- lay. February 3d. 1874. T. Fast and Present Democracy If any. honest man in North Carolina has any lingering doubt as to the fixed resolution of the Democrats to rule the State whatever mar be the . wishes of '. the people, he has only to contemplate the action of that party, in the General Assembly whercit has been dominant for four years. Never in so short a time has a Legislative body which was bound by Constitutional limitations so often attempted to break the barriers of fun damental law. Their history during these four years has been ritViu usur , pations, and in attempts to coerce the will of the sovereign people by devices '' borrowed from the pot house politician or the wire puller of a cross road nomi- . nating meeting. They have set them scives up as the monarchs f the State, and seem to forget that a day of reck- oning will ever come. By; that body, districts are made to tsuit the conven ience of the Democratic party only, and it is calmly settled at their caucuses who shall be put in nomination. The people have no rights which these usurpers feel bound to respect, and they pect to get another lease of power from ex Iheir masters by talking in the August lection about Civil Rights and (special tax bonds. , .. The latest instance of the. brazen au dacity of these violators of the Consti tution which! they have sworn to sup port, is the election bill which the Sen ate passed last Saturday. The power of the Governor to appoint for the un expired term, to all judicial vacancies, hjuroecn discussed for several years, and finally conceded. But little doubt was expressed about it by any one at all fa miliar . with the effect of plain words, until a Democratic caucus determines to doubt or deny it. The people, of this State ;havc not forgotten the rabid thirst of this name party, which in 1861 drove the State into an unnecessary and ruinous waf. The same fell spirit which, was bent on ruling the country or causing its de struction is as manifest now us then. The dangerous maxims, equally subver sive of order and government, now as then, are expressed by the same party; and unless the common j sense of the people come to their rescue and deliv ers them from from these- destroyers, the effects will be as lamentable as in 1865. , " j But the pcopleAof this State will not quietly sec their rights stricken down as they once have done, j The Demo crats must go before them with the bur "den of their sins committed during the last four years added, to those commit ted in 1861. That burden will be greater than they tan bear The shame ful abuses of power which have char acterized their Legislative! proceedings, the betrayal of- their trusts, and above all, their open war upon the Constitu titution which they have sworn to sup port, will hurl them finally and forever from that power which they now deem secure. The Fourth, Judicial District Again - By reference to our Legislative pro ceedings published yesterday, it will be . Men that a supplemental bill concern ing this Judicial District j has been in ' troduced in the Senate. This is to do away; with the absurdity of the present law, and to make the terms of Court ' i occur at different times in the different counties, composing the idistrict. As will Ite scenj the bill was" fathered by the individual who is stated to have the "strongest aspiration of getting upon the Bench; of all the Democrats in the Dis trict, and' doubtless will bc pushed through. Although the, ambition of the Duplin Senator is high, the Democratic lawyers, of this city and elsewhere in the district dc not so readily concede him the nominatiou as he supposes. But the task of securing the nomination of the opposition is an easy one compared to the difficulty of being elected under the law erecting the present district. The habeas corpus writ in the ca&e of Allen Paisley and another, which was sued outiefore Judge Watts in Raleigh, was decided adversely to the petitioner?-. These men had been, sentenced to the State's prison on a conviction for going masked.. They based their application on the ground that the amnesty act pardoned them. i s - - The Observer justly smiles at the In accuracy of the New Yorl? ' Herald, and that popujar'shect the IUct Gaxifc, in their accounts of the execution of Ba- ker; who wasjately hanged in Charlotte. GENERAL kSSEIIBIiY. I Condensed Irom the Raleigh News. i FORTY -S XXTif DATA'S FBOCXHDINGS. ' j SENATE. Saturday. JmyV 31. TheSenetemetat 11 o'clock, Lieut, Go vernor Brogden in the chair. Mr. McCabe presented the following protested asked that it bespread up- on the Journal : S t The undersiimed voted in the rtega- tive on this amendment for the follow- ing reasons : ine supreme ur. na j-i dTI ' A. t semblv rlias no oower to prescribe quali- ncations lor persons jnoiamg omce, t c .."'I ' i. . . .oe , ITT-. f"5Jiu",nJ"rLir putation against Governor Tod B. Cald- well, who has the aUDointiner power, in whose integrity we have full confidence. K5LBEY' A. m. JtLlAjJLBU, G.fH. Hill R. W. King, V i "Li, Love. j Euies Suspended, - I , On motron of MrJ Cunningham, the ruies were suspenuea, ana ine diii io amend i the act chartering the Wilson and Tar River Harrow Gauge Railroad, was taken up and! passed its several readings. r The bill to amend! chapter 07, section 'l eY Motf Uavien mraa tl iron 11 r unaer a suspension ot tne rules, on mo tion of I Mr. Nicholson, and passed its several reaoings. Th Kill r mUfiAn 4-r tha1 tyi oori ri rrj of the Directors of the Carolina Central Railway Company, ileealizinir and au- thorizing those heldi in New York city, was called up by Mr. Humphrey, ana passed its several readin&rs. i . T.j.,4;n.l,nJ -it l By Mi. Norwood, k memorial 16 Con- crress requestinc that! the JNational'Uur- rency act may be so amended as to make in fVirt Qfofn PMirfo ia wnl n in'thn United States Courtsi for a violation of the usury law of the State I in which they are located. j ; ' liy Mr. fsevmour, a bill tor the pre vention of cruelty to Janimals.: Sjxcial Order. certain officers, &c. came up as the special order at 1 o'clock. Mr. Humphrey called the previous question on the passage or the bill on its second reading. I Ihe amendments ot Mr. Or randy to strike out the clause Requiring the eicc- i : c i c. 'i i. t.. ,1 to strike eut the second section ol the bill, failed by veas 15, nays 21. ine Din men passed its sccona reaa ing by yeas 15, nays 124. On'motion of Mr. Price the rules were suspended and the bill passed.its third reaping by a' vote of $4 to 15. j j Unfinished Business "The consideration! of the bill; to amend the charter, of the North Caro lina Railroad resumed. Mr. Morehead, of Guilford, offered an amendmeut providing for the elec; ticn of a majority of the Directors by the private stockholders, which occa sioned qnitc a lengthy discussion be tween Messrs. Morehead. Humphrey, Yelch, Merrimon and Ellis of Colum bus. : J j. s , Mr. Cowles offerel an amendment providing for the consolidation of the Northwestern railroad with the pro posed consolidation scheme and one tenth of the proceeds f the sale of the bonds be applied to the completion of said road to the Blue! Ridge, which did not prevail. : Mr. Seymour called the : previous question, which being sustained, the i.!! ! i r i Din passca lis nnai reading HOUSIS OF REPRESENTATIVES, At 10:30 A. M., Mh Speaker Robin son called the House' to order. By Mr. Lindsay, a resolution in ire gard to adjournment Calendar. By Mr. McNeill, a bill to incorporate the town of Shoe Heel, Robeson coun ty. Referred. j ! ( ! By Mr. Mizell, a bill to charter the Jamesville and Washington Railroad Company. Referred. j t Unfinished Business. The bill to provide the manner for the collection of taxes in the several counties of the State! (Machinery bill) was taken up as the unfinished busi ness of yesterday. The consideration of the bill br sections was continued. The question reenrred upon the 10th section, which was read and; adopted; The ether sections of the bill were read, and after, being liberally amended and thorough. , debated Tere adopted, and the bill passed its 6econd reading, j By consent, the rules were j suspend ed, and the bill came up on its third reading... After the adoption and re jection of several amendments, on whichf the debate Was long and ex haustive, Mr: Stanford, Chairman of the Finance Committee, called the pre vious question, .whiqh the House or- aereu ana ine diu passea. j On motion of Mr Stanford, the bill to raise revenue was made the special order for Monday at Itl:15 a. m On motion of Mr. Brownof Meck lenburg, the resolution raising a joint committee to examine the calendars of the two Houses and report a day when the General Assembly can adjourn sine die, compatible with the interest of the State, (was taken up and adopted. On j motion of Mil Bryan; of Alle ghany, the bill to amend section 2, chapter 06, laws of If 69-70, was taken up and passed its several rcadinjgs. Adjourned. j . . j Mraj. Nancy Saun(crs, living in Car teret county, fell intb the tiro while in an epileptic fi, and was severely if not fatally burned. ; j , The f Senator from f Person1 county treats the reporters to annlM and iwa- nuts occasionally, and gets thanked in r, . '. . . .. iA . , x. -1 found land and water cheap. He set The bill in relation to, the election of . T the newspapers. j EDITORIAL BUDGET. The Legislature of $I&&clrasstts has rescinded the ! resolution jcensorlng Senator Sumner which was adopted in 1872. Mr. Story, editor of the Chicago TtTfiefy says that "the Episcopal Church ig Tcry. respectal?le church, q thaTchurclf who lias in ' ,. - i . Hw 5 i A mem money can generally go into society anywnere. J He eives that as a reason for his attach I f ' ! ment to tluit church. 'It is news to st peopUj however, that Mr. Story has an attachment for any particular I e t?:?L ' t ' iorm 01 religious worsnip The wife of Mr. J. B. McCruro, of Kalamazoo, jMich. recently gave birth to twins a or and curl. These twins are i od to be the smallest human Wncs ever seeri in 'the world. Their I: . r. . ... j t , weight is three nd a quarter pounds ; oneiweighing one and a half, and the other one and three quarter pounds M : i I - . W . Thev are perfectly formed, and areat ut amounts 1 ire and well. Rather a disagreeable situation for a Governor, was his of Iowa, who mail ed in advance of!, the meeting of the Legislature, to the! various newspapers Of that State, a copy of his message. The message' was set up in type, but the Legislature did not brjranizefor a much longer time thsin expected, and the I a i' tvP3 was wanted ? f the message was printed and before the public, before the Governor had sent it to the Legis if,irn S I ' I I ' -r- -r " 1 Z : ti Tr a . A 1 r- rr i- in xucnmoncii va., a laxoi vldv W io bc Paid before a person can em- pipy as a capital in traue. i ears ago, Abbott Lawrence wanted to buy I. . ? x - 9 t in orjder to establish a number of cotton factories. Ho wai asked about ten cents a gallon for f water, and the ten cents a spoonful for land, and so he went off to Massachusetts, where he tied at- IoTjell. STATE! ems; Much marrying is expected in Stiitcrt ville." V There arc,' 1,106 '.'miles of railway in this' State. 1 More than fifty pupils are in attend ance on the colored school in Rocking- nam. Four'cisterns, of 30,000 gallons capa city each, are among the improvements of Raleigh. V. ! ; ' ! j Fresh venison, bear meat, wild tur keys, partridges", and ducks, are found in the Raleigh market every day. ; James N. Uzzle, of Franklin county, raised twenty-one bales of cotton last year,! with one mule and three laborers, j An outrage is reported from Yadkin, in which the K. K. K. spirit shows at selfl J A U. S, Commissioner and three Deputy Marshals went into that county about ten days ago to try several parties whevwere charged with illicit distilling. One flight the premises of Mr Mackie, where the Commissioner was staving. were, invaded by abotif fifty men, who indulged in a promiscuous firing of guns and pistols. After cursing the revenue officers, abundantly, the raiders retired, promising to come f next night with a heavier force. At man named John Dickson was' severely whipped about the same time, as it was said he was about to give information against unf lawful distillation. I " ;NEW ADVERTISEMENTS;, ODD FELLOWS' j BAIL. mHEUE WILL BE A BALL OlVEX BY Care Fear & Orion Loflges, 1. 0. 0. F. At th?i Bank of New Hanover Hall, ITriday E veiling, Feb. G- ii ' : : ; i . ; I Tickets fl 50 and can be obtained only from the Committee i i MAJ. M. P. TAYLOR, -MARCUS BEAR, : JOHN HA Alt4 A. O. McGRTT, ' M. 1IARKIK, J. If. UUVLiKX, feb2--4 Committee. AN IIIDIAM JG ' CONCERNING THE FURTHER OPENING NETT STREETS. -: - , . 1 WHEREAS. It is the opinion of the Board of Alderman that the comfort and conveni ence of the citizens of the citizens . f. the and Brunswick and Harnett street to the river, lUMttiuKf- hie. iniAKii or alderxEN do okdain. That the Mayor jmmisc a survey of tbat portion of Front street lying between Hnover and Harnett streets, and on Brans wick and Harnett streets, between the riv er and Second street, to be made by the Cltyi Surveyor, and an estimate io be made of the cost of opening' the same, frnd that the City Surveyor report his estimates with a copy of said survey hi the Mayor, who is hereby di rected to open said streets, under the provt slousof the: Act of Ascinbly. ratified the 16th day of January.1856, authorizing the esi tabllshmeut of the streetsi in the town' of Wilmtnrton.", Provided, That if in the Judg ment of the Mayor the eoct of opening said street 6hall be such as will be oppressive to the owners of tots liable to assessment under, said act; he shall report to the Board of Al dermen for their action in the premises. ' ijAny ordinance or parts thereof conflicting with the above Is hereby repealed. ; The above ordinance was passedat a spe cial meeting of the Board of Aldermen held on Thursday, January 29th; USN. I v .. ! City Clerk. City of Wilmington wOnld toe much pro moted by opening and establishing Front street from Hanover to- Harnett steet NEW ADVKUTISE3IEiTS. -:o:- IHE MOS T EXTRAORDINARY ever offered in Wilmington can now bfe had at ' B. WEILL'S NEW STORE, Corner Front and Princess Streets. Especial attention is invited to our t Stock ot Winter Dress Goods r ' . . . . Which w c offer at retail, at less than I present New York wholesale j prices. The entire Stock, ' ' : ( the largest in theCity, j embracing every v article known to the DRY OOODS TRADE, will be sold, at prices which defy com pletion. RARE BARGAINS I may be had in Housekeeping Goods, . - Tabic and Family Linens, stc. HOSIERY, LADIES and GENTS' J , UNDERWEAR of superior quality. 1 I.OTIIIiV and SHOES, In great varictjr. The ladies and gentlemen are invited to give us a call. Cash wholesale buyers are solicited to examine our Stock, before purchasing. JUST RECEIVED. A ncv supply of ; r BLEACHED and i i, UNBLEACIIEI DOMESTICS, 1 : " ' ; with a general as.sortnieut ol. a p 1 o Gr o o d s B.WEILL. . A. WEILL, j , .Agent, j jan 27 tf 1 SJfldLMtM, QUJWT1TV OF Gents Underwear, OFFERED LOW A 8 M A 1 Ij till A N T I T OF CLOTHINGi A T W II O L At XtUKSON &V&?, ''. jan 30 T ' Cily tJlothiers. Oitv oF "Wilininstofi, ' MAYOR'S OFFICE, ' r January,-17tby 14. riU)IOSAL,S are solicited until February 3th, 1871, at 12 JI., for the paving of the side walks ou Nutt street, (between Mulberry and te n Urunswlck streets, with the best Ess Pricks. . . Tt CANADAY, Mayor. ijjftu 19 10 2td COUPONS J: Office Treasurer and Collector, Ci t v bi "Wilnxi ton , January 80th, 1874. THE FEBRUARY COUPONS OF BOND of ths City, will be paid , at the Bank of ,T. C- SEROOSS, :' Treasurer, jan 31 4t Vity Foil Tax, &c.t &c.j Office of Treasurer an4 Collector, CITY OF WILMINGTON, X. O. 9ou5ovVbe bet Xir ' ' ! ! Tfi i V:lhedti,BaltJmorc Pork jANUARY;3a:r874i - '5fJi5?iffpj? 8daf1 q NOTICE is hereby given thai all PEK- SONS owing either POLL, PERSONAL, PR'OFEfcSSIO.AL or INC05IE TAXES for 1S73, and remain unpaid on the 10th day, of February, proximo; will bVAbyEBTlSEI; and (TAXES COLLECTED ACCORDING TO LAW. T. c. aERVoiss, ; Treasurer and Collector. jan 21 tf Fresh Sugar Cored G II A M S, , A T' GEO. MYERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dissolution. ofCo-Fartiersliiii; -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 partnership heretofore existing between K. 31; Mcln tire and James Shoard, trading as dealers in Lry Goods, under the style or lirm of ' . ' . i ; . ITIcIiilirc & Slioarcl, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent; and that alt debts due to or , from the said nrm will be collected and discharged byJumcs Shoard, who will conduct the business in future, and whose receipt alone will' be ac cepted in due acquittauee ot all claims. K. M. MCIJSTIKK, JAMES SHOARD, 41 North Front bt. . Wilmington, N. C, January 21, 187J, l H AVIXG rURCHAKED THE EXTIKE interest tn the late firm of McINTIRE Jfc SHOARD, I respectfully solicit a continu- ' . s ance of the iavors so liberally bestowed 'ever since my introduction (in a business sense) to the good people of the Carolinas, assur ing them that nothing shall be wanting on my, part to xnerlt their entire confidence and support, . JAMES SHOARD, 3MtWU close out present gtodat a per- , ' i tl ....... i . . - -r cepilble reduction on market prices in order to procure , money and secur 3 for proaching spring; consignments i my ap- BOOTS-AND SHOES. TTTE HAVE ON HAND A FULL supply of Ladies and Misses cheap Cloth Bals. ' ' Ladie and Misses Sewed and Pecked Pebble and Smooth Kid Bals, at iKJNAJNS & VOXOLAHN'S. . r s : "is We resnectfullv call attention to our finef hand sewed" Calf Boots and Gait- gentlemen, at ..EVANS & VonGLAHN'S. j ' . Also, we call the attention of Boot and Shoe Makers to a large lot of fine FRENCH CALF SKINS, i ; Which we are sellincr at verv low prices. EVANS & VoxGLAHN. ' - ! 210tf an 21 Mcl ode 011s and Cliromo, For sa e at HEINSBEKGEK'S i "" 1 BLANK BOOKS, I 1 (' ' ' IPapei1 and. ( Envelopes, INKS PF ALL KINDS, DRAFT and NOTE BOOKS, For sale at " ' "I IIEINSBERGEK'S, Live Book andi Music Stone. jan 0 19(5 THE CELEBRATED (P h O U 11. AT (IKO. MYE11.S.. j jan 3 ! BACON:" CORN, HAY, &c, I K A boxes Smoked Sides, 75 boxes Dry Baited Hd 5;iKX) bushels Oom, 2,000 bushels Oats, 500 bales Select Eastern Haj . -200 acks"C6ffee;: ? ! 25 barrels Kefined Sugars, ,! ,;f 100 leases Schnapps, 500 barrels Flour, 18,000 sacks Salt, f j 1 i 180 Jihds. and jbbls. CubaiMolas- ses. ' ' ' 200 hhds. - and bbl. kjugar House ! jtlolasses, i h .-.'''' , 20Q barrels G. f. Syrup, .S 25 cases BrandyPeaqhes, 200 boxes Soap . j 1,000 bushels Meal, , 50 boxes Soda, ? ; 1 200 boxes Candles. ' ? 125 cases (quarts and pints) Pick j i les, &c, &c.j &c. , t'..,... Jf or sale oy . , jan 7 I F. W. KERC1INEK ra Mess Mackerel; XTKA FRESH SAI JLMON, i , K CODFISH, at , f GEORGE'S BANK jan 3 GEO. MYERS. jFair iaii i Week. URING; THE PRESENT WEEK ALL intend enjoying themselves, and to do so most efl'ectually you should he No. ,;I Uraiiile Iiowi South Front' street (Brock A Webbs old stand) in order to ob tain the best LiquorsL Cigars, linger Beer, aec y uiiuuN. & jtiAitu, i'roprietoi-3 i' Jim MiGABm & CO., Cornell &l Front' Streets, UNpER SEAMAN'S IIOME ! Dealers in Groceries, Liquors,; rrovis- i m siorts and produce. j y . O OLE PROPRIETORS rf the celebrated O brands of choice Family Flour. , n iTixiym for. Tir re makkt 4 TrvnnriMlTnl fimnnd Ooffee. 28 Ctttts a ana uiacs. xeaa in eausae and Bo- Oive tnem ja trial. W12 IIAVl LTfRECiciVED a nW lot Of Meiis' mid V itoys Calf, hand Beweo, liootg. j Mens' rJAlmoral Glen's best Kip Brogtvns, Mens' ICip Boot, Boys Kip, Boots, Children sf Roots, all s; 1 Ladles' fine Kid Fox Balmorals, ' Ladles cheap SergLace Gallers, Children's Shoes, of all kinds. J. Gents' and Ladies' Slippers. L' We restvectfully invite the nublic tA nali and examine oar Stock. We are determlnAd io sell good Boots and Hhoes at small profit. NEW A V V E KTiS EM EN ft $1,500,000, Ml . mi,' . . . - FOU tUB BENEFIT OR TUR 31st oj' Mui'clix Nex t t i . il - .1 . . . . . ' f iu wupiuic iiie tdi oi tickets rtd n,a t 12,000 Cash ailtc: ill be dislriburtd by lot awone the n, kef LIST OF GJFT3: One gram! cacjj gilt One raucj casti trift , One grand cash gift One grand cat h gilt.. . , . , . One Kfand cash gift lOcasbgilis 10,00Ueadi'l mm AOOO 100,(HX 150,000 W,0O(i icas gift 5 000 cacb 50 Vaeb ci ts u is l-.OUO each.., WX)tacb. . 400 ecb., UO each . . ; 200eacb... 100 each..., , 50 each..., bO cash gi . 100 cash ci . 150 cash gifts 250 cash gifts 825 icab gif s 11,000, bash gilts 40.000 . 4,000 f 50,000 650.000 Total 12.0CP gilts, all:. casb. " amauntiug t . . ;. . . ,$100 , lT The Concert aod dietrihutlon V poeitivelj and uequivpcaliy take Dlace'on the dav now lixed, whttber all. tbe tickfeu are eold or not; and the 12,000 gift paidftn proportion to .the numbvr of Uckita (did THICK Or" ii0nT8: I Whole tickets 50; Halves 25- Tni L m. ... $10,0C0. No discount on lees than $500 worth ot Tickets at a time'. ' Applicationslfor j agencies and orders lor ticket ehould jbe addressed to TU0S. E. BKAMLETTE. Agent Publ. Libr. Ky.. and Manager Gift Concert,' Publ. Libr. Build., l.oulsYillel Rx WOOHOOSEHOLD MAGAZINE. TIIE BKST DOLLAR JIONTULY i . J i!lJ ins for the jnagaznel now in us iiin yoi. wiui t liromo, THE YOSEMITE VALLEY, 14x'i0 INCHES, IN 17 OIL COLORS. Magazine, onel jear, with mounted Chronio !.. 2 t0 latjazinc, one jear, witn unmounted ! Chromo. ! 1 hO Magazine, alonej, I year 00 Examine our CI lbbin? and Premium Lltsts Two tirst clasii Periodicals for the price ot one. W solicit experienced CanvMstr anu oinci s 10 scnu at onco ior terms sua Specimen-Magazine. Address, y. K. S1IUTES, Publlhber, 11 Park Row, N, Y., or Newburgb, N. Y j.iu 1 fa SkOH 'per day! AgcntM wanted pu ij ?jj An chvib of worklBir Peo ple, of either fcx, young or old. , makf more raoney at world for us in their Kpare mo ments, or all the time, than nt anything else. Particular free. .'AddrcS 4Jg 8TI S 80N & CQ. Portland. Maine 200 l'IAN68 & ODOM!) New and Becond-lland, of Flrst-Class Mak ers, willbe sold at Lower Pricey for caati, lor on InRtaMmentsi IniCity or Country, dull nx this Kin arncial Crisis and the Holiday, br HORACE WATUb A-SON, 4l Rrondwoy, than ever before offered in New York.' Agents Wautcd to sell Waiers' Celebrated Pianos, Concerto and Orchestral Organ', illustrated catalogues maueu. creat in ducements, to the Trade. A large dlBcoan t to Ministers, Chiirches, Huhday-cJchooln, etc. BEST AND OLDEST FAMILY MEDICINE JL i vcr 1 11 vjjrora l or, A purely Vegetable Cathartio aodTcnle, ldr uy6pepsia, uonsupation,; . ueDiniy, fticx Headachev JJiliwus Attacka, and all derange ments of Liver, fctomach and Bowels, i Auk yont Drugrsist tcr lt.; Ucware of imitation. nnXTCFA WP EMPLOYMENT AT TIomL bUHijlniU Male and Female. a wok warranted. Nojcapltal required. Full par ticulars and n valuable fuample sent trrr. Address, with ict. retnrn stamp, A. lh YOUNG, 2Sh "th St , AVllllainsburgh, Nn YJ SOMETHING tliat will- pay you, ATITITIT rvr Ti ConsrcAial. honorable vu x casij avage,s;guaI:ateed r ' HA.LARI1 iS to eiperi enced I fl Tf M 0 I A KPLENDI DT O UTF IT A U JUII T EREE ! Write for It at onceto LAirANEl il VLL. Itil4 North Charles iareet, Baltimore, Ma. f to $100 1 n Wall at often leads to a for. tune. Nolrisk 3(pg pamphle stiimp. VALENTINE TUM BRIDGE A Bankerw and Brokers, SI . Wall-sf, T. Yi dcc2i-rw 6 -iKvriTrmANCY. OU'SOUL CIIAU4 I MiNU " How elthcrWx may fsncH nate and gala the love and a fleet Ions of nhortsn. inslantlv. ' Tills wimple mental acquirement all can possewrf, free, by maR, for twenty five cents ; together with a Marriage Guide,. Hints to IiOdles, Atfdreis T.5WIt Philadelphia. ureanw, nn sold, lislieff, Havana Oranges. M 11 S I N A LEMONS, AT jan 3 GEO. MYERS'. r UiVDERT AKER , " r i- H F. 1 1 M I ) EI If i N K I . recca tlvof t uc nrm ItirTTnll InfhoOrlrl fTc-Tlwa ItnihJiDZ WpCiF rtrjiiircu iuuubii niuuavi TODERTAKW MAKEK WORK. " v f-.n; .imi iiiJantiiiiuin( fntiprals lurn Ished at short notice and sallsfadion fO- anteed ifiall kinds of Cabinet wors., Jan 17 .. ' a7 odim "li i)Q QQQ CO. TRACT fclliNOLE, arri red.' i Also a new lot of Oak and Flnf Wood, at my Wood, Coal and Lumber Yr Corner Front and Mulberry streets. ' I. i t l for $500 ; 21 1 Tickets for 1,000 ; m WhSt Tickets for $5,000: 227 Whole rieki. VS. jor AtiL, either; Hex, young or old; can to done during leisure time af your hornet, br PAYS IMMENSELY to travel. LAIUJE Egyptian oracle - Aoueerbeok. jooj L: 3 ,)HW-iiO AW. Jan. 3 dec 2-tf. I J. A. srRlXGKR. jan 7 JSVATitt VOWULAUN. 3t

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