y g Hi ft. »OL. XXX. ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Svrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro faced, picking to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the mupt healthy and agreeable substances, fta many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Byrup of Figs is for sale In 50c and §1 bottles by all leading drug gist- . Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro sure it promptly for an-, one who W 3. he« to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, ' Omi/JJE. #V. HEW VORF. HI V ~ BARGAINS AT «OTM SON’S ) finn Yards of the best shirting prints w jUUI/ sc. yd., worth 7Jc. AAA Pairs of Ladies’, Misses and . jUUv/ Children’s slippers from GBc. to 1.50 a pair. I A A Parr-sols 50c., 00c., and 75c., worth )UU 75c., SI.OO and $1.25. and Misses Rib bed Vests 10c. each. ;oo Pair Misses black ribbed hose 10c. I L New Line of Towels, Napkins and Table Linens. Phite lawns,. nainsooks and other white goods in endless ’variety. new lot of Vassar Sa : lors at 35c., 50c., and 60c. iVoollcott & Son, 14 E. Martin St, WATER COOLERS. Galvanized and Porcelain Lined. Brass Preserving Kettles. PORCELAIN LINED Kettles. MASON’S Porcelain and Glass Top FRUIT JARS. LADDERS Fly Traps. Fly Fans. White Mountain ice CREAM FREEZERS. Thos, H. Baggs & Sons. KAIEIGH, N. O. NORTH CAROLINA Home Insurance Co/ RALEIGH, N. C. Organized in 1868. Hr? been insuring property in North Care linn f.r eighteen years. With agents *in neany every town in the State accessible to j#ilro.4tls and east o* th® mountains. THE HOME Solicits the patronage of property owners in the State, offering them safe indemnity for loese? at rates as lo w as those of any company working in North Carolina. CLASSE| of property insured Dweili* ? in town and country, mercantile risks, churches, schools, court houses, society jodgf , private barns and stables, farm pro duce and five stock, cotton gins. Insure in the K. C. HOHri INSURANCE COMPANY W.* S. Pamaoss, „ . Chas. Root, president. U. Sec’y and Treafl. WG. UrcHuaca, m P. Cowpkb, Vice-President. - Adjustor. •** ,a ***Bßi ■***■■■* r f Stephen* No. Bi. j TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. | A Statement of Director Leach. I By Telegraph to the News and Observer. * Wabhiqton, D. C., June 2<). — Director Leach of the Mint Bureau, made the following statement this evening on the subject of silver: The price of silver today is sl.Ol fine ounce, an advanco of tree ar four cents over the price at which silver has hung for several months. I bought largely Wednesday and Fri day because I believed from indica tions that the price of silver was going up and that it was to the in terest of the government to get its quota of four and a half million ounces for the month at the lowest possible figure. While it is believed that considerable silver represented by certificates on the New York stock exchange, that is stock that ig for sale, has decreased and offers to the government have fallen off largely for this and other reasons, it is thought the present advance i 3 a natural one, with a strong proba bility that it will be permanent and progressive. The government pur chases are evidently making a de cided impression on the price. If the wheat crop of India should be as large as reported, it would necessi tate incroased shipments of diver to pay for it, and this would haye a ten dency to increase the value of the white metal. The secretary has rot decided yet whether he will continue the coinage of silver dollars after the first prox.; but he will make a decis ion on that matter promptly on his return to Washington next week. No official information has -been received here of the mooted interven tion of European powers in the Hay tian affairs. The fact cannot be dis guised that the situation ,'s that the disturbed Republic is being watched with apprehesion by our own gov ernment. I W Flood in Illinois. By Telegraph to the News aud Observer. Peroia, 111., June 20.—Additional particulars of the Hood which was ehed cut from Farm Greek and Cop peras Greek valleys Thursday mgnt verify the first reports of heavy damages. People on Fon an Lac were completely hemmed in by the angiy watersr but yesterday two men from there rowed to this city. The farmers for five or six miles up the river and a mile and a half back to the hills have lost all their crops. In many places the water is yet standing 9 feet deep over the corn fields. Along the Toledo, Peroia and West railroad is a scene of wreckage. The household furniture of the people in Farmdale and Hilton was all washed away. China, baby carnages, wag ons, dead cattle, pianos, tables and fences are piled 10 feet high against the railroad track. Three iron bridges three hundred feet long over Mill creek were completely washed away and have not yet been located. In Fon du Lao township where two big brick yards stood Thursday there is now ten feet of water. The loss of crops, live stock and gardens will be enormous in Lime Stone township. Glass Hunman was driving home when a bolt of lightning killled both his horses, but he escaped. *—■ i - Railway Accident. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. New Orleans, June 20.—-A col lision on the Illinois Central Railroad last night near Saave, was caused by an open switch where the freight train was side-tracked, and was run into by the south-bound fast express. Four men were killed and six se verely wounded. The mail train was behind time and running very fast when tho accident occurred. The passengers were severely shaken up, but none were seriously injured. When the passenger train dashed into the open switch there was a mighty crash of the two great bodies together, with grinding metal, and hissing escaping steam and the piti ful shrieks of wonnded men. The mail train consisted of the mail car, baggage, smoker, ladies coach and .two vestibuled sleepers. The mail tar ran on top of the two engines, tearing oat the flooring, smashing in tne tides. When the ougines met the shock caused the freight train to break in two, and the rear end she . J back several hundred y*ids. Six cars remained attached to the freight en gine and were smashed to pieces. Three of them telescoped one an other, the nearest car to the engine being driven clear through the two. There was nothing ieit of them but splinters. JLiiaine oii*th^Mcud. By Telegraph to the News aud Observer. Bar Harbor, Me., June2o. —Mr. rils-iuo’s physician says that his pa tient has had no relapse, but is steadily improving, and is in better health than at any time since his ill ness in New York. — ♦ M Herr Moat. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. New York, June 20.—Herr Most, the anarchist, was taken from the city prision here today and sent in the “black maria” with a number of other prisoners to the pententiary to serve one year’s imprisonment. The court of appeals havmg affirmed the decision of the lower court. Most was re sentenced yesterday. Don’t irretate your lungs with a stubborn cough when a pleasant and I effective remedy may be found in Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm! RALEIGH. N. C.. SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 23, iSDI. ATMOREHEAD. THE GREAT GATHERING OF TEACHERS ATTHE SEASIDE. The Work of the Assembly Pro gressing—Some Observations and Incidents—Dr. Talmage. Ocr. of the News aad Observer. Morehead Oitt, June 20. Yesterdayjwas one of the finest days we have had, a delightful breeze from the right direction, a fine surf, good traveling and excellent sailing. The sharpies were kept right busy. Pieasure-seekerß had the right of way, and started out early, while the As sembly met at the morning hour, 10:30. After services by Rev. L. W. Crawford, of Trinity College, the regular routine business was taken up. President Mclver, called Prof. Alexander to the chair. Professor Bandy, of Trinity, was given permis sion to call attention to a new arith metic he has prepared. The programme was then taken up, and the various topics set for the day were discussed by eminent Pro fessors. At night Hon. W. T. Harris, United States Commissioner of Edu cation, addressed the Assembly at too late an hour to givo the subject in this report. A slight, accident occurred this as ter t.oon. Secretary Harrell, with a party of ladies, was out sailing when sheir sharpie capsized. The water was not deep, and assistance toon at hand brought them sa[ely aehove, with only a involuntary bath, or, it might Lava been, & step in the direction of compulsory education iu swimming. The ladies, I was informed, behaved man .tUy, and wer« remarkably seif possessed. Additional arrivals lest night wdl counter balanoo any departures this morning, so the nicy be con sidered as not abating. Dancing assumed more formidable, but not forbiuable, proportions last night. An impromptu german came off, evening dresses and about twenty couples enlivened the ball room. A PEN PICTURE OF THE ASSEMBLY. The Teachers’ Assembly is more largely attended than I have ever known before. Fully one thousand wore here on yestorday (Thursday.) The meetings are very interesting, and quite an interest seems to have been awakened in the association. 001. Harrell is, as he has formerly bean, the center and moving spirit of the occasion, and he marks out the programme, and his plans are well laid and successfully executed. Those here now are mostly strange faces to mo, and I recognize but few that I saw here last session. The Atlantic is fuller than I have ever before known it. All the par lors were filled with cots last night, and it looked like about every cot in the universe got here last night. One thousand persons are here now, and good arrivals of gnests are expected tonight and tomorrow night, and Sunday will see here the largest crowd by far that the Atlantic has ever yet accommodated. On Mon day next and thereafter during the week, the crowd will diminish. Considering the crowd and the $1 per day board, the hotel is well kept; you may say remarkably well kept. I have not gotten a better breakfast at many $2.50 per day hotels than I had this morning. After the Assem bly leave the table will be much bet ter, as the rates will be much higher. The bar-loom is closed, and it looks odd, and is very inconvenient. The incorporated wisdom of the select al dermanic wise-acres of Morehead has sat down on it. The pony-ocratic town council say they are going to start right here on liquor extermina tion, and Mr. Foster has offered to 'j the town taxes for two years, and two hundred dollars for license for three months, but it is no go. They say they are going to root it. our ead hove reached the Omega of this busmen and Ooioga "sortor” thinks r - too. They are i going to break up the by j aiu.rms.nic influence here and are n A I at ad daunted buce.fi.eo license iu Now Y jvk, Ph* la dolphin Baltimore, Norfolk. Raleigh and Durham is given and elsewhere, Tae license ought to be given. It is necessary to a sum iier resort like this and the hotel is a great help to the town. The tem perance people vrill say “exactly right” don’t let him buve the bar: ana I might say so too (n d I’m not a drinking man either) if it was net tbe only like seaside res rt i r the State ar.d United Sifites, to which licenhe is denied, if me town had any other product but poiaes to sell, it would decrease its revenue and I see now fourteen ponies in front of Mr. Foster’s hotel, grazing on his grass, and if the bar was open they would’nt all mind taking a drink and just about one huhdrod men, now on the front veranda who are looking at the po-nies, would do it just as quick as thepomes. Weil I will quit the ponies and say a word about the great wheel-horse Talmage, who lectured here la3t n ght. to fully eighteen hundred ox two thousand people. He spoke from the music stand of the Atlantio ball room. The ball-room and verandas were filled. He is a very fine looking man, about 6 feet 1 inch high .and weighs about 18$ Or 190 pounds. His manner and forensic show very fine, voice strong aud attractive and he knows how to make himself distinctly heard by every one. He looks to be about 55 years old and I should euy he is no older. He Foks somewhat like John D. Biggs of Williamston. At times while Bpeaking ho reminds one of Col. Me lias, tUougn his style of speaking is long and drawl, while the Colonel’s was quick, incisive, aud polished. He has a strong face and one likely quickly to attract. I will not attempt to outline or re port his lectnre, as two short-hand reporters were present, and took down every word he said. He did not commence to speak before 10 o’clock. It was announced on Thursday that male members of the Assembly would be charged fifty cents, ladies twenty-five cents, and all outsiders one dollar, and after the orowd was seated it took the twenty-five appointed collectors some time to go through and collect. His subject was “Blunders,” and he classified and commented upon quite a diversified number. I noticed he did not include the one the Assem bly made of concealing, or not an nouncing before the day of his spoak ing, that a charge would be made to hear him, when all along before the meeting, it was heralded that among the greatest attractions which the membership ticket would secure, was i the lecture of Dr. Talmage. How ever, no great harm was done. Ho made SSOO, and the Assembly made from $750 to SI,OOO, and a lecture from a wide,world-renowned man was heard. Now axd taen his fbgW , were fine, and his words pathetic I and thrilling, and his illustrations i clothed in finished style anu thought, ! but the lecture as a wnoio leil short j of my expectation. 1 did not. j there was very much in it—nothing j to bring out the distinction, gran den:* and gre*tnes? cf the uisn ffho i is heid to be the most he turn* of this country, it was rather tamely delivered, and did of induce lapturous applnu.-e, or invoke ex cited, exhilarated, or overheated manifestation, or acceptance. Internal Revenue Collections. I By Tolegraph to the News an<J Observer. Washington, June 20.—Collec tions of internal revenue during the first eleven months of the fiscal year, ending July 1, next, were $131,837,- 407, an increase of $1,265,949 over the receipts during the correspond ing period of the previous fiscal year Tho receipts by items were *.s follows: Spirits, $75,100,202; to bacco, $30,295,067; fermented li quors, $25,253,608; oleomargarine, 1992,746; miscellaneous, $c40,780. Weekly Dank Statement. By Telegraph to the News aad Observer. New York, Jane 20.—The fol lowing is the statement of the asso ciated banks for week ending June 19: Reserve increased,6B9,4oo; loans] increase, 3,155,100; specie increase, 4,899,800; legal tenders, increase, 3,642,9oo; J deposits increase 11,333,- 200; circulation increase, 84,400. The banks now hold 16,066,175 in excess of the requirements of the 25 per cent. rule. — t ii The Davis Monument. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Richmond, Va., June 20.—The committee, appointed by the Davis Monument Association and Cham ber of Commerce, to wait upon Mrs. J efferson Davis with a view of secur ing her consent for the interment of the remains of her husband in this city, will leave for New York on Monday to perform that mission. Total Visible Supply of Cotton. New York, June 20.—The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 2,575,259 bales, of which 1,914,359 are American, against I, and 1,090,690 bales re spectively last year. Receipts of cotton this week, all interior towns, 11, bales; from plantations, 13,- 647; crop in sight, 8,454,087 bales. Sentenced to Death. By Cable to the News nuu Observer. Calcutta, June 20. —The Court of Inquiry iu investigating the Mani- i pur massacre, hr*: fo-nd Lagent I giiltv of y/wrrii’g upon tbe for’ei of ! Lie ampryss of India aud uoaUxceu ; him to cie-th, Baseball Yesterday. By Telegraph to the News to G Observer. At New York —New York 2, Phil adelphia 4. At Columbus—Coluiauus 3, St. Louis 6. —meam -■ ■— Do you wimt anything in white goods? If sc, don’t La, before look ing at McGee A Moseley's. Ouiirg* for eott' ta «nd m>>unt*iinS; cotton serge*, zepV.yr uloUa, fibre ca« 4 inerts, outing cloths, p , i"gm»4i£ in endlesa variety; price# matchless. Norris Dry Goods Store. To Keep Cool Wear shantung pengies, pine apple tissues, India stripes, batista prin cess, dragon boll batiste—any ~fc 121 c. per yard; wore 20c. Norris Dry Goods Ftore. Famous Glorias. Gloria silk umbrellas, 26 in $1.25, formerly $1.68; i;Bin $ 1 50, formerl. $2.25; parasols at closing out pricoß. Norris Dry Goods Store. IHMT • A large invoice of Embroideries FlounoiDgs, Hamburg Edgings and Insertings in Swiss, Nainsook and Jaconet. Came too late, yet just in time as a leader. Norris’ Goods Store. v ' ' NO BEER LICENSE. THE MAYOR OF ATLANTA SHUTS DOWN ON IT Am Vetoes all Licenses to Beer Saloons Claiming that it is Un just to Other Saloons—A Sensa tion Created. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Nashville, Tenn., June 20.—A special from Atlanta, Ga., says: Mayor Hemphell has created a big sensation by vetoing all the beer license. Atlanta issues two kinds of licenses, one to saloons handling whisky and wines, as well as beer; this at SIOOO per annum. The other is for beer saloons alone at $250 per annum. The former are kept in the business part of the city within cer prescribed limits. The beer saloons are in the outskirts and in some in stances in the residence portions of the city. The mayor’s reason for refusing his approval to beer saloonß is that these have been to all intents and purposes “blind tigers” and their existence is unfair to the prohibition element and to the saloon men who pay higher licenses. The announce ment has created a groat deal cf dis cussion some favorable to the mayor and some decidedly opposite. |—i m » —i —— Three Girls Asphyxiated. Bv Telegraph to the News aad Observer. New York, June 23.—Jennie Grossman, 22 ye?ra old, a Hunga rian, K i,ie Keefe, aged 17, and Agues Sears, ?ved 18, the two latter Irish girirf, were found dead in bed in. their room a*. 10 East 86th Street eeriy this morning, having been suf focated by -grr. Tue girls wr*yn do mestics in the employ of Otto Gele han. 1 ■■ mm i it i AUei’s Imperial Minstrels. Raleigh is to be treated to a good mmscrel allow on tfie 24th of Jmi9. Oa that dare Allen’s Imperial Min strci? F-ti appear in Metropolitan Hall. Speaking of this troupe the Roanoke, Ya,, Evening World sajs: Allen’s Imperial minstrels wero greeted wi < a iftige audience at the opera houie hst night, in spite of the unpropitiouß weather, aad, as was expected Lorn the character of the company, the program was a suc cess in all rc-rects. Each member is an artist in his particular line, aud the result was the music, conga aud dunces dieted enthusiastic applause. The jokes wor' new and the end men kept the audience in a roar of laughter with their witticisms and comicalities. Tom Prosho made his violin talk, and R. G. Allen proved himself a master of the baujo. Har rie Ainsli9 and Ban Downie showed themselves able exponents of Afri can eccentricities, and Harry T. Loenard, J. Loenard, Harry Jeffer son aud Mr. Sheffer were all first class imitators of everything laugha ble and pleasing to African charac ter The entertainment concluded with a side-splitting farce, entitled, “Join ing the Farmere Alliance,” in which the versatility of the company was further demonstrated. Reduced Kates to Charlotte. The Seaboard Air Line will sell reduced rate tickets to the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union meet ing to be held at Charlotte. Follow ing rates will govern from competi tive and junction points: From Forest City $3.40; Lincolnton 1.90; Mooresboro 4.05; Itutherfordton 4 05; Shelby 2 95; Wilmington 7.80; Henderson 8.80; Maxfccn 5.00; RHeigh 7.45; Sanford 6:20, Weldon 11:00. Tickets on sale June 23, 24 and 25th; limit; June 27. New President ot the C. F. A V. V. K. R. Greensboro Record, The directors of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railway met here this morning, *ll present except O. P. Stokes, of Richmond, Va. R. Percy Gray wee elected to fiii ihe vacancy on. the bo>ird cauvod by the death of bis father, J. A. Gray, aud Dr. W. A. Lash, of Walnut Ccv?, was unan imously electee t ?ideD* of the road, to fill the urexpired „oim of Mr. Julios A. Gray The board directed the presidot- to proceed at once oa the construe Yon of the furnace branch. • • i—i ■ The Street RaSlwny Plant, Wo learn that the Raleigh Elec tain Street Railway Company has purchased a lot from Ellington, Royster &C~ being the northern pert of the' lot, fronted on the east by West Street on the north by J ines Slit* on -vest by the R. &G. Railroad Ti c B«lectio<i is m&da for the p 1 _?; no. appears to be roll located for the purpose. Ladies Bleeciied and Oxford tics, common sense, Piccadilly or Opera ties at 75c aud $1 on best values, finer good* correspondingly low. Norris’ Dry Goods Store. mwvm. • mamma They all admit that our hand made Torchons PHtte Vais Escu rials, Ohantillie** aud Oriental Laces are the che pi t ever shown, and wonder how va can afford it. NokkTs Dry Goods Store. On Sale. Monday and Tuesday our entire i stock of white, checked, striped and carred muslins at an immense reduc tion. Special bargains in 15 cent line, reduced to II cents. McGee &. Moseley. THE FOURTH. H 2, n - Y.W. Mason Invited to Deliver the °f July Oration—tapt. Denson to Read the Declaration. The Fourth of July committee in charge of the grand celebration have nearly completed the programme of the day, and whon announced in full ■t will be one which will be calcu lated to draw a large part of North Oniolina here on that occasion. Hen. T. W. Mason, member of tbe Railroad Commission, has been chosen to deliver the Fourth of July oration, aud has been invited to per form that duty by the Committtee, and it is hoped and believed that he will accept. An eloquent and power ful speaker as he is, a splendid effort may be expected from him. Capt. C. B. Denson lias been in vited to read the Declaration of Inde pendence, and has accepted the invi tation. An attractive programme has been prepared, and will be announced in detail in a short time. The grand display of fireworks at night will be the most extensive pyroteohnic display ever witnessed in Raleigh. There will be nearly a thousand dollars worth of brilliant fireworks set off. ,mmwm # i—in Th© Went End Hotel And Laid Company, of Winston. It is very pleasant to see tho gen uine, hearty noticewhich the press in the State is giving the great sale of seventv-eoven selected lots by the West End Hotel Company on July 1, at Winston, N. C. The fact is shat the people cf the State have un- J bounded confidence in the town of < Winston, la has no.R itself with- ] out the aid of outside money, and is ( able to hold its own and push unead., i *>o that money judiciously put into ; real estate there will make #ure and j large profitß There can be very lit- j tie doubt of that, *nd tLsgood opiu-1 ion that is entertained cf the tc—• 1 would make it, Y :t hud leas substaa lial merit than it has. Auother poiat—this seems to be North Carolina’s vear arm w' to see c.r own people put *onic? inouoy itfiiv# oui* yw,--,..U'C, ho Ui, to keep it at home, *» v id Hhe" u*h< people see the faith that we huve »m it, they arc going to put n :rr • * their money along with is. It ip the ouly sure way to get outside capital. The lots that are offarc' 1 fur s.uk are very near the gpiexidid new hotel and we huve no doubt tliero will be ? great many purchasers on hand when they are sold. The lots are carefully examined in detail by p. committee specially qualified for tbe work and the price of each is fixed. Tli9 plan cf selling tnetr seems to be a very good one. The would-be purchaser selects his lot and enters his name for it. If more than ten people apply for the same lot, it is put up at public auction and sold to -be highest bidders. If more than one and lesa than ten, the plan is that all subscribers to the lot decide amongst themselves by lot to whom this lot shall go. The books will be closed on July Ist at 2 o’clock. A; good many names have already been' entered. lemon euxir. Pleasant, Elegant, Reliable. For billiousness and constipation take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness, nervousness and palpitation of the heart, take Lemon Elixir. ' For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For all sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough organic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, dsbm ach, kidneys or bowels. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. 50c. and SI.OO per bottle at drug gists. Lf’coa Hot Drops. Curts ail CougjU, Colds, Hoarse- j aesu, core Throat, Broucnuis, 5 Hemorrhage and aii tnro?t and lung j diseases. Elegant, reliable. 25 cents at druggists. I repared j oiiiy by Dr- ,T Mczlt-y, AL**ttj% ; Ga * This will he bargain w* ck at Me-! Gee & Moseiey’u — # —i The Killing Gallery. The Steam Riding Gallery will commence to run everyday (Sundays excepted) a* 1 o’clock p. m. On Saturdays it will n*.gin atio o'clock i a. m Havin «... 21. tmi Mr. Isaac Rogers, par**n f 8 esu their ch’idxea wiih p«. eofvov n? Mr. Hog*.*# will iuvK oft. . .;.ein, and goo-i order wL. b , presem G. W. Ba.nkley, Batliiuy; Bequisitea. Don’t put off buying your Batliicg Suit, Bathing Cap, or Bathing Shoes until the last moment. Our Bathing Suits are the jauntiest ever seen iu Raleigh. W. H. &. E. S. Tucker & Co. — China Mattings. j Os all floor coverings for hot j woaiher Straw mattings are the best. ’ New patterns just opened. W. H. & R b. Tucker & Co. C halite*. Nonpariel, India, coctuco, D’Afri caine, kyber cloths, and our great variety of lawns, make cool, becom ing dresses at very small outlay. Nobbis Day Goods Sxobs, A for North Carolina Boys. The promotion of Mr. R. R, Bridget to tfie Superintendenov of the Western North Carolina Rail road calls to mind a remarkable car ocr, which is a living and practi cal lesson to the young men of North Carolina. It teaches what ability, honesty, diligence and ambition will accomplish, and that a man cab make his career what ho will. Mr. Bridgers started his railroad life ip an humble and insignificant position -—that of assistant to tho road master, but from that day his path through life has been upward and onward. His first promotion was to be con ductor on a freight train. He then filled successively the position of con ductor on passenger train; superin tendent of stone masonry, and after wards assistant civil engineer on the W. and A. Railroad m Georgia; di vision engineer on surveys on the A. andN. W. Railroad in West Vir ginia; superintendent of construc tion of maohine shops at Roanoke, Va.; assistant civil engineer on the E. T. V. and G. Railroad; supervisor of track on the Pennsylvania Rail road; engineer of maintenance of way on the W. N. O. Railroad, and later on tbe Virginia Midland Rail road; superintendent of the North Carolina division of tbe R. and D. Railrrad, with headquarters at Ral eigh, N. O.; aud now at the early age of thircy-six he ic promoted to the Superintend/ of tho Western N. C. Railroad with beau quarters at AaneiMJle, In this now position he oontro.G more miles o£ track and three *in». .* as lumj f - ulus as ho did wiiMe Rr ■ erinienden'’ tnc N. C. .Division of the Ricbuic :d <*nd Dsn viiiT ‘ ,rf i!e his new position is much m«:-'o responsible nnd important and more’D the iine of promotion thm tbe posßion fiY-l b, mm in Raleigh. Hi? urciiaotie to this responsible position «!v»wd Li# iii e h star dir* <» wit* 4 no c£ > ; great syat.rn w uv vMrn re is c l. By his pis*?v» > / iemanly bearing ho ha. s.'fi-’e a itaat mauv iriends dur iug v; * ! j ... in Rle gh, und they ‘■■c -i,. • •••**: upon his deserved ar • *?'T. £■■ ghr prospects for the future. that ho will quHhi*illustnousfather, afTi wA-fif he. was named, aad in oh'’ ’ they could not predict fe bird a grander ui nobler career. Ivib-ig* r r ; to lose Mr. Bridgers aE.d j most esrimable wife, butcon gratuia-ea AHieviilts upon the good fortune iu hvring them in her midst. To Dispel CoMti. Hdadackei' anc JV»ars, to cleanse tiu; yo-.eiii effectually, yet gently,- r’y.'.u co? Ivh or billioufl. nvwhen the b! >ci is impure and sluggish, to per manently care hfcbitual constipation, io awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. * O —I » Something new every day this week in bargains at McGee & Moso >ey’R. 1 Ml gigijj «AKIH 0 POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking Powder. H gh. est of ali in lea vening Strength.—Latest U. S. Government Food Report; SPECIALS. A OFNTB WAN TED.—*5? 03 «aHry and ex* pain - bright, active, wide-awake yonn»r mer;, totviiers and .-•tudent3 preferred; eroi o; u: pi .a« reOoiusr and pemanentj no book pj 'dainr: oar nc«' ;uan taken like “wild fire ” Addren-, National Library Associ ation. iM Wabanb Avo., v/Vu3i.#o. 111. rri’ n 9rX> Q nr»~ BjLACiv LACES AND CHEN A DINES. 'V- . *’•. ■ ->i ’"'.X' r' I/ftOH P: i- Mi;, ; ; .... •«. rqno.l to p.lj h- ; em’uraoiiigr tha c v ’cesr p'uiarut for this ce&aon. Black Lace Skirtings it. effects, both apot and spray designs. B* navels and LaToaca effects in stripes and figured deoigns. of the move expensive grades, iuve been £ • reduced in price, *» to place them at the same cost of much u.ftrior qualities. Grenadines in black, checka and 8 ripes, the black grounds with bright colored, stripes and small bou quet patterns. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. and 135 Fayetteville St. NO. 145.

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