-ft', WILMINGTON, N. C;r W. NO. 43 , VOL VII. - .K TubUhed every afternoon except Sunday. JAMES C. MANN.. Editor and Proprietor if. subscription. One year, iu advance 5 JJj Ox months, in advance J Three month3, in advance 1 50 One month, in advance . 50 - Correspondence solicited from our friends in all parte of the State, on topics of gene ral interest. Political news and reports ol crops are especially desirable. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i ; Merchandise Brokerage Office, FULL line of samples constantly on hand from importers and manulacturers in Northern markets. Ml descriptions of merchandise, orders and bids solicited and telegraphed promptly. Merchandise bought and sold in this market, orders from buyers solicited, and samples left by sellers will have prompt at tention. . Time as well as cash purchases negotiated, whether you wish to buy or sell, communi cated freely, and often with your local BrkCr' " .IAS. T. PETTEWAY, . Merchandise and Produce Broker. dec 20 184 tf- W. II. DART SOUTH FRONT ST., wiiMiisraTOisr, isr. o. :Pluml3cr Steam ani Gas Fitter! and dealer in VjTrousht and Galvanized iron Tipcs, "Ktass Cocks, Valves, Gas Fixtures, audall descriptions of TITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATER J AND GAS. : r Particular attention paid to fitting up o COTTON MILLS, with Steam, Gas and Water. fnovl2 , 148-tf RlMll A L . it WK WILL remove to our new building, Corner Front and Princess streets, be tween this date and September 1st. We will sell our entire RETAIL STOCK AT COST, as it is our desire to open with a A 1 RKSH AND COMPLETE STOCK hence our determination to dispose of the same before moving. June 20,1873 B. WEILL. cyn extra family flour ri STILL ifbcad of any other on the market Our Pearl Hominy cannot be surpassed' Always on hand at the Mill and Depository Cracked Corn, - Corn, Bolted Meal, Peas ana 1'ca Meal, ; Oats, Shorts and Bran. J e All goods sold drayed free. -' AH bass returned in good order will be credited at cost on next bill. ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor, sept 27 113 S. 1 1. M AN NIN Gr 30fdft!ISSI0?J MERCHANT, i AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goois f Cothiiig, &c. No. aa auJ 21 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oonsignuients and Cash Orders Solicited nov 23 151-ly THOMAS CONNOR 3 ROOM N. E. corner of Mulberry and Nutt 8ts , lways on hAnd the best quality of Sega i 4m 14 157-ly ?ARKEK fe TAYLOR Successors to A. H. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers In HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ans, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing done at short notice Agents for Falrbank's Scales. No. 19 Front Street. WUMIKGTON. K, C. lov 19 150-ly SIISCELEANEOVS. m. m t " x i t . TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. -1, -'15, . 1 ! ' BARGAINS! -BARGAINS! : ;v . - ! . mm mm SOL, BEAR & BROS., OFFHR-fo-'TllE'PUBilC Tbc greatest bargains of the Season, . consisting, of The Best (Ready MadeS Clothing. Suits ALL LINEN WITS, - ? j r ! CLOTH SUITS, m Largest Yariui tiiB$ty,f 8ILK, FELT and PANAMA II ATS, Boston and Philadelphia uiae SHOES and GAITERS, of ali descriptions. SHIRTS From the fines to the Cheapest. NOTIONS & HOSIERY, At reduced prices. TRUNKS & VALISES, Of every description, At lowest prices in the State. SOL. REAR fc BROS., 20 Market St. 310 tf m 17 FARMING- 750 ACRES OF FARMING AND WOOD LAND In Bittnswick County, for Sale or Exchange for City Property, The Land is situated cin the South side of Town Ureek, about one and a half miles from Lower Town Creek bridge. : -n ... 75 Aores Are all ready for planting. Four hundred loads of good stable manure and compost are oh the Land. The Farming Land is already ditched and fenced.- It is good for Cotton, Corn, Peas, Potatoes and Wheat, ; Uu3 a splendid clay foundation. 500 Grrapeines, Set out la3t year, will bear this Summer. 600 AddIg Trees, also 600 Feaci Trees, ': Of the finest qualities about three years old set out last year, are in fine con dition. Till: WOOD LiD About 075 acres, is of the best in the State. - - ' - There are about 3,000 cords of wood on the Land, and the farthest not to haul more than half a mile. ' The Land lrontsiabout three miles on Town Creek an dDawsr creek, and has four good landings. ' One of the finest marl beds in the State Is on the Land, within eighteen inches of the surface, i The farming utensils, inqhiding.Plows Hoes. Harness, ace., will also be sola. Forty barrels of Corn and a very good lot of Fodder now at the Farm. One four room dwelling house, a store, also a barn and stables, are on the pre mises. -The buildings are all new. Will sell or, exchange for city pro perty. Apply to , CRONLY A MORRIS, Auctioneers and Real Estate Agents, feb 17 i - . 233-tf ctrjPSRIOR COURT CLERK and Sher- O.iaTa Blanks. For sale by - - r: T3TTARRANTTEE DEEDS-1 On hand and f T for sale 1TT feb 25 8 0 HALL 3SE J3 E1ISCELL1NE0US. A.ADEIAK. , i ! H. VOLUCWfl ADEIAN & OliRS. v Groceries and Lifluors, I Importers of German and Hayaaa Cigars, .1- . ajtj ; I Commission Meroliant Sotjth-East CJobneb Dock and Peont Streets. ' " ' WILMINGTON, N. C. L i iTavintr the larerest and best assorted otOCK of Groceries ana .Liquors in we iivy, wai will find it to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere, - niav 17-tx . .! 'H. 1HAECU8, ("Wholesale Dealer 'in LIQUORS. TOBACCO & SEGARS, PRINCESS ST.. ABOVS FIRST: NATIONAL BANK, Wi.JjAiAXtUXVn.A, X. VJ, -r-. c A,11 .nnnWnf 11 AD(1 I AereP xSeeT i- . nil ii iL . & w a - Families suppiiea wnn rsottieu. aw u Lager J3eer. 1873. 1873. W A REHOUS E. THE people of the Carollnas now nave at home one of the largest Furniture and Carpet Warehouses in the country, They can select in person from one of the largest stocks ever offered in the State. The ripsifrns ara all new and Kandsome. and we invite, tne ' pudiio to examine skic and prices before purcnasmg, ian 9 .' - 200 -tf J. S. TOPHAM & CO.. No. 8 South: Front Street, VlIi3IirGTON, 3V. C.j MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS & TRVAKLING BAGS Collars, Hamcs, Trace Ciiains, Whips, Spurs, Dog Collars, aaaie uiotns, Woolen & Linen ;Horso Coverg '. Fly Nets, Feather Dusters, I Axle Grease, Bridles, of all kinds, Sad dlery Hard ware, &c. a. Hi e o . ; SECOND IIANP IIARNjESS, SADDLES, REINS, & c . CHEAP FOR CASH. June 7 1-ly F. A. SHUTTE iHo. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, ' ' I" Dealer in FURNITURE, MATTKJfiiJSES, WINDOW SHADES. v PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE v FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &o., &o. ilaving Just received a supply of Farnlttrre, I am - prepared to give the public as good bargains as can be had in the city. please call and examine. mavl5 . United States of America, District Court of the United States for the Sroe Fear District, In tne Eastern mstnet oc Nortn uaronna: spring Term at Wil mington, May otn, isjs. "Walker Mearcs, Assignee of James G. Burr, : iian&rupt, Against Ezeklel B Hibbard, & James W Schenck, Jr. TT APPEARTNQ TO THE SATISFACTION L of - the court that Eseklel B. Hib- bard. one of the defendants in this cause, resides beyond the 'limits of this State, - it is -therefore ordered that publication be made once a week for six weeks, in the Even ing Post, a newspaper published in the city of Wilmington, in said district, notifying the said defendant of the mine or tne peu- tition and complaint in this cause, and that unless he appears at tne next term or tms court, to be neid in tne city or Wilmington. on the Monday next succeeding the fourth answerer demur to the said bill, the same -will be taken as confessed, and neara ex parte as to him, r WW. LARKINS. . Clerk of said Court. juneSS 35-law6w Tt MAGISTRATES BLANKS A full line YL on hand, and for E&Ie feb 25 6 Q HALL. RAIL ROADS. Carolina , Central Railway: Company, WItMUiGTOS, N. C. . 1 , T EAVETi WrXMISTJTOW LTJAILT 1 KX X-"ceDt Sundaysl atJ..';. .'i i. :ba AM errive at Wadcsbora atv- 5:25 p M eave Wades boro atiu UiU 7:10 A M Arrive at WUmlnxrton at 4:3o r M i ;;;titeighx trains, ; Leave Wilminirton dailv fexcent. ! Rnfiils1(.,!!.-"" rl. t i R-Oft A rr Arrive atXaurinarc at.V. i . 5:S0,P M" Leave LauriBburcr at . , . 1 .. . . . . . . ,' i:00 A M Arrive at WUmingtoa at j. . , , . . - 5.30 P M i PASSENGER TRAILS. ; P.xftentA:.At ' 8.00 AM ;Arriveat Buttalo at.;.. .'. : . . 12.00 M tLcave Buffalo at.:........ 1.C0 PM Arrive at Charlotte at, 5.15 PM j Irrcgalar LnmbcV and Timber Trains run I 2t . A . m A mm J 11 1 on Doin noriiODS oi mo rtoaa as ine uusi- If A Ti.ili.Oi..n.:il .nnnmn in nnnnnnllnn I ... . ? t .-nr. T T n A .v.a nTn n f t u 111 i 11 iu .v u jway. S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Snp't. 311-tt may 19 NATIONAL HOTEL, x i J ! iV. R. JONES, Proprietor, The only first class ;JIotcl in WILMINGTON, N. C. vN and after this date, the rate for tkajn - S1ENT BOARD will bo $3 and 52 per day, according to location of Rooms.' June 4 14-tf R. F. W. LOPBR. i I. DOUGIITBN LOPER & DOijGHTEN, NAVAL STORES AND SOUTHERN PRODUCTS, NO. 55 NORTH : FRONT STREET, ' Pb-iladelpliia Va, Orders for Turpentine Casks solicited and promptly nlled at lowest market price. march 3, 215-tf Philadelphia and SoHthern Mail Steamship Line. rjlHE FIRST CLASS STEAMERS PI QNEE R, 2 5 TO JN IS Captain JOHN WAKELJY, TONAWAKDA, 850 vtONS, Captain C. C. WILTBANKS form a weekly line, and sdil alternately from Fhiladeipnia ana Wilmington every xues- day morning, at e oxiock; THROUGH BILLS OF LADING Given -to New York, Boston, Providence, Fall River, Portland and all points in the New England States, at as low rates as by anv other route. :Aiso to Liverpool. London. Antwerp,, .Bremen, namDury, Arasieraam, and all points on the continent and east coast of KncrlandL .-' i ( Tnrougn rates irom t'niiaaeipnia io an - m a V m t A 11 Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee, at as low rates as by compe- ting lines. s -r t , .- v. :r r .... ;-A . if or. reign engagements, ana raies appiy IO ; : W Ulil H a -WUttXH, Agenis, . . , ;i Wilmington, JN. U. J. M Fobshee, Superintendent. . . Orto : . r ff..i- I 5.'..- : WM. It. JAMES. General Asent, 217 and 239 Dock street, rnuaaeipnia. - FORECLOSUEE OP M0ETGAGE To John Weston and wife Bettio, and Stephen F. Waled t and wife Sarah Q, V.Oreeting i WHEREAS' dcfanlt has been made by tne morteraorors resnectivelv named in the mortgages following, executed to the Cape Fear Building Association, viz: , ? Twomortsracrea executed by John Weston and Wife Bettie. one bearing date 10th day of June. 1870. and -registered, in the ileglsters Oluce oi jw naoover cuuuu, m . jaee 30a, and tne otneraaieu u aauui. 1572, and registered as aforesaid in dook. u u Xnd twomortrasres executed by Stephen F Walcott and wife- SaraH O V, one bearing date the 9th day ruecemoer imj, ana regis- tnri iui afnrMain dook x i.pase mnuu tho other bearing date the U)th day of Fhb ruarv. 1872. r and registered as aforesaid in book BEE, page 7. . , Now, thererore, notice is nereoy grven inav br virtns. of thenowers of sale oontalne-J, rMnArttivelv in said several mortgages.' re corded as aforesaid, the said mortgages will hA ftYretlnsad bvA sale or tne premises inere- in resDectively described, at public aucticii, ; at the courthouse door in; the city or wi'j mington, on Mohsday the 21st day of July, 1873, at 11 o'clock A Ml The said premises are respectively described in the said mort- tracroa ntMtAntla.IlV as IOLIOW8. viz: Tnhn Weston's lot berins at a point in the northern line of Church street, 110 feet east of Fifth street, and runs eastwardly along Church street 27Ueet, by 66 leet deep part of lot block 104. . . In the eastern line of Front street 96 f et southwardly from wooster sireeina runs nritttwardlv alonsr Front street 38 feet by feet deep pyix or iow , oiuck. . Terms or saio casn. . JW, ' : Att'v C F B Association. June 27 ,;' : .4t-ime28,'Jaly 5. 13 & 10, ' ; By twiner; TqDay , FBESH. LOT . OF: CRACKERS. ' ' V V U Market street. marl 310- RAIL ROADS. piedmont Air-Line Railway. Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Danville R. WM N. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W. Condensed Time Table, Iu effect ou aud after Sunday, Maa 11, IWJ3. GOING 1QRT1L v STATIONS KXTRESS. 6.25 A. m. 8.S4 Leave Charlotte. . . . . . 7.10 9.50 I Holiahnrrr fcw.iyimj ...... ' Greensboro.... Danville....... Burkville 1.49 A. M U1.10 4.S2 9.44 PI.52P. m. CfO 9. Arrive at Richmond. . r. M GOING SOUTH, r"l ' ' BTATIOHS. bUJIm SXTBXSS Leave Richmsnd . . . . . 2.30 p. m 5.10 a. m. i 4, Burkville...... 5.55 8.2S " Danville 10.41 12.75 p.m. " Greensboro 2.15 A. M 4.00 Solisbury 4.57 .2i3 Arrive at Charlotte... 7.27 " 8.30 I GOING WEST. ; STATIONS. HAIL. EXrKBSS t eave Greensboro'... 1.45 a. m 10.21 a m. f" Co. Shops.... 0.36 arl2.20PM j Ilillsboro' .... 4.53 ' " Raleigh 's.05 41 .rrivc at Goldsboro'. 11.0c j GOING WEST. STATIONS. MALL. BXniESS Leaye Goldsboro'.... 4.00 p. m Raleigh........ 7.45 " 44 Hillsboro' ..... 10.21 " f 4? Co. 8hops 12.05 44 2.13 p. m. Arrive at Greensboro' 1.30 44 3.30 44 SALEM BRANCH, On and alter March 2d, 1873, a mixad Pas- scnger ana jjreignt irain will be run dally, cnger ana jrreignt Trai (Sundays excepted,) on ays excepted, on the N. w. N. C. R. K., as follows: Leave Greensboro 3:40 P M Arrive at Kernersvillc 5:10 P M Leave Kernersville. 9:00 A M Arrive at Greensboro 10:30 A M II.-m A. X 1 t i a. m m mr fP M connects at Greensboro with Northern ihnnnf! train mfllr!nfy, iht n-iilnlroaf Hmn ir ! Am w-& m ail jMortncrn ciiies, rricc oi ticnets same as other routes. Trains to and from Points East of Greens boro connect at Greensboro with Mail Trains to or from points North or South. Man trains daily, both ways, over entire length of Road. Express daily between Company Shops and Charlotto, (Sundays excepted.) rollman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte vd Richmond, without change.) For lurther lniormation address 8. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. M. R. TALCOTT, Engineer and Genu Spucrintendant. may 24 3 Office Petxbsbubo R. R. Co. 1 May, 31st, 1872. n AND AFTER JUNE 3RD, THE trains I f wn un as follows: LEAVE WELDON. xpress Train 7:30 p. m. Mail Train 3:25 p. m. ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express 10:50 p. m. Mail 7:00 p. m. LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mail 6:30 a.m. Express 8:50 p. m. AUrllYE AT WELDON. Mall Express 9:40 a. m. 6i50 p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg 8:00 a. m. Leave Weldon 8:00 p. m. Arrive at Welds-n 8:00 p. ml Arrive at Petersburg 2:20 a. m. GASTON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg 6.00 a. m. Leave Gaston 1:15 p. m Arrive at Gaston 12:50 p.m. Arrive at Petersburg 8:10 p.m. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains Freights for Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed at 5:00 p. m. No goods will be received after that hour. J. U. HPxtlUU, Je5-tf Engineer and General Manager. i . . BE YOUR OWN. LANDL0KD. BUILDING LOTS for sale in healthy and desirable localities on Church, Nun, Ann, Orange. Dock. Chesnut, Mulberry, Walnut, Bed Cross, Rankin, Dickinson, Wood, Char- t mi lotte, Sixth, Seventh, Wilson, kJgnia, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth turd Thlr teenth streets. Satisfactory tmie given fo i paymenL Apply to JAMES WILSON.' ; 278-tf feb 8 (1HATTLE MORTGAGE DEEDS Oa Mi U1SCELL1NE0US. A Complete Pictorial Uutory of the Time." "The be$t cheapest and most. uccef ict Family Paper in the Union? Harper's Weekly. BFLKKDIDLT H,LUSTKAT1D. Notices of the Press. The Weekly-is the ablest and most io w crlul illustrated periodical published iu this country;. Its editorials are scholarly ard convincing and carry much freight.! Its illustrations of current events are full and fresh, and are prepared by our best design- tis. mui circuisuou OI 10U,UUU, the Weekly is read by at least half a miUIou persons, and its influence as an onran of opinion is simply tremendous. Tho Weekly maintains a positivo position, and expresses aeciaea views oa political and social r rob- icui, Xioiusviiiu courier-Journal. 8UB3CRIPTIONS.- -1ST?. Tcrms : Harper's Weekly, one year.:. ... i $4 00 -An extra copy of either the Magazine, Vcekiy, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at f 4 00 each, in one remittance ; or, six copies for f3 00, -without extra copy. Subscriptions to llarncr'a Matrnxitin Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one rear, f w; i sack nnmbcrs can bo snnnlirri nt nnv time. J The Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will bo sent by ex press, Xree of expense, ior $7 00 cachi 'A complete set, comprising sixteen volumes, sent on receipt ol cash at the rate of f5 25 per vol., freight at expense of purchaser. The postage on Harper's Weekly is CO cents a yeari which must bo paid at the subscriber's post-office. Address HARPER BROTHERS, New York. apruiY v.i, aHf i: A Repository of fashion, Pleasure and Inst tction." OABPliR'S AZA1S. I NOTICES Or TUB TBESS. The Bazar Is edited with a contribution of tact and talent that wo seldom find in any journal , and the journal itself is the organ of tho great world oi fashion. HjsIoh Trav eller. The Bazar commends itself to every mem ber of the household to the children by droll and pretty pictures, to the young la dies by its fashion plates in endless variety, to the provident matron by its patterns for the children's clothes, to paterfamilias by Its tasteful designs for embroidered slippers and luxurious dressing gowns. But the reading matter of tho Bazar is uniformly of great excellence. The paper has acquired a wide popularity fortheflreside CBjoyment it affords. V Y Evening Jbst. SUBSCRIPTIONS 1S7J. TERMS : Harper's Bazar, one year fi 00 An extra copy ot either tho Magaziuc, Weekly or Bazar will be supplied gratis lor every club oi five subscribers at $1 each, In one remittance; or six copies for 120, with out extra copy. Subscriptions to Harper's 1 Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address lor ouo year, $10; or two of Harper's Periodicals to one address lor one year (7. Back numbers can be supplied at any liuiu The live volumes ot Harper's Bazar, for the years 1868, '69, '70, '71, '73, elegantly bound in green morocco cloth, will be cent by express, freight prepaid, for 17 each. The postage on Harper's Baz&r is 'M cents a ycarwnicn must be paid at tho subscri ber's post office. Address ' HARPER & BROTHERS, New ITork; april 11 - 27U Vol. VIjTl 87:i. OLD AND IVE W. THE PEOPLE'S MAGAZINE. Edited by Edward K. Hale. Tho enlarged resources placed in tho hands of the OLD AND NEW, by the pub lic and by the proprietors, enable them to announce a volume of wider interest than . they have ever published. 1 Mrs GreenougJCs Story, Python id, and. Mr Hale's Story, , Ups and1 Downs, win do continued and completed iu thu volume. i A series of short stories by Miss Meredithl Mrs Stoice,-Mrs Witney Miss Hale, Mr Perlins, Mr Lor ing, and others, has been engaged. Mr Martineau's series will be continued in papers on The Church and its Exclusive Claims, Scripture and the Limits of its Au thority) God in Humanity, tc. The series of articles on Political Science by gentlemen of recognized ability, will comprise papers on Railroads, Servants or Masters ? The Ballot in England Land The Law of Maritime Jurisdiction ; The In dian Question ; The Suffrage of Women; Equal Taxation; Tariff and Protection What the New Administration must do Labor and Wages Question. ; The subjects of critical interest in NATURAL HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY will be illustrated by different gentlemen eminent in their lines of research. We shall soon have the pleasure of printing papers, among others, by Prof. Lesley, Mr ball, Dr Gray, and President Hill. THE EXAMINER is not confined to the review of the publi cations of a few houses, but attempts to' rr va i.niaiKKnnnt ii !! tnnrA Imrtrtrtant. issues from the Jtrrencn, ucrman ana exist lish press, as well as our own. THE RECORD OE PROG RE3 describes the substantial advanc rihlch the world has made, In whatever direction or .in whatever region, with social reference to improvements In doitlc life which may be attempted in America. j The magazin will be under the editorial charge of Eytabi E. Hai. who .will have wider assJ-taace than heretofore in the man agement of its Journal department. GIVEN AWAY! . The beautiful ChromoUth CONFI DENCE," by Hakmatt Billtogs, is pro aented to every Renewal and New Subscri ber to "OLD AND NEW" for 1873 at 14 00: or at $4 25 the Ohromollth will be furnished handsomely mounted, ready for framing. Size 10x14. . Subscriptions received by all book and Newsdealers at Publishers' rates. ROBERTS BROTHERS Publishers, . mm M mm, l 9 . . m. A A. T . A .mm fK9 iu yyaixungion ou, avsw

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