( i - . t i " I- - HiM'SliLlNEOUS., siiscELtiNEors: : ! 1 -THB-yQIJIffis Prospectus for 1874-Seventh year J : "' . .. "I r : I ' .! ! " ?' ' : - v- , .. . . -; . .. ... , . v , J- i 1 , ryiT rHf m i 4 - ; THE SlLlTR-uli'6i3 1.' c , mm k co.. )uvAl AMI RETAIL n T U it E VAKi;r.CKAr.s' AT ALL TIMES .m-i-:i 1IM 'assortment of Fur- ,-. . ,!. f -Jot ion f .ill styles and .. ,,: f - ' .,. i, . sr.;' thciiehand elegant. i. -pi nrice3, suitable for country Wc b'.vt the attention of tho . oar 'Chi, "d can oiler ' kklia'blk and furniture u iriiaimlact tu e ami have constantly , i nil kind of Mattresses. Redding shades sf-wh. IV iiuls and Doors. i:LT,Tri AKD OIL CLOTHS i .. .r,s ;mJ ;:evest paterns. ' Sortit Front between Prin jn.irhe-tnr.t Wilmington, N. V. , 11 tf ' Dr. JAH. KEA. ,..rt h !'i . ; 1 1 L, Wiiiainglon, N. C, .'t -. l.un-Icn's Millinery .Store.) n i . V I . T K ! i' M , c 1 tv.u l v cd p roHo r v ed a u d jtiMfl- 'I. ii, t,,f ii-inn- All W'l'iv '.VHriniiM?!. .SPR1NQ GOODS. ... r" . i" . t. -in oviiini- jiouot' our new rUIN(i fclOCK, .IK'-I, 1871. 13. WEILL. r ---:: A ,,iii; A i VARIETY ()F L VTJT fyi.ks. j . WiELL. A Li:-'" t '' ." 5 niclMini 'on -tcl su; Tien' I ;" lI S H.iii'l-omo i'lini-. l'iinto'l .l,umet, l5i;ii:i :in ! Khrum! !'! io, ( Vaii'ly Muslin-;. .f.l:lU 'o ilks, Sfiitiuirs LijKMis, Iheor.l r oi" .ah.- !:! - -mall profits i i ... A.. cash --aU's. " . . M B A JH EI ) C( I i UN at 1 ft.-., best, in tlie market Now York Mills Bleached, Warren Bleached, Fruit of Loom, Bleached, Auburn. Bleached, .witii a ::eat variety oi" other makes at Siently riflucrxl prices. Irtand 11-4 Bleached Sheeting, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, Pillow Linens and " Shirtings. B. WEILL.; i,;,L,.,.,.. f.r-L- of . Mourning ;W.s all ncw--Crnpo Collars, Veils, B. WEILL. -:o: Wear. AilnrVbin Sinrk of Got ds; for lioy's f 15. WEILL. .lo)Imi licimrtwiont- l'ir,ii-i,,,j wi,.vi.wil. Hovers solic- kd ui i:imiiio our Stock the chcap- and most complete in the city. Wc nave 'a full line of Fancy ami sple DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, : rooTS ani siioi- W., TvnircrMI'A'Trf to All -lU'Yr.its. B. WEILL. PARKEK TAVliOR ! Successors li A. H. NEFF, lanurarlurers and desxlers lu i UoirsR irmmsurrNG GOODS. '-n, 8toviw, Lanlniis Kerosene, OH Ti't and fcneet iron vr:. j Roofing done at shoTt notice I ; ' "r Asents for Fairbank's Scale?. l No. 19 Front Street, EW j w. mckee, r; tmbroidery aafl Flntina, fHacWaes R la ingeijioai.and will meet tho -STknta of every initron iathoUnd.,,! i t KXHIDITION.pr 1S72. ' 1 , u i . r, A:r Barnard Pres. 1 Holm E. Gavlt, Kcc sgcy.' T . ,i- Xf Samncl D. TllTmsnroT f.rr. : "..i -f ..... . New York, NoveWwr 540, iSTSf s ibis simple and Ingenious Machine is a uttdl as the . iwlnr Kcbine, and Js.Uat? nccomin iopular with ladies, in ! the place of expensive Wecdje.work, iu iworkieing; much more handsome,; jreqltfrlnjr'less. time and not one tenth f part the expanse. iJ No lady3s toilet is now complete ttlthout it.. A MIchine with illustrated circular and lull instructions sent, on j. receipt of $a or finished In tlver plate for.fi 75. jUJ fj ; Address, Tub McKes Manufacturing Co., 300 Broadway. New York. AGRNT8 WANTED.- Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, Ir recomuended by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure I Ruarauteed, for Colds, Cough?, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Bpitt ng Blood, Uoneumption and all Pn.mo niry Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas f jy pepsia and Gout Dysentery, Cholera-mor-i bus, Cholera and all li?er and bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases and all affections of th Urinal Organs perfectly jharmltsa tree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to take and never known to fail Price $100 per Bottle.1: Full particulars with medical testimony audi certificates sent on applica-lion- Address, L. F. HYDE cb DO.. lHo Seve tu Avenue, JNqw York. i Darts froi tie Dent-or unpiiAlinsej i . .;. v , ' ''.! J A Btfok justissued exposing the 'pkbson- als" that hive appeared in the! New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Stti ish vjLLtAtiS fullt kxposki Advertiser ments lrom desperate men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetings; how .frustrated; The History of the Goodrich fiiAGEtVr the result of a "personal." Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exrosns 'social doRKUPTioN. SRuton-j-cceipiQl -O eta Address, Unique Printing Uousei 3G ;Vesey st , n. Y, ri-f- f uJ; tho Deck With. Portable J'm. ily Scwinjr '.tachinoonft SOft Daysr Trml ; many adrautages over; AIL JBatiS; faction guranteed,' or:'-m6ncj refund edj Sent complete with Tall rtircetions.'T'Beck with Sewing Machine Co., 8G2 Broadway n. y. j. r-.-..maji4Sotf j TJ1I2 NUW fSLASTIC TlllSS-Aa iMronTANT IsviCNTioy. If retains the rap ture at all tln.es, and under the, hardest 'ex ercise or severest strain It is j vorn with comfort, and il kept on uitrht and day, 'ef fects a permanent, cure in a tew weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request ed. Circulars' tree, when ordered by lettet sent. 'io The Elastic Truss Co., No. G83 Uroadway, N. Y. City. Nobodv uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too" puin ul ; Ihey slip oil tf-o frequently mavi4 .xsir ; nrv only" Hi:- GENUINE FAIRBANKS! SCALES ). k T FAIRBANKS k tO. c!wo., 1.0 rm 1 amnios TTav scales. Dairy aics, Counter Scales, etc., Ac. j j Scales rcpairedprornptly and reasona bly. .. j THE MOST PEKFECT ' ALARM GASH DRAWER - 1 ffilfi Alarm Till Co's. lVERY EVER Mcrctiaut. ! i DRAWER SHOUJyPl Use Them J Warranted.! SOLD AT Fairbanks', cale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & J CO., 11 BROADWAY, NEW YORIil 3J 1G6 Baltimore st., Baltimore 53 Camp st., JN ew .n jcc ns FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & Ca; 2 Milk Street, Boston. - - I v I For sale by all leading Hardware ; ueaiers. j 1 JOB PRINTINlij S. Gr. li rellent assortment of i , ; 1 TAPER (ruled and pi1!1) ' ! CARDS, ( 1 ! BLOTTkRS, M duce our o"8,"1"" riiv ; , ! 1 pmniiA home Industr d have your expect to "do Job Frlntlng done y : In ess. . -..H .;.-: 1 BIRD CAGES EE! I t a- TO THE NOKTHi. . , , j HALL RKkrr Office in the baling, Princes id, ; The best ORGANS of the Reed class u t- Th6 Best for Churches and Lodges. The Best for Sunday Schools. The Best for Parlora and Vestries. The Best for Academies and Colleges The Best for Public Halls. ' The Best for Orchestra and Stage. These instruments, whjch for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint ment standlunri vailed, have . met with" unprecedented success in1 this country and abroad. IMANUFACTURED BY 1 E. -P. NEEDHAM & SON. ESTABLISHED IN : 1S1G. Nos J43, 145 & 147 East 23d st. N Y . ; i f 'i ' I ' . - - Responsible parties applying for agencies In section still unsuppliej, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may order lrom our factory. Scad for illust.rtduru-.lltj aus26-tf . M APLE SYRUP AND THE 'BEST BUTTER IN THE WORLD At j oct 30 GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 Front st. tf JOB i PRINTING U 11 its branches, NEATLY KXKHUTBU by s. n. H a l i, . PK ACTlCvL J OB Pli I M'l' WI, HAVING nKKN' I'KAvTlCU.LY enj?ageit Inritin-nrtHthiz i!i;:. s lor mjiirly tui'tv yearR. feels imtldoiu t his ability 1 please his custo -vers. particular aMeiit iDii 'giyeji lo COMMERCIAL PRINTING ! such aa 1 BILL HEADS. CARDS, MONTHLY STATKMEWT8, CUEi lis, i l TTKI? J K KCKIPTS, i Ml MB I1! 1, in most of its brandies. Hi3 office is supplied wltt Bntirel1 In e w ;Ja a t e x i nf the very ; Latest Styles aM Fasbions. And be GUARANTEES' SATISFACTION in all cases. ' f Invitations. Ace, Sue. Of the Latest Styles. TERMS .MODERATE. Office on Frlucefis weet oeiwxu . Second. : vilmin;;ton i n. c may is-tf. Distiller's Supplies. :j : j 1U Hoob Iron 1 inch 11 inch, and li inch. 50a Second Hand Bpirit Casks, SO Barrels Bungs, f " 500 Papers Rivets,: 150 Barrels 2io. 1 Glue, . - For-sale by ' ' ' . tr TTT? HTTNER & C ALDER BRUb. fob. 9 11 in j A Trt7,'CT'-T T1 T A !, imn THE COMPANTOX Aim t bo n favorite fn ereiy family-looked for ea- Pfttlv hV thft vonmy tollrss nnrl rearl wifli -inteirst br the older. Its purpose is to interest wmle it amuses ; to to ludiclbiis, practicajrieiisiDie lijind $0. have .really; permarient worth, while it attracts for iori ontripators spmeot tbo mewt at tractive writers in the tttniry,t Ajaong uiese arc: 1 -tnni.t v.'-.tr ?.;,. Edward Eggleston. Dr. I. T. Hayes, Pro Jas. DeMillej Louise C Moulton, Loiiisa! M. AlcottrSophiebuMaY; V Rehecca H.t Davis, C. Ai j Stephens- j. , Wi, .fj?ianaers, Krrtn:; AJhesterfield, Its reading is adapted (tol ihe old rand youngj is very vatied in its character, i 8PPI4lyand entertaining. Hit gireVs a Stories t Of dven- Stories, J6f Home v lure, d SchoolLifc, Letters of Travel, Tales,' p6etr. Editoriials , upon Selections ;fbt Hec eurrentj Topics, Iamation, t : Historical Articles, Anecdotes, PazzIcs, Bioeraphical Sket- Facts and Incidents. cEes.;, I Religions Articles, feubscnption Price, $1.50. ; ( Specimen copies sentT free;- A ddressrr W - i ; PRRY MASON & CO., , . 41 Temple Place, Boston, Mass! J Sinprjs New Family Sewink Machine rpHE SUPERIORITY OK THE SINGER BEWING MACHINE for beauties or stich, simplicity of mechanism, and adapt-. aomty w every ciasa or sewing, has oeen es tablished in fair and open competition in actual sewins contests, and the PUBLIC RECOGNITION of their merits is to found in the numerous awards of FIRST PRIZES over every competitor at the VIENNA EX POSITION and nearly all the Industrial Fairs in America and in Europe. .-.? ? Silent,1 Feed and Straight Needle and is the easiest to lean. , Has the highest appro val for the Family the Seamstress and the Dressmaker. , i,2W,000l ! ! IN IJAiiii UHE. 219,758 ! sold? last year. 45,6701 over any. other Coranay ' ? j&sf oid on the Installment plan. Terms easy and full instructions given L 8" Office No. Lippitt's Row, South Front street, AVilntfngton, N Cji; ! : , . feb 22-tf ," i,JJ'.. , n m1nt'l 'll 1-- i. -:o:- NE'vV' GOODS. -:o: BOSkOWITZ S lilKBER WILL BE OPEN THIS IWEEK. At Mo. 99, Market Slrecit -'Or Tlte eubscribcrs have s pMfcha.cd fulll ine of Staple and Fancy GOODS, which they will -olfer at prices t TO SUIT, THE -TlilES. 209-tf jan TO dliUROH CONGREGATION ! V,v.-li; " I EOI SALE. 1 iiANDSOME'rirrc organ. I l ... ' ' ; At- .. t ' TI VJ5 IIU N 1) REI ; JLKJl,JiAli& ixx v'.5t- !- - - ; . t - niialf i P will buy a .Tianosomc. ripw( ? V 1 case, 7 stops, swell, blow pedal, and handle A. A. . X. 4km am i i 1 ' ' ' ' ' I il . ' , " ' tvip owners desire to sell, in order io pur chase a larger one:. ; ff. nrdpr. cost r nn. line lippn lispd but very liitle. This is an opportunity rarelr jouua an ixi nvuut iy o . chea; janO-tf ' ' ! THIsi Ol'tlCE. THE BRIGHT .MAjSON. , COaSTCOFtD," 1 . c. Tlic only Paper inl the Southern Atlantic i Ma sonic Interests, i ONLY" ONE DOLLAR A Yl'.Ai ! CIRCULATION OT, C,5oO mi.!,.f oil n. mnrp .' C; Viuusui v, v. - j-- , . Every Mason in the land, should suhcr cord,SN.C. , : - ''''''I 'Vil'LfL.fihM A Umitttl nuinuer ui uuwji.vuviuiui 4 rSOLTPTEJ DIVORCES obtained 'V' . t . . "r t r- Ac. No publicity required. Nochargennti divorce grafted. Addre, ' f .. :T M.. HOUSE. Attorney. Brother 1 Jonathan, iARGE FA3IILX FAiERt int. ; ' 4 4 . -r 4i At tU2H a Yew.-i , :- . V "Jfsl V ' lit has becncniargea iuicngTOiaiuii ana is now me cucttpv -- v TEX DOLLARS In greenbacks given to one out of each llfty new Hibssrtbers. Specimen 1 1 h-oo rwir Vlrrlr. OntnlrwnA: RPnt free. . . . j iMi.1i nnlprt rn i . Bend cash orders to Brother JottPi Pubtishing Cbw tp 21-U . u 1' -s't Beeicxnan si, Jt.Y Havana Oranges! fit' ' li . I 1 A 'i ; ; i' Tir iE S a f S A- li E M Q X S, AT jan o R YEN 1W ft- POST. U i E.-B. SANDERSJ EDITOR AND MANAGES, j 1 Publihe'd J every evening except Sun . ' 'l lay,at i - - j ; " ' Fiyf Dollars per AnnDEiJ i The Post is designed to reach I all classes of citizens?- and 4ts subscription price is therefore placed so loAv as to be within the reach of all. It contains tho ; LATEST H E to the time of going to press, TELEGRAPHIC, f B Y MA IL J COMMERCIAL -i ! , AND LOCAL Hi. It should be in tke handsj of every man who desires io know I what has ! . tj transpired during the day, n ! hd, as itibns to give relUbleViBtelligence. rr 1,1 : i '1. ! . , I ! its publisher hopes it AviU prove a wel ; come guest iiv manyj families.. r P HEP 0 S T ' is sprightly v. ithout being 'sensational, and it carefully excludes all objectionable incidents and reports calculated to' of fend the Sensibilities of the most; fastid ious. Ai-an 1 "i Afivcriisiog Medinra it claims to be first class, j It has a good and constantly increasing circu-f i latiop, and is read by almost ; every business ' man M . in the city. - i i Politically the Post is UN.S WER TKfGL Y REPUBLICAN. TltE il D YERTISINtr RATES of the Post, like its subscription price, arc at liberal and at liviner prices, as an ex amination of them will I show, 'and it bespeaks a share oi public patronage. THE EVjKISTIlp POST is closely identified with the lotiul wel fare of the, Cape .bear region, and the believers in progress, whether EDUCATIONAL, 1 I AGRICULTURAL, ; MECHANICAL, or 1 f. COMMERCIAL, will find an enthusiastic" ally in Tin: Post, i is opposed U i'juopoues, but in. lavor -.f nitoriiii i-mnrovoinenis. aim : :i linn believer in the .patronage and support of home;cnterpriscs rv itutions. . . . t net i i' OE TURNER wishes to inform his ou'sto , mors nnd nnhlie renerallv. thai he is now nrerared to do aU kiiid of work in his line, and would respectfully request a continua tion of the patronage which has licxef oiore been so liberally bestowed upon him. Janl6fV I i New ; Extra Mess j Mackerel AND EV EXTRA jSALMON, In Idts Ibr Jamil y use, at CJEOJ MYEBS. ! , lS.South Front street. raioiir LlllUXlii llJJUllUJJMIili 1 I A 111 ;; ; ;i . the ; . ELECTRIC AS CURED wlu?n all olber remedies have,failcd.. It is eminently a vf-. FAMILY MEDICINr And no family should f vltlionM t. license dollars in doctor's bills. J ' t or saie ny an ugeicj,;. , October 4 IlS-St ; t O TU ! O. s . ! -i . -if ' UUR ADVERTISING RATES Arc nut down to the scale of '' ;"' ) Merchandise Brokerage office. rttrt T lfflp or samples, consulting ". lmiSrt w Pand manufacturers in Northern markets. . . , , j MhHntoc bou?bt ted M J tention. , . . : J i rmmn , well a cash purchase. negotiator catea' ireeiy, v - : A - 11 Sicrcnaxux -Tir-iF V R ?wl I W i HOST qcc m is devoted almost exclusive to the prospects of the Gape FWmon Ote columns arc always open ff thc ducus SoS ,of niatter or localnterest tha bo& sides may 'be j ifen tog. Jt shouldj thercfore,Jic cror3ed and ra taincdlby our citizenf both politieal Art5L-OiiIr $5 a yr in advance, or fiftrcehUa month. r i An Illustrated Monthly journal, ttuirer sally admitted to be "andsomest Pc 1 riodicalinthoWorldr'ARep- " reseniative ana unampion of American Vlisttv 1 5 ' ' 1 ' ' A A il " auii' 'i cirtic iu ijuuiw ui (Hiu&iu azures THF AlLiNJ!, while hrsutd wlih all tho regularity.! has noneot thoi temporary or timely Interest charactcrtsUe of.oi-diuary periodicals. It is an elegant miscellany of pure, lights and graceful literature ;, auUi collection ol pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill. In black aiid -white. Al though each succeeding number ntlordun fresh pleasure to itv friends the real valne1 and beauty of THE ALDINE vrjll be mtt appreciated after it hs beeh bound up at the close of the year. sWhlle'otner rnibiica lions may claim superior chenpuefs. s compared with rival of a similar cLws. THE ALDINE is a unique arid original con ception alone ' and unapproacheU-ab&o- r. 5 tj-..'W. nir'-i ri : - luieiy wiinoui compeuuon m price or char acter. The possessor of a complete volume ' cannot duplicate the quantity otflno pape r and engravings in any other shape or num ber of volumes for Untunes its cost; and. then, there are the chromos, besides ! ;.,Vt -' AltT DEPARTMENT. 1S7I. The lllusiratlons ol THE ALDINE . have won a world-wid reputation, and in the art centres of Europe it is ah admitted fart that its wood cuts are example of the high est perfection ever attained. I The common rejadicein favor of 'ssteel tolates," Is rap dlyiyielding to a more educated and dls--cxlinlnatLDg taste which recognizes the ml-, vantages or superior artistic qualify with greater facility of production. The wood cuts ol THE ALDIFE posses all. tho deli cacy and elaborate finish of the most costly steel nlale. while thev afford a better rrn. tlermgoftiie artist's original. - ' to miiy realize the wonderiul work which THE ALDINE is doing for the eauseof art uuiwire in America, n is oqiy necessary u consider the cost to the people of any other decent representations of thi product ions of great painters. . 1 lu addition to desiens -bvthe members of ' the; National Academy, and other nolo. I American artists, THE ALElNEwlll repro duce examples or the best foreign master,, selected with a view to the highest artistic success and greatest general interrst,' Thus the subscribers to T11E ALIEN E will at a trifling cost, enjoy in his jawn homo tho pleasure and rehning influences of true art. The quarterly tinted plates foilS7-l will lc by Thos. Moran and J. I), woodward. The Christmas issiae for 1871 will contain Special designs appropriate to the kciisoii, by our best artists, and willsur.a.4i in attrac tion any of its predecessors. PREMIUM FORllSTi. tho year 1671 will receive a ptfir of chromob. The original pictures were pointed in oil for the publishers oi THE ALU INE. by Thomas 'X 1 . " 4 ' " 1 ,J . . ' t iumvu. w uusu 'Ki vui ojuuino liiciuro was furchased by Congress for ten thousand dol ars.. The subjects were chosen to represent TJie East " and "The West " One Is a vlow in the White TlMountins New Hampshire thv otherslves the Cliffs, of (Jreen River. Wyo: ming 'Territory. The dlllerence In tho na ture of the scenes themselves in a plcH.slng contrast, anu atiorus agooa display or the artist's scope and . coloring. Tho chromos are each worked from thirti distinct i dates. and arc In $lze (12 x KJ) and pppenrrmco vx act fac-simlics of theoriginnls. -'Tlie presen tation of a: worthy cxampljo of America's greatest lanasoapo paintertq thesubscrihcrs oi iiiK ALdJliSE was a bold but peculiarly nappy men, and Its successful realization Ik attested by tho following testimonial, over the signature of Mr Morari lilmself. TNr.WTlK. N.jJ.Hent I3;lh. Messrs. Juiios fcuxxojs' fc Co. . Ciontlemcn.-t-I am delighted wllii proofs tho color of your H'lirvmos. 'Jii y wonderfully successful rtpwseiiiation ly mechanical process ofjhe original painting. These chromos arc in every seu': Ajueiicii'ii, . They arc by an original An crienn prtx ehT. with ma teriaf of Amerieah manufacture, lrom design- of American scenery liy an American palnter.iand present d tosubtcn. bers to the llrst sticecssfu: Amerieah ; Art Journal..!! ii.itter because or anthin they will certainly possess iMi.t io fon i vH production can Inspire, and jitcithcriti'ftt. any the worse if by reason of peculiar 4a ilfles of production, ihey cost the i'iillIlM,rK only a trifle, while equal in every ropect to other chromos thtlit are told singly fof dou ble Hjc subscription price of THE A LOIN K. l'erons oftuste will prirei themselves njt for the pr Of' )ictlirck l)f Uk they did tr did no cost, and win, siiH"t orisctliat renders their (i.tr Chile the Cntcr- hul ion pofsibir-, iwdicate a pre . i . ....... i . i If any subscribers shouhl fereuco for iigure subject will send UThoughts of Ilomc'aiu w and beautiful chroiho. 1 1 x. X) li ( lies, rcprcen- tinea little Italian exile vhosc speitklng eyes betray the longings of Lia Jicart. i TEliJlW. $5 per aniiiim, in ttdv Oil nee. with ) Vfli KJ AAASLJ AlJ. ' For, GO Cents Extra, the ch!'n..-; will be sent, mounted, .varnished, ai d prepaid by mail. , 1 THE ALDINE will, hereafter, be obtaina ble only by subscription. There will bepri reduced or club rate; cash for subscriptions must be sent to the publishers direct, or banded to the local canvasser, without rt ponsiblity to the publisher, except in rase h where the ceriiricatcd is given, UearUig tfjo facsimile signature of Jami fcurrox & Co. CANVASSERS wjvNTEilu j . A ny person wishing to act permanently u a local canvasser will rlrcelYc i lull and prompt information by applying to ; $6 JdAIUKK LAMi, NliW. YOUii. tf THE Sl'NY , : :o: WEEKLY, SEjII-AVEEKLY, tyi ; DAILY. THE WEEKLY KUN-LslAo Widely l.jiowfi to require. any extended rk eommendutlen,' but the reasons which have already given it fifty tl ousand subscribers,, and which will, we hope; give it many thousands more, are briefly as follow, I ' I It is a lirst ratonewspapirr. All the nei of tho day-will be found in it, rofadctiMHt when unimportant, at full length whu o moment, : and always Tresentvcd Jn a clcnr intelligible, and Interesting manner. ' '! It is a first rate family r aptr. fiUi Of cutjrr- . taming anav insfructive rcadirg of every kind, but containing nothing tbatcan oi lend the most delicate andjFcrtipulous tantc Itis a first rate story paper. The best tales and romances ot enrren i fully Kciected and legibly minted lu itH ra- It is a first; rate aerictiltjural paper. .-Tho ". most Jri ?! tijrtrnctlvp artlclett onujrf cultural topics regularly appear in thi de-4 partment- ! I Itis pa independent poll t leal papcr.be-. it Tlshts for prlncfplo. nuav nieCTeCtToti of tFie bcrt mch to ofllce. It cpehtlly de votes it energies to. tho exposure of tfir aiWTuptlonstlutt nowi weaken andl mcenr country and threaten to undtr-frtlne-rcDUblican instltutiohs nltoretber. It has co fear of knaves, and asks uo favorn from their supporters. ... u . ft reports the liujhions fc r the Jadies i ami the markets for the men, ef-pHfillr the eat fle markets, to which it py particular at- A I L Finally, n i ai tm. i ' i One dolinV a year will BecUro it for any ub- .rihr IllS II' 'V D e iTMfci j i n v m ' - - in order to have THE WEEKLY SUN t this rate, ahj wiv "'""r"'" vet the paper for a year. v k i. a W'e have no traveling accnts. . .V RUN'. 3glit page, liny a year. Nodl- Alumna. Only fl 00 mnnts from this rule. tlT-xrTAV-rT"trT.Y KTTN. Fame size . 'rwHnnr Tooa'pcar. A dbKrount Sf 20 percent, to dune of W or oyer M , , i I Tlivi DATIA" SUN.- A r lw-re1 fonr Vso newspaper of twenty clglit eolunmsi Daily SiSSon over.'mwOU the new for 2 cerns iubscrirtion pried fx cents a month. ( ft year, ''foclubsof lOor over, adis- count of 2d per cenu aiw kUN ,tf nov 18 IX i Oty. 1 W I L ai l N T O N.l N . C. Ti'H nov 1 , 150-1T I' . -! i t ( Al la WW u W w w i .A , - n. , - f .1 1 . !. . iT 1 ' t . '3 .. H-- L ! I.Mrket.tree ,uh-' M ' ! . , j... AT - 5 J" .'II ' li l ' 'I.:'