I NEW ADVERMSEffiSiTB NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Children's Excursion Slje (fretting Vtet 0 ?1 fjnt)laiiigtoii Colurabia 4u w ZT . "I - wrvinnrs TESTS HITS TOOD I WILMINGTON, If. C. Saturday, July 26th, 1873. description. Age natisGTOx; N. C , June. .X)f Ib'.j ( alers bash 1 OlLDINiM I . m nnnm ill I Bill I I I ' ' I ' 11 1 n i t a i h I 1 i .r .usmmiiV nnR' 'oi i I ni i uiii 11 u v x www m w , - mm. L v ? t IKm.hm nff fnnrl WM Idr.- r. ..im ,1 YrV Ta r v i- aiirrntcd to ortefU 1 July 25 . o.-6m . - . I ed.the faraeus Marine bind acxompa auedthcm.MdBDtanacciaenuxr . Tf TMcvFT! I . . ;;; Thi i & nraises I iw nib -,w Id Ut f l. I - I -frortby actios, and deserves commenda Vtion from all parties. ' Greater inducements. Black Grcs Grain Silks, at Z 50, roxth 3 00 ronage cf the cei t to oirertiJ3 out of order or wear in a life u - - . ,..... . w ATTIM. JAOOBFS . H2I- TOWNSHIP N0IIIN11T0NS. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Beiorekirkryftir aTrMpat to 1SL plfclptGrcs Vc ris BlMiLlJi m ttse aTvice ofthe "tiionsaaids who hare x wcith f i T3. 1 DOOKS, low tlxe aTvice ofthe 4thonsatnds who I j gonf ." wob14 hft Wl to con&idpx M i UfH' it Tbc Western and Northern coun ties ot England were Yisited by serere thunder T-.'Ar,r Silts at I j ccnt3 woriu uu ct.-. what has been done to make the journey to 1 v'l ir f J J 3 llli ,-, r(. ..Rome In the West" ks Pleasant and Japanese UM M cWrf.ff cts. free from danzer as htiraaa skill and fore-1 cOTcf Dhck Grenadines s fA-cirft:? sighVcan acconrplifih. j wcrth i 00., 'Ai9ilA ! 1 1 " l i DDmiw--' Iff Tub followinc ' . u:DirLl4 go into sellcct ajiA.' J. ,lirt 18T WabdWIL H. HOO1 2d Ward JESSE J. CASSlUiiX 3d. Ward-THOS. 1L GARDNEJ L 4th Ward-WIL A. GREEN. 5TH.e Ward ANTHONY HOW2. At Large -WM. J. KELLGGGh., a.nd WM. L HARRISS. . r - j ik. w;ri I ThJSlinjcjllJti- ianu OI V icaci "v , , nrn -nT7TH R ATF.RN RAIL- O A AXVy W 14 W Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market 8t. 2 I I Lca it lWr .......... . . , . .4mJ wr jgf fgpn gf INISHE9, idctt.n-.-f t I.. Ua A. a Tearrioret may Clerk S. T. POTTS. Constable SOL. W, NASH. School Committk-SILAS N. UtAR- TIN, ALFRED HOWE and ISHA1I SWEAT. Election to August 7th, 1S73. Good Domestic r ,ppr yard, r . . . . - . . . r -J TVa- troops in inai ciiy u ppicuutu. 1 WAY tertions from the GoTernment forees during the past year, earned an enTia-, continue. ble repuUtionliy ita smooth track, prompt - A dispatcb from KhiTa says the time, sure connections, and the magmfi- - j u -rr-y oith cence, of its passenger . e.inipment. Its decree issued by the Khan on the --1th ofnew acd conmodiou5 nltimo. totsllT abolishing slaTery . ...1, -.tT-... pchrated MU- throughont his dominions, proyides that ler coupler nd platform, and. the Weeting- Irish Lwcbp, made citizens or returned to their na- It is possiUvely the only line innnins Blac P!aidUuf lcnr x.xio. t M Pullman Palace Drawing-B30m Sleeping n . v' .rn!5 i.tr raner. w" Cars through without change Irom Nash- rT,Y . T V. Mo V , Baron Wc4terton died Thuredsy. t gL Loui3 No other line rMw Gbod Pin?, 7 cents per jMper. I -t n f .. i 43.1 m I. . . : Atnnn I " . ... . be held on Thnndaj, I tta eiaess son, woro vtreuiun vi,, to oaersucn aayan-ages, u-jwuwsw, i oqq yard bpooi Police, i cii -t Joint Secretary to the TreasuiT, ana ia- time, or equipment. vny, uien, jouxvej "m"' -wm u via matts as a Parliamentary whip, will by circuitous routes ?' Do not be indnced . , , nj Qao H.wt, Ttiarobable to purchase tickets to St. Louis or the All kindb p C f M a yt7. r -k--hAi II t r mmpm npr uimi i : nn i i c i ' . z i not ujr ftuj wmt4 , i w - i uiiy, ine .ist iii3iui mi, if Tniii JCr ftnnthPftstPriT I Wr Ihvp hnt a ICW lilorC uliuac uui 4-1 LOW PRICED' SUMMER. KRESS G O O I) SllflllIin RIR1-iiAES, 25 PER CENT. LESS TH&H -COST, b ?fJSISSIASS 'iffiSSi :, i Hardware Depot, OFFICE TRlSSuuLai COLLECTOR Teatlorence...t-r-:ij ll:CGp;i; ; r t"A ' 1 , i ajZ'm i III. . - e . . KM' Arrive at I s. m mimw Florcr" r Par1' ' 6r-- n,v inne :vU ji-KAiistTOnf. in rl Dos Badges, theXent of the Degj4f?J mUgf9 1 Preodom of the Prcss- I tb at Thomas Brassey. member forHast- VUX menu ui m "".wv v. . - rr.0 1 I - - -nirioent store, corner of i3 out in a flaming article on the arrest J S8W1" ecome wcw,P u is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, nesi ana out ana &ihxtkri&i..mtok, give u . .. , I r. rVimmnna in nlahe of Glm. When toe I Uno under one management lrom I an fisriv call- "1 1. T-- - TM ATIT JttTL tm M. vvmh.v. . I , . ,, : - yJLZn nW Utter soes to the House ol Lords. NashTiUe to St. Louis, and is from CO to charge of libel, and becomes, quite ex- mter goes ... rArliat 200 miles the shortest to 8t Louis, Kansas cited over a matter it has rmseonceiTed. Adfices reeeiTed Irom Oarnst Qmaha, pewar,. Cifarnia, Texas, The Sun is well known to be the most tourcea state that the minority id 1 the d ;u WCrtC porns.' ft il ilsothe 'Chi raaliCTant and utterly ucruplos Cortes intend to leare Madrid and -o gnortest Iine, via EvansTillc. , -r.i, -- ;. Kim. iAM to Carthagena, where they purpote es- You can secure the cheapest rates for paper iu -cw J I . . ..,.. - .. n f Thpv rr-.Plr,, vnnr movables on aDDiica- forthe administraUon was turned to r1" v d h,,: toCnlinis uuce Denor n . 1 -,-- - --r- I rrr!m Rnnthfirn Pai-RMirer AerenL near r vr -..1- I "Mftrcrall to aecompanv -hem. rrom tne 1 . , . r,, JW- !urTeor 01 iue pori ui cw xum, v o - - . I uonege sireei iepot, -uiiic, x v t- i en -. some milar office in the gift ofthe Pame source is is learn .ua. .- -, President. Hence his outrageous at- gents at Carthagena haTe enlisted ten tacks on him. But the President has tho-sand men ot different nationaht lifted his finger or taken any steps ia their cause ana increasea w.s -o-. . , I MmfriKntiitm nTMin the inhabitants to Ordinance is further me U.1-- O-- I .1 -..4. ,...iu,!n, r.n. firmWwdTittf? contnbntions upon me wuh iumv- r I v. . -.- , Sou.Qw. vol. nazauea 101 1W1 to the undersigned. W B DAVENPORT, G enei al Ticket Agent, S t. Louis . No trouble to answer questions. july 23 . 5. baa upon the confidence the people have the purpose of fomenting an msurrec- c-hn-rn tfV VlTA for him. ' r--. ,V I lion In the prorince of Jaen. His ar- ine - " " mt hM hm ordered by the Govern- uelious puDiicauon m icuuuu w iue iairs of the District of Columbia and not at all connected with National al- lairs, so that the rage of our cotempo- ment. WASHINGTON NOTES. rary over the arrest, and gloating over l; -fjjg rjomptroller of the Currency has the discomfiture of the administration I aphorized the organizition of the First I Joseph H. F. M 13 entirely gratuitous and far from the I National Bank of Ottawana, Minnesota, tll&. Stale of XoriU Carolina, COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER. Superior Court. John Martin and wife, James ) Martin & wife, Andrew iJiaeK- will' and wife, Samuel iden and wife, Thomas Davis and wife, Joseph 11. b. Martin. Sa rah Ann Martin, and Alice, Maria, and Martha- Martin, infants, by their next mend, arun, piain- Com plaint for partition ft land. 11.000. S7,ooo. m 17.000. f.OOO In Six Day, H: fiOI In Six Days, A4'ovlTFIC-S3it is cient. yh aicxil to tlie genrpa onr-i-arts upon it. o:orTio?,!Tai5aproinr Come soon and secure bargains. oHE4flry jaBftlrect, r . 'tfrn..-AM ..iiwisr.BtrOT-s Lit v Clerk and Trea I Jl A . ... JiAi. W-j C Y-7Wt "T' ., .1 jus M aui m 1 1 win . .in a ft iiiiiin t 11 w j iTl-.. T-fl-" ill'.V 1 4'J-Gt jyjLi'ff-ify" (VR -- A W-I .KIN tf.t-'M H.I NTCT Fl-T- riAii,J I mfetoiKn Wcldon Railroad wBfcnum a nvr tt?t?Ti Grass Linen Coats, lirown Duck Suits, White Duck Vests, Half Hose at ce -.in is VtSt. SI 10 Snn 3 ' tr.i -.V ab a- -. iu r- ji RockT jiount . rr." 21 ttify Union Depot ctfe-Jr Ulf3AlIii$?wf' Arrive rOoTdlrrorrr. ... T ,7flai8C3 RdaC3wSt. isWreidoiidij....... ' Cr-j 11 and lil Froul strtet. Union Depot.. 5:0tA.)i ,i3&y a aaaaeg an---tVikjttM.P' Kt 1 i-.J Creek Toute, f U-LilAo n HLiit point. Washinprton is situated in the Dis trict of Columbia and is, ot course, the scat of the District, as well as of the Federal government, and the decision of Judge Blatchtord nas not on the merits ol the case, but only a discharge from arrest on the grounds of illegality. Should Dan -how his face in Wash ington, he would hare an opportunity to learn the diflereoc between liberty and license. ritb a capital of 50,009. Hon. C. G. Gilfillan, ot PenDsylrania, against Sylvester F. Martin, defendant, IT APPEARING to the satisiaction of the court by the affidavit of Joseph H. F. Martin, one of the plaintiffs, that the de- A. evils per pair and cprard?Ji Bordered Ikndkerjhie:s, 12 s cents eci. H i Suspenders 12-., cenu and upwar-4. . Excellent Boots at t-i ou tcr pa. Our entire stccK 01 - m , - mm-, m - - w- MM I H FC I - - 7 . -r-. . WS ai tne reauxj ucpiim.- c- lenaant ayivesier juartin, is a non-resi- M without reserve,- be fore jpmo i i- . u r I dent of this States that he ts a proper party I m V Vi WEILL. H-r looking after the result of tue ex-1 tn tHia Minn That h -iintirr t-i.- l-vai. ;, 4t,0 nntii Knrnprl the 1 cause of action against him, and that this amination ot tne notes Duraea uj sue rpit toi irAirrV in ti,u t- insane cashier, Anderson, ai jamer- 1 It is therefore ordered that publication be ton's Bank, in Franklio, FennsflTania, matte in we evening mt, a newspaper .inr. w' .rlv ll thp?p published in the city of Wilmington, once a a tew months Since, xteany an iue wee for SjX successive weeks, notifying the notes hare been identified by Treasurer said defendant of the tiling of the compiaiat --;-.-' .Tnp ts nd redeemed in 1111:4 action, and that he be and appear be- Spinner a expeW, ana reucemiu. for the aerk Q Superior Court of Hew r, ?, Ammpn sturtpH last evpn- I nanover couniy aioresaia at nisomceattne Commodore Amxuen startea last even rt ho.lia ln v iiminton. on the xu da v julylOr-52 Some of the Btate papers hare spoken of Col. R. R. Bridgkrs as a c,Railway kiDgM and as opposed to the farming interests of this State in an unjust and utterly, uncalled lor manner. We are I bTordcred out ol commission atgew informed that Col. Smith refused CoL lork. Bridgers the professional courtesy of Thursday afternoon a delegation ol allowing his car to un orer his (8mith') gentlemen irom South Carolina, headed road, and that CoL B. and bis friends I by General Kershaw, waited on Attor The genuine hnze the rt'xate of Jab 3lO$e&0!i nrh ninful and dancerooa diseases to trbich the female - . 1 . r J 11 .r, j. lc- t Ih. North and East to make an of September, iws.to plead, answer orde- 3iiS73- I murtO the complaint in thlS action. Or the I k- mA inf!amn:tion. or diseae. In .-.n csea of Nervous aid Spinal AUcctioas, Pains in the Bac and Iimbe. Yxi&$ exarnoo. Palpitation of the Blent. Hysteric- a ni VTrJ. sbey Vl effe rare wnen all oiner dkv-ss nave laiiea, ana luuonga inDCtion of the nary -yards, the laws I same will be heard ex parte and taken pro I txmtesso as to hin, J u MAflfl, Bevaro cf Coun,erfeifil JOB fS0SES"ss?acJiiS5r Are Snfrf ?y COXTEiii-D. ltfonf fcrrC edaror to eeil tJte romtterjcii to make areaXer profit. Tite gmnne hnxe the nae a? .1 QO Jlfrsr&fCr tnrn packages A'-l.O'hrT mr fAtal ai.'jfi.. The t. i n 13 are tmiin.?T!i me care oi u mose ch the F In all c. of Consrress proTiding for their inspect tion annually. Pending the absence of the Commodore, Commodore Reynolds will be acting Chief of the Bureau of NaTigmtidB. The united -but es steamer xtipsio aas Clerk Superior Court, New Hanover Co. DuBrntz Catlar, Att y. ' july 24-law6w CJITY TAXES REQUIRED TO BE PAID Before the 2d clay of Ansnst, 1813. Office City Treasurer and Collector, CITY OF TVTXiIIS'QTOV, Jnly 22d, 1873. KnerK each bottlt rivps tnll direction and advice The GrsnNE Pills rooit fm rjr &Pft V if toot drtiexist cannot "-utf r r vvrP, flA-o be persuaded T- accept any coustenen or bogns ar twhe but send One IX.H Uxh sclffi at iSKm .'Job ninm 18 Cori'andt Ftrwt. rfew Yiir.-trtta name of express office at trhich yon will rail for tite pack age, and a boiiie of to tt"rivjria tccwWrn4 Baiely packed fcl p TTT-rpers Trill tie sentpfTttfn express.-- -t.ti yU; $ RELIEF ifTSN' rSINUTES. Jore Corfls, Ootids. BRxcHrris. Scks FRESH'-SHOSEOfiACON. . 1 . . . will -, ri -. i , r -a Pt h fierce n c s t , f u a t jl i .-.,' ' - ''v S. Swrt A I T .12 risisfci -i. iir feline s N Y 3agl carud Hams,, iwn j .Hi J9-j:tIPC-fast striPs Fresh r IFBE1G HT AlKSlll left?WR w ton tt6C;T?l?V lr-iiTi --i 4 ;: javK; xnut.ni a. . . a II llUilMC w- m i wm jr ------- w 4 Bcavrag,3!H2B5si p i t 'w 1,11 r - .-" ?3W "V- r r- 05et4biei nvrti 7 fSf i were compelled to pay regular fare. neT General Williams to make an ap- prr Tax i 'ayers w m piease giveimme- toa nos-DirBfTEG. ln- were ujpi- rt ncJ vr-i ... r V diate attention to the payment of their opiest tosrmiw l.r?ca Diseases. They For this breach of courtesy, CoL Smith in behalf of the ku klux now un City Taxes, as but a short time is allowed for have no tste of rtfi?.- and cny child -.u take ... . : . - . , . . ,. , the collection Of the same. them. Thousands hivaV-cca re-tored to health that ii lauded and it is eren intimated that dergoing lmpritonment at Albany, and -The general Tax ordinance lor istg." JJrfl Price cewtj perbx. jJOii MOSES, lrome- tor. ! Ortlar.fit gTret. York. THE GREmFRENCH!RBIEDY. Prpre o. 14 Ittie IiCmbrl, Parfs. j . . , ..v. nn-.ii I .. . i i . ,i I ma.es it tne uniy oi tne onaersisnea, i he must DC a memocr oi vue fi, uose against wuom cuargc- arc the D DAY OK AUGUST (proximo to col- while CoU Bridgers is derided in un- lng in the courts of that Siate. Tbe jwt by mess on ail taxes then reroain kind terms. delegation was presented by Hon. F. A. f t. c. servoss, : We are ODDesed to monopolies ol all I sawyer, ssistani oc-marj 01 m sorts, whether railway, banking or tele- Treasury, when it was represented M flppifiP, CITYf Weak jNpme: IJepopit- m Tne ins?: xverrons e-! butty, an l-4'l it; rrr.;iTi ia of jl Mc3 bosic frptn AbrxPl isecr? it itsbni. Ther rre when aU other remed tab, Jm, t1Luv y -ee-jt-sr J wi t n astgaian- the past 12 year. I'arr.pruct -vf Acrico ia each o. or will hft itent l rre to ar dtir. i'rire t 1 per Box. C-ent by tua:l." nr.ryV.-. yr-at cu fVr. OSCTAR L MhJLloli'r Uridbai Tons. ScleGe-6i-jysv tfri-mivTvt 0MJ 0B0&45Oil Gr i n dBdV- A,l e, N,'-',P "l&S?i?S a & fc- i-'i tb-rrf hiat in fiJT r iw U . i o. IE rci T j y Cirr OF WILMINGTON N. C.y I . . a a a a. a i ersDhic. but at tbe same time, we are the Attorney uenerai mat tne xu .iux in faTor of rail way a, banks and tele- organizations of South Carolina had all S-k ::-. nnnnntic im I rlfaKnM. ihftt tfS TM1 Cfint&tment grapna. - 3?. hout " the Tsute. and that 1873. one thing, ana potitisai attacM p- jT" th of the y- general- in ' Ordinance concerning Hog Pern and prominent officials, employed Dy tnem, jy those now in prison be released, Styes. is quite another. In our opposition to Md yjtt all prosecutions now pending XI r HEREAS, the health of the city re- IUlIroad monopolies, do not let us fox- against others in tbe courts there be JSSkf i.fi.. A-TiwA fmm Railroads, dismissed. It "Was beliered that SUCh And whereas, the noxious odors arising get tbe benehjs denrea trom Kauroaas, wbnld iMnirc the oeoDle there irom hog pens and styes are highly injurious nrl the services ol si.ch men as CoL al' . -T; inspire tne people mere health -3 of inhabitants ot ana tne services 01 b.cu ucu v-. wllJ stljj grtater confidence, and give the thickly populated portion of the city ; Bndcers in their efforts to build up the tnem additional faith as to the good therefore theBoard of Alderman do ordaui; , . ; " . . j . . , ? Section 1. That every person who shall State. Because the Wei don road is intentions ol he iyesident to warn them. keep any hog, pig, or swine of any sort in the ti u VnHkani rkitalitx there The Attorney Oeherai replied that he limits of the city, within the space bounded controlled by Northern capltailJtS, mere . Jh. h VrLinrni shnnlrl on the North by Red Cross street ; on the rt T,w-ilT of deaouncin-- WM SUre tnWPen 1118 re8lQent s??lcl East by Sixth sUeet ; on the South by Cas- is cerUmly no necessity 01 aeaouncurg lxcome utisfied that peace was exisUng tie street ; and on the West by the Biver- it as a monopoly. We could not exist m at State and thU d with f-f??eCrytheeh without our railroads, and 11 people propriety do so, bs wcua begin with kept -rithin. the space aforesaid, after ten don't like the management of these theWtrodOMCXSgltnd pardon daysj notice from the City Marshal to remove i nrwrratlon. let them bOJ Pen-. U.UW " f "T! !?M9n f??" ordinance or parts thereof y " -r - Lgtratlon 0 ueai, as jeoifnuy aapossioic conniciing wim me aoove are hercpv re- them or build others. There U room in with tpjople of -thegjnUi, and that Pf iabove ordinance was passed by the this State for many more, and a charter erary opportunity would oe embraced Board of Aldermen July i-th.i5ra. is now in the possession of a company to j, luifJw T" C' SES?trt. m 4 w- mmm W r- n mm V r mm t m mm i rw-m rT-iii ' ' v - lor a direct road from this city to Nor- XrmZrr i folk. The present Democratic Legiala- bj wbom he WM satisfied they would I BEHT'S BQSTOH CRACKERS lure graated enough charters ior , ran- carefully consiaerea. me committee roads we think, to convince any one, departed, seemingly well pleased with . , . , . - Cff 0- -f rt-A-w. the interview, and will now visit tbe that lines in this State are not monopo- . fc t r u i-i - i I -resiu auWj.-v,MVtv. lies. 1 UIS BOtt Ui i.aia. 1- uu j vuw u We need railroads, and the more, the better. ' 4 FE W.TINS of these celeb rated Crackers x jus receive. COAS. D. MYERS & CO., july IS North Front sL Gl .- IT A girl atTerre Haute, who had been made speechless some time before by Tn rpari tr cvl T-tnTDAEBJ!. we have I measles, swunc so high on tbe fourth 1 " -. . , L lth.tV r.am with fright and whol-I "rrYr 1 llii--. mpmlv tn triat hi IfrtrTS in ua Ufl I o - a ' ' . J14 TJ : : " : " . ly recovered her speech. agricuUuraLxlaases in Eastern North J Carolina h Ve been constant and rery The first white woman hanged in .. a-' Georgia was named Eberhart, and she beneficial. Tis a pity we cannot say ecQ 'm 1785 Tne iMt one also as much of some other Railroad Presi bore the same name, and the Eberhart s dents, talk oi emigrating from that Btate. IRA HOGSHEADS and barrels S. Molasses, 50 Tierces and barrels Rice. 75 barrels Whiskey and Brandy . r or sale Dy jnlyH F W KERCHNER. TUX STEALERS METRT3POU U. All r.ncTMW" ' Choice 'OosScn Buttcrr ti:i A No. 1 Mns0VVi.l,?5S; A Io. 1 Golden tvup. Extra. choice "2Uc(.'lijft in addition to above, daily arrivals of Ba-i con. llay, t;cTn, s.THip hi; U-vrtls, wer- ces, anu nogsn3, xira, tscitrts m'j For sale low, Ly ' if oVlflw-s', f"f "liS"TJltTJ. C, as follows: ? lTlf-err( REGISTRATIOHfiu'iIu-f' nauis iiihsi : wusuniwi wr vr. 1 T't nnio inH. TYvnirni1 in- r lVrnne ,TT. ceed ten tie) dolif riScretta-ci Al ayor. . j f f r lr2 lfA,trftf3ci r--o,-ri(M'4 S-AiliainittoBvM-reBfape-. Ihi-T lowing Keristrar?, and a.s follows . x.na.r".'-- t tj wear , ft places tieslgnateoj aa-. . . a m. 1 1 - '4 A u o i,a Second Divm6N, First Waud,I J. Kellogg.at residence corner ot Tbm SP'fht -Pi-fii HL1 r-ymcntto Him . jj. Sit S txri I ? BINFORD, tJIOrXtW junc o . . o 'UVi 'f wi f "(11 H xso- rtodtem Now in store, nhwt w cr ott crii L .M ton -i&hlnglj l-w price " li-rf t tt T5,.-ilT3,'! 1 i?, ... t i 1 ! fi&Atn(m)l T5c!t m .a," reseicc iCrs w ll- itXaf v 11 iOCl a, m unjjlj?PC,T-it---yv ev edi fi9 lwcSgb6-4rSt-Lt- eleeiowU rrT-jentrt 1 L n-teirpdlriMiacei fiUli hKiJfW-J U r ia r i 4 i . , 1 & -!-'. c. SKRVi" !& iTn- -Mi ijI 1.'.. H-LNOVEB .COU'tI- JTIr . 2ltaspd. IB-15 ?ixn Jvotie taat all persons , JUan jg ; 1 it j est? - 4cui: 4wiLin eWeartlwam-- this notice r :i r fpr-" a make rriiEw ;TOrir.rn j PKS5SiT"J5 it :- 'T CIIAS. D. MYERS & CO. july 15 7 Hcrth ltivi rh "fiiWi fiyxi t Sies lor pale. eiQTst .T.TSn n 1 ArrlT to I4 n - IBR6Vf art n A-t-TrtAja tssami-jn jaly a aet t1 5t atiai ,i feeaDgtat;' &4-si O Uepar tluent wmo-4?i: n Uy; thoth cf July, isrS, frU5 ' n t! - at Cape Henry Uht -aa.!r' f N-XJtU our.t rala Cape? pi - j mmm .Jtttlfr Trillconlrtrt too ..tpittiebousji? roios ns; front -re r thobid Urt Nf l. ' r ftlestOiTS.H t he reuimfwf, .r",iri --, Tho(. 'Vf'ij t; ject any t . ",i f 1 ys

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