TR.F.Kornegay Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Foreign & Domestic HARDWARE Stoves, Carriage Mate rial, Builders' Sup plies, Paints, Oils, Glass. GOLDSBORO, N. G. After a successful business career of sev eral years tbe undersigned feels that he is acquainted with the wants of the far mers and mechanics of North Carolina, and especially solicits the attention of this class to his extensive stock. Many of his goods are purchased di rect from manufacturers, thii3 enabling country dealers purchasing from him to gave the per-ccntum made by Northern jobbers. He ha3 made Carriage goods a spe cialty, and defies compctitioa. lie bays twice the quantity of any bon?c ;n the Stfitc, and i? thus prepared to offer goods in this line at the lowest prices. W. F. KOKNEGAY. Painters! Paintets! Linseed and Rosm Oils. Buck, Crystal Palace and Devon White L"ad. Varnish es of all kinds. Colors ground in oil and dry, at W. F. KOi:XEGAYS. Carpenters ! Carpenters ! Saws, Drawing Knives, Braces, Bits, Augers, Squares, Spirit Levels, Hammers, Hatchets, IManes, fcc, at W. y. KOllNEGAY'S. Builders! Builders! Nails, Butt, Strap and Blind Hinges, Locks, Latches, Door Handles, Wood Screws, Draw Pulls, Sash Coids, Sash Fasteners, Frame Pulleys, Patent Brads, &c, at W. F. KO UN EG AY'S. J. A. BONITZ, Editor and Proprietor. "For us, Principle is Principle Right is Right Yesterday, To-day, To-morrow. Foreyer.' Published Semi-Weskly and Weekly. VOL. 10. GOLDSBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 4. 1873. NO. 24. SEJ11-WISLY Bl TO An Old Hand. Blue-vein J and wrinkled, knuckly and brown, The young lady was herselt, and I the young man, Rosco Vester, her lover, whom she first met as the pic- ji, ture showed, in the woods, with his ancle badly sprained by a iall from a chestnut tree. It was a beautiful picture, every item, even the faces, were perfect. Adah stood before it as in a dream. Her heart was in a tumult, and her brain on fire with a wild desire to live her life over again. And still not a tear came to her re lief. Her eyes shone with a light almost fearful in its brightness, and her cheeks were almost purple with the intensity ot her feelings, the rest When Mr. Deirnar came in to tea! f ... C2 . he found the pictures standing in i iOUJ S oIlimn. the hall, and entered the sitting- neglectful Lcmn to the school, the sanc tuary and the Saviour. I i. uemember tnat to be a saccesifal J . J l 1 mm. m ' tmm ' - f 'vr a rav era . nn.1v m.A 1 . rnnm. with a reprimand on his raru-u, fi. both original nd uUcUd. and r jours crea not ue a urge ' 1 oUiT malltri calcuUU'l to ititruct and inUrttt. Iids. readv for the wiie. wno uad Ambition. si. dared to neglect his i8063.?0; second time,: Finding hef kneeling there, he concladed that she tik(l alX foMiy pnspect. tempting t cry over kom TittlelMifficultySnd Ambition Is at dintance to tho ?1ew : jj muuntkio top nizD to neaTen : ti -mn i , Mitt we nerer taluk bow a&ndy tko foundation. AXO H- Utr , Wkn arartna will K.T.r mnA H.r i.r.. Otwy. This iro -d kl hand 13 clasping u-.ine; j of her face an ashy paleness. Cucumber Pumps! At W. F. KOKNEdAY'S. Table Cutieryl I bend above it, and looking down, I study its aspect, line by line. I I This hand has clasped a thousand hands j That lonij have known no answering I thrill ; I Some have mouldered in foreign lands Some in the graveyaid on the hill. Clasped a mother's hand in the day When it was little and soft and white Mother, who kissed it, and went away, To rest till the waking in God's good light. Clasped a lover's hand, years agone, Who sailed away .and left her in tears; Under Sahara's torrid sun, its bones have whitened years and years. Clasped the hand of a good man true, "Who held it softly and fell asleep, And woke no more, and never knew How long that impress this would keep. Clasped so many, so many ! so few That still respond to the living will, Or can answer this pressure so kind and true ! So many, that lie unmoved and still ! had fallen asleep. and spoke, but received no answer; he took her hand, it was icy cold. God had. indeed, criven her rest. When Mr. Delraar, in his fright, ! osoPhv or ethicts, call the laudable - ! ilooif tn i I. L... 1 A. 1? brought in triends and a doctor, j uuiuau nean, aiuoi -shake ut Some conceited weights, who study party politics more than phil- they pronounced it heart disease. Tempest. Clasped, at last, this hand my own ; And mine will moulder, too, in tuin. Including Landers, Frary & Ciark s well i Will any clasp it when I am gone ? known make, at i W. F. KORNEGAY'S. In vain 1 study this hand to learn ! Was it Heart Disease ? Pocket Knives I " Mrs. Delmar, did you order Imported and Domestic. At ! . . . , . , T , , 1U i-ma'i'm -c .those paintings which I requested W.I. ivOK-iNLuAi b. ; , . . you to this morning t " Xo, sir ! I was somewhat hur- 1 ried with ray work, and thought it would do no harm to defer the pic ! tures until afternoon, or perhaps to- Window Glass I All sizes, American and French, At WM KUl'NEGAY"S, morrow morning. Harness! Harness! Buggy, Cart and Wagon Harness, at W. F. KORNEGAY'S. Trace Chains ! At W. F. KOUInEGAY'S. Axes ! Axes ! At Wr. F. KOIINEGAY'S. Carriage Good ! Spokes, Rims, Hubs, Carriage Parts, Shafts ; Long and Short, Ann Axles ; also Trimming goods of every description, at W. F. KORNEGAY'S. Tic Monumental Cooling Stove ! j "Well, madarae, when I make a irenuest. I wish it comDlied with to i 1 the letter. Y"ou will please order the paintings, and see that they are I hung in the places I have designa- ted, before I come to my tea." And not heeding the flushed, wistful lace, and trembling lips ot his little wife he left the room, not shutting the door very gently after him either. Adah did not mind that he left without the good-bye and kiss, which are a wife's due ; for she had learned long ago to do without them. They had been married three years, and Mr. Hugh Delraer thought that sentiment should stop with the courtship. Adah had read over some old let ters that morning, which she had come across in cleaning up a trunk, and will not say she did, but per haps she might have been thinking how different a life she might have For size, weight, beauty, large oven, power of heat, rapidity of baking and roast ing, size of fire box. economy of fuel.larsie flues, good draft, simplicity and durability, Jived, had she listened to a voice low taniwt be excelled. The testimony of thou- n . ionA 4 sands using them fully justifies the asser- anfl tul1 ot rauslc instead of this tion. It has become the most popular and one, which now sounded so harshly the leadine: Cook Stove wherever intro- . i . d .u.- i j duced. For sale at lo aei nc wlls JUSL luL Wr F KOKNEGAY'S worried, that a good cry would have done her good ; but her eyes were GUNS! PISTOLS! A large assortment of fire-arms, at W. P. .KORNEGAY'S. W221 A GOOD FAMILY PAPER. hot and smarting, and not a tear came to her relief. So neglecting part ot her work, that she might be sure and get the pictures home in season, she started on her errand. She did not know the artist's name, as he had been in the place only a shorttime,but he was reported hand some and rich. Going so early, the rooms were Everybody should suhsribe for the FRIEND OF TEMPERANCE! IT is next to the largest Paper in North i Carolina.. IT is one of the best, if not the very best empty ; not even the artist himself ijr auu iuumy x apers m me being there. So she walked the "IT is one of ttie cheapest Papers in the length of the long room, examing rm ro "Svi,.. and admiring as she went, for she ax " muuiueau xemperancei'aDers , f - in, the South. was a great lover of pictures, espe 11 is tne umcial Organ of the Order of cially scenery, and that was the very ted States. reason Mr. Delmar wished her to IT is the Official Organ of the State select those particular ones. Not for any pleasure it might be ,o her, She was still before that picture when the artist entered. He saw that there was a lady there, and thinking that she might have been waiting some time, as he had been into one ot the stores on some er rands, he hastened toward her. Just as he reached her side, 6he turned and confronted him. " Oh Rosco ! how could you ?" " Adah ! Adah ! is that you ?" And grasping both her hands in his be looked into her eyes, as though he would search the most secret corners of her heart. " Adah Westly, did you say that a poor artist was not fit society for Mr. Emerson Westley's daughter that I was only sneaking around after your money and that I only counted as one more conquest." "Stop, Ross ! for heaven's sake, stop ! I never said one of those things. Did you could you think that of me ? Oh, Ross !" ana a hard dry sob choked her. " Do you tell me it was false ? haw can that be ? Hugh Delmar said you told him that, and ever more, with your own lips. Oh, Adah, has that accursed man caused us all this misery?" mf " Hush ! you forgot Mr. Delmar is my husband. Why did you not come to me, and tell me what they said ? Why did you say such hard things of me ? Oh, Ross ? "why could we not have had an under standing before it was too late ?" She had forgotten herselt for the moment, and cried out in the great anguish of her heart, and her words drove her hearer almost to mad ness. " Thank God, for those words ? They show me that you did love me aye, do love me now ; you must be mine. Oh, Adah, fly with me ; we will go where " She stood before him a spirited woman. With her firm will she put down the agonized cries for love, peace, and shelter that arose to her lips, and answered Ross Vester with a steady voice, though her cheeks burned, and her pretty lips trembled. Mr. Vester, please remember that I am a married woman. Never cross my path again, and you may be assured that I shall never meet you again it it can be helped ;" and, turning, she pointed out the pic tures she had chosen, and started tor the door. He sprang forward and caught her hand. "Adah ! will you can you leave me like this ?" and the look in his eves frightened her ; but again her firm will came to her aid. " Ross Mr. Vester ; there is a deep, wide erulf divides us. We both have duties to perform, and let us try to do them faithfully ;" and she snatched her hand from "his. " Adah, how can you talk so cool? Adah ! Adah ! I don't believe you love me. I almost believe what they told me was true. If you loved me Tiie Financial Question. The Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, the ablest financial Senator in the Radical party, has been interview- tion, aiming to strip the monster of its deformity, that they may use it, as the livery of heaven to genre the devil. The former are based on philanthropy, the latter, on selfish ness. Lexicographers define ambi to be, an earnest desire of power, honor, preferment, pride. The honor that is awarded to power, is ed on the financial question. As to specific legislative measures, the of Joubtful gender, and the power Senator thought it too earlv to form KJ mt or express an opinion. The bill re ported by the Finance Committee towards the close of the last session of Congress was a wise measure, and if it was now a law, to take ef fect in January next, it would do that is acquired by ambition, is held by a slender tenure, a mere rope ot sand. Its hero often receives the applause of the raultide one day, and its execrations the next. The summit ot vain ambition is ottpn the depth ot misery. Based on a one. Tea popds and two teachers mj bare a leMion fall of entbuiiMm aod profit. Instead of expending jour seal in fatile endearort after large accession! to 7 or numbers, make the school itself so profitable and inrtrnctire that trtry pupil shall of his own accord become an earnest missionary, and from personal assurance of its Talue persaade bis fellows to join jour ranks Drink, But Remember. great good and furnish incalculable sandy foundation, it falls before the relief. "I doubt," said he, "if we If yoa think it it your duty to drink intoxicating liquors, by all means do o On no account TioVate yonr eonscien vivjus whticuodj, om wmie joa raise the cup to your lips, remember that this draught represent! the bread of a starr ing brother for the food of at least six million persons is yearly grasped by the maltcr and distiller and its nonrishmen destroyed. T I A 1 . iememDer icai so long as you are in health, these liquors are unnecessary two thousand medical men hare asserted it. and hundreds of teetotalers have proved it Remember that most persons who act as you do injure their health and shorten their lives bv so doiDsr. Remember that not drunkenness orScFlo avoid 'tlnltlog IhtT cotton, la" fact, had no cm fur asy, m the coUoa grew io fast the sh&de thereof prrrestod - all vegetation from growing underneath. Farmers, Stick to Tour Lands. are quite ready for free banking, and I would hesite to propose it without some radical change in the banking law. Still, with the right to convert greenbacks into five per cent, gold bonds and to convert them into greenbacks within the limit of four hundred millions, we would have the best standard of the value of paper money nsw attaina ble, and one that would prevent any excessive issue of bank notes." Id a panic he held to result would be the same, whether gold or paper is the standard ot value, with this dif ference, that if the paper money is bad the loss falls upon the hote-hol- der, who is the involuntary credi tor of a broken bank. It the paper money is secured, the loss fall upon the depositor, who is the voluntary creditor of the bank or bankers whom he chooses to trust with his money. In a panic the first dispo sition is to hoard money the bet ter it is the more it is hearded. It is this involuntary instinct to hoard that will break any back in Chris tendum unless it is checked by re stored confidence or a greatly en larged issue of money. He would onlv favcr an increase of the vol ume ot the currency conditionally. He knew no better way to make our legal tenders as good as gold than to redeem such as are offered in gold, il we have it, and if we do not have it, then to redeem them with the next best thing, a bond of the United States likely to remain on a par with fiold. This gold value ot our paper money being secured, we can readily have an increase of it, when necessary, by authorizing the payment of greenbacks, par for par, for any outstanding bonds of the United States. The disposition to hoard greenbacks would be check ed by the knowledge that they could be had at any time in exchange for 1,1, nf on nr,A tV, t 1 H ' U,,U,L'U Ulis our jam ana r,; t. u penitentiaries, our poor houses, and our Wa believe a good time is ' comhag to the farmer. Out of the crash ia which the banks of the country are being in Tolred, will emerge thrift and prosperity to the trillers of the soil. The depres sion in the price of laad win be over come. Agriculture will be recognise as the basis of all m a texal prosperity. Ia proportion as moneyed stocks recede snded property will go up. The prim evil has been the tempta tion to invest money in stock of all kinds rather than in lands. A qukk la. tertst outstirpped the cause vt patem p ending labor, in the race fur $am. It was becoming generaly btlieved that firming was a M loasing baaioesa. Tboee who were once contented with realizing five and six per cent above the cost of Uvin grtw envious or those who'conld turn over the coveted 10 per cent, and that too without laboring from morale tinttl w I . - T a .... "'b111' uumuw u lums out that 44 10 per cent" may unexpectedly prove a delusive thing: craft aot staunch, enough to ride the financial storm. No doubt the piaaent upheaval la money matters will prove ruinous to many, and prod ace paralysis in all branches of commerce. Bat It wont last long. The displacement of the cloud will reveal a serene sky. Thunder storms in nature purify the atmosphere, and the present commotion will be at tended with an analogous result iu the commercial world. Evils will be recti fied and business turned into more health ful channels. A fresh impnlbe will be given to the pursuits of agriculture. The wants of society will be less artificial snd numerous; extrsvagance will be checked ; speculations will be tempered by prudence nnd moderation ; anJ men wi.l le content to f.llow h ncst toil, ami esteem slow processes of accumulation more reliable than a hastv fortune." 0 So mote it be ! The Duke's Lesson. ii is lunaieu oy a gaseous lnnatir novinm. . - r hirer ttf. mxtrmw ItL-n rt hnliAAn . V. I i v.. t-ntMauauuun wuu aou our Dansrucn, and works mischief hydrogen, and is in constant dan- mcalcuable on all ranks and Uth sexes, my 9 m -m -m m. . ger ot being exploded, by the very wnicn humane institution takes cog- A Duke once placed a rock in the element that causes its elevation. nizaucc. r0ad nenr his place. Next morning a It eschews charity, and deals large- Remember that d-inking retards edu- peasant came that way with his ox cart ly in the corrosive sublimate of cation industry, and every Lranch of " O, thre laxy people," said he, there falsehood, the aouafortis f Pnw I P'iucal and ci improvement. is this big Ptone in the road and no one Rpmomlp Tk A t ..1: a 1 s I ill a-1 .a . A t . the elixir vitriol of rnvpn.n nnrl tbo , jnjaie -niiiwineimwieio putltoutortbe -- urunkards' death i.ij. vu. drunkard's doom. the laziness of the neonir. ruusarus cieatin and go to meet a way," so Hans went on, scolding about kite, it cannot rise in a calm, and Remember that every yiar multitudes Next came along a gay soldier who requires a consant wiud to preserve call for your "moderate" ranks to re- stumbled over it, and went on, complain- its upward course. The fulcrum cruit the wasted army of drunkards. leg. of ignorance, and the lever of party Remember that every drunkard once Then came a corapaoy of merchants, spirit, form its magic power. An tried to Mlow the example you set, anl who went off ia single file on either lids astutue writer has well observed on trial fe!1 fr 'm hi l'PPry ground into of the road. One said "did you ever that "ambition makes the same thehir,P1 of temperance. see the like of that big stone lying here, mistake concerning power, that Rmcmber that if 1 sauction the and no one stopping to tske it sway P , &. 1 . custom, you are answerable fr its fruits. It lay there fr three weeki, and no avarice makes relative to wealth' Remember that .he weak and tempted one tried to remove it Then the The ambitious man begins, by ac- ones look to you, and thst under God it sent word to the people to meet him cumulating it as the desideratum of depends on you whether they may be near where the stone lsy, as he bad of happiness, and ends his career drunkards or sober men. eomething to tell thrra. A great crowd in the midt of exertions to obtain uemember that " :o him that knoweth gathered. The Duke said: "It was I more. So ended the onward and 10 do 8 ant doeth it not, to him it is who put this stone here three weeks ago. upward career of Napoleon his in " aud that thereis-a woe for that Every passer-by has lefi it Just as be life, a modern wonder his fate, a man tbrou8h whom offense cometh to the found it and has colded his neighbor for fearful warning-his death, a scene U",e OD K f , , not UkJn U oat of tbe wa Ht ,bea - , T, . . Uemember that yov cannot be neutral, stooped down and lifted the stone; un- ot gloom, rower is gained as a .u,f k-- :n i i . i, j i ... . . & . that there will be a day when you will der it lay a small bag, marked, For means ot enjoyment, but oftener be unable to plead ignorance him who lifts the stone," In tbe bsg than otherwise, is its fell destroyer. Remember that all this weight of re was a gold ring and twenty gold coins. Like the viper in the fable, it is sponsibility rest upon you, as you rslse So they all lost the prire by not moving prone to sting those who warm it in that cup, if you think it right, but we tbe stone. to life. History full demonstrates enTy not your c mscince. Moral. Don't wait for your neighbor these propositions. Hyder Ali was 10 PUnt ,eM cotton, but roll tbe stone of in the habit of starting frightfully Five Bales to Acr0. "VeTwY in his sleep. His confidential friend Und. and raise yonr own pork, cows, i i i i .u mules, bread, hay. vegetables, fruit, and and attendant asked the reason.- Mr. T. C. Wartben, a thrifty planter tnerefore ro.BUr. Tou wil, fi.dthat ic icpneu, incuu, mc Biavcu. living near oanaersvuie, ua., nas man- Tour reward will be irold. or Its Mmnk m, - o m a beggar is more delightful than aged to raise five bales of cotton to the ent greenbacks, and prosperity. Three my evinced monarchy awake, he sere, and thus explains how he did it: million bales of cotton will sell quicker sees no conspirators asleep, he " Tne soil u ndy, with clay subsoil. at 20 cents per pound, than four million dreams of no assissins.M Ambition, Ha htea la cultivation for sixty or bales will at 15 cenU per pound, like the gold of the miser, is the 8hty years, I suppose. About half of From Timely Topics for N". C. Farm- senulcheof all the other nassions Mre wa " daDS hll, lbe other ers, published by Geo. Allen & Co. sepuicne oi au tne otner passions faalf yery poor mMlttring The of the man. It is the grand centre gnano x uwd WM Keitlewellse A. A-, or " around which they move, with cen- PhosphcPeruvian, 1,400 pounds; raw Personality in Breams. tripetal force. Its history is one of pine straw from the wood, 60 ox-cart carnage and blood it is the bane loads green cotton seed, CO bushels; One remarkable thing as to the stuff of substantial good if endangers stable manure, welt rotted, 400 bushels, or our dreams is well worth a moment's body and Foul, for time and eterni- Pine 9traw. d stable consideration -aud it is this: Of whaU bonds This would rpnuire the tv. Header, if you desire peace of maDure 1 uauica oul in January, ana Vw.., lK w bonds. inis would require tno j j r strewed broadest over the land, then as regards our moral consUtuUnaad banks to redeem their notes in nd, shun ambition and the am- turued under with a lwo horse vXq13 character, that is), of such stuff our greenbacks, or, in case of their fail- bilious man. He will use you as breaking eight inches deep. Then with dreams will assuredly partake la a very ure to do so, the notes would be re- some men ao tneir norses, nae you a 8ixtCen inch scooter run in the two great degree, whatever may be the forms deemed by the United States Treas- all day without food, and give yoa horse furrow, breaking from five to and phases-grotesque and ridiculous or urer with the bonds deposited for Post Incat or sapper. lie will seven inches; in the whole thirteen to awiul and solemn under which they their security. All that Congress gdiy rnaice a Dri ige oi you, on nueen mcnes aeep. l men loiiowei in "--fj u" ia sueep. ii nas oeeu can do Mr Sherman said 'As to which to walk in power, provided the scooter furrow with the guano or frequently asserted by writers on this . ' i, f.n toll frp. Tt vnnr aim subsoil furrow, so on, till completed. In nbject, thst the dreamer is at ond time i require arapie security iur an cur- i j , . - iM, . ,t . rencv issues to maintain it at par be more lofty than the highest pin- Februar7 1 rePpated ,he breklDS In e trVe " "on: at "other mere P0 renc issues , to maintain it ac par . fa r- gtme manner iCaTing cff manuring. In roon at one time a knave, at another a with gold, to guard against artifi- nacle ambition can rear Nothing M he mt breakineach aaint, etc. etc. But all such description. CoUUCil Of North C!iirflino IT is the Paper tha every Temperance LLia,ii oauuiu suuscrioe ior. IT is the aper that every Family should nave. Price only $2 00 a Year. Address Rev. R. H. WHITAKER, Raleigh, N. C. but that his friends might talk of his fine collection of paintings. Reaching the farther end of the room, she stood spell-bound before a large picture, the subject of which J. FERNBERG-EK, & CO. was a never-forstten scene of her WHOLESALE DEALERS IN maindenuood. wiyiocj T.irinnnfl 14 rvrt-o I It was a largre tree ia the edge a -AxixL Tobacco, - , No. 32 North Water Street; Wilmington, X. C tW Country Merchants and Liquoi iJealers will find it to their interest to give us a call. Orders by mail receive prompt Ration. novl8-3m o w a wood, under which lay a man in seeming great distress ; beside him a basket half filled with nuts ; and standing beside him a young lady signaling a farmer in the distance, who is seen coming on the run. you would give me some word to live on, and dream over ; but Your heart is all in old Delmar's money boxes ; or at least, what little heart vou had. Go your way, woman, as false as all your sex." And he opened tho door for her with a mocking bow. She turned, and srivinsr him a look which he never forgot to his dying day, hurried out into the street. She went home like one in a dream, murmuring to herself now and then, "I did my duty; God help me." Reaching home, she threw off her hat, and kneeling be side the sofa, prayed to God for helo. rest and peace ; and a prayer cram hrpikinrt Arh BftlQU CIC. eiC. UQI S1I tnth dMrnntl cial scarcity in times of panic, and is pure oui ncaven, iei inai, do me time crosawis 0rin opposite direction. ar falseand baseless the moralwdl then to leave all persons tree to prize yon seek, In April, I harrowed the land twice, to iduallty undergoes no change In dreams. buy, sell, barter, exchange, bank "And taste and prove in that traisport. level the soil and destroy the young "e coward never dreams that be Is horrow, lend or deposit as they T ing sight, ... . . vegetation. Then I checked off my rows b ant, or the brave man that he Is a ilk v it iiii il miii ri i km; iiiiii l am m. i c " J ' will, at their own risk. light.' One of the " contrabands " who The Country Sunday Schools. found his way to BoFton with re-' three feet each way, with a small bull- coward ; the sordid man has no generous tongue plough, and on the 13th day of emotions In the lsnd ot shadows, nor May I planted my cotton seed in tbe hill, does the free-handed, hospitable man be six or eight seed, dropped, by hand and come a churl la his sleep. The dreams csvered with the foot ; the seed when the miser will never be visions of turning troops, related his expe- 1. Whoever you may be, already 1 a covered being on a level. The seed were I aelf-sacnfice and benevolence, war those rience on the battle-field as follows: chftrSe of a countIT onaa7 icnooi, or the "Cluster CottoaM variety. I pur- of the base, meaa and impure, be a whit " Ye see, massa, I was irivin' an projeci,UK ,uc I T cnasea wem irom wsvia uickson, tsq., more nooie or eievaiea iuu iuicuoi , . . uer maw vuc"-- - -r iiTinra. Ueflrcn&. tn whnm I mmt ucir witinir nanri. i mtKtnr.hUi i . I i o a whole neichborhooa. lae one greai fH1- T :,um f, m. m come and kill my horse; and den, need of ftnj COontry Sunday school is min v -n i v , - " vwau- pretiy soon, toe snen cuine aiong, i earnest leaaer. ue wm aurmci o niniscu i. . . n . I - c ti:. auu ue mow my wayuii a.i pieces WM tn,Mei to one sUlk to the hOl In von ever see a cat t Did von A. Earnest, indefatigable love, T .. , . . lf .. - 7 ..v!.. .v, ' I J une, with exception of the outside rows, cat walk I Did vou ever see a cat waft: in which I left two stalks. Then 1 1 uoon the too a wall f Did von ever ae i Ttev. Mark Wilkes once introduced his dent, were half the battle. The cotton text In this manner: MlTv hearers. Aid w and den I got off!" eTery parent ! can keep a Sunday sehsol under the most J . inauspicious circumstances. The magnet, From Gov. Caldwell's message, wc ia fpite Df wind and wave, and bUckaeas Pl0UQea w,ia cnty-iour-incn eweep, a cat want upoathe top ef a wall cover learn that 204,679 people have emicrat-Ld tmnest. noints steadUv towards the u,CKion Tery thanow, one furrow ed witn orokeo glass! How carcfony l ed from this into other States. As an pole. A force silently foos it frosa afar, 10 .e rowt about eight day after-1 she lifted each foot How swlyand offset to this have only'' receive! au and it tremblef thitherward ia responsive ward I repeated the same, fanning one I cautiously "she. set it down .agala 1 So went up such as only an agonized , immigration of 42,633, 3029 of whom longing- So woos true Cbristly los, andl lurrow to ttie row, just rcraptng tbe I would the text trom arnica I am aoous soul can breathe ; and God heard j were from Europe. Bd figures these, this may throb in yonr heart, brother or learth enough to destroy the young weeds to speak have jaw act. . See, that joa and gave her peace and rest. I Scarcely one come to five that went. I sister, and, win childhood ana afe from ana grass. ua not use a aoe la it, la I want cir-caawptcs-ij. . r - - ... .7. m r . t

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