1 ft. - m ' m .... - 1 f ' -..AS.' . v THE -EVENING POST, Thursday, May 16th, 1872. OVEll AD OVER AGAl Over and over again, i KT f turn 1 always find in the Book of Lilc V vr Some lessons I have to learn, ' -jy 1 must take my turn at the mill, . . I must grind out the the golden ij10 I must work at my task with g.rejitite will Oyer and oyer ax&io. . - y :-y "We cannot measure the ui even iuu liuivob iiu w "v it., a : : . jiMt jtfor check the flow oCAc golden Bands That run through-Single Lour. Hut the morning w"s must fall, '"- And the bud the summer rain "Xnst do thclpaxt and perform it all . OTer andyver again. The that has once been trod - Is vcr io rough to the lect ; JyC the loc&on wc once Lave learned -as never ,0 ua.ru 10 repeat, fhouuh sorrowlul tears may fall, Aiid tbc Lean to lis acath be driven "With storm ami tempest, we need tbtin all To render us meet for Heaven., A Celestial Defalcation How the catbeii chim'sc Try ;i "Busted" th?oK? a rotv recently occurred among hclonKing totu I ll.iu.'i of Denosif'. Yup Compnny. 'lice. Kc- Wot appear? nd rtT terestcd :in o(Iiccr.c. or as ... .,r..,.,i.l,jlHlll jauk alluded t, ,uA that Ecc U'.mh was a "boss ofheer, .r al least, uy .1 rtuc l ii6 position, under i,m w"3 a bonivkeepcr who was jnri7J:cd v.itii the !eiicatc and iiupor Lnv! duties pertaining to that position. Loxt a week a -,1) it was discovered jat sonic'liin wa rotten iu (Jliin, or or at 1 ast in the bank, and upon iu- Yf ', ;tion .'i t!ic sato, eve, several i t!ic safe, 1: .t':d 'l!.tis of the funds were -ni.?ij)g. The greatest excitement pre "viiled, and crimination ;ind recrimina 1in among our Oriental inhabitants was the order of the day. Ecc AVood "was pounced upon as the guilty paity, ;iud his life demanded in satisfaction of the ab'iisc 01 the mist reposed in bis jiionor and intcgiit'. Tiic bookkccj)cr "was closely questioned, and his accounts aiiulcrwcnt a carclul scrutinj', but noth ing imjjlicating Jec Vood could be liscovcrcd. Finally t lie excited Chi iiaiucn agreed thaf.il Ecc Wood, ac jcording to the time honored custom rcscri bed by their religious teaching, would purgo himself of suspicion, the matter would rest. Accordingly, one ilay 1 i:it week, everything being pre pared beforehand, a delegation waited n cur worthy ohciifl, Dryde IeCliu t t e 1 , and iutoitned him that certain exercises were tube gone through with at the Chinese graveyard, and that they desired him to be ou hand, and to look out and : ec "who shot lirst."1 Dryde of course "looked out," and before Lc would allow any Chinaman to go to the place indicated, carefully searched thoc who were to accompany him, aud relieved them of their artillery and pruning knives. Nearly all the angry Cel. lials remained a respectful distance, and Ecc Wood and two or three of his sicciiL'eri repaired with Dryde to the cemetery, where all the graves of dc iunct Mongolians were found lit up with wax tapers and adorned with sdipj of paper. The oath of muo tx'uce, which was imprinted in Chi imc characters on a piece of paper, wai then spread upon a grave and fast ened down with sticks, and Eec Wood, piostraVmg himsclt according to their "peculiar religious belief, went through all manner of genuflections, signs aud te'kcnj, rfud then seizing a white rooster, provided lor the occa sion, he took a cleaver and severed its head from the body. 1 The ceremony through with, hcritl .McCIintock,! by ropiest, dug a hole and deposited therein the dead rooster, the instrument used to cut oil its head and a paper on which was written the oath ol exculpa tion, which were then covered with dirt or buried. Dryde bays he had to per lorm the duties ol t;extonv as not one pf the Ch.uuamcn would touch the dcd chicken or artist in the burial of it. This ceremony is said to be one of a very s.dcmn nature with the Chinee, but" it appeals that in this iustaner lias not sati lied them. Some of tV .. openly declare that Eee Wood i-.s bworn lately, and one remarked, inc think he die belly soon." We are in jormed that some of the obstreper ous, ot his countrymen arc making up a pony purse lf pay some scoundrel to Assassinate Koc Wwoil but wLothur it iu true or not, -wc can't say. Should it be done, the hired assassin would probably be summarily dealt with, regardless ol the formalities of the law, as Eec Wood as one ot the leading Chinamen of this camp, and his own friends would probably not abide the law's delay. Wc lout know whether the decapitated chicken h:is bc n resurrected or not, but jis we learn u w a a in uui, siju m iut irreverent boys are loosers bv not being aware ot WoibL the ceremonies. bh'lio Ci'u A touching incident is reported lioni Chatauooga. An utter stiangcr calUd n a respectable farmer, last week, aud aisked him it hi bourse had not been jobbed during the war. The fanner replied that it had. " I, said the tdrangci," was one ol a marauding party that did it. I took a little silver locket." That kcket," said the far mer, b'urting into tear,' 44 had been Worn by my dear, dead child." 44 Here h,'- ripfied the. stranger, visibly rflccted ; " I wi rich : let me make res titution : here arc CO for your little j on." lie gave the farmer a 00 bill jiud received GO in clnngc. He then iv rung the farmer's hand aud left. The larraer has since dried his tears and Joaded his shot gun. The $50 bill t?as lad. wa3 pcculiaiVru"c,l.wlt ',ul1. c' a rcapoii i'Ie turc connected with the i-arc s'ifc-X'PS ant disbursement ol thr iV'k-.0 institution, and that riatfOTmOrgiiiizatlon State Com- . v. v-i-niittec. ' The Republicans of North Carolina io OoavpaWon assembled, do Iit&fte 1. That the platform and prin rinU3 of the Republican party of North pflrolina, as heretofore enunciated in its Convention, are hereby re-affirmed, and events have xroved that their practical enforcement ia essential to the welfare of the country, and to the maintainenc ot tuc ngnis, lnieresis auu uuwuwd v v people. . 2. That the administration ot Presi dent Grant meets with our hearty and unqalificd approval, and our delegates to the national Republican convention, to assemble at Philadelphia on the 6th day ol June next are instructed to vote for his rcnomwation to the f residency of the United States. 3. That the Republican party of North Carolina favors as rapid a dimunition and as carlv an extinction of all internal revenue taxation as the exigencies of the government will permit, for! thoieason that the details of us collection are ne cessarily offensive, und in man respects, oppressive to the people. " 4. That all internal revenue . taxes'on thedistillation ot Iruit ought to be abol ished. 5. That the Repulican party of North nr lina recommend to the Concjrcss ot ti. amnesty bill, and the adoption of al accessary measures for the enforce- msnt and protection of the civil and pol- ; . : ' :. L n 1 - r 1 ikiutki riuis ui an classes 01 Aiuencau citizens. 0. That io a free and representative govemment,we recognize the paramount obligation to provide efficiently for the general education of the people, and we lavor such legislation as will accom plish that end; that wc respectfully re commend and ask of the national gov crnment, such aid, by the provision of a public luncl, or the donation 01 pub lic lands to the purposes ot establishing schools iu the several States, as will se cure to the masses of the people ot al classes the benefits ol a liberal educaT tiou. 7. That wc lully cnelorsc the acts of Congress, passed to secure equal rights aud protection to the citizens of the I United States, in the several States; and we respectfully recommend a continu ance ot the present laws and the adop tion of such further legislation as will more certainly secure to the citizensJull and practical enjoyment of all their rights, privileges antl liberties. 1 , 8. In the opinion of this Convention, the Democratic majority ol the last Le gislature by consolidating into one act its numerous propositions to amend the State Constitution, endeavored to force upon the people a false issue, and to coerce them into the adoption of obnox ious amendments, aud insomuch as all these propositions must be submitted to the next Legislature for ratification, before the same can be referred to the people, therefore, iCtsolccd 1. That the amendments pro posed as a whole do not meet the ap proval of the Republican party, because their adoption would subvert essential principles of the existing Constitution. 2. That Republicans can endorse a por tion ot said amendments and the next Ceucral Assembly may adopt such of them as shall seem best welfare. lor the general ). That we cordially endorse the ad ministration of Gov. Caldwell, and re cognize the fact that our people may rely upon his firmness in upholding their interests and defending 'their rights; and we heartily thank him for resisting the revolutionary purposes of those who designed to deprive the citi zen! of the protection afforded, by the State Constitution. 4. That forgetful of personal prefer ences wc pledge ourselves to support earnestly and without reserve, the can didates presented by this Convention, believing that in uuity alone is strength x aud that principles arc more important than men, to the Republicans to North Carolina. The following is the plan of organiza tiouwhich was adopted : lioolcul, That hereafter the organiza tion ol the Republican party of North Carolina shall be follows: 1. A State Ext. uivc Committee of elevcu mvmbers, t reappointed by the President ot the Si.ite Convention; and the President of the convention shall be u otfici'j one of the members ot such com m t tec. '2 V Congressional District committee 1 e :ch uistrict, to be composed 01 one ui . a.bcr troui each county, to, be ap pointed by the Congressional District convention. 3. A county executive committee to be comiKsed of one member from each township, to be appoiutcsl by the coilh ty convention. 1. A committee of five for each town ship, to be appointed by the people. lits'jhal, That the present organiza tion shall continue to exist 1 until the new occ shall be effected. luvohid. That the representation in the county conventions shall be in ac cordance with the plan of organization ot the party heretofore adopted. The State executive committee is as follows : Thos. Powers, of Craven. T. li.'Keogh, of Guilford. N. W. LilliDgton, ot Davie. G. L Mabson, of Mew Hanover. 11. V . Logan, of Rutherford. " S. T. Carrow, of Beaufort. .1. II. Williamson, of Franklin. J. W. Hood, of Mecklenburg. J. H. Harris, orWakc. R. 15. Ellisi of Wake. S. P. Phillips, of Wake, cx officio. , U is said that whenever an applicant for a situation as brakeman appears at the office ot the Michigan Central Railroad, an official shouts up through the speaking tube and makes the in quiry : 44 Any brakeman killed lately?' It has a strange effect. . The applicant suddenly concludes that he is not en tirely fitted for -the situation, and si lently retires. "Rattle and squeak," is the popular name for ham and eggs ia Kansas city, j JOBnPRINXEG In lt branches. NEATLY EXECUTED S. G. HALL, HAVING BEEN PRACTICALLY engaged In the printing business lor nearly t v en 1 y years, feeis conttdent of his ability to rhrase his customers. IVrtleulHi attention - hen to COMMERCIAL PRINTING, 5ueh 11 ILL UEAD CAJtDSi MONTHLY ST AT tl iI L N T S , CllElKS, LETT It HEADS, RECEIPTS, Ac, RAIL ROAD PRINTING in most ol it - oruneh'- . His e-ffiee It .upt'lit'.l "ith Entirely 1ST e w M a I e r i a of the- 'v eiy Latcsl Styles and Fashions. And he GUARANTEES bATlsl Al Tl 'N in nil eai;. Wedding C. ds, Invitations Ac Ac. Of the Latest. Styles. TERMS MODERATE. OflW on Prineteo fetrcet between Front and Second. WILMINGTON, N. C. rnay 18-tx MISCELLANEOUS. -t riivovj ADYAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE 'WORST 'PAINS la from., line io rwcn.ii minute.. -NOT ONE IIODIl alter reading this advertisement "ecu aty ONE SUFFER WITH TAIN. KADWAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. ' It was the first and is . The Only Pain Remedy that instantly stops the most exerutiating pat&0. allays Inflammations, and cures Concestions. whether pi the Lungs, Stoirach, Bowels, or other glands or organs by. one application IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, In firm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, BAD WAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CONGESTION OF THE LUNG8, SORE 1 HliO AT, Ulrji U U 11 tttitL A 1 OJ.SS I palbitat: LOW TUJfi Mi&AliTJ CATAKRH, INFLUENZAE HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, I NEUKALGIA, RHEUMATISM! COLD CHILLS. AGUE CHILLS. - Thcr application of the Heady Relief to thq part or parts where the pain or did? e ul tyexlsU will afford cage and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of wate will , in a few moments cure Cramps! Spaeins, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sicl Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic wina. m tiie oweis, and all internal i:ains. 'Travelers should I always carry a bot4 tie ol Itaduay's Ready Relief with' them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or paina from change of water. 5 It is better than JTrench Brandy or Bitter as a stimulant. . i Fver and Auc Jeured for fifty cents! There Is not a remedial agent in this world7 liiat will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid! Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by RAD WAY'S PILLS) so fuiek as RAD WAY'S KJEADY RELIEF. Fiity centeper bottle. I ; . ' . i HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD4 INCREA8E OF FLESH AND WEIGHT, CLEARSK1N AND BEAUTIFUL COM PLEXION SECURED TO ALL. J . DR. RADWAY'S SARSAP ARILLIAN viwifr HAS MADE THE MOS1 ASTONISHING CURES; SO QUICK, SO RAPID ARji THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDE$ (iOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OpT THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MT. CINE, THAT I Every Day aw lucres iu Flesb and Weight is Seen nd Feld THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIElL Every drop of the Saraparillian Resol vent communicates through the Bloofid, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices of the eystcm the vigor of life, re pairs the wastes oi the body wit w aid sound material. Scrofula, Sypm. Con sumption, Glaudular disease, Ulcers in the throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the (ilands and other parts of the system, Sc-re Eyes, Strumorous discharges from tjie Pars, and the worst forms oi Skin diseases, Eruptious, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, SaltRhcum, Erysipelas. Acne, Black Spots Worms in the Fles1.. Jnmdrs, Cancers in the Womb, and all v .enm" and painful discharges, Night Sweats, Ldes ol Hperm ana an wastes ol tnclilc principle. l sperm ana an wasres oi tnciitc principle, re within the curative range of this won er of Modern Chemistry, and a few.das' se will prove to any person sipg . tor der use either of these forms of disease its po nt power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming redued by the wastes and decomposition thatl is continually progressing, succeeds in arrest ing these wastes, and repairs tha satec with new material made from healthy blood and this the Sarsaparillian will and des secure a cure is certain ; for when once this remedy commences its worK of pijri heation, and succeeds iu diminishing the loss ot wastes, its repairs will be rapHd, and every day the patient will feel him$ell growing better and stronger, the food Idi gesting better, appetite improving, ind llesh and weight increasing. Not only does the Sarsaparillian Resol vent excel all known remedial agents in the cure ofChronic, Scrofulous, Constitu tional, and Skin diseases ; but it is the qhly positive cure for Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Urinary, and Womb diseases, Gravel, Dia-' Dctcs, uropsy, totoppagc or Water, f In continence oi Urine, Bright's Disease, A1 buroimiria, and in all cases where there; are brick-dust deposits, or the water is thick. cloudy, mixed with substance like I the wnite ol an egg, or tnrcads like white.&ilk. or there is a morbid, dark, bilious apilear- aucc, and while bonc-dust deposifs,jand when there is a pricking, bfftning sejisa tion when passing water, and pain in f the Small of the Back and along the Loins. f DU. SAD WAY'S " 2 PERFECT PURGATIVE PIlLS perfectly tasteless , elegantly coated Jvith sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleinse, cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, . XT! X J.1 XI . ET! BOWelS. JViaucvi", xiauucr, couus xw- 1 . . , 1 .. . . : a; cases, Iieaaaeuc, vyuu&upauun, voiwcivc nKs. Indisrestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Inflammation of the Bo-rela,. Piles, and all derangemcntsof the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a poativc cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or dcleterons drugf. "Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: . Constipation! Inward Piles, FuUness ef the Blood in the Head, Acidity fthe Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stoipach, Sonr Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit ot the Stomach. . ! Afewdos of RADWAY'S PILLSl will free the system from all the above njamed disorders. Price 25 cents per JBox. Sold by Dniggists. .4 READ "FALSE AND TRUE." fSend one letter-stamp to RAD WAY A CO. No, S3 Warren Street, corner ot Church Street, New York. Informations worth thousands' will be sent yon. . . june29 nv Tim ROTTTFr Trained forarstrccessfol start la JSuslnessf life, tanghtbow to get a living; make money. auu ucvvu") wtvti" latent kwv. . . . , iEastman College. The oldest Practical Busi aiesa Training bchool, and the only one pro ividing situations for Graduates. Total ex- penses lor prescnoea course, w w v&MLt i nn . Address, for Catalozuea of 3.000 i n business, ana lun panicuiaDs, ii-- JSXa. til " the-Hudson. .VIC , L.L. V., ires t, ix Kcepsie, r. 1., uu CHEAP ADVERTISING. Ad vcrti sement occupying ONE INCH of ppace will be insert eu in -vj iewspuin.r. iw elndlng 23 DAILIES, in SOUTHERN STATES, nA,-rinrf tvirtnTnitrHiv the States of Maryland. l"' vf-s - -m r - . m jeiaware. irgiuia, , ramiina JJnnth Carolina. Georgia, Alabama, ATiiirmi iuislana. Arkansas, Tcnnesssec, Kentucky and Missouri, , One Month for $148. tn tti rvfi& f -fnrt rai 1 1 Aa.TAnrer C rcnta- t ;r rwpr "Price than any otner ia&u Special rates given for moreor less space ivt -nr. onH fnr a. ion srer oeriodthan one month. Eqnally favorable qjaotations X,o rrnnv stn trie State. Copies of Lists, v:..,Mrc v.eft mates and full information. 'fViriniKhed on atlication. GEO. P. KoWELL 11 vairnjirwr Advertisins Asents. 11 Uk. w .Jr-.- - - Fark Row, New Yorjf A Century of Triumphs over dyspepsia, liver disease, bowel complaints and various febrile and nervous disorders, has immor talized the Seltzer Spa, and these victories are now repeated throughout this hemi sphere by Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient; containing &l the elements, and producing alt the happy results of the Great German Spring. - - ; i SOLD BY' ALL DRUGGISTS. ' Fanning's Patent Kid-Fitting Skele ton Corsets. Recommended by leading Physician. . Should be worn by. all ladies who value health and comfort They are particularly recommend c d for summer wear . and and .warm climates, although adapted to all seasons of the year I For sale by all firt class dealers. Worcester Skirt Co., Sole Manufacturers, , w orcester, Mass. cheap farms i free homes i ON THIx LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A L AND GKAXT OF 13,000,000 ACRES IN TUB BEST FARMING AND MINERAL LANDS IN AMXRICA. 3,000,000 Acres' in Nebraska IN THE GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, THE Garden oftlie West, NOW FOR SALE : Those lands are in the central portion of the United States, on the 4ist degree oi ortn Latitude, the central line of the great Tem perate Zone of the American Continent, nd for grain growing aVid slock raising unsur passed by any in the United States. CHEAPER IN PRICE, more favorable terms given, and more convenient to market than can be found elsewhere. FREE HOMESTEADS FOR ACTtAl SET TLERS. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. SOLDI KKSJE TITLED TO A HOMESTEAD OF 160 ACRES. Free Passes to Purchasers of Land Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, published in English, Ger man, Swedish and Danish, mailed free every where Address O. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner, U. P. K. 11. Co., Omaha, Neb. EitraorainarImprflyemeits CABINET ORGANS The Mason & Hamlin Organ Col respect fully announce the introduction of improve ments of much more than ordinary interest. These are PEED AND PIPE CABINET ORGANS, ing the only successful combination of LKAL PIPES with reeds ever made ; DAY'S TRANSPOSING KEY-BOARD, which can be instantly moved to the right or left, changing the pitch, or transposing the key For drawings and descriptions, see NEW -AND ELEGANT 8TYLES OF 3 DOUBLE REED CABINET ORGANS, at SI40,. 5132 and Si23cach. Considering Ca pacity, Elegance, and Thorough Excellence of Workmanship, these arc cheaper than any before offered. The M ason & Hamlin Organs arc acknowR edged BEST, and from Extraordinary facili-' ties for manufacture this .Company can af ford, and now undertake to sell at prides which render them , 5 .- i F UNQUESTIONABLY CHEAPEST.' Four octave organs ?00 each ; tive octave organs S100.'125 and uprards. .With three sets reeds 150 and upwards. Forty styled, up to f 1500 each. New 1 llustk ate.d Catalogue, and Tes timonial Circular, with opin ions of MORE THAN ONE THOUSANDJM USICIANS, sent lrcc,MAsoN & Hamlin organ co., 151 Trcmont St., Boston, 596 Broadway, N. Y. $40t $5Q, 7& and 9100. r G00DT)UEAB11E:141 CHEAFT! Shipped. Ready, for TJae I; MANtTTACTURED BT J. W. CHAPMAN & CO., Madison, Ind. IgpSEND FOR CIRCULAR. CURE THAT GOLD: Do not suffer your Lungs to become di seased by allowing a COLD to become seated. Thousands have died Premature Deaths Tlio Victims ef Consumption by ncglcctibg a Cold. r DR.' WM. HALL'S V BALSAM ? LUNGS Will .cure Coughs, Colds and Consumption surer and quicker than any other remedy. It acts like magic. For sale by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers everywhere. Sl.OOg REWARD For lany case of Blind. Bleed ins:. Itching or Ulcer ated Piles that De Ling's Pile Remedy fails to cure. It is prepared expressly to enre the Piles and nothing else. Sold by all TJruggists. tPrlce, 31.00. Sirr AGENTS WANTED. Agents make more money at work for us than at anything else. Business fight and permanent. Par ticulars free. G. Btikson & Cos Fine Art Publishers. Portland, Maine. GREAT MEDICAL BOOK of useful know I- edge to alL-ent "free' for two Rtamp. Address Dr. Bq$a?AB.JZ ft Co., Cincinnati, ' u$ RARE CHANCE FOR AGENTS I U Agents, wc will pay you t per week, in cash, If -you lJeaggc with us at oner. Everytnine iufnisneu aim. r niCCIILLlUJEOUS. 175.0 0 AND UPWARDS. JjUILDING )TS FAVORABLY LOCATED jit SEVENTY-FIVE DOLIuVItS and up wards, rienfy of time given for paymenr. No cxcue for paying rent aho a small houfcc for rent j Apply to JAMES WILSON. 171-tf fob 1 i ! PARKER & TAYLOR, Manufacturers and dealer?- in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, No; 10 Front Street, W IL JSING TO N N . C. Ouns, Stovo Ijauterus,-Kerosene, Oil Tin arid Sheet Iron Ware. Roofinlonet short notice. . AgenfH for Fairbank's Scales. nov ID . , n 1'AMy J. W. SCHENCK, Jr., & CO.,' General Cpjmmissioh . Merchants & Commercial Agents. CORNER DOCK & WATER STREETS, ? - Wilmington, N. C. WILL UlVfl PROMPT AND PERSONAL attention to ihc sale or shipment of CoHon and Naval Siorcs, Juniper Staves and .all kinds of Country produce, Ac., Ac. Orders for jjsale of rrodnce or purelms' nf Goods will hit promptly attended to, and to the best advantage to our customers. Wearealsji receiving large consignments of all gradcjfof Liquors w hich wc are pre pared to selliat wholesale, at the lowest ca&b prices, dec 21 S. 14 MANJVINGr, coniniibion merciiaut,! AND DEALER IN Groceries, I Provisions, Dry Glothiiig, U. &d., Goods, No. S3 and 24 North Water Sheet, WILMINGTON, N. C ! ! umjnt-j Couig nov 23 and CjisIi Orders Solicited lol-ly RICHAK13 N. MOON. Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN. . . . MILL FEED, ' w ! j AND I i COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cor. Cdmcluii .&Pacii St s jBaltimore, Md. ; ' , Orders fromi North Carolina Soli'ilcd. fob 11 i 171-tt New tlore ! Old Groods. ! i 1 GREENEWALD & CO., 1 o2 NRTH - WATER STREET, I Xcitjdoor to Willard Bro WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS, ivflNES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES ! '. - GINS, &c v Ac., und nil kinds! of Fancy Liquors, which w will offer to the trade on the most rcavso'nablo terms, as wefrre receiving largo consign ments of tli1 bct goods in tho country. 4PleaseciUlibeforo making vour purcliasc-i. jan 11 ! L s . lWi-tf BOOTS, IIOKS AND LEATHER. IITE OFFER TO THP; PUBLIC THE LLVRC CSl JslOClt alia tnm nwvttnmrb rt BOOTS AND SHOES H to 1 c foun in the Stat-. Buying of flr-t hands wc cnjnf give a better class of goods at less price tliaia any Ijousc in the city. . Call and! examine- GEO. R. FRENCH & SON. I 1 l?J North Front Mreel. dec 10 If -li-ly . J t 1 - R.pL IIARRISS, Undertikp and Cabinet Maker. CONSTANTLY on hand jthev most imprbved style of. material pertainine to iny business.:Parties J' will do WQllj tos: give me a call iKfore Kcndlngrf whert- FurniiiiTe ' , V - f cieaneuana vary - . i nished, Pictures Framed, Choirs re-seated, Ac. i .Store on Hecond between Market and Prin cess streets.! . dec 21 ' MO-Iy. 1 !IN ST0$E ND TO ARRIVE, C BBLS. MOL ASSES, 10,000 LBS BACON4 200 BBLS FLOUR, For sale at JoWest market rates at HOTTE3DORF & HASHAGEN S, No. 10 Southf Front St, april7 120 I u . if 4 ' f I J I 1 - J i ' . I 'if:-? t .1 I t ... . .