it- pi rlOl- I T -Mii I It-. I 1 :. oi - w r - a . w a v a WILMINGTON, N. C, .TUESDAYS -JULY 15, 1873 70L vn. NO. 48 SB rrtl l V LS Mil II I 1 r7tTed every afternoon except Sunday. JAUm C MANN.. Editor and Proprietor Subscription. . i . . .$5 00 One jtir, n advance Six tenths, in advance. Tkrc3nonth8, in advance One nonth, in adrancc Correspondence solicit from our Menus ,n aU plm of the State, on topics of gene, ral interest. Political news and reports oi crcr s zc especially desirable. W ADVERTISEMENTS w c kkight, Pres. bichabd ibbt, Vice Pres, , E e HABKiss Sec and Trcas. IlICHMUND ARCHITECTURAL IKON WORKS AND STOVE COMPANY, 1C30, 1002, 1004, 1000 Cart Street. No. -5 TENTH STREET. Offics: " . fvnr- nnoDle of Vir 11113 lXIP"- rr - irlnlaand the Southern v . . mvn manuiaciurts iui v as liberal as can D? i,ru nf nil classes, we make a iin it iiiii i 1 1 itiaj " - ' . Archltoctuil Works a SPfli CWes, yuvv --a'iffay8 on hand; and P;. JgS 'attentton of dealers to our we sollc. Uprise, send for circulars and ouuiuuu tin - miie jui prie lists. ., --Mcrchandikeragc office. 'My on hand f?ULIi line of samples consuvu. ,nS in from Importers ana manuiiu Northern markets. . All descriptions of merchandise, orders and bids solicited and telegraphed promptly. Merchandise bought and sold In this marked orders from buyers solicited, and SSples left by sellers will have prompt at tention. i "Tlma'as well as cash purchases negotiated, wheeryouwishtobuy or sell, communl Sed freely, and often with your local Broker. i S. T. PETTEWAY, . i,.r, haiullse and Produce liroKer. 184 tf deoS3 REMOVAL WK WILL remove to our new building, Wicr Front and Princess streets, be tween this date and September 1st. We will sell our entire RETAIL STOCK AT COST, dii c to open with a' as It la our A IMESII AND COMPLETE S TO OK henca our determination "same before moving. June 20, 1st; to dispose of the B. WEILL. OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR TTT.r . ahead of any other on the market 3 T?PeJ?l Hominy -cannot VeJiUXPs!, I UOF . at.iUn Mill ana ueiiusiiuw Always Oi. Cracked Coru, Meal Corn, Bolteu -'a jiea Peas and i . and Bran. Oats, oho. Alt o-lr1 rlrotrorl frPfV All bas returned in Rood order will credited at cost on next bill. , ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor. ept27 1L S. 1L. MANTsTHSTG- C0L1MISSI0H MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goods C'.oiliini, &c. Sc., No. "2i Hn.l Ul North Water Street. -- WILMINGTON, N. C. Consijnmeuts and Cash O.ders Solicited nov23 151-ly THOMAS CONNOR' BAR ROOM - N. E. corner of Mulberry and Nutt Sta. Atrr.ya on hand the best quality of Sega i 157-ly ' PivJlKEK fe TAYLOR Successors to A. H. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Gu- Stoves, Lant as. Kerosene, Oil Tin , and sheet Iron Ware. Hoofing done at short notice Agents for Fairbank's Scales. No. 19 Front Street, vti.nfiWfiTON. N. 6. ry f 1"' Tteif v mm a'" fcl MISCELLANEOUS. TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! SOL. BEAR & BROS., OFFER TO THE PUBLIC , The greatest bargains of the Season, consisting of The Best Ready JUadeS Clothing:, City Jtlade Catsimerc Suits ALL LINEN SUITS, CLOTH SUITS, The Largest Variety in tliB City SILK, FELT and PANAMA H ATS, baton and Philadelphia inae SHOES and WAITERS, of all descriptions. SHIFTS, From the tines to the Ueapest. T NOTIONS & HOSIERx At reduced prices. TRUNKS & VALISES, Of every description. SADDLES & BRIDLES, At lowest prices in the State. SOL. REAR & BROS., SO Market St. may 17 310 tf FAEMING L A, JTST D . 750 ACRES OF FARMING AND WOOD LAND In Brunswick County, for Sale or Exchange for City Property, The Land is situated on the side of Town Ureek, about one half miles from Lower Town bridge. 4 75 Acres Are all readv for Dlantins. South and a Creek Four hundred loads of good stable manure and compost are on the Land. The Farming Land i3 already ditched And fenced. It is cood for Cotton, Corn, Peas, Potatoes and Wheat. Has a splendid clay foundation. aOO Grape "Vines, Bet oat last year, will bear this Summer. iile Trees, ilso 600 Peach 600 Trees, limit irpA vears Of the finest qualities--u n fioe con- old set out last year, are dition. THE WOOD IiAND About 075 acres, is of the best in the State. :- , , There are about 3,000 cords of wood on the Land, and the farthest not to haul more than half a mile. The Land fronts about three miles on Town Creek and Daws' creek, and has four good landings. One of the finest marl beds in the State la on the Land, within eighteen inches of the surface. The farming utensils, including Plows Hoes, Harness, &c., will also be sold. Forty barrels of Cora and a very good lot of Fodder now at the Farm. n frnr room dwelling house, a store, also a barn and stables, are on the pre- miw. The buildincs are all new. Will sell or exchange for city pro- Auctioneers feb 17 and Real Estate Agents. 233-tf TTTARRANTTEE DEEDS- On hand and VV for sale feb 25 S G HALL m " AOISTRATES blanks A fall line 1YL on hand, and for sale MISCELLANEOUS. A. ADRLAR". XL. VOIXERs ADRIAN & V0LLERS. Groceries and Liquors, Importers of German and Havana Cigars, AKT : Commi ssionMerchant Sotjth-East Corner Dock and Fkont Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. Having the largest and best assorted Stock iof Groceries and id Liqi uors in thd City, Dealers will find it to their 1 nterest to give u acau before buying elsewhere, mav 17-tf MARCUS, Whole ai e xj e a i e r IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, PRINCESS ST., ABOVE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WILMINGTON, N. C, - P. S. AJfull supply of Ale and Lager Beer in Half and Quarter Barrels. Families supplied with Bottled Ale and Lager Beer. Jfeb3 221-tf 1873, 1873. FURNITURE & CARPET WAREHOUSE. rwmv -nannia nf i iiA Harolinas now have at 1 home one of the largest Furniture and Carpet Warehouses in tno country, xuey can select in person from one of the largest stocks ever onerea in tne estate. Tim Hocitrna iira all new and handsome. and we invite the public to examine stock and prices before purchasing, D. A. SMITH & CO. " i nrr ii iaa 9 J. S. TOPHAM k CO.. No. 8 South Front Street, W lLMITOTOW, N. MANUFACTURERS AND 'Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS & TRVAELING BAGS Collars, Hames, Trace Chains, Whips, . Spurs, Dog Collars, Saddle Cloths, Woolen & Linen Horse Covers Fly Nets, Feather Dusters, Axle Grease; Bridles, of all kinds, Sad dlery Hard ware, &c. Ji. Hi f? o , SECOND HANP HARNESS, SADDLES, REINS, &c. CHEAP FOR CASH, June 7 1-ly F. A. SUXJTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer in FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE . FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c. &c. Having just receiy.ed a supply of Furniture, Mn, prepared to giro the public as good 'hs as can be had in the city. barga. I and examine. please ca. mavl5 United States Ol America, District Court of the United SUtes for the Cape Fear District, in tno isw" ""'T of North Carolina: Spring Terra at Wil mington, May 5th, 1873. Walker Meares, Assignee of James G. Burr, Bankrupt, Against Ezeklel B Hibbard, & James WSchenck, Jr. IT APPEARING TO THE SATISFACTION of the court that Ezekiel B. Hib- banf . one of the aerenuania in uus cause. resides Deyona mn lmxiu ui iuia is therefore oraerea inu puoiicauuju ra made oncea weekfor six weeks, in the Even- inff Post, a newspaper puoiisoea. m me of WilmingtoD, in said district, notifying the said defendant of the filing of the ' peti- tition ana compiauii in uiab cuc, unless he appears at the next term of this court, to belield in the city of Wilmington, on the Monday next succeeding the fourth Monday in October, AD. 1873, and plead, iSawerer demur to the said bill the same will be taken as confessed, and heard ex parte as to him. WM trjons, Clerk of said Court. june2S So-iawbw t rrPERTOR COURT CLERK and 8her- O'iTa Blanks. Tor sale by HALL RAIL ROADS. CaroM Central Railway Company. WILMINGTON, N. C., May 14, 1873. SCHEDXJIjE. pabsengee trains LEAVE WILMIKGTON cept 8undays) at. ...... . Arrive at Wadesboro at DAILY (EX ..... 8:00 A M 5:25 P M Leave Wadesboro at Arrive at Wilmington at ........ . FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except 7:10 AM ..... 4:35 PM Sundays).... Arrive at Laurinburg at 6:00 AM 5:30 P M 5:00 A M .Leave .Launntrarg at Arrive at Wilxningtonat . 5.30 PM PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte dailr. Sundays excepted, at 8.00 AM Arrive At Kirffalft. at ..12.0frM ' ieave isunaio at..... . .....-... -'a-w i w Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 PM Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Koad as the busi ness requires. ' " A Daily Sta'ffe will soon rua. in connection with the trains on both ends of this Rail way. 8. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't. mayt 19 . INSURANCE. 311-ti f IFE AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE effected at the lowest current rates in the following responsible Companies, on ap- Sllcationto TEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Assetts $20,000,000 J. A. BYRNE, Gen'l Ins. Agt., IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of London. Assetts $9,000,000, Gold LYNCHBURG INSURANCE AND BANK ING COMPANY of Va., assets $615,330 OLD DOMINION INSURANCE COMPA NY OF Va,, assetts, $200,000 BYRNE & KEEN AN, Gen'l Insurance Agents. - Office Chamber of Commerce, up stairs, Wilmington, N. C. aug 16 77-ly R. P. W. LOPER. I." DOUGHTKN LOPER & D0UGHTEN, NAVAL STORES AND SOUTHERN PRODUCTS, NO. 55 NORTH FRONT STREET, PMladelpMa, Pa. Orders for Turpentine Casks solicited and nromptly filled at lowest market price. marcuo . Philadelphia and SoHthern Mail Steamship Line. THE FIRST CLASS STEAMERS PIONEER, 82 5 TUiNb Captain JOHN WAKELEY, T0NAWANDA, 850 TONS, Captain C. C. WILTBANKS. form a weekly line, and sail alternately from Philadelphia and Wilmington every Tues day morning, at 6 o'clock. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING Given to New York, uoston, roviaence, Fall River, Portland, ana an points in me New England States, at as low rates as by any other route. Also to Liverpool, London, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, Amsterdam, and all points on the continent and east coast of England. . . J,t, Throuffn rates rrom r-inittueipm lj h points in .worm Varuiiua, ouum, .ju,ivxxia. Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee, at as low rates as Dy compe ting lines. - . For Freight engagements, and rates apply to WORTH & WORTH, Agents, Wilmington, N. C. J. M. Fobshee, Superintendent. Ort ' WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, 237 and 239 Dock Street, Philadelphia. June 6 -0-tf FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE To John Weston and wife Bettier and Stephen F. Walcott and wife Saran O. V. Greeting : WHEREAS default has been made by the mortgagers respectively named in the mortgages following, executed to the Cape rcoar RniirHnf? Association, viz: ' Two mortgages executed by John Weston and wife Bettie, one bearing date 10th day of June, 1870. and registerea in ine rvegister office of New Hanover county, in., book Z Z, nope 395. and the other dated 4th January, 1872, and registered as aforesaid in book D u And two mortgages executed by Stephen F date the 9th day of December 1869, and regis tered as aforesaid in book Y Y, page 149, and h nthor twarinff date the 19th day of Fhb- nmrv. iffll and registered as aforesaid in Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of - the powers of sale containe I , respectively in said several mortgages, re nnrHoH ut Afnresaid. the said mortErages will k fr-AfvtpA bvasale of tfetpremises there in respectively described, affrablic ancticti, at the court house door in the city of wilj lMrner?a-r th2lKtdav of Julv. fev-o l o'clock A M. The said premises ireVenecUvely" described in the said mort SSSsSbSthUiy as follows, viz: . S8?-wi'0 int hPfrins at a point in the "h " v?" , vr i in foot Pt northern une oi onureu oncv, r S?f5S etreet. and runs eastwardly along Church streeii zjievt "j w -v-r r Of lot p. woe: ota T-nw M Ml Zi I WA 111. H . I1IL Cfc V I-' in the eastern nnc oi rruni bucl-i- XXi - nr . A ..T-irl null! oicuuvu . " . ... ut ri Siwlrdlv alone Front street VS feet by 79U feet deep pyn oi low -xj. ovvwu . - - l.l ic Terms of sale cash. TlTTTmTTTZ CUTLAR, Att'y CPB Association. June 27 35-4t-June 28, July 5. u & iv RECEIVED By Steamer To-Day, A FRESH LOT OF CRACKERS, G. H. W. RUNGE, 1 Market street. 310 may 16 RAIL ROADS. Pieamont Air-Lme Railway. r. Richmond aud Danville, Richmond and Danville R. W. N. Division, and . North Western" N. C. R. W. Condensed Time Table, In effect on and after Sunday, Mai 11, 1B73. GOING NORTH. i r ' m - . - . k ' iSTATIONS. I ICAJIk KXPBBS8. Leave Charlotte ...... 7.10 p. u 6.25 a. m, SalUbury...... 9.50 8.34 44 Greensboro.. . . 1.40 m U.1Q, fj;' fDanviHew...... 4.32 1.52p.m. JtSt BnrktUlQ. 9.44 6.f0 " Arrive at Richmond . . 12.45 p. m 9.0 GOING SOUTH. 6TATI03IS. MAIL. SXPRSSS. Leave Richmond 2.30 p. m 5.10 a.m. 44 Rurkville 5.55 44 8.28 44 44 Danville....... 10.41 41 12.75 p.m. 44 Greensboro 2.15 a. m 4.00 44 44 Solisbury...... 4.57 44 6.23 44 Arrive at Charlotte... 7.27 44 &30 4 GOING "WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. EXP&XSS Leave Greensboro' . . . 1.45 a. m 10.21 a m. 44 Co. Shops.... 3.36 44 arl2.20PM 44 ' Hillsboro' 4.53 44 44 Raleigh rg.05 44 Arrive at Goldsboro' . ll.Og 4t. GOLNG WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS Leaye Goldsboro' 4.00 p. m 44 Raleigh... 7.45 44 44 Hillsboro'. 10.21 44 .. 44 Co. Shops 12.05 4 3.13 p. m. Arrive at Greensboro' 1.30 44 3.30 t SALEM BRANCH, On and alter March 2d. 1873. a mixad Pas- uensrer ana jreient l rain will ne run flail v. 3 TB t m (8undays excepted,) on the N. W. N. C. R. K., as iollows : Leave Greensboro .3:40 P M Arrive at Kernersville 5;io p M Leave Kernersville 9:00 A M Arrive at Greensboro 10:30 A M Passenger train leaveine Raleich at 7:45 P M connects at Greensboro with Northern bound train; making the Quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of tickets same as other routes Trains to and from Points East of Greens boro connect at Greensboro with Mail Trams to or from points North or South. Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of Road. Express daily between Company Shops and Charlotte, (Sundays cxcfepiea.; Pallman Palace Cars on all nisht trains between Charlotte vd. Richmond, ( without change.) Fer iurther information address S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. ureensDoro, r. C. T. M. R. TALCOTT, Engineer and Gen'l Spucrintendant. may 34 3 OrriCE Petebsbtko R. It. Co. May, 31st, 1872. , ON AND AFTER JUNE 3RD, THE trains will run BJt follnwR; LEAVE WELD ON. Express Train 7:30 p. m. 3:25 p. m. Mali Train Axvril Vxi AT I'JSTJSHBJJUKt. Express 10:50 p. m. Mall 7:W p. m. LISA V Hi rJSrJgltSIiUKrjr. Mail - 6:30 a, m. Express 8:50 p. m. AKIUYJ2 AT WJSLDON. Mail Express 9:40 a. m. 6:50 p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg Leave Weldon Arrive at Weldn Arrive at Petersburg 8:00 a. m. 8:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m', z:m a. m. GASTON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg &00 a. m. Leave Gaston 1:15 p. m Arrive at Gaston 12:50 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg 8:10 p. m. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains Freights for Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed at 5:00 p. m. No goods-will be received after that hour. J. C. HFlllUCi. Je 5-tf "Engineer and General Manasrer. BE YOTJR OWN LANDLORD. BUILDING LOTS for sale in healthy, and desirable localities on Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Dock, Chesnut, Mulberry, Walnut, Red Cross, Rankin, Dickinson, Wood, Char lotte, Sixth, Seventh, Wilson, jjgntn, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thlr teenth streets. Satisfactory time given fo payment. Apply to jMES WILSON. feb 5 gS-ti GHATTLE MORTGAGE DEEDS Oa band and for sale tclS G HALL. miscellaneous; tuS!- tucccifful Family Paper ihths Union." 1 M . 1 Harper's TVcekly. SPLEJIDIDLT tLLUSTBATZX. Not ice of the Press: The Weeklr ia'the ahif. : erful Ulnstrated priodic&l published in this country Ita editorUla are scholarly and convincing, and tarry much weight. Its illustrations of current events are full and arpreparea dy our best deslgn- circuiauon OI 10U.UW, the Weekly is read by at least half a million persons, and JU Influence as an ortran of opinion is slmplv tremendon . Thn wn uoj u iiuyn, ana exnrcsaes ucuiuea views oa pouucai and social lems. Louisville Courier-Journal. prob- SUBSCRIPTIONS. 187S. Terms: ' Harper's Weekly, one year. ..... $4 00 An extra convof either- th xrmiT(n. Vcekly, or Bazar will be snonlicd imti ior every Club of Five Subscribers at $4 00 each, in one remittance ; or, sir copies for $2 00, without extra copy. BUDscnpuons to Marpcra Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one year, $7 00. Back nnmbers can be supplied at any time. . The Annual Volumes of HamAr'n Weii. in neat cloth binding, will be sent bv ex press, free of expense, lor 17 00 each, a complete set, comDriilnir sixteen vnimp sent oh receipt ol cash at the rate of f5 25 per vol, freight at expense of purchaser. xne postage on uarper'a Weekly is 20 cents a year, which must be naid t th subscriber's post-offlco. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. aprill7 ystf 44 A Repository f Fashion, Pleasure and Instruction." HARPER'S BAZAR. NOTICES OP TUB I'KESS. The Bazar is edited with acontrilmtinn nr tact and talent that we seldom find in utiv journal , and the journal itself is the organ of the great world oi fashion. Boslcni Trav eller. The Bazar commends Itself to cvptv mem ber of the household to the children hv droll and pretty pictures, to the younsr la dies by its fashion plates in endless variety, to the provident matron by its patterns for the children's clothes, lo naterfflmUUft hv it taateful designs for embroidered slippers 1 3 1 f - . .. . reading matter of the Bazar is uniformly of great excellence. The paper has acquired a wide popularity for the fireside enjoyment mum .uiAAAwua uiiooiu Kuwua. niiL ill i it nuuruB. jm x juvenvtig jnsl. SUBSCRIPTIONS 1873. TEBMS : Harper's Bazar, one year .11 00 An extra copy of either the Magazine. Weekly or Bazar will be supplied gratia for every club of five subscribers at 14 each; in j one remittance ; or six copies for 130, with out extra coov. subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address lor one year, 10; or two of Harper's Periodicals to one address lor one year $7. oacK numbers can be supplied at any time The five volumes ol Harper's Bazir. lor the-years 1868, '69, '70, '71, '73, elegantly uuuuu in green morocco ciotn, will be sent Dy express, ireight prepaid, for 7 each, The postage on Harper's Bazar is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscri ber's post office. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. april 11 27'J Vol. Vli 187. OLD AIVD NJEV. THE PEOPLE'S MAGAZINE. Edited by Edward E. Hale. The enlarged resources placed in the hands of the OLD AND NEW, by the pub lic an4 by the proprietors, enable them' to announce a volume of wider interest than they have ever published. Mrs Greenougks Story , Pytlionia, and Mr Hale's Story, Ups and. Downs, will be continued and completed in this . volume. A series of short stories by Miss MeredUhl Mrs Slowe, Mrs Whitney Miss Hale, Mr Perkins, Mr Loriny, and others, has been engaged. Mr Martineau's series will be continued in papers on The Church and its Exclusive Claims, Scripture and the Limits of its Au thority; God in Humanity, tc. The series of articles on Political Science by gentlemen of recognized ability, will comprise papers on Railroads, Servants or Masters ? The Ballot in England Land The Law of Maritime Jurisdiction ; The In dian Question The Suffrage of Women; Equal Taxation; Tariffs and Protection What the New Administration must do Labor and Wages Question. The subjects of critical interest in NATURAL HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY will he illustrated by different gentlemen eminent in their lines of research. We shall soon have the pleasure' bf printing papers, among others, by Prof. Lesley, Mr DalL Dr Gray, and President Hill. THE EXAMINER is not confined to the review of the publi cations of a few houses, but attempts to giro some account of the more important issues from the Jrrench, German and JSng- lisn press, as well as our own. THE RECORD OF PROGRESS describes the substantial advance which the world has made: in whatever direction or In whatever region, with special reference to improvements in domestic lire which may be attempted In America. The magazine will be under the editorial charge of Edwxbd E. Hals, who will have wider assistaace than heretofore in the man agement of its Journal department, , . . GIVE-AWAY! The beautiful ; Chromolith CONFI DENCE," by Hakkatt Buxivgs, is pre sented to every Renewal and New Sabscrl ber to "OLD AND NEW" for 1S73 at 1 4 00 or at $4 25 the Ohromollth will be furnished handsomely mounted, ready for? framing. SUe 10x14. Subscriptions received by all book and Newsdealers at Publishers' iates. ROBERTS BROTHERS Publishers, " No, 143 Washington St, Boston, B G HALL, r ti9 150-ly feb 35