r .f'i-.ntii7 ' ST8J J) ifj, fol-rt i .VKfrifl'i 7 ;H0cardBMii873 :It ;u, H A: l hi'.f; f.-'i l'T f i. A't t M J - JJJ-JL-hJLA - 7,,. !i','fr k-bi- -n: rlf -f !r; ;t- Tf Vf ff c--,Ir ? , . - " I Vf 11 f it j l ... . i .... . . ... . ii ' . f r .i .- ' ? ' . , i , I I , . 1 I . . r ti t -I'i11 -T-r 'in 4nhr.riDtion. eitU in adrancc 3 00 month, in adrance 50 rrriondcnce Bolicited from our friendfl ll pArtl of the 8tate7 on topics of gene- i interest Politipal peyrs and reports . oi er0pare eepecialldeairable 1 m-LL Hoe of samples coastntjy oa haml F lrom importers aud Tmanafacttirer9 ib' yortbern markets, ui HscrlDtions ot mwlinnUiae, orders t'V 1 DKIs sunv.iu" " id tentiou. Time as well as cash purchases negotiated, whether you wish to buy or Bell, commuui Vlj fiwly. aul ofteu with your lucal B-alter. 1 AH. Tt FJiiiBWAif r . it.f ioriianfiiseaud Produce Broker VV" - dec 20 H K. W. LOPER I. DOU6HTEN L0PER & DOUGHTEN, NAVAL STORKS AND SOtrrlltRN PKOl5UCTS, mVrkrdertlrana Mifyera solicitjijan 2ipS left by sellers wAl have prompt a i , . . .-i t, ti n nm JF lutladclpuia, l'a. Orders fur Turpentine Casks solicited and promptly filled at lowest marnefc marcu a 215-tf INSURANCE. I IFE AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE lJ ellected at the lowest current rates in the following responsible Companies, on ap plication to NEW YORKLrlFE INSURANCE ' : COMPANY, Assetts $20,000,009 J. A. BYRNE. Gen'l Ins. Agt., IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of London, Assetts 89,000,000, Gold LYNCHBURG INSURANCE AND BANK ING COMPANY of Va.. assets $615,330 OLD DOMINION INSURANCE COMPA NY OP Va., assetts. 200,000 BYRNE A KEENAN, 1 Gen'l Insurance Agents.' : Offlce Chamber of Commerce, up stairs, Wilmington, N. C. ' auflS 77-ly U A III! Kit SllOP; JOE t0JRNER wisties to inftiiui'.iits.cow ' raers and pubq generally, that he. Is now prepared to do ail kind of work in his line, and would respectfully" request a continua tion of the patronage whicH fias heretofore been so liberally bestowed upon him. Jaaietf 206 Lard, Crackers and Rice. 1 OK TIERCES, KEGS AND TUBS LARD. 200 bbls Crackers Lemon, Su gar and Soda, 20 boxes Assorted Cakes, 75 barrels and Tierces Rice, For sale by . , . sept 22 .A Fi Vl KEtieilKEU. PA K K fci It X'iV. YUVlt Successors to A. II. N E F F , 4aaufaoturerB and dealers in U0U6H! FimtridMUG GOODS, Uuqs, atoves, ijauterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin and ttheet Jron Ware. Rojflnjr done at short notice gouts for Falrbank's Scales. No. 19 Front Street, H I L Jl I N w TON, N . C. A Convenient Store with a Desir able Dwelling Housa Attached BY VIRTUE of a Power or sale vested in the undersigned by a mdrtfftfjfe execu ted on the 14th day of November, A. 1) , 1872, by Archlbaia H Williams and Martha 4. U illiams his wire; t the undersigued, tley will sell at public auction, at Exchange Cor ner, in the city of Wilmington, on the 22ud day of October next at 10 o'clock A. M the following real estate, situate in Burlaw, on Wilmington aud Widon Haitrdad. in the county of New Hanover, viz: One Iot known s Lot number six -in block ten, and situate on the corner of Fremont and ttudley streets and running one hundred aud twenty feet parallel to the Wilmington and Weldon railroad aud one hundred and elsfhty one feet and six Inches at rlghtangles to the said railroad: and. also, number ion r. in block number eleven on'LMckiuson street tetween Fremont nnd Wilmington streets, and rnn one hundred and twenty feet parallel with the Wilmington ajid Weldon .railroad, ajui 4 onehundredfigbty feet AndVljc' inolxesnW rigmaoMos with ki To;va. vwmisrtwn, ? fS)U15KAR, SAMUKL uf:ar, pt ii-l07?Sd J MARC fRA R. HUNTERS I Hillll Hi AT -:o:- Special Practice for the Cure of Cancers, Tumors, forofula, Chronic Ulcers, Epilepsy? Jiiver Diseases, Uterine Diseases, kia JHa- . i -f es and all firfdrW Affe?- ,,! 1 iff' Cancers and Tumors will be treated with oar specific without th usd 6f the knife, "tthoet th toss of blood and but with lit- tlopaintotherUehfc'' j1 V ' -Terms lor treatment will be in the rVacb f all All communications addressed to us will meet with prompt attention. Cir culars and certificates of cures will be seat on application. Office and Infirmary ast Gentre street, (ldboro, N. i). - . ' I DR. J. MILES HUNTER' CO. October 1 115 3m ,V6 55 auiiUi Ptiuni z ii60JiriniKeceaMtea success in tliia country CHI JFi The best dWANISfof tte Eeerl class IK WIS WttRiD. J The; Best for Church imd Lodges, Thfe Befc for Stihda Schools. 1 ' Tbe Best Tor Parlors' arid Vestries. . 1 iThe Best for Academies and Colleges. The Best for blic; Halls. , , The Best for Orchestra and Stage. - r 7f ;-.' t These instruments, which for sweet- l,a 'f 'L - Jl a t .1 -.-LT ' IJ L!r i:"- i-aI i unv aim Ui appoint- I merit stand uhrivfllled: liarft mot with I i i ... Jttl abroad, -f ,,. f ., r a MANUFAOTUKED BY ? E: P. NEEDHAM1 SON. ESTABLISHED IN 1846. No S J 43; 145 & 147 East 23d St. N X I RespcmsW,rtirMes applying fo akenctfes f - m section still unsuppiied. win receive Ii Send for Illustrated pricft U".. aug 26-tf , TO TIIE WESTl TO THE WE0T! . Betore makinsKybur aifrariemeits to fdM'. iow the advice of the'tbousaWwho havel , , ,, ... . . . i already gdne, it would be wellxo consider I what nas oeen none to mase tne journey W I your -'Homes in the West" as, pleasant and I 1 a'J Ar.J.J t,L..n .l-iit ' inn I t ,J: . road I . W.A ;f.iVr ltU Oration on the shortest I has possible line. from Nashville, Tenn.. to St. ... r ?il rTVAM.n 4a Bt Louis, "the future great Crty of tbe woria' Thls'Hnehe.;,-'!';;' '.i ST. LOUIS A SOUTHEASTERN RAlt- . . " ' WaX ' ' ' ' has, during the past year, earned an envia i ' 1 ii ! mmm I nr y: blerepuUU!p.nJttnMptljB & T FAIRBANKS & CO. time, sure ,OTeioni intftbeMnagnin-1 cence of its passensrer equiptnent. - Jtr trains are made up of new and commodious day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler andafbftn;;Intbe5v"esting hbu?e air-brake, . . ;;, ; , r It is positively the only line tunning Pnllm-in PaJ.ce Drawmgjoom Car throuirn wuhout'xnange irora nasu- vi i let o St. Louis, i iNo other line pretends to offer sach ad.viutages, either in distance, time, or eqipmenLWby then, journey by circuitous routes? Do not be induced to purchase tlckeU to 8t. Lonia or the I West bv any other line, remember that Th 0U: lnii &ttthefeii, is tbe shortest, cheapest, quickest best and only line under dne Management Irtm Naahvilie to St. Louis, and is i f rem 60 to SSSS apd aV western points: ; Ik is tlsd the 4,Cbi- : w '''' ' V 1 " cago Shortest L.mc," via js.vansvuie. You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves and you movables on applies tion, in person or by letter, to Cha&lbs McCabs,' Southern Passenger Agent, near College streetepot, JNashvilleTenn., or to the undersignedv i W B DAVRNFORT. Genelal Ticket-Agent, St Loult. I No trouble to answer qneetions. ' july 25 ' 'l " 1 S7-6m ' liS?via?ikTa,J'f ' T St at, or North gAoLix. 'Biinioi, Sept. 231873. J 1Y THE GOVERNOR. Official ?t6nxutios btvf been received at this Jepaitnient that FRANK. MA LPASS, late or tbe county el Hew Han- that the said, Mai pass ha Jled the S tail or art ennnpak himarOf that .the ordlasrv Dm. cess of law cannot b served upon him: G o vtrnOY l the B tate oi 2t0nn.Caroiins of Virtue of authodti in, me vested bv Jaw, do Dssue this- txrf alaintiOBering s re- ward of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the arre8tana ueiiveryoi wesaia vrsnK Malpase to "th' ohertffi Hew" Hanover I In fh r?rtv rtt "VV lmtntrtftn mTiA TI do en jol a all officers of ihe law and all good ' ' a a a .t J tM. kJ.ikai ..IJ r):A rht .Raleigh, ob the 23A - idsvy of SCTtemben. A. !J.. ,lS73and.l t. s. in the ninetv-eieutb vesr of American Iadpenaerjce.3' ,-H " By the Governor. ' j DEscairrio rankrUalpfts is a natly af MoRhTtr4link fivt ScetTtlzhtiutbe UlfchVadeafs. sandy nsfr. smooth face, litUe or no bead,oysxxiall bine eyes. ana to rwarq piu,t sxecnuv wpvwwBt. r nllSOefLLlNEOUS. D I P L O M American Inlgti tttte Embroidery ' nril Fluting Mines. ; J M It is ingenious and will "meet the Wants Of tTery matron in the Und. i' v: . EXHIBITION OF 1872. .''V.: F. A. Barnard, Pres. 8ohn E. Gaylt, Kec Secy., 5 Samuel D. Tillman, Cor. Scy. New York, NoTember 30, ISTZ. . This simple and ingenious Machine is as oseinV as tiie sewins: Machine, and 1s fast becoming popular with ladles, in the place r"vK A Machine with illustrated circular and full instruction sent 'on receipt of $3 or finished io ailver plate for $2 75. Address, Thb McKes Manutactur'.n Co., 300 Broadway. New York. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, .(! i If ixcommended bv regular Medical toracti- tlphers and a speedy cure guaranteed for I upias, coughe. Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, pegete and GoaL Dysentery, Cholera-mor- bus. Cholera and all liver and bowel com- n)nf. V1nA.r loooo, aA ll .ffo.lMi i Ytj , J, r V. """"" of th Urinal Organs perfectly harmless L pleasant to take and never known to fall LPricc $1 00 per Bottle. Full particulars I With medical testirnonv and ccrtitimtea Rt!nt on am.litinn Ar I. F HVtVk & iirv.. tuft Ae-th iTOm,i n vVrb- fe CO.. 195 Sever th Avenue, New York. Darts ffom fneDeril; or Cpjii Alinsei A Book just issued exposing the pkbson ai' that buyc appeared in the New York ments from desperate men to beautiful wo- men: Clandestine meetine-R: how frustrated: I The HlRtnrvnftliflnnonwmw nienrthP. result of a 'iper8onal.,, ' Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exposes sociai coBaopb Snton receipt oi 50 Jetai I Aqdress, Unique-Printing houc, 30 Vesey 01 x fVWt.A ..,.. k AO. k 11 hi. Ll . mv ucbntw mu auia a aiu I i nnrninn An iinvs I dvantaeres over all. 8atis- f faetlon iniaranteed, or money refunded. I Sent complete, with full directions. Beck- S.,wln Machine Co - 2 ST THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS An Important Imtstio. retains the rap- ture at an times, and under the hardest ex-f erclse or severest strain. It is worn with comfort, and it Kept on night ana day, er- fetts a permanent cure in a tew weeks. 8old cheap, and sent by mail when request- Rroftdwav. N. Y. Citv. Nobody uses Metal AprinftTrosses ; . too painful ; they slip 11 I w CA.TJTXOIST. I BUY ONLY THK GENUINE FAIRBANK'S SCALES, MANUFACTURED BY CfjW JV-if MIM SCIJLES. stockScales, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, dc, &c. Scales repaired promptly and rcaspna- bly. the most pkbvect , ILiRI CASH DRAWER. Kliles A Li r i n Till Go's. , EVERY nercluuit SHOUt , EVERY OKAWER rruxMrcEsi tfiajuatf&l Use Them Warranted. i Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., ' 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK., U ! 106 Baltimore Baltimore; 53. Camp st., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN &jl CO.; 1 2 Milk Street, lkwtou. J p'ir ule bv all loading Hardware geptu trr-2tawim PTPAVnli' Sr' j , W&X' J'. FH' -1 l (formerly of thenrmorcarraway &Cieapor -tj-iWE opened a FIRST claks .SHAVIKO H ,i ii t i -i nrivr: m tuytv .r, iron. J ket street, where they will be pleaded to 9 vt4 irionla an1 t Ho inn Hits aronoraHv t Tsent a i-lm , i , J 7 ; V V 2tWW t - :i m ( I, QoinertlA and Harket Streets 'dees 't!' u 19$ mm ismWli i - 4..--.-rsfiairtvfr&" rii & - - j - 1! ''II ; ; kail rnoiDs; J 1 CaroM' .Calm' EaflWWpafiy- is il p PASSENGER TRAINS EAY WUDilNQTON DALLY (EX- f Annl flttMillk.. A& a. V A f fATrfte at Wad Uhkrn Mt'" " ZSl P Xf Arrive at Wilminjrtou at 4:35 PM fi FREIGHT TRAIN8. Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays).. i. k. 6:00 A M Arrive at LnorinburK at 5:30 P M Lpave Laurinbur at 5:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 5.30 P M PASS2iGEK TRAINS. Leave CharYbtte dally, Sundays excepted, at 8.00 A M Arrive at BaflalQ at. 12.00 M Leave Buffalo at..., 1.C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at 7 5.15 P M riessTeqtilres. ,f a nu a--- ,;n i ; . ""J Will 1WUIUB lUtUUUCCHUU with the trains ou othends of this Rail wnv r , S. L. FREMONT, .i Chief Engineer and Suj't. 811-tt may 19 Pieimout Air-Line Railway. IJanvillc It. W.. N. Division, and t - i . ' JNortlJ YYCStem IH. U. K. VY. -o- if Condensed Time Table. f eftect on uud .ilftex4 Sunday, Oct.. 12, ?lo7o, GOING NORTH. , ., STATIONS. BXPBraS 8A5 i if. S.30,. -10.5 " Leave Charlotte. 10.00 p. . m M. 8.30 6.V0. , b r Air Line J'nct!n ' BaiisDury ; 44 u Greensboro.;!. la.is'pjM.i ' : jyanviiie 3,ia.p.M. 7.SJ6 " L0.i7 H M. Burkvil ue 11 ! Arrive at Richmond! :i 2.11 v. ru nniwn onii'niii. xa.wo MAXI. EXPRJB88 LeaVe Richmfld. . 5.0O1. m. 8 29 , t 12.43 p. m. 350 '- 44 Burkville.... Danville..... " jGreensbony.. X45 44 , 9.18 12.20 A. M 2.38 . Soils oury 41 Air Line J'nct'n 4.29 I14 Arrive at Charlotte. . . 4.35 A. M. 8.10 4 8.15 44 P- GOING EAST. ' 8TATIOW6. T'TwiIri," Leave Greensboro' . . . 3 05 a. at 4.45' " 8 32 .?4 i ll.lo.As. M Co. Shops Raleigh Jf Arrive at Goldsboro'. 4. GOINGVYE'i STATION' 1 Leave (ioldsboro1 . . . 2 30 P. M Kaleigh. . . . . . ' Uo S'hoptt Arrive- at Greensboro' 5.8tt ' y.35 i North Western, if,, ,C. it. K (Salem Branch.) Leave Greensboro . 4:30 PM . 6:25 P M , ;8:00JA M ,10:00 A M Arrive at Salem. Leave Salem Arrive at Greensboro. i Mail trains dally, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 9 42a. m , arrive at Bufkvllle 12 45 p. m., leave Burkvil'e 5.35 a. ra.. arrive at Richmond 8.44 a. m. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte "d Richmond, without change.) Fer lurther information address S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C, T. M R. TALCOTT, Eugiueer and GcnM Spucrintendaut. oct lo 127 I - -. RHEpATISM. NEURALGIA, PAIWS in Hie FAC-tJ, &c, - THK ' ! H A i'l'RKD when all olio r remedies lirtve failed. It Is eminently i FAMILY HEDJCiB, :?-!) Aud, no tain iiy houkl !. wit lioul i t. In of sudden attacks, one pottle wiutavene 1 1 kill. ' OfOllX III ULHJKK n UlliR. . : For sale by all Druggists. ! ' October 41 l-3t l i ; Iff ! r"t; r 1 t,(. i'r-! rfo -i;ift I .-4 - ,,t n E Li 13 o Tra r o I i .ii if 1 -.i! . .:('! ; i.fipji.i. 4tT '' A,jt i j. --fi -i.-j id t ; n t-t-fli -..1 vliliJrf-t-ji ;r- rJf -w-, 4 r tisla: lu tdnpany. SupHiHfMDmpT'a fOrric, T" niForirfwiNG acBirfJLE wili, iiolnto eflcct at'4:S0. A. " M.' ubday, 12th lust. . - ' n ' DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmlntton 4:S0 A." if Arrive at Florence ..... ..lOTIO A. M Arrive Columbia. Arrive at Augusta Leave Augusta Leavo Columbia Arrive at Florence Arrive at Wilmington . . . . Pi 111 .t.A, 8:00 P. M. , 4:80 A. M. .....10:205. M ... . . 2 "18 p. M. 10:00 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN uALLY , (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) , Leave Wilmington... :... r WPM Arrive at Florence. 11:28 P. M Arrive .t Columbia 4.00 A. M Ai-rivoat.AugusU.... 8:45 A. M Leave Augusta 4:15 P. M Arrite at Columbia ............. 8:45 P. M Arrive at Florence.. 8:02 A. M Arrive at Wilmlafrton 7;10 A Jd Passengers leaving Wihningtou on. the 0:10 P. M. traiu make 4osu.s connection going aoutk. . , fr , JAM ES ANDERSON' ' . j , ' 1 Oett'l'Bnrt. ' oct 11 . ' 124 tl A . ;' Compiuiy. n - Obticx Gbnbkax, Scpjshiwtkkdkkt, i 1 WiWfrNaTON;!N. O.i Oct; 11,1878. ' lit .d ' -i-f-.-r 17 mi i CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. 1 rf ; ON AND AFTER OCT.! 12tb, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS ou , the WU mington and Weldon Railroad will run as fallows: " " ' ' MAIL TRl' Leave Unioif Depot daily (8uri- i ; days excepted). . , . At 7:40 A M- Arrive at Goldsboro 1L50 Aj Mr Rocky Mount 3:0Q'F. M weldon..... : .3:50 P.-M L.eavo weldon dallvfBundaTB' humi excepted). .....3:.i...",At A: M tuS ' it- "r" OAk-W Jivt . . . , , Union Depot. . .'. EXPRESS TRAIHJ . 1 ' '.' LlUUjSweetheart pome listen to mo. Song " a ift.on'u ir'l" 1 French. 80c. Arrive at Goldsboro. .. , 3:37 A. M . ' i, -Wpldon i ' .-.no Ai M I . JJ, 'WeiQon..k...j.. . o.uuami L,eate weld on aaity....... . "rKW-n-M- Amy Weldon for all polnU Ndrtb sis Bay Line and-Acqtus,Crebkireutes4: Express Train connects only with Acapnia Creek route;, PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. . , FREIGHT TRAINS will Leave Wilinlug - n4tri-weekly at 6.00 A. MV, and arrive; at ton 1.40 P. M. EXPRE88' FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington dailvt (8undavBi ! excepted) t 2:00 P. M., and arrive at 6:00 P.fM, a,; . , JOHN F. DIVINE, 3 ' ; oeHt . , General Superintendent. ' THIS MOST REMARKABLE O -rill F ALL .PPARATUs4E souicliniea called a mechanical paradox- now nsed with such wonderful success In our principal cities for the cure, by cumulative exer cise, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and. Weaknesses, . . . ' . i . ...Uk.. Ik. (ilnm ,tnai itllnln a I n,l.iv will ha fri ro'iintlv ttllfil ,1 wj.o .T.i. . T1XE RE.VCTIONAKY is ko coiistruetcu mai even ;icuuu am m - . i II fa. A . . a . . t h i aM stantiy attjufc,jt lor a peru w uu u welghu from twenty to twelve nunureu Poinds. - nii,rsin,,iiitHB onrf ,.vr Miarpnfonlv ii in. tut' h nini i isai i vsi aawia a w.aH in iv :; incii.-! iid sUthoiisrli. .but recently introdoee!. nearly l.0 have already been sold.' - PRP;l' SV), P0XK1 AND HirTKI). small liookKOr circulars, sshowinj? ifc use. can Ue iwul free oi the olncti rf tue rtT, i S. 1 L AX. I ' Brooklyn. 7. T. -sept llMikwtf ftO. JJoxm. A. ADRIAR. xLVOLLERe ADRIAN & VpLLEpS.' WOlil.t KALKBlW"t Groceries and liiquor, . 'v.; - . -,-' Z;-- ' ! importers of German, and Havajaa Chjara, OoiiiJiiiridiciii Merchant otrrw-i:AST CbRwraiDocs: and Fkumt iitree ureeva. ; wiiiNOTON;y.c i i Havuifc tbe largest snd best sssortea Stock w.irorcrics sod Xiauors inlhe City, Dealers uora lnhe City, Dealer ill find it to UieltHnterest to fivw ws js call Tr - f7 before buying elscwrsi f ' jDSSV IZ-tXj, .( IMi li !! (. ii rj" i'T ' $at Rocky Mount..... ftC4M .T.1ffii:W Vn 'Z" Ka' !IWJM lieidsDOro , , ii.: ijuf. M i r .r r.xrB:. .. ..... dtSl?? i.i ' 1. fi'lf , H I' , .on; soli'. SSST JSK ew adVertisehents. NEW'B0O1)S! ,, ... . . .... - . . . r& OITER TO OUR VITIZKX A l f tULh LINE 'OF DRY GOOD 7 The Largest Stock "Brought- to this . Market. Kow is the .time to Purchase when i -i 'Everything is ltfarkcd Down. - :T' - j i HiJ - . .. ' : , . An Inspeotiofa of quality and prices is inciter!.; ; : r ron l'Vunt Ibiililifi.r . t n,ontiUdJ.,rijicc titrecl.t- -. , ,j , '- .sent 20 n ; 77;. : i 1 NEW. CITY , DIRECTORY..; rppBE ISSUKD irevl6b(' t0 'flu? IfJ Tn' s Novc I J I'll ,, ! , ..,!: - I , tuber. Advertising lAic& Dbcnll,,, , , fo collectloas made unlilthc ftillrHdi. Hon Is Coin ploii-d' uml Ucli vrcdi ( t Call on oi adilrews tho undt imndj i!lir out delay. T j .it , , xfrpt lst E. S. WAURUCK. ,i) -the following natot prece ViTTecoiu xJimended as being 'among etir latest aud. Uv t dasUcs Music Julia, 'tis Of thob 1 JlngJ.-iSeng. ria'ts. c1' 40 c 0ZI DU10 lloUt SouK-i iiiayi.', vNeatb tee Wavca her Splril watfdcrs'ifonR1. l Stewart. ,.80a,; . ,;1Uo..; vilm: w , v i y ali( iiomc iiwf ri No little one to meet me. Song. Pratt. 50c I;hink of me sometimes, Maggie. Song. SoftlF ahonc the Stare of Heaven. Sontr. Pratt,, ,30c. , s DM'fo7et yotirMither;Sandic. 8ot. ry thought was of thee. Song.- Hayfr Men are BUCn Deceivers. Alto pong, fi()iu panllBR..! Snno-.:;nVrf srw. Pno ,roul: lfi- TV n . MOnT nf r"b V,' . " , r from "Pauline." 8oni Dank. r n! a-i .iiit 1 TenV the'FloWer of kifdare. Song. S t ' art 40c.m 'j. u v few- 1..: wnsper eomy, Motner;s uym r Stewart.' 30i. ' ' Song. IrieplMr and; Hearer of Prayer. Hymn Danke, ,30c,. M My love sleeps under the Dahe.' SoriLr.--Perslei-. &e. OI ! How-d'ye, do. Aunt Suaie Sotg.- Da t makes menoddlngs out.: Song 'May iwpea.r auc, Sonei Persley. ' 30c. No rah is dreaming ol you. Song. Pratt. . oc. The sveel est Bud is misting. Song. Danka LUC Will he come home to nigbt Mother Soul-. God bless our home. Sonr. SUwsrt. 40c. uet up ana euuttocaoor. ongs nays. ii:c Does be ever think of me. Sonir. Ilavs. 35e Come, Holy Spirit. Hymn. Dauks. 30; I - nn kAm. H,w 40.. Lost snd cast away. 8od. Hays. &k Poor little Tim. Song. Abbey. S0c oysters and wine at a a. m. aomr stew ..I fVtmA nvor tho li!llitu,-a a fur Hniic I'm It I I v. , wu v. wn . . iJOC. o..l Tl . , U 1 CiiwiU! iuvuii tier uci, ovut;, vusri 80c Tbe Toast. Brlddisl for male Voices, aone. a rw i a v i luuvt w, -y- I . . .. . 1 Kearl oi America, uprivc. luairumce- 1 tai Klnktl. 35c ClreUnir AVavee. luatrumcntal. Kiukci. r 40c I uelle oi Saratoga. vaitz. r itrnujn. . (.--.. , . Moraine ZepbvrB. Maturka. KiiikcJ. 35c Fannle's Ouickstcp. OukksUv,). Klokcl. ,35c 3Iarkcl Pficc: Autumn Leavey. Revctlc Iusfrumcntai. KiskeL 33c . . i The Reapers. Instrumental., Kinkel. .'m: Merry Girls. '! Galop.' Kinkel. 0c Mollie Darling. Instrumental. Kisk!. 50c lLa ZIngarella. InjtrumcntaL Kinkel. o0c HaDov thooihUi'Scbot jotiucne: jvidkci. -joc uause uuDainc. jnsvcmeiufau jwdiu?. '"v k lr t 1 1 ill.. Maypole: ' March. Mueller. ?c Good tlamor, March. Allard. a- rleur des Champs, .Valac,; loncu. wc Publlsbed andficut, post paid on receipt Of pace, by i J. L. PETERS, 57J Broadway, N T. sept 27-tf J 4 S'T'i new Turbine ' H KHavlicen hjkI1 attYOItlC, PA'.'byrV rT- IX M. aTTTINllEU f. K. ' Jfsna mt UULLTOKh: MA Mhi.by I j Tf.,,, 3 AS. :MXRHGN,! HK i j r 1 I'orjpainpblet snd test rer-rt. 7st4res F SUIUw UAMrf Virk ilVi I O . r S I

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