! dS ru S2.00 FHl KU:j..3U t:03TilSJSt.Od. "Free I Independent! F carlo hh! VOL. XX. NO. I :53 ROCKINGHAM, N. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27. 1892. WHOLE NUMBER 1010 f i I i ; : . ; ; : . . ' . ' vV )W I J J I J II l II J II I : I 1 1 t Mil AW AV V AV AW iVJJ-u ! I vj -w- vj vy vsr ill X rUhermn'a i3r oa the Bank. The fiabertnan'a life oa the Banks and tie Gierke in winters a Tcrj hard one, tja-b they lire well oa board better 43 oa shore. They hare to, that they pjj itand the excessive cold ; aad their -tj it like their Urea, a floating doubt. voyage is made oa aharea. Prora e gross proSU of the catch are de .fretfd the coat of bait and ice, and act fourth of one per cent, for the Wid cy nl Orphan' Fund. One-half of tzti 4stock, at it is called, goes to ie owners of the vessels, the other ball to tie crew, from which in deducted gtch ojq' share of the crew's expenses; u, cook's wages, water, medicine tc. They aail ??ay full of hope jaj -itb a full larder. Arrived oa the fro-sis they anchor ia about forty or :y fathoms, and set their tra-ris. Xiic re long line-,- anchored on the ti.:.'r3, and extending out from the ic'-xosf taaay hundrc Is of yard. To iL:; interval of a fathom (the dis usee varies for dillereat fish), aro at u.:.el shorter linfts. These I in 21 hare u br attended in dories, each containing tri men, who haul, bait, and land the Zsh 13 the boat, to be transferred to the scLvner. Herein lie the dinger and hardship, for the strong tides of the Biak aad the shoal watet pile up great combing seas. The cold ia cruel, and He work hard. Suddenly down comes a frt not the soft mist ot summer or sutuma, but a thick, heavy baak, aoaked through with the penetrating cold of the iceberg further north. Horns are blown from the vessel, but every year many dones are lost. One would think that common sense, if not law, would make each dory carry a breaker of water aad pilot bread; but none do, and either experience does not teach or the fisher men like such chances, lor year alter year comes the same old story of a lost dory aad two mea starred or dead o! thirst. When the fog lifts they are maay diles from their schooner, aad are car ried by the swift tides they know not whither. Then come days of hunger tad thirst; hands aro frozen to the oars; madness haunts them ; and then death. Sometimes they make land or are picked op by a passing Teasel, in which case they often return before their own schooner; but that great happiness is rare. Then their Teasel, which so gaily sallel out past the light, comes horn! wita hex flag at half-mast. Century. r IFive Children Burned to Death. OrurrrN, Oa. Fire children, left at home locked up by their parents, were burned to death Wednesday night. Nath an Ellis and his wife, with his sister, had gone to church, leaving two children of a dead sifter of E11U' and three of the other sister's children locked up in the building. The house was discovered to be on fire about C o'clock and the flames had gained such headway that it was im Hjv4ible to rescue the children, although tin ir erica for help were heard. It is iid the houss was set on fire by incen diaries. Small Change For Cotton Pickera. Wasuisqtox, D. C The Treasury Dcmrtmcnt is in a position to furnish rnill cuiTcncY fox shipment South and Went in exchange for deposits with the ul. Treasury at New York, at govern ment contract prices of 15 cent per thouvan d doll.', thereby saving the or dinary banker'! rates, which would be from 7 cents to $1.50. A gTeat demand for amall money is expected during the cotton picking season and rice harvesting. The latter crop is said to be very large ttu year, especially ia Louisiana. Shot By Ilia Ulatrea. Curro. Fokoe, Va. Ituckcr Booze, a young man from Buchanan, Va,, who ha. lmn here for the past few weeks in the employ of the Withrow Lumber Company, was accidently shot and fatally wounded by a pistol in the bands of Carrie Moore, his mulatto mistress, while thev were in a vacant house about 11 o'ciiick last nitjht. Boore U of gooi laoily. He will die. The woman has lren arrested. OliTer Spring Troublet. XatnriLLE, Tax.-Scores of eitirens and LunLcss mea from here and Knox armed with any sort of guns pro- uraMc, have rushed forward with armed yulitia from all over the State to Oliver tias, where the coal miners, after tl.vir victory over the militia at Coal Crr-k, liave btea beseiging the State ti top under Gen. Anderson. The mili tary u now in controL The Tare. Cs Railroad. ttmtol, Tcnn., New. Three C's road, mx the attorney for Mclktaald.Shea fc Co.. will be completed cry oon. McDonald. Shea Jk Co. hare te contract for the entire completion of tie road in Kentucky, Tennessee, Vir JT.ai aod the Ciroliu, a four million Uolkr job Tlie JcwUh Tidings predicts Uiat with in ten yean Sunday services will be held in the American synagogue It says that the Jewuh people of this country want to Sunday as a religious day, and that the drUy in its universal adoption is due almoit eutirely to the rabbis all of hitu arc not as progTraife and up-to time as they might be." Supreme Sitting Iron II all Su.d. Uiciimono. Vs. Suit was instituted in the Circuit Court against the Supreme S'ttiug Iron IlaU for $973 by J. L. Ill wmlirrg. Bloomberg's policy for tiooj io tlx- institution fell due, and he J tk-o above sts in order to protect THE IE STATES' BRIEFS. Telegraphic Dispatches From Many PoinU of Interest The Fisida of Virgin a, Worth and 84uth Carolina Carefully Oleaned For News. VXROCiXA. A Ladies Bicycle Club has been or- ganized in Salem. Kct. Sam Jones has begun a series 01 meetings in Ilarrisonburg. 2orfblk iren workers have a movement on footijlookicg to the reduction of the numbc of hours of a day's labor. The following appointment have been made t the West 1'oint Military Acade- A .... . . 1 my: laviu n. rowers, jr., t'orx lioyaa, with V illard 2f. Kewhill, of Irvington, alterna n. I The -Jalvation Army has lost their suit against the city of Salem. This case has cused considerable excitement, as on the verdict I rest the future actions of the 'Salv&Lion Army' in Koauoke county. I An tiort will made to get Governor McKioaey to pardon the ninetcen-years-Old glr , Octavia Hodges, who waa com mitted to the penitentiary last week for six years for the killing of a sewing machine agent named Cunningham. She claims that the shooting was done in elf-defense. NORTH CAROLINA. Creameries have been completed at States tioo. ille and Charlotte and axe ia opcr- fhm Wilmicrrton alumni of the Keeley Institdte have a "Keolcy Bi Chloride of 1 Thol : n. Hoke, of Lincolnton, a prom inent iberchant and chairman of the Dem ocraticounty exscutire committee, died Thursday. J The Comptroller of the Currency has decUrtd a second dividend of 13 per cent. 2a favor of the creditors of the First National Bank of Wilraiagton, N. Ct Yiasoltent), making in all 30 per cent, on .1fm J nrrTd Amount iDL' to f519.025.10. V'M J w " T ' I . Then Caralelgh Phosphate works at rtaieiga aurneu imsb wcc. t27.000. I Fred Sherrill, the colored man shot at Winston Sunday night by Thomas vm ion, died, and the murder has escaped. iThe msyorof Winston offered a reward of $100 fbr his arrest, and delivery to the citv authorities. I I SOUTH CAROLINA! I An knti-high licence municipal ticket has Men elected in Ml. I'leasant. ThellR. & D. shops at Columbia are sgain k-unning full time, and payout $ 1 4,6(30 monthly. A cir load of mineral water was ship ped fijora the Kdisto Mineral Springs at Orangeburg to Baltimore, Md., last week. Tht safe of Sullivan's store at Williams ton was blown open by burglars Tuesday night and $G0 in money and valuable .pa pers v ere stolen. Dr. Babcock, Supt.of the State Insane Aaylu n was privately married Wednes day V jMiss Kathcrine Guion, one of the nurses of the institution. The vacant scholarships for the Cita del A adcrny this vear are Abbeville 2, Bcauf irt 2, Colletin 1, Marion 1, Union 1, Ch irleston 1. Edgefield 1, Orangeburg 2, Sumter, 1, York 1. GLADSTONE'S CABINET. The Grand Old Man" Selects ma Advisors and Lieutenants). Lorldon Csblegram: Following is an official list of Mr. Gladstone's cabinet: Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, v.ri Ttrm!wrrv; rrd Chancellor. Baron nrarKll Chancellor of the Exchequer, a:. r;n;.i Vmno Ifarcourt: Ilome Hpjrv ir.rrwrt Ilearv Asouilh; Sec retary of State for India, Earl of Kim- berly rr(irr of State for the Col Trrtiii of Rinen: Secretary of onics, State tor War. Uicht lion. H. Campbell Bannfrman; First Lord of Admiralty, Karl Spencer; Chief Secretary of State for Ir Hand, Kignt lion, joun . bee re Hon. ident II. II nold Educ Lord Mr. 1 First ary ot State for Scotland, lugn Sir George Otto Trevelyn ; Fres of the Beard of Trade, Bight Hon. ! Knur i-r- Postmaster General. Ar Mcrlev; President of the Council of itioo, Arthur Herbert uyke-ACiana. lloughton is iceroy lor luiisnu. laditone i Frune Minister ana ord ol the Treasury. DARED DEATH FOR S25. A To ung Man Blown TJp With Dyna- Mitb to Test Lifs-Saving Devic. 1 Ala. Cant. L. D. Bio l:i uho has been crivicz exhibitions at Oxford Lske for feveral dsys, ollereu I 2J t anr one who would cret into a i lxst I with ( tnigh n.l him&elf to be blown up lycsmite ia order that BSoadell show his method ol saving uie in i uch i mcrgencte. nirflvinl a vounrr white man. I & a a a It. - . ed the oaer ana ww u own ,ionj or filtl feet into tne air ana icu uac oa lr- ajpiaa t Kime bl the wrrcKsze. Hi'J left lei? was broken aad he was ..thrwiae severelv iniured. but he may recovfrr. Big Fix In Norfolk. . nUii.t. Va. Fire broke out at 7 oclik io the carriage manuiacxory 01 a. wreati - 1 . .t Son on Union strrct anil ue stroyi I all the work shops together with the ljop-i of he anculturai iinplemeni tiouso f rn WhitehunitSc Co. ad joini The entire tire department fervire and after hours hard work vr subdi ted a POLITICAL PILLS. Q wallow and Aaaimilato Quickly. Thtm tv, Ttnuhlieaiisof Delaware nominat ed for Governor Rev. Jonathan Willis. V. A- Ward was nominated to Congress by the People's party m this city. An.Ajrra, Ga. The Fifth district Democratic Convention renominated L. F. Livingston for Congress. Macos. Ga. Congressman James 11. Blount having declined renomination, the Sinli ditri.t Democratic Convention nominated Thomas B. Cabinis as his suc cessor. The Wisconsin Republicans met at Milwaukee Wednesday in State Conven tion. John C. Spooncr was nominated for Governor and John C. Koch of Mil waukee for Lieut. Governor. The Third party has nominated A. C. Bhuford, of Newton, N. C, for Congress 7th District, and Dr. J. A. Wilcox, of Jefferson, N. C, for Congress tsth Dis trict, .orth Carolina. Buzzard's Bat, Mass. Grover Cleve land, Joseph Jefferson, William H. Crane and Richard Watson Gilder are fihing in the waters of Waketey and contiguous points down in the Indian settlement of Mashpee. They are having fine sport. lilacic Diss, percn, ana piuc wc well. Got. Hogg was renominated at Hous ton, Texas, by the Democratic Conven tion by an overwhelming majority. Their platform advocates free and unlimited coinage of silver; opposes issue of ficti tious stocks and bonds; favors an income tax and endorses the railway commission law. The Democrats of the serenth Kansas district Tuesday endorsed and nominat ed Jerry Simpson for Congress. A platform adopted at the Democxatic State convention commending Simpson's con- fressional career was adopted without a useating vote. - WmTX Pleura. N. Y. While White law Reid. Mrs. Reid, and D. O. Mills, Mr. Reid'a father -in law, were on their wav from Ophir farm to catch the T :45 tram for New York the carriage collided with an ice wagon. Those in the carriage narrowly escaped being thrown out. They had a good shakiog up and were much excited over the accident. After the ice wagon and carriage were disen tangled the party drpve te the station in safety and caught the train for New York. New Obleass, La. The Republican Lesgue has elected Andrew Hero, Captain General for Louisiana. It has announced its intention to place no Republican can didate in the field in the First, Fourth, and Fifth districts, but to support the can didate of the People's party. It will sup port T. J. Grace in the" Fourth and any one who will run against the Hon. C. J. Boatner, the sitting member in the Fifth. The Hon. J. Yoise will be nominated as a straight Republican candidate in the Sixth and supported by both factions of the Republicans, Judge Taylor Beattie in the Third, and Andrew Hero in the Sec ond. xne xsaw uueen oz tne Trotting Surf. Tebre Hacte, Ind. Nancy nanks, that won the title of queen of the trotting turf at Chicago, going a mile 2:01J, is a bay mare, six yesrs old, 15$ hands high. . She was sired by Hapy Medium out of a Dictator mare. Abe Lincoln, the running horse who helped Nancy along to glory, is a bay horse with something of a history. He was formerly the property of Adam Fore paugh. Jr., who used him for snany years about the circus, his good points being his perfect gentleness and a fondness for the society of elephants, of which horses in general stand in mortal terror. Be cause of his level head, obedience and thorough reliability he was taken by Budd Doble, her traiuer, as a peacemaker for Nancy Hanks in her trials against time. Nancy Hanks is owned by J. Malcolm Forbes, of Boston, who purchased her last year for foo.OOO. He is a man of great wealth and for that reason it is doubtful if Mr. Robert Bonner,the own er of Maud S. and Suool, will be able to accomplish his well-known purpose of purchasing every trotter which beats his own. Lore Laughs at LocklithJ,,, But Not at Scythe-Bladea. SnELBT, N. C A young citizen of Gaston county received a serious wound io a peculiar manner recently. He was engaged to a girl in the neighborhood, whose parents were opposed to his visits. Love, however, is full of expedients and strvaeias, and the young roan continued to vbit his sweathcart surreptitiously at night. The girls father discovered that hsy were meeting and made his arrange ments to stop it. When the young mao paid his next visit and proceeded to t rawl into the window, he came in contact with a sharpened scythe blade which the old man had fixed ia the window for him aad received a serious cat in the abdo mra. He had to walk four miles before he could receive medical attention. His condition was critical lor some time but h has recovered. TENNESSEE THLf PARTY. The Omaha Ticket and Buchanan Candidacy Endorsed- Nashviluc, Tesx. The adjourned meeting of the State People's party con vention met here. There were 400 or 500 delegates present, representing nearly every county in th State. The conven tion adopted a resolutiou endorsing Got ernr Buchaaan as an independent .can didate and pie Jging him support. The Omaha platform and nominations were endorsed, and after listening to several eathusiastic jpecthes, the convention ad joaxnrd . 3AUQHT THE DETECTIVE'S EYE. lit Saw a Peculiar Chest and Found In It a Counterfeiting Outfit. Walhalla. 8. C. Secret Service Agent Fqrsyth noticed a suspicious-looking chest at Anderson, S. C.,several days ago. The chest weighed 190 pounds, and was addressed to O. T. Baughman, Waihalla, S. C, consigned by J. H. S. of McCormiclc The secret service agent opened the box, and. after removing car penter and blacksmith tools, found in the bottom of the chest a walnut cabinet. In this were found six sets of moulds over one hundred coins, finished and unfinish ed, and a stick of half and half,'1 a metal used by counterfeiters. There were two moulds for standard uollars, one for Mexican dollars, .two for quarters and one for five cent nickels. Baugh man is highly connected. His wife is the only daughter of a highly respected citi zen, and his brother-in-law is a Govern ment official. Detective Forsyth took with him Dep uty United States Marshal V. E. Bailey, and came Here. Not receiving his trunk, Baugbman became suspicious and ran away. Forsyth secured information of his whereabouts. Baughman was arrest ed. He declared that while the chest was his he knew nothing about the wal nut box. He finally weakened and made a full confession It Was A Mean Trick. That wa3 a mean trick played Rnuthem Rtrancer in a Vine street on a saloon the other evening,says a writer in the Cin cinnati Times Star. The said stranger float ed in and opening the aperture in the face of the knot on which he carried his hat anr) narfnmp Inhks. ordered a elass of ale. Hii dudisb appearance and air of inffabli. wisdom attracted the attention of a well known ward politician,! who. slipping a chunk of ice from the lemon ade he was sipnincr. hastily deposited i a bright silver dollar on it. Keeping the dollar on ice out of sight he engaged in conversation with the Southern gentle man and finally led the talk to the coin r nf ai'.ver. "And do tou know.' tfi th XV. P.. that the dollars coined in the North are colder than those struck off at New Orleans?' "No." replied the sol "Well, it's a fact. Look there,' and the cold and carefully dried dollar was placed in the Southerner's sweaty rmlm where it felt like a chunk of ice A look of wonder passed over his face, and all he could say was: "By luckers, .;n that ctmntro?" Then commenced a dicker, which resulted in a brand new 21 bill heinT mven for the cold Idollar, and the Southern Gentleman departed lirvnnv a .i hov at the circus . Laughter Ion"- and loud filled the saloon as soon as his locklets vanished, and "Well, j boys. 4ho rmlitirian? "I'll have to set 'era up on that." Ninety-five: cents wnrth f beer went bv the board and the $3 bilj was passed to the bartender, who was about to hand back the change, when, he seemed struck with a funny idea. "It's counterfeit,' he giggled as he nassed it back. Then followed more i,crhtrr but in a more subdued tone tlmn t tirt and when the eang went out to look for the long-haired Southern gentleman he could not be found any where. liew soutnern .enterprises In the list of new Southern enterprises for the past week mentionea in me nfatiirrV Record of Aucrust 19. are the follnwincr important items: A $30,000 lnmhor manufacturing COnDIDV j at El Dorado. Ark. : a $500,000 coal company Tv;i;nn; W V a 300.000 wtex rArVannH imnrnvmcnt comDaov at Gray- ton, W. Va. ; a $20,000 publishing com nmr at San Antonio, Texas; a $100,000 vAter lirht and power company at Oak Cliff, Taxas; a $200,000 distillery at ille Kv. : a f200.000 brick works com nan v at waierioo, va. ; a .mr..nv at Virkihurtf. MlSSl : a tjuaiij w"v"J o- 1200.000 jBhoc manufacturng company Mmindsrille. W. Va.:a $75,000 ic Hrrfct nH water comDanT at Marble Falls, T.T.f 3U0 0O0 manufacturing company at Weatherford, Texas; a $30,000 cotton oil company at Whitewiight, Texas; a $200 000 electrical manufacturing com pany at Birmmaham. Ala. ; a $23000 publishing company at Louisville, Ky. ; and a $10,000 lumber mill company at Dayton, Ky. . , Clever Ruse of a Cashier. Coal Creee, Ax. a. A bold attempt to rob the cashier of Coal Creek Mining Company wus made, and one of the rob bers was killed. j For a month past the company has been expecting such ac effort, and Cash ier Mountcastle was prepared for it. Sam Clang, Bill Jones and Fred Stonies were the mea who made the attack. It was the p7 day -of the coma-By. Mr. Mountcastle had been told the at tempt would be made to rob him, land he had a bogus package sent instead of the monev expected by exp.es. This pack age w'as labeled $4,001. Sooo after the train left, and whenthe cashie.- was sup posed to be fixing his pay-ni;L the three rushed in on him, put a pittol J at his head and ordered him to open the ssfe i At this, o dicers who were secreted in the strong room closed in on the robbers, ordering them to throw up their hands, K., V... ml.Kr nr.ened fire. Ciantr wa? LUk vww-. killed, but the others escaped. Beliered to Have Been 125 Yeaxs Old. TaoxASTixxK. The oldest woman in Georgia died at the poorbouse on Sun day morning. It will sound like fiction to state Aunt Peggy Slater's age, but all her acquaintances and her old master say that her age was 125. Aunt Peggy did not dale events from the civil ar, as many do, but from the Revolution. Aunt Peggy had outlived all her chil dren except one, and there were quite a number of them. The one living is in ier yrth year. ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT- Reiding Hatter For the Order Care fully' Prepared. Tha Great Honey Question Discussed by the National Economist. ' Wheel (Arkansas) ssys. Keep it before the people that it requires more than twice as much labor to get a dollar today as it did 25 years ago, but that dollar, when you get it, will pay no more debt or taxes than it would pay in 1S67. .. Bertie County, North Carolina, declares that as the rights and liberties of the people are being constantly abridged by the election of Presidential tickets, and Senators by the monev of plutocrats, that they "demand of . their represen tatives in Congress the repeal of present laws and direct election by the people. IS HOKY A riiOOUCT OT NATCREI The argument that government can't make (that is, ere ste,) money, since the veriest simpleton in the land knows that the individual who attempU I to do so will be railroaded to the penitentiary for counterfeiting, carries with it the impli cation that money is a product of nature. Outside of man, in his individual or col lective capacity, the only generative force capable of transmuting the material thiugs of earth into factors necessary for the continued advancement of civili zation is nature. Then, taking the po sition that money is not created by law, compels the belief that nature, instead of always being the same staid, solemn, eternal, unchangeable force that men hare always believed her to be, ia, io the matter of money, at least, one of the most fickle and flighty creatures imagin able; for she not only creates a different kind of money for every different gov ernment in the world, but she create many different kinds ot money of differ ent denominations for each government. Thus gold, silver, copper, nickel, brass, mner etc . are each employed by her in th manufacture of money. In this catintrv she fives us dollars, dimes and cents; "in England the denominations arc changed into pounds, shillings and Tvnce: in Germany into kruetzers, guid- ers, pfennings, etc. Such assumptions . a JSa a . A . as these are calculated to maitc uawirc an near ridiculous. The truth is. nature has no more to do with the creation f mnnev than she has to do with the cre ation of a cotton gin or grain-binder or any one of the thousands of things into whirh mn have changed the material provided for her, into things for their nam rominrt ana Advancement. : duo provides the matter from which every thing is made. But the fact that the governments for a lonf? time assumed that the preper material from which to make money is gold or saver, no more con stitutes those metals 'natural money" than docj the fact that Cain slew Abel with, club constitute the manner of Abel's death the 'natural" way to die. TTnon the theorv that "ase and custom' justify the use of silver and gold as i - . : c . 1 . 1. : money, can ue jusuueu .uu cAuitm,u v crime, human slavery, corruption and skull-duggery of every kind, because these things are, all of them, older even thsn the use of money of any kind. And yet, one of the strongest arguments, or, at least, one of the strongest points al ways lingeringly and lovingly dwelt upon by ourwise men"io their advocacy of these metak as the only proper money material, is tne iact mat tneir use nas been sanctioned by custom and made venerable by age. To a mind capable of consecutive, analytical', thinking it would seem that the very fact the barelegged-barbarians of thousauds of years ago used those metals for money mate rials is of itself .sufficient to cast a deep, dense shade of suspicion over their real utility for that purpose. The incontro vortihln truth is that money, lawful money, the tender of which cannot be refused without prejudice to one's claim, is a creature of man in his aggre gate or governmental cspcity, and the only milk in the financial cocoanut is in ToWed in the question an to how the wealth-producers of the nation will profitably avi l themselves of this gov crmectal fuictirn. Hxa. Tom Woolfolk Remarried. Maco. Ga.-Mr?. Georgia ByTd Woolfolk, the widow of Tom Woolfolk, was married to George Lamb, superin tendent of a barrel factory here. Wool folk's crime is well known. Five years ago he killed nine members of his own family in order to gain po5esion of the family estate. For three years be was in prison awaiting the final dipoition of bis case by the courts. During that time bis wife kept up the appearance - of constancy, but dressed flihily and be haved in a questionable manner. Geor gieByrd's marris-e to Tom Woolfolk was a runaway affair, and the ceremony was p-erformed oc a movicg train while it was passing through the principal cemetery of th citv of 3Iacon. She hat frequently aiMrribed her ill luck to the fact that 'she was married in a grave yard. A Good "Work. The State University (S. C.) has nearly completed the construction of its new chemical laboratory, for which Mrs. Mary a Morehead, dosad $40.00X It will have ten sepsrst rooms for divert at branches of chemical work aad will cover ia all C.003 square fet of ground. Dur ing the past ten years the college has graduated a large number of joang men in the chemical department, and some of them now bold responsible positions. Five students hve applied for a pelt graduate couxsj during the coming year. Third Day Casiica -XLesaXnussj cf waaHwa He?act to CcL rciX' RicmtaxD, -Va. Ts third dsj's ten sion of the Sta Farmers' Alliance con -vention atse.wJ' at 0 o'clock. Gcorga Jackson cSercd a report for the good cf the.order. lV-s unanimously adopted. J. B. BcTerTf tiered a resolution cf re spect to the Ute Col. Polk. It was usn. imously adogled. The special committer oa the lectmrer system made its report. They rccommtnded that the district lec turer be abolished ; that one Slits and three assistant lecturers be elected by the State Alliance. This was also adopted. A business exchange syitca was adopted and placed under the control of the cx ecutive eommittee. The constiution m amended and that part which ajs an of ficer shall hold otucc only two terms wa stricken out. Any ofBcer is now tligibh? for an unlimited number cf term. . Tho body then went into the election of cf.i ccrs and the following were i the unani mous choice of the body : ' Msj. Mann Page was re-elected presi dent. Dr. W. E. Qucscn bury vice presi dent and J. J. Silvcy re-elected secre tary and treasurer. T. Y. Allen, llolert Bev erly and E. R. Cocke were elected mem ber of the executive committee. 8outhwest Georgia has grown so much tobacco this year that the people are anxious to secure a factory to work it up instead of shipping It away. The general opinion is that the leaf,i of excellent quality, suitable for cither cigars or smoking tobacco. At BanyatJ Fla. , L. C. Oliver is clear ing fifteen acres of Isnd, and wilt plant 55,000 pineapples. J. T. Stewart is plant ing 15,000 common pines aod an euil number ot fine varieties. J. D. Lares is planting 10,000, and P. A. McMillan i just finishing setting 50,000 in the ground. There will be over 200,000 pins 141 pi a plants growing around that place by fall. . The Brunson (3. C ) Canning and Man ufacturing Co., which was organized lnt March, began operations in June of this year, and has. since been turning oat about 2,000 cans per day. Tomatoes, peaches, berries, pears, apples, okra and pickles are the product, and they hart met with quick and v sale. , Dr. Talmage As a Lion. . Birmingham, Ejto. Dr. T!magp Suu day addressed the largest assembly ever gathered in Bhmingham. The town hall was crammed with an audience ot 8,000 persons, and outside, there hovcre SO.OOO more people, whom Dr. Talmagc addressed from his carriage after the ser vices in the hall. On his way back to his hotel Dr. Tal mage was informed that 10,000 person were still waiting on the other aide of the town hail to hear him. He imm li ntcly turned and briefly addrced them, and the immense crowd, estimated at 20,000, sang "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow." The main door of .the hotel had to be bolted against the urging crowd, which ran aheadof the doctor's carriage. Gen. Prince Commits Suicide. London cablegram: It ia now def initely ..known-that the American gen tleman who committed suicide oa Friday at Marlej's Hotel A' Biigadicr-Gcnfr.il" Henry Prince, aged 82, a retired oflWrr of the 'Americau array. Gen. Print e left a letter addressed to All my friend!'' iu which lie si id that death wi a relief which physicians ought to brin;: about when a roan' life Incomes wasted' by nature. At the inquest a verdict of "temporary inanity" was delivered. Gen. Prince bd shot hinmlf with a revolver and wai found dead. He is supposed to have become despondent oa account of old age und lamre. j Cor at Cause a XLiot. War between two rival dry goods stores at Zanesville, Ohio, Tueaiay, led to a mob of women taking pon.seoa of each store, breaking showcases aud counters and competing the proprietors to clo c their doors. The rivalry has been goia on for weeks, and finally corsets wen; advertised for Tuevlay at five, and thrt at one cent. Nearly 1,000 women ur roubdtd each store, and after the doors closed, one dealer threw outrofxt frora the second story window, nd ih! wo men scrambled in the trrc t, for th'-tn. everat in the crowd fiiotcd, but noc? were gc'ri?.t4'y injured. . Other Southern States Hight Follow, The Board if World ' Pair Msm-ts for Virgin': propyl t i mk'? the f l.-t tion of works of Viricts author n t .,::i plrte ab l rep?eentA?ive a po .!.?. cov ering a period of nfrly thre ceturrt ' from the etab!Ihujent of the colony to the present time. Fur this end they are seeking contribut or, from pu!ihert. author, learned societies aad from all sources of the works. of Virginia authors, book at-d pamphfr's relating t Vr jinia and its citue.o, an ! maaiis', cew'.i pers. etc:. puolihl ia the S'ate. 'I h" entire collection will be projrly cata logued, and at tb? cloe of th- etjxiu a deposited io the Virginia Sute libr r v. lining Suspects Arratl. KsnrviLt-r.TENS Tweci itrc. f :o supposed to h? in sjiapathy witii init notorious of i!? ruioer, wcie a:r "..d -r Coal Crrek aid Io -ktd u Sevi-ral thea arruprctd 'of bo'dliag up t! mail train letweea Clintot aiJ Cl Crrtk hut Thu; Jaj n?ght. Psrtaaaent Heeairera For the H- t D- niCHwoso. Va. Tlie 1'aitcl Mp Circuit CV:rt ap:oir.tl Mer. 1 3 Foster, sa l F. W. Haidk r. th, prrs ent receivers. K-rTtt.-ient rrt-rWrt vf t;. ? Itichmosd & liwiiUs iliilr s I lit S?n--ator M shone' friend f i cd ci-'.r.i the apjvi'ntmrat. i

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