I g t j * tion as^ti> character Anybody can own tltete viga are generally ah up right lot, and the rascals are those fellow* wijm. hi** a cab or coach for a few day* or weeks in order to get a chance U> fleece lie public. “ ’Have we any rule about custom ers among us?’ Certainly. It is that the first driver at a gate should have first positiomjind each man afterward in the ordered his arrival, and is-un derstood by-dll hackmcn. If the first man can notargonge satisfactory terms with his first poll, the call is passed over to thei£nrand so on, the last in the line being generally the cheapest” “Why is the last, man in the line “lieeaUse the very fact of his com ing lute shoWswthat he has coined money elsewhere, and' so can afford to take less. “If a man at head steps out of a line at the ferry or railroad station he loses his position, but not when in a line before steamship passengers. When in the latter line he holda hia position until lie makesa bargain.” “Wtuu !>oopte pajr high HOW the . , _ id don0 In lbe JKl ihe kn^“« “npow ri-raduates irom tne Ijceive theDEGREE oi A. 8 1 the SCIENTIFIC!that of 8. • ke any class for -which re found fitted. n ^ith the liberal prominence ^Ls designed jsqggi, «*** ofVM ■« rottoforo**'®0' More than 600 others have been matricula- : ; ted, most of whom are doing a good service. The first session of the 34th Academical ! year will open on Tlmrsday September 19th, 1889, both in Jihe Academical 'and Theologies^ Departments. Young men de- - m WKST-BOXJNP $***»»• 1 , VSaT i. .210 p ®M 'jWnibiBgton »>.,••••• 6 aa p m 1 ..7aopm'.i ..V.V.'*. 85 pml vttXOEPT SUNDAY YE %.415 pro, 'r::z.--:85p; *T ..6 57 p TO t •irxcEPT’ SUNDAY. SlDAi^^^1 .7 OOP® .. 2 p® a tj Hamlet...1.V..8 87A* .. ..6 55ai ♦Dally except sun"3*: Branch Road \ iS-Jon ScotW Nect ^ ^32P< M. leaves H*dif»v^rg^land Neck at 8.0° A-1 Modally except -8unda>T* All**-1 marie & Raleigb R. R- M Rmve at Sp.'H-. b^Sh lo P. M ., .4.55 P-W. ] ■Williasost^Ui ?• wmiatneton N. CDaily Returning le»je» }J “ }*.,Sunday &50 a.J». ». a'15VM 80 A. M. w c Branch lea;v®a Tram oVK“?T daily except ^ Jold8l>oK),S N. CJ,SmU1fficld, \ gSSwsss^H 1 ^daily. ’ ^*^Sm£?leaves ’Warsaw A Train on Clinton Branch leaves^ ^ \ forOlinton DadydXc®P ^ dug leave Clin l £ and 11-10 connect ■j n*— viT iSchmond ani «n no-tate i and Wasliingt?11’ „ Steeper* attached. _ f. DIVINE* " l ”«STJ a-,'‘,'u, ,.i!«5£S2S for the training of AN INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT, to’m«truct in Median^8a&®therofceW<* wdenablefi^to^ Health**** uTboTontbela^^ ^ - | £&»8Pccialfe*t ‘ ' biblical . »p».t of ffijSJSSwSffc* ®®Sj£ ”»"wwe * Inurntb- p^pj^icnbff*, ad^; U It'*: ,k#S#l»r A.