The Africa - American Presbyterian. Established in 1879. CONSOLIDATED WITH THE SOUTHERN EVANGELIST. Bev.H.L. McCRORKY, D. D. LL.D4 Editor. W E. HILL, Associate Editor. Rot. C.P. PITCHFORD, ' Business Manager. f" ... ' 'f ' "I. .. ..... Devoted to the Educational, Mate rial, Moral and Religious interests 0f our people in the South, and pub^ liahed, at Charlotte, N. < We were pleased to have among our visitors Mesdames i Clyde King and H. B. Mozo b. (white) of the city. Mrs. King ^ made a very timely address and gave a brief history of the or ganization of Washington Ave nue Presbyterian church in 1838, and, as president of the Woman’s Auxiliary of one of the largest Presbyterian church es of Macon, brought greetings to the Synodical. By the request of the Presi dent, Miss Kinniburgh, in a most pleasing manner, extend ing greeting to those visiting ladies. The reports of the different secretaries and delegates were very encouraging. Friday night the popular « meeting was held, presided oter by our President, Mrs. A. A. Jones. The devotional 'Service • was conducted by Mrs. W. L. Metz. The Synodical was most cordially welcomed to Washing ton Avenue church and to the homes of the members and friends in an address by Miss Ruth Thompson, to which an appropriate response was made by Mrs. G. W. Long. After the rendering of two very appropriate solo selections by Mr. Glasco, of Macon, and Mrs. I. D. Davis, of Columbia,' S. C., the President, Mrs. A. A. Jones, introduced Miss Maude (Continued on page 3) . /