J. 5K3B nisatien* for publication should be addressed to Money Order Registered tetter or Bank Check. Other wise it might get lost and the sender aione wU.\ he responsible. - MPKTX?wc»1a.k*wcan Pbebbttkhiah *?i: TlfPMnoess St., 4 Wilmington, N. C. THURSDAY, SEPT. 5, 1883. • f briefs* Please renew your subscription promptly. Be sure and don’t cross the stream >toreyoiMB@T,r7ir\ “Wpmkvki Work «iiww Womans with!. tbelwhnd. ofCatawba Syuod ataaaa la laagalah , Thia ought not. >*a to be. Although ^the natter of — Our people have always shown commendable zeal on availing ihem oi the opportunities granted •the education of t heir children, a month the time wUJ have for sending the toys and girls tp school, and with the ing appreciation^of the. value oT :rs will regret to E. W. Williams, of is suffering with a l ie hoped that; he will "alrl^Jit again. ' The 'next term of the solrool will ,begin Oct. t. The school will be conducted in the Academy building Which is nea: ly completed. It will do no-rharm for^us, as minis ters, to disphy^giur conservatism in relation to undue religious excite, ment which does not profit, but when it comes to biblical, aggressive work for the extensiondHhe cause of Christ j and the sal v^ionof souls conserva. tism should be kept in its proper place. Too much conservatism makes a dull preacher and a weak qhuroh. A wholesome enthusiasm Is wlmt.we need on pay fields. The congregatitti of our White Hall church, m Franklin Co., N. C., — '* ' ill la* newspapers, acWBlR^hat it has lost considerably of its startling effects. Yet its frequent and unwar* ranted use over sensational telegrams and editorial articles is doing harm. It has come to pass that every little local difficulty between a white* and colored man is djgnified into a war pf races and the exciting, groundless details are telegraphed abroad to be heard of ho more after a few days. ! Yhis is to be deplored as its tendency is to arouse the race feeling, and make people apprehensive of something dreadful in tire futpre. The reported' trouble at Oxford, N. C„ last week is a case in point. All now know that the sensational dispatch w ith start* ling headlines had no fouadatiofl^iw jfacts, and tha£*they only dt^harip. Several years aao condemned £y,their own consoien&& and taking counsel of their fears^some were ever and aaou sending out startling rumors of. some - deep Ylaid insurrectionary Bchemq pn^ggfepar t; of the Negroes The years gyZla. by and none of the a^^^^^^^m8nrr^tibn8 has be I some unfashionable. The same peo. pie no# talk of a war of races. There -•an be, there will be no such war of FROM MT. VERNOtm Mb. Editob; At -Mt. ml commenced our August Sabbath 18thv_A^lr the o’clock services we celeb] Lord’s Supper which was an ble season indeed. Many friends were present from S Statesville, Concord, and Sfi The service was very iji This meeting is alway p from the 3rd Sabbath in At 4th inclusive. Com mene e^ch afternoon and '* ' are several to baptii sick or their parents * Many professed fai. night just before and a| mg closed. This beautiful grove on the mg from Salisbury miles from Salisbury,ffft ville, and 28 bom from Statesville. Ij through the meetii sickness. Mj much] Rev. A- B. -Lawrenc N. C., came and re] congregation during] to his earnest aadjjj -rr-_ - I attribjita-^wrrClTof our suj this, meeting. Bi all the time, vie forenoons, and and preached afternoons, _ 7 We have in this comm uni t] pen who seem hardened aga(i word. Yet they are gooc# h\ ui.uer successiui <9 benighted: to a saj the truth as it in Jesus, I will not! ypur space. I It was our desirjto lmvfln our new building J Mt. Veffi fore litis date, butjour peopl have to wait befo* they can our worthy Editor j> take part dedieatorial exercias. We are hindered by our poverty, the i ous freshets aloig South river and its tributaries wo 8»] by our poor metaWs who Hv< the river ahd..yi take up one objects above rs are as fol. F. M’Dowell, ’resident, Mrs' D.; Recording C. Williams, iponding Sec ner, Troy, S. « Foster, An K0. Williams; Pe bad jommumen (Aliens Temple) yesterday. Spirit of. the Cord was with us. (* more united with the church and mauAwOS ib^ptized. Our protract p^ng Hffo~TTrnrtjr ':~4 nil be carried on ihrou the KF Preparatory meetings began Ixburday night. *-Pr®y frt’' j^RF. Murray. ■? Augty26.1 UR BmLJ). Snipe! was celebrated tonia, August 18, nt time was realized n people. Two united li oa confession of faith adult was baptized, murnon of Good Hope e off August 25th, ' 1889 as more interest manifested k of God at this ehurch have ever witnessed. Two ith the ehurch on confession Five were baptised, yours in Christ, N-C. Aug. 27, ’89* s Sarsaparilla. Ho was ligaments of the stomaob, eeys are more .speedily this medicine than by reaches the trouble di. [near, though it is a fact that umo lias 40,373 white voters unable to write; f^ftnsylvania, G5,985; New York 76,746. ’The men who cant’t read their pilots hold i.i>oiuion»a nf political power in St ates. . —a—;— hi WOODEN SWEARING -A mother once said, “I htfpe, dear children, that you will never let your lips speak profane words. But now I want to tell fttftut-4 kind of swearing which I heard a good woman speak about not long age. She called it wooden swearing. It’s a kind of swearing that ny people besides children , to when they get angry. feelings in li'iyjr i(jiiiiiiiii.,; iiiiiii throw the furniture about, and make all the noise Iff possibly can. ‘Isn’t this jus* the shine $s swearing?’ said she. ‘It’s just the same kind of feelins exactly,;onIy they those sinful words; furniture to make'tl Call it wooden swear jchtW ren, that you f that kind of g better to let alone and all other kinds —Wret not your life j- away because yoHr hair is gray, while young, as you can stop &11 gray ness apd nan beautify tlic hair with Hull’s Hgyir UencWcr and lie happy. V 1 DI^D. Mias A. Frances Stewart stthe residence afMr. Chas. McAllister, Oheraw, 8.C., August 26th, 1888. She died in full assur ance of hope. Her funeral was preachedh|o i largo concourse of relatives and friends ;he day following in the Second Presbyte rian church, of which she was member. Jhe saw only 18 yeais.