m a(n5ay; SeptegbcrjOth, 1873. i 11 . .1 nna . rricc, U. S. ArmyWeather x Report. ' .. i - fHKCILVEB'S 0ICB,7 ? iLMiwoToar, September 20. 18 73. b1!TLl W!nd I cr -T P i-"X8tW .07 dcxi N Wl'nh ; Uloady Wit ' -5975 !6 INEfrshFair l' u u ta)SJ7-' TJ ' I N 'fresh 'Fair 1 'V ! fLl ,' ,- :r- OTTO SCHCTZE, s. Observer V. 8 A. W ANTtX). A healthy wctnure. Ap . i-. Market street. : . lw i F1- V I'J i" , - pK. Litley cures Scrofula, Xcu , M 1 Rheumatism, rind operates ant Surgical case$ on 4 : i -sVe return our thanks to th- lion. A. M. Waddell for valuable public documents. k rear's Electric is one of the ..lUt blessings of the age. All suiter- neurakia should try it. "'- . I - v .1 swosd Presbyterian Church. t l'rcaching at ax u . . l;urr. Sabbath scnooi at, r. m. ,..., vr 5i,b Scarborough, at the s I " -ircnuon raiuun, io i ,;,. oy.4crs to serve to his customers, Makkkt PvE ports. mere were UntmTcu uuini l,P..ves 11 h'S ,iccp, i goat, ana i caive-. PINE rOKL,l u..umi.-xuuc x u . ,v,.,k, all children, one of whom was r Pai'is Evant.eucal Luthekan in Ciin:cH.--Sunday School at OA a.m. (Jcrmaii Service at 11 a. m. English Smiec -it 8 p m. j. r.r!.s ErrsroPAi. Ciiriu it, cor- r of Orange and Fourth streets, Rev. I 1'. M. Ambler, Rector. Morning prayer j ;-t 1 1 o'clock a. m. Evening prayer at o'clock p. m. Seat5? free. Tm: Tosi rapidly filling up with alvcrti.-cnionts, but we have a little tpace left that we should like to drspose of. Now i., the time, this is the place, here is l hi-: 1'ost. irv it. Tm:nr. is a movement on foot to or z.uii.e a Lodge of Good Templars in this city. The number required to char ter a Ixlge hare 'been secured, and we hope t' see it at no distant day in sue (c.- l'ul operation. w hi C on Hatteras. broke the air pump I - A A of her engine Her's being a low pres- imp pncin liiorh rro-tsiirf Iuil to lift I ' I used duniur the balance of the trip. ... , . , i i Workmen- arc at work upon her and have the engine fixed bv the time I -he i ; loaded and ready to sail. V.v.r en W worn in on or vostr- ' O.I T T V U VIV ii x t 1 iv in statins that Mr. 11. W. Andrews was agent at this place for the Gold and Stock Telegraph Company and - Com- mercial News Depiirtinenfc of New: York. Mr. L. A. Amrcl. who has filled the po- Mtiun:foV tfiefpait two?vars, with credit to himself and satisfaction to his cm plover, is still the aent. A. sets hi commercial reports from Mr. An- hens, the Secretary of the Produce Ex- change. I M. bTKPiiEN s Sabbath hc.HOOL. a There wilt be a public exhibition and "nccrt given by the children of- this I school Monday and Tuesday next at the I City Hall. Mr. J. C. Hill, the Superin- tendent, has labored indefatigably for I several years past in the interests' of J Urn school, and his success is truly won-I derail. This is now one of thc largest I fcabbath School.-, in the city, and the exhibition will-ho of great interest to all who arc interested in thc welfare of ur colored .youth, and .who is not ? AVe Sbts. Thc lVit llall has been prc-pa-rcd, staging ferecicjd, and. eSlcr4hing ""tic 10 remicr uic -occasion woriiiv oi latronagc. severe ItALE. The storm last ni;ht f-aid bv old citizens to have been one f tho most severe that has ever visited tins Trees were torn up by the "ois. clumncvs ' aiuLJenccs i were blown duwD, and large, trees that had hcreto- j - t'Te battletl successfully with rude Bo reas, were compelleil to relinquish their former laurels, and bow n obedience, to his mighty power. 4 Old Prob" warned the mariners yesterday afternoon of the than here. The" bara; fehccsand she! ters, on the farm of Mr. David Sanders were blown down, , killing geveipiffinc ne of wulch cows, and crippling a number ; Tb T ' i T r l nt by.iaMVty;pKcc postpaid, lUUl hrr storm mooring 1-iifl. A short I . . TIFr rTr - r T ,. " '" r19-; 7 : r by the pnbllsnersmineipF.oi;xric torm sdemed to be even more severe F ? ir. '0 r others. He estimates his loss at $&K). THE TOWN CHTKR. I. f. Meaty; rain5 JaxE tiight. -tGo to Church to-morrow. ;The .streets firef cjuite mudtlv. Police made ten jarrests during the past week. ! There were two hundred and twen ty-eight carta in market the past week. - Yesterday e the choir singers. ' The terrific I r ... .t Yesterday evening 'was rough on iralc hutjiiirht was far from, quieting the nerves of the excita ble. ; i i $ Bin ford, Crow-& Co. advertise the delicious mullets. Head the advertise- mcni of these wide-awake business men. We rejoice that we had no money on deposit with Jay Cooke & Go. ; It is sometimes, consoling,, to bp out of Major C. MSteadnian, Major M. P. Taylor, Capt. J. Kent Brown, and many others, have returned. It seems goodto see their faijniliar' faces upon the street m i t vurrox worms nave piayca navoc ith M Mnnrikwbn rAn if tho otnej. ide of theational Cemetery of this fcifeecrop of cotton. They entered his field about a week ago, and literally strinned thftrRta.lts nf t"hi lpnvns. Tt is , tic Isle, who resides near Mr. Monck's, auu piaue it so(iycryunpieasant i(r nim that he. was forced Weave his bed and uoam anu seeK rpose eisewnerc ARRKTEn.-Kamlv KfnW!,rf .ul to -v .ww , Jack80 t t b Constable Xash, charged with being an accomplice Ahc -robbery of James Starkey on etmesaay night, an account oi wliicn appeared n the Post on Thursday. There are two others arrested on suspi cion, out it is thought that the evidence agaipst them will hardly warrant their confinement until the Superior Court. There are others suspected of being con- nccted with the robbery, and will pro bably be arrested to-day. ; 'Squire Har- riss will dispose of the case Monday at 10 o'clock. Bold Robbery. Last night the store of Mr. J. C. Stevenson, near the corner of. Market and Second streets, was en tered through the back, door by means of an augur and other tools, and robbed of about two hundred dollars worth of goods, viz j 46 boxes of cigars the ci- gars were emptiefrom the boxes into . . " . n. 11 Dags ana the uoxes let t preserves, a box containing ythirtyj dozen eggs sau I rIVcr 1 1 1 iri.l n ma ' 1 1A -rtll re v .rWn perfectly familiar with the situation of . j. - v'-ww-. -v. ' ' 1 I 1 . . 1 . , 1.-.a.1 inln V . 1 ....- . , 1 . ' . sumciently large lor a man to slip his . i. . , , . :.,,',,. ' and the other by the bolt. .UP.S. HALE S 1EW UOOK iOOK.' A complete ooKery jjook: lor an classes ; with rules and lllustqns for house- noia management, and full directions lor carving; Arranging the lablc lor sanies, etc., togemewitn rreparations of, Food for Invalids and for Children. and containing one thousand three hun drcd and eighty-hvc receipts for cook- ing everything in all the best ways; and nas a complete index, by referring to which any receipt can be found at once Philadelphia : T. B. Peterson & Brothers. The Messrs. Peterson, with tlieir usual tact and talent, have sc- cure(i thc 1)rccioiK manuscripts and printed in an attractive volume a cc Diete and ncw cook book from thc prac ccd pcn of Mrs. Sarah Joscpha Hale, onftof the best -knoAvn of our native kdy writers, and for many years the WCH known Editress of Godet's Lady's Bool: While traversing thc stormy pathway wdiich leads to the Temple of Famc,Irs. Italc never neglected her duties as a .housekeeper and, in the management of thc culinary branch of her household, she brought to bear her keen intellect and quick perceptions. Of the vast multitude of cook books now in the market, impartial critics pronounce Mrs. ;Halcs to bo one of the very best a truthful .verdict. The fccrj "Pntoi-Nirin 'hivV Tirol nrlif illt tlil tm,v XvM voiumc in a sumptuous style of typography, and in a style of binding at once ornate and durable, be ing issued in a large duodecimo volume of over five hundred pages, bound in morocco cloth, full gilt back, from new designs, and is sold by all booksellers at thc low price of $175 ; or copies will Thc ScttRit&D tSUn' th&toVjjfo lot the Post, has been rambling among the buidenrl ieiiSf recent? ?imProve- meats m Raleigh. OUR TTETV BUILDING! CARR'S BLOCK. This building, with its large show window in thefitorcs beneath the dwel ling portions of it, its long iron balcony and Mansard roof adding greatly to the appearance Of the street in that imme diate vicinityvhas recently been erected bn Second street. The iron front stores are nice, lanre and a irv. andi, are at 7 present occupied, one as a grocery,-one by the proprietors of the "Picture Stored and the other as a meat market kept by Mr. L. Solomon, who : keeps 'every thing fn his line, and who is prepared to deliver all goods purchased of him promptly. Thc - dwelling portions of the building arc very conveniently ,,ar-5: ranged, so that the three dwellings carT be used as a hotel or each be used sepa rately. There are water pipes running through thc various apartments oii the first floor and gas pipes through the en tiro building. The rooms archtcll Ven tilated, and will make pleasant apart ments either fur Summer or Winter use. LESs:.iA2r.s NEW STORE-: AND JRESIDEXCE r - is a very attractive and handsome build- ins:, l he larse oval show wmdowrwith its well polished glass, would be an or nament to any building, no matter how stupendous its proportions. The iron front of the store is neat and substan tial. The dwelling over the store is conveniently arranged, and is well adapted to the wants of the owner of the property. The entire establish ment is furnished with gas fixtures, and in the parlors can be seen the hand somest chandelier in the city. , : Hoard of aldermen. The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Board of Aldermen was held last evening. The Mayor Avas instructed to contract with Messrs. David & Weil for furnish ing the Winter uniforms, including caps, for the police force. Ordered that the Mayor cause Nutt street to be opened, between Mulberry and Brunswick streets, in accordance with thc recent assessment of the jury, bv the 4th of October, 1873. Thc Mayor was instructed, wherever there are two fa nips at thc intersection of streets, to dispense with one of them, beginning with thc 1st of October. Petition of citizens, for the opening of Second street, between Red Cross and Hanover,, by erecting a bridge over the W. & W. R. R. on that street, was referred to the Committee on Streets and Wharves. Petition for a ga.-. lamp at thc 'corner of Red Cross and Seventh streets, re ferred to the Committee on Lights, with power to act. The Committee on Public Buildings reported in reference to the petition of E. J. Pcnnypackcr, for certain improve ments on the Opera House, recommend ing that the sum of $000 be appropria ted for that purpose. After discussion thc matter was laid over until the next regular meeting. Petition of Jos. C. Hill, Superinten dent of St. Stephen's Sabbath Sch661, for a remission of the charges for use of the Citv Hall on the evenings -of-the 22d and 23d instants, on the occasion of concerts beincr given for the benefit of the school, was granted. The Committee on Ordinances asked for and were granted further time to prepare an ordinance in . reference to the piling of wTood on the wharves; , Thc Board then went into an election for Fourth Sergeant on the police force, to fill thc vacancy caused by the resig nation of J. X. VanSoelen, withRobert McKenzic. E. F. Martin and Edgar. Miller as the candidates but no result was arrived at. The Board then adjourned to thc next regular meeting. communicated. "Wakes. Mr. Editor: Several times have the daily papers spoken of these nuisances and vet there have been no steps taken to suppress them; and why it is. we con-' fess we are at a loss to say, as they cer tainly are nuisances of the most griev ous character, yet still they are allowed to be held in every quarter of the city We are reluctant at fault-finding, espe cially with any religious body, and when our city laws arc so abundantly and rigidly en forced as they are; but we arc compelled to give public yent to our feelings, and in doing so it is for thc sake of suffering humanity. It s utterly impossible for a person to sleep when one is being held in the neigh borhood, and one can readily imagine how disagreeable it must be to a sick person, or the poor laboring man when retiring at night to seek quiet and slum ber after Ids daily toil. If they jHust sing and pray over the, dead, Jet them dispense with it at a seasonable hour, or else jrivc vent to their feelings upon i i a.i1- ..."v-J-.t tncir arrival ai mc grave auu iMiiu. niriht hideous with their noisy I demon strations. We trust the matter will be considered by; thc proper officiate, and that these wakes may be abolished now and forever more.' ' .H; rnr telegraph. i "htm . NEW YORK. New YoitSeenil. ;: Thc Presidents of the National Banks held an informal meeting, and resolved to suprteaothcr, and to disregard the reserrejrestrictions in to-dav's deal- JVdl street was crowded at an early kouri but there was less solicitude, how- " '' " 'Tail m .J.; . evepi The resources of the banks sus tain each other, and the "sale of $10,000, 000 in Ijondsfby the Treasury .nerves matters; Jfe. Two members of the "firm of Jay Cooke & O04 arc comingon thc Russia, which: istexpected on Monday when a reliable c statement of the affairs of the housi wHl probably be presented to the The Stock Exchange has been closed, subicct to the call of the Pcsidejilto enible its members to settle -the defal cation olf the Union TrustCompariy. It is reported that Vanderbilt has been closeted with the Directors. I It is im- possible to give quotations ar stocks. President phapman, of thc Stock Ex change, forbids outside operations by members, upon the penalty of expulsion. Xhe National Trust Company closed its doors to-day. The certificate? of the Mechanics' Banking Association and of the Conti nental Bank have ' been thrown out of the Clearing Office. The Bank of North America has sus pended , , , . ,. , Albany, September, 20. ; It is rumored that Squires & Sons have suspended. WASHINGTONflS "' Washington, September 20. The following failures arc reported : Union Banking Company, Philadelphia, UrionJ jf ult C6mny,1New York, A. Bjmitc Co., New York. C. Broad teadNew lTorkj, Ketchum.& Belknap, Tfi Yorkaxe & Rogers, New, York, National Bank or the Commonwealth, New York,Tussi& Fishei, P. M. My ers, Mille & .Walsn Laurens Josephs; FlemingV Dillingcr,' Brown, Wads- worth & ooii r y;;v-i: A. G. Cattbll,agent of the Syndicate ai ionaoHi Vjteiegrapns oecreiaryrvieu ardson that their; accounts arc.1 all in perfect'order:'. - - - ''T'' Z The Freedman's , Saving Bank paid out $65,000. The officers declare them selves well fortified. ' Only the usual Saturday afternoons ,crowd arc about the Bank. Dr. Miller, a noted physician dead. CONNECTICUT. Hartfoup, Sept, 20, In the Mobilier casc Attorney Gene ral Williams said that 'the' Union Pa cific Railroad f Company were not only agents of the Government; which had provided money for a public good but their Road was a higha nnoT the trust assumed by the Company had been vio lated. He said he looked for a decision He was followed by udgc Curtis for the defendants wholield Alia'tf the ' bill was multifarious, involving parties not legally to be brought in. k4 4 i s. LOUISIANA. New Orleans, ScptenTber 20. It is estimated that the total popula tion of Shreyesport at present is 3,000, including 1,000 sick and convalescing. There is.mucl anxiety in commercial circles regarding thc failures in New York, but business among thc banks is quiet as usual. PENNSYLVANIA. Reading, Sept. 20. A State Grange of the Patrons of Hus bandry has been organized.. Twenty two delegates were present, representing twenty-live jQrangca. , 1 PniLADELPIIIA, Sept. 20. It is rumored that the Union Bauk mg House has suspended. CABLE DISPATCHES. FRATTCE. Bayonne. September 20. 'arlUts are firing n Bcra. The Ca ENGLAND. London, September 20. A Calcutta dispatch announces the loss of the Indus 418 coolies. iTlie City Cornet Baud of Raleigh has "ciety to" play lit the Stato Fair vnext mpnth. They make good music, and Raleiglr isjustly prodd of them.' also learn" that the LaFayetto Bras3 Band: of Fayetteyille have benjnvited and are expected to be present also at theStoter.iA ' JftarivouIddd7n matters than all enactments. Grades of Rosin A5beVTbfM Pro daco Exchaxfff e. l J w'o. 1 ILCommoa Strained .... Strained 1).......Good 8tr ined K..:.. - .No. 2 F . Extra No. 2 II. ...No. 1 T.. -ii.Hxtra No. 1 ..-T...rx)W Pale Extra Pale M. Window Klass and water white grades arc not lettered. Some persons grade one grade higher, be ginning with I and running to N. WILMINGTON MARKET. SATURDAY, Sept. 203:30 P. M. Spirits Turpentine Sales yester day afternoon of 500 casks at 37'. cents per gallon for Southern packages Mar ket quiet; o7 cts bid! ' " , Rosin No sales reported. Crude Turpentine Sales of 183 bbls at $2 for Hard and $3 5o forYeK low Dip and Virgin. Tar Sales of 63 bbls at $2 GO per bbl. Cotton Sales of 8 bales at 17, 10 at 16J, 2 at 15X, and 2 at 10 cents -f lb. Receipts per railroad of naval stores as appears on the bulletin board of thc Produce Exchange Sept. 20 : Cotton, (bales) 57 Spirits Turpentine, (bbls.,) 109 Rosin, (bbls.,) , 2,i76 Crude Turpentine, (bbls,) 183 Tar, (bbls,) 63 m m BY TELEGRAPH, j NEW YORK MARKETS. New York, September 20. s Cotton quiet and nominal. Uplands 181 J Orleans, 191. Brcadstufls dull and declining. Flour dull and heavy. Wheat nominal at 2(3 cents lower. Corn nominally l(o 2 cents lower. Pork dull and nominal new mess $17 75. $18 75. Lard dull and in buyers favor old steam 8 11-16(7 8. Turpentine dull at 41?.. Rosin quiet at $3 05 for strained. Freight quiet. FINANCIAL. BY TELEGRAPH. j New York, September 20. ; No stock market to-day. ; t FOREIGN MARKETS. London, Sept. 20.,, The news from New 'York caused a better feeling. American securities, Fives, 91; Erics, 11. Later Eric -15; Latest Erie 45 1. . Liverpool, Sept. 20. Cotton dull and unchanged. Sales for speculation and export 2,000. Sales of Upland at 8s. T ',' f; "i fI T i iii i tin in in i MARINE. Port of Wilmington, Sept 20, 1873 ARRIVED. '-'Steamship Rebecca Clyde, Chi Ids, Baltimore, A D Cazaux. For accident see news column. Steamer Gov Worth, Phillips, Fay etteville, Worth & Worth. Steamer D Murchison, Garrison, Fayette villc, Williams & MXuchi&Ai. CLEARED. Steamer D Murchison, Garrison, Eayetteville, Williams &3Iurchison. Steamer Gov Worth, Phillip, Fay cttcville, Worth & Worth. Steamship Lucille, Bennett, Balti more, A D Cazaux. Schr John A Griffin, Foster, Phila delphia, llarriss & Howell.' ' RECEIPTS. pit RIVER STEAMERS, -&tv ' Steamer Murchison G52 bbls rosin, 125' do spirits. Steamer Worth 10 bales yarns, 11 do sheetings, 73 bbls'spirits, 181 dp rosin, G8 do tar; 17 do turpentine., ; '; EXPORTS. COASTWISE. Philadelphia Schr John A GrifHn 192,175 feet lumber. Baltimore Steamship Lucille 572 bbls rosin, 335 do spirits, 36 do tar, 18 bales sheeting, 2 do cotton, 30,000 feet lumber. STATE ITEMS. A white man, whose name is not giv en, became engaged in a quarrel inahar room in Raleigh on Monday las!, and was struck on thc head by a colored man, with an iron weight. The unfor tunate man died on Thursday morning, and the murderer has not yet been ar rested. Salisbury is getting proud, and wants the weathercock on the Cpurt Hotisc straightened up from its present disar ranged condition ;and they' want their old town clock resurrected and restored to usefulness. Bv all means let thc weathercock be '"straightened up, a nd start the old clock to keeping time again. The Salisbury IFacWm suggests to the various Agricultural iTaii 'Associa tions' in the State to offer a premium of $20 or $25 for the bct Fair poster print ed in t he State Sot eaira J1874. Something like4bTs Avofild Ifiiklc fimcnds for.thc cgregioas blunder of flaunting flashy posters with a foixign 'imprint in the fates of those who ."krc expexic graV tuitouilv to cinbloV their 5 types "and presses in .behalf o f liomo, cnUrprjrCSrr-. This ijsottnd, cmiuctitly sound. C n List, of Vessels Sailed , for this (j Port' ' ' nAKTTOjrij' .v-.; Gcr ElUe 6i Anna. Wendt, eld Aug 23 GRIMSBY. Juno, Limit, eld Aug 22 Ttr llht- T.iJmnn' .1,1 I DUNKIRK. Eintracht, Schuekert, eld An" 5 ' I i GEETEMUNDE. " i0se, ' eld Aug 22 1 BOSTON. ' I Brig Nellie MitchellCody, eld Sept 15 Swed Siphie Amelia, Tfingston, "i eld Sept (i ? LONDON. Sophia Gorbitz, Gorbitz. vld Autr -0 "V-"-. 11-1 -r-k.il ti" vi xi urcuioncn, ucuiioss, . cw ug o Von-der Rohistorf, Plageman, xyuuguusV llOn, : ..,,-. , , SJU JU11C - Gr Barque Victoria, Schutz, eld Julv2 Laus A ichard, Wilde, eld Sept 3 A. M. B., Strang, ld Sept 1 AISTERDAM. Elizabeth Cath, Anderson, eld Aug S. PIERRE. Schr A Rickards, sld June 25 GRAVESEND. Ard, Jackson, sld Sulv 2S LIVERPOOL. Geo Adolph, ent. out aug 29. Carl August, Pctteson, eld Aug 12 Leda, Muller, entered out Aug 12 Br Barqucnting Elizabeth Taylor, sld Aug 1 Examplcr, Roberts, t i -Id July IS Nor Brig Alkerj Sarsen, sld July 17 Vitnivius,' Drummond, sld May 22 GLOUCESTER. Barque Landho, Olsen, sld Julv 12 NEW YORK. Sch r S T Baker, Davis, eld Sept 1 7 Brig Uncle Sam, Jordan, eld Sept 13 Schr Mott Bedell, Vanllevnegoni, eld Sept 12 Schr Sunny South, Dcrrickson, c!dSept!2 Schr John Kelso, Kelso, eld Aug 1! Schr John Mosscrc, Adams, eld Aug 8 BANGOR. Schr. Addic L. Cutler, Smith, c!d Aucr. 2S PLYMOUTH. Oceana, Aslackseil, eld April lo HAMBURG. - Dutch Kobe. Karaslcr. eld June lo Br Zion Hill, Davis Maria Heyn, Beck, Flosta, Anderson, St Olaf, Hascel, 1 DEAL. C Neunian Gretlebchn, NORWAY. IMaria Rose, Schultz, eld May lo Id July 2:; h July 2vi sld July 15 eld AtiT 14 ld Aug 12 List of Vessels in this Port. BARQU ICS. Gcr'barque Mynheer, Tesnow, K Pesehau Barque Bertha, Schwartz, dis., . ; I K Peschau Ger Rudolph, Paskc, dis, E Pcschau (cr MalWina Schutt, Kroger, do Swc Ulrika, Peterson, dis. do BRIGS Ger Dorotha, Rectzke, di, E Peschau. Else Eschricht, Eschricht, E Peschau Tarpeian. Young, Vick & Mebaiie SCHOONERS Schr Ella Hobson, Nickerson, dis. F. W. Kerch net Schr Henrietta, Langlcy, dis., Northrop iV: Cuinmiiiir David Miller. Fletcher, dk,' G . G . Barker. Gettvsburg, ('orson, dis, do Nellie Star, Poland, dis, 1 J HChadboiirn iS:Co. MISCELLANEOUS. STATE FAIR 1 8 7 3 . Thrrteenth . Grand Annual Fiir OF THE North Carolina iiricnllnral Society. 11ALEIGU, AV C October 13th to 18th, 1873. Ten Thousand Dollars In Premium. 'cw and attractive (Irounds. Magnificent Jluildlngs. I Accommodation lor seatlnsr S.DOO people. ' Railroad arrangements the mwt liberal ever made with any Agricultural or Me chanical Society in the State, t j Articles for exhibition transported FKHJ;, and delivered from the earn within the Grodnd.s. I Jj'are for passengers on railroadM in Norlli Carolina VjC per mile. Kxcurslon trains from every direction daily, special train h for the passenger will run to the Grounds from the city every fifteen inlnuten. Taro only TEN CENTS. lion. Uanlel Voorheen. of Indiana, will deliver the Annual Aildre. J-say on the cultivation of cotton by Da vid Dickson. Yj.. of tieorsia. . CJrand l'rlze dutrlbution of DIjOODED 3TOCK. ... WESTON, the great pedestrian, in his won derful feats of endurance. TWO HANDS OF MUSIC, single aduilsHton to the Ground?. : jOc Single admission for children under 12 years of ago. ' i send for l'renilum List. T. M. UOL.T, ITcKldcnt. II. T. FULOIIU1L. Secy. au 1-Ul SUGAR, COFFKE AND MOLAS- 250 BARRELS Su-ar all grades. 387 sack.i CofTec Laguayra, .Rio and, Java, 2"V) hhds and bbls. Cuba Molaes Zl'i hhd. and bbls. S3.' JI. 3Iol;usci. . k For sale bv sept jrt, ; rF. w. kerchnej:. SEND; NO MORE . - - - . i . . JOB I PRINTING 5 Kit', . . t-!( jTO T1IK XOUTU. S. G. HALL ; . t i . . - U KEtW 4BTANTI.V ON HAND AN ex tcllcnt asaortmeht of ' ' 1 - TAGS, ' ' . - . , which uo.wbl priht at eucU lUUrea at to ; in- dne tnn Doxincss men 10 uavo w I'illNTINt dDne In this Uty Ivtronfte h6hie lhdustr7, and have your I Jott trtntlia done where yb expect to do

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