SEVENTH STREET CHURCH NOTES. By Mrs. Hallie Q. Mayberry. With this issue of the Africa please accept my resignation at editor of the Seventh Streel church column. I have greatly enjoyed this work and regret tc give it up, but as duties call me elsewhere on the Sabbath I feel that a regular attendant at the services can give a fuller report and write far more intelligently than I. My interest in the church will ever linger. On last Sunday our pastor de livered two strong and very practical sermons. Sunday morning he spoke from the subject, “Humility.” His text was Matt. 12:19. His subject for Sunday evening was “La boring with God,” text Luke 10: 2. Five dollars was sent to Mr. J. E. Hemphill, chairman of the deacons’ board, by Mrs. F. P. Sanders, of our church, who is now residing in New York City. The members of the church greatly appreciate the interest and financial support given by the members outside of the city. The financial committee is asking one hundred members to raise or pay $10.00 each to the support of the church by the first Sunday in December. An interestihg Christian En deavor meeting was conducted at our church on last Sunday evening. -Among the musical numbers were a solo by Little Miss Helen Gibson and a duett by Misses Catherine Yongue and Lucile Henderson. A Hallowe’en Party will be giv'en at the home of Mrs. A. L\ Lindsay, 402 N. Alexander St. tonight, Thursday. The proceeds will benefit the Building Fund. The members of the Seventh Street Guild will hold the first business meeting this afternoon (Thursday) at the residence of Mrs. Isabelle Ezell, E. 8th St. gw gjfliww .1 m ■■ ■IMU 'j'LllWaUBM "gSTK A congregational meeting was held in the Sunday school auditorium on last Wednesday evening, October 21st. The program committee consisting of Prof. J. D. Martin, Messrs. W. E. Hill and E. M, Dixon, ar ranged an excellent program at the close of which reports from the Secretary and Treasurer of the church were received. Reports from all the organ izations of the church for the first six months’ work were read. All the reports showed progress along many lines. All the auxiliaries seemed to be alive, with a well organized pro gram. A rising vote of thanks was, given for these splendid re ports. > . Delicious cream and cake was served at the close. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lindsay, of South Alexander Street, are receiving congratulations over the birth of a ., fine daughter, Sunday, October 25th. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Long, of Coulter Academy, Cheraw, S. C., in company with three of their teachers, spent last Saturday in our pity as guests of Mrs. C. M. Stafford, 400 N. Myers St. Mrs. Alice M. Ford, of Hen dersonville, - spent several days in the city last week, the guest of Miss Mary L. Porter, 305 S. Myers St. SEVENTH STREET GUILD ORGANIZED. On Thursday afternoon, Oc tober 22nd, at 5 o’clock, a few of the members of the West minster Guild met at the home of Mrs. Ada Andrews for the purpose of disbanding. For some time a controversy, has been go ing on relative to the age limit for members of the Westmin ster Guild chapter. As most of the members of the Westminster Guild were above the age limit required for Westminster chap ters /the members deqmed it best to reorganize and meet the re quirements. The requirements necessitated the organization of fCV^tminster chapter and cir cIe jv Bqth of these organiza tions have been organized and are doing excellent work. Dti Wyche, the p&stor of the church, was with us at this meeting and acted as chairman. Having full authority vested in him by the members present, he declared the Westminster chapter dissolved. ...X’-.V The new organization was then perfected with the name, Seventh Street Church Guild. The officers are President, Mrs. L. M. Alexander; Secretary, Miss M. L. Lindsay; Treasurer, Mrs. M. E. Muldrow. A motion was made and carried that we work under the World Service Program. The pastor stated that we were not connected with any. lo cal society, but are one of the independent organizations of the church. The new organization was constituted with prayer by the pastor. Members present were: Mesdames L. M. Alexander, M. E. Muldrow, Ida Henderson, C. M. Stafford, Isabella Ezell, An geline Porter, Rosa Goodwin, Ju lia Douglass, Janie Miller, Janie Watson, Ada Andrews, Misses Demetria Grier, Martha Young, Marie Lindsay. Mrs. Janie Watson and Mrs. Janie Miller are new members who have looked upon the work of the Guild with such interest that they desired to become members. At the close of this wonderful meeting (we say wonderful be cause of the spirit prevailing) our hostess served a delicious chicken salad course, followed by ices. The pastor was made to feel he was at home to a regular supper because of the appetiz ing dishes placed before him. : MARIE S. LINDSAY, . Reporter. , BIDDLEVILLE PRESBYTE RIAN CHURCH. The pastor, Rev. L, B. West* has completed nine years of ser vice at the Biddleville Presbyr terian church. During that time a beautiful brick structure has been erected. The member ship has increased from 75 to 133. The contributions for benevolences and current ex penses have been more tha,n ioubled. The Sunday school ship. / ±ne iviimsier s i-vxu oocxtay xs one of the most active auxilia ries of the church. The society is now raising funds to pur chase pulpit furniture. The society is divided into teams, and these teams report at the regular monthly meeting. Nekt Monday night, November 2nd, the society will meet at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Partee, when team No. 4 will report. The society plans to have in the furniture by Christ mas. The women of the Missionary Society have been quite active during the year. Not only has the society met all of the Pres byterial claims, but has contri buted liberally to the local work of the church. The society is planning to enter actively into the missionary program of the church, as well as local Mission ary work. Funds are being raised to carpet the church. ? We have had a flourishing Sunday school during the sum mer. The attendance was large. Efforts will be made to increase the interest in our school so that it yrill be second to none in our Presbytery. Our Secretary, Miss Sadie Douglass, has gone to school at Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Julian Stinson, Assistant Secre tary, is now doing the work. The young people of the church rendered excellent ser vice during the summer, in fur nishing music for the Sunday services, under the leadership of Mr. Hodge Johnson. Miss Ionia Shute was organist, assist ed by Miss Louise Bradshaw and Miss Sadie Douglass. Mr. Felix Walker played the violin. Miss Edna Stinson was organist for the morning services. - Mrs. J. M. Pride and Mr. W. A. Neal have charge of the Jun ior and Intermediate Christian Endeavor Society. The chil dren are receiving excellent training under their supervis ion. This society has also con tributed funds to the work of the local church. The last Sunday in Novem ber each member is asked to contribute $3.00 in a special of fering. ‘ v The village Thanksgiving Service will be held this year on Thanksgiving Day in the ( •. Biddleville Presbyterian church. Rev. J. D' Caiitll€tt, “of Gethse mane A. M. E.Zionchurch, will preach the sermon. BARBER COLLEGE NEWS By Myrtle Brodie On October the ninth, Mrs. Agnes B. Snively, Secretary of the Division of Missions for Colored People, was a pleasant visitor to this school. She spent three days with us and each day during her stay we were favored with a chapel talk from her. On Friday morning during our devotional hour she placed before us our responsi bilities. In doing so she asked us to give bur lives to God, to place service in front of other things of life and to answer the call of the world. She impres sively compared each student to a lamp and urged each to live such a life that the rays of her light, when thrown upon others, would be beneficial. The fol lowing day she gave a talk to us on “The Giving of Gifts,” at which time she asked for us the gifts of Prayer, Wisdom, Hon or, Ambition, Duty, and the Cultivation of Beauty, The talks by Mrs. Snively will long be re membered by us all. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was observed at Calvary on the II,th. Rey. Mr. Rice preached ’ a glorious sermon from Luke 29:19. The servic es, were very impressive. Our two Endeavor societies held a joint meeting on Sunday evening.' ‘ Mrs, ' Snively ad dressed us, and Helen . Jones, President of the Senior Christian Endeavor, and Naomi Williams gave reports of the work they had done, the past; summer in organizing paily Vacation Bible School ih ' our . Synod, The meeting was most interesting and challenging CO the rest of us. We anticipate touch inter esting and effective work in these societies this winter. i Vesper services were conduct ed as usual upon the catopus Smith. She talked to us about “God’s Garden” and left us all questioning ourselves as to what kind of plants we really were. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and our Dean realizes this, so she permitted UjS to attend the County Fair on Friday and Saturday nights. We enjoyed the outing very much and were enabled to start the next week refreshed and re invigorated. .' V Miss Kinhiburgh represented the Mission Board at the meet ing of ‘ Catawba Synpdical at Charlotte last week and reports a splendid meeting. Prof. A. A. Adair ,of Chester, S. C., was’a delightful visitor on our campus Friday evening. Miss Thelma Miller, a mem ber of the Freshman class, was called home last week to the bedside of a near relative. We mi,ss her and hope that she will be back with us soon. Barber College has ... indeed been honored by visitors lately. (Jn Saturday morning Kev. Wil liam,. Ralph Hall, Director of Young People’s Work in the Prpsvbyterian Chqrch, U. S. A., came to. spend twenty-four hours with us. It was his first visit to our school. He was personally . acquainted with many of our teachers and so he wa,s especially interested in see ing the work of the school. Dur ing his stay he delivered two wonderful addresses. . He spoke to us on “Life, the Greatest Thing in the Worl.” He told us of the "importance of building life’s structure well and care fully. We learnedJ that honesty andr self-controlM are essential factors in the building of life. The talks given by Mr. Hall still remain dearly in the minds of the'Students.; - 1 : > .!■■:■ _Li___ REV. WEST’S MOTHER DEAD Rev. L. B. West, the gifted and beloved minister of Biddle ville Presbyterian church, has received the sad news from his sister, Miss Avis West, Has tings, Barbados, B. W. L, tell ing of; the death of his mother, Mrs. Clara Gertrude West, on October 5th. His many friends sympathize with Rev. fife*. West, whose sorrow is intensified by the great distance which sepa rates > him from his parental home. ‘ 'i — Mjg1 >»»> ■ i i i «»• 11 iri ii Him it. TOE FILTER system of any city is of great importance. The kid neys may be called r the Fil ters of your body. If they do not receive the full amount of energy from the brain, they cannot have the strength to perform their work of - eliminating poisons from the body. This produces disease in many forms. Most people have some form of kidney trouble. Let us explain how CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS make Weak Kidneys STRONG ** DR. WILLI AM H. WEBB CHIROPRACTOR 422 EAST SECOND ST. REFORMER’S BUILDING BARBER COLLEGE’S LOVE SONG. By Miss Annie Brodie Barber, Barber College, our Al ma Mater dear, You’re loved and honored and cherished, far and near We love your hillsides, the val leys, rocks and glens, We’re to thy precepts true, To Barber College, our school of knowledge, To Barber College so dear. Barber, Barber College, though far away we roam, Thy memories are endeared, big ger, better things enthroned ; After we have left thee ne’er shall we forget To climb our hills, o’er rocks and rills, For Barber College, our school of knowledge, For Barber College so dear. IHe i. W.I.A. By Mrs. J. C. Bryant. PARTY. Ghosts, goblins, and witches, too, they say Were present at the party of the Y. double U. C. A. They had a very scrumptious time, But my! they missed you so. I’m sure that you’ll be right , in line, The next time, don’t you know! Miss Beatty is the chairman of the members of the “Y,” She hopes you’ll meet her here next month, We hope you’re going tp try. IS THIS YOUR DAUGHTER’S PURPOSE? The purpose of a Girl Reserve is: To find and give the best. Her Code As a Girl Reserve I will be: Gracious in manner. Impartial in judgment. Ready for service. Loyal to friends. Reaching towards the best. Earnest in purpose. Seeing the beautiful. Eager for knowledge. Reverent to God. ' Victorious over self. Ever dependable. CEDAR GROVE COMMUNITY NOTES. By Mrs. Hattie A. Russell Sunday, October 11th, our pastor, Dr. L. J. Melton, preached a soul-stirring ser mon from Psalm 103:1-5, '“Bless the Lord, 0 my soul; and all' that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not ail his benefits,” etc. The theme of this discourse was “Our Attitude to God for Past Blessings.” This was indeed a strong sermon. At the close of the sermon. Prof. I. M. Martin offered pray er. The choir then rendered, a very appreciative piece of mu sic. . • Misses Sadie Lytle and Ro sella Forney have entered Sco tia Women’s College. We hope for them a successful term. A new class room has been added to the Cedar Grove school which adds much to the appear ance of the school building; Two teachers have been secured for the term which began October 26. WHttlltM* ..WWW** . ... I Mllll Whir expect “Big’Money” from your bus \ iness when you don't invest any money J in it? It would be as foolish to expect a \ rich harvest of wheat when you sow : oats: Ah investment of a small sum in ah attractive Sigh will pay big dividends. Think it over and let us hear from you. JONES SIGN CO., f : / V. C. Jones, Mgr. A. M E. Zion Publication House Building. Temporary Phone No. 2262-J. »♦»»»#! ICM1 • 111 Have Your Prescriptions Filled At YANCEY’S DRUG STORE Corner 3rd and Brevard Streets Where the Freshest Drugs Are Used, and Compounded by a Druggist of 15 Years’ Experience. Ford Delivery Quick Service. L. A. Yancey— — —Druggist. ATTENTION! READ AND HEED Science and Invention have given the Automobile for Business and Pleasure. But the Auto had its drawbacks in Blow-Outs and Punctures. Through Science and In vention Blow-Outs and Punctures are no more. The Airlox Puncture-Proof Inner Tubes Make Blow Out# and Punctures impossible. 600 Punctures but no loss of Air. Tire Troubles are over. They save; Casings and last 20,000 miles without Tire Trouble. MOTORING NOW A JOY Headquarters for Puncture-Proof Tubes at 501-C., W. Markley J3t., Greenville, S. C. Wire, Write or Phone size at once and order will be filled in 8 days. Phone 2357-J. PRICES REASONABLE Come and examine Tubes. On Sale now by: C. B. JOHNSON, 501-C., W. Markley St., Greenville, S. C. JOHNSON C. SMITH UNI VERSITY NOTES By A. H. Prince Vespers on last Saturday morning were conducted by Dr. Chas. H. Shute. Beautiful thoughts on the subject, “Marks of True Greatness,” were brought out by the speaker, namely, courage, humility and temperance. Dr. Chas. Somerville, of Queens College, located here in the city, was the speaker on Sunday evening before the fac ulty and students. Dr. Somer ville preached from I Cor. 1:30, Prof. P. A. Vaughan ad dressed the Young Men’s Chris tian Association last Sabbath morning.. • A large number heard the speaker in the deliv ery of a forceful message. Recent visitors on the cam pus were Rev. T. B. Hargrave, Principal of Hodge Academy, Washington, Ga., and Profs. Duckett and Smith, of Benedict College, Columbia, S. C. Each of these visitors made remarks to the students at devotionals last Friday morning. The football team won its first victory of the season on the campus last Friday from Ben edict College, score 6-3. Cavi ness carried the pigskin o\er the goal for the Gold and Blue. It was an exciting game. Bene dict, having kicked a field goal in the outset of the game, J. C. Smith’s squad had to play to overcome this lead of Benedict. The next game will be with V. N. & I. I., of Petersburg, Va., at Roanoke, on November the 6th. ; Prof. J. Caesar Bryant, Asso ciate English teacher, and Mr. David P. Allen will attend the Conference of Students on the World Court, which meets at Duke University, Durham, next Saturday:' ' FROM MOORESVILLE By Mrs. Edith Campbell Please allow us space to say a few words. Our Sunday school at Jones chapel is doing a good work under the leader ship of Mr. Oates Campbell who has been our Superinten dent for 8 years. Our pastor, gj ■ g . Rev. T. M. Barber, being absent on last Sunday morning, the pulpit was filled by Rev. Reid, of Charlotte. He brought to us a gospel message, full of pow er. Mr. E. G. Friday, who has been to the Good Samaritan Hospital in Charlotte, has re turned home very much im proved. Mr. C. S. Brawley, who has been to the Freedmen’s Hospi tal in Washington, D. C., for an operation, is back home and is getting on nicely. Mrs. G. W. Gray entertained the Ladies’ Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church at her home on North Church St. Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock. After the business part of the meeting she served a salad course and delicious ice cream and cake. Invited guests were Mrs. Mamie Boyd and Mrs. D. P. Campbell. BROOKLYN CHURCH NOTES On last Sunday morning, our pastor, Dr. F. L. Brodie, preached an instructive sermon from Matthew 27:40. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Gamble and Mrs. Nannie J. Wood, of Chester, S. C., spent last Wednesday in our city. Mrs. Wood spent a few hours with Mrs. McGill. The Sabbath school rally which was held in October was very successful. The amount of $50 was raised in the Sabbath School Our Sabbath school is doing a great work. We have a large attendance and our number is increasing. Mr. E. F. White, our Superintendent, is putting forth every effort for improvement.1 The Mt. Olive day school, in Which Mrs. Ed. Smith is a teacher, opened last Monday. We hope for her a successful term. On last Tuesday night the 12 months’ program * which was held in one night, was very successful, and was largely attended. The neat sum of $50.00 was raised, which went for the benefit of the new church. Mrs. Ed,•Smith was in charge. __ ::: ■■■■'

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