■M, V^OL. XXIX. KHanaaaMMHBBHMi^HgaBeasaB ‘AND YE SHALL KNOW THE TilUTH, AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE.”—/oAn viii, S3. CHARLOTTE. N. C.. MARCH J4. 1907. NO 10. Entered at the Post-office at ChaTfof personal property. A large'- h/te, N, C., as second-class matter ferewd of white people attended! That is mutual re-f BY THE WAY. The Conference of the Sabbath-, school missionarie which was held^ in Macon, Ga., from the 20thi'^°'^®® Hargrave, through the 24th of February a success with the Rev. Alexan-@!^*.*^®^®”' -N- respectively. |the funeral, spect. Rev, Jas. G. Carlile, at Walter-';, ^boro, has two teachers with him'*i [this year in his school: Miss Lottie?^ ot« Alexan der Henry, D. D., the Superin tendent of the Board of Publica tion and Sabbath school Work at Philadelphia, as presiding officer. All the Sabbath-school missiona ries were present except Rev. Mr. Onque. Rev. Dr Holley and his good people made our sojourn in Macon among his people like one in the family. While there we were the| guest of Dr. E. E. Green and family. His is a model home. Prayer is offered morning and evening, and everything else moves] ; without friction' in that home of ; the old school; even the dog is educated. Dr. Green’s son and our schoolmate. Dr. Charles Green, has an excellent practice. Mrs. Green and little Mamie make home sweet, while Cornelius, a young man of refinement and of a very few words, collects for his father. ■: It is always a great pleasure fo Dr. Green, Sr., and me to meet; for as an old man his mind runs back to the early 70’s when he was quite a young man from Lincoln University, teaching school in and about Clinton, S. C., and when 1 was a boy wearing my first ma ma’s made breeches. We often went back to those old days and found joy we could not express. It looked like ye olden times to see..our...):\ld, .friiin.d and one-year . con. He.doesn’t l.oOk 5ifir'day’'oKi er than he did June.1889, when he graduated and left Biddle Univer sity. We were glad to see Wal ter. Col. L. P. Berry and I ran down to Fort Valley, Ga., and spent] Friday night and Saturday at Fort Valley High School with Prof, and Mrs. Hunt. We had the op portunity of seeing their work in the class rooms. They have well] fitted teachers and their work is neat and thorough. Suffice it to say that we couldn’t expect things to be otherwise about there when Prof. Hunt is at the head. •The babies Prof, and Mrs. Hunt carried from Biddle a few years; ago to Fort Valley are two large girls and a large boy attending] school; but Prof, and Mrs. Hunt present the same faces, cherry and young. In our days in Biddle] we always called Prof. Hunt one' of the boys without subtracting from him any of his essential dig nity. We were glad to see them and they made our stay like those of yore The Board supports one and Rev. iCarlile pays the other out of his own pocket with the expecta-l ]tion of the Board’s assuming the^ responsibility. That is dete^mina tion and faith underscored. That is right, but few of us are willing'" to try it. Rev and Mrs. W T. Frasier' mean much to the, church and cit;-*- zenship of Walterboro. Mrs, I" Frasier is educated, industrious,! and has all the elements of a faith! ful Christian. We called to see| them for the first time Wednesday ' of this week and she was ironing Brother Frasier’s shirts, cuffs and collars as nice as a Chinaman. She is a lady of the twentieth cen tury, but studied in the old school where industry is in the course of study. Unfortunately for us we have too many pretty, refined wo men, who can’t wash and iron a |shirt sleeve. Superintendent S, F, Coakley is rendering indispensable ser KOida ■IS9B THE MEXICAN OCELOT. Still ...— vices in the church and Sunday school at Walterboro. The sad intelligence of the death of Dr. Sanders was received in the city of Walterboro as well as over the State with much regret and bleeding hearts. Truly it, does seem that great leaders of a] dependent people choose their path and cross over the Great Divide just at a time when they are need ed most to lead and advise their f’ol lowers But let us not forget that behind the cloud of grief and dis ia g a.tTVi' REV. D. J. SANDERS, D. D.'," Who died March 6. Founder and for 28 yearn Editor of the Africo-American Presbyterian, and for over 15 years Presi dent of Biddle University. j ■ THE OMAHA CONVENTION. * ‘ ^ .Groat Jumper Is This Strange Ml., tie Spotted Jungle Cat. One of the most iiitiTestius auiamls )f the new world and yet one of which little seems to be written, even tiy sportsmen who have spent much t|aie m Mexico and the Central .-Vmerieaa t«tes. is the ocelot, the strange liille .potted cat of tlie dense Jimy:les' of tropical parts of the two .h.mericas, ] They are not nearly so heavy as Uie vcra"i‘ lynx of the eastern woods a ;;id le inli.iitely lighter on t'.eir feiil. riiey run with the ttreatest a;;ility up un 1 down the almost perpendicul;ir .....U-i of ti-ees and follow a crippleif„ lird out on limbs too slender, it woiiUi| leem. to lie r Uie wei,-elit of the par- ' ot, let alone the cat. I’arrots are the celot’a pr..K-ip,d mod, and tlieir huu; ;r; is done a.mo t altogether by daj hou,' li. like ali the cat tribe, they are It irouahly at home in the blackest 'ipht. The parrots which t'.iey hunt fre- pient the thicke t of fore.-its, couiintr 0 the groun 1 only in the rare open jiaces and aloiia the lianks of the uany sinail streams where they drink n order to follow them it Is necessary hat the oi-"iots be jrrea.t .lumpers, and so they a.e Whej I was followiui the boimds I lirom h the sontliern Cali r'oniia hills after wddeats ,nn.J an oy atsional mountain lion I was wont it> '■ay that tin* latter tvas the akeatesr iumper on e.irdi The ocelot has any Lnonntain lioa : li.it ever walked l ejitcn block, lea nth for le,i.!;tli and wi Ight for weight.-Forest anil Stream. BANK’S TEMPERANCE RULE, /lorks May Not Kvon Roler I'laca 'Where Ram la Sold. .-4 'oiidin,g bank ofClevelan 1 Imsadopt- .■d a very .stringent rule aga' ist th» use of intoxicants by its eniplo ees. When t man or boy enters the service of tbia 'nslitutlon ho is required to sign an agreement that he will not enter any place wliere Intoxicating liquors are sold. Two who have signed this pledge were recently dismissed because they took a couple of young women into a •ostaurant after the theater. Tt may seem a bardshi[>,'’ said an official of the bank in explanation of theli action, “to prevent n young man 'rom entei ing a hotel or restaurant, to which he might go with the best of motives, but with this rule agreed to on the part of the employer and enforceI on i>art of the bank we fee] sure that an employee is not going to steal the hank’s money for the puritose of s;iend- ’.ng it In Improppv places, nor are the employees likely to torn the acquaint ance of short card gamblers or race track touts In the dairy lunch rooms. We are seriously coutemplattag the extension of the order, so that it shall apply to any place where stocks or produce Is dealt la on a margin.” ■Iq the last number cf this paper reference was made to the Inter-Synod-, cal Missionary Convenlii n held at] 4 Iq thejudgneht cf this conven tion it will be necessary in order to jraise the fund-t inquired for the dis ^charge of eur mistionary obligations for every church to adopt a. mission Omaha a few weeks before. We nowSary policy embodying the following give the recomendations adopted byjprinciples and raeffiods: the Convention. ^ qur missionary policy. We, men of the Presbyteriani^ It is the mission of the whole Caurch Church, iu the United States of Amer-^ip give t^e gospelRo the who'e world ica, gathered in inter-synodical con-® 2. The entire Church being a mis, ve-,tiim ot more tho-. i 000 delegates,I’einnary society ■.m-i I.,.. - > [will not be unfolded until^e^are^nese of God iiiThe 0/ ^ Christ|thr witlTjhe transformed into his likeness when we aw’ake and be satisfied.! A great man has fallen out of] the galaxy of safe leaders Biddle University, the Presbyi ;erian Church, and the world have [lost a great man- Correspondent. South Carolina, March 9th, 1907. ' go-' If not ir to be the Savior of the world, fidedfpel to every crea with wonder over the triumphs of the® Every Christi gospel in non-Christian lands during the last one hundred 'years, touched ]by the appeals which come to us Ur] the light of life from lands without JChrist. and conecious of the solemn .rnsraber of.,ihe ■nx to help lUTiui id—to give the gos !'e. is commanded to' person, then pofcen jtially, having a sr®*"® 1*7 gift and prajj er in supporting ^ pa-rish abroad, afil well as the paris^.'^t home. [the FRAGRANCE OF A GEN TLE LIFE. I H J- Gur giving! ^tild be an act 01 responsibihties laid upon' us by thei^orship (Provert^ »'• 9), cheerful rlftn ni^ocMrtrva rsf i_. I iCa ' . •» Once in cressir-g a meadow i came to spot that was filled with fragrance. Yet I wondered whence the fragrance oamo. At last I found. low down [close to the ground, hidden by tall grass, innumtrab’e little fliwers. It was from these that the f.agrance ]eame. I enter some homes. There is a rich perfume of love that pervades all the p’acf. I‘, may be a home .of wealth and luxury, or it may be plain |and bare. No matter; it is not the house, nor the furniture, nor the [adornment that makes this air of [sweetness. I lo k closelv. It is a gentle woman. • 1.^ 1 - • HS'’*"'''’ woman, mother or daughter Sunday night before servicesjquiet, hiding self away, from whose instead of returning to our respectlafe the fiagrance fljws Thera is a i/e places for tea, the dear ladiesg^oDdrous charm in a o-mitio : -i had a $50 dollar supper preparedlThe gentle girl in a home may nTbe for us and visiting friends in the jbeauiiful, m^y not be well eLcated church basement in Macon; after j^^y not be mLcal or an arSt, t supper Sabbath school Missionary L. M. Clark preached an able ser mon in the basement. Dr. Holley and his dear and good people] won’t be soon forgotten by the Sabbath school missionaries. Lawyer Howell, of Walterboro, died a few weeks ago and all busi- _ ail uu»i-» uieiius ineir Droke ness places closed. Wednesdayfdolle’ dresses, straighte of this week, Mr. Chestnut, the barber of this ancient town, Wal clever in any way, but .wherever] |she moves she leaves a benediction. ^Her sweet patience is never disturbed iby the sharp words that fall about her, Jlhe children love her because she nev er tires ot them. She helps them withiChrisiiin lands, providentially allottid tteir lessons, listens to frets and wor- gto the Presbyterian Church for evan‘ ries, mends their broken toys,, makesggelization. This would ,fnean for the ns out tangles. rich blessings cf God, temporal and spiritual, which we erjoy, do hereby' adopt the following as the deliberate [expression (four privilege and duty in the extension of the kingdom of our Lord; 1. It is the judgment of this con vention for men that the number of human beings in non-Christian lands, lor which the Presbyterian (ffiurch, United Stales of Ameriqg^is directly responsible in the work ot evange iza- ]tion in this generation, is approximate- |ly 100 000,000 being distributed as follows'; Mexic', 2,500,000; Central Apoerica, 500,000; South * America, 10.000. 000; Japan, 4,000,000; Korea,’ 6.000. 000; China, 40, (JO’,000; Siam, Laos, 5,000,000; ' ledia, 18 millionf’; Persia, 5 millions; Turkey, 2 million Africa, 6‘millions; Philippines, 2 mil lions, 2. It is the judgment ot this con vention that the force ot Presbyterian American foreign mis-i maries, native pastors, Bible women ■ and teachers, ought to be increased in the immedi ate future until it reaches the number] of one American foreign missionary and five trained native w-orkers (or .their equivalent) for each. 25. ihous- -and unevaogelized people now in non (2 Cor. ix. 7), a?^ according to th ]ru’.e of three (1 xvi. 2). Indi vidually, systema‘®®'^^7 ®-nd proper tionately, ‘ Let ev‘‘‘y of you lay by iim in store on^^® *1^7 of tie week as God hath Prospered him CUR MBSIalL:*^^ MBTH0D!>. 1. Let synods presbyteries, through their tore?® missionary com mittees, labor to /®'^® every church [adopt this missionaYPoIi®7 2. Let the Boa;^ of Foreign Mis- siors, in consultatlj '^Rh the synodi cal fjreign missioi chairmen, and such laymen as the®®®cd may select, I >/ ^ - f annually lay befjr*"*’® General Asseml biy a statement off® amount needed fllCH/sUU bU^lbAG£. Wum n Great Aotor nn4l ap«:iire*M Leadiu^ Star.- Marcli IG, 1G18 or IGll). RU-barJ Bur bage, player, died at Bborediteb. Ron don. Tbe llrst of tbe great Engllsb tlfgU uctora Burbage was in every way wortb.r to bead tlie long roll of Eng land’s famous players. Tbe sou of an a;;tor. tbe friend and companion ol Sbakespeare. it wa.s tbrougb bim that many of tbe heroes of tbe dramatist first spoke to tbe eager playgoers wbo thronged tbe Globe theater. He was tl;o original of Romeo, Hamlet, Lear. Othello, Macbeth, Shyiock, Richard HI. and many other of fihake.speare’s leading characters, and bis name stands next to that of the great poet the liq(j,iise-.-t for .acting graute.l by ne-i Av-J-J-;—. via f,v n,,. or ft_1fl Globe tbenfer. tils powers as an a cof were not bis only claim to distinet'.oii. for bo was ■ilEO a successful painter. The fame ot bis -abilities held a prominent place in tbeatr-lcrd tradition for many years, a poem in bis honor, dedicated to one of the great players of the day, being written as late as tbe time of Charles II His death, wliicb was probably the result of paralysis, caused tbe poets to turn tlieir thoughts co bis successful career, and it is from tbe nuirierous ■degies then writt«j that most of tbe information concertiing bim must be (gathered. Few players have ever liad tbe good fortune to be so w-ell liked by the dramatists of their time, and ail praised bim, one even lameptitig that tils death “bath made a vlsiliile eclipse ! of playing.” A shrewd, careful man iu Ida .-b-tjSit- ness affairs. Rurbage left an est.ate Uroduclng a yearly income of £300, a b-arge sum for a jilayer in those days to Vsijaeath to liis heirs'. Be;«k-ed and rev-i-xieted by all. be S'lrvived bis great inaat-etr by only a few years. Ids gi-ave bear'm-g jttie simple, expressive epitupli, ■E.xit Rarbage.*- — I.ondou Saturday w'- CAKE AN lOLD INSTITUTION for the ensuing ® suggested ap porlionraent of said ®iouat among the various synods and Presbyteries, not «s an assessment, but‘* a definite sha re of the responsibility;'' 3. Let every chu®^ prayerfully as [suine its share of ti* responsibility, _which may be repre®^®*! 1*7 a sum of qj’aDbbuey which adeq®’’®!/ represp.nts "the Church’s finaaty'^ ability; or by ‘A Parish Abroad,’represents 'as much money as th®^®'^®^ ®an com tribute to this "worL; c ^7 salary of] [one or more foreign poSsionaries Let the bubaef*'®®® method ba: |Eet in ‘ teratlon by ’® session of the church, by which eviF member shall and settles their little quarrels and ' Tfinds time to play. Her face .is a!-' terboro, died, and all the business fways bright wfth the out shining of places closed out of respect forflove. Her v -ice has music in it as this colored barber. He wasn’t alit Llls in cheerful tenderness on the barber who wore the red shirt and Lfufferer’s ear. Her hands are won “at order, but wason the aching herd, or as theyf outlined above, and we therefore set LrwRh ?2500®Sv the'fourselves resolutel,-. to .the work of est, witn $^500 insurance on his be^‘\of pai p.- ’ Auia wuLuu^paean lor toeB ' •' Presbyterian Church, United States of|^® given ®PPOrtunity t-3: ]America, four thousand American»®^P’‘®®^ *®ve forsn^® loyalty tn^ missionaries, or about five times as rile Ancleute and Ate It. bat I» Was a Sioiple Allalr. The ancients laafle cake, but it was ]not the rich, hi.gbly seasoned and fla- Ivored confection whS* ,we Indulge In nowadays. They had plain -cakes made with flour and water, sasne of them without a suspicion of sweet or flavor. Some of them were not unlike our plainest crackers and were often eaten as wo eat bread. ■Wedding cake was an iustitution among them, as with ns, but the cake was a plain one and was broken above [the head of the bride as she went ts Nser new home. This was a special feit of Roman marriages 2,000 years iago. The breaking of tbe cake was |,jsitrt ot a solemn ceremony. All of the take? of ancient history are plain and kSraple. It is only as we come down to mere modern times that we hear of kpleesi and fruits and all of the rich and laxnrlous Ingredients In which present day eakemakers delight In Queen Elizabeth’s time spice cakes and bnns were eaten at weddings. Prom these the fashion and fancy grew for many as we now have, 3. It is the judgment of this con vention for men that it will cost not jless than six million dollars a year to' fully meet the great responsibility life, and witb about $1500 worth i J. B. Miller, in bringing the foreign missionary offerf ®®°ts a week) ing8 of-our Church up to this mark. § [express his love for so - - lai - Christ by a weekly ,ontbIy, quarterS*^,®®® ‘'^® fasl'fod and fancy grew for J wocaiy, ; O) H gau elaborate and deliciouslt ly or annual oli’ering .'j this cause, fflnnwholesome combinations until there 5. While we ^bat Ihe^seems to be a perpetual struggle for ability of churches "“^1 ‘‘“d more unusual to y _ euurcnes ^*tir into the cake of the period, jvaries, it is the judgit®'' m mis con-^ ) vention that each^' churches| ^ohhy-lT'e^lTZTk this Ahonldi strive to attJ average of«tlonary, pa? Peckley-Oh, no, my Tier member foil’^®'Sn missions^ child. Every little while a new word. ^ m herehv *’^® Hnguage. Bobby- urge»g ^Vhat’s the latest word, pa ? Peckley— ? Your ma will tell yon. She always'' has the last word. \)7id page,) Port Arthur.' 1004. A Swedish physician at I’ort Arthur 's given as authority for tbe following lescriptlon of Russian (Jyunkenuess on Feb. 2, 1904, Just a week befpi-e tb^, outhreak of hostilities betweep ud Japan: ScAiouA ‘The streets of tbe town swarm wllh‘ Russian soldiers and on Sundays, a day ot special privileges, three-fourth* of them get completely drunk on vod ka. One may aee them lying around die streets every ..'..tv - looking, like heaps of filthy rags. Then the pe’ir,*- send £pr coolies with carts, who take the wretches away. The coolies are amazed to see ho-w low so called ‘civi lized’ men can slna, for In China, as « rule, the people are very temi>erate" I ME. MENACE QF BEEK. 1 ”7t A ■ Why Mnlt n Are More Harm- fal Than 'Whisky. Is beer an aicohollo drink? Yes; it contains from 4 to 10 per cent of alcohol and is the most danger- ous mocker of tbe alcohol family, for the reason that it Is mild and cheat) and stupefying rather than raging. As betwoo.n a sfaglo drink of beer or I ful, because the large per cent of wa ter in it renders it less irritating, an I the water, of course, is put to good u-=e iiy the body. ! But the drink of beer is perhaps toy times as big as tlje drink of whisky and contains by volume as much op nearly as much alcohol. And people having little fear of al cohol dnnk it freely. Ignorant people even think it has an important value as a food and tliat the more they drink the better.' Tbe beer habit grows as readily and as rapidly as the alcohol habit in other forms and, even more steadily than the others, undermines the vital powers [ Or. Delbrueck. the great German physiologist, says, “It is certainly of greater importance to work with all ,the forces at our command against the fbeer danger that Is growing like an avalanche thap tp fight whisky, whose star Is already on the deoHne,” Everybody -knpws and acknowledge.* that whisky is a dangerous drljik. Ev erywhere a fight Is being wage^ against hard drinks. The brewers them selves compose a temperance propa ganda as against whisky. The distil lers themselves are keenly alive to the fact that the trade In spirits rides an ebbing tide. The greatest feature ot the alcohol oroblem is the brewery.-New Voice. alpinT~root"diggers. ' rhalp Work of Danker Ulkb Up Iu the Aloaataln*. Throughout the whole chain of the Alps there are men who make It their business to search for and root up the j gentian, arnica, puffballs and other Al pine flowers. High up in the mountains the root grubber, generally an old man. build.* a little hut. He clambers precipices to the edges, where the blue flowers !grow; or, if he cannot ascend, he lots himself down to their place of refugg by a rope fastened to a pine above. ' ' He wanders to a long distance from his but and does not always trouble to return to It at night, finding shelter un der a rock. Next morning he spread.* all the roots ho has collected on a rock, where they may dry. Ho collects herbs as well as roots, and the resin from tbe pine besidea When the summer is over and there are signs of snow, the root grubber I collects all together In his little bui and Anally transports the whole of bis sii months' collection to the valley. Tbe arnica and some other roots used In medicine are readily disposed of. From the gentian le made tbe favorite I gentian brandy, which is c&i,.sidei cd the very elixir of life by the mountain folk. In other days, when gentians grew in great numbers, the root digger was able to realize a good income from bis perilous occupation, but it is other. ”'lae now.—Chambers* Joum&t

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