. Cold fn the Bead rVheaaTa ('(, TlcUent CooKha. General lelllityatoalWeafcnas Blind or Bleedlnc. iidaeylXaeaM ...........-5 itrrtit PehilitV v-l-f v-. Jrtaary W reif wham bwl. laeaaea af thai! ea.r, fai k ja 1. J "isa- j Bold by rragrtna. or atnt pom im'.i oa ' ,t rrtea. Da. iifPwsieT- V Ai. l "f r boand in c. i - ieealrS J