THK f^RICO^AMERICAN KHtSBYTEPIAN OONgOLIDAT^’fi W .T:I The Southern Evangelist, BY D. J. SANDESS & Co. Devoted to the Eduoathnal, Material, Mora aud Keliy;ious ‘f our people in the South, published at Vilmihoto:?, C., weelfly. A1 questions arlatng under the var’ous sub Jects above Indicat ed are diicussed frou a Chris tian point of view, number cont^ns the Ireshcst ami best news from our Smthern held, aud Irom lie Church at large. 'Ihere Is carefully selectoi reading matter suited to all classes of our ;>iople—the farmer, the mK'hau- c, the artizaa and the piofesslonal man. The Sal)ba!h-8chool and Temperance causes will receive special attentioni TEKMS OF SUBSOWPTIOK : copy one year $2.00 when paid in advance, ( mos., Club rates, ten or mere copies to one 1 *1 50 a copy. KATES OF ADVEimSliNu; rdinary advert! enieuts, per brevier l ue. 1 time, ^ 4 times, (one month) IS “ (three months) . .60 26 “ (six “ ; 52 “ (one year) 1.80 Other advortiseme^ds and readiuR notices special rates, Tina 0P1V10I3 Oi “ ThB AFR'CO-AMEnICAN PKESIiVTERl AS” is at WiL INOTON, N. C!. All commu nicatlons forpuMcat on should beaddrossed to this office. We earnestly art the sympathy and support of our brethren am friends at large, in order that our efforts in tl s enterprise may be crowned with success. Ao NTS Wanted—to whom a liberal commission till be paid. lggi"Si!nd money by P. O. Money Order KefiisteredLeite orBank Clieok. Other wise.. iw.b -1 at losr, ana the sender alone will be resjiMdblo. Address The Apr ic.-American T’nEsr.YTKitiAN llPrinoes* St., Wilmington, N. C, Tir i:S)AY, AUG. 29, 1889. BRIEFS. Don’t ft.lect that “honesty is the best polic} Viitue wil b.v no means loose its lewartl. Some oi our ilepartinents arc crowd e(I«*.;ll!S wenlr. Our cut and sketeV will appear next week. Keniembcr, nrst come first served. A more equal diFiribution of color ed labor in tlie South will be helpful all round. The massss of the colored people will look mJre to their material inter est hcreaftir, and this will prove a blessine;. To much politics is not good. It is gratifying to see the signs of energy end aggrcssiyenuas in oonnee- tion with our churches and schools Let the good work be pushed forward everywhere. Wliciieyer you hear of a lot of col ored p -ople holding a meeting and against the administration yon ma' put it down that the leading spirits feel Ih-at their personal claims have not been duly considersd. They want some one to throw a “pone of bread at them. Nothing more, noth ing less. The congregation of Heokertoii N. _C;, are at work erecting their new F [church. Rey. C. Dillard of Goldsboro leading'thc way. Last week he was ■^Pfn the woods with the paople hewing ’ out the lumber for the oliurcU build- Thc new church at Wiaon, N. G., is making good progress. The mem bership is now .SO and the Sabbath school numbers 13 scholars aid teach ers. It IS liflioultto get at reliahhifacts touching the condition of affair, in Hayti. It would now seem that Jigi“ time has been vanquished and on some sort of terms his rival, Hipoo- lytc is in control of affairs- Such was the tenor of the latest dispatches from the unhappy Island. lUs also said now that the question ha been decided as to who shall rule, Mr. Douglas, the new minister will sail for ilayti at an early day. The General Assenbly’a Minutes of 1889 arc being dislriUiled, The vol ume contains 696 pages, 18 more .ban last your, and '.hu.- it grows from yiar to le.'ir. [CUNf'LUbED UtOM '.A(.1E l.J was elected to the pissidency and to the Chair of Theolog,- in liiddle In. stitulo, by ‘iThe Corrmiltee on Mis. sions to Freed men o' the Northern Prevbyteriitn Cbuicli.” lie resigned tlie )iresidency 4 yeurs -ago, bis ohair as Professor was only vacated by- death. Ills work in this field has been kiiown to you all, in part only, llio wliole ol bis ceaseless self-deny ing, heroic- lab ir liae Ocen Uno—>» tn those intimately associate-! with him and to God. For years he entered these class rooms before 9 A. M. and did not leave them until 4 P. M. during the balance of his waking hours he was always accessible to any one of nearly two hundred hoys. Keeping llieir accounts, acting as their banker, purchasing tfieir books, exliorling, admonishing, rebuking tiicin wiieii wayw.uo -.nd ■ rebeilions. The weiglit of Ids personal iiifluenoo rendering the task of administering discipline, upon the pxirtof the faeiiU ty easy, lie was always loath to conclude a boy incorrigablc, some, times hoping when others of his associates would despair. lie was uoiially patient and long suffering but ]iity tlie luckless and graceless lad who presumed too far on Ids forhear- ance aiut kindled his righteous indig. nation. It was something the youth was not likely to forget for a life time. As a tei.clicr of Theology he was sternly (tilvinistie, r,.j-»i to the doctrines of the Cliurch’s sy-mhols, but constantly striving to lead the student to verify- for himself their Scripture foundation and above all he souglit as the great end of his teaching to develope Christian char, ac er in the young preparing for the ministry of the Gospel. With him the Chi.stian religion was not a mere mat er of science or of doctrine but a life -1 tlie soul. As a preacher he wasclear and methodical dwelling largely' en the great doctrines of the gospel. His clear distinct eloqution, noble presence and earnest manner musl tiave rendered him, in Ids prime, a in-caeher of more than ordinary power. He was unusually- gifted in prayer ne. .....n m listen to liina leading the devotions of tlie Chapel withaut feeling that he was standing in the presence ol one vvh* lived veiy near to God. But his labors were not confiued to the class room. The work which he did in the little mission churches of the Presbytery was arduous. Until the last few months of his life when health began to break, it was no unus ual thing for Ur. Matloon to ride 25 or 30 miles to preach the gospel a and administer communion to little colored churches in some old field under the shadoiv of the pines. This too after a hard and toilsome week’s work in the class room. Ills grand physique stooci nuu m ot-mi until the last year or two of his life, he never seemed to grow weary, ever doing what he did with cheerful elaority, willingly almost prodigally spending and being spent in every possible good work. I hay-e never known a more willing, cheerful yvork, er in the Master’s vineyard. To the poor around him he was constantly ministering an-,i the moniless student found ill him, if deserving,-a generous friend. It was hard for the Doctor to say no or reluse a favor, he had not a particle of bitteraess in his rature. “The law of kindness was tae law of his lite.” Even when he felt himself to be grievionsly wronged he studiously retrained from recrim ination, he chose rather patiently to wait leaving his case the while with God “who judgetU righteous iudg. ment.” He was the ycry soul of truthfulness, Mistakes he might and did make. He had not esle been human- But to those that knew him best, it was utterly inconceivable that he could ever depart, under an. oiroum- stances, the single tyllie of a hair from the strictest veracity. There was a ceitain largeness a.iout his nature. With all the courage aid forti-. tude of a strong man he pissessed the delicate refinement and suisibili- ties of a girl. In the sink roup, as a. nurse, he was unsurpassed. He. .rdded to the strength of a man t) e terulev taot and gentle touch ot -.-q womau. Like all good men he 1 ved little children, his face always 'u-ightened at their approach. The alllcUon was instinctively*reciprocated by the little cues, -‘yvho jilmked the go- 1 man’s guvii to share his .smile, 'ihe sun shine of the presence o' i .; g-'-id children in his sick cliamiier,-lat spring was a t-mu- to the ''i-.'U nun The Doctor w is, more.". ■ ■' h neryed courle--.i- Olu'-sim'- i? 'c- man this lias not only slioon ' Ins daily intereourse with inc-n Put eially in liis chivalioii- beariiit;' j- wards women, 'rids in Idin -ir not merely the re.-ult of soi ial yen , .;it the insiinvtive expi-ession of :,.ire at once delicate ami siroiig;^ The Doctor was, moreover, Id. gi and retiring a-.d tlie strengjjjrnd symmetry of his eliaraeler jn}!: easily Uu overlooked. We had (ju inlim.atcly associated with hiip,br years had learned to love him as'ge of God's iiohility by nalu-.-e and gre^ but it was only when he Oeew^ ^ member of ray own fami.y oi j|,p decease of his estimable wife j truly learned to eslimuti the hi>;y^ strength and purity of liis Cliri4\„ character and we deem it one '.-pu great privileges of our lito known ami loved liim- „.u,r/ .'-.-a,,,, and lorn, for the bond of ChiT-^n friendship and love is stronger the silver cord which death It is stronger than death and dissolution, and for siieh as-he .cj-e IS no death, “Wnat seemeth is transition.” A long and busyt[fc has simiily given place to the ir-js. er, more joyful activities of iWn, for him it is simply a change of Si. not a change of service. Theiyve blessed ministries, high anc’ .jly vocations upon which his Aijst, active, joyous spirit has ent^|£_he wlio follovYCkl the lOOlSlCPS Master ia steps toilsome and liere, a pure ransomed and spirit is looking into the glories of the Master’s face y\r, he has gone to meet a samtetlA.-, and what a meeting, a chiljty lost, who bus been long witlilfie angels. Christian workers bo shared his labors in distant lands or here in this field sca.’v less needy and destitute earlier from their labors, jient before him to his reward Be gone to meet the general and Church of the lirst names are written in hea^iu* ^ To you', dear iriemU*, him lather he is not Ji.o .... vot surely yours' than friendships have thc':^«Br ty upon them, if Christ™ fdr separated by death death a^ unites them, after an inter\J brief. We believe in the K^tl^rc\^■^, ognition of tin saints, that tian friendship of earth puriliiw q( all that is gross and impcrfoe.t,^^jj| be perpetuated and perfected heaven. You loyc him still ize at this hour as you arc take your lust fond look at calm face as you never did how much you loved him and miss his venerable foi’in from these familiar haur-.ts we. will enjoy., as a living presence, the perennial inllu- ence of hivS sainted life. Dr. Mattoon is not dead, he has stamped Uie impi-e.'!S of liis character upon the successive classes of young men who have gone l«»rilt (tom these halLs into all [tarts of I his hr(»al sunlh land to aid in the spiriniai r-mAm:tpa- tion of the hclpl>-ss and weak and needy people, lie is a li\ ing and an abiding inlluence in the lives of scares wh(/ have sat al his feet tunl received lessons of wisdom and inoial'ly from lus li[)s, who in uirn are daily teach ing thousands ol the children of the ignoiaiit and lowly the eleuuints ol knowledge and riioraiiiy. Nay wliilst we are assembled hero, with lender hands and tearful eyes, to lay h\i revered form “In the house appointed for all living.” Ife is preaching tlic gosp(d to thousands at this very hour in a hundred hum ble sanctnarirs. 'I'hrongh men of |Miro lips :ind (dean lives, who have sat for yens at his feel. His minis try will bo continued and perpetuated into the future by tliose who shall be raised up- through their instrumental ity Call yc this death! Nay such as he can never die. He was never more alive than to-day. he has become a living [iresence, a potent factor in the Christian congregations of the state, of these slates which is beyond the power of detraction, nothing can touch or harm it, a living indeslructi- ble spiritual inlluence, whose ever idcniior circles shall overleap time and continue to expand through the immeasurable eternities. And dear brethren tliough the due lecognitioii of the true value of such a work as this may be of tardy growth. Yet the linu! is coming when this com monwealth and this nation will rev. erence the name and bless the memo ry o’ such as he. a a re Jris- '£■ w a. ber that he still loves you %\ love, since death has touched than earthly. The lo.vo of ac| tian father for liia cliildron is-iAiNui. tyye of God’s love for His Among .he holiest of Uumir^ tions can not to destroyed oi interrupted by death and nof -./py should you weep that wearied ^th life's toils and warn with its his body lias fallea asleep and: pjg gladdened and glorilied sp'Ht *}^^g entered “into that rest whiisj maineth for the people of God.” Yq who ministered with tender t ^k-ub by his bed of suffering why*s^,j^ you Lament that he has gone mti-.that, land of which the inhabitants tl^yepf shall never say I am sick.lw^)\j should you shed tears over PHftio is where God “shall wine aw*» a][ tears from every eye.* lie l^not passed into the darkness but iny abe light leaying us in the shadoj^-4/IIo can not return to us but we vlllgo to him.” The language to u x' the Blessed _ Lord who has caled him, whilst we sorrow around hkhir^is, I will come again and take to myself that wliere I am aud irsUs ye may be also. To you with whom he has Vn so in'imaiely associated, Dr. .’uatUoa is not dead. The institution Ir has been so largely InstruiiientaLili^^ld- ing up is a living thing, a ^ ious instrumentality.and with the gii. -lest of possibilities. He hak wroujl his very life as it were into it. I; will continue for long years to fee the moulding influence of the voi-e and hand of him wlio lies silent ii,^ still before us. His ossential-^^sesiee will linger in these balls, Jbininate these chairs and ahai>c the ci insels of his associates. Though w •shall work is rccogrdzed by all. The dome of the Pantlieon al Home suggests to ^ Brunuelleschi of Florence to build , the magnili'jeut dome that for these j 500 years lias crowned the hislm'ic ■ church of ciiy; Rome gets twek her pay through Michael Angelo, who, equally at hoiiie in Florence and in Rome, t>niiiing St, I’eler’s ehirch In the laller city, liking the him nom Florence, erowiis that m:irve! ofaicl;- iteelure with the iiol)le.sL dome in ail the worklj^ The high-domed ediliee of Christlaniiy we erect in this land shall set the pattern lor ret noWer edifices that aie to staiiil on the gnat heishls of foreign lands; where they, in till 11, iiicorporaLiiig such iieaiuy and glory as the gouins of other peo ples shall indleale in tlie edUiees they rear, sh.ill inake the liel|ifiil su;;ge.s- Uoii to Airier ca hciself in tiim, lo biiilil all llic rnigliuer and iiolilcr structiire for the King of kings.— jUit^ttionari! Ihiview. Fit0MBUt>tiELL 0ROVE 0 BURCH Mr. Editor:—We are still alive and our work isstiii "..dving steps onward. We liad one of the most iin’oresUng meetings lluu we liave had for a long ..Vlilch held eiglit days, and we ti^rnfessioii ot faitli 0 were reslilit-d. I waaassisi- It. V. A. .t. Jones ami Mr. H. M. Stinson. Our Sunday school is in good con dition, and the church is growing. Yours truly, R. Naiiee. August 24th 1889- FROM GONGRVITY CHUROll. Mr. Editor.-—On last Sabbath, the 11th, lust., we met for the exercises of the Literary Exhibition of the mis sionary society of Congruity churcli. Despite the shortness of the time, caused by preceding services, and the rain, whicb fell in torrents during the exercises, rt.“i- —oi-o cnjo;)'al>tc. 1 licy- consisted of music, declamations, es says, addresses and orations. Some of them were as follows; N. N. Gregg, Oration; T. S. Frier son, Oration, What we owe to the heathen; E. W. Gregg, address, The object of missions; A .lames, address, Am I my brother’s keeper. There were others of our boys and girls who spoke, whoso subject I have not. We are trying to aid in the work so needlnl and which shnnld liavc the interest of all. ' There was also communion service at this pl.ico, eight were received into the church, five males and three fe males. Rev. J. C. Simmons preaclied one of his usually long, but interesting sermons and I felt as tboiigli our churcli had been restored to its old wonted vigor. May llio Idessings of God’s piospcr- Otis hands attend us in all oiti work. Anderson .lames, Sec. Sumter Co- S. C. '/7/A' LAnOEur VOTTON CltOl' EVER PROD UC ED iMonlgomery, Ala., August 22.— Lehman Durr & Co., cotton factors, liave issued a circular in which they say: “The general cotton crop of the country for tlie present year, 1889, promises to be the largest ever pro duced in tlie United States; but on ae count of the slock now carried by the spinners being poor, they (the spin ners) will be conii)elled to buy of the first picking tins year in order to get a belter grade with which to work off theii old stocks, so that for the time, at least, there will be a good demaml for the new crop and at hiah prices. It looks reasonable to us that the cot ton will bring higlier prices from now until the first of October '•l■an at any time during me next season and if mis be true, then it behooves the pro ducers to pick and get to market eyery bale they can between this and the first of October, in order to avail thems.elves of the high prices likely to prevail ” .FJt-nUCLD PVF.UlV'i'Eri] The Prcshytci'j of '.'alrii'-'l.; v.;’. . \ C-, on Uie ■ • ■ (lay (lull, ul Scpt.cmh.'.r lo ' I'y PrcobyU'i'ian ('iiui’eb at ' All delosaU’s I'-'cpcetilu;- t. pp‘ notli'y me at oiiee. .1. C. \V:ltl:in.s. S ATI.ASrW l'RK>r.\ Tl-h )• 'file lb-ei.bjt.ery ei’ ."VI i:\niie will m-'i , :. V.) tVedne.Mliiy'btlli, l.S.'ll n Culliouii M reo'. Ciiai h ton, S. (I. at 7) o’clock I'. M. II. 11. 1 luoier, S. (' REFLEX INFLUENCE. A striking iliustralion of the reflex influence of missions is seen in the case of the Iferniannsburg I’aiish, Germany. In 30 years fiom the time the people began tlieir foreign mis sion enterprise tins cliiirch had about 150 missionaries and more titan 200 native helpers in their missions, with 392.'^oomnuinicants. During the first 7 years of this time the home cliiireli rtceivod 10,000 members. The relle.x iifluonce of tlio foreign and domestic IloKolutlon.s b,v the Church. The Ktato of tlio Kngli.dli cimrcli is re gardod to bo siioli by n ijocly of ^ tltieiuifil moniboJ'd (liat liu'y lato and axloptod tlio following re^ “That while gratefully ackno.f the [last ofTorts of existing Prolog gariljcations in vindicating tlie P| tion [irinoiiiles of tin* {.‘staiilisiied and disclaiming all ilesin^tu with th(‘ir worlc, Ihl; Ophiion thtit (in' [IJ’C’SCnt Cl'i UCa I js} .-i (q qJ the church of England deinvii'is tha , churchnuRi who tlesiiv t> mai n« priiici[)lcH of the Ueform:'. !on, cio jires- ent prayer Uxih and ar^i-.Jes, and tla acts of uniformity as stan Imals of 'riUui! and doctrine in the nadonal -.dunT'l’ should further unite and organize; an-' that for this [mrpose a uiLon, under tli nanio of the Ih otestant Cliurchnicn’s Al liance, bo hereby formed, wi:h branches in every diocese of England and Wales.” Tho Refonn-(l Church. Although the informed,church maj not tower very consydeuously in size, i- i= nevertheless doing a large work in die world. Tho c mmittee on the state oi religion repor: d at the recent raJ 8ynol that the ■ were 54G churches and 501 ministers. During the ye^r there have been 8,2 9 accessions The total membcrshii> is >8,812. Th.’ church lias contributed for all purposes $1,253,038, and for benevolent punxvjjse alone &283,* 037. PERSONAL AN!) NEWS ITEMS. The colored people in tlie principal townsof Florida are really prosper- ing. Governor Uieiiardson of South Car oiina is being criticised fur parauniug so many colored convicts. General Mahonc has been unani mously nominated by the llcpubliear.s to be Governor of A^irginia. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla contains Iodide of Potassiunfi and Iron, and vegetable blood purifiers. The Gentiles have secured a majori ty of forty-one in an election at ^lalt Hake City, Utah. Minnesota’s average yield to tlic acre in wheat this year is low, being but fifteen bushels, but her aggregate is enormous, being about 47,000,000> Everv famil}^ or traveler in a mala rial district, should have a supply ol Ayer’s Ague Cure. A posiliye anti dnto for malaiia. Georgia fruit growers have mide a large amount of money the jii'isent summer. From peaches aloiu* the fruit dealers of Houston cowntyhave reeeiyed $200,000. Tliis fruit was all sold in the markets of the No’thern St;des. Sufferers from indigestion, I ss of appetite, liver or kidney comp aims, rheumatism or neuralgia, w’ou I do well to give Ayer’s Sarsajia iihi a trial. For all such disorders, no inedi cine is so effective as this, when faith fully and perseyeringly used. PRESBYTERIAL MEE TINGS. MCLELLANT) PRESBYTs'iRY. The Pre.shytery of M'Cl ellandwill meet at Anderson, S. C., on Wednesday, th(( 11th of Sept., 1880, at 7.‘30 P. It. B. F. ]\rDowell, C. Those who expect to attend t o meeting of jVPOJelland Presbytery at . nderson (’.• H. S. C. .second Wednesday of September will please nothy me at once, Arrange ments will be mad) oidy for tl "se w ho heed this notice. 4. P. Fosiei-. The Semi Annual meeting "f the Women vs Pre.sbyteiial Missiomvy Society, of M’Clelland Presbytery, will be held at Anderson, S. C. September 12tli .vnd 13tli. On Tlmrcday 13th, a meeting in the in terest of Home Missions. Ou Friday 13th, a meeting in the inUncsl; of Foreign Missions. Friday night there will ho a popular mecling in the interest of Women’s work within the bonds of the Presbytery, Each Local Society is most earnestly rc- ('d to send two dclegatos, the l^re.sidcnt and one other. lUis. n, F. ^[('Dowell, Pros. lUrs, K. S. Bonneiv (-ol. '''oe’ly, I Teuiperac’ IVacliliig- i Twelve millions of children are re* (ported to be under :)ublic instruction in jpublic schoolson tho hifiucnce of alcohol .and other stimuhnts, as well as iiarcot- |ic.s. There is liopt for the next genora- I Lion. All tho Now ^mgland state.^, witli Now York, Ponnsy vania and Delaware, [as well as ton south rn and three or four western states, have compulsory tompor- jance education. The territo ies, also, iaro in tho same category h/ United jStntos law. Here is a contingent, re- nioto, indeed; Imtit is a contingent, and 'therefore worthy of computation in the temperance sum,—Methodist Protestant- Christian Endeavor Statistic: Thu faUtii-sTics ot -tho ChriviiKn Endea vor Miciotio.s toJuly 1.1^9, ha>i ho(^••^ maUO t'p as acCiUBiliy u:r Ln.^oUXe, J grand total of 7,(173 societies is qu tlio lN”-:orU, '.-f which 7,.'5S0 vr i>.• i.-;l as In tlio United States Sau ('■-..l Those societies average sou^-Ching over 60 members each, ana it ioi ifetosay tliat there arc 483,000 ineinbc s in those reported. There are, liowever doubtless hundreds—perhaps thousands—'Of ;K)cio- tleeof which we .ave no record, and these would bring tho sum h .al of inem- bors to a mucli larger figure. In 9,141 of these societies whiyh reported the num- bei who have joined tho churtdi, \vc find that 15,013 hiwvo taken tliis odup. wdiicli indicates that not less than 45,000 in all, at a moderate estimate, have been re ceived from the societies into the churches of tho 'and. The following is the rcx^rescntatlon by states: Alabama; C; Arizona, 3; Arkan sas, 5; California, 241; Colorado, 80; Connecticut, 333; Dakota, 84; Dolnwaro, - ai,;'District Coiuiiibia, 19; Florr'a, 33; Georgia, 12; Idaho, 1; Illinois, 341: Indi ana, IGO; Indian territory, 7; h v l, 330; Kansas, 228; Kentucky, 30; Lou 0; Maine, 184; Maryland, 85; Massachusetts, 749; Michigan, 262; Minnesota, 213; Mississippi, 3; Missouri, 207;'Monuana, 4; Nebraska, 101; Newnampshirc. 135; New Jersey, 2t’9; New Mexico, 4; v Y’ork*.. 1,387; North Carolina, 11; )hib, 403; Orcgoi, 41; Pennsylvania, Pliodo Island, 08; South Carolina, 1 h Tennes- Gcc, 23; Texas, 21; Utal\, 36; Vermont 150; Virginia, 4; Wushingten, 87; West Virginia, 9; Wisconsin, 220; Wyoming, 4; British provinces, 213. Total, 7,580, —Golden Kulo. RELIGIOUS GLEANINGS. Tijo Congregational union has ap proved the suggesilon of fiDi Anstrahi- sian brethren that a general ooum il ot ' Congregational churches in all parts of the world bo convened in London at an early date. A nnitel effort is to bo n.ade by tlio ' evangelical denominations To induce congress to provide nioro chapels and ohaplaliis for the army. At prestnC tliero are only 84'chai)lains for 134 posi- Thero are now Young Mon’^ Christian associations in thirty-nine comitries. Among the latest founded is one at Tar sus, the birthplace of 'the apostle Paul. Tlicro is also one in Jerusalem, and another at Nazareth. Tlio susteiitation fynJ if tlic Fi*oo clilivch of Scotland was lav 'v by $8,000 this year than last. Tho in- tease for ail all purposes, missionary and behevolei’.t, was $130,000. Dr. Justin D. Fulton, writing from Rome, Italy, complains of tin largo nuni- ber of Protestant visitors to the city who go to the Roinish churches in -tead of en couraging the Protestant misiLonaries by their presence. Forty-five converts from heathenism were received in the Episco.val church at Cape I'uliuac recently. Tho largest pastonal charge in Euro pean Russia is that one ill tlio provifleo. of Ciscaucasia, where one pastor lias to ' minister unto 13,500 members living hi ' avecty-four different vfllagas The’^ as- ^ for lias for years asked for an ai^istant^ but none will come.

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