- f Vv THE EVENING POST. "XV. P. C.VADAV, J. '. MANN, - - Business Manag Managing Edi Saturday, August 24th, 18 KKPUBLICAN NOfflNATIONS. FOR PRESIDENT. ULYSSES S. GRANT, Of Illinois FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, HENRY WILSON, Of Massachusetts. ELECTORAL TICKET. FOH TUB STATE AT LARGE: MARCUS ER WIN, of Buncombe. oAMUEL F. PHILLIPS, of Wake. TuJi THE CONOBESSIONAI, DISTRICTS : 1. Edward Ran sols, of Tyrell. 2. William F. LoAta, of Lenoir 3. r 4. Thomas M. Argo, of Orange. f. S. A. Douglas, of Rockingham. c. William S Byntun, ofIaacola. 7. James 6. Ramsey, of Rowan. a. James M. Justice, ol Ratherlord. .KEEP BEFORE THE PEOPLE! It is urged by the Democratic organs iuat the law is to be enforced in State land municipal elections. This is done to make it more obnoxious, it s that be roesib!e, to their party. But, unfortu nately, this is an error. The law applies enhf to Presidential and Congressional elections, though "WE heartily wish it COULD BE MADE TO APPLY TO ALL oth isks. N. Y. Tribune. When the rebellious Traitors are over whelmed in the Field, and scattered like leaves before an angry wind, it must not be to return to Peaceful and Contented Homes. They must find Poverty at their Firesides, and see Privation in the anxious -eyes op Mothers and the IJags of Children. Horace Greeley, Tribune, May 1st, 1801. From Uie Tribune, 1571. " I hold our Government bound by its duty of protecting our " citizens in their iundamental rights, to pass and enforce laws lor the extirpation of the execrable ku kiux conspiracy ; and if it has not the power to do it, then I say our Gov ernment is no Government, but a sham. J therefore on every proper occasion advo cated and justified the ku Mux act. 1 Iwld it especially desirable for the South ; and 'if it docs not prove strong enough to effect 'ilts 2'ui'2fOse, 1 hope it willbemade stronger and stronger." Work. An in famous article, with the above title appeared in the Raleigh Standard, iu 1808, which was immediately repu diated by the proprietors of the paper, and the writer discharged. Although this was done immediately and the ar ticle denounced by fevery Republican paper in the State, several Democratic papers keep extracts of this article btanding at the head of their editorial columns. We are reliable x informed that the writer of this article is one of the editor ot the New York Tribune, now the leading Greeley organ of the United States. " 1 have listened with unmixed horror to some of the testimony which has been brought before you. The outrages proved arc shocking ta humanity ; they admit of neither excuse or justification ; they vio late every obligation which law and na inc imposes upon men; they show that the parties engaged were brutes, insensible to the obligations of humanity and reli gion. The day will come, 7ioicever, if it has not edready arrived, when they will die ply lament it. Even if justice shall not overtake them, tliere is one tribunal from which there is no hope. It is their men judgment tltat tribunal which sits in the breast of every living man that v mall, still voice that thrills , through the heart the sold of the mind, and as it speaks, gives happiness or torturtthe voice of conscience, tike voice of Ood. If it has not already spoken to themin tones ichich have startled them to the enormity of their conduct, I trust, in the merry of Jearen that that voice ill speak before they thrill be called above to account for the transactions of this world. That it c ill so speak to make them penitent, and that trusting in the dispensations of Heaven, whoe justice is dispensed with mercy, when ihey shall be brought Vefore the bar of their great tribunal, to to speak, that incompreJiensible tribunal there will uc found in the fact of their penitence, or in, their previous lives, some grounds upon which God may say PARDON." Speech of Hon. Reverdy Johnson, in Ku Ji lux trials, December 18th. '- Financial Lojrici Wherever and whenever the financial policy of the present Republican Ad ministration is attacked, the stern reply ot figures that cannot lie form of them selves a simple and an effective answer. No financial policy could have, been persistently followed and led the coun try forward with a steady and undevia ting step, if it had been faulty of cor rupt. A slight retrospect at the price of gold during the present Administration is suggestive and instructive,, and is an evidence of the wisdom and faithfulness with which the fiscal branch of the Government has been conducted under -r- i n 1 ' 1 - I 1 Republican rule. In March, 18G9, when the Johnson administration went oat, the averse i 7 2iinm of cold during the month was rSlf. The public was then undecided yAs to the policy of the new Administra- uon, ana every impediment was made by Wall street combinations and adven turers to control the sales of gold in the manner to which they had been former-, ly accustomed. The Secretary of the Treasury had to combat clique after clique, and ring after ring, and to have certain legislation passed giving him certain authority before he could inau gurate any new system. It was a battle of giants, and during the months of May and June gold was run up to an average of 138 to 130 per cent In the latter part of the year 1870 it commenced rapidly to decline, averaging in Octo ber, 130; November, 124; December, 121f. In the early part ot January the de cline continued steadily, reaching in April an average of U3, and so it has continued to the present time, sometimes being much lower, averaging in January of the present year 109. Does any one whose opinion is of any weight, or who is not blinded by passion or prejudice, suppose this steady decline' in gold would have taken place if the charges of corruption or misuse of the public revenues were true ? Take also into consideration the steady, gradual ap preciation of the national securities. The loan due in 1881, the one that has the longest to run before it can be re deemed by the Government, is the chief favorite with capitalists and investors. When the present Administration came into power, with gold at 131 g, it was worth, with accumulated interest, 116 J. In the month of June, 1872. with gold at 113-, it is worth 119, with accumu lated interest. Few persons like to wade through an intricate maze of figures and calcula tions ; the public eye wants to glance at results, not computations. To sum up, then, the result of the present adminis tration of the financial affairs of the na tion has been splendid, and beyond the expectation of the most sanguine. The citizens of the United States, the people of all countries, have become so inspired with confidence at the jealous watchful" ness of the public credit by the present Administration, that any change would not only be impolitic but dangerous. It is no use to sa that these results would have been attained through the natural recuperative powers of the coun try. Other countries, with equal resour ces according to territory and popula tion, are financially at the mercy of bankers and specu'ators. Tako Mexico, for instance. If she were not torn by domestic feuds her inexhaustible mine ral resources would make her loans the most desirable in the world. As it is her revenues are always behind her expen ditures. Fidelity to principle and hon esty in administration make the differ ence, j - i mi Can Greeley be Spared. In two ways the country would lose by displacing General Grant and elect ing Mr. Greeley to the General Presi dency. In the first place, this would involve exchanging a good President one whose safe, conservative, wise, and economic financial policy and impartial execution of the laws, as between whites and blacks in the South, has won the entire confidence of all patriotic people for a man who, with all his undoubted personal virtues, holds certain extreme and impracticable views relative to fi nance and State rights, the practical embodiment of which in Mhe adminis tration of the government might plunge the country into irretrievable ruin. Second, the election ot Mr. Greeley would remove from the field ot journal ism the most brilliant and forcible edi torial writer in America, and silence, perhaps forever, our most popular and effective advocate of protection to na tive industry. Indeed, his voice and pen have already been fettered so far as regards the advocacy of this great and vital principle. The Tribune, once eo bold and trenchant a champion of pro tection In the very citadel of the for eign free trade missionaries, is now dumb as an oyster upon this important question. Th New York importing agents of British and other foreign manufacturers who have long given tone to the metropolis on all questions affecting commercial policy, now ha v the field all to themselves. Their liberal advertising patronage, whether supplemented or not by more direct largesses, has controlled hitheito the whole metropolitan press with the exception of the Tribune, and ranged it on the side of foreign interests, against the interest ot this country. ( Mr. Greeley was obliged to pledge himself to entire neutrality on this question, in order to secure his nomina- $ tion, and this has resulted also in the I neutrality oi his paper with regard to 1.1 . , a 1 . the eame great issue the most impor tant one now before the people. , The account, therefore, so far as American industries are concer stands as follows: If we Greeley's Presidential aspirations, postpone them until he caJi becqm J$ nominee of a more patriotic pkriy, shall keep a staunch and nnfetteivl protectionist in ihExecntive cnai!I one who would veto a free trade flyl? bill maintain a good working Repty lican majority in Congress, save to jatr nalism its brightest light, and prese'rie yi lue cause or protection, one-of ft ablest and 1 most eloquent chamrjionMjt Gen. Grant, on the othe""' we defeat we pad lock the -pen et this clL ht champion, and,plixeilmJfcposK n where he would undoubtedly be cai, rd on to approve a Congressional mcasi re looking to the overthrow of, svbulws -kl wnicn now deiends against a ae&T c- tive tide ot foreign competition system of industries which is the fo dation of the nation's prosperity. Tla- fortunately, too, he would be bound! by his distinct pledges to sign any suchpill wnica migni De passed. v;an tno ingmen and capitalists of the hesitate how to decide J n such, a Horace Consults the Dictiona In his last letter ot acceptance, aresseu 10 me committee appointeajDy 1 A A 1 . . W the Baltimore convention, Mr. Grcfley uses the following language "Gentlemen, your platform, which is also mine, assures me that Democracy is not henceforth to stand for one thing and Republicanism for another, but Ihese terms are to mean in politics as they have alvyays meant in the dictionary substantially one and the same thing, namely : equal rights, regardless ot creed or clime or color." Here is a wonderful discovery made by the Philosopher of Chappaqua. Dem ocracy and Republicanism mean the same thing in the dictionary." How very strange that Horace Bhould have over looked so important a fact for the last sixteen years I Is it the first time he has consulted that useful book of refer ence ? Have not the terms always been synonymous iu the dictionary? Web ster says a Democrat means "one who is an advocate for or defender of Dem ocracy' Republican." He also ays a Republican is "one who" favors or pre fers a Republican government a Demo crat." Yet Horace Greeley has lived in ignorance of this similarity until now. He lias hated the very name of Democ racy, has denounced it as little , better than a league with the devil; has called its followers horse thieves, robbers, free booters, conspirators, hare, traitors, hiieu ageniS'paibtoy-iif itisii go.r-iio ers, the very dregs of society, scum of the earth, and other choice terms of similar import. But he didn't know that a Democrat meant the same as a Republican in the dictionary. Poor fellow ! how suddenly the light must have burst upon him ! He is made a candidate by the Democratic party; his vanity is touched ; his ambition aroused; the shadow of James Buchanan falls upon him ; iiis benevolent heart melts under the influences of Democratic af fection ; he sees the error of his ways; he falls down upon his knees and prays for light ; for strength to live down the great wrong that he has done the purest and best of ail parties. Look in the dictionary, O Horace ! whispers the Spirit of Tamma ny. Horace looks, and the truth dawns upon him. Jle has labored under a fearful error All his life- He has been fightiDg Democracy be cause he thought it was something dif ferent from itepublicanism. But the dictionary says it means the same, and as it has chosen Horace for President, of course there can be no mistake about it. Greeley is happy ; according to the dictionary he is consistent. But dic tionaries don't vote. The people know what Democracy meaLs, . and after No vember Greeley will find that our citi zens have a dictionary of their own. EDITORIAL BUDGET. There were 17 cases of , sunstroke, yesterday in New York. The first invoice of the new crop of South Carolina rice waa received at New York on Thursday, being the ear liest consignment ever received. i Prince Augustus, of Saxe Coburgt husband of the Princess Imperial Leo pa! dior, of Brazil, arrived at Hew York yesterday from Rio, on a western pleas- ure tour, wiiu six attendants. The notorious Judge Barnard is convicted, and removed from the office be has disgraced. The mills may grind! slowly, but justice will triumph over Tammany corruption at lastj Thongli hand join in hand "-across ever so ma- .mi ny chasms, bloody or otherwise- u'lbjB wicked shall not go Tlnpanished.,, ' 3y The two million Jews in Knssii and Poland have hitherto met with pi tie but prejudice and unkindnessu It hoped that a new era ot tolerance has set in. Two Jews havb recently beei maae advocates before the Court of An peal?, the first instance where a, JewUp J jurist has in Poland attained inch a 23 sition. Sir' Moses Montefiore is notr on Khis way to Russia bearing to the Czr the congratulations of the English Jews on thjlatej Peter Jubilee ; and it is to be hoped tfiat his interview , will result inyey more friendly treatment of the Jews. For eight days fighting has been going on in the streets of Belfast, one ofjtfaf chief cities of North Ireland The disturbances began on the 15th instant, the anniversary of the passage by the English Parliament of the anti proces sion repeal act. Tbcy have continued ever since, and have grown into the nature of a civil war peculiar to the Celts.. TANBARK Tennessee has her Brown-low, and Missouri1 has her Brown-high. j ; Greeley waives his principles in order to Jbecome President ; Grant waves the American, flag. Towns that poscss.s three Greeley VoTSrS "ftrti riUliced id " tbV Chicago Tribune uo being "all on fire lor the old white coated philosopher." Farmer Greeley has recently been in terviewed by the dairyman, and in re sponse to an inquiry, said : Tbe best butter is undoubtedly the old ram." The Greelejit cs have, it is understood concluded that money and eloquence will be wasted on Vermont, and have accordingly determined to reserve their strength for Maine. The Democratic easy liars have claimed Judge Kelicy, of Pennsylvania, for Greeley, but a dispatch from Cali fornia states that he is stumping for Grant. Now they wish they hadn't praised him ! Reliable information from Detroit in dicates that the Democrats of Michigan will send a large delegation to the Louisviilo Convention Other States will in like manner bu hoard from in due time. 4- The advocates of Disunion, we mean those who do not cautiously hint, but who do obstreperously halloo howl their nonsense, which is " not respectable enough to be called treasonous, arc usu ally half witted Members of Congress and quarter witted Editors. It is very easy for some, newspaper man, who, when he bought his types, did not buy Murray's grammar, and who considers Webster's spelling book to be a vile in cendiary publication, to stab the Consti tution dissolve the Union, and anbiliate New York and Boston, niake an occi dental London ot 'Charleston, buildup cast the' ancieriTsirito oblivicrtrancl urive an oiuer mouerns to despair. Wrath whisky and tobacco are wonder fully rapid architects, onlytbeir fabrics are baseless, and when they fade away they leave not a wreck, bnc only a head ache behind." Tribune, July 21, 1859. .1 : .ii .i i . , ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALL KINDS OF SERGE GAITERS, Congress, Buttoned and Laced, Plain and Foxed, for Ladies, Misses and children AT REDUCED PRICES. Remember, wb warrant our goods. DUDLEY & ELLIS, Sign of the Big Boot. il Market street, aug 24 84 KEEP COOL, I BUY LINEN SUITS, WUITE and BROWN DUCK SUITS BUSINESS CASSIMERE SUITS, AT LOW TRICES. SEPERIOR WHITE SHIRTS, . FINE LOT UMBRELLAS Expected to-day. MUNSON & CO., Clothiers, 33 Market st. aug 24 84 EXCURSION TO SMITHVILLE, Steamer Waccamaw Will leave Market Dock, SUNDAY MORNING AT 8 O'CLOCK, For Smithviile, and return in the evening. T Only a limited nnmber of Tickets for sale, as the Excursion la of a private charter. t Fare for the Ronnd Trip $1 00. Children half price. . Tickets for sale at C It. MAYER'S Store, Market Street. Eefreslunents furnished on board. aug 23 83-2t SAVE V p V It MONEY, h r You can save money and( buy a good arti cle besides) by pujeasiug your BOOTS AND SHOES at 20 North Front Street. We offer the best stock, greatest variety and lowest prices in the City. (? - - - t - t r t . .COAIE AND SEE US,. G. R.- FRENCH & SON; 1 Sr.-..-5 i, f 29 North Front street. 81 i- aos21 J ACOBI AXE, Guaranteed to excel all others, both in shape and materi . . Be sore to ask lor THE JACOBI AXE. AND ACCEPT NO OTHER. For you wit i then be certain yon are getting the best for your money. KVEHT AXE WARRANTED. For sale, wholesale and retail, at -NATH'L JACOBi'S Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market street. And Dealers throughout the State. IX HARDWARE. IX AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CUT a lery, Iron, steel, Nails, Guns, Pistols, Amunltion. Ac - . We would respectfully call the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERri to our full and complete -assortment, em bracing all and every description of Goods in the Trade, and to the superior advantages we can offer fi ora having the agency to sev eral leading factories in the trade. . Always on hand Sole and harness Leather, Kip and Calf Skins. Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Doors and Blinds, &c. Ac Please call and examine, belore purchas ing, the stock at NATH'LJACOBI'S Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market St. nov9 H7-lv SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, New Hanovkb County Wobk House, Wilmington, N; C, Aug. 20th, 1872. $25 RE W A AD. The above reward will be paid for the ar rest of Calrin McKay, a colored convict. The said McKay is about 30 years of age, 5 feet, 6 inches high, end lives in this city. S. VasAMRINGE, Superintendent, aug 22 82-: Marshal's Office, CITY OF WILMINGTON, I Angnst 19th, 1872. i HOGS WILL BE ALLOWED TO RUN at large till 20th of September next. By order of the Mayor. W. P. CAN A DAY, City Marshal. . aug 20 80-tf REFINED "RAW SUGARS, EVERY (QUALITY, GROUND JAVA and LAGUAYRA COFFEE, Mocha, Java, Laguayra and Rio Coffee In the grain. i Largest and Finest Assorted STOCK OF TEAS IN THE STATE Kverv Variety! Prices inclined below the reduction of du ties. lvire Spices, Of every variety. CBAS. D. MYERS & CO., 7 North Front st. aug 20 20 Office County Commissioners, NEW HANOVER COU2STY, August 11th, U72. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissoners of New Hanover county will attend at the Court House' in the city of Wil mington on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day, August 19thr 20th, 21st, with the. Tax Lists for the Several townships In the coun ty, for purpose of hearing complaints and revision of list.- By order of the Board. W. J. BlVEiS, Clerk. WM. M. HARRIES, Depnty Clerk. aug l' 76-tf EDWARDS & HALL, Wholesale Grocers COMMISSION ' MEECHANTS, WIianKGTOlf, K. c. June $ 2b-3m BLNFORD & CO. AVB IN STORE AND WARRIVE, 1 ,000 Darrell Plnf 100 Dags Sofife4P 50 Barrels 8nyar, 100 Barrel Pork, 20,000 DasheLi Corn And a full line of u a-T O C IS Ttl T E S Which tltey offer as low as the lowest. QIVE US A CALL. Conn try orders given special attention. June W ' " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ON MARRIAGE. Happy Relief for Young men from the ef fects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood restored. Impediments to Mar riage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Hook and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOWARD AfcvSOCI ATlON, 'o. L South Ninth st., Philadelphia, l"a. , aug 10 72-oin Kenmore- Unirersity High SciooL Near Amherst C. H. Va., Offers combined advantages incomparable with those of any other bchooi in Virginia. Special arrangements may be made by which be usual expenses may ber reduced nearly one-hall". For pamphlet, giving full particulars, ad dress II. A. STKODE. Prlnrinttl aug 9 7lUw CM:iiIATE AND COMMERCIAL TN y STITUTE, New Haven, Conn. Prepara tory to College, Business, Scientific Schools, U. S. Military and Naval Academies. Fall session, 36th year, begins Sept. 13. For Cat alogue, address Cien. WM. U. KUSSELL, Principal. TifiGiiiA iiiiifimlET STANTON, VA. Buildings contain over m rooms, ti rounds, nine acres. Pupils from 17 state. The course is comprised in eighT Schoolsunder twenty Professors and Officers. Location beautiful and salubrious Terms moderate. Apply for .Circulars to It. II. Phillips. Pi in clpal, or W. It. TAMS, Sec y, Stanton, Va. WELLINGTON HART & CO ADJUSTERS OF CLAIMS, For Insolvents and Bankrupts, 110 Leonard St. NewTor lieferenc.es of liilTTiestThai-acter. Send forRrTuTaTr" mm smmim bmm mm cuM that Told Do not suffer your Lungs to become dis eased by allowing a COLD to become seated Thousands have died Premature Deaths The Victims of Consumption by neglecting a Cold. " DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM LUNGS Will cure Coughs, Colds and Consumption surer and quicker than any other remedy It acts like magic. For sale by all Drugoigjg and Medicine Dealers every where. Reject all Violent Purgatives. They ruin the tone ot the bowels and weaken the di gestion. Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Ap- erient is used by rational people as a means or relieving all derangements of the stom ach, liver and intestines, because it removes obstructions without pain and imparts vigor to the organs which it purifies and regulates. SOLD BY ALL DKUUUlSTsr 00xo.500arSS wan t- snw. 1 tjr JH-fYUI 1 1 IS .tt CO cago, 111. Buffalo, N. Y., or Chi- GEIVTTS WANTED, ""money ai wo "oc! ijuiness ngiiL ana permanent. Par ticulars free. G. Stinson iu knp Art I C 1 J . . . 1 f 1 M . -m . v Fublishers. PwtlandMaine. ' y U. S. IAvNO C0- N- V. Price. 90A a No Agents. Circulars free. $9V AKGANIULAW K T11K W!,'YI.V f..wll. - liuus wmcn impair vitality tious winch impair vitality positive and negative electricity proof that lifeis cvol- j'iwi null, uiu is evol ved without union pil'fi't.rt,...w..,., enceornsu affd phosphoric diet modern treatment of pelvic diseases, stricture and varicocele, and arrest of development- ten i??1!"?! U1!S Irivjde surgi al class, by ED WARD II. DIXON, M. 1)7, 42 Fifth Avenue N. .; tl pages, 25 cents. "Every line from the'pen of Dr. Dixon Is of great value to the whole human race." Horace Greeley. School rMerinOTBtWe UNIVERSITY OF VIKGINA. Lectures Begin October lat. TiIir'i?StaiOJil,t,s !l1,,rt ss WM. WEU IhiNBAKEIi, Secretary of the Faculty. P I) .Universiiy of Virginia. CI1AKLI0S S V ENABLE, : Chairman of Faculty. MONEY For sU1- Uvh business 'ever' , o,YwLt . otferd "gents. Address 3. CROWELL. Louisville, Ky. - v v . v.vy cfc V. w lllilll- . CAMPAIGN GOODS FOR 1872... Agents wanted for our Campaign goods. Sell at sight. Pay 100 per cent, pront. Now is tho time. Send at once for descriptive circulars and price lists of our tine steel engravings Of all the candidates, campaign biographies, charts, photographs, badges, pinx, flags and everything suited to the times. Ten dollars per day easily made Full samples sent for $4. Address MOOKE & UOODSPEED, 37 Park How, New York. CAMPAIGN Thirty liew ul,d beautiful. tZ designs. Get price list of T. B ADGES' 9' Richards & Co.. Manulac4 r. TAR RANT'S S E L T Z E PL AIfiHIET. The chVmislry of divine Providence has never produced a mineral water which com bines in such perfection the dualities nf :ui antt-blllous tonic and cathartic medicine, as that of the Seltzer spa; and Tarrant's Effer vescent Seltzer Aperient is tlie artittcial equivalent or that great natural remedy. OLD BY ALL DR UGplti TiS. $1,000 ' REWARD For any case of Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Ulcer 'ated Piles that De Bung's' Pile Remedy fails to cure. It is prepared expressly to cure the Piles and nothing elae. Sold by all Druggists. Price; i fl.OO. SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES AT THfi! lowest prices. Bargains ! I4irgfcLin ! m.mTkatzs. At ,36 Market street. 2-tf may 20 NEW YORK .NTB1L, ILT EDGE, Bet brands of FLQUR in the State, at . f:. GEORGE MYERS'. AugUBt 5, 1872 67 9k SMiV I