"-tr7 . 4 u A v j vir 3.. 7" if 2 JUL' N0;39 mm i - irTT WILMNGTO vol. VR ; ', . : - ffS!lis. TO iJCI?r Editor and Proprietor o.ivance... fa I L in advance " " " Q fr3tbV , advance 1 - Ill ' m m JJ jjontns. ou .u in Advance Ibo' r elicited from our xnenua on topics 01 gene- P8 "renews and reports ol Pnli eClili1' "-"-"V - ; ; bf ADVEBT,SB5IENTS- lilTBrokerage Olce, .s constantly on hand The r i moles constantly on It unp. of saining. . f lnrfirs Tmport ana g,em market,. DW-'" . . in this faanr Kfbuers solicited and t- .?sS?cw will have prompt at- lit on. fefvStiiy SgSi ALL f, r,.:..iv. ana uitv 1 iiv y t T rETTEWAY, McISandrrodceler. V. 11. O ART SOt'TII riiONT ST., ILMINGTONIsr. C. mict Slip iiWBH and dealer in t and Galvanized Iron Pipes, Ions Gas Fixtures, I'nr.u-s. Valves, ' audull descriptions 01 :I1NGS FOR STEAM, WATER jvoTIONS & 'HL085IER3T, AND GAS. : j fiHini g up o httuKu' attention pam w COTTON MlLLo, with iSlciim, Gasaud Water. 148-tf INSURANCE. .,t.. t velTI? M'V. CAN BE fj .'.KU''"' . ru ps in the Iffertcd at tuc i hlul"",r lowing responsible oiujjamva, - 5)MPNY Asset s JJ),UW,UW f J? A RYHSE, Gen'l Ins. Agt IIPERIAI. YW INSURANCE ' uMlANY,ol London, Assetts Qoid rfcKAT WRSTKTtN FIKE INSUK- 4 C0MIAN Y' rICanS' S226.014 LRMViLIiK b-lliK INSURANCE AND I.KINO COMPANY of Va., assets P.YUNE & KEEN AN, icn '1 Insurance Aeents, JUlfloc Chamber of Commerce, up stairs, vyiimingion, kj. Dgl6 77t17 Km M EXTRA yilLY FLOUR STILL ahead of any other on the market Our Pearl Hominy cannot be surpassed' I ways on hand at th Mill and Tetrsitorv 1 , 1 It is cooa ior vjohuu, wi fackcdCom, UfAnrl WhcaLl, Has a splendid Corn, Bolted Meal Peas and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Bran. M goods sold draved free. :ui bhss returned in good order will be edited at cost on next, bill. v hk lit All Ullli ALEX. OLDHAM. Proprietor. ?rt2j 113 S. 11. MANNING COMHISSIOM MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN leriss, Provisions, Dry Goods Clsliiins, Ic. k, So. Si and SI North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. asigrim&nts and Cash Orders Solicited n,1v-. 151-ly THOMAS CONNOR PAR RO O Ivl N- corner of Alulberrj and Nutt SU. on hand m ,.r cn , . C11 1.W-1V Successors to A. H. NEFF, i B0 irlSuurers and dealers in FURNISHING GOODS, nfl. anSneet Iron Ware. Wt done at sliort notice W I i iji 9 Front Street, aovia i BIRGTON, N. C. 'X50-1J wio-iv v nrriATTn THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! I OFFER TO THE PUBLIC greatest bargains of the Season, consisting of The Best Rddy ' iiaclc3 Clothing:, - r City Made Catsimerc Suits LINEN SUITS, CLOTH SUITS, The Largest Variety in the City, SILK, FELT and PANAMA HATS, Boston and Philadelphia ma'e SHOES and GAITERS, of all descriptions. SHIRTS, From the fines to the Cheapest. TRUNKS & VALISES, Of every description. SADDLES & BRlDLEsy At lowest prices in the Siatc 80E. BUB BROS'i 20 Jflarket St. may 17 310-tf FARMING 750 ACRES OF FARMING AND WOOD LAND In Brunswick County, lor Sale or Exchange for City Property,; ri -r -t .,or3 nn ihn aoutu I The Land 13 situated on tbo side of Town Creek, about, one bridge. Acres Are all ready for planting. . Four hundred loads ot good stable manure and compost are on the Land. fri,A T3Y,inrr T.anrl is already aitcnea anA fnced ' tt Ay"vy - - Pras foundation. ' i , 3 - cs-r Z.r a "VlTLSi SOU Crrape v Ui00' Hcf Gut last year, will bear this Summer. OU U J ' " - 600 Apple Trees, also 600 Peach Trees, Of the finest qualities about three years old- dition. U1U J THE WOOD LAND About tli acres,:is M Ih? st in the 8tThere arc about 3,000 cords' of wood on the Land, and tho farthest not to 1 til mnrn iiin half a mile. The ianiLtronts about three miles on Town Crceknd Daws' creek, and has r - . lorrlinrra Ono of the finest marl beds m the State ii b'if the Land, withirfn eighteen inches of the surface V ni. Hce8, Harness, &ci, wm also be sold. Forty barrelaof Corn and a very good lot of Fodder now j at the Farm, One four room dwelling housc, oi-uic, also a barn and stables, are on the pre mises. The bmiaings are mi-uw. Will sell or exenano ir r,fu Auctioneer r'Real Estate AgenU.: TTT YY 'for sale "tor sale ; , - : - iv S O BALL MLSCEUaNEOUS, yf t. Irr-OLD ; GpOE. : . K a li li Sy 6 i 1 e (Late Greenwald & Co.,) .v . WHOLESALE DEALER IN OLD El Wines; Brandies, Gins, Whiskies ana;ps.r NO. 10 SOUTH 1 WATER, ST., ; , L Rcspectfuliy inlorms Iila nnmerotis custom jbWIt Vf Tn'rA TJntinra ltt the State t riC 4 to compteteith aorortherbouse. Ihall keep constantly on hand old Ken- stock before buying elsewhere. 1- 8EGAK8 A SPECIALITY act 7 t i l2l-iy -- ADRIAN & .V0LLERS. WHOIiES-A-LK DKAIiEBS IN Importers' of German and Havana Cigars, - '-AND CommissionMercliant Sotrra-EAST Cornek Dock and Front P WILMINGTON, N. C. kavine thC largest and best assorted Stock of Grocelie? and liquors in the City, Dealers will find it to their Interest to give us a call before buying elscirh,ere. ? may 17-tf ' 1 ' : H. MABCUS, Wholesale Dealer "I IN : LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, PRINCESS ST., ABOVE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WILMINGTON, N.1 C, P. s. A full supply of Ale and Lager Beer in Halfand Q.uarter Barrels. Familfes supplied with Bottled Ale and LagerBeer. tf 1 1U o WlREHOCiE. ' . THE coplc of the Carolhw now have at Te of th ti n-K-vnt;-u in . i.i in la xj. ia j ; rii V I ?A e fmm mic of the largest ca,n t.eit3i.b i-fxr" iatat :r ! : ' SThe Sns'arV and handsome, tocks ever onerea in whj owro. - The designs ar all new and handsome, Lnd we invito the public to examine stock Sd price? before Ping, - and we invito the Puc " -' and prices before Purohasing JJ. i." DDXi.XXl S w. ianO ; No. 8 South Front. Street, WlMllwOTOTV, N. MANUFACTURERS AND SADDLES TRUNKS & TRVAKLING BAGS I o T- rtsllora RurifilC ClOtbS. I C5pui,wg - : Woolen & Linen Horse Coy ers Fly Nets, Feather uusrers, Axle Grease, Bridles, . of all kinds, Sad 7,, dlery. Hard- ,,, ;. . ware,&c. ALSO SECOND HAWP HARNESS, S A D DLES.'RET NS, &c CtiBAP FOR CASH. June 7 ' ' ;. ' 1-ly J j?,A. SHUTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer fa f ;r- FURNITURE, IflATKESSES, WINDOW SHADES, ' PAPERHANGINGS.ICTURE FRAMES; CORDS, TASSELS,' FRINGESr &c., &ci Having lust received a supply of .FuraltttWV hi?'PiesecauiM mavl5 BLANKS A' full 1873. Furniture & liarpet i ' WtinlocalA and RPtft Dea erS in , l h 'Jobn Weston : No trains will run line: 1 -k n 8 G HALL. ; ,feh35 mmmtmuij mm 1 rail roads. Carato, Ceatrat i " ' u May 14, 133. J . PASSENGER TRAINS LSAV:;WtlMKliKlt DAILY (EX-icept at Wadesboro at' .j-iifi? I o- , 4 Wadesboro at...........'"7i1 AM T . , , , -r! !SEat;.:J.:Wp??.wMn and after Sunday, AlaA 11, -ppwrntrr TRATNa ' V c . 1 I j " ' 1873. ' ; ' ni: BWHT-TKArVfW... , ' nnTvi.Aiu T""' Wilmington daily, except . ; , . Vy RVKltl. , Arrive at wanesnoro Ui. . . : 1 . i : o:i.' jr;m Leave Wadesboro at. . . .... . . ... .... Jio a - " - " . J X I? a... 1 Arrive eave BundajBT.. ArrlvA alfr TJ.nrfT.tro.-i? aA'i.:-i'. -r :T M. te&fatofi. Arrt - 'vmaXtiA at .... : 5.S9FM Leave! Charlotte.-f Aailv.' fiunda vs ecefvted; at.: . 1 . . : 8.00 A M Arfifo atBuSala at., 12.00 M Leftra Bnfifftlr t. . ... A . . . 1.C0 P M ! Arf ite ft Charlotte at . .V. .....i. 5.15 PM Irregular Lumber and Tlmber.Trains run onj both. -portions of . the Koad as the busi ness requires. - r . A rn.Uv Rtfln-A will annn rnn in connection with the trains on both ends of this Eail-; way. , : '. " ' I V V ' ' a.K FREMONT, V ' i Chief iSngineer and BupH. may 19 - . . 311-tt ; ATIOAL HOTEL, ' ; R. JOtes, Proprietor, . The .only; first -class Hotel in i v ; WILMINGTON, N. C 'fvN and after this date, the rate for TRAN SIENT BOARD will be $3 and $2 per day, ! -.7 ' ... .,7" . :!.'... according to location of Rooms. L JfinH-tf1";- . i ,L l F. VV. L0PBR.. I.- DptTGHTBN : LOPiEli & - D0UGHTEN, ' - '' t N A.Y A Hi S T ORE S AND SOUTHERN PRODUCTS, 7 NO. K m FRONT STREET, Philadolpliia, Pa. Orders fbr Turpentine Casks solicited and promptly filled at lowest market price. , march. 3. . ,v.'. ( , . .. . ' ' 245-tf : PWladelpMa and Soutliern Mafl 'fsteamsnip Line. rpHE FIRST CLASS STEAMERS PIONEER, 82 5 TONS Captain JOHN WAKELfi Y - TONAANDA, 850 TONS, j : Captain C. WIITB A.NKS . iform a weekly lirie, and sail alternatel y from Philadelphia and Wilmington every Tues. day mornlrrg, at 6 o'clock. i THROUGH BILLS OF LADING : Given ti New York, , Boston, Providence, Fall RiVer, Portland and all points in the :-ht-' xil,! fitafra at. tin Tfvar ralflS JUthv any other route. Also to Liverpool, London, I - AntwerP, jaremen, jaamourg, xmfcciu. ISuonthentliientandeast tot I rttrfTti Wrtrtii Carolina. South Carolina, in ri ii i .i .r",?i a i ijiu xuuouivum I iiihft-iriii Tmlslan.;MlsslsiDr)i elow weoma,, "'"wa atfdf ennesgee, at as low rates as lines. I;, 7;; ' 1 7 - r . .-WWgSftlS?. I and rates Pt)ly I roreifet eemd atpply I WO .... j ,"v wnminrtoii. N. C J, M. FOBSSJ, yupennienaepH 7 . 7 91? t . -TAilrfir nnr.T Ar,nt. . 2?7 and 239 Dock Street Philadelphia, jane 6 D-tl FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE ' i s iotoi'wiiNrtfo Bettie, w WalMitt r.rl wife ipwjt?"" . Sarai O. Vr-Gtreeting ; , . ipred as afocreald In bopkD , ! I r''?5trjr-Twyrw anrlreeis- date.tne yin oa,y "i-V' " i SffeTngdatet ruary, ltsvz, ana regvn;icu. t oook E E page 7, Irv Tirtue of the powers of sal contained , corded Kfortesaid,) the said mortgages will k.-. .t..ina4 hvA nf tli a nremises tuerc- at tnefcourt house, doorln ;the city of Wilj i minscton; on JMonsaay- ui itisi- - iSLt li tfclocfc A: The said premises gages suostanuaiiy a iwiowb, y. . . - i Int. Wlna n.t. n. rtoint in tllC northern iline of Church street, UO feet ea. of Fiftti te0pt, and runs eastward! y along SsSSt 27i??eeWby W ml deep-Pt . cv.ii t .WalnniCc lif hAcHnS fit a POlt in the eastern line otFron.tr street feet southwardly .from wootr street ud runs southwardly, along Front street 86 feet by 7Jf feet deep pyrt of lot 2, block 45. Terms of sale cash. n T ; . . : -rr i : AtVyCFB Association.; June 27, , ; 35-4t-Jnne 28, July 5, 13 &19, jE CEIVI ' - By Steamer 1N?-Day, 7 G. H. W; RuNGE, i 44 Market street. may 10 i 310 1 - fi .l.i LiC.LfS4TrtHTie: fi-rficnted to the Cape 1 ELiVl.i j.andiTtej jfewlHan regist 7pieiiiiont-..iirrLii8 : Railway. Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Dantlllc IUWrNDiTision, and i XHortn western Ti. i;. ii. w.ii Condensed Time Table, 7 I . Leave Charlotte 6.25 A. U. 8. 11.10 1.52 p. if. ; Salisbury ...... Greensboro.... '1 Danville, v..... Burkville Arrive at Richmond. . 9.50 1.40 A. M 4.83 9.44 " w.yw I 9.80 12.45 P. M GOING SOUTH. STATIOSS. MAIL. BXPRBSS Leave Richmond 3.30 p. m 5.10 A. ic - BnrkviUe 5.55 8.28 DanvUle 10.41 12.75 p. m. M Greensboro.... 2.15 a. m 4.00 41 " Solisbury.:.... 4.57 6.22 ' Arrive at Charlotte... 7.27 8.80 GQ1NQ WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. BXTBB9S Leave Greensboro' . . . 1.45 a. m 1021 a m. ' Co. Shops.... 3.86 44 arl2.20PM 44 , Hillsboro' .... 4.53 44 ... .. 44 Raleigh 'g.05 44 Arrive at Goldsboro' .11.0$ 44 GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS Leave Goldsboro . . . . 4.00 p. m "r: Raleigh........ 7.45 44 44 Hillsboro' 110.21 44 4r Co. Shops..... ri2.05 44 2.13 p.m. Arrive at Greensboro' L30 44 3.30 44 SALEM BRANCH, On and alter March 2d, 1873, a mlxad Fas- eenger ana r reigni. irainwni oe run uainr, (Sundays excepted,) on the N. W. N. C. R. senger ana Jj reignt Train win De run aair jii 1 , as gliojs: 3-40 P M XgM:" ' " 9-00 AMI Leave Kernersville. Arrive at Greensboro . . m.n a m ........ JA.ov A. l "tESi ?i?d from Points East of Greens boro connect at Greensboro with Mail Trains to or from points North or 8outh. - Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of Road. Express daily between Company Shops and Charlotte, (Sundays excepted ) Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond, c without i i Fer iurther iniormation address BE ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. M. R. TALCOTT, Engineer and Gen'l Spuerintendant. may 24 3 OrFlCB PETKRSBTJRa R. R. CO.l -- 'MftyrSlstflO. j ON AND AFTER JUNE 3RD, THE trains will run as follows: LEAVE WELDON. 1 w-mrAss Train 7:80 p. m. mJi Titi "S:2fin. m. TARRIVE AT PETERSBURG Express 10:50 p. m. Ma 7:00 p.m. au . 2 2 I a t)wiot a t wiT.rinv' " I Mail w40 a. m. 1 -r-. rv m FREIGHT TRAINS. . ' o.rv n i Ojeave jreierBDuric o.w.x. Leave Weldon :wp. 1 Arr at Petersbure a20 a. fJAHTON TRAINS 1 ur 1 D" xjeave reiereums "'VY aSton loss's, Petersburg 8:10 p. m. on sunaay except Jix WraTicii will be received. at the Petersburg depot only on i and THURSDAYS. -: The depot will bp closed at 5:00 p. m. No goods will be recaived after that hour. J e 5-tf Enelneer and General Manaeer. 1 -r-r-. r t i v x ittat f U Wl , . , . . - LANDLORD, BUILDING LOTS for sale in healthy and The magazine will be under the editorial " . ' charge of Kdwabd E. ILu-e, who will have desirable localities on Church, Nun, Ann, ft, shtjnce thanheretowreln the man- Orange, Dock, Chesnut; Mulberry, Walnut, Red Cross, Rankin, Dickinson, Wood, Char- lotte, Sixth, Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Ninth Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth andThir teenth streets. Satlslactory time given payment. Apply to iAME3 WILSON. v 226-tf feb8 ' " . r . 7 7 imZTT- C BATTUE - MOBTGAUE .UJatuo-w miscellaneous; , "A Compute Pictorial UUtory of the Times." "( The bxi cheapest, and most . successful Family Paper m the Union." : Harper Weekly; BPLESDIDIT rXLUSTRATKD. ' - ' ' I , ; . : Notices 0 the Press. L?4Jeek1 J1 tne ablest and most povr erful Ulustratea periodical published in this conTincing,. and . carry much weight. Its Illustrations of current events are full and freshed are prepared by our best deslRn- era.' With a circulation of 150.000. the Weekly. Is read by at least half aiUion persons, and its influence as an organ'of opinion is simply tremendous. The Weekly maintains a positive position, and expresses decided iew nrr nnflMl anl 1 " huu DWliU U1UU OTTDOiOTtl'PrmTa nm N H U UOVAif llUfl (3, WYi)r - Terms : Harper's Weekly, one year..!.'.. $4 00 An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied cratis fnr tnrarv f!lnh rf Vltn a 1, I j . . taS? remittance ; or, six. copies for 2 00, without extra copy. wouoacpwons , to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for ono year, $7 00; Back nnmbers can be unnniirui of onv time. 7 " J The Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will bo sent by ex press, free of expense, for $7 00 each. A comnlete set. mmm-lalnc civtpon vninmoo ML. 1 X y .VAUUAVO, sent on receipt ol cash at the rate of f 5 25 .per voL freight at expense of purchaser. The postage on Harper's Wecklv is 20 cents a year, which must be paid, at the subscriber's postr office. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York, april 17 tfS4-tf A Repository of Fashion. Pleasure ami Instruction." HARPER'S BilZAB. ItOTICaS Off THE TBESS. - . i The Bazar is edited with a contribution of tact and talent that we seldom find in any journal and the journal itself is the organ of the great world ot fashion. Trav eller. The Bazar commends Itself to every mem- 1 ber of tne householdto the children by Dy its fashion plates in endless variety, , 1 to tne proYiuent matron oy its patterns lor I 4.v At.nj.Ani. aIaVa. a . e t.. IUV VUUVUGU O VIUIOICO. IU IlitlCliaUilllHB U V & -M j x i i : i . . itafforoi.-iV rniV ct SUBSCRIPTIONS 1873. ,f tibms : - , Harper's Bazar, one year $100 An extra copy of eithef the Magazine, Weekly or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club of five subscribers at $4 each, in one remittance j or six copies for f 20, with- nnt. p.Ttra rorjv- I - Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, I Weekly, and Bazar, to one address lor one 1 yea. 10; or two oi Harper's Tcnodicalsto I one aaaress ior one year y. Back numbers can be supplied at any titm mi A . 1 . T1 i t- . r The5 five olumes ot Hamer'a Bazar, for the years 1868, '60, '70, 71, '72, elegantly bound in green morocco cloth, will be 6cnt by express, freight prepaid, for $7 each, The postage on Harper's Bazar is 20 cents a year, wni.cn must do paid at the suDscn- ners post oince. Aaaress New Xork. april 11 27'J Vol. VII 1873. OLD AND IVEW. . THE PEOPLE'S MAGAZINE Edited by Edward E. Hale. ; The enlarged resources placed in the hands of the OLD AND NEW, by the pub lic and by the proprietors, enable them to announce a volume of wider interest than t.hv have ever nnhlUhed. iMrsGreenouofcsStorv.Pvthonia.and i jwr luues awry, ups ana nowns. I n i T 11 j J Tl i 1 j a i . I yolume. . . m I . A sArliMi nf bnrf. nfnripa hv i . j , ' m. i Mm MereaitM Mrs awwe, Mrs yyiuLney m.1 . rermns, mr uruvJ i ana otners, nas oeen engacea. I Mr Martineaus series will be continued i m oapers on The unurch ana its Exclusive r si?snn;to oflts thority, a od in Humanity, drc . - i . . nnni,n Knu ni I comprise papers on Railroads. Servants or o i Masiersr Ane jjauoi in itngiana i.anu The Law of Maritime Jurisdiction : The In dian Question ; The Suflrage of Women ; Equal. Taxation; Tariffs and Protection What the New Administration must do , Labor and Wages Question. The subjects oi critical interest in NATURAL HISTOKY AND PHILOSOPHY will be illustrated by different gentlemen eminent in their lines of research. We shall soon have the pleasure of printing papers, among others, by.ProC Lesley, Mr Dal 1, Dr Gray,' and President Hill. THE EXAMINER is not confined to the review of the publi cations of a fewhonsesj hut attempts to give some account of the more important issues from the French, German and Eng Usn press, as well as our own. THE RECORD OE PROGRESS describes the substantial advance which the world has made, in whatever direction or in whatever region, with special reference to improvements in domestic life which may he attempica in America. : ; agement of its Journal department. GIVEN AWAY! The beautiful Chromolith CONFI DENCB,"'by Hammatt BnxtWGS, Is prc iented to every Renewal and New Subscri ber W "OLD AND NEW for 1873 at H 00; or at $4 25 the OhromoUth wiU be furnished I handsomely mounted, ready for framing. 8UelOxU..: . f ' t7:; Kv.ni . fo Subscripuons receivea pjr ,"vy Z l ir tviiiptti' rates I 1L1"SSSS,S' OTHERS FoMtatcrs. ' ,1 BJ'S .5 7. 1 ,1 i .1 -1 f - t - n 7 -r f

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