. : . ;- ...;!--' - t..'.!: . ... .. . : : 1 . i 1 ; . i MISCELLANEOUS. D. 1 SMITH fi CO.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL F U It IS I T U 11 E . --.- : SffrT :. i-vUK WARBROOSM AT ALL TIMES contain an unrivalled assortment of Fur niture of every description of all style3and PRICES, combining the rich and olesant. The medium rrtcc. suitable for country dealers. We invite the wltcntiou of tho public our stock, r.nd can ofler WELL MADE RELIABLE ASD SUBSTANTIA.!-, FURNITURE, at tnc lowest prices. We also manufacture and have constantly on hand all kinds of Mattresses. Bedding, Window Shades, Sash, B'mds and Doors. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS all grades and newest paterns. . Salesrooms: North Front between Prin cessand Chestnut sts.f Wilmlngtoa, Is. C. octl 115 tf TO TUB PITBLIC. READ AND PROFIT THEREBY. THE DEW DROP SALOON' DESIRING to met the exigencies of the times to make the people happy, and to do business. In spite or our troubles with Spain, will adopt, till further notice, the fol lowing price list, to-wit : Plain drinks 10 cents Cocktails, Toddies ana otthtr mixed drinks. ..-.lb cents, or 2 for 25 cents Cognac Brandy 15 cents Ordinary Hot drinks.. . 15 cents Hoda and Whiskey... cents Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch -25 cents Hot Tom and Jerry -25 cents Best French Brandy- 2o cents CHOICE NEW RIVER OYSTERS served at all hours. - BUSINESS! Drinks and refreshments must be paid for on delivery. We have no use t r customers without money. . Once f r all, we will xot give crkdat to asy osx, no matter what his standing may be. Thankful for past fa vors we hope by square dealing io merit a contluance of the same. Respeotfully, THE DEW DROP SALOON, Blue Front, No. 6 South Front t. 158 lm nov 19 PIAIVOS OUGiiXS, Mclodcons and Chromos, For sale aS .HEINSBERGER'S BLANK BOOKS, Paper and. Envelopes, INKS OF ALL KINDS, DRAFT and NOTE, BOOKS, For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, Live Book and Music Store. - jan 5 196 GO TO EVANS & YOHGLAHN To buy Children's Shoes at 25 cents and upwards. GO TO EVANS & VONGLAHN To buy Misses' Shoes? at 61 and upwards. GO TO EVNS & VONGLAHN To buy Ladies' Shoes at 1 and upwards. GO TO VANS & VONGLAHN To buy Men's Shoes at 61 and upwards. GO TO EVANS & VONGLAHN To tind a &Dod assortment of Shoes and Boots. nov 29 1C7 ; TICK TICK! .TICK! JODiV il. AI-IiE, Jr., WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER, No. 11 NORTH FRONT STREET, Wilmington, 1ST. O. l I T. u.-rrlr ilnnp in n. M-'ortriiinii 1 ikft niflll- A. ner. With an experience of 20 years at r- . . . : r, .il , lue DeuGu, lie guaramees vo give ant.iactiuu .- Kiilt. ihfl tlnirN fiivo him a trial! He has on hnnda very ltneasKrtniPnt . . ... . -r r t " r TX rT t 4 1TJ or WAii ubi ami jhwciiiii. i w.ao, nov 15 li-3m E have demonstrated that an Evening paper is a necessity in the city nf Wilnnn ctnn- and our frowincr cirCU- o J rj- lation is the be3t proof wo can oner of . . . . the truth ot tne statement. Our Weekly circulation is increasing every week, even during the ;nara timei." Only one dollar a year in advance. THE WEEKIiV POST i Is published eTcry Friday morning, at the astonishingly low price of ONE DOLLAR PEi; ANNUM. THE EVENING POST Is the only Republican Daily, except one, in the fctatc. A ucnl newt and commercial pa ler, the Post is the equal of any in the onUia tdl if the latest intelligence. r ----- ' - t f STEAB1SD1HPS. ( LORILLARD'S STKASISfflP LIN K WOll TICW YORIt SAILING TUESDAY8 AND FRIDAYS FROM NEW YORK, AND YVEDNES DAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM WILMINGTON. THROUGH CONNECTIONS WIT ALL RAILROADS LEADING OUT OF WILMINGTON j ! , - : i ' No passengers taken.. For, Freignt apply a BARRY 'BROTHERS, Agents ' BALTIMORE ASD WttBlBMOK SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMSHIP lillVJE. Composed of the flrst-class Steamships . ' -I ' i D. J. Foley, Capt. D. J, Price Lucille, Capt. I. S. Bannctt Rebecca Clyde-, Capt. D. C . Chjlds Will hereafter 'sail from Baltimore eyry H ' -1 I m ,1 TTirlrlav OTirl fmm Wllmin&flon every Wednesday and Saturday; connecting at Wilmlnzton with the Wilmington. Co lumbia and Aueusta, Wilmington, and wel- don. and the Wilmington, unanotte ana Rutherford railroads; also the several; lines of steamers to Fayeteville, I Giving Through Bills of Lading, To all points in North and South Carolina, . m . a n ha 9 m r v ' Un 1 T 4 Ueorgia nu Aiao8ma;couuauuK !.,.!, more with the Baltimore and Ohio and the v-krn antral miirriA-lii fnr all ooints in the Vest and Northwest, and with steamers and railroas ior Jtiosion, jxew iwa. uu PhUadelphia. I j . - ATT- Agents, Wilmington, N, C. AndRjes & Co, Agents, Baltimore. : dec 81 h 192r Phiiadelpliia j and SoHthiern Mail Steamship Line. riiHE FIRST llASS STEAMERS 1 1 U JN Ui J2i -T "T T1 IR, 82 5 TOISS I : : : Captain JOHN WAKELEY, TONAWANDA, 850 TONS, Captain cJ C. WIIiTb ANKS? form a weekly line, and sail alternately from Phiiadfilnhia and Wilminirton every Tues day morning, at 6 o'clock. ( -THROUGH BILLS OF LADING ---... -. Van VVvrlr "Rtrn Trovldence Fall River, Portland and all points in j the - .. 1 -aa a J-T any other route. Also to Liverpool, London, A -Yrrni-r Wfotyi V TT va V --- c-. v ; and all points on the continent and east coast of Rn eland. la Thronsrh rates fmm Phlladelnhia to1; all Eointe in North j Carolina, Soutb Carolina. eorgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee, at as low rates as by compe ting lines. i ! i i FiT Freight engagements, and rates apply to WORTH & WORTH, Agentu,! Wilmington, N. C. J. M. Fobshex, Superintendent. i WM. L. JAMES, General1 Agent, 2J7 and 239 Dock street, jrniiaeipiu. . June 6 i I ; Q-tf mSCELLANEOS. UIVDERT AK CR k N T - Cabinet Maker THE UNDERSIGNED, recently of the firm of Yopp fc Woolvin, has opened an es tablisbment oni-Third street, opposite the City Hall, in the Odd Fellows building where he is prepared ti do all kinds of UNDERTAK :R'S AND CABINET MAKER'S WORK. -. ---! m -- -i ot funnrnlti furn- d RAtisfaetiou eruar- AOIlVVt UV B W V V W V --- in oil btriHs rf f'nhinet work. i.-.v.. - -,r . Jlj X H i ian 17 - 207 eodlm f Bacon, " Port, Flour ani Oats. 175 Boxes Smoked aud D. S. Sides, 100 Barrels Pork, 1,200 " Flour ; o,000 Bushels Oats, - For sale by 1 KERCHNER & CALDER BROS-! feb 9 I I ' CLARENDON SALOON! I South side, (at foot of Market St. WILMINGTON IT. O, R. J. SCARBOROUGH, Proprietor. 1$ est Wines fc Liquors always on Hand. ; Meals, furnished at all Hours and House kepi open Day and Night, f Table supplied !wih the bst Ealtimore and Philadelphia Bjef, weekly. i Oysters, vrhei j in season, of the bt qualityj furnished in any r r . i ! 1 style deriioij i i PR0SPECTCS.ri: . Office Treasurer pi Collector; FEB&uiitY 18th, 1871 NOTICE TO OWNER OF ANY TRUCK, DRAY, CART OR WAGON.- i THE OWNER of any Truck, Dray, Cart, or Wagon, used in this city, will send the same to the Shop of JOHN A PARKER, on ec- ond street, anu nave tneir REGISTERED NUMBERS PAINTED hpfore the first jiav of March. Df ox inio. AVhen the Ordinance imposing a penalty will! be enforced. A list of the Registered numbers will be furnished on application at lthis omce. T. C. SERVOHS,' Treasurer. feb 10 231 eod-tf City of Wilmington , HAYOR S OFFICE, ! Februahy, 18tb. 1874. PI?( ITH T .CJ irrlll ha ruKslpoil rri lYilx ofllCe until March 15th, at 12 o'clock 31., 1S71,! for nnvinr rf IfRDIN-T hpf ween Oransretind Chestnut streets, with stone, what is known as trie ueigmn jfaving jjiocKsj.cuy avu uu grading. Plans and specinc-mous cmx be seen by applying at this.officew j Bids to state size of blooks and price; pe square yaru, . j V . " l iV J.-V I . "I l ' Ul . fpc 10 i 1S1 Id iFresk Sua:ar (Jured pi G ii Jams, a t jan 3 GEO. 31YERS. BOOTS AND SHOES, TTTE HAVE- ON HAND A lULL supply of Ladies and Misses cheap Cloth Bals." Todies' and Misses Sewed and Pegged; Pebble and Smooth Kid Bals, at j ENAJNS & VONUl-Ali-N 'p. ' Ve respectfully call attention toour fine, hand sewed Calf Boots and Gait ers: also, hand sewed Tie Shoes,; for gentlemen, at Jt: V AN S CC V 0SUrljVIl- c. Also. We call the attention of Boot and Shoe Makers to a large lot of j fine FRENCH CALF SKINS, - ! i i i ' i Which ve are selling at very low pricc3. EVAJNS & VOKUJ-iAli. nn 51 1'10-tl : New Crop Cuba, fce. jQ iihds And tierces new ciior C U B A, j For sale bv, KERGHNER & C ALDER BROS. 4eb 9 ! I GRANS) GiFT tOMJERT. I ; - (. , . ... 10.000 .Prices. S I - : I U . $250,000 in Currency to be given away by the . Masonic Relief Association OF NORFOLK, VA. This drawinir has been leffdilzed by fTJec!- ai del OI tne-JuegiBJaiure, iu rHifcc i uuuo mi the completion of the Masonic Temple in the city of Norfolk. i L . t i . l . .k-.:..tn-4--i.-.4. t x-v - LIST OF GIFTS : j One One One One One One 24 50 80 100 120 590 9000 Grand Cash Grand Cash (jrand Cash Grand Cash Grand Cash Grand Cash Cash Gilts, Cash Gifts, Cash Gifts. Cash Gifts, Cash Oilts ,Cash Gifts, Cash Gifts, Gilt, Gift, Gift, Gift Gilt, Gift $500 each . 250 e'ach., 200 each . . 150 each.. 100 eiach.l 50 each . . . 5 each,. . ,.$50 000 .. 22,00 . . -12.500 .. K',000 . . i 5,000 . . i 2,5u0 ..$12,000 ."1-3.500 .. 18,000 .. 15.000 .. 12.OJ0 . . 29.500 . . io.OOO h i Grand Total, Ten Thousand Gilts, all Cash,? i 4 1 Whole Tickets Half Tickets, i ' . ! 250,000 $5.00 $2.50 11 riickcis 850 ! ' -! 32 Tickets $1 OO H z riah of drawing same ab Hi it of Kentucky State Library Association. Drawing to take place in Norfolk ion Tuesday. May 2th, 18T4. j i DIRECTORS i JOHN L ROPER, President, JOHN B. CORPRlCW, Tricasckek, JASj Y. LEIGH, i ! WALTER H.j TAYLOR,! GEORGE S. OLDF1ELD, JNO A. ROSSON, ! DANIEL HU8TED. WM. H. WALES, M. H. STEVENS, i JOHN T. REDMOND, i S.WEIL. ; ADVJSORY BOAD : Ex-Governor Gilbert C. Walker, Col. Kader Biers, P. H. P., Jno. K McDAni&l, Pv G Commanuur, J. J Burrouehe., Capt. Sam'l Watts, Virginia Legislature, Rob'tjE. Withers, G. M., G. M. P. & D. D. G. C J of G. C. Col. Tho3. F.fOwens, P. G. M., John D. Whitehead, Eeq, ex-Maycir, Col. W. H. Taylor, etate Senator, j Jas G. Brain. i' X)rders iori tickets, iuu ull commur.ica- tions should be addressed to JiENTKY V. MOORE, Sec'y Masonic Kelitf 438. Norfolk, Va DH. THOMAS B. CARU, I i Aent, Wilmington, N, C. jan 31 5m i ! Singers Net Family Sewing Maclmie rilHE SUPERIORITY OF THE SINGER X ssEWINO MACHINE for beauties oi 8' ich, simplicUy or mechanism, and adapt ability to every class of sewing, has been es tablished in fair and open competition in actual sewiri? contests, and th TUBLIC RECOGNITION of their merits is to found In the numerous awards of FIRST PRIZES over every competitor at the VIENNA EX POSITION and nearly all the Industrial Fairs ini America ani in Enrope. i Silent! Feed and Straight Needle and is the easiest to lean. Has the Mghest appro val for the Family, the Seamstress and the Dressmaker,! lJO.0001 1 ! IN DAILY USE. 219,758 ! J sold last year. ,070 ! over any other Company. BEJ- Sold on the Installment plan. Terms easy and full instructions given. W Office, No. 4. Lippitre Raw, South Front street, Wilmington, N. C. feb 22-tf Havana J Oranges. . ) - - f' S I N A LEMONS, AT I GEO. MYERS. n r e s Prospectus for 1874-Seventli'iyear THE AXjIDIISTE : ? : j: An Illustrated Monthly journal univer sally admitted to be -tiandsomest ire-r riodical in the World. A Rep- v j resentative and Champion ! (jf American Taste. Not fT Sale in Book or Music Stores j - - i ; !. - THF ALDlNii, wnile issued with all the regularity, has none ol the temporary or . . - -m -l, .-T -l i r : timely interest cnaraciensuoi oi wruuwf periodicals. It is an elegaiit jniscellany of pure, light and graceful literature ; and a coliectioniol pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill, in black and white. Al-i though each succeeding number affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real value and beauty of THE ALDINE ; will, be most appreciated after It has been bound up at tne close df the year. While other publica tions may claim superior cheapness, as compared; iith rivals of a similar, class, THE ALDINE is a unique and original con ceptionalone and un approached abso lutely without competition in price or char acter. The possessor of a complete volume cannot duplicate the quantity ot line paper and engravings in any other shape or num ber of volumes lor ten times its cost; and then, there are the ehromos, besides ! ART DEPARTMENT, 1871. The illustrations ol THE ALDINE have won a world-wide reputation, and in the art centres of Europe it is an admitted tact that its woodtiuts are examples of the high est perfection ever attained., The commou prejudice dn favor of 'ssteei plates," is rap idly yielding to a more educated and dis criminating taste which recognizes the ad vantages Of superior artistic quality wltu greater facility of production. The woo chtsol THE ALDIFE .possess all the deli cacy and eiabornte llnish of the most costly steel plate, while they afford a better ren dering of the artist's original, f , , . . To lully real ize the wonderful work whica THE ALDINE is doing for the cause of art culture In America, it is only necessary to consider the cost to the people of any other decent re pft sen tations of the productions of great painters. , . In addition to designs by the members of the National Academy, and other noted Americar artists, THE ALE1NE will repro duce examples of the best foreign masters, selected with a view to t&ehigbest artistic success and greatest generjif interest. Thus the subscribe! s to TIIE ALIENE will at a trifling cost, enioy in his owif home the pleasure and refining influences Of true art. The quarterly tinted plates for 1874 will be by Thos. Moran and J. D. Woodward. The Christmas issue for 1871 will contain special designs appropriate to the season, by our be-it artists, and willsurpass in attrac-, tion any f its predecessors. i PREMIUM FOR 1874. 3 Every subscriber to THE ALDINE for the year 1874 will receive a pair of ehromos. The original pictures were pained in oil- for t he publishers of THE ALDINE, by Thomas Moran, wdiose great Colorado picture was purchased. by Congress for ten thousand dol lars. The subjects were chosen to represent 4 The East " and " The West," One is a view in the White Mounting New Hampshire the other gives the Cliffs, of Green River. Wyo ming Territory. The difference in the na ture of the scenes themselves in a pleasing contrast. land affords a good display of the artist's sicope and icoloring. The ehromos are each ivorked from thirty distinct plates, and are ih size (12 x 1G) and appearance ex act lac-similes of tbe originals, The presen tation ofa worthy example of America's greatest landscape painter to the subscribers of TIIE ALDINE was a bold but peculiarly happy idea, and its successful realization is attested by the following 'testimonial, over the signature of Mr- Moran himself. j ; :Newakk, N.J., Sept 20th, 1873. Messrs. James mjtton & Co. Gontletnen. I arfi delighted f with the proofs the coior of your chromosj They are wonderfully successful representation by mechanicatprocessof the original paintings. I Very respectfully, (Signed,). THOS, MORAN. Tiiese chromos are in every sense American, Theyardbyan original American process, with malteriai of American manufacture, from destens of American scenery by an America!- painter, and presented to subscri bers to the nrst successiui American A" Journal.! If no better because of all this they will certainly possess an interest no foreign production can inspire, and neither are they any the worse if by reason of peculiar lac ilius of jjpr ductin they cost the publishers only a trifle, while equal in every respect to other ehromos that are .Sold singly for dou ble the shbi-cription priceof THE ALDINE. Persons f taste will prize these pictures for themselves not for the price they did or did not cost, and will appreciate the enter pri se that renders their distribution possible. If any subscribers should indicate a pre ference for a figure subject, the publishers will send "Thought of Home.'ianew and beautiful chromo, 14x20 inches, represen ting a little Italian exile whose speaking eyes betijay the longings of his heart. ; TERMS. j $5 per ;annum, in advance, with Oil j Chromos free. !t be sent, mounted, varnished, and prepaid by mail.) ! i THE ALDINE will, hereafter, be obtaina ble only by subscription. There will be no reduced or club rate; cash for subscriptions must be! sht to the. publishers direct, or banded to the local canvasser, without res ponsibiity to the publishers, except in cases where the certificated is given, bearing the facsimi! signature of James Sutton & Co. pANVASSERS WANTED. ; ! Any person wishing to act' permanently as a local Canvasser will receive full and prompt information by applying to t JAMES nUTTON C TiDiisners, 58 Maiden Lane, New Yokk. tf It -. THE SUN, -:o: WEEKLY, EMI-WEEKLY, AND DAILY. THE WEEKLY SUN is too widely known to requite any extended recommendation, but tne reasons which have i already given it fifty itlousand subscribers, and which will, weliope, give it many thousands more are briefly as follows. It is a tirst rate newspaper of the day will be found in All the news it," condensed when unimportant, at full length when of moment, and always presented in a clear, intelligible, and interesting manner. It is a first rate lamiiy r aper, full of enter taining iand instructive reading of every kind, but containing nothing that can of lend the'most deiica ani fcrupu'ous taste It is a first rate story paper j The best tales a'd ronilances q! current literature are care fully selected and legibly printed in its pa ges, j i j:i j It is a;first rate agricultural paper. The most freish and instructive articles on agri cultura topics regularly appear' in this de partment. j ij It is ahi independent politicalipaper.be longiug jto no p Tty and wearing ho color. It fights for principle, and for the election of the best men to office. It especially de votes itsl energies to the exposure of the great corruptions that now weaken and dis grace our country and threaten to under mine republican institutions altogether. It has no fear of knaves, and asks" no favors from thir supporters. ! i i It reports the fashions for the ladies and the markets for the men, especially the cat tle markets, to which it pays" particular at tention.,; . ;j t Finally, it is the cheapest paper pulished. One dollu'- a year will secure it for any sub scriber. I It is not necessary to get up a club in order; to have THE WEEKLY SUN at this rate. Any due who sends a single dol- -mrr-wiii get tne paper ior a year. We have no traveling agents. THE WEEKLY SUN. Eight pages, fifty si3f columns. Only SI 00 a year. Nodls .oootpts from this rule. THE jjEMI-WEEKLY bUN.-Same siie as;the Daily Sun. $2 00 a pear. !A discount of 20 perl cent, to clubs of 10 or over. i , h . THE DAILY SUN- A large pfoiir pae newspaper of twenty eigjit polnpons. . Daily circulation over 120.000. All the news P2 cents. Subscription price SO cents a months or f 6 00 a year. To clubs of 10 or Over, a dis count or 'M per cent. Aaaress. f - Xlifi SUN, JOB PRINTI3SG ' M ; "in - i--u il its branches; v !. i S: G. HALL. HAVING BEEN PRACTICALLY engaged in the printing business for nearly twenty years, feels confident of his ability to please his customers. f I . , . . I :r .Particular attention given to C 0 MME RCIAL PRINTING I I ' ' ' . ; cuch as BILL. HEADS, J4 ' CARDS, l; MONTHLY ST A'rjEMENTS, ! ! CHECKS, ' , ' .t j JL.ETTXR JJEAjDS, J y RECEIPTS, Ac.t RAU MAD PBIIIIG, in most of Its branch e. His office Is supplied with r 1 " J! rely New ;Materi -Sn.fi of the very , Latest Styles ani Fasiiions. : And he GUARANTEES SATISFACTION lh all cases. Wcddmc Cards, 4 Inyitation8,'.Vc, Ac- M the Latest Styles. TERMS MODERAT1-. Office on Second. Princess Street bet ween Fr pi:'' WILMINGTON N may lR-tf. TAKE YOIJK CHOICE . i . A' IuLB LINE OF THE LATEST STYLES OF Fancyi Cassiieres ani Testings. CI-OTIl, DOESKiri AND BEAVER, j Just received. Cut by the latest Fall and Winter Fashions to suit the most "Fastidi ous taste." Also, Gents' Furnishing Goods of all descriptions, at the Merchant Tallor i ' ing Establishment, No. 6 North Front street. I sept 13--3m W. F. WEN2.EL. FOR !AIiE! THKEE LOTS ON SIXTH 8TREEI BE tween Church and Castle Etrect?, d0xlt)5 feet earf-, for sale. Applj to JAMES & BKOWN. Real Estate Acnls, ' 1 if Aaif ican Far iia cr. - This old stanar&inontbly journal ol agri culture begins a ne volume January 1st. Special attention is palp besides lbat given th stable crops to Stock breeding. Fruit growing,, the Dairy. &c Some of the most successful of American agriculturists con tribute to its pages. It is practical, substa ini tial, reliable! Subscription $1.50 a year. TO elubs of Ave or more, onlySl each, Very handsome premiums for clubs. Specimen number flree. SAUf'L SANDS A SON, pMb ishers, Baltimore. Mm dec 31-d&w tf i E. B. SANDERS -A-t-torneysil:-ILisuw,. Office in the Post building, Princess sL octD-d&wtf - - BIRD CAGES, , QHOVEIS, SPADES, JIOES, PITCH FORKS, Rakes, Trace Chains, Ac, tc, at Hardware Depot, r . ' No. 8 Market street Brother Jonathan, LARGE FAMILY PAPER, i IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY ; At $1.25 a Year. It has been enlarged to 32 long columns and is now the cheapest paper in the world TEN DOLLARS in greenbacks given to one out of each fifty new snbssribers. Specimen copies sent free. Oar Book Catalogue sent free. Send cash orders to Brother, JoiwiMa Publishing Cq., sep24-tl Bcekman st. N.Y JOB PRINTING TO THE NORTH. S. Gv HALL Ii EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND" AN ex cellent assortment of i i PAPER (ruled and plain ) CARDS, V AGS, I BLOTTERS, Ac, which he will print at such figures as to in duce our1 business men to have their JOB PRINTING done in this City. , . . , - i Paljxtnlzeoe -jaduatr hay p your expect to do Job Printing done MISCELLANEOUS. BUILDING HARDWARE.' JOCKS IliNGES. BOLTS, Ac., D e?Wj description. Agency for the cilcbmj Shaler's Sash Holder and Lock. It wii,cd get out of order or wear out in a l-rdfim.1' - . NATH'L JAcSbS?- u(uunaeti'wiitAiuloiuufj BOOR SASH,; 3 BlilNDS, I PAJNTtf, ! OILS, ' t ; VAHNist NATH'L JA(X)BI'K ' al Hardware Derot, No. 9 Market h may ' Honse, Sign and, Ornameiital PalitiD ' JOHN A. PAMEU, HOUSE. SIGN' & 0KNAMBTAL PAINTER. Hi ! I ' AI li WORK done with thutiiiijtt i... -ncss and dispatch. inu: ' L'. rOflice one door above Ihe con or Princ ssiind. second street. ' 'r FRUIT. rrtO ARRIVIi PFK S. a lU'XH A JL TOT? i A barrels Choice AfTlc8, 1 C0 barrels I'otatoes arid Ouipi;. GO wholes', halves otkI .quarter l(x- J vi Jtiaisins. 11 and 18 XVonttrcet. Oct' '60 4 I'rol. lAsx -VluiJer, Pro!. TjndilJ prof Huxlt-y, l ord Ljtton, Frz Reut.r, Mr Olipbant, Dr W. B. Carpenter, C, KfowJtr Ertkmann Chatrain, l?aa lurtncciifi' Matthew Arnold, W. F. H. Leciy, & Tbackeray -Mies Mulocli Prof. hlcLard A Proctor. Katl arirc C Mscquold, Jean It'. gelow, Geo. MacDonuld. Kroude, ibd (ilad. stcii -, arc f onie of Xhe e j ir.ttt I ntitb.n lately represented in tbe paes oi : LIT f ELL'S LIVING ' AGE. A weekly msfrazire of ciity-fouT psci Tue Livio Agk j:ive3 rnpro tben TllhEE AND A QUART jsK liiOUc.AND dontc coiutcn octj(fo jof e-f icadinj: ruadtr yearly, forriii lour'iorc volunnf. Jt prteeiits itf n iiitxttfeive (-nn.jcoii.iee. , -ring it t- preat amount of mutter, h truh iitef, owing to ?t? wci kly .rsue, and with a eatis'aclorj cr.ii)(tt-iicps sitttntfd by ro other publication, the Lett -aye, Ktvitwf, Crit!ei!TJ)s, TuIif, J outiy, 8cientic, Biog rapljical, ii istorici'l, and Political itlorn'a thin, Irom the entile body of Foreign Ppr iadichl Literature. i ANEWSEIUEiS ! Whs te'un Jan. 1, i87o, with rutlrtly n.w Tales, already ( U-trueir.: Serifll and tboit stories by diftirgi iehed Koglish. Fnxcb, Gerinan, EndJT.ussian authors ; viz.,"Lertl Lytton (Bclwtr,) Ejickniana-Chatrian, Iran Turueniefl, Miss TfcaekerayV Mrs. OH pliant, Fritz Eeuter, Mrs Parr (author ol "Dorothy Fox") Julia KHvanagb, &c.' During the coeJe Jeer, as heretofore, the choicest eejial and short stories by tbe Leading Fore:gn Authors J11 be KiTtii, to gether vill an amount unapproa hed by any other periodical In the -world,! of the best literaiy and scientific matter of the day, Irom the pens oi the above-named and other foremos' FFsayists fccienti6t6, Critic., Discoverers, and Editors, represent iiir etc- ry department of knowledge aad prerefp. The importance of Tbs Litinq la to every Au erican reader, ta tbe only com plcte as well as frc. h complication ofagen erally inacce.ibfe but Icdippinfil-Ie cur rant literature, irdlepenpab c beciD.e it embraces tfce productions of ThbAblit Living Wbitei-8 in all branches xxl liter ture, fcciei ce Art, and Poiltics.-rJa sulSci- ently indicated 1 y the following OPINIONS. "Keproduces the beet thosrlil a of Ibe best minfie-of the civilised world, open all topics of livirf? int rtf t.MPhiladflfbiaIn qnirer. , 4,in no other p'rgle publication can there be found fo much of sterling aPercry exct I-ler:ce."-Th - Nation, New York, j, "And the cii- ajx-Bt.'A UiCiithly that cctc every wi ck." The itace, Cincioo. "The cbhpt essays, the t-iost enti rtiirc stories, the fiiust poetry of tbe Frt!iih lan- 1 -1 . L guge, are nt re-gat lie red l.gtthtr. U noie --tatc Journal. 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