m " f WlXMINQTONi IT. C. Friday, October 17th, 1873. A PROCLAMATION, By the President of tire United States of America. The approaching close of another year brings with it the occasion for re newed thanksgiving and acknowledg ment to the Almighty Ruler of the Uni verse for the unnumbered mercies which He has bestowed upon us. Abundant harvests have been amon the rewards of industry. "With local exceptions health has been among the many blessincs enjoyed. Tranquility at home and peace with other nations have prevailed. Frugal industry is regain ing its merited recognition and its mer ited rewards. Gradually, but, under the providence of God, surely, as we trust, the nation is recovering from the lingering results of a dreadful civil strife. For these and all the other mercies vouchsafed, it becomes us as a people to return heartfelt and grateful ac knowledgment? and with our thanks giving for blessings we may unite pray ers for the cessation of local and tem porary sufferings. I, therefore, recommend that on Thurs day, the twenty-seventh day of Novem ber next, the people meet in their re spective places of worship, to make their acknowledgments to Almighty God for His bounties and His protection, and to offer to Him prayers tor their continu ance. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at thecitvof Washington this 14th dav of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, and ) of the independence of the United states the ninety-seventh. U. S. Grant lly the President : Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State. The Mexican Congress has decreed a separation of Church and State; that Congress cannot make laws establish ing or prohibiting any religion; that matrimony is to be a civil contract; and that religious institutions cannot possess property. In additiou, the Jesuits have been ordered to leave Mexico at the first opportunity. These laws indicate that the power of priestcraft is broken A dispatch from Berlin, of t the 13th, The Minis terr of r Commerce and the Interior have, Issued instructions to the district authorities tor expel all cmigra tioii agents tvho are domiciled in Ger many, y.j The arrival of German immigrants at all ports in the United States, for the vear ending the 30th of June last. amounted to verv nearly one hundred j mt f m and fifty thousand. When this large exodus from the fatherland is consider ed, it is no wonder that the government desires to put a period to it. But it can not be done. America offers too much to the laborers and mechanics of Europe for the tide which has been setting in this direction so long to be turned. Every. German and every foreigner dom iciled here U ineffective agent o" im migration. Every new ship for the transportation of persons cheaply is an agent ; and. finally, the government WAIFS. Bear CivilityAihug. For a wedding song; Love knot. Guilt-edged paperForged notes. Open to Conviction A pickpocket: A knee too proud to bend A chim ney. The bone of contention is said to be the jaw-bone. : - , - .- , , . A man is obliged to keen his word when nobody will take it; Professor Wise's balloon is going to Europe by the .highway. A spring opening The mouth of a tiger on the jump. When a man's neck-tie is untied how unti(e)dy he looks. The hardest agricultural work on a farm-raisirig jPmortgage. The i Mies Who cany off the most dress. Washerwomen. The most , steadfast, followers of our fortunes -Our creditors. THE GREAT EASTERN NEW MYEBTiSEpENTSjn NEW ADFKimSEtNT&l? NEW iUVKRTimT . Piepont Air-Line Railway rticamooa and Danvill, Kichcn Electric, Cures Everything f j For sale by all Druggist Oct 15 127-3t When is a ship: like a railroad tracks which issues such decrees as the above, When the cargors on it is more energetic i a securing emigration than anvthing else. EDITORIAL BUDGET. Senator Sumner has canceled his lecture engagements atthc solicitation of his friends. . James Bogle, a noted painter, died in urooKiyn on aiuruay. .air. iwgiu was b orn in South Carolina. A political paper in Iowa put this stunning interrogatory: "Is the man who attempts to steal from his wife's grandmother and an idiot girl, j fit for Auditor of Davie county?" J The friends of Vice President "Ny ilsou, who have been in recent communica tion with him, say there is now no doubt but what he will be able to pre side at the opening of the Senate in December next. Chief Justice Lawrence of the Su preme Court of Illinois has rendered a decision that, under the statute ;of that State, a bet made upon the result of an election is not enuiyalent to a bet made upon cards or other gam. Delche, a notoriously bad Apache, has 16ft tjie Verde reservation, Arizona, with one thousand followers. General . -I , T T" Urook has gone to tnc reservation, tie needs more troops, or all the Apaches may get back on the war path. The Long Island Savings bank, in Brooklyn, was robbed last Monday nicht of a box containing bonds valued 0 -- -at between fifty and seventy-five thous and dollars, while the secretary and clerks were attending to duties in other portions, of the bank. The loss in that country; but ecclesiastical usur- fallg OQ j H Seebachj the depositor pation has ever been tenacious ot me. Thc thicf hus not been arrt,sted. Advices from Hayti state that Jae Of all the laws of trade, none find greater favor than the buy laws. When does a farmer work a miracle ? When he turns his horse to grass. When is fire like a bad husband. When it goes out at night. TAKE A LOOK AT 1 AND BUT ONE OF OUR CHEAP SUITS OF CLOTHES, Ten Dollars and Fifty Cents Buys a good, well made, durable suit. Sixteen Dollars and Fifty Cents Buys a VERY good one. Twenty-SixDollars and Fifty Cents Buys a superb one, at IttUNSON & CO. oct 15-tf CITY CLOTHIERS. NOTICK4S berebygivMl that a petition has been filed Lithe Dulrtct Court of ihe United States for thetpeFeax Diet! let, n the Eastern District cf; North Carolina, It Major Strickland. Infetid District, duly declared Bankrnpx. uncci id nciepvon greas of March 2, 167, tot a discharge and certificate thereof from all. his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 24th day of October. A D 1873, at 10 o'clock, 4 M, at the U 8 Court Room, in Wilmington, N C, before Wm A Oat brie, fci Register ot Bankruptcy for said Dis trict 14 assigned for the hearing of the same, When and where all creditors who bare pro ved tbelreT&ts7ifidl)tlteTT?ersouta inter est, may attend and show cause. If any they hare, why the prayer of ' the said petition should not be granted. Dated at Wilmington, N C, this 23d day of September, 'A u ioi. WM LARKIN8, Clerk. oc ober 9 , I ; law3w . m j- s 1. i t . i ? i i .t..l DaoTillc a W.. N. Division, North Wtttcrn N. C. H. W Condensed Time Table. In effect on and after iSuuiUjv 1873. ct. 1 rXJOTICE Is hereby given" that a petition XT has been filed in the District Court of the United States for the Cape Fear Dis trict, in thV Eastern District of North Carolina, by Jarrott Gernto, in said Dis trict, duly declared Bankrupt under the act of Congress ' Ol March 2, 1867, lor a dis charge and certificate thereof from all bis debts end other claims provable under said act. tad tliAt the 2Sth day of October. A D. 187S," at 10 o'clock, A M, at the TJB Court Rood, In WilmingtwiN C, before Wm A Gathne, Esq, Register in Bankruptcy for said.Distrlct, is assigned tor the hearing of the same; when and where all creditors. who liave proved thetr debts, and other persons in interest nay attend and show cause Jt any they have, wny toe prayer oi STATIONS. Leave Charlotte GOING NORTH? MAIU 10.00 p. Air Line J'nct'n 10.08 ' Salisbury . . Greensboro. . . Danville Burkville Arrive at Richmond . 10.1GA.. M. 3.30 6.10 11.35 2.17 p. u GOING 80UTH. Never communicate vour affairs to one flTTD I lllTT KT.M1 V'Tl lU 14! H i the said petition should toot be granted . (ham I W wawm- w w w m wawamw I ilUBU H.b llClIIlSl wfro seems anxious to learn them. iWhat is the most becoming dresn for the earth? The skirt-of a wood. A house arent advertises : " House to be let directly, or sooner if required." It is suggested that young ladies are so anxious to get nusDanus oecause everv woman is amiss until she is mar-ried. Dated at Wilminzton. N C. this 33rd dav of S eptembcrrA.PjL 1873 - IWM-1ARK1NS, Clerk oct '- law-2w 11 and 13 Front Street. TVTO'fJCIC is hereby given that a petition N has been filed in th District Court of the United States lor the Cape Fear Dis- I net, in lue rtasteru uisinci ui i-uriu Carolina, by Thomas K Murphy, in said District, duly declared Bankrupt under the act of Congress of March 2, 1867, for a dis charge and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 24th day of October, A D 1873, at 10 0clock, A M, at the U 8 Court Room, in Wilmington, N C, beiore Wm A Guthrie, Esq. Register in Bankruptcy, for said District, is assigned for the hearing of the same, when where all creditors, who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest, may attend and show cause, it any they have, why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted Dated at Wilmington, N C, this 23rd day of September, A D. 1ST3 WM LaRKINS, Cierk oct 9 law-2w "We find the following appeal for help for the orphans at the Oxford Asylum . in me icaieien iseics : " ine cianon voice of cheer and comfort comes up to us irom tnc irienas or orpnans in tne noble little town of Kinston4 They sent up to us last week for the use of the littleones under our charge n timely and valuable box of merchandise, with a cash subscription worth .to us over $180.' Little LaGrange speaks kindly ajrain. Princeton Lodge jrrcets us in the same manner. Munroe, Tuscarora and Advuriam Lodges and many other friends encourage us greatly. Noux is thc time to hch us. Cold winter will "1 f 1 1 V A soon oe upon us. f?ena us DianKets, shoe, twos -to sixes, mostly between two.-: and fours, provisions and cash. Wc cannot fail. God is for us. The clouds are breaking awav. The Orphan Asylum still survives and is destined to be a srrcat, a grand institution in the land." Signed A. D. Cohen, Principal X. C. O. A. jTOCKED AVITII A LARGE ASSORT MENT OF CHOICE FV1UL, groceries AT VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES. Daily Owning of Fresh Groceries ! STA.TIOX6. MA1U Leave Richmond a 1 28 p mi Burkville 1.45 DanTille y.is , Greensboro 12.20 a 11 Solisbury 2.3S ' Air Line J'nct'n 4.29 Arrive at Charlotte. . . 4.357. 11. OOINCTEAgT. STATIOK8. "MAILT j Leave Greensboro'... 3 05a Co. Shops .... 4.45 " ' " Raleigh. 8 32 " 1 Arrive at Goldsboro'. ILlo a. m " QOINQ WEST. STATIOHS. MAILT Leaye Goldsboro' 2.30 v7u Raleigh 5.26 Co. Shop 9.35 " Arrive at Greensboro' 12.20 a m 815 a"T 8.30 10.45 1.45 p. n 3,12 7.:J6 . 1017 5.007 .29 :5.50 6.06 8.10 8.15 North Western Nf C. RTF (Salem Branch.) j Leave G reensboro 4 P u Arrive at Salem i-.".e?I Leave Salem . We call attention to our carefully selected stock of CORDIALS and CHOICE WINES for table use, together with our brand's of WHISKY. "Blue Grass," "lkiwen." and -Woodbrun," and a tine stock of ELEGANT LIQUOIIS At GEO. MYERS; 11 and Vd South Front street. oct -tr A carefully collected report of the maratime lossca caused by the gale of thc 24th of August laat, has been made by thc Washington Signal Office. From it we learn that four hundred and thirty-five small fishing schooners were lost in thc neighborhood of the St. Law rence Gulf and the Atlantic shores 'of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. The total number of vessels lost amounts to one thousand one hundred and twenty two, and at least five hundred persons drowned. mcl and several other places in South ern Hayti were visited by a hurricane on the 28th ultimo. Many houses were demolished, roofs were blown off and trees torn from their roots and carried a great distance. There was conaidera ble loss of life and serious damage to the shimrinir. Thc hurricane did not reach Port-au-Prince or Aux Caycs. A discovery is made respecting civil ricrhta in Arkansas. The expulsion of o a person of color from a first-class rail- Tlie Sentinel says that there is on ex hibition at the Fair Grounds a young man 20 years old,' 16 inches high and weighs only 33 pounds, the son of a poor widow woman and is exhibited by Mr. M. M. Bufordof Newberry, S. C, who ha s by request .brought him to our State Fair for exhibition. Thc funds are expended for the support and edu cation of the young man. ' ORDINANCE C10KCEKXIXG PILING WOOD OX THE ; WHARVES AND DOCKS. The Board of Aldermen of the City of Wil mington do ordain : That no FIRKWOOD SHALL Bm PILED or landed on the follow ing named Wharves or Docks, or any pait thereof, to-wit: On the Wharves or Docks at the foot of Dock street, Market street and Princess street, and that any WOOD landed on any other Wharves or Docks shall be so deposit ed or piled as to leave an open space of twen ty feet in the centre of tbe street on the Wharf or Dock; also, ten reet on eacli side for sidewalks, to admit of free passage to the river. Be it further Ordained, That any per son who shall violate this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of $10, or imprisonment, at the discretion of the Mayor. ; Any ordinance, or parts thereof, conflict ing with the provisions of this Ordinance, ar0 hereby repealed. The above ordinance wa passed by the Board of Aldermen the 3d day of October. 1873. C. T. SERVOSS, ' ! j City Clerk and Treasurer. City of wilmisgtok, jn. C, ) October, 187 NOTICE i hereby given rt hat a petition ha been tiled in the District Court of the United States for the Cape Fear District, in the Eastern District' of North Carolina, by John Frederick, in said District, duly declared Bankrupt, under the act ot Con gress of March 2, 1867, ter a discbarge and certifies te thereof from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 23d day of October, A D 1873, at 10 o'clock A M, at theU S Court Room, in Wilmington, N C. before ff Wm A Guthrie, Esq, Register In Bankruptcy for said Dis trict, is assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors who have pro- Arrive, at Greensboro . . . . 10:00 A M Mail trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at0.42fca. in., arrive it Burkville 13.45 n. iu., leave Burkville 5S5 a. ra., arrive at Richmond 8.44 a. m Pullman Palace Car on all night triini between Charlotte Richmond, iwithont change.) Fer iurther information address 8. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. m Greensboro, N. C. T. M. R. TALCOTT, Engineer and Gen'l Spuei inttndant OC.t, IS . i.M 1.1 FOR RE1VT, A DWELLING HOUSE, couvmhntlyar. ranged and pleasantly lotnh i mi t int. Sticot, with fine well of M ater and a cistern ved their debts, and other Dersons in inter est, may attend and show' cause, it any they I f rain water on the premise. have. whT the rrraver of the said petition I enquire 01 r. u. ShKVnsR -vi v ny nun should not be granted. Dated at Wilmington, N C, this 23d day of September, A D 1873. WM LARKINS, Agent. October 9 law2ir October H 12Mr NEW AD V K KTIiSKM ENTS. IN STORE. T4ic report also showa that about nine way car developed the fact that the stat hundred buildings were destroyed or in- ute, by the omission of thc word " not." jurcd by this storm, and a hundred per-1 negatives itself, for it reads as follows "No person shall make any rules which shall affect all persons alike without rc- gacrdto-race orcolor." This requires, if any thing,, railway and other corpora tion to discriminate against race and color. k The President having been asked a question in relation to the Chisf Jus ticeship, replied he had consulted with nO((one as to the selection, and he repeat ed what he heretofore said, namely, that in making a choice he would look to the interests of the country at large, and, therefore, endeavor to make choice which would be generally acceptable; and, further, on the meeting of Cmigress he would nominate to thc Senate a suc cessor to thc latd Chief Justice, who would not take his seat until after con- firnation. The mention of first one name and theii another by thc news papers was mere speculation J Fort Sill dispatch says that one of thc conditions of the release of Satan ta and Big Tree, who were restored to their tribe on thc 8th, was that live men of thc parties raiding in Texas should be given up to take the place of the chiefs. The Commissioner of Indian Affairs gave thc Comanchcs thirtv davs to comply with the demand, inotifying them that if the men were not forthcom ing then their auuuities and rations would be stopped. The Comanchcs The Raleigh Xrtrs learns that Tom werc diPl to evade complying al- Kvans, thc North Carolina correspond- that. tbcre Avcre 110 V Aiders in sons killed on land. Specie Payments. Smart theorists arc deluging thc news papers with plans to make the late mo ney panic subservient to thc resumption of a specie currency, and thus, in their parlance, to snatch a victory from what appeared at one time a great disaster. Thc schemes arc almost as numerous as the nroiectors. In all that we have noticed, a failure to prevent the shrink age in values, which everybody knows must ensue from an immediate return to specie payments, makes them unde sirable. Thcv all seem to be based on thc resumption of the Treasury to pay out gold for greonbacks. This was the plan of Mr Grcclcy and of Mr. McCul- loch. Thc gradual fall in the price of gold betokens that soon greensbacks will be at par. While a fluctuating currency is not desirable, some in thc South see with dismay the prospect of a metallic medium ; for their hopes of working out of debt arc in obtaining high prices for their produce. Most of our people, however, whose liabilities were greater than their means, have passed through thc courts of bankruptcy, and the num ber of those who will be injured by the resumption of sjccic payments is incon siderable. Notice by Assignee of his Appoint ment In Bankruptcy. DCSTHICT COTKT OF THE ) Uxitkd states, J in Bankruptcy For tiie Cape Fear District, j In the matter of Thomas O. Brown, Bankrupt mo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The 1 undersigned hereby civet notice of his aDDointment as Assignee of Thomas O. Brown, of the county of Bladen, and State of North Carolina, who nas peen aojuagea a bankrupt upon his own petition by the Dis trict Court of said district. W. B. KMPIE, Assignee, P. o. Wilmington, N. C. oct 17, ISTo law3w rpiiE MEETING of Depositors and the X public generally, which was advertised to be held at the City Hall, Friday evening, Oct. 10, will take plnce on Friday evening, Oct. 17th. at -iy, o'clock, at St. Stephen s A. 2,1. K. Church, -comer of oth and Red Cross streets, CASHIER i oct 10 2t jWE NEVER FAIL TO DIVE IN STORE f t l.AIKiE STOCK OF O I II n UTTER I Pronounced by all, the "BEST IN THE WORLD. -S Tlio Kmpire Family Flour. The Mills are controlled by us, and we al ways KKK1 IT UP TO THE STANDARD QUALITY. Every package guaranteed. In barrels, half barrels and bags. Fur sale by . GEO. MYERS, oct!Mw- 5,000 sacks Salt; 8,000 bushels Corn; 1 ,000 bushels Oats; 300 bales Hay; : 1,000 bushels Meal;. 300 rolls Bagging; 1,000 bundles Ties; 1 - ? 800 Spirit Casks; 250 barrels Glue; 1,000 bundles Hoop Iron; 200 papers Rivets; 150 boxes Cheese; 125 barrels Mullets; 800 barrels Flour; 65 boxes Drv Salt Sides: 'VtOTIGK is hereby given that a petition ir( has been filed in the District Court of the United States for thc Cape Fear Dis trict, in thc Eastern District of North Caro lina, by Bamuel L Gavin, in said District, duly declared Bankrupt under tbe act of Congress of March 2, 1867, lor a discharge and certificate thereof Irom all his debts and other claims provable under said act. and that the 23d day of October, A D 1873, at 10 o'clock A M, at thc U 8 Court Room, in Wilmington, it C, before Wm A Guthrie, Esq, Register iu Bankruptcy for sid Dis trict, is assigned tor the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest, may attend and show cause, if any they have. why the prayer of the said peti tion should not be granted. Dated at Wilmington, N C, this 23d day of September. A D 1873. v WM LARKINS, Clerk. October 9 law2w LOST. TyrONDAY AFTERNOON', on .Mar ket street, between Third and Fourth, a small GOLD LOCKET, with monogram. The tinder will receive 1 suitable reward by leaving it at oct 14-tf GEO. MYERS', 11 and 13 Front ft. REMOVED. jyjA LuVtJKK r.KEK s.UX uN is in Ibe basement of the Dawson Ikmk Hulldinj. Oct 16 i. H. W, Rt'NtK. 1- MOVAL J HAVE REMOVKD my HAH from tht ttoutheat corner of Wat ur and Iock stn-cti to the building on Srcond, between MarkM and Princess streets, recently occupied by R JOHN M "XJOTICE is hereby given that a petition J.1 has been filed in the District Coutt of tuc United States for the Cape Fear District, in the Eastern District ot North Carolina. by Saml W Clement, in said District, duly I L. Harrlss, where GOOD LloTJOKSeaari aeciarea a itanErupi, nnaer ine act 01 Jon gresd of March 2, 1867, tor a discbarge and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 24th day of October, A D 1873, at 10 o'clock A M. at the U S Court Room, in inn haxoR Kmnkpd Sidfts and Khmildpr- Wilmington, N C, before Wm A Guthrie. V - a mm m, T, , . . , TXl I . ,rT . . Abq, orguicr u Dn&.rupicy wr buu via- 1 viucii 1 t 1 . 11. a , . I MtHnc r LD..,,!,!. r irn riinDL also. choit Inf. nf Prlnif r:if Ijird. In' ways be had. oct 13 BRKMKR ent of the Richmond tkgttirer. has in contemplation the starting at nu early day a weekly paper in this StaTeJto be called Ecan' Independent. p.e will work and print thc paper himself. If he can rent thc press and type liis in tention 1 to print such a pa per, inde pendent of any help save his own muscle. Texas; out at a council ur. i.iieevcr, a Comanche chief, volunteered to take his band and go forth with United States troops and assist in capturing the raid ers. This was accepted, and a company of CHvalry was ordered to accompany the Indians, who start on Mondav. 1 mm . A head that h easily turned A head 01 water. Oct 7-tf Umd 13 Front t. SiD2er:sHew Family Sewtng MacMne. mllK SUPERIORITY OF THE SINGER 1 HEWING MACHINE for beauties of stitch, simplicity of mechanism, and adap tability to every clas of sewing, has been esuiuii&utu iu lair ana open competition in actual sewing contests, and the PUBLIC RECOGNITION of their merit is to be Toouur in the numerous awards ot FIRST PRIZES over every competitor at the VI ENNA EXPOSITION ancfHcarly all tbe In dustrial 1- airs in America and in Europe. Silent Feed and Straight Needle and is the easiest to learn. Has the highest appro valor the Family, the Seametres and the Dressmaker lwjuoojl! INDAIIiY USE. 2ia,7jfi! sold last year. ,b70! over an other Company. 83 Hold on the Installment plan. Terms easy and full instructions given. 43- Office No.l, Lippitt'sKow, SouthFront street, Wilmington, N.C ' . . , CHAS. E. DIBBLE, oct otU Manager. J 25 barrels Suar: r-lOQ bagss Coffee all grades; 12o boxes Tobacco; j 30 barrels and half barrels Snuff; 100 boxes and barrels Crackers; jM) cases Snuff; 7o barrels Kice; ,200 cases Brandy Peaches; I 150 cases Schnapps; 150 dozen buckets; ; 50 boxes Candv; 125 boxes Candles, &c. For sale bv Fm W. KEECXER. oet 6 119 OTICE is hereby given, that a petition lias " been filed in the District Court of the Uni ted States for the Cape Fear District, in the Eastern District of North Carolina, by David J Woodward, in said District, duly declared a bankrupt under the act of Congress of March 2, 1K7, for a discharge and certificate, thereof from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, audtliat the 23d day of Octsber, A D 1873, at 0 o'clock, a m, at the US Court Room, In Wilmington, N C, before Wm. A. Guthrie, Esq, Register in Bankruptcy for said District, is assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors, who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted. Dated at Wilmington, N C, this 23d day of Vfll LARKINS, Clerk, oct Id law?w Just Armed per steamer Raleijl Invoice of Hams, Break W when and where all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons in in terest, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said peti tion should not be granted. Dated at Wilmington, N C, this 23d day of September, A. D 1873. WM LABKINS. Clerk. October 9 law2w NOTIUE is hereby Riven that a petition has been filed in the District Court of the United States for the CaDe Fear District. tn tfce&astera District of iforth Carolina, uj vru jm QUU5WU, ip bhiu uuinci, amy ae- cltred a Bankrupt under the act of Congress of March 2, 1867, for a discharge and certifi- S.te thereof lronx all Us debts and other alms "pro ble under said act, and that tbe 24th day of October, A D 1873, at 10 o'clock A M, at tbe U 8 Court Room, in Wilming ton, N C, before Wm A Guthrie, Eq Re gister la pankruptevfor said District, is assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors who have proved their debts, anddtber persors in Interest, may attend and ahow cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said peeition should not be granted. ' Dated at Wilmington', N C, this 23d 4ay of September, A D 1873. j WM LARKINS, Clerk. October 9 lawSw pe t ear District, in tbe North Carolina, bv Ed- de- NOTICE is hereby given, that a petition ha been filed in the District Court of tbe Unl- leu duties ior tne ca Eastern District of ward Williams, in said district, tiulv clared a Bankrupt, under the act of Con gress of March 2d, 187, for a discharge and eruneate tnerear from alt-bis debts and other claims provable under said act. and that the 23d day of October, Ah 1873, at 10 O'clock a. m., at the U 8 Court Room, in Wilmington, N C, beore .Wm. A. Ontbrje, Esq. Becister In Bankruptcy for said Dis- tiict, is assigned lor thc hearing of the same, when and where all creditors, who have proved their debts, and other persons in in terest may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said peti tion should not be eranted. Dated at Wilmington, N. Cthis 23d day of C Am. - a Imrntm :epiremer, a u, lot a. WM LARKINS, Clerk, oct 10 law2w pound Oak Ruckcts, expressiy for umiv use. Give it atrial. We return our thanks to our curt" and friends for their kind favors and lib" patronage extended our new ent'n)riw,f!!J are determined not to be outdone in pneJ and qualitjvof Goods. An examination our superior Stock of Groceries, Wlnw "J Liquors.will con vince the most skcpticnnD" money can be saved by giving us tner ders. ... i 11 1 1 1. a mi mil 1 ivcujiiiiucr uie corner iinuaun n. Home. J. II. McGAHITY 8ept 2-108- .MuUets Mullets. A T BINFOUD CHOW & Ja jOL. m-mi mvmm m) V A A A JIJU M. Ita, V" arrivals every week from the Beasborfc They also receive fresh Groceries by td a . :i i. i 1 ...III IrffcUd onuiiici uuu nun ycsoli, nuu ti it. have their friends give I ht m a call. TIEH AND IJAUGING Always on ttnA SOUTH WATER sTKEt1- TTOTICE is hereby given that a petition XI has been filed in the District Court o f toe United States for the Cape Fear District, in tha Eastern District of North Carolina, by Alex T Btanford,in said District, duly de clared Bankrupt under the act of Congress of March 2, 1867, for a discharge and certifi cate thereof from alibis debts and other claims provable nnder said act, and that the Zitn day oi uetooer, a u i?3, at ill o'clock, A Jf , at the D 8 Court Room, In Wilming ton. X C, before Wm A Guthrie. Esq, Re gister in Bankruptcy for said District, is as signed for the hearing of the. same, when and where all creditors who have proved their debts; anl s other persona in Interest, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted. j Dated at Wilmington, N C, this 23d day a. m . rv iivn . WM LARKINS, Clerk. October 9 law2w septi Wilmington, JUST RECEIVEP, LARGE AND WEM -TV HOIITMENT OF Consisting of LATE HTYLE8 Oi' FRENCH FLOWERS FANCY GOOD-, . T.niEltf,f' X J AAA. . ,1 CASH m-FFI.ING, J. O. C. I-'he Jm, M. f -KM. Vf OCt 7-tf Misses STROjC i'rlncesasirc1"