I.-. I . - 7 I 5 . f i r 1 4 iv-j"j:.; '.:;-r-;: 'V:'"'' ' '' ' -fV- ' ' . : ' ' . i I - . - ' v V "';; : I ' Post. iy, February A Striking Difference. Hlankind are cbhsfi fated to confide in ichotiier; and that trust is often re oosed in men vho deserve it by nothing . . -i . except eflrontcrT.-Knaywuiicaa rn nrn mnro or lrss im nosed- W . - r ranee - . . upon by others,- and often a f second -time by the' same person . Cut what can be thought rf anian or set of men who repeatedly rest their dearest inter- ' est in the management oflothers, who commit a breach if not u i 'betrayal ot the confidence? And irjiat impudence can be srityimcr than Ihat oXman who always bungles or betrays, io again demand the confidence which he al ways violates? ; Designing and corrupt men have re ceived the support of. both political par ties in this country, The 'method of dealing with them which i obtains in each narty. is remarkable. .Vhen a Democrat has violateed in the office which has been iconfided tohira, the duties and -decencies 'pertaining to it,' he receives but little if any reprobation in his party j Look at thc Tammany; thieves who robbed the city of New York, and it will; be; 'observed that it took a political f evolutiojn to break their leach like adhesion to power and plun der. The history of oflicial corruption in our own State since the war shows . that all "the Democrats who were in the ring to profit by the iyue of railroad bonds are as high in the office and af fections of their party jas Before, and some of them' higher, while the men who for the saks of lot called thfin : selves Republicans, ancl were'engaged fl from I the PATty to which the. ,verc tempos rilyatached. . i . In the debate last Saturday in tne lower House of Congress, ir. ivcuy 1 Tlr. Vrn n trim forward 111 SUD I UiUULUW JWll .1 I nort of cTuansion. Now the scnooi- Mr. uranay oacfeu u -port 01 cxpaiwum. j. w jinnt, voters mav register on bova who arc even less miormeu man the one Macaiilay, so j often, refers to, r i 11-. tVanI-lin liVnd snccie I hoarding it. Honest old Ben would be !?!5!L ttlnit fa so aif- liiV LvU J tj lerent from his rather obstinate opin ions that the old gentleman would be glad to get back to his resting place His notions were eminently adapted to the condition of tho country as it was in his time, on rather to the acquisition of property by individuals. "Tio is Caught ? The sapient and mellow-voiced Sen ator from Johnston county, Mr. Ayera, int. inon doinc 'something smart tvmcn woum aWU - .v the Democratic party, ana immoruu w himself, introduced a resolution in the ' Senate on Saturday last calling upon Governor Caldwell for an itemized Governor v,aiu L t7: urr in c '-u" X :r;:i iP i h. - javor 01 me ."ry4Y'"v , V,:. . ;T was belicyea by. tne ir - larger amount naa uTO uf,,,i f ifc JSitbl! -wou u TiiV;r...; well s aammisirauuu;;uiiu .-u u .v ,owl i hp nnd' Joe Turner could raiso over it! Well, the dcad-fal was set and duly baited ; in a little while, down she fell! and the trapper goes to getthc game, ne nna?, i? jus iuiicmm and amazement, that in 180$, Governor Wortn, Jjemocrai, issueu anauiu six thousand dollars beingtme thousand rranis ior thousand bv law to more than he was authorized bylaw to 1870 Gov. llolucnissuea warrant- w tiic the same ofiicer t,o the same omcer to the amount of $14,050 being o0 00 Ajt than thc.Wn Mr. iVvcra nronoses- to maic, a big stew out of the game he caught, to Avhich all of his Democratic. friench will bo m- ?.UwhinJn1 propnciy oi luijniiiws twuwcii.ior . siuuuwuuvo, allowing jG2TOVrDRAs-iaI irom tne Uu .w.b.ii6 e 1 . propnated $o,000 per (year for geolog- , icaf purposes, and was the same during an tne years aDovc nameu. jjuuj x-.c- aHinfr. V. .t. . v ine elections iu..jcuguum buuh - creat gain for the Conservatives Green- wieh retnnm Oladstono and Boord. the . latter, a Conservative; The appeal -of 'A ine late ministry 10 ine country cuuu-a that the country docs not want them. . payment,.. HU f.nancK, Po hey con- l-SSti .hted in ujaxhns ulnch aught the ar Pr $ & m Sejr nf L'cttincr money hard money ana , 1T1ml to niliourn. noon which iSSEUBLYj V ifCondensed iroxn tjii Bales News.) - t f, t t,- ; .-. ;.t- 4 i ' I roBTT-xiaixTH at8 rB0C3nw ki j senate. , f ; Tuesday, Feb. 3. I The Senate met 'it 11 o'clock Li$t. Governor in the chair. Menage Rettvcta . ;i t transmitUng an iteniised trArrants issued bylnim lor ineuse ixn. nwt ! IntrodttCtian of Bill. By Mr. Seymour, a Dili in 1 . i . criminals. Referred. f ' . e- nr ;l . 1 At 12 'clock thd bill to a(yn 1 - . . xi State debt was resumed as tne special order. , - ThemoUonoflamtorecon. .wb TntA hv which the amendment ofMr. Cowles to suDmw me quu the people, alter a general discnssion, prevailed Dj a tows pi aye The yote then recurring on Mr. rtwiM' m pn r1mntL the yeas ancrnays were ! called, and the amendment was adopted by a vote ox ayes uajo Sir. Worth offeied an amendment v;Art, thttwo thirds of the amounts held by bondholders be presented be fore any pan is paia. awf' , . ' t Mr. Morehead, Guilford, moved ta indefinitely postpone. V M 1 v j (Mr. Dunham called the previous; qhesUon, vbich, being 'sustained,' the te recurred on ine amcuumw v '1 M. which was offered as a substitute! and providing thatjthe Governor : turn oVer to the creditors of the State property; franchise of the State, Ac foe substitute failed. " J I The yote Iwas then taken on ine i( oim , Ut"" o-1iif ftc- ojpd reading by a tote of yeas 20, to Mil as amenueu, 1'" 1 In motion of Mf. Worth; the third reading of the bill was made the special order for Thursday bext at 12 o'clock. The second special order was taken up at 1 ofclock, being the general elec tion bill, which passed the Hous sev eral days ago, and reported in full by onr Reporter in that body. , ' Tne committee suoumwu au. , "by mail or othrw&e," ? vvliipn was adopted. Mr. Grandy moved to postpone the further consideration till Thursday at 11 o'clock, and the bill) be printed with amendments! offered L .by Mcssre. Warinjr and Ellis, 6f Columbus. Fail- A A : . : Mr , ijwjn - rj; to nrove bv some reliable witness, that he is entitled by the law, &c.. to vote. - and navslwere called, and the t . was hdopted by a strict; nortw rntp I ii I ! LclXbl I . F-'TI! : 1 tne aav 01 cicluuu, ,1 iiv fT-Knnosofleredanamendmentpro-i tUnf onv nlrirtor mav -vote at any moti0n the ayes and nays were called Mr. Hyman gave not.-e of an amend- m on f The call of the previous question was sustainea ana iue um iusocv ' reading. Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. At 10:30 o'clock Mr. Speaker Robin son called the House to order. By Mr. Blythe a bill to allow uoumy Commissioners to bontract jfbr the con struction of turnpikes. iteierrea SrSJS inr of the istltuUon for theiDcaf and Dumb and Institution f I "RUnrl. "Referred. -r, Normeni. a bill to'amend the aci amendatory df the tiharter of the tQWn of Lumberton. 3eferrcd 1 A' message wai received from the Benate transmitting Ike House reaolu; tinn to raise a Joint Select committee, tTeamine the Calendar .andieport at what day the utnerai AssemDiy can au- A nmpndwi as to adiourn sine "Vr - w dcbate, the con.idera , question of i concurrence "'By Mn Houstol a bill 4 ?! oc- UnnO. chanter 6. Battled ltcvisarr - t . ;. , ; UnfiAwhed Business. biU eiti ail act t raise rev- Qn ita thirdj reading ! was taken a's the unfinished business of yes- I terday. 11 -v. In tion jg, schedule B,J which pro- for ft liccnie tox .f 35 per alT u tobacco Warehouses; Mr. Whec- i j " q.- luL . moTcd to strike out 44 Mo " and in rt 44 $20." v' i i I f Mr. Settle urged the adoption of the 1 . t. r 1 pr0Tision to the effect; that any to-j archouseinan who shall charge! to account of siles ot any patron orj nnv ifnm r nm nnmre. tence or color of ! State taxes, he shall be Uable to a tat of one.pcr cent on gross amount of jcomm ssionsj on ! subject to coemptions oi tue saia chapter. The proviso was accepted by tho-cha a large numoer, lcngthy debates tl fts tJhird7eadin i 27. Mr. Gorman resolution i scgjons L 1 I The committee ori i Pensions have referred the claims of bev varans )f GENERAL g by a vote of yeas L?l9 11 S!,1!?! S and TAXES COLLECTJiD lr3cblDINp Cbildiena-Boota, in rfrtnt t! lvmr nitrrtt I !hr1itti-Richmond. without I ' - - - T d BERVOSS. ft Ladies' cheap- 1j i. V1 1 iucAiu iu ru,M""3 w vw..vw for examination. ; KDITOHTATi : BUDGET, r send any thiic fort iibi 5a t the 0: , f j f n ; i i -'j f L, n tenmaVrfre$i2g t!.. t it J af THl : - L 1 '- -:o:-i 7 - 1 Extrarag ;k does not 7-1 piece of lace; fine as. film as costly, as diamonds, was offered for sale lately in at the enormous price. The wives of . . . . , V,, t. ereat banicersassea-iry-wii:v side An 2fie$n MytTheard of it & altfr tfforint. ThU . - was a year MfcW 1 ?!: esUte of the htisband of this American UHv naiiri intn thA hsnna OI irusicta, i - - , ;, ana Bome sayings uauja, oi ine ?pctx; amuinaBsuiuw-" .fe; fcjcjiilf 1 A V NEWfll)VERTISEEIISNTS. U Per nniin. Patent Jeiicines,t;Cli6iicals1 gperf umery Toilet , Boap - i n b ,Etn;;3,iSp Barbers Comb f dr., 4. ' ; 1 Which will bo fgASfiW: P CASH. Ag't, i - - Paiwcpss STREET, , ' ..m Opposite Jonroal Office. rich; AND BACT. , mT .VAtD "VTOW IS THE ,T1M5 iUBj.u YAXENTINE8, From the LARGEST 1 VARIETY of Comic and Sentimental VALENTINES .ever brought tq tbis city - At HEINSBEUUli,ll LI ye Book and Juslc Store. Feb'y 5 fc. FISHBLA TE; SupH.) nDV annuo Attn PIfiTniHft S r AT Wholesale Ac JRiitail. K IJ) GLOVES, : warranted not to rip or tear, for loiv 2 Buttoned at........,r...,. - ?1 25 iFreucb. yoyeCk)rsets....A.f.v..,:,.. , :a FULL LINE QF GOODS,1 JUST 11 U- CU,vhjsd, ror, RET A I LI N AT! ITIGGS i WlllUU.UClt UUliipilllUU. L JL. ; A -r ' m -mr A . .j T ' - ' -- -.- Stand of G. R. French & Cp.) , ; (Old feb 5-1 f Pieimont Air-Line -. Railway. 1 in'm ilugMaaa- w t U-k, Richmond and Danville, Richmond ami Danville R. W.. N. Division, and North Western C IV W ( -o Condensed Time Table. q In effect on aafW Thursday, Jan. I ; . lst 1574-: - V. GOING NUKTH. Leave Charlotte T OO p. m 8 35 a.m. ' Air Line J'ntfn! 7.15 " 8 50 "f i Salisbury..:... 10.09 " 10.47 v GreenfeborcK... 2,151.. ML 1.15 P. U. Danville ;5.f " 3,27 p.m. ! Borkville...iV. IL40 " 8.0 " , Arrive Rt Kictmond.- 2.S2 Pi M 11 02 r. m. i GOING aOUTII. ! ' ATATlOKS. ' MALI JEXTJUCBS Leave Richmond.'? U i.4Sxl f '5.03 a. m. Burkvllle. 1.58 " I 8.28 DanvllU...w. U?1p. u. Grrensboro.... 1.16 A. Mi 4 Off " Solisburj...... 3.56 Air Line J'nct'n 6.23 . 8 51 Arrive at Ohartotte... 6.50a. m i 0 00 . T r j QQlNa EAST, j ; 8TAT10e.- -MAIL, ji Leave Greenaboro ... 2 CO a. it ..... . Co. Shop.... 3.65 "i " Kalehrh.i... 830 j ..... Arrive at Goidsboro. ll.jQ a. M T;"";r4ooiMja.;jyjcwl.: . u ' : 1 - ' ' ; 1 i '.' BTATIOHV. j I i MA1UU.1 : Leave Goldsboro. . . . 3.00 pm ..r... Ralehrh.. if I ).. 6L40' i L. ...... " Co. Shope 10C5 "j1 Arrive aj, Greensboro 14.80 a.m - KTnrf h WflstflTOr N. ? Oi R J (Salei BrccilV Jn 4 40PM U.aterf;.;::-:U:::7Vt ?M -i . .1 i nnA r ArrWeat Greensrboro,..v...j.J..10:00 A M p 1 J ? J ; r V 'V . ' h f ' w p U ern D0OTd tiiU; maktog the qalfkt time I to all Korthero cities. 4 Pricw bf prickets 8. E. ALLEN, . , jgUln w and Gen 1 Spaeriatenaant. al 232 il.. -. I a rnolihtir AcMimmruUlifti I VKi,oiT nwiTlTrifT -wi' I be ADVERTISED. I , Meus'lip Boots, r, M. IU1UMI A wmmv - r ; T T . ' II - I 4 ir X U-F L jjRQ-IJXtS s - ; . , - naf ai I ; - n wdiitjo xirw QTnDf , - t tHrsy rf ' VHf: , ' . Corner ntBd Miiceb' Streets. . LV tl O' L ''l'l AWwl kttenUon is invited to our i c H Stock of TTTi T.noo 3An1o yy XULOI : JL1 ODD UUUUD Which wdj oiFcr at retail, at less than present New, i ork wholesale , i prides. The entire StoCk if,j tile largest in incuuy, . embracing every article known ' , -j to ?t.he DRY ;OOI)S TRADE, will be so d at prices which defy com .':, .,. pletieii,,,- , -' maybe had in j .Housekeeping; Good, t - Tat,!e and Family linens, 3tc. LADIES and GENTS' jundeuwear; Ji su?ierior quality; ii Him ' dLOTllINJ anil SHOES.: .. . ; In great variety. The tadif stand gentlemen arc invited to; give us a call. Cash wholesale buyers arc solicited to examine our bLock belore purchasing. JUST RECEIVED. j A new supply of . ! I 1 . 1 ! BLEACHED and i UNBLEACHED DOMESTICS r with ji ireneral assortment of Staple Go o d h . A . WEILL. ' J jan 27-tf Agent. ftffino nf nnmrniccifliiPQ UIlluu Ul uuiiiiniUDiuuuiuj NEW HANOVEK COUNTY, Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 41874, PROPOSALS. iEALED ntOPOSALS will be receivedut office of the Register f Dekds of this county i -! 1 t until Tuesday, February 2Ilh, 1S7I, at noon, for taking the caife o durslng, feeding Clothing.iurnishing medical aid, fuel, medi cines, burial of thefdead and clointall other things necewary for the care of the Indigent sick of Kew Hanoverteouaty, one yar from 3 "'4 hifafchlst, 1S71. The bids, in fact, to leave nothing for the r 'I.K-.-----.- county, authorities to furnish; ..everything to be furnished by .the contjmctor. Those making proposa's wiU s'ato the .1 i 1 , j , . i ..-. pfice per diem, for each patient, to bead initted only by order of this Hoard. Toy ! 1 -.1 . . ;. SlLvS N. M AR1 IX. Chairman, ftrb 4 tit 2ta,w2w I oifefiflrefinrer and Collector, f' Oitlbl' Wilmiiiton, I . . yii::- JanoaMy. SOtii, im. . fjMIE FBUU-RY COUPONS i)F LONDa HaSo&rTiU bC Pail at W.i t; G.r SEROOSS, jan 31 4t i Treasurer. 3il v Poll Tax, fcc.y &c Offlce of TreasDikaiii Collector, CITY OF WILMLNGTON, X. C, y I 1017. j " ! j , ; . " i : ! NOTICE is hereby, given that all PER- BON8 owing either, POLL, PERSONAL, PROFESSIONAL or INCOME TAXES foe JS73, and remaia unpaid on the 10th dajr of -n 1 o n a M s. a t ' I X7 Jan 3 GEO. MYERS. NEW ADVERTISCIIENTS S BALE, r WILL EH BAXiL OIVKN JJY Cane Eear & Oripi lJies, I.jO; 0. F. New Hanover Hall, 1 I ' I . ' !- . livening, , j: t? u. Tickets si so from the Comi and cau bo obtained only CommiLtee 5 AJ. M. P. TAYLOIl, ABCU8 BEAR, ; l iUhi aOHN nAAii' Al. O. ICGKIT, fl h 1 feB 2 Committee. Kl 11, JUST jRECElVED. ! : Adapted in Price to Suit EveryboUy's SQJt,&C0,S., feb4 Cit Clothiers. i k ' Extra Hess ; Mackerel, E XTEA.":, rRESH SALMON, GEOHGE'3 BAKU CODFISH, tit OEailYElW. janS BOOTS AND SHOES. WE HAVE ON HAND A FULL . . supply of Ladies aiid3lisses cheap Cloth Bals. Ladies andllisses Sewed and Pejrsed Pebble and Smooth Kid Bals. at ! ENANS & VonGLAHN'S. I : , I'.., I .1 We respectfully call attention to our fine, hand seived Galf Boots and uait- ers: also, hand sewed Tie Shoes, for gentlemen, at EVANS & VoGLAHN'S. AldO, 11 Li a!.L 1 T t we can tne aiieniion m iwut and Shoe Makers? to a large lpt of fiue FRENCH CALF SKINS, i t ; Which we are seliiug at? very low prices. ! .EVANS & VoGLAHN. an 21 j 210-tf PIANOS ORGANS, " . ; 1 ' " !' ! Melortcons and Cliromos, ' : For alc at j . ' ! , j , HEINSBERGER'S HLAN a. books. INKS OF ALL KINDS, I DRAFT For" sale at knd NOTE!1K)0KS, HE INSBERGER'S, Live Boo c and Music Store. jau i1 1 . j- ... f-:. ii I 1UO THE CELEBRATED E 31 Jan 3 i n e F Ii O JLf It. AT iEO. MYERS. 1 BAPPfiO,,HAI,; &c, K f boxes Smoked Sides, V V 75 boxes Dry Salted Sides,. -5,000 bushels Corn, ' 2,000 bushels Oats, 500 bales Select Eastern Hay, 200 sacks Coffee, . i 25 barrels Etenned Sugars, 100 cases Schnapps, ..j50a barrels Flour, . JtP v' 18,000 sacks; Salt, ' Ii " 180 hhds. aiid bbls, Cuba Mola- ses; 200 hhds. and bbl,. Sugar House I MOlasses,. ! 200 barrels G. F. Syrup, 225 cases Brahdy Reaches. 200 boxes Sdap , 1 1,000 bushels Meal, U 1 00 boxes Soda, 1 200 boxes Candles, 1$5 cases (quarts and pints) l'ick- "i- l les, &c, j&c, &c. ? For sale by ' , ' ' : . rr V W KV.nr.UXVAl. J1 i " T ' I tr'-ii-ni Wob FniT Wfiek L CV1A W V t ; - DURING THE PRESENT. WKliK ALL intend enjoying themselves.! and to do so most eiTectuailyjyou should visit the :-i-W ;jMOZAlT SALO(J)Isl !t No,.; l5 6rani'e Row, South1 Frontf Street CBrocte Webb'a old stand) in order to ob tain the best Liquors, Cigars, Lager JJeer, Ales, Oystej-s, &C..&C, inteciy; tlec tf 1 GEltKEN & HARltJ Proprietors. J..H! Corner McGARITY & Dock i & Front CO.. Streets UNDER SEAMAN'S 1I0IE, dealers inT Groceries, Liquork Provis ions ahd Produce. oi,KlPBPRIETORS of the celebrated O -brands of choice Family Flour. lIiII:E OI THE IMLA-REX (S tlaEEIj 2STO ir-TJRjX'IiEK. Try our Mixed Ground Goffee,28 ce nts a pouiid.1 Tiiebest Green and HlacfcTeasin the city. Baltimore Pork bausage and Bo io?nft. bv exmess daily. Give teem a trial. .jan l5r- : n WE HAyu a line loto T USE RECEIVED a line lot. 01 Mens' and ti Boys Cajf. hand sewed, Bxts p Erogaus, Mcnsicalmorals,Men's best K , Boys Kip, Bopt", all sizes. Fox Balmoral. S?crge Lace Gaiters, bf all kinds. Wa irmcffnllv invite the nubile t-o call and examina oar tock.i We are determined io sell good Boots and Bhoes at small pront. jan 1 ; jsvvjn & vo2iujuA.ui. PELI0T7 J aFTTN 1 R U . 1. 1 new Ai)VEraisi:5ii:NT4 1,500,000, Fourth raiid Gift Conctrt fob tus beujcfit of tub PUBLIC LIBRARY of KEHTUCKI JiKAwlxO DEFER KEI) TILL to n rnmnlefe tue aalu oftickffa r - - - - v .u u in n vm FULIi DRAWING .11 will be di&tribnrrd by fot among the ilvt UUIUCIB. I LIST OF GIFTS: Oue grand casn gut tMcoo One j;raud casli cift.. 100,ouy ODe grand cash gilt., . ' .; .... ... Um; grand casu cm. ..... . n son 10 cash giUs 10,000 each....... unam 50 cash, gi ft ,5 000 each ....... UU unri' 50 caeU gilts bO C$1311 gifts 100 ca gliUs ' 150 cash gifts 250 cash girta 325 cash gifts 11,000 cash gip 5O0wch. ..... 40,000 400 each. ...... 40.CXX, 200 each....... so mil JOOeach....... 3&00 wcacli. ...... 6fi000 Total, ail cash. I araouotiug to4 . . : .i . . .-. ...... ,.LftO),(t)i jpgr" The Ooucertlttud dt6tiihutiou.jwU positively and ucquivocaliy ' tako ilac on the day now flicd, whtthtr all tb ticket are sold or not; and the 12,000 gllt paid n proportion to the rmmuer or Uck t io'd PRICE iij.&T&: Whole tkkpts $W Halvea $D; Teilth, or each Coupdh, $;. Eleven Whole TlrleV for 500 ; 3S Hickcta for I,000 ; 113 Tickets for $5,000; 237 Whole Ticket ,(or $10,0C0. No jdiscount on less than 500 worth ol Tickets at a time. ' ', ,', Applications for egeneles and orders loT tickeis should be addrreied !o i T1IOS. E. BKAMLETTK, Agent Publ. Libr. Ky.. and .Manager Glfl Concert, FubL Libr. Build., t oalsvillejKy. iaul I r t wood's householb4i agazibe; THE BEST DOLLAR MONTHLY ! r I JLf rVf slS aiiay madfbo cantaKn- Jpcl W J1-iiig for the" mafcaioel now In its 14th vol. with Chroiho. j ' THE YOSpiITE VALLEY, 14x20 INCHES, IN 17 OIL COLOKd., Magazine, ch( year, -with mcunttd Chromo l. I . . . .. . K W) Magazine, oue year, with Uftmqutited I . Chroino.Z L..... 1 SO Maazine,,alone, 1 year 4-'. H 03 ISxamineur Clubbing and rremium LlUtt Two lirst class Periodicals for the price ot oncJ Wtt iollcitweerience'd CanTMer and others to eend atvoncefor termt and DDUUiUitU juaaMuc, "uunw, " s. k. ailUTKaPubllsber. 41 Park Bow. N. x. orrcw burgh, N. Y. ZiK in ion 'I'ff day! Agents waatw:-;' l0 All classes of working; peo- pie, of either scX, young or ow, inaxe more money at work lor us In their wparol 1110-; ments, or all the time, than at oiiythlux else. Particulars free. Addrosa O, WTIN-, WON & CQyl'ortianu, lajue ..- j JCew aiHVecqnd-IIandi of First-Class lak ers, wlli be sold at Lower Prices, forcash, or on installments, in City or Country, durin thiKFiortnciai Crisis and tho Ilolldayn, by iroRACK WATEIW & bON. 1 Uroadway, than ever before ottered m ' Hvw York, Agents Wanted toell Watera'i Celebrated KPianos, Concerto aud Orchestral Orrans, Illustrated , utaloirut- mailed. Urea t lu- ducements to the Tradr. A large icoun 1 , yhurches; Kunday-tJcbcoW, etc.. to Ministers BEST AND OLDEST f A MILT 31 EDICIJf H a purely Vegetable Cathartic and Tonic, lor Dyspepsia, Constipation, Pebllliy; rs t j,,.fi.w., o nniaiiM At.tnr-lcM. and all dcranrc- ments of Liver, Stomach aud Bowcla. I Ak your Djuggist lor it. lieware of lmttUoD. fl 0 VFCOi A 1T01 KMPLOyMENT , AT ' Home, b U W h i A It 1 Male and Female.' ? a , Wetk warranted. JN"o capital, required. ticulars and I a valaablo sample antirff. Address, with ct. retnru stamp, A. ..H. YOUNG, 2-J.), Hh St , Wlillamsbdrch, XI Y. HOMfrriUNtl that will pay you. OUTFIT 'I'H no Congenial, honorable 1 V ' 1 U DU. KMrLOV,M knt LA 11(312 FREE CASH- WAGING UAKAKTKE1) f f1 ' ior AoL, either sex, younger old; can u done during leisure time utyour uwtf-'? l' VY.S JMMKNfHLV to - travel. 'I v SAJVHIKS to experienced lift T II W 8 A SPLENDID OUTFIT & fi H J 0; p.rmki Write fnr it at once. t6IAKAjlJi. HALL, WA North Charles Street, lialtlinore, Md, i to i n Wall t oaen leads to ( ti3 11 t.min. jvo risit. .u-naKC nanJiMiiik tamp. VALENTINJlrXUMfllUDGEAtv dec 21 Ixv ' 1 )S YCHOMANC W" OR SOUL Cll AK nate and gaia the love and affection, al ' nth?vohoose. Instantly. ThiUnpl t- r. 14 .... Marriage Hints to J Address 'frVlLLlAii "CO ' 1-abltthem Philadelphia Havana, Oranges;; M ESI :."a L E M O N 8, ATj GEO. MYIW ' jan 3 DERTArfER AND Cab e t rnftb i. of :Yoip ft Vfooiviniha CP0 thr tabllshmeat Jon Third street, oVVh(1t m T r T". . 1 Clty.llail, in ineuuu rcuowp uui. -, . be is prepared to do all nds pi .... , UNDERTAKER'S1 AND. CAB jfAKKR WORK, Y ; Corti ns and attendance aV jjn isneu ai snori, uoiiihj u .v -ir I an teeu man kiuus nds of Cabinet wora.-j, jan 17- fV CONTRACT SllLNOIt arrived. Aisoa new jov, o vu. . . ... . . -.i i - .A T.ntnber -v oou, ai my v oou, vi Comer Front and Mulberry streets. dec2-tf. j. A.Xrwur 7: - ; I 1 i mental acquireineui. u jwi rr.vi mail, for twenty five cents; toMtherUj v. Mi h .1

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