THE SYNOD OF ATLANTIC. The Synod of Atlantic will meet in the Second Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, N. 0., On the first Wednesday in December, 1880, at 7:30 o’clook p. m. Lukb Doeland. Stated Clerk. > ..... ~ Respecting reduced rate on Railroads, Rev. L.. R. Johnson who has the matter in hand sends the'following: On the R. & D. N. 0. and N. W. N. 0. R. Rds, in North Carolina delegates can pur chase tickets (round trip) at three (3) cents a mile each way. The tickets will be on sale on Nor. 29th, 30th and Dec. 1st and will be gopd to return until Dec. 8th, It will be seen that this arrangement for re duced fare is very incomplete as there is nothing said *of the roads leading through South Carolina and terminating at Charlotte, over which the delegates from Florida, Georgia and South Carolina must pass in or der, to reach Synod. ;A.s there is yet ample time to do so it is hoped that the Committee of Arrangements will endeavor to secure re duced fare on the roads indicated and inform delegates who require to pass over them by card as to the result. To delegates residing along the line of the Carolina Central Railway we take the'respon. sibifity of saying. Let the Elders obtain cre dtialsf from] the Church session of which they are members, and then let both the min isters and elders show these reductions to the ticket agents at the stations where they take the train and return tickets at redned rates can be had. Judgiufc present indications^ the at tendance upon the approaching meeting of Synod will be very large. As there is much important business to come before the meet ing its sessions are likely to be fall of interest. We suppose Dr. Allen the new Correspond ing georetary of the Freedmen’s Committee will be on hand. The good people of the Greensboro church and their friends seem to be making full preparation to give Synod a splendid enter tainment. , / WOMEN. God gave women unto man to be his com panion and helpmeet. By women oame the fall bnt through women came the Messiah also, and ever since the days of Adam, this God-given associate has been either the temp tress or the restorer of man. The Sampsons of the world and their Delilahs mark some of the saddest portions of its history; The Mary’s and Salome’^, some of the noblest and most hallowed. Among the most favored of those who rhimstered to par Lord on earth, were the faithful women. They were last at the cross and first at the tomb; and the words of Jesus first recorded after he had risen, were spoken to that Mary whose utterance of meet ing pathos will never lose its power to thrill. “ They have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid him.” Take from history, both church and secu lar, its noble women and what remains would be flat and prosy comparatively speaking, but there is nd hope for a people whose women are not to be trusted. Let these words “be graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock of power.” There is no hope for a people whose women are not to be trusted. It is the mothers who make and mould the characters of men. Jt is the maidens who stimulate young man hood to noble deeds or to wretched, trifling and deeds of shame. It is the wife who makes or mars the happiness of a man’s life. It is a woman, the mother, maiden, or wife who makes of that place where the family daily assemble, home with all its endearing and hal lowing influences, or a mere tarrying place to which one is drawn by convenience and force of habit, rather than by any high and holy affections. j Slavery has left its mark in many places, ljut its deepest blight rests upon the women of the colored races It is a end fact} it is a de plorable one; it is one to be wept over and prayed, but it is one to be faced. True it is that there are pure and noble minded women of this people, those with a deep -scorn of all wrongdoing. Madonnas in the sacred ness with which they haye guarded tbemsglyes from every approach of evil; bnt their num? her is less should be. And from such must redemption come to the people if it come at all. WDU Then what becomes the doty or tnose are working for the upbuilding of the race ? It is to guard with the utmost iealflflflS* 'ihe fathers and also thg on the alert ^Ktdtor right and purity, B&bertbat they have a share Corruption in early life pois tain of being and all the from it must partake of honor of itsiromeh pothers qee t1 Fisk University celebrated the 9 th anniver sary of the starting out of the first troupe of Jubilee Singers. Minnie Tate and George Gordon, members of the original troupe, sang on the occasion. PERSONAL. ■i-'ii '■ ■ » II -• ■' ■ V, T -T • Bishop Moore has begun a series of articles. On ^he polity of the A. M. E; Zion church in the star of Zion. Hon. j. S. Hinton, 'colored Bepublican, has been elected to the Legislature of In diana. The Rev. Phillips Brooks is said to be the first American who has preached in Westmin ister Abbey before the Queen. H. C. Bruce, Esq., brother to the Senator, has been, nominated by the Republicans of Atchison, Kansas, for, the legislature. Ref. Wm. S. Plumer, Di D. LL. D., a venerable and distinguished minister in the Southern Presbyterian church, and Profes sor Emeritus in the Theological Seminary at Columbia, S. C., died in Baltimore October 22 1. His remains were interred at Rich mond, Va. A Grand Reputation. Warner’s Safe Kiddey and Liver Cure has readied a reputation .that is not limited by the confines of section or country. There are no injurious suqstan ces nor false and temporary stimulants in the pre. paration. It is purely vegetable and compounded under a formula that has passed severe tests and won endorsements from some of the highest medical tal* ent in the country.—New York Would. A Gough, Gold or Sore Throat should be stopped. Neglect frequently results in an Incurable Lung Diieaee or Consumption. BROWN'S BRON CHIAL TROCHES are certain to give relief in Asth ma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Catarrh, Consumptive and Throat Diseases. For thirty years the Troches have been recommended by physicians, and always give perfect satisfaction* They are not , new or untried, blit havingbeeo tested'by wide aid constant use for nearly an entira generation, tbey have attained well merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. Public Spkaxkbs and Singers, use them to pipar and strengthen the Yqiox. Sold at twenty-five cents a box everywhere. r‘ - " " v 1 a! Outfit furnished free, with full instructions Iforcpnducting th« most profitable business that anyone cad engage In’. The business is so easy to learn, and our instructls^ >se so simple and plain, ths-tapyonwaumake great i the very start. Kq one can fail wools Wil. i. Wome* iw as u ihen. Boys ,n earn large rams, Many have made at the © one huudrel dofianflnr a stogie lrfflL— ofit. You do not have l the risk. Those who o fiat once. All fur ,Auguata, Maine. to invest i-'Anr, and A call or order will be a mutual benefit to Wholesale ok Retail buyer*. This leading Scientists of to-day agree that most diseases are caused by disordered Kidneys or Liver. If, therefore, the Kidneys and Liver are kept in per fect order, perfect health will be the result. This truth has only been known a sqort time and for years people suffered great agony without being able to find relief. The discovery of Waroeria Safe Kid ney and Liver Cure marks a new era in the treat ment of these troubles. Made from a simple tropi calleof of rare value, it containe just the elements necessary to -nourish and invigorate both of these great organs, and safely restore and keep them in order. Itis a Positive Remedy for all the diseases that cause pains in the lower part of the body—for; Torpid liver—Headaches — Jaundice — Dizziness— Gravel—Fever, Ague—Malarial Fever, and all diffi culties of the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs. It is an excellent and safe remedy for females dur ing Pregnancy. It will control Menstruation and is invaluable for Leucorrhcea or Falling of the Womb., As a Blood Purifier it is unequaled, for it cures the organs, that make the blood. REAP THE RECORD. “It saved my life.”--®. 8. Lately, Selma, Ala. “It is the remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar to women.”—Mothert Magazine. “It has passed severe tests and won endyrsements from some of the highest medical talent in the coun “No remedy heretofore discovered can be held for one moment in comparison with it.”—Sen. Q. A. Haroey, D. D., Washington, D. O.| This Bemedy, which has done such wonders, is put up in the largest Sized Bottle of amy mediciae upon the market, and is sold by Druggists mid all dealers at $1.35 per bottle. For Diabetes, enquire for Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure. It is a Positive HBL7WAHNER & Co., Rochester ,N. Y. oqy4-iy ; . / ; ■ v . ' AGENTS WANTED To introduce In every County in the United States THE HISTORY OF THB BIBLE. The best work to sell that has ever been published. Splendid Premium to every subscriber. For circulars and terms apply at once to The Henry Bill Publishing Company, 41, 43 and 45 Shetucket St., Norwich, Ct. mch4-tf STATE COLORED NORMAL SCHOOL, FAYETTEVILLE, JV. C. Established by the State for the Education of Col ored Teachers, FOURTH ANNUAL SESSION. FALL TERM BEGINS OCT. 4, 188U; WINTER ^ Term logins Jan, 8, 1881; Spring Term begins Students received at the beginning of each term. Traveling expenses of students from their homes to the school are paid back to them at the end of the term, and at tne close of the session they are supplied with money to pay their way back to their homes AH the text books used in the school are loaned t6 the students without charge. The teachers are paid by the State. Books are loaned to students from the library for home reading. Board, washing and lodg ing from five to eight dollars per month. THE CHEAPEST SCHOOL IN THE STATE* Excellent teachers, pleasant school rooms, quiet, healthful location. Come and see. For further in formation apply to R. HARRIS, Principal,. July 1—18-6m Fayetteville, N. C. § > mi Made »euuc w Fiaiform Family Scale j\Voic!is accnratly up to 85 lb*. Its liaudaome appearance sells itatolsht. Retail price, is. Other Family Seales |irei*hin« S5 lbs. cost *5. A regnlar HOOM FOR AOJE JiTS. Exolusiro territory Riven free. Terms A rapid sales surprise old Areatr ' - Domestic Scale Co„c FAIRFIELD NORMAL INSTITUTE, WINNSBOEO, FAIRFIELD 00, 8- C IT IB DESIGNED TO GIVE A THOROUGH Normal education, that will train pupils for the industries of life, for teachers, lay a solid founda tion for professional life, and to fit out a band of trained workers that will help to solve “the prob lem of the present.” Who shall regenerate Africa ? It has an attendance of over 800 pupils, 20 prepar ing for the ministry and over 100 for teachers. Its pressing need is four buildings costing $300 apiece for rooming. Rsv. W. RICHARDSON, Principal. It is just the Institution the colored people need.— General W. T. Sherman. - ; Mr. Richardson is just the one to conduct such am Institution.—N. O. Eickoi, First State Sup. of Fa. 1 am well acquainted with Rev. Willard Richard* son, formerly of Pennsylvania, and now of South Carolina, and know him to be a very worthy gentle man, He formerly conducted a large and success ful Educational Institute in Susquehanna county, Pa., and was its first county superintendent. His object is worthy of public patronage.—t7l P. Wicfyr. »hant, State Supt. o/PubUoSeWs . '< - We have but to inscribe the name of Richardson to represent the honored instructor of youth in Susque hanna and surrounding counties, not a few of them %m since been written on the roll of fame-and bet. ter-tbat of usefvJness.-Nwfewo/ Susquehanna M m I L_J LJ1.1 HWMrea^jSS BROWN & RODDI' 45 Market Street. ■pvESIRK TO INFORM THE PUBLIC GEN 1/ erally, and Wholesale Boyers la particular, that we are full tip with, the •' •.•>;.• ■ ^ Oheaietet Lin© -Of DET GOODS That has Ever Been Offered in this Market. No buyer visiting this city ■will do himself juaUcs by passing our door, as we are Underselling the Market IN MANY OP THE REGULAR STAPLE LINES! We Have Marked Down All Goods That Belong to Summer Wear, and are Offering Many Special Inducements m TO OUR PATRONS. we wouhjcall , • ■ •! law Particular Attention TO TH* FOLLOWING i Genfs Dog-Skin Driving Gloves > SUg^Uy Spotted, 76o ; worth |1. Calicoes! For Fall Calicoes at all Prices in Beautiful Designs. We have laid in.»very heavy stock of the above and are offering them at lower figures than ever. We have all the popular brands. : (far 4-4 BleaoMngs at lOo Per Yard is without any exception the Be it Value ■h) Ever Offered, Linen Handkerchief. A. Job at K) cents. These goods require no pjimmen^. GUV US A CALL. BHOTO RODDICK, 45 Market Street. in Western Arkansas. The Little Bock and Fort Smith Bailway offer for sa>e the- bertLAffDS in the West or South-West, with healthy climate, fertile soU, and not affected by drouth. Easy terms of sale. Full information; Apply to , D.SLACK, Land Con#, V - : -1 • -• i ■■■ ■ ' Little Bock. Ark. -——i-..r-rr-rv—---:— Outfit sent free to those who wish to engage in the most pleasantand profitable business known. Everything new. Capital not required. We will tarnish you everything. $10 a day and up $5 ness. Xadfot make as much as men, and . made in a Week' at any ordinary employment, who engage at once will find a short road to fortune. Addrest H. Hjlllett & Co;, Portland, Maine. Slpctly WISH TO INFORM THE PUBLIC am ready to supply them TyithBiblaa, 1 Libraries Psnsfs Cflrds UUIQtlUQ| I BpbW) UUIU } t the Ttiy loweet ietes. AU mi ended to. Address, :t % .r